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NEW YORK, NY (Юни 28, 2016) - Roc Nation Sports има удоволствието да съобщи, че двукратен световен шампион и най-висок рейтинг паунд-за-килограмова боец ​​Андре Уорд (29-0, 15 Нокаута) ще се завърне на ринга наСъбота, Август 6, да продължи завладяването на полутежката дивизия, когато той поема властта пробиване колумбийски Александър Марка (25-1, 19 Нокаута) в Oracle Arena в родния град на Уорд, Оукланд, Калифорния. Събитието ще бъде излъчено на живо по HBO World Championship Boxing® започващ най- 10:30 p.m. И/PT.


Уорд и Бранд трябваше да се изправят един срещу друг през ноември миналата година на картата с плащане за гледане на Мигел Кото срещу. Canelo Alvarez, но нараняване на крака принуди Уорд да се оттегли от участие в събитието.


Билети на цена $300, $120, $90, $60 и $30, Не включително приложимите такси и данъци за услуги, пуска се в продажба във вторник, Юни 28 при 5:00 p.m. PT и ще бъде на разположение на всички места на Ticketmaster, онлайн на Ticketmaster.com и такса по телефона (800) 745-3000.


Ward срещу. Марка е на 12 кръг бой, представен от Roc Nation Sports и спонсориран от Corona Extra, филмът РЪЦЕ НА КАМЪК: Истинската история на Роберто Дюран, Решения за управление на Корпоративна Travel (СТМ) и компанията Clorox, подкрепа на Bay Area общност в продължение на повече 100 години.


„Можем да го вземем, в момента,", Казва Уорд. "Август 6тата, Ще бъда готов, така че излезте в Oracle Arena или се включете на живо в HBO. Не го пропускайте. "


„Ще бъде голяма чест да се изправим срещу Андре Уорд през август 6 и още по-добре в собствения си двор,- каза Бранд. „Борба с някого с такава славна кариера, изправен пред човек, който може би не е загубил рунд през целия си живот, е още по-вълнуващо. Бяхме изправени един срещу друг през ноември миналата година, но той беше принуден да се оттегли от битката с контузия. Сега е време да се бием с него и нямам търпение да проваля бъдещите му планове. Ще работя усилено, за да ги разглезя. "


„Стремежът на Андре Уорд да стане най-добрият полутежка категория на планетата и бокс номер едно паунд за паунд бокс продължава Август 6,"Каза Дейвид Itskowitch, Главен оперативен директор на Boxing Roc Nation Sports. „Александър Бранд чака тази битка от миналата година и не се съмняваме, че ще излезе на ринга гладен за огромна победа. В тази битка за Андре има много неща, които знаят, че не може да погледне покрай Бранд към много обсъждан сблъсък с единния световен шампион в полутежка категория Сергей Ковалев. "


„Непобеден през последните две десетилетия, технически брилянтен и последният американец, спечелил олимпийски златен медал в бокса, Андре Уорд е един от най-добрите бойци за килограм за килограм в света,- каза Питър Нелсън, Изпълнителен вицепрезидент, HBO Sports. „На август 6тата, Андре продължава да се качва в тежест, за да води кампания в 175-килограмовата дивизия срещу претендента Александър Бранд пред тълпата на родния град в Oracle. "


Известен със силна неговия характер и почтеност извън ринга и инстинкта си воин вътре в нея, 32 Умението и талантът на годишния Андре Уорд бяха очевидни в началото на изключителната му аматьорска кариера. Той опустошена до всяко заглавие в книгите, завърши със златен медал в полутежка категория на 2004 Олимпийските игри в Атина, Гърция. Като единственият мъж американски боксьор, който претендира за олимпийско злато в миналото

десетилетие, Ward присъедини харесва на Мохамед Али, Sugar Ray Leonard и Оскар Де Ла Оя. Той се обърна професионална декември 18, 2004, отбеляза втори кръг технически нокаут победа над Крис Molina в Staples Center в битка, която се предава пряко по HBO. Той е отишло да се багажник на 27 повече победи оттогава насам, изграждане на все по-нарастващата легион от фенове в процеса. След като става Околовръстен Magazine и WBA Super световен шампион в средна, издигайки се до второто място в списъка на паунд-за-килограмова и спечели 2011 Fighter на годината (ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Ring Magazine и Асоциацията боксови писатели на Америка), беше обявено, че Уорд подписа ексклузивен рекламен договор с Roc Nation Sports през януари 2015, отварянето на нова глава в своята етажна боксова кариера. Продуктът Bay Area връща на ринга през юни 20, 2015 в Oracle Arena пред родния си фенове в Оукланд, California и вкара деветия кръг нокаут над Paul Smith, продължавайки своята непобедена серия, която датира от времето, когато той беше 12-годишен аматьор. В най-новата си битка на март 26, 2016, Уорд направи своя широко рекламиран 175-килограмов дебют срещу непобедения в Куба и претендент за номер 1 на IBF в полутежка категория Съливан Барера пред обезумелата тълпа в Oracle Arena, включително светила като Майкъл Б. Йордания, Стивън Къри, Маршан Линч и Дреймънд Грийн. Уорд умело управлява битката и започва да разплита опонента си в третия рунд, когато хвана Барера с контра лява кука, пускайки го на платното. Останалото беше рутинна победа за Уорд, който вкара доминиращо изпращане на Барера с единодушно решение след 12 кръга. Уорд очаква с нетърпение огромно предизвикателство пред Бранд, който сега е единственото препятствие по пътя към очакваното му противопоставяне срещу Единния световен шампион в полутежка категория Сергей Ковалев през есента.


Богота, Роденият в Колумбия Александър Бранд (25-1, 19 Нокаута) се превърна в професионалист в относително късната възраст на 32 след дълга и завършена аматьорска кариера, която го видя 400 победи. Той избухна на професионалната сцена през 2009, отбелязвайки нокаут победи в първата си 12 битки и победа 15 на първата си 17 пристъпи в разстоянието. Неговият първи и единствен професионален неуспех дойде чрез осем кръга загубено решение от настоящия световен шампион на WBC в супер средна категория Баду Джак в 2012 битка, която много наблюдатели край ринга смятаха, че Бранд е спечелил. Тъй като тази борба, Brand е преминал всеки тест пръстен с отличие, с осем поредни победи. В последния си двубой, Бранд е изправен пред най-строгия тест в кариерата си след битката с Джак, когато той се бори с фаворит, непобеден и силно рекламиран в полутежка категория Меджид Бектемиров през декември 5, 2015 в Центъра за наследство Osceola в Кисими, Флорида. Бранд издържа ранен блиц на Бектемиров, включително възстановяване от нокдаун от първи рунд, и постигна 10-рундова победа с разделено решение по десетки 98-91, 98-91 и 94-95. The 39 годишна марка, който е притежавал няколко регионални титли, включително WBC Latino Super Middleweight и WBC Silver Interim Super Championship в средна категория, ще търси да извлече поредното разстройство на Август 6 и се хвърли в оспорването на титлата в полутежка категория.


Следвайте разговора с помощта #WardBrand.


За повече информация, моля, посетете www.rocnation.com. Следвайте Roc Nation на Twitter и Instagramrocnation и на Facebook в www.facebook.com/RocNation.


За повече информация, посещение www.hbo.com/boxing, последват в Twitter и Instagram наHBOBoxing и станете фен на Facebook в www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

DAVIDEL BANDERA ROJABENAVIDEZI got my eye on all the champions at super-middleweight

Photos By Suzanne Teresa / Премиер боксови Champions
PHOENIX, THE (Юни 28, 2016)Unbeaten Mexican-American super-middleweight, David “Червено знаме” Benavidez (15-0, 14 Нокаута) is eager to stamp his name in the division. Това минало Събота at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, Ню Йорк, Benavidez stopped former undefeated Canadian, Francy Ntetu (16-1, 3 Нокаута), handing him his first loss of his career. С тази победа, Benavidez is looking to climb up the rankings with the hopes of challenging a top contender by the end of the year.
I see myself fighting someone in the top ten by the end of the year,” said David Benavidez. “I just beat an undefeated fighter in Ntetu, who pushed me. I want to fight more guys like him and earn my way to the top. I know if I continue to win fights, many opportunities will open up for me.
Benavidez, who campaigns at light-heavyweight and super-middleweight, wants to settle in at 168 паунда. With a long road ahead of him, Benavidez is ready for the journey.
Although I’ve had a few fights at light-heavyweight, but my plan is to win a title at super-middleweight. I have no problem making 168 pounds and that’s where I’ll be making my march up the rankings. I have a lot of work to do, but I set the bar high for myself and I won’t settle for mediocrity. I got my eye on all the champions at super-middleweight. I’m just going to take it one fight at a time.

DiBella Entertainment signs Conn. Teenage Prospect Mykey Williams


(photo by Emily Harney)
NEW YORK, N.Y.. (Юни 28, 2016) – DiBella Entertainment has announced the signing of E. Hartford, Connecticut 18-year-old welterweight prospect MykquanMykey” Williams (1-0, 1 KO) на изключителна промоционална договор.
Williams, who is currently finishing his junior year at A.I. Prince Technical School in Hartford, was a decorated amateur boxer with a 45-13 любителски запис, подчертана от три представления злато медал на Световното първенство ринга, in addition to winning the PAL Tournament and Silver Gloves Championships.
I am thrilled to sign such a hungry, young prospect like Mykey Williams,” каза Lou DiBella. “Williams is an accomplished amateur and Jackie Kallen certainly has an eye for spotting great talent. He already has a growing fan base in the New England area and I am confident that he will quickly develop into a rising prospect.
Signing with DiBella was the best move for me,” Williams commented. “I’m excited to be fighting under the DiBella banner now. He’s a great promoter who will help me get to the world-class level in this sport. I’m just happy that the ball is finally rolling!”
Williams has already overcome tremendous obstacles during his young life, including the shooting murder of his father when Mykey was only one week old, and then his house burned down 10 years later.
Пол Чишон, а 2014 Кон. Boxing Hall of Fame inductee, has trained Williams since he was seven. “If anybody had a reason to go the wrong way, it was Mykey,” Добави Cichon. “But he’s a great kid who is a hard worker and is always happy with a positive attitude. He’s a boxer who can punch and when he sets up his opponent, внимавай, because he’s in big trouble. Mykey is a great finisher who moves well and has good defense. He’s a left-hander who goes to the body to breakdown his opponent. Mykey’s slick and hard to hit, but he’s also unique because he’s a naturally gifted athlete who could have excelled at any sport he chose.
Although Williams made his successful professional debut on April 16тата at Foxwoods Resorts Casino in a card promoted by DiBella Entertainment, he will make his DiBella Entertainment debut този четвъртък нощ (Юни 30) at Foxwoods in a four-round bout.
I haven’t been this excited about a fighter since I signed James Toney in 1989,famed boxing manager Джаки Kallen exclaimed. “Mykey Williams is the real deal. His future is unlimited and we are thrilled to partner up with DiBella Entertainment to make it all happen.
За повече информация, посещение www.DBE1.com, follow on Twitter @LouDiBella and @MarvelousMyke or become a fan on Facebook www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


NEW YORK – Юни 28, 2016 – Inspiration was in the air June 11th as the women of boxing gathered at Seven Bistro for The Raging Babe Brunch, Ню Йорк, Ню Йорк, Raging Babe Eventsseventh gathering of its kind, designed to break barriers and leverage contacts to conduct business and build friendships. The gathering was the first in New York City, and drew a slew of “Raging Babes,” who together honored Main Events’ CEO Kathy Duva. Included in those who attended were former NYSAC Chairwoman Melvina Lathan, Рефер Sparkle Lee, IFBA World Flyweight Champion Eileen Olszewski, WBC World Super Bantamweight Champion Алисия Ashley, four-time National Boxing Champion Melissa St. Vil, IWBF World Super Featherweight Champion, Рон Джефри and guest speaker John Femiano of John Francis LLC.
After a rousing introduction by “Raging Babe” Michelle Rosado, attendees brunched and networked, with Frank Sinatra crooning in the background, sharing their triumphs and business cards. “The brunch is so much more than just a breakfast event,” Саид Rosado. “The connections forged here have resulted in business collaborations and friendships. What started as an annual event, has grown, and I can easily see us gathering quarterly, all over the country.
Post brunch, the time had come to honor one of boxing’s trailblazers, Kathy Duva, who was presented the Raging Babe Luminary Award. Among those who shared stories of Duva’s boxing growth and dominance was Main Events’ Заместник-председател на Operations, Joleen Mizzone, who has worked side-by-side with Duva for 19 години. Although she couldn’t attend in person due to being in California with three of Main Events’ бойци, Mizzone had colorful, but moving words for her friend and colleague. “Kathy Duva has been through a lot in her life. I have seen her overcome so much in these past 19 години. I remember thinking to myself, “Wow she is one of the strongest people I know!” She has inspired me to be the person I am in this business. Her morals and eye for this business are [ругатня] extraordinary.
One of the secrets to happiness is the innocent enjoyment of simple things,” said first-time brunch attendee and former NYSAC Chairwoman Melvina Lathan as she described the event. “С това се има предвид,, how wonderful to share a moment in time with a group of women, dining,, conversing, and laughing, all the while emanating beauty, мощност, grace and joy, without even trying. It was intimate, genuine and loads of fun, especially the reading of the infamous congratulatory letter submitted by Jolene!”
This was another inspiring event in one of the greatest cities in the world,” said Rosado of the brunch. “There was so much talent, so much heart, so much passion, and so much boxing knowledge contained in these four walls. There were lovers, бойци, survivors, and I sincerely hope that the connections they made on that day result in amazing business collaborations and lifelong friendships. I’m so grateful for everyone who attended, and to Kathy Duva, for being an example for all women in the industry.
The Raging Babe Brunch is made possible by the generous support of several organizations. “The Raging Babe brunches are labor of love for me,” Саид Rosado. “They aren’t meant to put money in anyone’s pocketon contrary, and the cost has often fallen far short of sponsor contributions. I want to take this opportunity to truly, from my heart, thank the organizations that make it possible for these events to continue. These organizations, by virtue of their partnership, celebrate and support the women of boxing, and the spirit of these events. From my heart, and the hearts of the women who attended New York, Ню Йорк, благодаря World Boxing Организация (WBO), War Tape, Box Stats, Boss Case, World Boxing Съвета (WBC), John Francis LLC и Youth Борба Forward.

Unbeaten Featherweight Prospect Stephen Fulton Takes on Mexico’s Christian Renteria on Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN & ESPN Deportes Saturday, Юли 2 From Santander Arena in Reading, PA.

Още! Super Featherweight Contenders Frank DeAlba & Jonathan Perez Meet While Former World Champion Kermit Cintron Battles Puerto Rico’s Carlos Garcia
READING, PA. (Юни 28, 2016) – Unbeaten featherweight prospect Стивън Фултън (9-0, 4 Нокаута) отвежда на Мексико Christian Renteria (5-2, 4 Нокаута) in a six-round featherweight attraction as part of Премиер боксови Champions на ESPN & ESPN Събота, Юли 2 from Santander Arena in Reading, PA.
PBC на ESPN & ESPN Deportes action is headlined by unbeaten lightweight contender Jamel Herring squaring-off against former title challenger Denis Shafikov в 10-кръг мач. Телевизионно покритие започва в 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features undefeated Polish prospect Patrick Syzmanski battling former title challenger “Копринен” Wilky Campfort.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от Промоции Кинг, са с цени $20, $35, $55 и $75, and are on sale now via Ticketmaster.
Additional action will see local contender Frank DeAlba (18-2-2, 7 Нокаута) taking on veteran Colombian Jonathan Perez (35-14, 28 Нокаута) in an eight-round super featherweight bout while former world champion Кърмит Cintron (36-5-2, 28 Нокаута) отвежда на Пуерто Рико Carlos Garcia (10-15-1, 8 Нокаута) in eight-rounds of junior middleweight action and local prospect Erik Spring(7-1, 1 KO) against Pennsylvania’s James Robinson (3-4-2, 1 KO) in a six-round welterweight battle
Rounding out the night of fights are unbeaten prospect Chordale Booker (2-0, 2 Нокаута) in a four-round super welterweight contest against Kevin Womack (7-11-3, 5 Нокаута), local super welterweight Miguel Martinez (1-1) in a four-round bout against Philadelphia’s Antonio Allen (0-1), the pro debut of New Jersey’s Kashon Hutchinson in a four-round super lightweight attraction against Robert Ramos (1-4-1, 1 KO) and the pro debut of New Jersey’s Кристиан Carto in a four-round flyweight contest against Rahkeam Parker (0-2).
Born and raised in West Philadelphia, Fulton is coming off of a fourth-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Adalberto Zorilla in April. The 21-year-old is unbeaten since turning pro in 2014 and will be looking to make it a perfect 10 печели в 10 pro starts when he enters the ring on July 2. He will be opposed by the Tijuana, Mexico-native Renteria who enters the ring coming off of back-to-back knockout victories.
За информация посетете www.premierboxingchampions.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @JamelHerring, @KingsBoxing, @ESPNBoxing и @Swanson_Comm и станете почитател във Facebook най- www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Акценти на разположение за вграждане в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на ESPN се спонсорира от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Lewiston, Maine (Юни 28, 2016) – Less than 24-hours after the announcement of the amateur light-heavyweight title fight between Young’s MMA’s Victor Irwin (2-0) and First Class MMA’s Nick Shea (2-0), fight promotion New England Fights (NEF) released a second championship bout between the two gyms at “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS.” Непобеждаван Rafael “Air GuardVelado (3-0), Shea’s teammate at First Class MMA, е планирано да се изправят Jimmy Jackson (3-2), a teammate of Irwin at Young’s MMA, for the vacant NEF mixed-martial-arts (MMA) amateur lightweight title. The title was previously held by Josh Harvey (1-0) of Young’s MMA and vacated last April when he moved up to the professional ranks.


“Най-напред, I appreciate the opportunity that NEF has given me to show my skills in the cage,” Саид Velado. “There are other promotions in New England, but nobody puts on a show like NEF. I’ve made it very clear that I am here to fight the toughest guys I can and once again I’m getting my way.


In Velado’s last fight, he took on and defeated Mike Peitersen (3-1). In doing so, Velado handed him the first loss of his career. Peitersen is another teammate of Jimmy Jackson at Young’s MMA.


Leading up to the Mike Peitersen fight, he and I respectfully challenged each other to train hard and bring it,” Velado continued. “I believe that we did that and then some. Now I have another Young’s fighter in front of me and I couldn’t be happier. Jimmy Jackson has been looking good in his last few outings and I believe we are a good match-up. I see a trend of BJJ players who come over into MMA and think they are just going to jits their way through every fight. I can assure you that I am not that guy and you will see a constant evolution of skills in my fights.


Jackson will have the opportunity to gain a measure of revenge for his team against Velado. След като се започне аматьорски си кариера в 1-2, Jackson has won his last two in a row, including a submission victory over Kris Welch (0-1) при “NEF 16” миналата година.


Fighting Raf is a huge opportunity for mean opportunity I am very grateful for,” said Jackson when reached for comment. “This is the time for me to show how far I’ve come and how much time and work Chris Young (Young’s MMA head coach) and the rest of the coaching staff and team have put into making me the best version of myself. Аз правя това за тях, my team and my family.


I am pumped to be fighting alongside my First Class MMA brothers and sisters in September and I will be so proud to hand that 155 NEF Championship belt to John Raio (First Class MMA head coach) and tell him, ‘There’s more where that came from,"” said Velado in closing. “As far as ‘Heroes & Villains,’ I believe every man or woman who steps in that cage is a hero, but you have to have a little villain inside you to do what’s necessary to win.


следващо събитие New England Битки ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Saturday, Септември 10, 2016 най Androscoggin Bank Colisée в Lewiston на, Maine. Билетите започват от само $25 и са в продажба сега в www.TheColisee.com или като се обадите на бокс офиса Colisée в 207.783.2009 х 525. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event.


За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, ги последват в Twitternefights и се присъедини към официалната Facebook група "New England битки."

Unbeaten Contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko Meets Former World Champion Sam Soliman in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN & ESPN Deportes Thursday, Юли 21 from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT (8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT)

Още! Undefeated Brawler Ievgen Khytrov Meets
Middleweight Contender Paul Mendez in Co-Main Event
Билети в продажба сега!
Машантукет, CT (Юни 27, 2016) – Rising middleweight contender Сергий “техникът” Derevyanchenko (8-0, 6 Нокаута) ще поеме бившия световен шампион Съм “Цар” Soliman (44-13, 18 Нокаута) в главното събитие на 10-кръг Премиер боксови Champions на ESPN & ESPN на Четвъртък, Юли 21 от Foxwoods Resort Casino в Машантукет, CT.
Телевизионно покритие започва в 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and features a middleweight showdown between hard-hitting Ievgen Khytrov (13-0, 11 Нокаута) и в Калифорния Paul Mendez (19-2-2, 9 Нокаута) в 10-тура на действие.
I’m excited about this opportunity to headline against an experienced former champion,” said Derevyanchenko. “Soliman has accomplished a lot, but right now he is standing in the way of me being a world champion. You will see the best version of me on July 21 and I will show why I am a dangerous fighter in this division.
This is a crossroads fight so I am leaving nothing to chance and will do every bit of training needed to win this fight,” said Soliman. “We are both fighting for world title position and I know Sergiy will fight hard for this win. This all makes it a great contest.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, са с цени $150, $75 и $45 Не включително приложими такси и данъци за услуги и са в продажба сега. Билетите са на разположение в www.ticketmaster.com и www.foxwoods.com или като посетите Foxwoods’ Класация. За зареждане от телефонно обаждане Ticketmaster в (800) 745-3000.
“На Юли 21, PBC on ESPN will feature two Ukrainian amateur prodigies and former Olympians who are now tearing through the middleweight division,” каза Лу DiBella, Президентът на DiBella Entertainment. “Сергий Derevyanchenko, just eight fights into his pro career, will meet the experienced former champion Sam Soliman in a world title eliminator. The explosive Ievgen Khytrov, known as the ‘Ukranian Lion’, will open the telecast facing contender Paul Mendez in the toughest test of his career.
Foxwoods Resort Casino continues to offer the most compelling nationally-televised boxing events, featuring the very best fighters in the world,” каза Феликс Рапапорт, Президент & CEO of Foxwoods Resort Casino. “For nearly 25 години, Foxwoods has been considered the ‘Fight Capital of the Northeast,’ and our Summer Boxing Series will only build upon that fact. In true Foxwoods fashion, boxing fans can expect non-stop action and excitement from the moment the bell rings.
A highly decorated amateur who represented his native Ukraine in the 2008 Олимпиада, Derevyanchenko now lives and trains in Brooklyn. The unbeaten 30-year-old defeated a slew of experienced contenders in 2015 with wins over Elvin Ayala, Alan Campa, Vladine Biosse and a thrilling third-round stoppage of Jessie Nicklow. Той започна 2016 by stopping Mike Guy in March and will look to keep that momentum going on Юли 21.
An experienced fighter who was once a kickboxing champion, Soliman won his middleweight world title in 2014 when he defeated Felix Sturm in Germany. Representing Melbourne, Австралия, Soliman owns a victory over former world champion Sakio Bika in addition to triumphs over veterans Enrique Ornelas, Les Sherrington, Giovanni Lorenzo and Sean Sulivan.
Another Olympian who represented his native Ukraine, Khytrov also won an Amatuer World Championship before turning pro in 2013. Оттогава, the 27-year-old has dominated on his way to stopping contenders Josh Luteran and Nick Brinson in addition to previously unbeaten fighters Maurice Louishomme and Aaron Coley. Now training out of Brooklyn, his last outing saw him dominate Kenneth McNeil in his first 10-round bout.
Fighting out of Delano, Калифорния., Mendez is undefeated in his last 15 bouts including four victories in 2015. A Pro, тъй като 2009, the 27-year-old will be making his east coast debut on Юли 21 after stopping Andrik Saralegui in August and defeating veteran David Alonso Lopez.
За информация посетете www.premierboxingchampions.com, последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT, @ESPNBoxing и @Swanson_Comm и станете почитател във Facebook най- www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Акценти на разположение за вграждане в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC на ESPN се спонсорира от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


It was a bitterly cold night in Lewiston last February when Ryan Glover (3-1) won the New England Fights (NEF) смесена бойни изкуства (MMA) amateur light-heavyweight title. The months to come would see Glover accept a new job that would take him up and down the East Coast. With little time to train to defend the title, and in the interest of doing right by the division, Glover recently made the difficult decision to relinquish the championship.


NEF executives were quick to act. По-рано днес, the fight promotion announced that Victor Irwin (2-0) would meet Nick Shea (2-0) to fill the vacancy. The two undefeated athletes are scheduled to face-off to determine a new light-heavyweight champion at “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS” наСептември 10, 2016 в Lewiston.


Irwin was a standout wrestler at Brewer High School in Brewer, Maine at 195-pounds where he was a Class-A state champion. His love for the sport is so strong that when Irwin attended Eastern Maine Community College (EMCC) and learned the school did not have a wrestling program, he created one himself. As a college freshman in 2014 Irwin went to Nationals and achieved All-American status. He currently trains out of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


I’ve thought a lot about this fight and I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter what I say,” said Irwin, “it matters what I do, и ела September 10thyou’re gonna see some serious doing.


2015 was a great start to the MMA career of Nick Shea. In February of that year, he won his debut fight over the much more experienced Jacob Cameron (1-5) направо от първия кръг технически нокаут. Later in the year, Shea would go on to defeat Ruben Redman (0-1) by decision in a hard-fought contest. It would earn Shea a nomination for the “Новобранец на годината” в 2015 NEF Year-End Awards. На Септември 10 в Lewiston, Shea will attempt to become the first member of the First Class MMA fight team to capture gold in the NEF cage.


It’s an honor to fight someone from Young’s MMA,” said Shea. “I believe this will be my biggest test in the cage to date. I’m grateful and excited to compete for the amateur light heavyweight title. Victor and I will put on an exciting fight on Събота, September 10th!”


следващо събитие New England Битки ", "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Saturday, Септември 10, 2016 най Androscoggin Bank Colisée в Lewiston на, Maine. Билетите започват от само $25 и са в продажба сега в www.TheColisee.com или като се обадите на бокс офиса Colisée в 207.783.2009 х 525. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event.


За повече информация за актуализациите на събитието и да се борят с карти, моля посетете уеб сайта на промоцията на адрес www.NewEnglandFights.com. В допълнение, можете да гледате видеоклипове в NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, ги последват в Twitternefights и се присъедини към официалната Facebook група "New England битки."


Нарастващи промоции, New Jersey’s busiest promoter set for 4th event in just seven month on July 22

Атлантик Сити, NJ (Юни 27, 2016)–В петък нощ, 22 юли, Rising Promotions will present it’s 4th big event at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
No doubt another sold-crowd will be on hand to witness the action as Rising Promotions is establishing itself as the busiest promoter in the Garden State.
The shows have consistently featured some of the best talent in the Tri-Stae (New Jersey, Ню Йорк & Pennsylvania.) in competitive, fan-friendly bouts in front of a packed venue at The Claridge.
The first three shows have gone exactly to the blueprint which we set out for when we came up with the concept,” said Debra LaManna of Rising Promotions.
The response has been terrific on all fronts. From the fighters, the fan turn out and sponsors. The Clardige and the New Jersey State Athletic Commission have been a pleasure to work with as well.
I think when fans know that every couple months they know they can see these kinds of events with Rising Promotions, the events start to sell themselves. With events scheduled for July, September and November, we will continue to build on what we have started.
Said Thomas LaManna of Rising Promotions, “Every big time promoter starts somewhere, I just so happened to start at the age of 24 while still active in my career with a pro record of 18-1.
It all started out with just doing these shows to keep me active. Ray McCline of the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and I met in Las Vegas during the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight week and discussed doing shows at The Claridge because he had a direct connection with them. When the meeting was over, I started to see the big picture with it so I than sat down with my parents and my promoter Mr. Vincent M. Ponte of Gulf Stream Promotions, we put together a strong team with a solid mission and three successful shows later, here we are,” Continued Thomas LaManna.
It feels great to open doors for fighters to jump start there career. До сега, I was able to have four boxers make their professional debut on my shows so far and they include (former Olympian Luis Perozo, 2016 United States Olympic alternate Leroy Davila & Marvin Johnson).
It’s always been my dream and goal to become a world champion. That’s first and foremost because I am still a fighter first, but I also have a goal to be one of the top promoters in the sport of boxing. Most people say I can’t, waste of time, no money to be made. That’s there way of thinking and they can keep that mindset. I strive to be great in everything I do and this is just another journey. Keep a lookout for Rising Promotions.
Билетите са $125 за премия, $77 Сцена на ринга и $52 запазени и са достъпни наwww.risingboxingpromotions.com или 609-487-4444
Instagram: risingpromo

Baranchyk Blitzes Cruz; Witt-Morrison, Cook win in Miami, Добре


Маями, Добре (Юни 27, 2016) – Hot junior welterweight prospect Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk kept his perfect record intact following a three round thrashing of previously unbeaten Eliseo Cruz Saturday, Юни 25 в Маями, Добре.

Topping an exciting fight card promoted by Holden Productions, Baranchyk fought his second consecutive match in the Sooner State. Backed by chants of “Beast, Звяр, Beast” from the packed house at the Buffalo Run Casino, Baranchyk battered Cruz until his corner threw in the towel at 1:07 от третия кръг.

Baranchyk, a Russian based in Brooklyn, NY, сега 11-0 с 10 победи с нокаут. Cross, of Chiapas, Мексико, е 9-1-1 с 6 KO’s following his first setback.

“Four State Franchise” member Jesse Cook of Seneca, MO scored an impressive knockout of hard-hitting Balmaro Solis at 57 секунди от три кръгли. After a slow opening stanza, Cook finished strong with a combination to cap the second. Early in round three, Cook connected with a picture perfect left hook to the body that sent Solis down for the count.

Cook improves to 17-1 (12 Нокаута) while Solis of Kansas City, MO slips to 12-3 with all 12 победи с нокаут.

Undefeated heavyweight Kenzie Witt-Morrison demolished previously unbeaten Robby Mendez в 2 минути и 30 секунди. Witt-Morrison who fights out of Tulsa, OK and is the half-brother of Trey Lippe-Morrison, battered Mendez until the stoppage.

A member of the “Four State Franchise” who bears a striking resemblance to his late father Tommy Morrison, Witt-Morrison is now 9-0-1 с 8 нокаута. Mendez heads back to Topeka, KS with a 2-1 рекорд.

Bartlesville, OK’s Jarrett “Legacy” Rouse (9-0-1, 4 Нокаута) and Noel Esqueda of Wichita, KS (6-3-1, 3 Нокаута) fought to a six round draw. The competitive bout could’ve gone either way as both men had their moments but the judges ultimately ruled it even.

В друго действие, Cuban cruiserweight Luis Garcia (14-0, 12 Нокаута) stopped Kansas City, MO veteran Demetrius Walker (8-13-2, 4 Нокаута) в първия кръг.

2012 Azerbaijani Olympian Gaybatulla Gadzhialiyev debuted successfully by outpointing Wichita resident Brandon Phillips Black (1-1, 1 KO) в състезание със средно тегло.

Debuting World Series of Boxing standout Hurshidbek Normatov of Uzbekistan topped Wichita’s Ramon Barber (6-11, 5 Нокаута) in a middleweight affair.

“This was an outstanding, talent rich card.” said Tony Holden. “Ivan Baranchyk is quickly building himself a nice fan base here in Oklahoma and two of the “Four State Franchisemembers scored knockouts. We expect to have Trey Lippe-Morrison back shortly and continue to provide our ticketholders with outstanding cards.”

Holden Productions’ next fight card will be announced shortly.