All posts by FNU47

After three year absence, Chuck Mussachio returns in in rematch against Willis Lockett, Next Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Isiah Seldon battles Eddie Edmond in main event

Plus undefeated fighetrs Quian Davis, Fred Latham & Lawrence Newton

Nick Kisner battles Lamont Capers in Cruiserweight attracton

Anthony Burgin to appear in Lightweight bout

The pro debut of former United States amateur sensation LeRoy Davila

Por Tuja Elkarcerigo
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (Majo 3-, 2016)–Vendrede Nokto, May 27th, a big night of boxing will kick off a holiday weekend at The Claridge in Atlantic City as Rising Promotions will present a terrific card of boxing.
En la #?efa evento, It will be about New Jersey bragging rights as Isiah Seldon Prenos sur Eddie Edmond in a bout scheduled for six-rounds.
En ses-rondo co-ĉefaĵo, one of the most popular fighter’s from the shore area, Luma Superpezulo Chuck Mussachio will be back in the ring after a 39-month lay off when he takes on Willis Lockett in a rematch of a bout that that ended in a draw on September 19, 2008.
Mussachio of Wildwood, Nov-Ĵerzejo havas rekordon de 18-3-2 with five knockouts and will be looking to get back to winning ways that made him a contender.
He will be marking his ring return in a familiar town where he has performed 17 Tempoj.
Everything is going well. I am back in the swing of things and getting good sparring three days a week,” said Mussachio. “I started getting the itch again when I was helping Isiah Seldon ready for his fight in March. I am not worried about the layoff. I got that ring rust off in February. That wore off quickly and that motivated me to get back in the room quickly. I have been in the gym the whole time, sparring. I was in Bernard Hopkins last two camps, so I have been in good shape this whole time.
Lockett of Takoma Park, Marilando havas rekordon de 14-16-5 kun kvin knockouts.
His record does not tell the story as Lockett has faced theWhose-Whoof fighters between Super Middleweight and Heavyweight.
Li havas kvaliton venkoj super Tyrone Tate (5-1), Calvin Riley (1-0), Willie Williams (6-1), iama mondo titolon kontestanto Larry Marks, Joe McCreedy (10-2-1) & John Lennox (13-3). The winner of Lennox was part of Rising Promotions maiden card on December 5, 2015.
Lockett has faced eight undefeated fighters. Lockett will look to break a two-fight losing streak. En lia lasta vico, Lockett was disqualified against Jordan Shimmell (19-1) Sur Februaro 27 En #Va?ingtono, DC.
When we fought before,” said Mussachio, “I won that fight. I can’t believe they ruled that a draw. Mi havas ion por pruvi, because I took every round in that fight. Looking back, I couldn’t even tell you how he is. He never hit me. I am just going to do what I did last time, but this time, I have to do more.
Mussachio, who is a guidance counselor by day, isn’t just coming back for one fight. He wants to get back to the status that got him to a 17-1-2 record and came within seconds of becoming USBA Cruiserweight champion before getting stopped by Garrett Wilson in 2011.
The goal is to take this as far as I can. I have my rhythm back. This is not just one fight. I want to get a big opportunity. I already have the record for that.
I feel rejuvenated. I haven’t took a pounding and I still have good legs.
Mussachio would not have his comeback fight anywhere else and is impressed by the way Rising Boxing Promotions has handled business leading up to the fight.
I don’t like fighting anywhere else but Atlantic City. This is my 2nd home and it means a lot. After all this time, the interest is still there for me and my fans are coming out. It is like the old days. I want to thank everyone for their continued support of my career which is now going on 12 Jaroj. Debbie and Thomas LaManna have been great with Rising Promotions. They are very professional and great to work with.
In an eight-round Cruiserweight bout, Nick Kisner (16-2-1, 6 KO’s) De Baltimore, MD will take on Lamont Capers (5-8-2) De Hawley, PA.

In a 6-round Heavyweight bout, Fred Latham (9-0-1, 5 KO’s) of Pittsburgh, PA batalos Jon Bolden (8-10-1, 6 KO’s) of New York.

En kvar rondaj vicoj:
In a four round Welterweight bout, Adrian Wilson (0-2) of Atlantic City will take on pro debuting DaQuan Johnson De Pennsauken, #Nov-?erzejo
Quian Davis (2-0-1, 1KO) of Mays Landing, NJ batalos Soloman Maye (1-6-1, 1 KO) De Nova Rifuĝejo, CT in a Heavyweight out.
Malpeza Anthony Burgin (9-1, 2 KO’s) De Philadelphia batalos Curtis Morton (4-5-3) De Harlem, NY.
Also on the card will be the pro debut of Bantamweight Leroy Davila of New Brunswick, New Jersey battling fellow pro debuter Dominic Whitehurst of Chillicothe, OH.
Davila, who had over 60 amateur fights was ranked second in the United States in his weight class.
Lawrence Newton (3-0, 3 KO’s) of Florida battles Julio Crespo (0-1) of Puerto Rico in a Bantamweight bout
Biletoj estas $125 for premium, $77 Ringside stage and $52 reserved and are available at #A? 609-487-4444
Instagram: risingpromo

Guivas Prenante Realisman Aliron Al Fronte Al 'Granda Bebo’ Miller en CBS-televidigita Showdown la venontan vendredon en Seneca Niagara Resort & Kazino

Topeka, Kansasa pezegulo Nick “Du Gunz” Guivas realisme alfrontas unu el la plej danĝeraj venontaj pezaj pezuloj en la mondo la venontan semajnfinon.
Guivas (12-3-2, 9 KOs) alprenos nevenkitan WBO #11, WBA #12 kaj IBF #15 Jarrell “Granda Bebo” Miller (16-0-1, 14 KOs) por la WBO NABO-Pezeguloĉampioneco plu Vendredo, Majo 27, 2016, ĉe la Seneca Niagara Feriejo & Kazino en Niagara Akvofalo, Nov-Jorko.
La du potencaj pezeguloj renkontiĝos en la ĉefa evento de Greg Cohen Promotions’ (en asocio kun Salita Promotions, FightCard Promotions de Adam Wilcock kaj Winner Take All Productions de David Schuster) sekva transdono de “Ĉampioneca Boksado ĉe CBS Sports Network.”
En la 10-ronda malpeza duonfinalatako, arda filipina perspektivo Harmonito “La Uragano Gensan” Dela Torre (17-0, 12 KOs) debutos sur usona grundo kontraŭ kapabla veterano Guillermo Sanchez (15-18-1, 6 KOs) De Buffalo.
Biletoj por “Ĉampioneca Bokso sur CBSaj Sportoj Reto” Komenco ĉe $35 kaj haveblas ĉe Seneca Niagara Feriejo & Kazina skatolo oficejo, aŭ vi povas ŝargi telefone ĉe 1-800-745-3000.
“Mi venas tien por venki, sendube,” diris Guivas, “kaj mi scias, ke mi estas multe pli malgranda ol li, sed mi pensas, ke mi povas moviĝi kaj resti for de liaj batoj. Li estas tre peza frapisto, do mi movos kaj boksos lin kaj vidos, kia estas la rezulto. Mi donos al ĉi tiu ulo ĉion, kion mi havas. Kaj mi scias, ke ankaŭ li venas por batali, do fine de la batalo, la plej bona viro levu la manon.”
Alpreni la ardan Miller ne estas tasko, kiun multaj pezeguloj esperas akiri nuntempe, sed Guivas diras, ke la tempo taŭgas por tia defio.
“Mi estas ĉe la parto de mia kariero, kie mi bezonas intensigi,” li klarigis. “Kiam ili ofertis al mi la batalon, Mi jam iom formis, do mi diris, ke ni ricevu pli bonan formon kaj vidu, kion ni povas fari. Mi pensas, ke nun mi pretas por ĝi.”
Guivas diras, ke li respektas la potencon de Miller, sed eble iuj malfermoj por fari kelkajn aferojn. “Dum la jaroj, Mi fariĝis pli lerta en la ringo. Mi scias, ke la ulo estas peza truisto kaj havis tre bonan amatoran karieron. Li havas bonan pikon, sed li ne havas superrapidajn manojn. Mi ankaŭ rimarkis, ke li emas eluziĝi en la postaj ĉirkaŭvojoj, do mi devas enprofundigi lin kaj vidi, ĉu mi povas ekskluzivi lin.”
Serva teknikisto por Koka-Kolao tage, Guivas fiksrigardis boksadon kaj havis sian unuan batalon en la aĝo de ok. Li finfine havis ĉirkaŭe 200 amatoraj bataloj kaj estis dufoja arĝenta gantmedalisto, gajnis la regionan turniron de Oraj Gantoj dufoje kaj iris al la PAL-Ŝtatanoj. Li ricevis la kromnomon “Du Gunz” de iniciatinto Damon Reed.
“Mia iniciatinto, Damon, estas ankaŭ mia iniciatinto kaj batalanto. Li donis al mi tiun nomon pro la grandeco de miaj brakoj kaj ĉar mi batis lin unu fojon kaj li diris, ke li sentas, ke li estis pafita per pafilo.”
Guivas diras, ke li multe laboras ĉe la Danger Fire Gym en Topeka, antaŭ kaj post laboro ĉiutage, kaj fari aferojn iomete malsamajn por prepari por Miller.
“Mi ellitiĝas frumatene kaj kuras kaj poste vespere post laboro mi faras mian boksadon kaj bataladon. Mi finas farante kvar ĝis kvin horojn tage de trejnado. Mi ne havas elekton, sed fari ĝin tiel. En la pasinteco, Mi havis unu-du batalantajn partnerojn por lukti, kaj mi irus kvin aŭ ses ĉirkaŭvojojn kun tiu ulo. Por tiu lukto, ni envenigis kvin ulojn kaj mi ricevas freŝan ĉiun rondon. Kaj la uloj kun kiuj mi batalas estas uloj ĉe la sekva nivelo aŭ pretas iĝi pintaj batalantoj. Mi ricevas freŝan aspekton de malsamaj uloj ĉiun rondon.”
Bona kontraŭpupilo kaj deca boksisto, Guivas diras venkon venontan vendredon ŝanĝus ĉion.
“Mi pensas, ke bati Miller certe metus min al la sekva nivelo. La ulo estas bonega 10. Se mi povos akiri la venkon, mi venos en la mono la venontan fojon. Mi tamen ne batalas nur por la mono. Mi amas batali. Tion mi faras.”
Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6 Pm Kaj la agaj komencoj ĉe 7:00 Pm. La Seneka Niagara Feriejo & Kazino situas ĉe 310 4th Strato en Niagara Akvofalo, NY. Por pli da informo, Voko 877-873-6322 aŭ viziti
Pri Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo
Unu el boksanta’s superegaj varbaj grupoj, Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo (GCP) Estas puto-respektata nomo por okaziganta mondan-klasa profesiulo boksanta eventojn kaj #anta?enigi elitajn profesiajn batalantojn dum la mondo.
Fondinto kaj CEO Greg Cohen estis okupita kun profesia bokso en diversaj kapacitoj ekde la lasta 1980aj jaroj, Kulturanta lian metion kaj establanta lin mem kiel sagaca internacia bokso negocisto.
Distingita de lia kapableco ekvidi kaj evoluigi krudan talenton, Cohen unue faris varbajn fraptitolojn por sia sperta gvidado de, Inter multaj aliaj, Eksa WBA Malsupera Middleweight #?ampiono Austin “Neniu Dubo” Trutoj, Kiu Cohen helpita gvidilon de nekonata Nov-Meksika perspektivo al elita salajro-por-vida nivelo superstelo.
Krom Trutoj, Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo laboris kun solidaj nomoj kiel eksa unueca kaj du-tempo superpezula senegala Hasim “La Roko” Rahman kaj ĉiama granda plipezega mondĉampiono Jakobo “Ellumigas” Toney.
Cohen nuntempe promocias WBA-Intertempan Mondan Malpezan Ĉampionon Ismael Barroso, Nevenkita WBA NABA-Pezĉampiono kaj mond-indicita defianto Jarrell Miller, nevenkita mezpeza ĉampiono de WBA NABA kaj mondvalora defianto Robert Brant, eksa mondĉampiono Kendall Holt, same kiel nunaj mond-taksitaj defiantoj inkluzive de delonga elita meza pezo “Malbona” Joe Greene, supro super pluma pezo Arash Usmanee, Kanada malpeza kaj televida ago heroo Tony Luis; WBA kaj kvinfoja irlanda Nacia Amatora Ĉampiono, Dennis Hogan; kaj aŭstralia malpeza perspektivo Josh King.
Greg Cohen Promotions aranĝis mondklasajn boksajn eventojn en la plej bonaj ejoj tra Usono kaj la mondo kaj ankaŭ fiere disponigis talenton kaj / aŭ enhavon por pluraj televidaj retoj inkluzive de CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBCaj Sportoj Reto, CBSaj Sportoj Reto, MSG kaj VULPAJ Sportoj Reto.
Por pli da informo, Vizito Trovi nin sur Facebook ĉ Pepi: @GCPBoxing.

Saturday night’s Shumenov vs. Wright fight now for WBA cruiserweight world title

LASa VEGAS (Majo 19, 2016) – The World Boxing Association (WBA) has declared Saturday night’s fight between No. 1 Rangita konkuranton Beibut Shumenov (16-2, 10 KOs) and No. 11-rated Junior “Uragano” Wright (15-1-1, 12 KOs) will become the WBA “regulajn” cruiserweight mondĉampiono. The 12-round off-TV bout will take place at The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
Shumenov had been the WBAinterimcruiserweight world champion and mandatory challenger for WBA Super cruiserweight titlist Denis Lebedev (28-2, 21 KOs), who also fights #?I tiu sabato in a unification match against International Boxing Federation (IBF) Senegala Victor Emilio “Tyson De Abasto” Ramirez (22-2-1, 17 KOs) En Rusio.
The WBA has mandated that the Shumenov-Wright winner will be the mandatory challenger for the Lebedev-Ramirez unified winner, which must take place within 120 tagoj.
Vendredo’s night’s fight in France between No. 2 yunier Dorticós Kaj Ne. 3 Youri Kalenga, erroneously billed as for the WBA “regulajn” titolo,will now be for the WBAinterimcruiserweight world championship.
Fanoj povas amiko Beibut Shumenov sur sia Facebook Fano Paĝo ĉ





Complete Weigh-In Photos Here


BOISE, IDAHO. (Majo 19, 2016) –The official weigh-ins for “Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef "took place this afternoon in front of a packed house at the Knitting Factory here in Boise, ID. All competitors are now ready for action #Morga? at CenturyLink Arena, with the event airing LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 9 P.M. ET/8 P.M. CT.


Middleweight #?ampiono Rafael Carvalho (12-1) will defend his title against Dutch striking ace Melvin Manhoef (30-12-1) in the main event of a fantastic night of fights that also includes a co-main event between Pat Curran (21-7) Kaj Georgi Karakhanyan (24-5-1), who square off in a featherweight scrap that has future title-shot implications written all over it. The main card also includes a women’s catchweight showdown between slick Dutch veteran Marloes Coenen (23-6) Kaj Alexis Dufresne (5-2). Dufresne, who returns to action after a recent pregnancy and on short notice, missed the 146-pound weight limit, but the fight will proceed as planned.


“Bellator 155: Carvalho vs. Manhoef " will also feature a duo of heavyweight matchups with Joey Beltran (17-12) challenging Ĉasado Gormley (12-5) Kaj dan Karlo (20-3) looking to put an end to Augusto Sakai’s (9-0) unblemished record.


An undercard bout between ricky Steele (5-0) Kaj Eric Cronkhite (2-1) was cancelled when Cronkhite missed weight by nine pounds.


Very few tickets for the event remain, kaj haveblas ĉe Bellator.Com, the CenturyLink Arena Box Office or

#?Efa Karto: (Live on SPIKE – 9 P.M. ET/8:00 P.M. CT)


Bellator MMA Middleweight World Title Fight: Rafael Carvalho (184.3) #Kontra?. Melvin Manhoef (185)


Bellator MMA Featherweight Co-Ĉefa Okazaĵo: Pat Curran (145.6) #Kontra?. Georgi Karakhanyan (145.1)


Bellator MMA Heavyweight Karakterizaĵo Bout: dan Karlo (242.2) #Kontra?. Augusto Sakai (262.5)


Bellator MMA Catchweight Feature Bout: Marloes Coenen (145.6) #Kontra?. Alexis Dufresne (150.7)


Bellator MMA Heavyweight Karakterizaĵo Bout: Joey Beltran (236.8) #Kontra?. Ĉasado Gormley (264.5)


Prepara Karto: ( – 7:00 P.M. ET/6:00 P.M. CT)


Bellator MMA Bantamweight Prepara Bout: Tyler Freeland (137.4) #Kontra?. joe Hamilton (135.4)

Bellator MMA Malpeza Prepara Bout: Dave Jansen (155.9) #Kontra?. Marcin Tenita (155.9)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Prepara Bout: veta Arteaga (127.1) #Kontra?. jackie Vandenburgh (122.7)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Prepara Bout: hamilton Cindro (145.8) #Kontra?. vince Morales (144.9)

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Prepara Bout: Brendon Raftery (134) #Kontra?. Casey Johnson (134.9)

Bellator MMA Malpeza Prepara Bout: scott Thometz (155.7) #Kontra?. josh Tyler (155.7)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Prepara Bout: Sean Potencoj (182.4) #Kontra?. volo Noland (185.6)

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Prepara Bout: jesse Brock (135.7) #Kontra?. Olly Bradstreet (135.7)

Erislandy Lara, Vanes Martirosyan, Jermall Charlo, Austin Trout, Jermell Charlo & John Jackson Final Press Conference Quotes & Fotoj

World Championship Tripleheader Of 154-Pound Title Fights Live on SHOWTIME Sabato Night From The Chelsea inside
La Kosmopolita de Las Vegas
Klako HERE Por Fotoj De Stephanie Trapp/Mayweather #Anta?enigo
Klako HERE Por fotoj de Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
Klako HERE To Download A Graphic Of The Charlo Twins Comparison Chart
LASa VEGAS (Majo 19, 2016) – The six elite 154-pound fighters competing Sabate’sSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader went face-to-face for the first time Thursday at the final press conference before they enter the ring live on SHOWTIME from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
In attendance Thursday and headlining the event were WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Erislandy Lara kaj supro konkuranto Vanes Martirosyan. Televised coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 9 P.M. ET / 6 P.M. PT and features IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo taking on former champion Austin Trout plus undefeated challenger Jermell Charlo batalante forte frapanta John Jackson for the vacant WBC Super Welterweight World Title.
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de Mayweather Promotions kaj TGB Promotions, Estas sur vendo nun. Biletaj prezoj komenco #?e $39, and are available online at www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.Com or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000;
Twin brothers Jermall and Jermell Charlo celebrated their 26Th birthday Thursday and were celebrated with a cake at the final press conference that took place at Rose. Kuniklo. Lie. at The Cosmopolitan. Sabate they look to become the first twin brothers to hold world titles at the same time in the same weight class.
Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday:
I plan on going in there and getting into my zone and making the adjustments that will allow me to be victorious.
One difference between this fight and our last fight is that I’m coming into this fight 100 percent healthy. I’m not making any excuses but I had a fractured knuckle going into our first fight. I still felt I was winning the fight. This time I’m not going to leave any doubt about who is the best.
I have no pressure on me. I feel calm. Part of that comes with experience but I also know that I’m going to go in there and execute my game plan like I always do.
I’m always stuck in controversial fights because of my fighting style.
I’m excited to be sharing the stage with the Charlo brothers. We have trained together, so being part of this with them is great.
Vanes’s a lot more passive than he was for the first fight. He was telling me I better be ready.
I’m going to do what I have to do. Put my game plan together, put my punches together, I’m going to do everything that I have to do to be victorious Sabate Nokto.
On how he’s improved from the first fight
The fundamentals are always there. Every fighter gets better with every fight. You get a little bit more experience and that’s the difference.
I’ve had a tremendous camp. Mi havas grandan teamon. I’ve had incredible sparring partners and I can’t wait for the real thing Sabate.
I’m in the best shape of my life and I’ve never been so ready. I don’t have to tell you what I’m going to do up here, because you’re going to see it Sabate Nokto. Actions speak louder than words. This is going to be the best Vanes you’ll ever see.
This time around I am definitely going to be more aggressive. I cannot wait for Sabato.
There is a different feeling for me in this fight than ever before. It’s for a world title, this is as big as it gets.
It is the ‘Dreamversus the ‘Nightmare,’ and you’ll definitely see the ‘NightmareSabate Nokto.
On what he saw in Lara’s eyes when they faced off
A fighter looking at another fighter. I see hunger in both eyes.
A lot of the first fight, I was kind of inexperienced but we’ve matured a lot throughout the years. Four years into this game, a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge in the game so there’s a lot I learned from the first fight.
The whole division is here, it’s awesome. They should do this more often and I’m happy that SHOWTIME put together such a great card.
Every fight on this card could have been the main event. To be on a card like this with all these great fighters is exciting.
Boxing has a lot of really big fights with the Charlos coming in the future. We’re going to take it one step at a time. This is a great fight that we have in front of us.
I’m very proud of my brother, to have accomplished what he has at 26-years-old, coming from where we came from.
“Tio ĉi estas grandega batalo por mi. This is more to me than winning a world title. I put my all into this. None of Trout’s experience matters. I’m a real lion and I’m going to show it.
Austin Trout is just a name to me. He beat Cotto, so what? I have work to do. I’m focused on getting the job done.
“Ni (the brothers) both do different things, but we also have the same skills and the same power. No one in the division can match up to us.
We always thought that we would be winners and that we would be competing at the top level. Now it’s time to make history. We want to prove why we’re at the top.
Me and my brother have always wanted to be champions at the same time. There’s never been anything like this. This era, you will get a chance to enjoy us. We’ve worked very hard to get here and we’re going to reign on this level.
After this, I’m coming for the (160-pound fighters). To be a top pound-for-pound fighter you need to dominate different divisions and that is my goal. That doesn’t mean I’m struggling with weight. I feel good right now but I think I will be even stronger at 160.
Majo 21 there is nothing that is going to stop me from losing my belt.
It’s no coincidence that I’m back at the top making a title run. I paid my dues and put in all the hard work necessary.
I have nothing bad to say about Jermall as a person or a fighter. But at the end of the day, the history will be my own. I’m going to use him for my legacy, not the other way around.
I worked hard to get here. I’m sharp and on weight. There is nothing that I feel like he can do to beat me that night.
Charlo took a chance with this fight. There is no mistake in taking a chance. But will the chance end up in his favor? I hardly doubt it. This won’t be easy. I’m never in easy fights. They’re always great fights.
Size won’t be a problem. He still has to make 154 Funtoj.
I want to thank Jermall for taking this fight. He’s doing something that a lot of people won’t do. But at the end of the day, I’m going to be the lion tamer. I’m going to tame that lion.
What flaws do you see?…
I don’t want to tell you about his flaws because he might fix them by Sabato, but we see a couple flaws.
On if it would hurt him to move up to 160
It may, it may not. We’re not looking at any extra edge or wishing to put all our eggs in one basket. What we’re banking on is our skillset and our grip to come out victorious. Whether it hurts him or not, it’s not going to matter. Only thing it’s going to do is make it easier for me.
“I’ve estita tie, I’ve been to the deep waters. I’ve seen many different types of strategies and styles. In a sense, there’s nothing that he brings to the table that I haven’t seen before.
I’ve got a big dog in me that you’re going to see Sabato Nokto. You’re going to see what should have been the main event. Me and Charlo, it’s going to be a great fight and I hope y’all tune in because I’m taking that belt.
I appreciate everyone involved in putting this fight together. To me this is a card that people need to be pay attention to. I believe that everyone on this card is going to give it their all, because we all motivated each other to be here.
I’m fighting John Jackson, the son of a legend. I don’t believe John Jackson will be able to live up to his dad and if his dad ever had to face me, I would have beat him too.
We’re getting more and more experience. People thought that Gabriel Rosado was too big of a test for me but I dominated that fight. I’m going to pass any test they put in front of me. Over the course of time, you’re eventually going to have to say we the experience.
I’m proud of what my brother has done. His success motivates me. He’s a world champion. These are the kind of things we look forward to.
This is our time. There is no more that we can say. There is a lot that’s coming ahead of us.
“Mi venas al gajni. I trained hard. It’s time for a world title for me. I have to fulfill my end of the bargain. John Jackson has been in wars, but so have I. This is our time, me and my brother’s.
Being on the same card as my brother is already a high standard so being on a card with the rest of the undercard guys, I’m honored and ready to show what I have to do. I’m ready to make history. I’m ready to win this belt and enjoy my vacation after.
I’m sticking with 154 nun. I would love to go to 160 because it’s easier for me but because it’s easier that’s why I wouldn’t go up. Making 154 for him is easy as well, he just sees other options.
I’m extremely blessed to be here. I’m looking to make history. My dad was a champion and I’m going to do the same thing.
Jermell is just selling the fight. We don’t take anything he says personally. We’ll humble him and put him in his place.
This is a dream come true and the Jackson legacy will live on.
“?i?? Iranta esti granda nokto. This could be the best fight of the card, easily. If you watch my career, every single fight I bring it. You’re going to see action and explosiveness.
On Jermell Charlo’s comments about his father
That’s disrespectful. My dad paid his dues and to talk about my dad like that is kind of disrespectful. It’s not getting to me. Fighters use that to try to get in your head but it’s fine, I’ll let him pay in the ring.
If Jermell’s ego is getting to him
“Yeah, he needs to humble himself. That was a little out of line. But we’ll see what he looks like in the ring.
On what flaws he sees in his game
He has a lot of flaws. How he leans forward and waits a lot. But his style is perfect for my style. I always bring it and give 100 percent and we’re looking for a stoppage.
It’s going to be explosive don’t miss it. SHOWTIME, it’s going down.
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Por pli da informa vizito Kaj, sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, @NoDoubtTrout, @TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm, #Fari?i fervorulo sur Facebook #?e Kaj

Former World Champion Miguel Vazquez Takes On Super Lightweight Contender Erick Bone in New Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes from The Dancehall in San Antonio On Saturday, Majo 28

Televisado Priraportado Komencas ĉe (10 P.M. ET/7 P.M. PT)
Biletoj sur Vendo Nun!
SAN ANTONIO (Majo 19, 2016) – Iama mondĉampiono Miguel “Titere” Vazquez (35-5, 13 KOs) is set to take on super lightweight contender Erick Osto (16-3, 8 KOs) En la 10-rondo #?efa evento de Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono(PBC) Sur FS1 kaj FOX Deportes from the Dancehall in San Antonio on Sabato, Majo 28 kun televidigita priraportado komencante 10 P.M. ET/7 P.M. PT.
Bone replaces Felix Diaz, who was forced to withdraw from the bout due to injury. Bone will return to 140-pounds after challenging Shawn Porter and Chris Algieri at welterweight in 2015.
I’m very excited about the opportunity to face a former world champion like Miguel Vazquez Sekvanta sabato Nokto,” Dirita Oston. “I look forward to fighting in front of the great fans in San Antonio and proving that I am a dangerous fighter that will leave it all in the ring.
Biletoj por la viva evento, which is promoted by Leija Battah Promotions and TGB Promotions, Estas alprezigita #?e $100, $85 Kaj $20 Kaj $1,000 Kaj $850 for VIP tables, before taxes and fees and are on sale now. Aĉeti biletojn, Voko (210) 988-8821 Vizito Http:// or in person at Champion Fit Gym at 6824 San Pedro Ave.
The 29-year-old Vazquez had a successful reign as 135-pound champion and defended his title eight times during his championship run. After beating Ji-Hoon Kim for his title, he would go on to defend it against the likes of Denis Shafikov, Mercito Gesta, Leonardo Zappavigna and Ammeth Diaz. Fighting out of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Meksiko, Vazquez’s most recent victory came against Jerry Belmontes and he is looking to rebound from a decision loss to Algenis Mendez in October.
La 26-jaro-malnova Osto batalis en la U.S. ekde 2014 kaj komencis sian karieron stateside kun venkoj super Francisko Figueroa, Mahonri Montoj kaj Peter Oluoch. Naskiĝis en Manabi, Ekvadoro, Osto gajnis la unuan 12 atakojn de lia kariero. His most recent losses have come at welterweight and against former world champions. Nun, he returns to the 140-pound division where he picked up a South American title in 2012.
Por pli da informa vizito Www.Premierboxingchampions.Com,, Http:// / hejmpaĝo Kaj Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @TitereVazquez, LeijaBattahPR, @TGBPromotions @FS1, @FOXDeportes, @CowboysDanceHal and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at, PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, Finest Biero.

Ruslan Provodnikov – John Molina Jr. Promotional video

Por Tuja Elkarcerigo
VERONO, Nov-Jorko (Majo 19, 2016) — Below is a promotional video in advance of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader that will take place on Sabato, Junio 11 from the Turning Stone Resort Casino that will be headlined by Ruslan Provodnikov and John Molina Jr. in a 12-round junior welterweight bout.
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Provodnikov - Molina Jr. Promotional video
Provodnikov – Molina Jr. Promotional video
Provodnikov-Molina Jr. will headline a tripleheader that begins live at 9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT on SHOWTIME®. The event features a WBC Super Welterweight Elimination bout between Demetrio Andrade Kaj Willie Nelson, plus a battle for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship that will pit No. 1 Dejan Zlaticanin against No. 2 Emiliano Marsili.
Biletoj por la viva evento, which is promoted by Banner Promotions, Inc., Estas alprezigita #?e $85, $60, $45 Kaj $35 Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, #A? enreta #?e Ticketmaster (
# # #
Turning Stone Resort Casino is no stranger to hosting high caliber nationally televised boxing events. Lasta jaro, Turning Stone hosted the epic battle between Provodnikov and Matthysee, selected over arenas in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Miami. When Provodnikov returns to Turning Stone on June 11th, it will mark Turning Stone’s 18th nationally-televised boxing event, cementing the resort as a mecca for knockout fights. #Trovi?i en Upstate Nov-Jorko, Turning Stone is an award-winning destination resort, offering world-class amenities including four hotels, 21 restaurants and dining options, two luxurious spas, 1,200 kvadrata piedo Las Vegas stilo videoludado planko, five beautiful golf courses, and several bars, cocktail lounges and nightlife venues.
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Visit Banner Promotions at, follow on Twitter at @BannerBoxing, follow on Instagram at @BannerBoxing, #Fari?i fervorulo sur Facebook #?e, follow on LinkedIn at, and watch on Youtube at

For Turning Stone Resort Casino: ; Pepi: turningstone ; Facebook:

Stacked Undercard Comes to Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Saturday, Junio 25

Exciting Matchups Feature Unbeaten Fighters as Jarrett Hurd Faces Oscar Molina &
David Benavidez Takes On Francy Ntetu
Brooklyn Fan Favorites Heather Hardy & Adam Kownacki Return
Plus! Undefeated Prospect Regis Prograis, 2012 Spanish Olympian
Jonathan Alonso & Unbeaten Josue Vargas
As Part of Exciting Night of Action
BROOKLYN (Majo 19, 2016) – A stacked undercard featuring top rising talent and local favorites will light up the ring at Barclays Center in Brooklyn as part of an extraordinary night of action on Sabato, Junio 25.
The June 25 SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO? on CBS event, presented by Premier Boxing Champions, is headlined by the highly anticipated welterweight showdown between world champion Keith Thurman kaj iama ĉampiono Shawn Porter. Televidigita priraportado komenciĝas je 9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT with an exciting battle between featherweight world champion Jesuo Cuellar and former three-division world champion Abner Mares.
En undercard ago, nevenkitan Super welterweights, Marilando’s Jarrett Hurd (17-0, 11 KOs), and California’s Oscar Molina (13-0, 10 KOs), will collide in a 10-round bout while undefeated light heavyweights, Arizona’s David Benavidez (14-0, 13 KOs) Kaj Francy Ntetu (16-0, 3 KOs), will mix it up in an eight-round fight.
Two staples of Brooklyn boxing will also enter the ring on Junio 25 Kiel Heather “La Varmo” Fortika (16-0, 4 KOs) competes in an eight-round super bantamweight attraction while Polish bruiser Adam Kownacki (13-0, 10 KOs) competes in a heavyweight bout.
Also in action on Junio 25 is hard-hitting, highly regarded 140-pound prospect Regis Prograis (17-0, 14 KOs) in a 10-round fight, 2012 Spanish Olympian Jonathan Alonso(8-0, 4 KOs) in a six-round super lightweight scrap and Mayweather Promotions prospectJosue Vargas (4-0, 3 KOs) in a four-round fight.
Biletoj por la viva evento, Kiu estas #anta?enigi de DiBella Distro, Komenco ĉe $49 Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Biletoj povas esti aĉetita enretan de vizitanta, Aŭ de kriado 1-800-745-3000. Biletoj ankaŭ estas haveblaj ĉe la Usona Ekspreso Box Office ĉe Barclays Centro. Grupo rabatoj estas haveblaj nomante 844-BKLYN-GP.
Batalado el Accokeek, Md., Hurd havas senmakulaj profesia rekordo ekde turnante avantaĝo en 2012. La 25-jaro-malnova malfermiĝis 2015 kun tria-ronda halto de veterano Eric Mitchell kaj sekvis kun sepa-ronda halto de antaŭe unbeaten Jeff Lentz en aŭgusto. He stepped up in competition last November when he faced Frank Galarza in Las Vegas and was able to show off his considerable skill by stopping the previously unbeaten fighter in the sixth round of perhaps a career-best performance.
Representing Mexico, La 2012 Olympian Molina fights out of Norwalk, Calif., and is unbeaten in his brief professional career. La 26-jaraĝa fariĝis profesia en 2013 and after winning a decision in his first bout, he went on to knock out six opponents in a row. His last bout came against fellow unbeaten Domonique Dolton and featured exciting back-and-forth action before the fight was ruled a majority draw.
The younger brother of undefeated Jose Benavidez, David has racked up a perfect 14 wins in 14 starts at just 19-years-old. Fighting out of Phoenix, Benavidez picked up four victories via stoppage in 2015 and kicked off his 2016 with a knockout of Kevin Cobbs in January. Plej #?us, he scored a second round knockout of Phillip Jackson Benson in April. The next challenge for Benavidez is the 33-year-old Ntetu, who won three times in 2015. Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, he fights out of Montreal and will be making his fifth appearance in the U.S. Sur Junio 25.
A popular Brooklyn fighter who competed in Barclays Center’s first-ever professional female boxing match, Hardy iĝis bazvaro ĉe la areno ekde. Sur Junio 25, she will be making her seventh appearance at Barclays Center. Iom pli ol du jarojn post ŝia profesian debuton, Hardy gajnis internacian titolon rimeno en la súper Bantamweight dividado en oktobro 2014. Je 2015, she defeated Noemi Bosques and Renata Domsodi twice. In her lone 2016 Batalo, she stopped Anna Donatella Hultin in the fourth round.
A two-time New York Golden Gloves champion, Kownacki had a big 2015, notching four victories including knockouts of Maurenzo Smith and Randy Easton. Born in Lomza, Pollando, the 26-year-old now calls Brooklyn home. His 2016 campaign began in January at Barclays Center when he defeated Danny Kelly in front of a raucous Polish crowd.
Originally from New Orleans but fighting out of Houston, Prograis continues to work his way up the 140-pound rankings as he takes down veteran contenders. The 27-year-old looked sensational in his last outing as he scored a first round knockout over Mexico’s Aaron Herrera. Already named on of ESPN’s top prospects in 2015, he will look to cement his contender status in 2016.
Born in the Dominican Republic, Alonso moved to Spain at seven-years-old and would eventually represent the country at the 2012 Olympics. Now training in Brooklyn, the 25-year-old is undefeated since turning pro in 2014 while splitting time fighting in New York and Spain. He is coming off a victory over Ricardo Maldonado in February.
Vargas began boxing at age eight and by by age 13 the New York Daily News dubbed him aprodigy.Fighting out of New York, the 17-year-old Vargas recently signed to the Mayweather Promotions stable and will make his debut with his new promoter on Junio 25.
# # #
Barclays Centro BROOKLYN Boksado ™ programado platformo estas prezentita de AARP. PBC is sponsored by Corona, Finest Biero.
Por pli da informa vizito Kaj, sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, @ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, @LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KajSwanson_Comm aŭ fariĝi fervorulo sur Facebook ĉe,, Kaj

Cruiserweight Champion Beibut Shumenov Takes on Chicago’s Junior Wright & Top Contender B.J. Flores Battles Mexico’s Roberto Santos on Saturday, Majo 21 From The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Plus! Super Middleweight Contender Lanell Bellows & Super Lightweight Prospect Tra-Kwon Pettis Round Out Action in Separate Undercard Fights
LASa VEGAS (Majo 19, 2016) – Cruiserweight champion Beibut Shumenov (16-2, 10 KOs)will battle once-beaten Junior Wright (15-1-1, 12 KOs)kaj supro konkuranto B.J. Flores prenas sur Meksiko Roberto Santos (12-3, 5 KOs) in a pair of boutsthat highlight undercard action on Sabato, Majo 21 De La Chelsea inside La Kosmopolita de Las Vegas.
The May 21 event features SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING beginning at 9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT with a tripleheader of 154-pound world title fights. The main event sees a rematch between WBA champion Erislandy Lara and U.S. Olympian Vanes Martirosyanplus IBF champion Jermall Charlo batalanta iama ĉampiono Austin Trout and unbeaten contender Jermell Charlo facing top contender John Jackson for the vacant WBC Super Welterweight world title.
Shumenov will defend his cruiserweight title in a 12-round matchup with Wright while Flores will make his heavyweight debut against and Santos in a six-round tilt.
Rounding out the action is Las Vegas-native Lanell “KO” Kriegas (15-1-1, 8 KOs) in an eight-round super middleweight contest against Virginia’s Scott Sigmon (26-8-1, 14 KOs) and unbeaten prospect Tra-Kwon “Superman” Pettis (3-0, 1 KOs) in a six-round super lightweight battle against Mexico’s Carlos Rodriguez (6-2, 2 KOs).
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de Mayweather Promotions kaj TGB Promotions, are on-sale now. Biletaj prezoj komenco #?e $39, and are available online at www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.Com or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000;
Hejmanto de Shymkent, Kazaĥio Elbatalanta de Las Vegas, Shumenov looks to build on his last fight, kiu vidis lin gajni cruiserweight krono venkante BJ. Floroj en julio. His first title defense was scheduled for December but was cancelled when Shumenov suffered an eye injury. La 32-jaraĝa gajnis mondan titolon de lumo superpezula venkante Gabriel Campillo en Las Vegas en 2010. La 2004 Olympian for Kazakhstan went on to defend his title five times and will make his first 200-pound defense against Chicago’s Wright. The 29-year-old has won back-to-back fights since suffering his only loss last May.
Twice a U.S. National Champion as an amateur, Flores seeks a run at a world title after coming up just short in a decision loss to Shumenov last July. Born in San Francisco, but fighting out of Chandler, Arizono, Flores had won seven fights in a row before his last bout including victories over veterans Kevin Engel and Anthony Caputo Smith. He will be opposed by the durable Mexican Santos, who has never been stopped.
Por pli da informa vizito Kaj, sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, @NoDoubtTrout, @TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm, #Fari?i fervorulo sur Facebook #?e




LASa VEGAS (Majo 19, 2016) -World Serio de Batalado ( today announced a complete, seven-bout preliminary fight card for its WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland world heavyweight championship Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Evento, vivi sur NBCSN ĉe 9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Conn. Sur Vendredo, Junio 17.

The WSOF31 undercard lineup includes the promotional debut of heavyweight knockout artist Lorenzo Hood (9-3), who will square off with fellow finisher Tyler “The Marauder” King (10-4).

The 6-foot-3, 27-year-old Hood of Chicago, Malsana. is a former professional football player turned MMA wrecking machine who has notched all 9 of his professional victories by way of (T)KO in the first round of battle.

King, a 6-foot-5, 35-year-old resident of North Attleboro, Amaso. gajnis 8 De lia 10 career wins via (T)KO aŭ submetado. He is coming off a 51-second submission (kalkanhoko) De Eric Bedard Sur Aprilo 16.

In another heavyweight contest, Juliano “Banana” Coutinho (7-2) of Cape Cod, Amaso. via Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will look to secure his second straight victory when he faces off with Team AKA product Justin Willis (3-1) of San Jose, Calif.

Willis, who is riding a three-fight win streak, was originally slated to face Chris "Huggy Bear" Barnett on the main card portion of the bill.

Returning to the decagon cage for the fourth time, submission specialist Tom “Tommy Gunnz” Marcellino (7-4) of Amsterdam, N.Y. Prenos sur Devin Powell (6-1) of South Berwick, Maine in one of three lightweight (155 Funtoj) matchups on the WSOF31 preliminary bout card.

Powell boasts won four straight fights, three by way of (T)KO aŭ submetado.

In welterweight (170 Funtoj) Ago, Robert Fonseca (10-3, 1 NC) of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil will seek his fourth consecutive victory when he squares off with Sean Lally (4-2) of Orleans, Amaso.

Saul “The Spider” Almeida (18-6) of Boston, Amaso. will make his third start in the decagon cage in a lightweight matchup with prolific power striker Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington of Bangor, Majno.

Thirty-year-old rising star Rodrigo “The Young Lion” Almeida of Woburn, Amaso. will do battle with Ben Pierre-Saint (9-4) of Superior, Visko. at bantamweight (135 Funtoj).

In the leadoff preliminary card fight, Unbeaten sam Watford (2-0) of Mount Vernon, N.Y. Alfrontos Christian “The Terminator” Torres (0-0) of Endicott, N.Y.

Alprezigita el $39.99, tickets for WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland are on sale at and

Doors at The Grand Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino will open at 5 P.M. ET, and the first preliminary card bout will begin at 6 P.M.

In the live NBCSN televised main event, reigning world heavyweight championBlagoy Ivanov (13-1) will risk his title against Josh “Cuddly Bear” Copeland (13-1) Dum, in the lightweight co-main event, supersteluloj Jason "La Kansasurbo Bandito" Alta (19-5) Kaj Mike "La marsano" Ricci (11-4) will square off with their division’s number one contender ranking at stake.

Elsewhere on the live NBCSN telecast, John “Doomsday” Howard (23-12) will make his highly-anticipated World Series of Fighting debut against submission expert Thiago “Minu” Meller (20-7) ĉe veltero.

In a featherweight (145 Funtoj) tilt between two prolific strikers, Ludoviko "Baboon" Palomino (24-12) will battle former world championship challenger Sheymon Moraes (8-1).

PRI MONDA serio de batalado
“Monda Serio de Batalado” (WSOF) estas tutmonda ĉefranga profesia Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) batali promocio dediĉis al liveranta la plej bonan agon-plenplena luktojn por lukton ŝatantoj de produktanta la plej bona ebla partio-ups inter elitaj batalantoj el la tuta mondo. Por pli da informo bonvolu vizito kaj sekvu “Monda Serio de Batalado” on Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF kaj Monda Serio de Batalado estas varmarkoj de MMAWC, LLC.