Mae'r holl swyddi gan FNU47

Tomasz Adamek yn y groesffordd PPV ymladd Ebrill 2 yn byw o Wlad Pwyl vs.. Eric Molina

KRAKOW, Gwlad Pwyl (Mawrth 17, 2016) – Gellir dadlau mai'r ymladdwr Pwylaidd mwyaf erioed, bencampwr byd dau-adran Tomasz “Goral” Adamek, Bydd mewn ymladd croesffordd Ebrill 2 vs. Teitl cystadleuydd cyn byd Eric “Drymiwr Boy” Molina, yn talu ar gyflog fesul golygfa yng Ngogledd America, yn byw o Tauron Arena yn Krakow, Gwlad Pwyl.
Yr Adamek 39 oed (50-4, 30 Kos) dylid ei fewnosod yn y gymysgedd teitl pwysau trwm newydd gyda buddugoliaeth drawiadol dros Molina (24-3, 18 Kos), a roddodd Gyngor Bocsio'r Byd (CLlC) pencampwr Deontay Wilder dychryn fis Mehefin diwethaf yn y frwydr teitl byd, yn eu Ffederasiwn Bocsio Rhyngwladol (IBF) Gostyngiad pwysau trwm rhyng-gyfandirol. Adamek, Fodd bynnag,, gallai o bosibl hongian ei fenig er daioni os yw Molina meddwl cynhyrfus yn difetha'r dathliad Pwylaidd disgwyliedig.
“Dydw i ddim eisiau gwneud hynny dim ond ennill,” Meddai Adamek. “Ynghyd â fy hyfforddwr, Roger Bloodworth, rydym am i'm cefnogwyr weld ymladdwr sydd yn y cylch i frwydro, peidio â chymryd gwiriad cyflog. Mae fy ngyrfa yn dod i ben; dim pwynt arbed fy hun ar gyfer y dyfodol. Byddaf yn y cylch i roi'r cyfan sydd gen i i bobl. Mae'n addewid.”
Bydd trigolion Gogledd America yn gallu prynu'r frwydr am dalu-i-olwg trwy iN Demand, DirecTV, Rhwydwaith DYSGL, a Vubiquity yn yr Unol Daleithiau, yn ogystal â teledu Rogers, Bell TV a SaskTel yng Nghanada, am Awgrymodd prisiau manwerthu o ddim ond $29.95. Cysylltwch â'ch cebl lleol neu ddarparwr lloeren am fwy o wybodaeth. Yn ogystal,, mae'r ymladd ar gael yng Ngogledd America i'w brynu ar-lein yn www.Eversport.TV a thrwy'rFITE.TV app ar gyfer y ddau Android a iOS. Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno yng Ngwlad Pwyl gan Polsat, fel rhan o'r gyfres Noson Bocsio Polsat, yn ogystal â Main Digwyddiadau a Don Brenin Productions.
Mae Adamek wedi bod yn ffefryn gan gefnogwyr ledled y byd bocsio ers troi’n pro i mewn 1999, nid yn unig yng Ngwlad Pwyl ond yn America hefyd, yn bennaf ym marchnadoedd Chicago a New Jersey, oherwydd nid yw erioed mewn ymladd gwael. Mae Adamek bob amser yn rhoi gwerth arian i gefnogwyr, a oedd yn ymladd fel pwysau trwm ysgafn, pwysau mordeithio neu bwysau trwm.
“Rwy'n deall bod yr ymladd hwn ar gyflog fesul golygfa,” Meddai Adamek. “Mae cefnogwyr bocsio eisiau ac yn haeddu ymladd y gallant fod yn gyffrous yn ei gylch. Mae arddulliau'n ymladd ac yn gwybod y ffordd mae Eric yn ymladd, gallwn fod yn sicr na fydd unrhyw un yn siomedig.”
Yn adnabyddus ac yn edmygu am ei arddull ymosodol a'i ên solet – Dim ond unwaith y mae Adamek wedi cael ei stopio 54 ymladd pro gan y mawrion Vitali Klitschko – Mae Adamek yn ymgorffori Pŵer Gwlad Pwyl yn llawn ac mae ei gefnogwyr angerddol yn aros yn ei gornel yn gadarn. Chwaraeon a 6-2 (3 Kos) record mewn ymladd teitl y byd, Cipiodd Adamek ei deitl byd cyntaf yn 2005, cymryd penderfyniad 12 rownd gan Paul Briggs (23-1) ar gyfer coron pwysau trwm ysgafn WBC gwag. Llwyddodd Adamek i amddiffyn ei adran 175 pwys WBC ddwywaith, yn erbyn Thomas Ulrich (28-1) ac mewn ail-ddarllediad gyda Briggs.
Yn 2008, Enillodd Adamek benderfyniad 12 rownd yn erbyn amddiffyn pencampwr pwysau mordeithio IBF Steve Cunningham (21-1), ac yna buddugoliaethau amddiffyn teitl cefn wrth gefn yn erbyn heriwr heb ei drin Jonathon Banks (20-0) ac bobby Gunn (21-3-1), yn y drefn honno, gan 8fed ac 4fed-taro allan technegol.
Yna penderfynodd Adamek symud i fyny i ymladd fel pwysau trwm, yn wreiddiol yn atal cyd-heriwr teitl pwysau trwm y byd Pole a phedair amser Andrew Golota (41-7-1) yn y 5ed rownd ar gyfer pencampwriaeth Ryngwladol wag IBF. Aeth Adamek ymlaen i drechu 2004 Olympiad yr Unol Daleithiau Jason Estrada (16-2), cystadleuwyr teitl y byd Chris Arreola (28-1) ac Michael Grant (46-3), anodd Vinny Maddalone (33-6) ac 1992 Olympiad Gwyddelig Kevin McBride (35-8-1). Adamek, a ychwanegodd wregys teitl NABO at ei gasgliad gyda'i fuddugoliaeth dros Arreola, enillodd ei deitl pwysau trwm byd cyntaf ei saethu ym mis Medi 10, 2011 yn erbyn teyrnasu pencampwr CLlC Klitschko (42-2), a orffennodd y gêm Polyn yn y 11fed rownd.
Adlamodd Adamek gydag enillion dros wrthwynebwyr pwysau trwm o safon fel Nagy Aguilera (17-6), Chambers Eddie(36-2), Travis Walker (38-7-1), Cunningham (25-4) eto aDominick Guinn (34-9-1). Ymladd olaf Adamek oedd Medi. 26, 2015, yn yr hwn y gorfododd Przemyslaw Saleta (44-7) i ymddeol ar ôl pum rownd.
y Ebrill. 2nd bydd telecast talu-i-wylio hefyd yn cynnwys sawl pwl tan-gerdyn allweddol, gan gynnwys ymladd pwysau mordeithio 10 rownd rhwng cystadleuydd gorau'r byd yn y 10 uchaf a chyn-deitl Ewropeaidd Mateusz “Meistr” Masternak (36-4, 26 Kos) vs. Eric “perygl” caeau (24-3, 16 Kos) ac Michael Cieslak (11-0, 7 Kos) vs. cyn-heriwr teitl y byd dwy-amser Francisco “The Wizard” Palacios (23-3, 14 Kos). Cyhoeddir pyliau PPV ychwanegol yn fuan.


Lewiston, Maine (Mawrth 16, 2016) - Ymladd Lloegr Newydd (NEF), America rhif-un hyrwyddiad frwydr rhanbarthol, yn cynnal ei digwyddiad nesaf, “NEF 22: POB ROADS ARWAIN YMA” ar ddydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 23, 2016 yn y Colisée Androscoggin Banc yn Lewiston, Maine. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Earlier this month, NEF announced the addition of a professional lightweight contest to the MMA portion of the “NEF 22” Cerdyn frwydr. Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (2-1) Bydd yn cyfarfod Josh “Hook OnHarvey (0-0) mewn pwysau ymladd o 150-bunnoedd. Since the announcement, the anticipation has continued to accelerate for the upcoming bout. In a recent interview with Jason Floyd on The MMA Report, Harvey made some comments that has sent the energy around the fight into overdrive.


“I find him disrespectful as a person and I want to keep it classy on a podcast,” Harvey stated in the beginning of the interview. “I do not want to speak my full mind. You meet the guy, talk to him for a minute and you want to fight him. But it depends on which Matt you are talking to. Because he can rub people the wrong way and he can kiss their ass on the same day. That is who he is.”


The bad blood between the two rivals has been rising for a long time. The potential matchup had been talked about for years, but is scheduled to finally become a reality on April 23ydd.


“In this case, I’ve wanted to fight Matt Denning since we were both amateurs,” Harvey stated to Floyd during the interview. “I couldn’t make it happen then. I guess I wasn’t the fight he wanted. Ar y pryd, I only had one or two amateur fights and he was towards the end of his amateur career.”


He’s backed out of fights before at the pro level,” “Harvey stated. “He’s missed weight. Is it a career? Is it a hobby? Yr wyf yn golygu, it’s for him to decide, but we’ll find out if he wants to show up to fight.”


When Floyd asked Harvey if the fight was personal, Harvey confirmed the obvious. “I think it is,” Harvey replied. “I’m not saying they’re going to want two refs in there to pull me off of him, but it’s going to finish that way.”


During the interview, Harvey also noted the difference in quality of training partners, as he sees it, and how that will impact the outcome of the fight.


“I don’t think he’s rolling with the animals that we’re bringing in every day,” Harvey stated. “The people he has submitted, I don’t think their jitz game was tight—and that’s why he took those fights.”


When asked how he would like to end the fight with Denning, Harvey explained to Floyd that a submission finish would be satisfying, but that he was prepared to create the finish wherever it presents itself.


“It would be nice to turn Ken Doll into Stretch Armstrong—that would be sweet,” Harvey stated toward the end of the interview. “But I’m going to beat him wherever the fight goes. I’m not going to force it down to beat him on the ground and I’m not going to force it to stay up. Wrth gwrs, if he tries to take me down—I don’t give up takedowns for nobody. I’ll beat him wherever the fight goes.”


To listen to Josh Harvey’s complete interview on The MMA Report Ymweliad:


digwyddiad nesaf Ymladd New England ', "NEF 22: POB ROADS ARWAIN YMA,"Yn digwydd Dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 23, 2016 yn y Colisée Androscoggin Banc yn Lewiston, Maine. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 ac ar werth nawr ar neu drwy ffonio'r swyddfa docynnau Colisée yn 207.783.2009 x 525. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y digwyddiad ac ymladd diweddariadau cerdyn, ewch i wefan y dyrchafiad yn Yn ogystal,, gallwch wylio fideos ar NEF, eu dilyn ar Twitternefights ac ymuno â'r grŵp Facebook swyddogol "New England ymladd."

Former professional baseball player Quian Davis looking to make a difference in the community

Davis to battle Corey Morley dydd Sadwrn night at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Thomas “Creision ŷd” LaManna battles Kendal Mena in main event
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (Mawrth 16, 2016)–Mae hyn Dydd Sadwrn nos yn The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City,Pwysau trwm Quian Davis will look to stay undefeated when he takes on Corey Morley as part of an 11-bout card that is promoted by Rising Promotions and Vincent M. GULFSTREAM Promotions Ponte yn.
Yn y prif ddigwyddiad, Thomas LaManna yn cymryd ar Kendal Mena in a eight round welterweight bout.
Davis of nearby Mays Landing, New Jersey is not the typical fighter who has dreams of winning a world heavyweight title, but he has bigger plans to help mold the youth of the Jersey Shore area as being a role model.
To say Davis is an all-around athlete is an understatement.
The Buena High School all-time leading rusher in football, was a 48th round draft pick of the Florida Marlins and spent three years in their minor league system.
When getting the itch to play football again, Davis bagged baseball and began playing football at Hudson Valley College in upstate New York.
After a few years of figuring out his next move, Davis took up boxing.
ar 6'3″ac 250 pwys, Davis took up the sweet science at the age of 34.
After eight amateur fights (record of 5-3), Davis turned professional by fighting a four round draw with Willie Harvey on August 15, 2015.
Davis got into the win column with a 26 second knockout over Santario Holdbrooks on 5 Rhagfyr at The Claridge.
“Ar hyn o bryd, I am getting by with my natural athletic ability. I do not know all of the ins and outs of boxing, but I have toughness and have been learning on the job,” meddai'r Davis.
There has been a lot of improvement since I have started
In Morley, he is facing a durable guy, that has gone the distance in his first two outings.
I just know he is shorter and heavier then me. He is from Philadelphia, so that alone, I know he is a tough guy.
Davis is even more honest when it comes to his ceiling as a fighter.
My goal is to fight as long as the sport wants me. I want to have fights that will build my resume and give me the credibility to become a trainer for all athletes. I would like to instill what I know and my experiences with baseball, football and now boxing and become an all-around trainer and role model. There are people needed in the community that should be mentoring kids coming up and I feel that I can be that guy around here.
I want to thank my supporters. I am humbled that they spend their hard earned money to come see fight, and I am so appreciative of that.
Mewn bout wyth rownd, Tommy Rainone (24-7-1, 5 KO yn) o Long Island, Bydd NY ymladd Maurice Chalmers (14-12-1, 8 KO yn) o Danville, VA in a welterweight clash.
Mewn pyliau chwe rownd:
Lamont Caprys (5-7-2) o Hawley, Bydd PA ymladd Willis Lockett (14-16-5, 5 KO yn) Parc TAKOMA, MD in a cruiserweight bout.

Eseia Seldon (7-1, 3 KO yn) o Atlantic City, Bydd NJ ymladd Michael Mitchell (3-6-2, 1 KO) o Paterson, NJ in a fight for the Garden State Super Middleweight title.
Former cruiserweight world champion Imamu Mayfield (25-9-2, 18 KO yn) o Perth Amboy, NJ returns to the ring after an eight year absence when he takes on Dan Pasciolla (6-1-1) o Brick, NJ mewn pwl pwysau trwm.
Mewn pedwar pyliau crwn:
Omar Brito (2-2, 1 KO) of Pleasantville, Bydd NJ ymladd Croeso Diaz (2-1, 2 KO yn) Parc Prospect, NJ in a super featherweight fight.
Alvin Vermall (7-0-1, 7 KO yn) of La Place, LA will take on D'Quan Morgan (3-2-1, 3 KO yn) of Hamlet, NC in a cruiserweight tilt.
Canol undefeated Hakim Bryant (5-0, 4 KO yn) Parc Asbury, Bydd NJ ymladd Rick Graham (3-11-2, 1 KO) o Detroit, FY.
Darryl Bunting (0-0-1) Parc Asbury, NJ will tussle with Darryl Watkins (0-2) of Temple Hills, MD. in a super middleweight fight.
Undefeated lightweight Steven Ortiz (2-0) o Philadelphia, PA will box Jose Miguel Castro (5-7, 3 KO yn) o Carolina, Puerto Rico.
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y March 19th fight card are $50 GA, $75 Cam (very few remaining)& $125 VIP (SOLD OUT) (Booths o 5 available for $500SOLD OUT) and are available at or 609-487-4444.
The Claridge Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave. Atlantic City NJ
Instagram: risingpromo

Ynglŷn Hyrwyddiadau Rising:
Hyrwyddiadau Rising ei greu gyda'r bwriad o ddod yn enw dal tai gyda'r amcan allweddol Promotions Rising gallu cydlynu amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau arbennig arallgyfeirio o fewn y diwydiant chwaraeon ac adloniant, Y Prif Swyddog Gweithredol a phartneriaid ar Promotions Rising yn teimlo bod y cyfleoedd ar gyfer twf yn ddiddiwedd. Hoffem i roi cyfleoedd i fyny ac yn dod proffesiynol yn ogystal â focswyr amatur na fyddai hyrwyddwyr eraill yn hawdd rhoi cyfle i. Bydd y digwyddiadau yn Rising cynlluniau i gydlynu darparu fforddiadwy mawr eu hangen, adloniant chwaraeon sy'n ystyriol o deuluoedd.

Lightweight Contender Ivan Redkach Battles Puerto Rican Brawler Luis Cruz On Tuesday, Ebrill 19 As Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Returns To Sands Bethlehem Events Center In Bethlehem, Yf.

Mwy! Two Exciting Middleweight Bouts As Hard-Hitting Immanuwel Aleem Takes On Jonathan Cepeda &
Unbeatens Kryone Davis & Junior Castillo Square-Off
Tocynnau Ar Werth Yn Awr!
BETHLEHEM, PA. (Mawrth 16, 2016) – contender ysgafn Ivan Redkach (19-1, 15 Kos) will face-off against Puerto Rico’s Luis Cruz (22-4, 16 Kos)in a 10-round headlining event on Tuesday, Ebrill 19 ar Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio Premier (PBC) DYDD MAWRTH TRAED-TO-TRAED ar FS1 a Hyrwyddwyr Bocsio on FOX Deportes from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Yf.
Sylw ar y teledu yn dechrau am 9 p.m. A/6 p.m. PT and features a pair of exciting eight-round middleweight showdowns pitting top rising prospects and contenders. Brawling 160-pound prospect Immanuel Aleem (15-0, 9 Kos) yn cymryd ar Jonathan Cepeda (17-1, 15 Kos) while Delaware’s Kyrone Davis (10-0, 4 Kos) will face Dominican Olympian Castillo Iau (9-0, 9 Kos).
I am really looking forward to headlining this event on April 19,said Redkach. “I know that I have a strong opponent, but I am determined to impress the fans and show that I am ready to challenge the elite in my division. I’ve trained very hard and I’m ready to fight.
I plan on rejuvenating my career with this fight,” said Cruz. “This is an interesting fight and I’ve been training really hard. Redkach is a tough fighter, but it is nothing that I haven’t seen before. I want to get this big win. It’s now or never for me.
This is a terrific card and we are once again happy to be working with FS1, FOX Deportes and the Sands Bethlehem on a great event,” Dywedodd Marshall Kauffman o Promotions Brenin. “There are three great televised fights with Redkach-Cruz, Aleem-Cepeda and two undefeated guys in Davis and Castillo in what should be an explosive fight. Those three guys have a combined record of 92-6 gyda 68 knockouts, so expect three competitive and entertaining fights.
This is Ivan’s second fight since his tough loss to Dejan Zlaticanin,” Dywedodd Lou DiBella, Llywydd DiBella Adloniant. “He’ll be facing a tough kid in Luis Cruz, but these are the kinds of opponents that will help Redkach get his career back on track. I am confident that he will emerge victorious and will seek the best fights for him as he rises up the rankings toward a world title opportunity.
Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, which is promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, yn costio $108, $83 ac $58, heb gynnwys taliadau a threthi gwasanaeth perthnasol ac ar werth yn awr. Mae tocynnau ar gael yn I godi tâl yn ôl galwad ffôn Ticketmaster ar (800) 745-3000.
Fe'i ganed yn yr Wcrain, ond ymladd allan o Los Angeles, Dechreuodd Redkach bocsio yn oed o chwech ac wedi llunio gyrfa nodedig ers troi pro mewn 2009. The 30-year-old owns victories over Tony Luis, Sergey Gulyakevich, Yakubu Amidu and most recently knocked out Erick Daniel Martinez in October.
Fighting out of Las Piedras, Puerto Rico, Cruz is coming off of a decision victory over Roberto Acevedo in November. He owns victories over Martin Honorio, Hevinson Herrera and Yogli Herrera in a career that dates back to 2007.
Fe'i ganed yn Nwyrain Meadow, New Jersey ond yn ymladd allan o Richmond, Virginia, Roedd Aleem gyflwyno i focsio o oedran ifanc gan ei rieni. Ers troi pro mewn 2012 yn yr oedran 18, the 22-year-old has wiped out all of the competition in front of him. Yn 2015, he dominated Emmanuel Sanchez, David Toribio and Oscar Riojas before winning a hard fought decision over Carlos Galvan in December.
Originally from New Jersey, Cepeda relocated to West Palm Beach, Florida at 16-years-old and had a brief but successful 22-3 cofnod amatur, with all three of his loses coming to middleweight champion Daniel Jacobs. He won two Florida Golden Gloves titles and reached a National Golden Gloves semifinal. Cepeda has won five fights in a row including two stoppage victories in 2015.
The first Delaware-native to win multiple national amateur championships, Davis was a National PAL winner along with his victory at the national Adidas tournament. A fighter since he was eight-years-old, Davis turned pro in 2014 and has dominated his competition including five victories in 2015.
The 29-year-old Castillo made his U.S. debut in December 2015 with a first round knockout of Rolando Nagy and followed it up later that month by stopping Eduardo Flores. Fighting out of Higuey, Gweriniaeth Dominica, he represented his home country in the 2012 Gemau Olympaidd.
Dilynwch ar TwitterPremierBoxing, @IRedkach, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at, ac Uchafbwyntiau ar gael yn

Abdulaev vs. Kunchenko title clash & Divnich vs. Turnquest fight added to M-1 Challenge 65 card April 8 yn St. Petersburg, Rwsia


ST. PETERSBURG, Rwsia (Mawrth 16, 2016) – M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Murad “Hunter” Abdulaev will make his first title defense, Ebrill 8 mewn M-1 Her 65,against undefeated challenger Alexey Kunchenko at Ice Palace Sports Center in St. Petersburg, Rwsia.
Abdulaev vs. Kunchenko replaces the rescheduled M-1 Challenge lightweight championship bout between defending champion Mansour “Tarzan” Barnaoui ac cystadleuydd Artem Damkovsky due to injuries suffered by both fighters during training camp.
M-1 Global has also announced an M-1 Her 65 match between former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Maxim Divinich and M-1 Global debuting Robert Turnquest.
Ramadan Emeev (13-3-0, M-1: 7-1-0), reigning M-1 Challenge middleweight champion, takes on Brazilian challenger Maiquel “Big Rig” Falcao (35-8-0, M-1: 0-0-0) in the M-1 Challenge 65 prif ddigwyddiad. Emeev vs. Falcao is an M-1 Grand Prix middleweight semifinals match with the winner advancing to the final later this year against the other M-1 Grand Prix middleweight semifinals winner, former three-time Bellator champion Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (52-9-0, M-1: 3-0-0).
Abdulaev (13-1-0, M-1: 4-1-0) captured the vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight title last June at M-1 Her 58, taking a five-round decision from Marcelo Brito. A powerful striker always with knockout intentions, Abdulaev (shown above in action) has been out of action since then due to a variety of reasons.
Also a KO specialist like his fellow-Russian opponent, Kunchenko (12-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) wedi dod i ben 10 o'i 12 victims inside the distance. The Russian (shown above kicking) was M-1 Global’s 2015 Prospect y Flwyddyn.
Divnich (11-1-0, M-1: 5-1-0) captured the vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight crown December 19, 2014, registering a third-round technical knockout (punches) oDzhambulat Kurbanov (shown above getting hit by Divnich on right) yn M-1 Her 54.
Fighting out of Pensacola, Florida, Americanaidd, US Navy veteran Turnquest (5-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0) will be making his M-1 Global debut against Kunchenko. Turnquest (pictured to right) is the Atlas Fights welterweight champion who has a strong Judo background. He competed in the 2013 World Games for military competitors.
M-1 Her 65 Bydd yn cael ei ffrydio'n fyw o Rwsia mewn manylder uwch ar www.M1Global.TV. Bydd gwylwyr yn gallu gwylio'r ymladd rhagarweiniol a phrif cerdyn drwy fynd i gofrestru arwww.M1Global.TV. Gall Fans gwylio pob un o'r camau gweithredu ar eu cyfrifiaduron, yn ogystal ag ar ffonau a thabledi smart Android ac Afal.

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@ M1Global


Brooklyn, NY (Mawrth 16, 2016)Even the very best in the business experience setbacks and get faced with choice time. Can I learn from my mistake and turn a negative into a positive?
Alex Miskirtchian found himself enjoying his momentum up the featherweight ladder before he hit a pothole in the road last summer. The Georgia-born fighter with a 26-4-1 mark got caught by vet Cornelius Lock and had to assess himself.

He did so, and licked his wounds and got back to work. The Belgium resident, who has mostly fought in his home-land, rebounded with a win in December and is being rewarded for his perseverance with an IBF intercontinental championship opportunity.

Miskirtchian, promoted by Brooklyn’s Dmitriy Salita, will fight Vireol Simion on Mawrth 18, for a crack at that crown.

Alex is fighting for a title but more importantly for a chance to come back to the top of the division,” Dywedodd Word.

He learned from his US experience, against Lock, took a break and came back with extra motivation to again make a world title run. I believe Alex will put on one of his best performances in this upcoming fight. He has a great team with manager Alain Vanackère and I believe the result will be a positive one on March 18th.”

The fight against the 19-1 Romanian Viorel will unfold in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, so Miskirtchian will need to fight his best brand of boxing that evening. His promoter, Word, has faith in him.

Salita Promotions boxers are making more and more noise, around the world,” the promoter said. “I am proud of our growth and of the efforts of the fine athletes like Miskirtchian who fight for Salita Promotions!”


Kazuyuki Fujita will return to MMA action in the RIZIN FF ring on Sunday, Ebrill 17. Fujita held up a poster board with an image of his opponent, recent RIZIN FF Grand Prix tournament runner-up Jiri Prochazka, at a press conference today to announce his matchup. Llun: Re'zin FF

Mwy: Allan Nascimento squares off with
fellow flyweight sensation Yuki Motoya

TOKYO - Mawrth 16, 2016- Re'zin FF, hyrwyddo brwydro yn erbyn chwaraeon a arweinir gan gyn-bennaeth PRIDE FC Nobuyuki Sakakibara, cyhoeddi yn ystod cynhadledd i'r wasg heddiw, the return of all-time fan favorite Kazuyuki "Ol 'Ironhead" Fujita (15-10), who will take on recent RIZIN FF Grand Prix tournament runner-up and dangerous knockout artist George "Denise" Prochazka (16-3-1), in a heavyweight Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) contest at the 10,000 capacity Nippon Gaishi Hall in Nagoya, Japan ar Dydd Sul, Ebrill 17.

Also announced today for the “Top Presents RIZIN Fighting Federation I” extravaganza next month, was a flyweight (125 bunnoedd) matchup between submission ace Allan "Grim" Geni (14-3) and red-hot championYuki Motoya (15-4, 1 CC).

Kazuyuki Fujita vs. Jiri Prochazka

During his memorable 16-year career in the fight game, y 6 troedfedd, 45-year-old Fujita of Funabashi, Chiba, Japan has collected two major, professional wrestling championships and faced off with nearly every rival force of his era in MMA’s heavyweight division, including former pound-for-pound king Fedor Emelianenko, Mirko Cro Cop, Wanderlei Silva ac Mark Coleman, while competing under the elite promotional banners of PRIDE FC, K-1 and Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye.

Fujita’s notable victories include a first round (6:46) PWY (corner stoppage) o“The World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock, rownd gyntaf (8:25) KO (punch) o James Thompson and unanimous decisions over Gilbert Yvel and two-time Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) tournament winner and NCAA Division I National Wrestling Champion Mark Kerr.

The 6-foot-4, 23-year-old Prochazka of Hosteradice, Czech Republic is coming off a breakthrough performance in which he scored a first round (1:36) PWY (head kick and knee strikes) of Olympic Judo Gold Medalist Satoshi Ishii in the quarterfinal stage of the RIZIN FF eight-man Grand Prix elimination tournament on December 29, 2015.

Two days later, Prochazka returned to the ring and earned a first round (10:00) PWY (retirement) ennill dros Vadim Nemkov before suffering a first round (5:09) KO (punch) at the hands of superstar "Brenin Mo" Lawal in the championship stage round. Of Prochazka’s 16 career wins, 13 wedi dod ar ffurf (T)KO a 2 drwy gyflwyno.

Allan Nascimento vs.Yuki Motoya

Touted as a miniature version of all-time great Anderson Silva, the 24-year-old Nascimento of Sao Paulo, Brazil boasts an astounding 86 percent submission rate, having forced 12 y 14 opponents he has conquered, i fanteisio allan.

At 5-foot-9, Nascimento towers over the majority of his competition in the 125-pound division, and is known for effectively using his reach advantage and high-level Muay Thai skills to frustrate and inflict damage on opponents from a distance, and set up slick submissions.

Mae'r 5-droed-7, 26-year-old Motoya of Nagoya is the reigning DEEP flyweight champion and the number one ranked 125-pound fighter in Japan. Motoya is riding a seven-fight win streak, with four of the victories coming by way of TKO or submission.

Yn ei ddechrau olaf ar Rhagfyr 29, Motoya faced off with Philip Ephraim at the inaugural RIZIN FF event, outworking Efrain early in the bout before suddenly being floored by a left hand that Efrain followed up on with a series of strikes, prompting the referee to stop the contest. Because Efrain had not made weight for the fight, Fodd bynnag,, the result was overturned from TKO to no contest.

Pris o 100,000 Yen, tickets for “Top Presents RIZIN Fighting Federation I” are on sale and can be purchased online at

Yn y prif ddigwyddiad, former PRIDE FC middleweight champion and all-time greatWanderlei "Mae'r Murderer Axe" Silva (35-12-1, 1 CC) Bydd tîm i fyny gyda ymladdwr i'w gyhoeddi cyn hir, mewn grappling arbennig "gêm tag,"Ac yn frwydr deuawd sy'n cynnwys cyd-chwedl, Kazushi Sakuraba, (26-17-1, 2 CC) ac Hideo Tokoro (33-28-2).

Mewn 180 pound MMA rules contest, Puncher pŵer dinistriol Hisaki Kato (5-2) will take on fellow prolific finisher Yuta "Arall" Watanabe (19-6-4).

Additional bouts for “Top Presents RIZIN Fighting Federation I” will be announced soon.

Dilynwch Re'zin FF:

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USA Wrestlers To Face Iran In Times Square In New York City May 19 In “United In The Square,” To Highlight Beat the Streets Gala Night

Select American Stars To Take On Iran in Olympic-level and Junior-level matches Youth Wrestlers and High School Girl Wrestlers Take The Mat; Gala Follows

NEW YORK– In what will be a highlight of the Olympic year in wrestling and has become a rite of spring in New York, Beat the Streets Wrestling, Inc. and USA Wrestling announced details of this year’s international competition, which returns to New York City’s Times Square on Dydd Iau, Mai 19.

Competitors for Team USA, which will include 2016 Olympic team hopefuls, will compete in men’s freestyle against world power Iran, a preview of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. In addition to Olympic-level matches, four Junior-level matches will be featured, showcasing future world and Olympic-caliber talent.

Members of the U.S. Women’s Team and Greco-Roman Team are also expected to battle in some other featured bouts against international competition to be announced.

"I couldn’t be more excited. We have Iran and the USA battling for wrestling supremacy in Times Square; united in the idea that sports can bring change in young men and women and even in countries sometimes. It’s going to be pretty cool. An added plus is that Iran has the loudest and most passionate wrestling fans in the world. Peidiwch â'i golli,” said Beat the Streets Chairman of the Board Mike Novogratz, the founder of these Gala competitions.

Billed as “United in the Square,” this will be the second time that Iran has been featured as part of the Beat the Streets Gala competition.

Yn 2013, the event dubbed “The Rumble on the Rails,” was hosted in historic Grand Central Terminal and featured dual meets between Team USA, Russia and Iran. Playing an important role in the international Keep Olympic Wrestling effort, this historic wrestling event gained international media coverage and helped wrestling retain its status on the Olympic Games program.

The world-class competition has been hosted in Times Square four previous times. Yn 2011, the United States defeated World Champion Russia, 5-2, the first sports event ever held in historic Times Square. Yn 2012, another U.S. vs. Russia dual meet was held in Times Square, along with the U.S. Olympic Team Wrestle-off for the 60 kg/132 lbs. position on the U.S. Olympic Team in men’s freestyle. Yn 2014, Team USA defeated a World All-Star Team in Times Square, 8-3. Yn 2015, “Salsa in the Square” featured a meeting between Team USA and Team Cuba in the three Olympic styles, held shortly after the historic change in USA and Cuban political relations.

This will be the seventh straight year in which a major international-style wrestling competition will be hosted as part of the Beat the Streets Gala activities. Yn 2010, an all-star challenge featuring top U.S. wrestlers was held on the USS Intrepid, an aircraft carrier docked on the west side of Manhattan.

Top Beat the Streets youth wrestlers will take the mat showcasing their skills in exhibition matches beginning at 3:30 p.m. to start the evening. A new feature will be held at the PSAL Girls Freestyle Dual Meet Championships finals, featuring the two top New York City girl’s freestyle wrestling high school teams from the spring girl’s freestyle season. Then it’s Team USA vs. Iran and other guests at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Beat the Streets Gala Celebration.

The USA vs. Iran dual requires a ticket for reserved seating in Times Square, but is an outdoor event. Pedestrians and non-ticket holders are encouraged to watch. Admission tickets may be bought in advance at neu212.245.6570. A ticket is required for the Gala Celebration at the PlayStation Theater. More details are available at

The Gala Celebration will follow the wrestling competition. This unique and electrifying annual event helps Beat the Streets (BTS) raise significant funds to further its mission. Whether it’s providing a safe, constructive outlet for our urban youth, fighting childhood obesity, empowering women, or uniting entire nations, wrestling teaches persistence, ymroddiad, and the value of working hard to achieve one’s goals, creates opportunities for personal and universal growth. BTS currently serve over 3,000 student-athletes every year.

"United In The Square,” Beat the Streets Wrestling Schedule

In New York City, Mai 19, 2016

3:30 p.m. – Beat the Streets Youth Exhibition Matches between 42nd and 43rd Streets

4:45 p.m. – New York City Girl’s Freestyle Dual Meet Championships Finals between 42nd and 43rd Streets

6:30 p.m. – World Class Wrestling: Team USA vs. Team Iran between 42nd and 43rd Streets

Followed by Gala Celebration

About Beat the Streets

The mission of Beat the Streets is to develop the full human and athletic potential of the urban youth and to strengthen the culture of New York City wrestling. BTSW works directly with the New York City Department of Education in a public-private partnership to help New York City’s student-athletes achieve their personal and athletic goals. Through the operation of wrestling programs in middle and high schools in the five boroughs, BTSW and the DOE provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life skills of physical fitness, teamwork, and self-empowerment. The goal of fostering strong, dedicated, and optimistic kids is delivered through coaching, after-school programs, and summer camps. More information can be found at

About USA Wrestling

USA Wrestling is the National Governing Body for the Sport of Wrestling in the United States and, fel y cyfryw, is its representative to the United States Olympic Committee and United World Wrestling, ffederasiwn reslo rhyngwladol. Yn syml,, USA Reslo yw'r sefydliad canolog sy'n cydlynu rhaglenni reslo amatur yn y genedl ac yn gweithio i greu diddordeb a chyfranogiad yn y rhaglenni hyn. It has over 220,000 members across the nation, boys and girls, men and women of all ages, representing all levels of the sport. Its president is James Ravannack, and its Executive Director is Rich Bender. More information can be found at


Lewiston, Maine (Mawrth 16, 2016) - Ymladd Lloegr Newydd (NEF), America rhif-un hyrwyddiad frwydr rhanbarthol, yn cynnal ei digwyddiad nesaf, “NEF 22: POB ROADS ARWAIN YMA” ar Dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 23, 2016 yn y Colisée Androscoggin Banc yn Lewiston, Maine. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Yn gynharach heddiw, NEF announced the addition of an amateur heavyweight bout to the MMA portion of the “NEF 22” Cerdyn frwydr. Ras Hylton (1-0) wedi ei raglennu i wynebu Matt Glover (1-0) at a fight weight of 265-pounds.


Weighing in at 227-pounds and standing 6’6,Ras Hylton towered over the top of the cage at “NEF 21” last month in his MMA debut. It took him just over a minute to dispatch his opponent, Zak Bergeron (0-1), using his reach advantage to pummel Bergeron with a barrage of strikes. Hylton is a member of Dragon Fire Martial Arts of South Portland, Maine, as well as First Class MMA based in Brunswick.


I’m immensely grateful to my teams at Dragon Fire MMA and First Class MMA for helping me to prepare for this dream made real,” exclaimed Hylton. “I expect that Mr. Glover will help provide an excellent show for the fans as we both fight for victory, making this show as memorable as my debut was for me. All roads lead here, and I want mine to lead to victory. Thank you for all the support folks!”


Ar “NEF 21,Matt Glover defeated Gravin Guillen (2-5) trwy rownd-gyntaf knockout technegol. During his time at Mountain Valley High School (MVHS) in Rumford, Maine, Glover was a standout on the football field. He is a member of Berserkers MMA where he trains under coaches Mike Hansen (3-3) and Gary Dolloff. Glover’s younger brother Ryan (Glover, 3-1) is the reigning NEF MMA Amateur Light-Heavyweight Champion. At 236-pounds and 6’2,Glover realizes he will need to overcome Hylton’s height and reach advantage on April 23rd.


I’m very excited for my next NEF battle,” said Glover. “I think I will be even more prepared and less nervous for this fight. My head will be clearer. For my debut, my brother was also on the card and I was a little distracted as a result, but for this fight, my mind is all business about what’s in front of me. Ras possesses a huge challenge with his height and reach, but I plan on neutralizing his kicks and getting inside and coming straight forward and throwing bombs. My training is getting me better and better and getting me more prepared every day. There will be some bloodshed on April 23rdand I will give 110% effort, as always.


digwyddiad nesaf Ymladd New England ', "NEF 22: POB ROADS ARWAIN YMA,"Yn digwydd Dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 23, 2016 yn y Colisée Androscoggin Banc yn Lewiston, Maine. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 ac ar werth nawr ar neu drwy ffonio'r swyddfa docynnau Colisée yn 207.783.2009 x 525. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y digwyddiad ac ymladd diweddariadau cerdyn, ewch i wefan y dyrchafiad yn Yn ogystal,, gallwch wylio fideos ar NEF, eu dilyn ar Twitternefights ac ymuno â'r grŵp Facebook swyddogol "New England ymladd."


Ynglŷn ymladd Lloegr Newydd


Ymladd Lloegr Newydd ("NEF") yn ymladd hyrwyddo digwyddiadau cwmni. Cenhadaeth NEF yw creu digwyddiadau o'r safon uchaf ar gyfer diffoddwyr a chefnogwyr fel ei gilydd Maine yn. Tîm gweithredol NEF yn brofiad helaeth mewn rheoli chwaraeon ymladd, cynhyrchu Digwyddiadau, cysylltiadau cyfryngau, marchnata, cyfreithiol a hysbysebu.


Unbeaten Bantamweights Nikolay Potapov and Stephon Young
Meet in Main Event; In Co-Feature, Undefeated Lightweight Eudy Bernardo Faces Mason Menard; Alexey Zubov Risks Perfect Record
Against Constantin Bejenaru, Devastating
Bakhtiyar Eyubov Takes On Sam Teah


Yn fyw ar Showtime® Ar 10 p.m. A/PT

Tocynnau ar Werth Nawr

NEW YORK (Mawrth 16, 2016) –Eight talented up-and-coming boxers with a combined record of 116-2-4, 71 KOs will compete on a compelling ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd quadrupleheader ar Dydd Gwener, Ebrill 15, byw ar Showtime (10 p.m. A/PT, oedi ar Arfordir y Gorllewin) o droi Stone Resort Casino yn Verona, N.Y..


In a clash of unbeaten bantamweights in the main event, undefeated world-ranked Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos), of Podolsk, Rwsia, wynebau Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 Kos), St. Louis, Miss. mewn pwl o 10-rownd. Eudy Bernardo (21-0, 15 Kos) of the Dominican Republic faces Mason “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard (30-1-0, 22 Kos), of Rayne, Y., in an eight/10-round battle of hard-hitting lightweights in the co-feature.


Promising Russian cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (10-0, 6 Kos) measures against Constantin Bejenaru (10-0, 4 Kos, WSB: 0-1-1) of Mandilesti, Moldova, in one of the eight-round bouts.


The two ShoBox returnees will box in the eight-round telecast opener when Kazakhstan’s devastating junior welterweight Bakhtiyar “Bakha Bullet” Eyubov (10-0, 10 Kos), o Brooklyn, N.Y., takes on Liberia-born Samuel Seah (7-1-1, 2 Kos), o Philadelphia, Yf.

Six of the fighters, all seeking to establish their credibility and make a name for themselves, are newcomers to the network and will be making their ShoBox debuts on a four-fight telecast that has a distinct international flavor (two Americans, two Russians, one Romanian, one from Kazakhstan, one Dominican and one from Liberia).

Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, or online at Pris y tocynnau yw $60 ar gyfer seddi ringside, $35 ac $25.

The fast-rising Potapov, of Potolsk, Rwsia, is ranked 10fed yn yr IBF. Extremely rare for a fighter at this point in his career, he’s already gone 10 rounds five times and 12 rounds once against good opposition. This is his second start in the United States since signing with Salita Promotions in June 2015. The 5-foot-4, 26-year-old is coming off a shutout 10-round decision over Pedro Melo ddiwethaf Hydref. 29 yn Brooklyn.


An outstanding amateur with international success, Potapov had around 200 fights before he turned pro in March 2010. Aeth 13-0 as a pro in Russia. In his outing before last – and last in his homelandhe produced perhaps a career-best performance while winning a unanimous 12-round decision over then-IBF No. 10-ranked Jasoin Canoy, ar Tachwedd. 8, 2015.

“I’ve been training very hard to make my ShoBox debut a spectacular one,’’ Potapov said. “This will be my second fight in New York against a very skilled boxer in Stephon Young, who is undefeated like me. I look forward to a great competitive fight and I’m putting in my work to come out on top.’’


Young is a talented, lightning-fast-handed southpaw who’s done more than enough to deserve his standing as a rising star in the Midwest. He’s making his 2016 and 10-round debut.


Like Potapov, Young was a top-notch amateur. He compiled a record of 86-13 while representing the United States in many tournaments. In theU.S. Olympic Trials in 2011, he lost to the No. 1-rated amateur,Rau'shee Warren.


His pedigree solid and after years of having “celebrated amateur” permanently affixed to his name, Young turned pro in August 2011.The 5-foot-5, 27-year-old has gone eight rounds once and six rounds on four occasions. He’s coming off a third-round TKO over Terrance Royddiwethaf Awst. 8 and by far his toughest task, Young boxed unbeaten Antonio Nieves to an eight-round draw on June 20, 2015.


Young hasn’t fought near the caliber of fighters as Potapov but he’s excited and optimistic about Ebrill 15. “This is a great opportunity for me, going up against another undefeated fighter in front of the world onShoBox,’’ Young said. “You can’t pass up an opportunity like that. Mae hyfforddiant yn mynd yn wych. I’m training with some of the top notch fighters in the world like Juan Carlos Payano, Claudio Marrero ac Yenifel Vicente.

“I know little about my opponent, but what I know makes me feel like we are the perfect match. We both have good records and we are both good fighters, but once I bring my A game, he’d be helpless. I will be watching all my P’s and Q’s. Once you get me in that zone I have no doubt I will win.’’

Bernardo, a 29-year-old with a million-dollar smile – and a punch to matchhas registered knockouts in nine of his last 10 ymladd. In Menard, he’s facing unquestionably the most seasoned foe of his career. This is Bernardo’s fourth U.S. start and second in a row. He’s coming off a clinically ruthless second-round demolition of Ben Odametey ddiwethaf Chwefror. 6 yn Detroit, mi.


Born and raised in Santo Domingo, Gweriniaeth Dominica, Bernardo had an extensive amateur career (128 ymladd) before turning pro in October 2009. He captured the Dominican Republic Lightweight Title in his fourth start. Tall for his division at 5-foot-10½, Bernardo is aggressive, technically sound and possesses two-fisted power.

“With him being 30-1, beating Mason Menard will take me to the next level, exactly where I want to go,’’ said Bernardo, who trains in Houston with former world champion Frank Tate. “I’m excited about this fight onShoBox because it’s a good opportunity for America to get to know me. Mae hyfforddiant yn mynd yn dda iawn. Every day I am learning. My diet is terrific. My whole team is with me, pushing me to get better.’’

MENARD, former Louisiana State and UBO All-Americas Lightweight Champion, is a pressure and hard-punching fighter who’s won 28 in a row.

He has fought all but one of his fights in Louisiana and this will be his second start mewn 21 mis. In his most recent effort, ei fod yn rhoi'r gorau i Jesus Lule-Raya in the first round on Aug. 8, 2015.


While inactivity could pose a problem, Menard is primed for Bernardo. Nobody, mae'n dweud, is going to deter him from his aspirations of making it to the top.


“It’s blessing to me to be able to fight and showcase my talent on SHOWTIME,’’ said Menard, who has weighed at or around 135 pounds throughout a pro career that began in October 2007. “It’s been a part of a dream of mine to do so and to one day fight for a major world title. ArEbrill 15, Bernardo stands between me and my dreams. It’s all or nothing. It’s rise or lay down. Ebrill 15 is the day I’ll be able to be known as a real legit fighter. I WILL NOT let this guy stop me from accomplishing any of those things. Quote me, I will give it my all, I will rise, I will be known and I will be world champion.’’


Zubov, a sensational former international amateur standout and seven-time cruiserweight tournament champion in Russia and Europe, turned pro in April 2014. His first five fights were in the U.S. – four in California and one in Brooklyn. He won all but one inside the distance.


The 6-foot-1½-inch 30-year-old will be making his 2016 debut after fighting four times in 2015 a chwe gwaith yn 2014. Zubov’s last five fights were in Russia; he is coming off a first-round TKO over Rihards Bigisddiwethaf Tachwedd. 29.

Zubov was born and raised in Magnitogorsk, a city which isn’t exactly a fistic hotbed. Getting into boxing was hardly common for his corner of the world. He didn’t grow up in a nasty neighborhood or fighting in the streets. Yn wir, he has a profound mathematical background, having attended a special school that concentrated on physics and mathematics. But while his first sport was hockey, he took to boxing.

Regarding his upcoming skirmish, Zubov said, “I spent several weeks training at the Kronk Boxing Gym with Javan ‘Sugar’ Hill in Detroit for my ShoBox cyntaf. I learn every day in the gym and look forward to putting my knowledge to use Ebrill 15 ar ShoBox. I want to follow in the footsteps of all the great Kronk fighters.’’

Bejenaru a Moldovan-born fighting out of Catskill, N.Y., yn gwneud ei 2016 cyntaf. Since moving to the U.S., the 5-foot-10, 31-year-old southpaw is 10-0 gyda 1 No Contest dating to September 2012. Yn ei daith olaf, he won a unanimous eight-round decision over Joel Shojgreen ar Hydref. 14, 2015.

“I know Zubov is a good fighter. I am training very hard and have been waiting for an opportunity like this so people can see just what I can do,’’ said Bejenaru, who was born in a Moldovia, a small land-locked country in Eastern Europe. “I am ready to go and very excited about this fight.’’


Fel amatur, Bejenaru won a bronze medal at the 2006 Pencampwriaethau Bocsio Amatur Ewropeaidd, multiple medals at the European Union Amateur Boxing Championships and the Gold Medal at the 2010 Gemau Brwydro yn erbyn y Byd.


Yeyubov, 29, of Astana, Kazahstan, has fought a total of 16 rounds in his 10 fights since going pro in February 2012. A one-main offensive juggernaut, he’s scored six first-round knockouts, two second-round knockouts and two third-round knockouts. This will be his ninth fight in the U.S.


Yn ei ShoBox debut in his last start this past Jan. 22, Eyubov droppedJared Robinson, three times en route to a third-round TKO (0:56).


“I’m honored to be back on ShoBox,’’ said the 5-foot-6 Eyubov who’s promoted by Salita Promotions. “I went back home to Kazakhstan after my last fight and came back with more inspiration and motivation to be the best fighter in the world. I am training very hard every day in New York City and look forward to putting on a show Ebrill 15. My gratitude toShoBox for giving a young upcoming fighter like me the opportunity to showcase his skills against the best possible opponents on national TV in the U.S. It’s just amazing.’’

Eyubov got into boxing the hard way. “I used to live in a very bad neighborhood and would constantly get into street fights. I’m not a big guy so I started boxing to learn to defend myself,'' Meddai ef. “I had over 150 ymladd amatur. I won about 125-130, most were by knockout. I beat Olympic champions and international champions, but I was not allowed to travel. It might have been because of where I come from – they didn’t have political connections. They’d tell me, ‘Win by knockout, or you’re not going to win.’ I had to fight heavier guys sometimes. But I was so rough and hit so hard, I’d ruin some of their best fighters at my weight.’’


Yeah, a 5-7, 28-mlwydd-oed, Enillodd ei ShoBox and eight-round debut lastTachwedd. 6 with an upset, unanimous decision over previously undefeatedO'Shanique Foster. Teah outpointed Foster, who would go on to win his ensuring start on ShoBox.


“It’s a privilege and honor to be facing Eyubov on SHOWTIME,’’ said Teah, who’s coming off an eight-round draw against Demond Brock ddiwethaf Jan. 22. “I don’t know much about him. I know he’s from Kazakhstan with a perfect record. He fought last time I fought on the same card, but I didn’t get to see him and he didn’t get to see me. Now we get to fight each other. When I got the call I was in the gym already, just not in a fight mindset. Now it’s just matter of turning up the intensity and getting ready for an aggressive opponent and getting my fight mindset going.’’


Yeah, who was born in Liberia, fled with his family to Ghana, where his father’s from, to escape the civil war when Sam was a youngster. The family’s been in the U.S. since he was 10.


Barry Tompkins Bydd galw'r ShoBox gweithredu gan ringside gyda Steve Farhood a chyn bencampwr y byd Raul Marquez gwasanaethu fel dadansoddwyr arbenigol. Mae'r cynhyrchydd gweithredol yn Neuadd Gordon gyda Rich Gaughancynhyrchu a Rick Phillips cyfarwyddo.