Vse objave FNU47


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 14, 2016) – Tako kot številni težki udarci z naslovom, ki jih je napadel New England Fights, Maine avtohtoni Brandon Bushaw (1-2) v svoji bojni športni karieri ni imel več ničesar za dokazati.

Bushaw je svojo sezono državnega prvenstva brez poraza spremenil kot maturant srednje šole Westbrook v Ljubljani 1999 v univerzitetno rokoborsko kariero na Michigan State University, kjer je bil soigralec prvaka UFC v polteški kategoriji Rashada Evansa (19-5-1).

»Bil sem s punco iz srednje šole (Cynthia), zdaj moja žena, tako da sem vedel, da bomo vedno povezani z Maineom,”Je rekel Bushaw. »Razen štipendiranja rokoborbe, Mislil sem, da sem končal z bojem. "

Par se je naselil na Myrtle Beachu, S.C., in odprl Island Bar and Grill, ki so jih imeli v lasti in upravljali ducat let.

Dobro je, udobno življenje. Razširjena družina je obiskala in ugotovila, da je območje tako privlačno, da so ostali za vedno.

Ti konkurenčni sokovi niso nikoli popolnoma izhlapeli, vseeno.

»Imel sem soigralce, ki so se usmerili v mešane borilne veščine,”Je rekel Bushaw. »Gledal sem jih, in ko sem se približal 30, je postala stvar seznama vedr. Zdaj sem tu, 17 kasneje se bori. "

Bushaw, 35, je potovanje razložil v telefonskem intervjuju, ko se je pripravljal na svoj četrti profesionalni dvoboj, peresni spopad z Auburnovim Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (3-2) na “NEF 24: Obljubljena dežela «dne Sobota, Junij 18 pri banki Androscoggin Bank Colisee v Lewistonu.

Borba je prva Bushawova na svojem prvotnem domačem terenu od leta 2014 izguba z Eliasom Lelandom pri meji 135 kilogramov. Povzpne se do 145 funtov, kjer je priznal, da mu je bolj prijetno (»V moji visoki starosti,"Bushaw je potegnil) za soočenje z Denningom.

"To je čudno, ker sem mislil, da sem s takim tekmovanjem končal, ko sem končal srednjo šolo, ko pa grem domov po vseh teh letih, vsi stari prijatelji, ki jih že leta nisem videl, so me gledali, kako se borim,”Je rekel Bushaw. »Ves čas sem se boril, ampak kadar koli se borim na Myrtle Beachu ali v Mainu, bolj poseben je. "

Nekateri športniki se vrnejo v svojo tekmovalno areno, ker pogrešajo privlačnost navijaške množice.

To velja za Bushawa, do neke mere, čeprav tudi gledalčevo zanimanje, ki ga je pritegnil z modrimi plameni in Spartanci, bledi v primerjavi s tistim, kar ga pozdravlja ob šestkotniku NEF.

»To ni nič drugega kot srednješolska ali celo fakultetna borba,”Je rekel Bushaw. »Prideš in dva sta, tri, štiri tisoč ljudi, ki gledajo. Tako drugačno je. V enem tednu ali celo v enem vikendu ne dobite več možnosti za boj. Traja nekaj minut, nato pa je najvišja od najvišjih ali najnižja od najnižjih. "

Fizični davek in potrebno dopolnilo spretnosti presegata tudi tisto, kar je Bushaw poznal v mladosti.

To odkritje je dosegel približno minuto pred začetkom amaterskega dvoboja.

»MMA je bolj dinamičen kot rokoborba. Spomnim se svojega prvega boja, tip me je pobral in me vrgel dol, jaz pa sem pristal na glavi,”Je rekel Bushaw. »Spomnim se, da sem razmišljal, ‘To verjetno ni bila tako dobra ideja,Ampak našel sem način, da dobim zmago. "

»Lahko si boljši od fanta v štirih različnih kategorijah, če pa je boljši samo v enem, sposoben te je premagati,”Je nadaljeval. "Mislite, da se stvari odvijajo po vaših željah, potem je to največje razočaranje na svetu."

V tistem nepredvidljivem kraljestvu je tovarištvo, ki ga v celoti razumejo samo veterani kletke. Bushaw, ki je treniral s prijatelji iz otroštva Jamiejem Harrisonom in Amosom Collinsom, ugotovil, da je postal prisrčen s skoraj vsemi svojimi predhodnimi nasprotniki.

Denning (3-2) je eden redkih, s katerimi je Bushaw (1-2) so postali prijatelji na družabnih omrežjih pred njihovim spopadom.

»To je nekako čudno, ampak vse te stvari gredo skozi okno,”Je rekel Bushaw. »Boril se je z mojim prijateljem Domom Cofoneom. Je lokalni fant. Vem, da bo zame hud izziv. "

V mnogih pogledih gre za križišče Bushawa, ki je priznal, da razmišlja o upokojitvi iz tega športa.

»Verjetno zadnjih pet borb, v katerih sem že rekel, ‘Še en boj in končal sem,’In potem nadaljujem. Nikogar se ne izogibam,"Je dejal. »Moj zadnji boj je bil proti otroku, ki je bil 23 na Tajskem pa je bil dve leti ali nekaj več (stvari). Takrat bi lahko rekel, 'Kaj počnem?'

»Zame je to družina, potem posel, nato boj. Za veliko teh mlajših fantov, boj je prvi, in to je izziv. "

Odprtje zvonec na Junij 18 je določen za 7 p.m. Vstopnice za “NEF 24: Obljubljena dežela «začetek ob $25 in so na voljo na www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009, podaljšanje 525.

Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."

World Championship Boxing: The Next Generation Series Begins July 28 v Torontu

Canada based series to showcase up and coming fighters
Za takojšnjo objavo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Junij 13, 2016) – Lee Baxter Promotions is proud to announce the start of a new series in Canada “World Championship Boxing: The Next Generation” kicking off Četrtek, Julij 28 at Danforth Music Hall in Toronto, Ontario.
The series will feature up and coming fighters looking to get to the next level in the near future. Most of the boxers are from Canada but some will travel from various parts of the globe to showcase their skills.
»I’ve had the idea of doing this for awhile and am glad it’s officially coming to fruition,” said Lee Baxter. “Canada has many talented fighters hungry to make it to the next level. Na žalost, there aren’t the same amount of opportunities here that there are elsewhere. It also took me awhile to to find the right venue and I’m glad we found it at the Danforth Music Hall here in Tornoto because it’s a great place. The goal of “World Championship Boxing: “The Next Generation” is to provide a platform for fighters that believe they can make a name for themselves and aspire to make it to the top in this sport.”
V glavni dogodek, super featherweight Alex Dilmaghani (10-1, 2 KO je) makes his Canada debut in a ten round bout. Rodil se je v Angliji, the 24-year-old had his first eight bouts in England before relocating to Mexico for his last three fights. V 2016, Dilmaghani moved to Canada and signed with Lee Baxter Promotions. This is his first fighter under their banner and he’s looking to make a big statement.
Lightweight Steven Wilcox of Hamilton, Ontario will fight in the eight round co-feature. With an outstanding 13-1-1 record and five wins by knockout, the slick southpaw fought for the WBC International championship in 2015, battling undefeated Mick Gadbois to a draw. The popular Wilcox has been matched tough the last few years and his lone defeat came via controversial decision.
Tim “The Irish” Cronin, 7-1-1 (2 KO je) is scheduled to box in a six round light heavyweight contest. Ker pada njegovo pro prvenec, the Etobicoke, Ontario native is undefeated in eight fights.
Junior middleweight Mayron Zeferino and heavyweights Mladen Mijas and Augistino D’Aluisio are slated to appear in four round bouts.
All opponents will be announced shortly.
Sponsored by Everlast, Vonbets, Hardknocks Boxing Club & Labatts Brewery, tickets to “World Championship Boxing: “The Next Generation are on sale now for $45, $55 in $65 s klicem 416-797-3375. Vrata odprta na 6:30 pm in prvi boj je načrtovan za 7:30.
For more information on Lee Baxter Promotions, please visit Leebaxtermgt.com.

Undefeated Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder Defends His Title Against Two-Time World Title Challenger Chris Arreola in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Primetime Main Event Saturday, Julij 16 From Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Alabama (8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT)

Vstopnice v prodaji Jutri!
BIRMINGHAM, AL (Junij 13, 2016) – Undefeated heavyweight world champion Deontay “Bronze Bomber” Wilder (36-0, 35 Kos) will defend his title in his home state when he battles two-time world title challenger Chris “Nightmare” Arreola (36-4-1, 31 Kos) v glavni dogodek Premier Boxing prvakov (PBC) na FOX and FOX Deportes Sobota, Julij 16 from Legacy Arena at the BJCC in Birmingham, Alabama with televised coverage beginning at 8 p.m. IN/5 p.m. PT.
Vstopnice za dogodek, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions in association with Bruno Event Team, začeti na samo $20 in gredo v prodajojutri. Za vstopnic obiščite www.alabamatitlefight.com inwww.ticketmaster.com.
Wilder returns to the ring after he was set to travel to Russia and defend his title against Alexander Povetkin on May 21 before the challenger failed a drug test that caused a cancellation of the fight. Zdaj, Wilder will showcase his exceptional skills in primetime on network television as he takes on Arreola. It will be Wilder’s fourth defense and third in his home state of Alabama.
I’m always excited about coming home and being in front of my people where I’m the most comfortable,” Said Wilder. “I’ve been traveling a lot, going over to Sheffield, England to train before I was supposed to fight Alexander Povetkin in Moscow. But because of his decision to use a banned substance, the fight didn’t happen. I’m disappointed about that, but it’s not going to stop me from being an active heavyweight world champion. It has also given me the opportunity to again defend my title before my hometown fans. It’s always good to come home.
This is the longest stretch that I’ve been out of the ring and I’m anxious to get back in and continue my quest to become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world,” continued Wilder. “This is another fight in that process. I respect Chris Arreola for getting into the ring with me, but we all know who the real champion is and I’m going to prove it. I’ve been training long and hard for a fight and now I’m going to take it out on Arreola on July 16.
I’m thankful to Deontay for this opportunity, he has provena great deal by winning the heavyweight title and by defending it three times,” Said Arreola. “I’m very excited to step into the ring with him, put on a great show, be victorious and make history by becoming the first Mexican heavyweight world champion.
We are thrilled that Deontay will be back in the ring quickly, in primetime on FOX, and at home in Alabama. Chris Arreola knows that this is his last opportunity for heavyweight glory and will likely come out throwing bombs from the opening bell. I expect an explosive, fan friendly fight for as long as it lasts,” je rekel Lou DiBella, Predsednik DiBella Entertainment. “In the wake of Povetkin’s positive PED test and the cancellation of that fight, we are happy that Deontay’s next heavyweight title defense will be contested on 16. julij and on such a great platform.
Chris knows what this fight means, and having been in the position to be the first Mexican heavyweight world champion before, he’s not going to let that chance slip by him again, ” je dejal Tom Brown TGB Promocije.
We are excited to work with DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions to bring the third heavyweight boxing championship in a little over a year to the state of Alabama,” Said Gene Hallman, predsednik in izvršni direktor Bruno Event Team. “We expect tickets for this fight to sell quickly and we encourage Alabama boxing fans to show their support for Deontay.
FOX and FOX Deportes are thrilled to be broadcasting the much anticipated heavyweight championship of the world between Deontay Wilder vs. Chris Arreola as part of our partnership with Premier Boxing Champions,” je dejal David Nathanson, FOX Sports Head poslovanja. “It’s been just over 20 years since FOX presented its last heavyweight headliner, Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis. We’re sure this title fight will deliver another amazing PBC show on our networks.
The heavyweight champion from Tuscaloosa is itching to get back in the ring after defending his title with stoppages of Eric Molina, Johann Duahaupas and most recently a one-punch knockout of Artur Szpilka in January. Preden vklopite pro v novembru 2008, Wilder je osvojil bronasto medaljo na težji za ZDA. pri 2008 Olimpijske igre. Bil je zadnji ameriški moški boxer za medaljo na olimpijskih igrah. The 30-year-old won the belt with a dominant decision over Bermane Stiverne in January 2015. The six-month layoff will be the longest of Wilder’s career. This fight will mark the eighth time Wilder fights in his home state of Alabama as a professional.
Always in exciting fights, the Los Angeles-born Arreola will look to entertain the primetime audience as he takes his third crack at a heavyweight world championship. With victories over Eric Molina, Seth Mitchell, Joey Abell and Jameel McCline plus championship losses to Vitali Klitschko and Bermane Stiverne, he will be one of the most battle-tested opponents of Wilder’s career.
There will be two more hours of boxing on FS1 and FOX Deportes at 10 p.m. IN, immediately following the Wilder vs. Arreola fight on FOX. Further details will be announced shortly.
Za več informacij obiščite www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.alabamatitlefight.comwww.dbe1.com,www.TGBPromotions.com,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / domača stran in foxdeportes.com sledite na TwitterPremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, @NightmareBoxing @FOXSports, FOXDeportes, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions InSwanson_Comm in postanejo fan na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. www.facebook.com/foxsports inwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Sledite pogovor pomočjo #PBConFOX. PBC na FOX sponzorira Corona, Finest Beer.


13. junij, RENO — In front of a packed crowd at the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa, Reno, flyweight Oscar Vasquez took a unanimous victory against Mexico’s Javier Lapizco. All three judges scored the bout 80-72. Vasquez was in control of the fight from the opening bell but had to weather several intense exchanges with the game Lapizco throughout the fight. Vasquez moves to 10-1, Lapizco to 7-4.


Oscar’s younger brother Santos scored a second-round TKO over Nestor Hernandez in a Jr. flyweight bout. Santos had Hernandez down in the first round by landing a left-hook that landed perfectly. He continued to land punches in the second and once again put Hernandez down. After a third knockdown, referee Vic Drakulich called a stop to the contest. Vasquez moves to 2-2, Hernandez to 0-2.


Prav tako v soboto je kartice, Reno’s Alec McGee was successful in his professional debut over the tough Mulapi Enjani via unanimous decision in a four-round featherweight bout. The aggressive Enjani had his moments, but McGee’s boxing ability proved to be superior. Enjani moves to 2-2-2.


The sensational opening bout pitted super featherweights Derick Bartlemay and Matt Murphy against each other in a four-round fight. The nonstop action resembled the final fight sequence in a Rocky movie and ultimately resulted in a draw.


In a four-round super-featherweight bout, Rafael Busuioc scored a unanimous decision win over Jose Luis Gallegos in an a high energy bout.


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 13, 2016) – Bojni športi so dali Mike Bezanson (1-0) smer. Pomagali so mu tudi pri vzpostavljanju odnosa z očetom, ki si ga je vedno zaželel, a nikoli ni mogel dojeti.

Zdaj, na predvečer Očetovega dne, manj kot teden dni po štiriletnici očetove prezgodnje smrti, Bezanson je pripravljen narediti še en korak v karieri, ki so bile njune skupne sanje.

Bezanson, 21, Lancaster, N.H., se vrne v šesterokotnik New England Fights, da ga prevzame Shawn Bang (1-1) Auburn, Maine, v dvoboju v polmeru na “NEF 24: Obljubljena dežela." Njihov amaterski dvoboj je ena izmed mnogih zanimivosti naSobota, Junij 18 kartico pri Androscoggin Bank Colisee v Lewistonu.

»Mislim, da bo ta boj zame dober, ker bom svoje sposobnosti lahko pokazal proti nasprotniku z več izkušnjami v kletki, kot jih imam,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Tudi, Dejstvo, da je Junij 18 je dan pred očetovskim dnevom to zame sentimentalna in čustvena borba. "

Na bis pride skoraj leto dni po dnevu, ko je Bezanson ustavil Jeffa Dustina (0-1) s tehničnim nokautom s stavkami v svojem prvem mešanem borilnem športu junija 13, 2015. Bang je razdelil prvi dve sodbi v kletki NEF.

Bezansonovo razstavljanje, Stil stick-and-move je pri množici, ki je bila priča njegovim začetniškim prizadevanjem, naletel na mešane kritike. Nekateri so izžvižgali relativno pomanjkanje ukrepov, morda sumil, da se je Bezanson poigraval s prekomerno izbranim nasprotnikom.

Vse je bilo del njegovega načrta, da se nauži trenutka in izkoristi priložnost.

»Resnično smo imeli načrt igre, da bi dobili izkušnje,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Če imam kakšne misli, da bi šel pro, Moram pridobiti čim več izkušenj. Če vstopiš tja in nekoga zavrneš 10 sekund, ne razumite me narobe, dobil si nokavt in to je super, vendar se ne naučite, kaj je potrebno, da se počutite udobno na drugi strani tega 10 sekund. Ne veste, koliko energije boste potrebovali. "

Bezansonu ni nikoli primanjkovalo energije, ali osebnost, od otroštva. Zase se opisuje kot mladenič, ki ni nikoli zašel v resnejše težave, in nikoli ni eksperimentiral z drogami ali drugimi neurejenimi vedenji, ampak tisti, ki je svobodno izpodbijal oblast.

Kot borec v srednji šoli je gravitiral boksarskemu ringu. Dalo mu je smer. Prav tako je zagotovil temelje za vnovično, spet odnos z očetom, Jamie.

»Preden sem se lotil boksa, moj oče v resnici ni bil veliko vpleten v moje življenje. Prišel bi in odšel, veš, iz osebnih razlogov,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Ko sem začel boksati, res smo se zbližali. Boks in dirke so bile njegove stvari. Vsem in vsem bi povedal, da boksam in kako ponosen je, in to mi je veliko pomenilo. "

Jamie Bezanson ni nikoli imel priložnosti gledati, kako se njegov sin razvija kot borec. Junij 15, 2012, med letnim "kolesarskim tednom" v Laconiji, njegov motocikel je prečkal sredinsko črto in udaril v drugo vozilo.

Starejši Bezanson je podlegel poškodbam. Bil 37.

»Nekaj ​​časa sem ga izgubil. Nehal sem boksati. Mentally, Bil sem ravno na zelo čustvenem mestu,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Potem tik ob moji hiši, Kaze Dojo se je odprl. Rekel sem, "To bi lahko naredil."

Bezanson je začel trenirati v brazilskem Jiu-Jitsuju z Gregom Williamsom. Izkazal se je kot naravni talent, osvojil zlato medaljo v svojem prvencu na Vermont Open.

Nato je prišlo do naravnega napredovanja v MMA, kjer se je njegovo stand-up znanje izkazalo za pretežko, da bi ga Dustin zagovarjal. Bezanson je kletki ukazal z držo in kirurško natančnostjo veterana.

»Sem naokoli precej samozavesten fant. Res nisem bil tako živčen. Zakaj bi me bilo strah, če ste pripravljeni in ste opravili ves ta trening?"Je dejal. »Devetdeset odstotkov spopadov je izgubljenih, še preden sploh prideš v kletko. Če pustite, da čustva pridejo do vas, ne boste nastopili po svojih najboljših močeh. "

Bezanson je na treningu kmalu zatem utrpel katastrofalno poškodbo kolena. Preteklo leto je preživel na okrevanju po operaciji popravljanja raztrganega ACL in meniskusa.

Ko se je vrnil v telovadnico, Bezanson se je večino svojega časa posvetil svoji razvijajoči se igri na tleh. Bang bi ga moral kraljevsko preizkusiti, nekdanji srednješolski rokoborec iz znane deželne borbene družine.

»Presenetljiva je zagotovo ena mojih prednosti. Sem dolgočasen stari, in to poskušam v celoti izkoristiti,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Sem pa na treningu res trdo delal na svoji igri na tleh. V prvi borbi res nisem dobil priložnosti, da bi to pokazal, ampak vem, da bom tokrat. "

Bezanson vidi svoj drugi vstop v kletko kot pravi začetek, za katero upa, da bo plodna kariera.

Poleg številnih oboževalcev, ki se bodo odpravili na štiriurno krožno pot iz Severne države, da ga gledajo, Bezanson ve, da bo imel v svojem kotu ene posebne oči.

»Boks me je naučil veliko discipline. MMA je ista stvar. Ljudje ga lahko uporabljajo, kakor hočejo, ampak to počne zame,"Je dejal. "To je nekaj, kar rad počnem in nekaj, za kar vem, da je moj oče hkrati ponosen."

Odprtje zvonec na Junij 18 je določen za 7 p.m. Trenutni paket vključuje pet profesionalnih boksarskih dvobojev, trije pro MMA dvoboji in osem amaterskih MMA spopadov. Vstopnice za “NEF 24: Obljubljena dežela «začetek ob $25 in so na voljo nawww.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009, podaljšanje 525.

Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."

O New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

Thomas Dulorme returns this Saturday

Former world title challenger, Thomas Dulorme (22-2, 14 Kos) from Carolina, Puerto Rico, will be back in action to soboto, Junij 18 at the Pabellón de la Feria, Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha, Španija.
Dulorme will be facing Mexican, Jesus “Pantera” Gurrola ( 22-8-3, 10 KO je ) in a scheduled eight round welterweight division bout.
Right now I’m a free agent. This bout marks my return at the welterweight divison where I first started my career, and was ranked as one of the best in the world. Now you can expect a stronger and faster boxer. At the jr. welterweight division I was ranked in the top positions too, but It was difficult for me to make weight” Said Dulorme.
At this stage of my career, I feel very good both mentally and physically to get back to the winning route. Now after this fight, we will be looking for better options,” je dejal 26 year old world title contender.
Dulorme has notable victories over former world champion DeMarcus Corley, the rising prospect, Karim Mayfield, who marched unbeaten in 19 starts and world contender Hank Lundy and Charlie Navarro.
V svoji zadnji predstavitvi, which was affected by a sudden divorce during his training and differences with his team, Dulorme lost a competitive match against one of the best pound for pound fighters in the world, Terence Crawford in bout ruled for the vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO) world title at the 140-pound division.

Joseph Elegele Scores Hard Fought Unanimous Decision Victory Over Phil Lo Greco In Main Event Of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round On Bounce From The Lakeland Center in Lakeland, FL

Dauren Yeleussinov and Devaun Lee Fight To Split Decision Draw
Craig Baker Stops Steve Lovett In Final Seconds Of Eighth Round
Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije
Credit: Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions
LAKELAND, FL. (Junij 13, 2016) – Exciting super welterweight Joseph Elegele (16-2 11 Kos) showed his strength and power Nedelja zvečer v glavni dogodek Premier Boxing prvakov: Naslednji krog na Bounce TV as he went toe-to-toe with Phil Lo Greco(27-3, 15 Kos) za 10 hard-fought rounds from The Lakeland Center in Lakeland, FL. Both combatants left it all in the ring, exchanging punches throughout the bout with close rounds that left the audience wanting more.
Elegeleof nearby Winter Haven, FL started the bout coming forward, slightly stunning Toronto’s Lo Greco with several flurries of punches that set the tone for a hard fought back and forth battle. The action picked up in round two as Lo Greco came in on the attack early in the round, pinning Elegele against the ropes and continuing to pepper him with punches to the body and the head.
Despite being taken aback by the attack, Elegele came roaring back in the final seconds of round two and out of the corner to kick off round three. Lo Greco remained in the pocket, not afraid to continue to throw wide left hooks as the fighters traded punches back and forth.
As the fight continued, Lo Greco backed Elegele up against the ropes, smothering him with punches despite Elegele’s four-inch height advantage. But round six was completely controlled by Elegele as he threw a combination of bruising punches that very well could have sent Lo Greco to the canvas. However Lo Greco remained in the pocket. In the 10th and final round, Lo Greco prišel ven močna, outworking Elegele, but with less than 20 seconds to go in the bout, Elegele stunned Lo Greco with a barrage of punches up against the ropes. Judges scored the bout 97-95 in 96-94 dvakrat, all for Elegele, the winner by unanimous decision.
The second televised bout saw two former amateur standouts Dauren Yeleussinov (5-0-1, 4 Kos) Kazahstan, who now fights out of Brooklyn, in Devaun Lee (7-2-1, 3 Kos) Queens, NY in an eight-round middleweight bout that ended in a split draw. Yeleussinov wasted no time in the first round as he kicked off the fight by throwing multiple left hands, one to the body and two to the head of Lee.
Lee escaped the round unscathed and despite spending the majority of the second round against the ropes, he was able to let his hands go and catch Yeleussinov with multiple shots. The 30-year-old Yeleussinov went on the attack in the sixth round, pinning Lee against the ropes, once again with a barrage of punches. Judges scored the bout at 79-73 for Yeleussinov, 78-74 za Lee in 76-76, ending the bout in a split draw.
V uvodnem televizijski dvoboj, Australian prospect Steve Lovett (15-1, 12 Kos) battled Craig Baker (17-1, 13 Kos) in a 10-round light heavyweight showdown that ended with an explosive knockout. Baker of Baytown, TX was sent to the canvas in round four following a big left hook thrown by Lovett, but Baker was the more active fighter throughout the fight as he was up on all three of the judge’s scorecards going into the eighth and final round. With only three seconds to go in the bout, Baker sent Lovett to the canvas with a hard right hand that ended the bout.
Here is what the participants had to say about their respective performances Nedelja noč:
I wasn’t surprised because he’s a tough fighter, he’s a Canadian and Canadian fighters are tough. Prišel je, da boj proti. To je bil dober boj.
It’s hard for anyone to find an answer for a straight left, but I was surprised he kept walking through it.
I hope this win puts me on the next level. I’m ready for the top fighters. I know there are some things I can work on, but I am ready for the top fighters.
I’m not sure what’s up with my left hand. It hurt me when I was throwing it, but I’m a warrior. I’ve been through too much in life to let a little left hand hurt me. It could be falling off and I’m still going to throw it.
It was his hometown. The score could have gone either way. I hurt him in the second round. He was out and the ref could have stopped the fight. That is no excuse. I will fight anyone, kjerkoli.
I felt I was pushing the fight. I am disappointed in the decision.
It’s up to the fans if they want to see me again. People see that I will fight anywhere and anyplace. I enjoyed tonight.
I don’t agree with the draw, I think I won the fight. I would have been comfortable with a split decision. He worked, but I landed clean shots and I landed heavier punches. I feel like I won the fight. Ima moč, but he wasn’t powerful enough to stop me.
“Naslednja, I’m ready for whatever they put in front of me. I would do it again.
Lovett is a strong guy and he’s a hell of a competitor. He came to work and he tested me, so it is what it is, ena.
This is awesome, ena. This is what I sweat and kill myself in the gym for. This win means the world to me.
He never hurt me tonight. We stayed patient I do what we do. This is the biggest win of my career, but I won’t rest until I get a title.
I’ll fight whoever next. I’ll be back in the gym soon and getting ready for whoever the put in front of me next.
Fighting on a Premier Boxing Champions card is amazing. I’m grateful to get the opportunity and I hope to be back on PBC fighting again.
# # #
The fight card was promoted by King’s Promotions and sponsored by Corona Extra: Finest Beer.
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Check out Fight News Unlimited’s recent interviews of the main event combatants:
Phil Lo Greco:
Joseph Elegele:

Moises Chucky Flores remains undefeated winning IBO title wants Rigondeaux next

Photo By Team Pro Box Management
WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA (Junij 12, 2016)Last night at the Ramatex Factory in Windhoek, Namibija, Mexico’s super-bantamweight standout, Moises “ChuckyCvetje (25-0, 17 Kos) remained undefeated with a 12-round unanimous decision over hometown hero, Paulus Ambunda (24-2, 10 Kos). With the victory Flores captured the IBO championship and retained his WBA interim title.
Cvetje, who hails from Guadalajara, Mexico, controlled the action from the opening round. Flores scored three knockdowns throughout the fight using superior boxing skills while applying pressure to keep Ambunda off balance. As Flores mounted a substantial lead he never looked back. Zdravstvu prebrati 115-110, 115-111 in 114-111, all in favor for Flores.
It’s never an easy task going into someone’s hometown and getting the victory,” said Moises “Chucky” Cvetje. “I had complete faith in myself, as did my team, fighting Ambunda in his hometown. We knew we had to dominate the fight to win on the judges’ zdravstvu. He’s a durable fighter with a lot of heart but I was not going to be denied tonight. I want to be recognized as the next great fighter from Mexico. Hočem Guillermo Rigondeaux next.
Guided by Pro Box Management’s Gary Jonas in Henry Rivalta, a fight with Rigondeaux is on the horizon. Trenutno, Flores is the mandatory challenger to fight Rigondeaux, who is the current WBA Super Champion at super-bantamweight.
Flores once again proved he’s an elite fighter winning in Ambunda’s backyard.said Gary Jonas. “Now we are focused on getting in the ring with Rigondeaux. Flores is the WBA interim champion and he’s hungry to become the super champion. Right now we are in talks with team Rigondeaux to get this fight made. Chucky is ready to take over the 122-pound division.

“Iceman” John Scully’s 4th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion

This will be my 4th official amateur boxers reunion, with the first three having taken place in Las Vegas (December 2014), New York City (Junij 2015) and Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut (Julij 2015).
Boxers who have attended previous reunions include the likes of four-time world champion Roy Jones Jr., three-time world champions MikeThe Body SnatcherMcCallum and IranThe BladeBarkley, WBO heavyweight champion Lamon Brewster, former WBC light heavyweight champion Montell “Ice” Griffin, 1988 U.S.. Olympic coach Kenny Adams.
I’ve had this idea to bring my former amateur peers together for many years and in December of 2014 at the Rival Boxing Store in Las Vegas I finally had my first amateur boxers reunion and it was a tremendous success. Since then I’ve had two more (at Jimmy’s -Glenn- Corner on W. 44th St. in NYC and at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut)successful gatherings that have seen everyone from local amateurs, regional Golden Gloves champions, National AAU champions, svetovni prvaki, Olympians and every other possible level of amateur boxer.
I had originally planned to have boxers from my Olympic trials class (1988)gather for a reunion but changed it to any era or level. On that end we’ve had boxers ranging from 1976 A.A.U. National champion Bret Summers from Washington State and 1976 Jamaican Olympian Mike McCallum all the way up to 2004 U.S.. Olympian Jason Estrada.
Basically it’s a chance for us to get together, reminisce, tell stories, see old friends, meet people we’ve never met before. Maybe the best example of what my reunions entail came at the 2015 event at Foxwoods when I had Hartford’s Luis Ortiz and Lawrence Clay-Bey meet for the very first time since they boxed each other as young kids at Marc Anthony’s in Hartford way back in 1977!
KDAJ: Julij 23, 2016, 12 opoldne na 4 pm
KJE: Margaritaville Restaurant inside the Mohegan Sun casino @ Uncasville, Connecticut.
WHO: Invited and expected guests include, among MANY others:
Two-time welterweight champ Marlon “Magic Man” Starling
1985 ESPN welterweight championSchoolboyTroy Wortham
WBA welterweight and junior middleweight champion Jose Antonio Rivera
Dickie Ecklund and “Irski” Micky Ward (“Borec”)
1984 Olympic Gold Medalist Mark Breland
Comp-U-Box record holderSucraRay Oliviera
Contender Star Peterthe Pride of ProvidenceManfredo Jr.
1996 U.S.. Olympic team captain Lawrence Clay-Bey
Current boxing promoter (Star Boxing in NYC) in 1988 NYC Daily News Golden Gloves 147 pound Champion Joe DeGuardia
Prvi dve-delitev svetovni prvak “PoisonJunior Jones from Brooklyn, NY
WBO World Heavyweight Champion Mike Bentt and 1988 U.S.. Olimpijski alternate.
2004 U.S.. Olympian Jason “Big Six” Road


Quote: “

The wait in the dressing room before a professional boxing match -that last hour- could be enough to strip a man who never boxed before of whatever pride, desire and heart he THOUGHT he hadIceman John Scully, April 2002

Boxing is a tight-knit fraternity. Everybody knows everybody. But a line in the resin will forever be drawn separating those who step into the square ring and those who DON’T. Many, many people make money on a fight, but when the bell sounds, only two people answer it.Randy Smith, Februar 2003, Journal Inquirer (Manchester, Conn.) Newspaper


Andrade Knocks Out Willie Nelson: VIDEO:http://s.sho.com/1ZHD8CJ

Zlaticanin KOs Franklin Mamani: VIDEO:http://s.sho.com/28tCoqP


SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS® Tripleheader Replays Ponedeljek, Junij 13 pri 10 p.m. IN/PT Na Showtime EXTREME®


Kliknite TUKAJ For Images; Credit Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME


VERONA, NY. (Junij 11, 2016) – John Molina outpunched Ruslan Provodnikov in an all-action fight by revealing a new weapon in his arsenal, a sharp and steady jab. Molina captured a surprising unanimous decision in a 12-round junior welterweight bout that featured fierce exchanges throughout Sobota on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY.


V sodelovanju funkcijo na Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP boks, Demetrius Andrade delivered a statement, knockout victory over Willie Nelson, staking his claim as one of the world’s best in the stacked 154-pound division. V uvodnem dvoboju, Dejan Zlaticanin knocked out Franklin Mamani to earn the vacant 135-pound world title and make history as the first native of Montenegro to win a world championship.


Molina and Provodnikov promised a war, and they delivered. But what surprised many was the volume of punches and effective jabbing from Molina (29-6, 23 Kos), a veteran more known for engaging in brawls than his boxing prowess. Molina threw nearly 1,110 Bilančna luknjači, Vključno 643 jabs compared to just 265 for Provodnikov, who failed to close the range on his naturally bigger opponent.


“We knew we had to outwork Provodnikov,” said the 33-year-old Covina, Kaliforniji., materni. “It was a fight that we needed. Ruslan Provodnikov is a very notable name. He’s a tough, Korenjak. He kept moving forward.


“People don’t realize I had my amateur career in the pros, and now it’s my time to step out and shine. I have a new trainer. Shadeed (Suluki) showed me how to throw punches and use my power.”


Molina vs. Provodnikov was scored 116-112, 117-111, 115-113.


“I think it (the scorecard) was self-explanatory. A fighter knows when they won a fight. I won that fight and it was going to be hard to take it away from me.”


The judges agreed on nine of the 12 krogi, a relatively high percentage according to SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood.


“Today the decision was the right one,” Provnikov said. “Molina won the fight – he was better Nocoj. Everything was scored the way it should have been.


“We expected that he was going to box, he was going to move. We expected him to do that. To ni bila moja noč. Maybe I don’t have the same hungriness as before. I’m not going to make excuses, but it was hard for me to find my groove Nocoj.


“I don’t think it’s that (the layoff). There are no excuses. I lost the fightNocoj. I couldn’t find the hungriness. I have to sit down and think of why that happened.


“I’m sorry if I disappointed.”


Undefeated former world champion Demetrius Andrade put on a masterful performance against top-10 ranked Willie Nelson, flooring the former world title challenger four times including once in the opening round and emphatically in the final round to close the show (WHO 12,1:38).


Z zmago, Nelson, who landed a staggering 57 percent of his power punches in just his second fight v dveh letih, moved one step closer to earning another shot at a title fight. Andrade, who never lost his belt in the ring, is now the second mandatory challenger for the WBC Super Welterweight World Title, currently held by Jermell Charlo.


“I’m coming to get those belts,” said the 28-year-old Andrade. “People can’t run no more. The best have to fight the best. I’m coming for them.


“I came back, I’m stronger. Me and my team worked hard. We figured out what we need to do to take it to the next level. I’m ready for the Charlo brothers. I want them.”


Andrade was on his way to pitching a shutout, delivering a statement performance after months of frustration from “boxing politics.” The former WBO 154-pound champion targeted the head and the body of Nelson, relying on a steady diet of combos to floor the 6-foot-3 Nelson in the first, 11th and twice in the 12th.


“I’m young enough and my reaction time is still going,” Andrade said. “Willie Nelson is a true champion. He pushed me to the limit where I had to figure out what punches to throw. But I put the pieces of the puzzle together and got the knockout, dojenček.


Nelson, Cleveland, dropped to 25-3-1 s 15 Kos.


“He was tough,” Nelson said. “I was forcing my shots too much. I felt like I was getting back into the fight, but he was crafty and mobile.


“I am ready for whatever is next and, despite what happened Nocoj, I am here to stay. My career won’t end like this.”


In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME telecast, Zlaticanin blasted late-replacement Mamani with a third round TKO (:54) to win the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship.


The 32-year-old Zlaticanin (18-0, 10 Kos) became the first native of the Southeastern European country of Montenegro to capture a world championship.


“I’m very proud. I made Montenegro proud,” Zlaticanin said. “I want to thank my fans that came to support me. I think I made my country proud. I think they will be delighted. I don’t think they know what this means, but in a few days they will know.”


The southpaw Zlaticanin pounced with a powerful straight left that had Mamani in trouble just seconds into the fight. The Bolivian, who was also aiming to become the first native of his homeland to win a title, survived the round but he was in trouble again in the third. Zlaticanin staggered with an overhand left and followed with a series of unanswered blows that forced referee Charlie Fitch to halt the contest with Mamani (21-3-1, 12 Kos) defenseless against the ropes.


“I knew that I would knock him out. He stood too close to me.


Po boju, Zlaticanin called out Jorge Linares, the WBC Lightweight “Champion in Recess”, who pulled out of a tentatively scheduled match with Zlaticanin due to an injury.


“I want Linares next. He can’t run from me anymore.


In undercard action on SHO EXTREME, Willie Monroe Jr. (20-2, 6 Kos) won a unanimous decision (96-92, 95-93, 99-89) over John Thompson (17-2, 6 Kos) in a 10-round middleweight matchup of former world title challengers. Monroe scored two knockdowns, one in the second and another with a straight right jab in the fifth.


V uvodnem dvoboju na Showtime boks na sho EXTREME, Russian heavyweight Andrey Fedosov (29-3, 24 Kos) scored four knockdowns en route to a sixth round TKO (1:33) of Mario Heredia (11-2, 9 Kos, 1-2 in WSB).


Sobota event from Turning Stone Resort Casino was promoted by Banner Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.


Sobota SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader replaysPonedeljek, Junij 13 pri 10 p.m. IN/PT na Showtime EXTREME. The SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME telecast replays Tuesday, Junij 14 pri 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHO EXTREME.


Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME telecast, with Mauro Ranallo calling the action, Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-time world champion Paulie Malignaggi commentating and Jim Gray reporting. Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood called. the SHOWTIME EXTREME action. V španskem simultanega prenosa, Alejandro Luna called the blow-by-blow and former world champion Raul Marquez served as color commentator. The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins Jr. with Bob Dunphy directing.