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Photo c/o of Timothy Hernandez
Upland, Kaliforniya (Aprel 22, 2016)Nearly three months after an exciting victory in the inaugural Premier Boxing Champions on Fox series, Dominic “Tashvish” BREAZEALE (17-0, 15 KO) finds himself sitting on the cusp of a shot at the world title against newly crowned IBF world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua (16-0, 16 KO). What has transpired for Breazeale in the last four months, has been nothing short of the irony in how he has reached this point to possibly fight Joshua; is his fate as he sees it.

Back in December of 2015, Breazeale was scheduled to fight Charles Martin in a battle of undefeated American heavyweights. Martin then withdrew from the bout to preserve a title shot against Vyacheslav Glazkov in which he later won. Breazeale went on to fight heavyweight veteran Amir Mansour a month later and after courageously getting up from the canvas, stopped Mansour on his stool prior to the 6th round.
“Bilasiz, the incident with Martin was really disappointing as we had trained hard for that bout. To show up fight week physically and mentally prepared for the bout and then it’s all of a sudden called off, is just discouraging. But I trusted in my adviser Al Haymon and he put something together for me quickly.
Later the Mansour bout was scheduled and it was a tough fight, but I learned a lot from it. During and after the fight, I realized that I had to use basic fundamentals. He caught me with a good shot but I got off the canvas and started to box him. Only the best of best heavyweights get off the canvas and finish the fight the way I did. Mansour was never stopped before and I clearly showed I have the power needed to stop fighters, and after I broke his jaw, I don’t think he’s ever going to want to fight again,” Said Breazeale.
BREAZEALE, was then scheduled to fight Chris Arreola on April 30th and received disappointing news that Arreola had fractured his ankle and could no longer move forward with the bout. “When I first heard about it, I thought to myself not again, and I was upset that another fight was cancelled, but it was a blessing in disguise,” Breazeale dedi.
Two weeks later, Anthony Joshua would obliterate Charles Martin and claim the IBF world heavyweight title. “Charles Martin got what he deserved and was totally outclassed by Anthony Joshua. Joshua did what he had to do. Martin wasn’t even developed or prepared for the bout. He was soft and slow and you can’t do that in the heavyweight division,” Said Breazeale.
BREAZEALE, who is now ranked #13 IBF tomonidan, is being considered to fight Joshua in his first title defense, and he hopes that he gets a shot at the world heavyweight title and is chosen for the bout. “When I first heard that I was possibly going to fight Joshua for the title I was extremely excited. I have been thinking about this daily. This is an opportunity that every fighter dreams and hopes of. I’m sure Joshua felt the same way when he first found out he was going to fight Martin for the title. The only difference is that I am not going to lay down like Charles did and hand the belt over.
Hey Anthony Joshua! LET’S DO THIS! This a great fight for the heavyweight division and the fans. We are both 2012 Olimpiyachilarimiz, Mag'lubiyatsiz, and pack a punch. The United States of America versus Great Britain. I want to go back to London and finish what I didn’t in 2012. Instead of the gold medal, I want the IBF title, and I guarantee you I’m bringing it back to the United States where it belongs!,” Said Breazeale.
“Bu yerda Trouble keladi




Complete Weigh-In Photos Here


Uncasville, Conn. (Aprel 21, 2016) – Following weigh-ins for "Bellator 153: Koreshkov kabilar. Henderson " Qatnashuvchilar Payshanba kuni, all fights are set to take place inside the cage at the Mohegan Sun Arena ertaga boshoq ustida.

Headlined by a welterweight world title bout between Andrey «Spartak» Koreshkov (18-1) va Benson “Smooth” Henderson (23-5), the main card is primed to entertain. The card is loaded with young talent, including 28-year-old welterweight star Maykl "Venom" Page (9-0), who will put his unblemished record on the line against Jeremie qoshidagi (7-1).

Bunga qo'chimcha, "Bellator 153: Merilend va boshqalar. Koreshkov” also features Brennan Ward (13-3) going to battle against “Cyborg” Santos (20-16), Patricio “Pitbull” Friere (24-3) ga qarshi Henry Corrales (12-2) va Brent Primus (6-0) meeting “Toninho Furia” (27-5).

"Bellator 153: Koreshkov kabilar. Henderson " takes place at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn., and airs live and free on Spike at 8 p.m. VA/7 p.m. CT, Dastlabki xuruji jonli xar esa and The Bellator Mobile App. Bunga qo'chimcha, stay tuned immediately following the event, the debut of Bellator Kickboxing: Torinoda bo'lib o'tadi 11:00 p.m. VA/PT.

Tadbir chiptalar faqat boshlanadi $30 and remain on sale now at, va Mohegan Sun Box Office.


Lewiston, Meyn (Aprel 21, 2016) – Bryce Bamford (1-0) and Nick Gulliver (2-0) share a bond that was built by spilling blood and sweat together in Brazilian Jit Jitsu gyms across Maine and New England. When they enter the NEF cage together shanba kuni night in Lewiston at “NEF 22: BARCHA yo'l olib kelishi,” it will be the culmination of a combat sports friendship that goes back almost a decade.


“Let’s just call him ‘The Hulk,’ since he is a machine on the ground and strong as an ox,” Gulliver, a police officer by trade, joked when asked about his gym partner and confidant, Bamford. “’The Hulk’ and I have been training together for a long time… He is a one of a kind training partner. If I look at him and say that I need help with something, he will help me in any way that he can. He has everything you want in a training partner and a friend. He is a great guy and I’m so happy I can train with someone like Bryce.”


Bamford and Gulliver first met several years ago at Fitness Styles, originally located in Livermore Falls, Meyn. “It was more just ‘go and punch each other’ and it was a little wild,” Gulliver recalled. Soon after, Bamford moved his training over to The Foundry in Farmington, Maine where he began focusing on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) in earnest. Before long, Bamford recruited Gulliver to join him at The Foundry where the two have remained loyal training partners. “Best thing I could have done,’ Gulliver stated. “I’ve been training with Bryce ever since.”


O'tkan yili, Gulliver, who currently holds the rank of purple belt in BJJ, began cross-training at John Raio’s First Class MMA in Topsham and returned the favor to Bamford by pulling him over to Raio’s gym where the two began supplementing their BJJ studies with rigorous mixed martial arts (MMA) ta'lim. Immediately finding that the sport was a fit for both of them, Gulliver was the first to test his MMA skills in the NEF cage. He made his debut last June at “NEF 18: MADE IN AMERICA” and finished Ora Spratt (0-2) birinchi turda taqdim orqali.


“One of the most memorable moments that I have of Bryce was after my first MMA fight,” Gulliver recalled. “Bryce came down to speak with me and he congratulated me on my first win. I looked at him and thanked him for all the help that he has given me over the past few years. Then I said to him: ‘Now it’s your turn.’ He looked at me and shook his head. I could tell he was hooked at that moment. But he said, ‘My mom came and watched you and loved it, but I don’t think she can handle watching me fight.’ I laughed because I knew that it wouldn’t be long before he would be in the cage fighting next to me.”


Gulliver was right.


Bamford, 40, a dedicated father and family man, runs a slasher at Palletone in Livermore Falls during his day job. The soft spoken, yet charismatic heavyweight currently holds the rank of Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. As complimentary as Gulliver is of him, Bamford equally values Gulliver’s work ethic and the deep bond that the two share. “When Nick sets a goal, he doesn’t stop until he gets there,” Bamford stated. “He is relentless.”


After witnessing Gulliver’s stellar debut in the NEF hexagon, Bamford felt the itch to follow his friend’s lead and challenge himself in the ultimate proving ground. “I blame Nick for the fact that I am stepping into the cage and not sitting up in the stands drinking cold beer with everyone else,” laughed Bamford.


Bamford made his NEF debut in November 2015 at “NEF XX: A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE.” He needed only 19 seconds to stop his opponent that night.


“Bryce is 40 eski yil, but that number means nothing—just ask anyone who has grabbed ahold of him,” Gulliver stated. “If he would have got involved in this sport 20 yil avval, no one would have touched him if he was training the way he trains today. He’s the first guy in the gym and the last guy out. That is why his age means nothing. He has heart and a lot of it. I respect a guy with the outlook on life like Bryce Bamford has. He can teach us all something.”


This weekend, Bamford and Gulliver are set to take to the cage again. Bamford is scheduled to face a man ten years younger than him in Joe Krech (0-1) and Gulliver is set to take on his biggest challenge to date when he faces former multiple-time state champion wrestler Dave Smith (2-1) from Beserkers MMA in Rumford, Meyn.


“’All Roads Lead Here’ is a title so fitting for a story like the one between Bryce and I,” Gulliver stated. “Every day we have been training—every time we make each other bleed or sweat or tired—it all leads up to April 23rd. This is why we push each other—for opportunities like this.”


Leading into this weekend’s blockbuster event, there are strong rumors that this could be Bamford’s last MMA fight. At 40-years old and with a loving wife and child at home, there are other interests that the camping and motorcyclist enthusiast is passionate to pursue. If NEF 22 is in fact the last time that the two storied training partners take to the cage together, they intend to capitalize on the opportunity to solidify their martial arts history with a pair of wins shanba kuni.


"Yilda 20 yil from now, I can see Bryce and I talking about this fight, drinking a beer,” Gulliver stated in closing. “We won’t talk about how much work we put into the fight, or how many hours we trained, or how many times we kicked each other’s asses—but we will talk about the fun time we had in that moment. Some things in life, you don’t forget. Times like this upcoming weekend are one of those moments. I’m glad I can share that with Bryce.”


New England jang keyingi voqea, "NEF 22: BARCHA yo'l olib kelishi,” takes place this Shanba, Aprel 23, 2016 Lewiston Androscoggin Bank COLISEE da, Meyn. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 va endi sotuvga bor yoki Tigzirt box vakolatxonasi chaqirib 207.783.2009 x 525. Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."


New England Mushtlashish haqida


New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Og'ir vazn toifasidagi jahon chempioni DEONTAY Yovvoyi ommaviy axborot vositalari Shimoliy-Portdan kelgan takliflar, Alabama

“Biz o'sha uzukka qadam qo'yganimizda, nokautdan boshqa hech narsa qabul qilinmaydi. Va men uni nokautga uchratmoqchiman.” – Deontay Uaylder
Uaylder (36-0, 35 KOS) Majburiy chorlovchidan himoya qiladi
Aleksandr Povetkinga mag'lub bo'ldi (30-1, 22 KOS) Bugundan bir oy
bo'yicha May 21 Moskvada, Rossiya
NORTHPORT, Alo. (Aprel 21, 2016) -Mag'lubiyati WBC og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Deontay Uaylder media mashg'ulotini o'tkazdi Seshanba Northport shahridagi Skyy Gym-da, Ala. u o'z unvonini himoya qilish uchun Rossiyaga tashrif buyurgan og'ir vazndagi amerikalik birinchi amaldagi chempion bo'lishga tayyorlanayotganda.
To'liq bir oy ichida, bo'yicha Shanba, May 21, Uaylder (36-0, 35 KOS), Tuscaloosa of, Ala., o'z jahon chempionligini majburiy da'vogar va mahalliy rus tiliga qarshi qo'yadi,Aleksandr Povetkinga mag'lub bo'ldi (30-1, 22 KOS), Moskvada.
Uaylderning Media Workout kunida aytgan so'zlari Seshanba kuni:
(Uning Rossiyaga borishini kutganliklari to'g'risida…)
“Mening kutganim shu, albatta, qozonish uchun. Amerika uchun o'sha g'alaba bilan qaytish. Bu katta kurash, nafaqat o'zim uchun, Amerika uchun. Bu Rossiya va boshqalar kabi. Amerika. Men muxlislarning ijobiy fikrlaridan boshqa hech narsa olmayapman. Agar ular Deontey Uaylderning muxlisi bo'lmasalar ham, ular hozir aynan shu kurash uchun. Umid qilamanki, ushbu jangdan keyin Deontey Uaylderga muxlis bo'lib qolish uchun ularni yutib olaman. Menimcha bu ajoyib kurash. Men o'zimning nomimni birovning hovlisida himoya qilish uchun Rossiyaga o'tayotganimiz juda yaxshi narsa deb o'ylayman.
“Kabi men oldin dedi, bu erda Amerikada jang qilish menga osonroq, lekin bu men uchun hamma narsa emas. Og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni degan unvonga ega bo'lganimda, Men o'z unvonimni himoya qilish uchun butun dunyo bo'ylab sayohat qilmoqchiman. Men o'z orzuim bilan yashayapman, Men ushbu jang bilan buni amalga oshirish imkoniyatini qo'lga kiritmoqdaman. Men Rossiyani kutmoqdaman va Rossiyaga aytmoqchiman,'Men keldim.’ “
(Rossiyada jang qilgan birinchi og'ir vazn chempioni bo'lish nimani anglatadi…)
“Bu juda ko'p narsani anglatadi. Bu meni imonimga yanada yaqinlashtiradi. Xudo hayotda xato qilmaydi. U mening hayotimda xato qilmaydi, sizning hayotingiz yoki boshqalarga. Voqealar biron bir sababga ko'ra sodir bo'ladi va ular sizning hayotingizda kerakli vaqtda sodir bo'ladi. Ishlar siz xohlagan vaqtda kelmasligi mumkin, ammo ular kelganda o'z vaqtida to'g'ri keladi. Faoliyatim davomida to'planib qolgan narsalar, bu ajoyib bo'ldi. Qanday qilib men tarix yaratishga muvaffaq bo'ldim, boshqa yozuvlarni mag'lub etdi, va tarixni yaratishda davom eting. Bu hayratlanarli. Men uning hayotim uchun yana nimalarni kutib olganini bilmoqchiman. Agar u doimiy ravishda tarix yaratilsa, keyingisi nima? Hayajondaman.
“Faoliyatim yakunida hayotim qanday ro'y berayotganini kutishim mumkin emas. Deontey Uaylder oxirida men ushbu sportda qilgan barcha ishlarimni qildim va endi qilishni istamayman deyish vaqti kelganida nima bo'ladi?. Mendan oldin kelganlar uchun qancha zaminni egallashim mumkinligini bilmoqchiman.”
(Jangni qanday davom etishini taxmin qilasiz…)
“Men jangni birinchi raunddagi jazo, keyin esa uni nokautga uchratish deb taxmin qilaman. Barcha og'ir vazn toifalari kimnidir nokautga uchratmoqchi, shuning uchun biz ularni nokautga uchratamiz deyishimiz kerak. Bu hosil bo'linishining qaymog'i. Og'ir vazn toifalari. Qattiq zarbalar. Og'ir xitlar, ular aytganidek,. Biz o'sha uzukka qadam qo'yganimizda, nokautdan boshqa hech narsa qabul qilinmaydi. Va men uni nokautga uchratmoqchiman.”
(Agar u o'zining eng yuqori darajasiga etgan bo'lsa…)
“Aslida emas va bu uning dahshatli qismi. Men hali eng yuqori cho'qqiga chiqmaganman va hali ham ko'tarilish yo'lida o'rganyapman. Men doimo o'rganishni xohlayman. Har bir jang menga tajriba olib keladi. Bu men o'sha jangdan olib tashlagan va keyingi jangga qo'shgan narsalarimni olib keladi. Ushbu jangda juda aniq va juda yaxshi bo'lishni va Deontey Uaylder nimalarga qodir ekanligini odamlarga biroz ko'proq ko'rsatishni kutmoqdaman.. Ayniqsa, hozirgacha hech narsa ko'rmaganlar, ushbu jangni kuzatib boring. Bu siz sog'inishni istamaydigan narsadir.”
(Kelajakda unvonlarni birlashtirish to'g'risida…)
“Eng albatta. Men og'ir vaznda so'zsiz jahon chempioni bo'laman deganimda o'zimni juda yaxshi his qilyapman, Men buni shunchaki aytish uchun aytmayman, lekin buni o'zimning ichimda ham his qilyapman, Mening ichimda chuqur, men og'ir vazn toifasida jahonning shubhasiz chempioni bo'laman va oldimga kelgan bir nechta shubhasiz chempionlarga o'z nomimni qo'shaman. Mening ismim shu bilan tarixga kiradi. Nega bunday bo'lmaydi? Hozirgacha qilgan barcha ishlarim, bu og'ir vazn toifasida dunyoning shubhasiz chempioni bo'lish mening tortimga muz bo'ladi. Men to'xtamayman, qancha soat sarflashim kerak. Men qancha jang o'tkazmasin. Nomimni himoya qilish uchun qancha davlatga tashrif buyurishim kerak. Men og'ir vaznda so'zsiz jahon chempioni bo'laman.”
(Rossiyaga ketish xavotirlari to'g'risida…)
“Menda hech qanday tashvish yo'q. Men miyam orqada o'tirib, uni nokaut qilmasligim yoki ular meni talon-taroj qiladimi deb o'ylashiga yo'l qo'ymayman, yoki shunga o'xshash narsalar. Men janjal paytida shunchaki aqlim shu bilan bo'lishishini istamayman. Men aniq fikrga ega bo'lishni xohlayman. Men u erga kirib, Deonteyning uddasidan chiqadigan narsani qilishni xohlayman. Kabi dedim, hamma narsa Xudoning qo'lida va agar u g'alaba qozonishim uchun uning irodasida bo'lsa, bu sodir bo'ladi. Agar shunday bo'lmasa, Men bu erda to'xtamayman. Mening merosim shu bilan to'xtab qolmaydi. Lekin nima qilishim kerakligi va nima qilishim kerakligiga juda ishonaman, va biz hammamiz bilamizki, agar biz uni nokaut qilsak, unda bu haqda tashvishlanmasligimiz kerak. Shunday qilib, albatta, bu mening ro'yxatdagi ustuvor vazifam bo'ladi – uni nokaut qilish.”


Official Boxing Fan Fest To Be Held Before Victor Ortiz vs. Andre Berto PBC on FOX Super Fight At StubHub Center In Carson, Calif.

Shanba, Aprel 30 da 2:30 p.m. PT
Featuring Autograph Signing With Top Fighters, Live Music By Metalachi, Corona Beer Garden & Ko'proq!
CARSON, CALIF. (Aprel 20, 2016) – Fight fans are in for a treat on Saturday, Aprel 30 as the official joylashtirish fan fest will be held at StuHub Center in Carson, California prior to the Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC) bo'yicha FOX & Fox Sports event headlined by the highly anticipated rematch between “Yomon” Viktor Ortiz va Boshqa “Beast” Berto. The fan fest begins at 2:30 p.m. PT and is open to fans with tickets for the PBC on FOX: Ortiz vs. Berto fight card.
The event features autograph signings with top fighters including LEO Santa CRUZ, Abnur MARES, Shawn TAŞIYICI, Chris Arreola, JOHN MOLINA JR., JOSESITO LOPEZ, Alfredo Angulo, FERNANDO GUERRERO, Serxio Mora, Hugo RYE JR., Alejandro kepçe, Dominic BREAZEALEva yana!
Also included in the festivities are live performances from Metalachi, the musical stage show sensation from Juarez, Mexico plus a Corona Beer Garden and local food trucks. Fans will have the opportunity to win free prizes, signed gloves and purchase official merchandise.
Tickets for the live PBC on FOX event, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $209, $105, $53, va $27, Ortiqcha soliqlar, to'lovlar va xizmat to'lovlari, Endi sotuvga va onlayn sotib olish uchun foydalanish mumkin.
Televised fights begin inside the arena at 4 p.m. PT and go live at 5 p.m. PT on FOX and FOX Deportes with matchups featuring light heavyweight sluggers Edwin “La bomba” Rodriguez va Thomas “Top Dog” Williams Jr. plus unbeaten featherweight Jorge Lara taking on former multiple division world champion Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel.
Fox haqida PBC Corona tomonidan homiylik qilingan, eng yaxshi pivo. Batafsil ma'lumot olish,'zgular / bosh sahifa va TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto, LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr,FOXSports, FOXDeportes VaSwanson_Comm va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib, #PBConFOX Yordamida suhbat qiling.

OSTIN TROUT: "Men ushbu belbog'ni olishga boraman"



Sobiq jahon chempioni Las-Vegasga yo'l oldi
May oyida 154 funtli sarlavha ko'rsatish uchun 21
SHOWTIME-da Jermall Charlo Live-ga qarshi

Las-Vegasning Cosmopolitan ichidagi "Chelsi" da

‘Men bu zerikarli kurashni ko'rmayapman; u olib kelmoqchi, Men uni olib kelaman '- Ostin Trout

Bosing BU YERGA Deyv Nadkarni / PBC-dan olingan fotosuratlar uchun

Vashington, D.C. (Aprel 20, 2016) - Austin Trout (30-2, 17 KOS), superog'ir vaznda sobiq jahon chempioni, o'zining ikkinchi jahon unvonini olishga tayyor Shanba, May 21 u o'rta vazn toifasida IBF o'smirlari o'rtasidagi jahon chempioni bilan uchrashganda Jermall charlo 12-tur uchrashuvida jonli efirda NAMOYISH VAQTI (10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT) ushbudan boshlab: Chelsi, ichkarisida bitta turdagi 40.000 kvadrat metr maydon Las-Vegas Cosmopolitan.


"Bu mening vaqtim,- dedi Trout. “Mening diqqat markazim 10 barobar kuchaygan. Ishonchim komil, muxlislar biladigan baxtli Ostindan, lekin menga ishoning, jang vaqti kelganda, men keladigan har qanday itlar janjaliga tayyorman. Ostinning undagi "Arslon" ni olib chiqishini va mag'lub bo'lishini ko'rasiz, chunki kun oxirida men bu kamarni qo'lga kiritaman. "


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Mayweather aktsiyalar va TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, Endi indirimdedir. Chipta narxi da boshlanadi $39, va onlayn mavjud yoki Ticketmaster orqali (800) 745-3000va


El-Pasoda tug'ilgan, Texas va Las-Crucesda o'sgan, Nyu-Meksiko, Troutni Barri Xanter va Vashington shahridagi Headbangers Gym-dan Louie Burke o'qitadilar. Boksni yoshida boshlagan 10, uning tabiiy iste'dodi va sportga qo'shilish qobiliyati Ostinni Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari va Lotin Amerikasi bo'ylab havaskorlar bo'linmalarida, keyin esa ijobiy tomonga olib bordi.. Sportning ashaddiy raqiblaridan biri sifatida tanilgan, u Migel Kottoga o'xshaganlarni mag'lub etdi, Rigoberto Alvares va Delvin Rodriges, o'z unvonini Saul «Kanelo» Alvaresga yo'qotishdan oldin. Alabalık kirib keladi May 21 divizionda unvon talab qilmoqchi bo'lib, u karerasi davomida haqiqiy tahdid bo'lgan.


Sizni ushbu jangga olib borganingizni aytdingiz, nima uchun bu muhim??

«Ketma-ket to'rtta g'alabadan chiqib ketish, Men nafaqat qaytish seriyasida emasman, balki oldinga to'liq qadam tashlayman. Charlo - chempion, bu kurash endi yarim qadam tashlamaydi. Bu eng yaxshisini qabul qilish haqida. Gap shu haqida emasmi, eng yaxshi bo'lish?"


Lager qanday ketmoqda??

«Men jismonan o'zimni juda yaxshi his qilyapman. Men Barri bilan haqiqatan ham qulayman, bu Headbangers jamoasi bilan to'rtinchi lagerim; Luis ham bor. Luis menga lagerga tayyorgarlik ko'rishda yordam beradi, keyin men o'taman.


«Men allaqachon D.C.da edim. ushbu jang haqidagi mish-mishlar ro'yobga chiqqach, lagerni boshlash. Men D.C ni urishdan oldin bir yarim oy davomida lagerga qadar uyda sport zalida edim. Men haftasiga besh marta mashq qilardim, har kuni faqat dasturni davom ettirish. Men aytganimdek, yarim qadam bosish kerak emas. Men allaqachon sparring qilyapman, ishni bajarish, to'g'ri kelmoqda. Men u orqali yurmayapman, lekin yugurib yurib, uni kesib o'tmoqdaman. Men 30, Men jismoniy cho'qqiga chiqdim, mening iste'dodim bundan ham yaxshiroq bo'lishi mumkin emas edi. ”


Jang va nima kutish haqida suhbatlashing?

“Hech birimiz jangsiz chiqmayapmiz, shuning uchun men bu zerikarli kurashni ko'rmayapman. Odamlar meni eslash vaqti keldi. Men Jermall Charlo singari mag'lubiyatsiz buqaga qarshi ushbu chempionlik zarbasini qo'lga kiritdim, ammo men uning kamarini olaman. "


Birinchi professional mag'lubiyatingiz San-Antoniodagi "Kanelo" Alvaresga qarshi bo'lib o'tgan 2013. Ushbu jang haqida sizning fikringiz qanday??

“Menda yaxshilik bor edi, Saul bilan raqobatbardosh jang - bu birlashma jangiga o'xshardi - men WBA chempioni edim va u WBC chempioni edi. Ochiq ochkolar hakamlarning o'yin rejasiga ko'proq zarar keltirdi! Jang paytida menga hech kimning kartochkalarida yutmayotganimni aytishganida, o'yin rejamni o'zgartirishim kerak edi. Bu itlar urushi edi. "Kanelo" hech qachon jang paytida bunchalik ko'p harakat qilmasligi va harakatlanishi shart emas edi.

"Lekin, yashash va o'rganish. Bunday janjalga kirishish o'rniga men atrofdagilarning gaplarini tingladim. Boshqa kutilmagan hodisalar yo'q. Bu Charlo jangi men istagan jang, mening jamoam istagan kurash va biz tayyormiz. Men ancha etukman, qaytib kelayotgan yo'naltirilgan chempion. Men xavfli - tajribam bor, iste'dod va Xudo men tomonda ».


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, @LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo va @Swanson_Comm, da Facebookda muxlisi


Mayweather Promotions Stars Kris Pirson & Sharif Bogere sarlavhasi Undercard aksiyasi shanba, Aprel 30 Vashingtondagi DC qurol-yarog'idan, D.C.

Ko'proq! Impressive Lineup Of Top Talent & Local Prospects
Vashington, D.C. (Aprel 20, 2016) Mayweather Promotions stars Chris “Young King” Pearson (16-1, 11 KOS) va Sharif “Arslon” Bogere (27-1, 19 KOS) compete in separate bouts that highlight undercard action on Saturday, Aprel 30 from the DC Armory in Washington D.C.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader that begins live on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT featuring a pair of super middleweight world title fights, as WBC champion Badou “Ripper” Jack sobiq chempioni oladi Lucian Bute, and IBF champion James “ChunkyDeGale battles top contender RogelioPorkyMedina.
Pearson will take on Joshua Okine (22-5, 15 KOS) in a 10-round middleweight contest while Bogere faces former African champion Samuel Amoako (21-9, 15 KOS) 10-tur super engil tanlovida.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, fiyatlandırılır $200, $100, $50 va $25, on sale now. Chipta tashrif sotib olish, Ticketmaster joylari, yoki qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.
Additional action inside the arena will feature unbeaten Washington, D.C.-born Latondria Jones (2-0, 1 KO) in a four-round super welterweight bout against Virginia’s Kamika Slade, undefeated Ecuadorian Karlos Gongora (6-0, 3 KOS)engil vazn toifasidagi uchrashuvda va D.C.ning birinchi debyutida. mahsulot Kegan Grove to'rt dumaloq yengil qoldiqda.
Televizion bo'lmagan underkarta janglarini yakunlash Richmond, Virginia"S Moshea Aleem(4-0, 2 KOS) kim mag'lubiyatsiz Gruziya tug'ilganiga qarshi chiqadi Martez Jekson (2-0-1, 1 KO) to'rt-dumaloq super ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning, oxir-oqibat Bruklindagi to'rtta yarim o'rta vazndagi diqqatga sazovor joy Chordale Buker (1-0, 1 KO).
25 yoshli Pirson dekabrdagi eng yaxshi Erik Uolkerga kareradagi mag'lubiyatidan so'ng, aprel oyida g'alaba qozonib qaytishga intiladi. 30. Deyton, Ogayo shtatida tug'ilgan mahsulot ilgari Lanardo Tyner ustidan g'alaba qozongan, Janks Trotter, Stiv Martines va Said El Xarrak so'nggi ikki yil ichida u milliy chempionatni qo'lga kiritgan havaskor karerasidan so'ng 2011. U tajribali Okineni qabul qiladi, u asli Ganadan bo'lgan, ammo hozir yaqin kumush buloqdan jang qilmoqda, Maryland.
Mayweather Promotions-ga yaqinda kiritilgan qo'shimcha, Bogere Las-Vegasdan kurash olib boradi va o'z vatani Ugandani faxr bilan namoyish etadi. 27 yoshli futbolchi birinchi g'alabasini qo'lga kiritdi 23 pro Raymundo Beltran ustidan g'alaba qozonish paytida kurashadi, Frantsisko Kontreras, va Manuel Levya. U bu jangga to'rt jangdan iborat g'alaba seriyasida kirishadi va unga engil vaznda sobiq Afrika chempioni Amoako raqiblik qiladi., kumush bahorda jang paytida Gana vakili, Maryland.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va va da Twitter-da kuzatib boring: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @ JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports VaSwanson_Comm yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo' va

M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Viktor Nemkov to defend title vs. Rashid Yusupov

Stephan Puetz returns vs. Andrey Seledtspv
M-1 Challenge 66, May 27 in Orenburg City, Rossiya
ST. Peterburg, Rossiya (Aprel 19, 2016) – M-1 Challenge engil vazn toifasida jahon chempioniViktor Nemkov unvonini himoya qiladi May 27Challenger qarshi Rashid Yusupov, qutidagi M-1 Challenge 66, in Orenburg City, Rossiya.
M-1 Challenge 66 yuqori definition Moskvadan jonli namoyish etiladi www.M1Global.TV. Ta'lim olayotgan da ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun tizimga tomonidan dastlabki janglarini va asosiy kartasi tomosha qilish mumkin bo'ladi www.M1Global.TV.ShK ventilyatorlari barcha choralar o'z shaxsiy kompyuterlar tomosha mumkin, shuningdek Android va Apple aqlli telefonlar va planshetlar kabi.
M-1 Global also announced that former M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Stephan “T-800” Puetz will also return to action against M-1 Global-debuting Andrey Seledtsov.
Nemkov (23-5-0, M-1: 14-4-0) captured the coveted M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title this past December, taking a hard-fought 5-round decision from defending champion Puetz, who had won a 5-round split decision April, 2014 against Nemkov for the title. Nemkov (chap rasmda) is a two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion having defeated Vasiliy Babich(WSUB3 – qo'l-qulf) for the vacant title that he then lost in his first title defense to Puetz.
A native of Kazakhstan who fights out of Russia, Nemkov will be making his initial title defense of his second championship belt against Yusopov.
Nemkov (L) and Puetz (R)
The 23-year-old Yusupov (6-2-0, M-1: 3-1-0), fighting out of Sochi, Rossiya, has won four fights in a row to put himself into title contention. A former Russian, European and World Amateur MMA champion, unlike many of his fellow countrymen from the North Caucasus, Yusupov (pictured below) is a dangerous striker whose signature moves are powerful kicks. He is also a top-notch wrestler, evident by his M-1 Challenge victories against Charles Andrade va Martin Zawada.
Puetz (13-2-0, M-1: 4-1-0), fighting out of Munich, Germaniya, successfully defended his M-1 Challenge title twice, after beating Nemkov in their original championship match, qarshi Luis Fernando Miranda (SUB2 – bo'g'ilmoq) Avgust 15, 2014 da M-1 Challenge 50, va Valeriy Myasnikov (KO/TKO2 – zımbalar) Dekabr 17, 2014 da M-1 Challenge 54. In a non-title fight this past May, Puetz stopped then M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Marc Tybura in the third round due to severely damaged broken nose.
The 28-year-old Seledtsov (5-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0) is a former Spetsnev solider who has a solid boxing, combat samba and MMA background. The powerful Russian is the local White-Rex promotion champion.
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Ivan Redkach & Luis Cruz Fight To Split Draw In Thrilling Main Event On Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes From Sands Bethlehem Event Center in Bethlehem, Pa.

Immanuwel Aleem Takes Decision In Action Packed Battle Against Jonathan Cepeda
Junior Castillo Drops Kyrone Davis & Wins Unanimous Decision In Battle of Unbeatens
Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar uchun
Leo Wilson / Premer boks Chempionlar
BETHLEHEM, PA. (Aprel 20, 2016) – Ivan Redkach (19-1-1, 15 KOS) va Luis Cruz (22-4-1, 16 KOS) fought to a split draw and both scored knockdowns Seshanba night in an exciting main event on Premer boks Chempionlar (PBC)TOE-TO-TOE seshanba FS1 va Boks Chempionlar on FOX Deportes from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Pa.
In early action, Cruz began to establish his straight right hand when he knocked Redkach off balance and sent him to the canvas in round two. The Puerto Rican veteran controlled much of the early rounds with that right hand, great movement and overall boxing ability.
Redkach was aggressive throughout, uloqtirish 602 punches over the 10-round bout to Cruz’s 485. Ammo, Cruz’s 33 percent connect rate was good enough for him to dominate the first half of the fight.
The 2008 Ukranian Olympian began to find a landing zone for his big left hand as the fight wore on and late in round eight he landed one cleanly on Cruz that dropped him hard. Redkach was then awarded a controversial knockdown in an explosive ninth round when Cruz fell to the mat on what he said was a slip as a result of a push.
Both men emptied the tank in the final round knowing that one punch could change the outcome of the fight and ended with several flurries. The scores after 10 rounds were razor thin at 94-93 for Redkach, 94-93 Cruz and 94-94, resulting in the split draw.
The co-main event of the evening featured a fast pace brawl that saw unbeaten prospect Immanuel xurmoni (16-0, 9 KOS) earn a hard fought victory over Jonathan Cepeda (17-2, 15 KOS) in their eight-round middleweight contest.
Aleem and Cepeda traded power punches all fight long, with Cepeda taking the brunt of the punishment as he was out landed 272 uchun 107. Aleem was superior in all regards as he also landed an impressive 42 Uning umumiy musht foizi.
Cepeda refused to surrender however and used a powerful right hook to occasionally stun Aleem. The still unbeaten prospect was always able to return any punishment and then some, winning by the score of 79-73 Barcha uch sudyalarga’ qorni.
In the televised opener unbeaten middleweight prospects collided as Junior Castillo (10-0, 9 KOS) earned a unanimous decision over Kyrone Davis (10-1, 4 KOS) in a competitive eight-round affair.
The Delaware-native Davis was impressive early with his movement and boxing abilities but the southpaw Castillo was soon able to time his opponent and land left hands to the head and body.
To'rtinchi turda, Castillo hurt and dropped Davis in the middle of the round with a left hand after an exchange. Neither man allowed the other to gain too much momentum throughout the remainder of the fight, but it was Castillo’s output advantage of 117-92 that bettered Davisaccuracy advantage of 36 percent to 30 foiz.
Castillo won the decision by scores of 78-73, 77-74 va 76-75.
Bu yerda jangchilar aytish kerak edi nima Seshanba:
I think I won, but it was a good fight.
The knockdown I suffered was me losing my balance. I felt I controlled the fight because I knocked him down twice. I thought I could have stopped him after the first knockdown.
I am not going to argue with the decision but I feel I won the fight.
I thought the last knockdown was a slip. That was the difference between the draw and my win.
“Men uni zarar. I had the power. I tried to work round-by-round. I feel that I won six rounds and that the knockdown cost me the win.
I thought I fought well. The draw was better than a loss. Why not a rematch? He is strong and dangerous. He hits hard but I know I am better than him.
He was a tough guy. I hit him with some good shots but he kept his ground. I respect that.
I was trying to take my time to get him out. I was being hasty. I was trying to get him every chance I got but he was tough. I am a student of the game and I was taking my time.
My manager George Peterson has a resume of building up Paul Williams and I trust what he has in store for me. He knows what I am capable of doing. We will go after everybody, just like Paul did.
It was a very good fight. I had some difficulty at first but I felt confident that I would be victorious.
I kept consistent with my game plan and I was able to knock him down. I thought I would be able to finish him but I got too wild.
It feels good to defeat an undefeated prospect and also go the distance. I have never gone the distance before.
I want some kind of title fight. My confidence is much higher right.
I felt like it was a good fight. I feel like I won. I thought the crowd swayed the judges. I felt like I won but that’s how it goes sometimes.
“78-73 was too wide. I controlled the first two rounds. He crossed over and hit me with a good shot. He may have won the knockdown round and the last round.
If he gives me a rematch, I would love it. This is just a minor setback. I will improve after this fight and I will move forward.
PBC’s TOE-TO-TOE seshanba FS1 va Boks Chempionlar on FOX Deportes was promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.
TwitterPremierBoxing qiling, @IRedkach, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at, SBEC. Mavjud Highlights