Всички мнения на FNU47


BROOKLYN, N.Y.. (Април 5, 2016) – Dominican lightweight Eudy “AK47” Bernardo and his opponent, Louisiana’s Mason “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard are nearing the peak of their training for their Петък, Април 15, showdown on ShoКутия: Новото поколение.
The eight-round Bernardo vs. Menard fight will serve as the co-main event on a quadrupleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT, забавено на Западния бряг) от Turning Stone Resort Casino във Верона, Ню Йорк.
В Април 15, 10-round main event, Не IBF. 10-ranked bantamweight Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Нокаута), на Подолск, Русия, will take on Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 Нокаута), Св. Louis, Мо. In the other televised bouts, Руски круизер Алексей Зубов (10-0, 6 Нокаута) will face Constantin Bejenaru (10-0, 4 Нокаута, WSB: 0-1-1) of Mandilesti, Молдова, над осем кръга; and in the eight-round junior welterweight telecast opener, Kazakhstan’s BakhtiyarBakha Bullet” Yeyubov (10-0, 10 Нокаута), на Brooklyn, takes on also undefeated Courtney Jackson (8-0, 6 Нокаута) на Homestead, Fla.
Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, или онлайн на Ticketmaster.com. They are priced at $60 за ринга места, $35 и $25.
The 29-year-old Bernardo (21-0, 15 Нокаута) от Санто Доминго, is hard at work at Hank’s Gym in Houston, with his trainer, former IBF World Middleweight Champion Frank Tate.
“Аз съм в страхотна форма. Чувствам се силен,” said Bernardo via translator. “I’ve learned so much from Frank Tate and I’m proud to be working with him. Той е страхотен треньор. I’m learning to throw better combinations and I’ve improved my defense, моята ваксина, and my foot movement since we teamed up.
Bernardo says he still doesn’t know much about opponent Menard, but isn’t worried about it. “I watched a few of his fights on YouTube, but I’m training for anything that comes my way. Everything is going to go great for me that night. It’s my ring that night and I will have my way. I will win.
This is opportunity is a long-time coming for the 29-year-old and he says he plans on making the most of it. “I’m very excited about fighting on ShoBox and I look forward to putting on a show. I’ve been waiting for long time for this opportunity and want to thank Dmitriy Salita for making it happen.
The 27-year-old Menard (30-1-0, 22 Нокаута), от Rayne, The., is rated No. 15 by the WBA at 135 паунда. He’s training at Red Lerille’s Health & Racquet Club in Lafayette with trainer and former fighter “Лошо” Chad Broussard.
I’ve learned how to be a better person in and out of the ring from Chad,” Саид Менар. “I’ve been with him for nine years. I’ve learned how to put punches together better and sit on my shots more. I’ve learned how to cut angles. I’ve learned so much from Chad.
Menard says despite the usual aches and pain experienced in camp he is 100 percent and training is going well. The only adjustments he’s made is to bring in taller sparring partners.
This is huge for me,” продължи той. “This is the ‘get up or lay downtype of fight. If I get up, then the sky is the limit. If I fall, then maybe it’s time to look for a job. I’m going to get in there and do what I have to do. Hopefully I get the KO, but if it goes to the scorecards, I just want the win. No matter which way it goes.
Barry Томпкинс ще призове ShoBox действия от страна на ринга с Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Раул Маркес служещ за експертни анализатори. Изпълнителни продуцентиГордън Hall с Rich Gaughan производство и Rick Phillips режисура.
# # #
Около ShoBox: Новото поколение
От създаването си през юли 2001, критиката SHOWTIME бокса серията,ShoBox: Новото поколение е черта на младите таланти съвпадащи труден. The ShoBoxфилософия е да излъчи вълнуващо, харесван от тълпата и конкурентни мачове, като същевременно осигуряват основа за създаване желаещи перспективи решени да се борят за световната титла. Някои от нарастващия списък на 65 бойци, които са се появили ShoBox и напреднали, за да събере световни титли включва: Андре Уорд, Дионтей Уайлдър, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Гари Ръсел Jr., Ламонт Питърсън, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Фигероа, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Тимъти Брадли, Jessie Vargas, Хуан Мануел Лопес, Чад Доусън, Поли Malignaggi, Рики Хатън, Кели Павлик, Пол Уилямс и повече.
Около Salita Промоции
Salita Promotions е основана през 2010 от Дмитрий Salita, професионален боксьор и претендент за световна титла, който видя необходимостта от промоционална организация, която да представя най-добрите млади перспективи на бокса и утвърдени претенденти в Северна Америка и по света. Зрители, които гледат бойци в световните телевизионни мрежи, включително Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. Гордеем се с това, че предлагаме на нашите бойци възможности вътре и извън ринга. Salita Promotions с нетърпение очаква да продължи да расте и да обслужва нуждите на феновете на борбата по целия свят.

5- та годишна класа по слава на Ню Йорк по бокс клас на 2016 въведени в празнична церемония

NYSBHOF Клас 2015
Световната полусредна категория шампион (’90-91) Арон “Свръхчовек” Davis, Bronx
Световен шампион за юноши полусредна категория (’93-94) Charles “The Natural” Мъри Бивол
Двукратният световен лек заглавие претендент Vilomar Fernandez Bronx
Световната лек заглавие претендент Едвин Viruet. New York City
4-време, 3-разделение световен шампион хектор “Macho” Камачо Испански Харлем
World шампион в средна категория (1952) Роки Грациано Brooklyn
Световната лек (’25-26) titlist Rocky Kansas Бивол
2-световен категория петел Титуляр Джо Линч Brooklyn
“Детрониран шампион полусредна категория” Джо Miceli Бивол
International Boxing Зала на славата изпълнителен директор Ед Брофи Canastota
Промотор Joe DeGuardia Bronx
Комисар / медийна личност Randy Gordon Мелвил
Promoter / мениджър Денис Рапапорт Queens
мениджър Хауи Albert Bronx
Trainer / cutman Фреди Браун Манхатън
Ню Йорк телевизионен коментатор Хауърд Cosell New York City
Boxer / рефер Ruby Голдщайн Манхатън
мениджър Jimmy Jacobs
NYSBHOF Клас 2016 (L-R): Седнала – Vilomar Fernandez, Денис Рапапорт, Ранди Гордън и Ед Брофи; Стоящ: Арън Дейвис и Джо ДеГуардия
-Всички снимки от Петър Frutkoff-
NEW YORK (Април 5, 2016) – Повече от 300 хората събраха Russo’s On The Bay в плаж Хауърд, НЮ това минало Неделя за петата годишна зала на славата на Ню Йорк по бокс (NYSBHOF) индукция вечеря.
Всеки новобранец ще получите специално конструиран колан означаваше индукция му в NYSBHOF. Плакети са изложени в Атлетическата комисия на щата Ню Йорк.
The 2016 inductees бяха избрани от членовете Комитета по номинациите на NYSBHOF: Джак Hirsch, Стив Farhood, Боби Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Хенри Hascup, Рон Макнеър, Angelo Просперо и Нийл Terens.
Всички боксьори, необходими, за да бъдат неактивни в продължение на най-малко три години, за да бъдат допустими за NYSBHOF индукция, и всички inductees трябва да са пребивавали в щата Ню Йорк в продължение на една значителна част от своите боксови кариера или по време на разцвета на съответната им кариера.
(L-R) – NYSBHOF / Пръстен 8 президент Боб Duffy, Don Majeski, Ед Брофи и Джил Даймънд (WBC)
Ед Брофи: “Бих искал да благодаря на комитета на Ню Йоркската боксова зала на славата и ринга 8, прекрасна група, която спонсорира Ню Йоркската зала по слава на бокса. Толкова съм горд, че съм роден в Ню Йорк, в малкото градче Канастота, където боксът е в кръвта ни. Развълнувана съм от честта днес. Моето име е присъединено към Международната зала по слава на бокса като директор, но толкова много различни хора помагат. Приемам само тази чест от тяхно име. Боксът е най-великият спорт. Поздравления за всички въведени. Това е най-великият ден в живота ми.”
(L-R) – Рон Макнеър, Арън Дейвис и Боб Дъфи
Аарон Дейвис: Благодаря, Пръстен 8. Боксът е тежък спорт. Във фитнеса беше много по-трудно. видях Gerry Куни, Иран Barkley и Roberto Duran и исках да направя това, което направиха тези момчета и това ме направи боец, какъвто бях. Бих искал да благодаря на баща си и Били Джайлс, който ми беше треньор. Бих искал също да благодаря на Joe DeGuardia, който ме управляваше по-късно в кариерата ми, и благодаря на всички, които ме подкрепиха.”
(L-R) — Боб Duffy, Денис Рапапорт и семейството
Денис Рапапорт: “Изглежда вчера, когато шест или седемгодишно дете, живеещо в Бруклин, е гледало борба между тях Джейк LaMotta и Джим Хеърстън. Този младеж беше хипнотизиран. Следващият месец го гледашеSugar Ray Robinson нокаут Роки Грациано и това беше началото на любовна връзка, която продължи 63 години. Бокс, в най-добрия си вид, е поезия в движение. Това е Shapespeare, Пикасо, Рембранд. Но може да бъде и суров. Започнах в бокса, управлявайки трима бойци: Рони Харис, Gerry Куни и Хауърд Дейвис. Jr. Заради креативния маркетинг на нашите бойци, един репортер се обади на мен и партньора ми, Mike Jones, ‘Близнаците от златния прах’ но тогава медиите започват да ни се обаждат, ‘Близнаците Wacko.’ Предпочитах ‘The Gold Dust Twins.”

(L-R – Джак Hirsch, Джо ДеГуардия и Боб Дъфи
Joe DeGuardia: Това е истинско удоволствие, чест и привилегия да бъдат въведени в Ню Йоркската боксова зала на славата. Като много от вас тук, Живея и кървя бокс, което беше голяма част от живота ми. Преди четири месеца, Получих (Пръстен 8 на своята вечеря за празнични награди) Награда за организатор на годината. Тогава казах, че наистина сме семейство на бокса; това е истинско братство. Говорих и за това как боксът е обвързан с лири. В тази стая – не с нас сега – беше баща ми, който почина преди три седмици. Заради него, Развих тази любов към бокса, която съм носил в живота: работи усилено, за да направиш най-доброто, което можеш в живота. За мен е истинска чест да бъда въведен в Ню Йоркската боксова зала на славата. В чест на баща ми и всички останали, които обичат този спорт. Приемам от името на баща ми, който, Знам, ни гледа сега.”
(L-R) – Чарлз Мъри и Боб Дъфи
Чарлз Мъри: “Обадиха ми се, ‘Естественото.’ аз оценявам това, Почетен за моя принос в бокса. Благодаря ти много.”
(L-R) – Стив Farhood, Виломар Фернандес и Боб Дъфи
Vilomar Fernandez: “Не беше лесно да се бием с момчета като Роберто Дюран и Алексис Аргуело. Те бяха най-добрите в света. Благодарен съм за възможностите да се боря с тях, Почитана съм днес.”
(L-R) – Хенри Hascup, Randy Gordon, Melvina Lathan, Боб Дъфи и Гери Куни
Randy Gordon: “Благодаря, всички. Това невероятно събитие, което имаме всяка година, Никога не съм очаквал, че това ще се случи. Кариерата ми се роди от болките на един от най-големите скандали в бокса, американското първенство по ABC, насърчавани от Don King, и списание Ring изготви рейтингите за турнира. Оказа се, че рейтингите и някои от записите са подплатени и току-що събаря Ring Magazine от бизнеса. Бърт Рандолф Sugar ме нае за главен редактор. Да работим заедно, върнахме списание Ring от мъртвите. Изплаках се, когато Джак Hirsch призовани да ми кажат, че ме въвеждат в Ню Йоркската боксова зала на славата. Това е абсолютна мечта. Всеки, който някога или някога ще бъде въведен в която и да е зала на славата, никой не може да се наслаждава на това повече от мен. Обичам бокса с всяка унция от тялото си. Жена ми и семейството ми ме връщат обратно към бокса. Това е най-голямата чест. Не мога да се наситя на бокса. Наистина съм най-щастливият човек, поставен някога на тази планета.”
(L-R) – Ед Брофи, Don Majeski, Джак Хирш и Джо ДеГуардия
Изпълнителният директор на NYSAC Дейв Берлин и Харолд Ледерман
(L-R) – Joe DeGuardia и NYSBHOF / Ring 8 президент Боб Duffy
Клас 2012: Кармен Базилио, Майк Маккалъм, Майк Тайсън, Джейк LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Карлос Ортис, Vito Antuofermo, Емил Грифит, “Захар” Рей Робинсън, Джийн Тъни, Benny Leonard, Тони Canzoneri, Харолд Ледерман, Стив Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Флайшър, Бил Gallo и Arthur Mercante, Sr.
Клас 2013: Джак Демпси, Джони Dundee, Sandy Сарач, Макси Розенблум, Joey Archer, Иран Barkley, Mark Breland, Боби Cassidy, Дъг Джоунс, Junior Jones, James “Приятелю” McGirt, Eddie Мустафа Мохамед, Bob Arum, Шели Finkel, Тони Graziano, Лари Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Рикард и Дон Дънфи.
КЛАС НА 2014: Флойд Патерсън, Трейси Harris Патерсън, Били Бакъс, Кевин Кели, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Куни, Мустафа Hamsho, Хауърд Дейвис, Jr., Lou Ambers, Джак Бритън, Тери Макгавърн, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Стив Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Просперо, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Амато, Уилям Muldoon и Tom О'Рурк.
КЛАС НА 2015: Саул Mamby, Joey Giambra, Джони Persol, Харолд Weston, Лони Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Били Греъм, Frankie Хенаро, Боб Милър, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Слатъри, Боб Duffy, Майк Кац, Tommy Gallagher, Брус Silverglade, Чарли Goldman, Джими Джонстън, Cedric Кушнер, Хари Markson, Деймън Runyon и Al Weill.

Badou Jack vs. Lucian Bute Press Conference Quotes & Снимки

Jack vs. Бют & James DeGale срещу. Rogelio Medina Doubleheader of World Title Fights Live on SHOWTIME® На Събота, Април 30
From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.
Кликнете ТУК За Снимки От
Стефани Trapp / Мейуедър Промоции
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Април 4, 2016) – WBC Super в средна World Champion Badou Jack и бивш световен шампион Lucian Бют hosted a media roundtable в петък night to discuss their championship showdown taking place Събота, Април 30 от DC Armory в Вашингтон, D.C. и живеят на SHOWTIME.
ШОУТОРСКИТЕ ШЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® телевизията започва в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT with IBF Super Middleweight World Champion James DeGale defending his title against top contender and Mexican brawler Rogelio medina.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, са с цени $200, $100, $50 и $25, и са в продажба сега. За да закупите билети посещение www.ticketmaster.com, места TicketMaster, или обаждане (800) 745-3000.
The fighters were joined by Mayweather PromotionsФлойд Мейуедър и Leonard Ellerbe, Interbox’s Pierre Duc and SHOWTIME’s Стивън Еспиноза as they spoke to the media about the exciting doubleheader taking place in the nation’s capital.
Ето какво участниците трябваше да се каже, Петък:
JACK Badou
I’ll be ready for this fight. Bute is a very tough opponent. I have to bring my ‘Agame to win. Much respect to him, but he’s not leaving with my belt. Absolutely not. You can expect a very tough fight.
Bute is a much, much tougher opponent that Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., но съм готова за него.
Bute’s fight against DeGale was one of the best fights last year. That’s the only reason he got this shot. He lost, but he looked good. Беше голяма борба. Април 30 will be another great fight. And another loss for Bute.
Lucian BUTE
This is a great opportunity for me to fight again for a title. Чувствам се добре, I started camp six weeks ago. Най-важното, I’m very healthy. Психологически, I’m looking forward to becoming a world champion on Април 30.
I respect Badou Jack. He is a great champion, голям боец, но на Април 30, I will become a world champion again. I’m looking forward to it.
I will be the new champion. I am very confident. Очаквам той да бъде един много труден двубой, but I am coming here to win.
I have a new team. They are changing some things in my work. My confidence is 100 на сто. I’m working every day very tough and I am confident that everything will be great for Април 30.”
FLOYD Мейуедър, Председател на Мейуедър Промоции
This fight is about the best facing the best. I’ve seen Bute fight numerous times and he’s a very exciting and explosive fighter. Every time he goes out there and performs he gives 100 на сто.
Mayweather Promotions is about giving people the best and most exciting fights.
I commend Badou Jack for the way that he carries himself. He is a true gentlemen and that is what this sport is all about. He’s going to continue to make a name for himself in this sport.
PIERRE DUC, VP of Interbox
We’re very thrilled about this fight. For those of you who have not been exposed to Lucian Bute before, Той е страхотен боец. He’s been working extremely hard over the course of the last 6-12 months getting ready for a moment like this.
Bute has a very long history of fighting great fights and championship wars. Lucian will be ready for this.
Training camp is going astonishingly well. Lucian is usually more of a gentleman, so he will say he wants to do the best that he can, but I’m telling you that Lucian is going to be walking away with this belt. It’s going to be a fantastic and very exciting evening. Lucian will pull the upset on Април 30.”
СТИВЪН Еспиноза, Executive VP & Генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт
The one comment I will make about this event, other than to point out it features four of the best fighters in the division, is that it was quite possibly the easiest event to make out of all the events we made this spring and summer. That’s a credit to the promoters and especially a credit to all four fighters.
We didn’t just make two fights here. We’ve got the winners of these fights fighting later in the year in a unification match. To be able to make two fights very quickly and to get everyone on board with fighting the winners in a unification match with no mess, no politics, no arguments and no hesitation is an accomplishment.
These are four real fighters here and they were not afraid of a challenge, they didn’t hesitate at all. This is what the sport of boxing is all about. I personally can’t wait for April 30th and for a unification later in the year.
# # #
За повече информация посетете www.mayweatherpromotions.comи www.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports ИSwanson_Comm или станете фен на Facebook вwww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions и www.facebook.com/SHOsports.


ТОКИО - Април 4, 2016- Re'zin FF, популяризирането на бойните спортове, водена от бившия ръководител PRIDE FC Nobuyuki Sakakibara, обяви днес, че легендарните смесени бойни изкуства (MMA) пионер и бивш открояващ се в професионалната борба Кийоши Тамура (32-13-3), ще обедини сили с колега украсена икона Wanderlei Silva(35-12-1, 1 NC) в специалния мач на екип за граплинг, който ще заглави дългоочакваното, звездна феерия в Нагоя, Япония, на Неделя, Април 17.

Тамура и Силва ще се борят с друг велик за всички времена Kazushi Sakuraba, (26-17-1, 2 NC) и Хидео Tokoro (33-28-2) в уникалното, единствен по рода си двубой.

Аферата бележи първия път от декември насам 31, 2008 че 5-фута-11, 46-годишната Тамура, признат за своите умения за бърза борба с елитно ниво, течни движения, ще види действие в битка.

В последния си старт по ММА правила на K-1 - Dynamite!! Мега-картичка за новогодишната нощ в Сайтама, Япония, Tamura спечели третата си поредна победа, единодушно решение за Сакураба.

Докато се състезава за подобни на PRIDE, К-1, Пръстени, DREAM и UWF International, Tamura съставя обширна автобиография на завоевания, включително тези над евентуалните шампиони на UFC Pat Miletich, Морис Смит и Дейв Мен, както и суперзвезди Renzo Gracie и Джеръми Хорн.

Tamura беше поддържан от известни треньори по борба Били Робинсън,Nobuhiko Такада и Акира Маеда, за да се превърне в сила в средната категория на спорта. В последния си двубой преди пенсиониране, Tamura постигна победа над колегата хибридна ММА звезда и професионален борец Josh Barnett, ноември 23, 2005.

На цена от 100,000 йена, билети за „Top Presents RIZIN Fighting Federation I“ са в продажба и могат да бъдат закупени онлайн на Ticketbis.com.

В друго действие на бойна карта, обсипана със звезди, 13-борба с UFC ветеран и екшън боец Дарън Cruickshank (16-8, 1 NC) ще се сблъска с експерт по подаванеШинджи "Торао Supernova" Сасаки (16-8-3) в лека категория (155 паунда) двубоят.

При двубой с отворено тегло при жените, украсена бразилско жиу-житцу световен шампион и ММА в тежка категория перспектива на жените Gabi Garcia (1-0) ще се сблъскат с двукратен Панкратион шампион Анна Malyukova (1-0).

Удрящи нокаут артисти Крис "Huggy Bear" Барнет (14-2) и Кирил Sidelnikov (8-4) ще отиде на война в битка в тежка категория.

Последно рицин FF Grand Prix турнир полуфиналист Теодор Tall (8-3) ще квадрат на разстояние с бившия K-1 шампион Jaideep "Сърце" седмица (2-1 MMA; 40-10, 13 Кикбокс нокаута) в 216- паунд catchweight битка.

Самбо световен шампион Вадим Nemkov (5-1) ще поеме непобеден, агресивно настроени нападател и отгоре Nordic перспектива "King" Карл Albrektsson (4-0) в полутежката категория (205 паунда) наклон.

В правилата на 180-килограмова ММА catchweight конкурс, опустошително мощност перфораторHisaki Kato (5-2) ще поеме колега финишер ЮТА "Други" Watanabe (19-6-4).

Връщайки се към действие за първи път през последните пет години, любим тежка категория Казуюки "Ol 'Ironhead" Фуджита (15-10), ще се изправи срещу неотдавнашното RIZIN FF Grand Prix турнир подгласник и опасно нокаут художник Георги "Денис" Procházka (16-3-1).

В Flyweight (125 паунда) действие, подаване асо Алън "Grim" раждане (14-3) ще се заключи рога с нажежено шампион Юки Motoya (15-4, 1 NC).

Шампион по борба за аматьори при жените Канако Мурата (0-0) ще я направи дългоочаквана, професионални смесени бойни изкуства (MMA) дебют срещу изгряваща звездаНаталия Денисова (2-1) в 116-килограмова афера.

Следвайте Re'zin FF:

Уебсайт – HTTP://www.rizinff.com/en/
Facebook – HTTPS://www.facebook.com/rizinfightingfederation /
Кикотене – HTTPS://twitter.com/rizin_PR

Patrick “The Punisher” Hyland Fighting For Irish Boxing History

Russell-Hyland, Pedraza-Smith Twin World Title Fights
Събота, Април 16 Живеят на SHOWTIME®
Машантукет, Кон. (Април 4, 2016) – Always tough Patrick “Punisher” Hyland (31-1, 15 Нокаута) will be fighting for Irish boxing history Събота, Април 16 as he challenges WBC Featherweight World Champion Гари Ръсел Jr. (26-1, 15 Нокаута) в главното събитие на 12-кръг, airing live on SHOWTIME от Foxwoods Resort Casino в Машантукет, CT.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® telecast kicks off at 11 p.m. И/8 p.m. PT with undefeated IBF Super Lightweight World Champion Jose “Sniper” Педраса (21-0, 12 Нокаута), на CIDRA, Puerto Rico, defending against mandatory challenger Stephen “Swifty” Ковач (23-1, 13 Нокаута), fighting out of the United Kingdom.
Hyland is on the verge of joining a pair of exclusive Irish boxing clubs. The 32-year-old from Dublin is attempting to become the first Irishman to be world featherweight champion in 30 години, since Hall-of-Famer Barry “The Clones Cyclone” McGuigan, in addition to being only the second IrishmanWayneThe Pocket RocketMcCullough stands alone right nowto ever wear the coveted green WBC world title belt.
McGuigan (32-3, 28 Нокаута), fighting out of Clones, captured the WBA Featherweight Title in 1985, taking a 12-round decision from Eusebio Pedroza, and he successfully defended his crown twice against Bernard Taylor и Danilio Cabrera before losing by decision to Steve Cruz в 1986.
The only other Ireland-born world featherweight titlist was Dave Sullivan (27-12-7, 18 Нокаута), who was born in Knocknanaff, County Cork, Ирландия, but fought professionally out of Boston, Маса. В 1898, Sullivan stopped Solly Smith in the fifth round to become world featherweight champion.
Белфаст, Northern Ireland-product McCullough (27-7, 18 Нокаута), who was the WBC Bantamweight Champion in 1995-97, is the lone Irishman to ever be WBC World Champion in any weight class.
Just to be fighting for this title is an honor for me and to challenge a great champion in Gary Russell, Jr. is also an honor,” Hyland said from his training camp at Celtic Warrior Gym in Dublin. “To join great Irish boxing names is a dream come true for me. It will also mean the world to me to win this belt for my and family and, Най-важното, for my (късно) dad, for all the hard work he put into me and my two brothers since I was eight years old. To look up and say, ‘Dad, we did it,’ will be the best feeling in the world.
Hyland has fought 10 times in the United States, including a 12-round loss to interim WBA featherweight champion Javier Fortuna in 2012. Hyland lived in Marlboro, New York for a few years when he was promoted by a company headed by then reality television star NicoleSnookiPolizzi.
I love fighting in the United States,” Hyland added. “There’s always a great atmosphere at fights there and the US is the real home of boxing. Snooki Boxing didn’t work out as planned, but they did a great job getting me the WBA title shot which was a great achievement in their first year in boxing. За съжаление, things didn’t work out after that fight, but I do have great respect for them. I met friends for life from Marlboro who I consider family and they’ll be at my fight as always.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, са с цени $150, $90 и $45, Не включително приложими такси и данъци за услуги и са в продажба сега. Билетите са на разположение в www.ticketmaster.com и www.foxwoods.com или като посетите Foxwoods’ Класация. За зареждане на телефон, обадете Ticketmaster в (800) 745-3000. The Pedraza vs. Smith bout is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.
За повече информация, посещение www.SHO.com/Sports, последват в TwitterSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, и www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Бийте Доклад: Churcher KOs Horvath To Secure WBF title as Herbert Shines In Wales

Lee Churcher pulled out a sensational against the odds victory over Hungarian Balazs Horvath в събота night to secure the World Boxing Foundation Intercontinental Middleweight title, at the Pill Millennium Centre in his hometown of Newport.


Churcher, who was World ranked some two hundred plus places lower than Horvath, dominated the bout right from the off. Working behind a good solid jab, the Newport lad enthralled the local fans with some slick combinations, to both body and head, so much so that the more experienced Hungarian soon had to result to holding tactics whenever Churcher was in close range.


The canny Welshman was having none of it though and just patiently waited for any opportunity that came his way to punish Horvath with vicious body shots.


By midway through the first round Churcher’s confidence really began to grow, after badly shaking Horvath with the aforementioned body shots, so it came as no surprise to anyone when shortly after Churcher sent Horvath to the deck.


Horvath recovered but once again resorted to holding tactics to frustrate Churcher through to the end of the round.


More of the same in round two more or less, except Churcher really started to get into a flow, catching Horvath with more vicious body shots, the Hungarian tried to cover up, before again trying to grab hold of the Welshman, Churcher is canny though and worked behind the jab again before letting rip with yet another huge right hand to send Horvath down for the second time.


The Hungarian made the count and immediately on the restart Churcher went back on the attack, but the Hungarian tried to stifle the Welshman’s attacks by attempting to grab hold again, Churcher though used this to his advantage and let rip with a huge body shot to send the Hungarian back down to the canvas.


Clearly in distress, Horvath made an initial attempt to get back to his feet before settling to be just up on one knee, the pain showing on the Hungarian’s face clear for all to see as he attempted to unsuccessfully beat the count.


Whilst it may not have been a classic, нищо, but nothing can take away from Lee Churcher the artistry of his craft and tactics throughout and of course claiming the third Championship accolade of his career, the World Boxing Foundation Intercontinental Middleweight Championship, to add to his British Masters and BBBofC Welsh Area Title.


Main support for the Churcher-Horvath Championship bout, featured a four round Super Welterweight bout between Nottingham duo Carwyn Herbert and Matt Scriven.


Какъв крекинг бой, both combatants going at it hammer and tongs in close combat for the full three minutes of each and every round.


After the full four rounds of non-stop action referee Chris Kelly scored the bout 40-36 to the youngster Carwyn Herbert, however that doesn’t really express the closeness of each round or the full on intent of either competitor throughout.


Supporting the two pro bouts were six Wales versus England exhibition bouts, supervision courtesy of Wales Boxing. Whilst I’m not going to cover these because they were not pro, have to say the final two bouts of the six were excellent and really could have featured on any pro card and nobody would have known the difference.


Have to say plaudits must go to co-promoters Dave Murphy (Acourtier Events) and Steven Fisher (Lights Out Promotions) for digging deep into their pockets to bring both the MBC and the WBF Championship to Wales for the first time, even if it meant there wasn’t enough money in the kitty to justify a full pro show, hopefully the Welsh fans will get behind Lee Churcher so his first defense of the WBF title can also be in Newport or nearby.


Aguirre shocks Tareh; “Lil Pacquiao”, Alvarez, Guillen and Woodall score knockouts in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, FL (Април 3, 2016) – Jacksonville, FL’s Juan Aguirre spoiled what was expected to be a homecoming for popular junior middleweight Ali Tareh Saturday, Април 1 at the Bayfront Hilton in his hometown of St. Petersburg, FL.
Хедлайнер Mad Integrity Борба Sports’ “Bombs Away 5” the main event boxers entered the ring for their eight round junior middleweight fight to a standing room only crowd, which packed the venue prior to the start of the first fight. A big ticket seller who had a large group of supporters on hand, Tareh took his time in the early going. Агире, a pressure fighter, looked to close the gap and connect with a hard shot upstairs. With seconds remaining in the opening stanza, Aguirre saw an opening and unleashed a devastating left left hook that knocked Tareh out cold at2:59.
Aguirre is now 7-17-1 с 1 нокаут. Tareh, who received a standing ovation upon returning to his feet, slides to 13-12-5 с 6 победи с нокаут.
The six round co-featured bout marked the return of highly touted featherweight Jose “Lil Pacquiao” Resendez of Bradenton, FL. Coming off a year and a half layoff, Resendez met once-beaten Raul Chirino of Miami. A spitting image of a right handed Manny Pacquiao physically and stylistically, Resendez went to work from the opening bell. Resendez dominated the action with blazing fast combinations to the body and head before dropping Chirino towards the end of the first.
Resendez went back to work in the second and hurt his foe again but the game Chirino hung in tough and landed some counter shots against the ultra-aggressive Resendez. Smelling the blood from the damaged he’d done in the prior two rounds, Resendez continued to aggressively attack Chirino with hard combinations. Resendez was credited with his second knockdown of the evening when the referee ruled the ropes kept Chirino up. Dazed from taking many clean punches, he was in no position to continue and the bout was stopped at 2:03 на трето място.
Resendez, who was mobbed by picture snapping fans after the win, подобрява се 5-0 с 2 Нокаута. Chirino is now 7-2 с 3 Нокаута.
Welterweight Armando “The Gentleman” Alvarez of Miami scored a one punch knockout over Tampa’s Lee “Holliwood” Dawson in the second of their eight round bout. After dominating the first round by throwing a plethora of punches against the defensive minded Dawson, Alvarez dropped him with a hard right hand for the ten count at 1:24 на втори кръг.
Alvarez ups his professional ledger to 9-0 с 5 knockouts while Dawson’s record slips to 2-2-4.
In what was without a doubt the fight of the night on an evening full of action, junior lightweight Michael “Choko Guillen scored a dramatic last minute stoppage of Rafael “Junito” Rivera. Guillen immediately came at Rivera winging aggressive shots to the body and head. Rivera, who recognized his opponent left himself open during the relentless attack, scored a flash knockdown with a counter left hook. невъзпрян, Guillen continued to swarm Rivera at a frenetic pace in the second and third while the latter found success tagging his wide open opponent with crisp counter shots.
With the crowd on their feet in the fourth and final round, Guillen cornered Rivera and dropped him with a hard shot to the body. Rivera immediately vomited and was counted out at 2:29.
Гийен, of Edgewater, FL, сега 2-0 с 1 нокаут. Tampa’s Rivera is 1-2 (1 KO).
Highly touted Cuban junior welterweight Yordan Frometa went the distance for just the second time as a pro against awkward Farkhad “Crazy Russian” Sharipov. Frometa, who now calls Miami home, was the busier fighter and showed power in both hands. Sharipov however forced him to work from bell to bell by punching from different angles while regularly switching between orthodox and southpaw.
Десетки бяха 59-55 и 60-54 два пъти. Frometa’s record is now 8-0 (6 Нокаута). Sharipov, of Kissimmee, FL by way of Kyrgyzstan, е 4-8 с 1 нокаут.
Middleweight prospect Steed “The Stallion” Woodall of Houston, TX by way of Birmingham, UK broke down Bradenton, FL based Bolivian Juan Raya en route to a third round TKO. With world renowned Ronnie Shields in his corner Woodall thoroughly dominated with hard shots to the body and head until Raya’s corner threw in the towel at 2:40 на трето място.
Woodall improves to 10-1-1 с 7 Нокаута. Raya slides to 2-5 с 1 нокаут.
"This was an incredible card from end to end,"Каза Джоуи Orduña на Mad Integrity Бойни спортове. “The fans definitely got their monies worth and I owe a special thanks to everybody involved with the event. Fights like these are what the sport is all about and if we continue to give the fans entertainment, the interest in the sport will only grow.”
For updates on Mad Integrity Fight Sports, please visit Facebook.com/MadIntegrityFightSports
Other results:
Heavyweights: Jose Medina (2-0 Winter Haven, FL) UD4 Todd Bradley (0-2 Brandon, FL) 40-36 3X
Super Middleweights: Arnold Hill (6-10 4 KO’s St. Petersburg, FL) MD4 Rashad Jones (4-7-2 2 KO’s Selma, AL) 38-38 и 39-37 2х


Кликнете ТУК За снимки
Кредит: Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
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Кредит: Стефани Trapp / Мейуедър Промоции
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WASHINGTON, D.C. (Април 2, 2016) – Четири разделение световен шампион Ейдриън “Проблемът” Broner didn’t have much of a problem beating and stopping Ashley “Съкровището” Theophane at 1:10 в деветия кръг в главното събитие на тазвечершния Премиер боксови Champions (PBC) на Spike event in front of a sold out crowd of 8,172 при the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.
На 26-годишна възраст, Broner, who lost his 140-pound world title on the scale when he failed to make the bout’s weight limit, подобрена си рекорд за 32-2, 24 Нокаута. The controversial fighter from Cincinnati, Ohio, displayed his strength and range of skills against a seasoned Theophane, whose record dropped to 39-7-1, 11 Нокаута.
Тази вечер на show was promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with HeadBangers Promotions.Mayweather Promotions President Floyd “Пари” Mayweather sat ringside throughout the evening to pay particular attention to the performances of Mayweather Promotions fighters including Theophane, Gervonta Davis and J’Leon Love, who fought on the undercard.
Broner came out in the early rounds showing his speed and versatility, only to be stymied by a game Theophane who showed his own array of boxing skills. Before long, Broner’s ring prowess proved to be too much for Theophane, as he landed power shots at will and began dominating. As Broner wore his opponent down it became easier for him to overpower Theophane and finally stop him in the ninth round.
When people fight me, they come with their ‘A’ игра, and he came with his ‘A’ игра. But even his ‘Agame wasn’t enough тази вечер.
As you know, I’ve been going through a lot and for me to come in here and bottle everything up and do what I did, I want to give myself a pat on the back.
Theophane was disappointed and didn’t agree with the stoppage.
I thought the stoppage was premature because I thought I was in the fight. Me and Broner were going at it. It looked like he was starting to get tired because he started to move around and wasn’t able to stay there with me as much.
I thought the fight was back and forth and I think the next four rounds would have been the same. No way should the fight have gotten stopped. It’s a shame the referee did that. I was telling the referee, ‘I’m okay, I’m okay.Then he waived it off. I don’t know what he was thinking.
Broner and Mayweather, who promotes Theophane, have been engaged in a war of words throughout the promotion. Broner challenged the 11-time world champion immediately following his victory.
I’m a man, но в края на деня, somebody that I look up to, someone that I admire took the chance to do an interview and talk bad about me. I’m a manFloyd has got to see me.
I come from nothing. I’m talking about water and Cornflakes. And I would never let a man disrespect me like that. So you gotta see me. I don’t care if we’re sparring or if we’re fighting, let’s get it on.
Mayweather did not address the comments.
In the co-feature bout of the night, неизследван Robert Великден Jr. (17-0, 14 KO) showed why he’s a rising star with a devastating KO at 2:43 в 5тата round over former world champion Mendez algenis (23-4-1, 12 Нокаута) in a lightweight fight that finished with the crowd on their feet. Великден, who took a big step up in competition facing Mendez, showed the patience of a season veteran in the early rounds against Mendez who represented the Dominican Republic in the 2004 Olympics and now fights out of Brooklyn.
It didn’t take Easter long to get comfortable and pick up his pace in the third and fourth rounds, with an array of body shots and uppercuts, that found their mark against the game Mendez. Easter closed the show when he knocked down Mendez with a devastating one punch knock-out via a stiff right hand. Mendez got up from the knocked down but was unable to continue, forcing the referee to stop the contest.
My performance was okay. I could have done better, но аз съм щастлив. I got touched more than I expected. Once I settled down, I knew I was going to catch him. I had to stay patient.
Two boxers makes for a boring fight. I wanted to go in there and brawl, but be smart. I knew when I stepped on the gas I would put him to bed and that’s what I did. He was definitely the toughest opponent I have faced in a shorter fight. He is a former champ and he came in ready.
This was a huge opportunity for me and I’m just happy I got the knockout. For what it’s worth, Чувствам се добре…at least physically I do. I’m pretty disappointed because of the way things turned out, but boxing is a difficult sport.
I don’t have any excuses. I’m glad that I feel fine physically, that’s the most important thing right now. Robert Easter is a good fighter, he did really well and I wish him the best in his career.
В тазвечершния PBC on Spike opener, топ перспектива Gervonta “Единственият” Davis (15-0, 14 Нокаута) thrilled the crowd with a TKO at :29 of the sixth round over Mexico’s Guillermo Avila (15-6, 12 Нокаута) in a 10-round super featherweight bout that showcased the young Davisversatility. Davis, who pressed the action throughout the fight while the combatants engaged in many competitive exchanges, showed off his emerging talent as a multi-dimensional young pugilist.
The fight’s action picked up in the fourth when one of Davis’s punches caused a cut underneath Avila’s left eye. Davis continued his assault in the fifth when he landed a straight left hand to send Avila to the canvas. In the sixth and final round Davis came out of his corner and immediately jumped on his opponent causing the referee to halt the action.
I knew he was a strong opponent. He kept bouncing back and I actually thought he was going to get up at the end too. He is very experienced and I thank him for taking the fight. He brought out the best in me.
There is always room to get better and better, but this is another step toward my dream. I’m happy with my performance and it is even more special to have done it where I made my pro debut, so close to home.
I’m happy I could get this victory for my team, Floyd Mayweather and everyone that supports me.
We prepared really well and think we did well,” said AvilaThe cut came from a head-butt which complicated the situation for me as it didn’t let me see properly from that point forward. But it is what it is -he won. той е добър, and he hits hard.
I appreciate everyone who was supporting me and my team. This is not the end of my career. I’m young and this is the type of sport where you just have to bounce back. We’re going to move on with our head up. There’s no other choice.
Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions и
www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Акценти на разположение за вграждане в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на Спайк е спонсориран от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Del Valle to meet Crespo April 9!


Bayamon, PR (Април 1, 2016) – Super bantamweight contender Luis “Orlandito” Del Valle returns to the ring on Събота, Април 9 to face New England titlist Josh Crespo in an eight round bout at Rockingham Park in Salem, NH.

Билети от $35 are on sale by calling 860-982-2532 или 603-898-2311.

A blood and guts warrior who gives fans their monies worth every time he enters the squared circle, Del Valle has an outstanding 20-2 Запис с 15 победи с нокаут. През ноември 2015, the Bayamon native stopped 50-plus fight veteran Jose Juan Beltran after two rounds in Comerio, Puerto Rico. Currently signed to an exclusive promotional contract with Jay-Z’s Roc Nation Sports, Del Valle has his sights set on another big fight but first must conquer the task at hand.

Born and raised in New Haven, CT, Crespo is riding a wave of confidence having defeated Jorge Abiague (9-1) for the New England super bantamweight championship last November. Crespo’s professional ledger is a deceptive 6-2-3 с 2 KO’s but he’s unbeaten in his last five, facing two undefeated fighters in the process.

If victorious, Del Valle is expected to appear in a televised bout in the immediate future. While some potentially view this fight as a given for Del Valle prior to bigger and better things, the 29-year-old knows that records don’t tell the whole story and Crespo’s hunger can’t be overlooked.

“I’ve got big plans but that all goes out the window if I don’t do what I have to against Crespo,” Del Valle said from his training camp in Puerto Rico. “Anybody who really knows boxing understands that a record doesn’t determine how good a fighter is. I’ve seen Crespo before. He’s tough and willing to take on anybody which is evident by the fact that he’s facing me rather than a lesser opponent. I’m training like I’m the underdog since this fight is close to his hometown and I’ve got a lot on the line.”

Fans can interact with Del Valle on Twitter @Orlanditoboxing or via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Orlandito-Del-Valle-111406195543360


LAS VEGAS (Април 1, 2016) - След историческото преминаване на смесените бойни изкуства от миналата седмица (MMA) законодателство от Нюйоркското държавно събрание, World Series на Fighting (WSOF.com) today re-enforced its commitment to bringing its prestigious brand of league competition to the Empire State with an announcement that it has signed a letter of intent to acquire the New York City-based MMA World Expo, and that, pending New York State Athletic Commission approval, it plans to stage a series of bouts at the seventh annual affair at Manhattan’s Jacob Javits Center in December.

“This is a very exciting and momentous time for our great sport, so we could not be more thrilled to take significant steps towards becoming owners of the MMA World Expo, which has been consistently delivering an incredible fan experience for the last six years and which will make for a great home for live World Series of Fighting action at a landmark location in Manhattan,"Каза World Series на Fighting CEO Carlos Silva.

The announcement comes three months after World Series of Fighting opened the doors to a satellite office in midtown Manhattan.

Two weeks ago, the company announced the appointment of Майкъл Мерш to the dual role of Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel. While serving as Assistant General Counsel for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Mersch was one of the key figures involved in the effort to legalize MMA in New York State.

От стартирането си през 2009, The MMA World Expo has hosted dozens of MMA celebrity guests, включително и Ранди „Естествената“ мода, Anderson Silva,Matt Hughes, Fabricio Werdum и Matt Serra.

The annual convention is also the site of an array of martial arts seminars instructed by legendary trainers, as well as competitions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai and catch wrestling, and brings together industry pioneers, vendors, атлети, trainers and fans.

World Series of Fighting will announce additional details about its MMA World Expo acquisition plans, including its intent to promote live bouts at the event this year.

На живо World Series на Fighting действие се връща към NBCSN на Събота, Април 2 при 11:30 p.m. И/8:30 p.m. PT with WSOF30: Branch срещу. Starks that will be headlined by a middleweight (185 паунда) championship showdown between defending kingpin David Branch (17-3) и голям съперник Clifford Starks (13-2).

За World Series на Fighting (WSOF)
“World Series на Fighting” (WSOF) е световен водещите професионални Смесени бойни изкуства (MMA) бори промоция посветена на предоставянето на най-добрите екшън битки за борба фенове чрез представяне на най-добрите възможни двубои между елитните бойци от цял ​​свят. За повече информация, моля посетете WSOF.com и следвайте “World Series на Fighting” на Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF и World Series на Fighting са регистрирани търговски марки на MMAWC, LLC.