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玛丽-伊芙·迪凯尔 (Marie-Eve Dicaire) 在对阵克拉丽莎·希尔兹 (Claressa Shields) 的比赛中确定处于劣势 “女超人” 本周五晚上的 PPV

MONTREAL (三月 1, 2021) – 不败的失败者 玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire, 卫冕 IBF 女子超次中量级世界冠军, 已经在身体和精神上做好充分准备,迎接本周五晚上与不败的 WBC 和 WBO 冠军头衔持有者以及自称为“GOAT”的无可争议的对决 Claressa盾(10-0, 2 科斯).

向国际妇女节致敬, “女超人: 盾VS. 迪卡雷” 将在美国通过 InDemand 按次付费直播并在 FITE.TV, 以及加拿大靛蓝运河, 贝尔电视, Shaw TV 并进行了现场直播 FITE.TV 和约普. 开始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, 从弗林特多特金融中心出发, 密歇根. (预订于 FITE.TVwww.fitetv/watch/shields-vs-decaire/2p8qn/).

Dicaire (17-0), 受欢迎的法裔加拿大拳击手, 理解并充分认识到其重要性 “女超人”, 一场令人沮丧的胜利会给她的品牌建设带来什么影响, 尤其是在她的祖国加拿大之外.

“我让自己兴奋起来,” 迪凯尔解释道. “我知道这是一场意义重大的战斗, 但我确保我专注于我需要完成的任务,而不是战斗的结果. 我的策略基于我的技能. 她把注意力放在哪里取决于她. 在我这边, 我已竭尽全力为这场战斗做好准备. 而我是!

“我一直说拳击是一种激情, 我很高兴以此为生,” 她说. 但, 对我来说, 不仅如此. 这是一种激励人们的方式, 改变社会心态. 我想要实现伟大,激励人们实现远大的梦想,这就是这场战斗对我来说的意义所在。”

去年, 2-时间 奥运会拳击金牌得主希尔兹, 谁将在弗林特的家中与迪凯尔作战, 密歇根, 与综合格斗发起人 PFL 签署多年协议. 据报道,她将于今年过渡到 MMA.

Dicaire, 具有讽刺意味的, 在转向拳击之前曾是空手道世界业余冠军, 她击败了五位世界冠军.

“我的空手道背景在心态和职业道德方面一直是我的强大工具,” 迪凯尔评论. “我生来就有武术天赋,我认为正是这让我成为了现在的优秀运动员。”

这个星期五晚上 盾VS. 迪卡里 将确定否. 1 超次中量级的女性, 如果不是在所有拳击比赛中.


德克萨斯双城队乔丹 & 乔什·詹金斯肩负书写美国拳击历史的特殊使命

2020 美国全国拳击锦标赛海. 25-四月. 4, 在什里夫波特, 路易斯安那州

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (三月 1, 2021) — 德克萨斯双胞胎 乔希 (L) 和 约旦 (ř) 詹金斯 她们的使命是成为美国奥运拳击队第一对双胞胎.

他们都将参加精英组比赛 2020 美国拳击全国锦标赛, 由于COVID-19大流行,从去年12月推迟到3月 25 – 四月 3, 在什里夫波特, 路易斯安那州.

詹金斯双胞胎在达拉斯克服了重重障碍, 主要是他们父亲的长期监禁, 随后陷入麻烦并不断​​在学校与他人打架. 这甚至不包括去年因 COVID-19 限制健身时间并取消锦标赛比赛的限制.

他们很幸运有祖父, 已故 吉尔福德·奇尔德里斯, 谁是对他们生活影响最大的男性. “我们参加了所有运动,但在学校打架时遇到了麻烦,” 哥哥由 1 乔希说的一分钟. “我们的祖父带我们去健身房, 但我们的母亲不想让我们打拳击. 他和我的教父, 达里尔·托马斯, 他也是我们的父亲形象, 训练我们. 当我们遇到麻烦时,我们的祖父常常来学校. 他是我们的纪律员. 他会直接让我们停止在健身房的训练,或者让我们两周不参加拳击比赛. 他不仅仅希望我们成为冠军拳击手, 他希望我们成为成熟的男人.

“两年前, 格雷格·海特利 成为我们的教练. 当我们开始接受海特利教练的训练时,一切都改变了. 我们的风格完全改变了, 我们开始在擂台上安顿下来, 和采摘点. 哈特利教练对我们的生活产生了很大的影响. 他教会我们如何做人. 他是一名屋顶工人,他教我们如何屋顶, 更换机油和轮胎, 并把钱存起来以备后用。”

双胞胎在亚马逊的仓库工作. 乔丹是一位打架的轻量级球员, 而次中量级乔什更像是一名拳击手. 他们是否曾经交换过位置,以对方的名义战斗过?? “每个人都问我们,”乔丹笑道. “别, 乔什比我大。”

过去几年他们一直在精英组比赛, 并且都进入了重大赛事的半决赛, 但他们已经准备好在即将到来的全国锦标赛上爆发.

詹金斯双胞胎的训练受到了影响. 像大多数其他业余拳击手一样, 但不是很严重, 但与他们习惯的不同. 起初他们的健身房有限制, 但一旦限制开放, 他们能够更频繁地训练, 在健身房锻炼时比平时更加​​分散, 每月测试一次 COVID-19.

“孪生国家”的梦想, 当乔什和乔丹七年级时,他们的祖父创造了这个词, 成为美国拳击奥运队的第一对双胞胎, 已故祖父第一次向他们提到的事情. “我们希望成为美国奥林匹克拳击队的第一对双胞胎,这样孩子们就可以尊敬我们,”乔丹指出. “我们想证明那些被贴上坏标签的孩子仍然可以在像我们这样的环境中成功成长. 很多和我们一起长大的朋友都死了或者入狱了. 我们的工作必须改变我们的生活,我们期待着去巴黎 (的网站 2024 夏季奥运会).”

他们非凡的旅程在全国赛上达到了新的水平. 他们并不急于成为职业选手, 或. 哦, 他们都想成为职业拳击手, 但只有当他们准备好串联时.

“我们很谦虚,” 乔什总结道. “我们经历了很多颠簸和瘀伤. 我们可以向左或向右. 我们的很多朋友都走了一条路, 但我们却反其道而行之, 和


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Undefeated RayJay Bermudez: Super lightweight prospect flying under the radar

波士顿 (二月 25, 2020) –不败雷杰“毁灭者”贝穆德斯 (12-0, 9 科斯) has tried to stay busy and progress, developmental-wise, fighting three times during the pandemic, including a recent title-winning performance south of the border.

The 22-year-old Bermudez, fighting out of Albany (纽约), stopped journeymanRynell Griffin in five rounds last November in New Hampshire, and he followed that up in December with a third-round technical knockout ofEver Ceballos in Mexico to capture the vacant American Boxing Federation’s (ABF) Americas West super lightweight championship.

“Mexico was a humbling experience,” Bermudez said after his ABF title-winning performance. “I’m honored to have had the opportunity to go to another country and fight for a professional title. I fought a tough, scrappy Mexican veteran, who was game from the beginning, but my plan was to stay composed and break him down. And that’s exactly want I did to score a third-round TKO and advance my record to 11-0 同 8 knockouts. Thank you to everybody who tuned on the FITE.app. This is only the beginning of something special!”

In his most recent fight earlier this month, Bermudez returned to Mexico for a stay busy fight, 停车Mario Israel Vera round four.

Despite his unbeaten run, Bermudez is still fighting under the radar, at least on a national basis, 但 2021 promises to be a breakout year for him, 当然, pending pandemic restrictions in 2021.

Bermudez, who is managed by Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker, is trained by his uncle赫克托·贝穆德兹, who has trained five world champions includingTJ Doheny 和哈维尔财神

RayJay looked great in his last fight,” Roach commented. “He stuck to the game plan and broke his opponent down. We as a team are really happy where he is at right now. We will start stepping up the competition this year. Our goal will be to get him a regional title and get him ranked. This will be an exciting year to be a part of RayJay’s team.

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes California super flyweightRocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (20-1, 6 科斯), 西黑文, CT超次中量级吉米“安静的风暴”威廉姆斯 (16-5-2, 5 科斯), 超中量级肖恩·麦卡曼(Shawn McCalman)(6-0, 4 科斯), 中美. 陆军超轻量级丹尼尔·贝利, JR. (2-0, 1 KO), 轻量级莱昂内尔·德洛斯桑托斯 (2-0, 2 科斯), 一 2-时间 多米尼加共和国奥海, 职业首秀波士顿羽量级特洛伊·安德森(Troy Anderson), JR., 支持首次亮相的多米尼加共和国次中量级胡安·索拉诺, 和盐湖城, 犹他兄弟, 超轻量级伊格纳西奥·凯雷兹 (7-0-1, 4 科斯) 轻巧加布里埃尔·凯雷兹 (3-0, 2 科斯). 


网站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

脸书:  /战斗机

推特:  @RoachRyan

插页: @ RyanRoach82

20-1 加州超蝇量级选手罗科·圣毛罗 (Rocco Santomauro) 与瑞恩·罗奇 (Ryan Roach) 的 Fighter Locker 签约

波士顿 (二月 23, 2021) – 瑞恩·罗奇 (Ryan Roach) 的 Fighter Locker 宣布已与加州超级蝇量级签约Rocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (20-1, 6 科斯) 独家管理合同。

33岁的圣毛罗, 战斗出苹果谷, 例如, 自从职业生涯唯一一场失利之后,他已经取得了 7 场连胜,战绩为 14-0迭戈霍亚 大约五年前。

“我 33 岁了,”Santomauro 说道, 但我确实觉得自己正处于巅峰期。我的技能水平处于最佳状态并且一直在进步. 当谈到与顶尖人物一起进入那里时, 我曾与许多世界冠军一起在擂台上, 打架之外, 我已经不仅仅是坚持自己的了。这只是时间问题,我觉得我的时间就在这里。我相信我现在非常接近一场超蝇量级的重大比赛。这一切都是为了让自己处于正确的位置,我觉得, 现在, 我有合适的团队来做到这一点,还有 Ryan Roach 和 Fighter Locker 的支持。

“我与瑞安和他的战斗机储物柜签订了一份管理合同,因为我知道这是一个很好的举动。经过过去一年半的自我管理, 我知道我需要值得信赖的帮助才能达到新的水平。瑞安和我在社交媒体上是朋友. 我知道他正在与 Fighter Locker 签约拳手, 所以我开始观察和研究他,看看他和他的战士们相处得怎么样。喜欢我所看到的 – 瑞安在他的战士们身边,并与他建立了良好的关系,时不时地交谈 — 我们能够达成协议,将我提升到一个新的水平,并进行一场重大的战斗。”

“我很高兴能够在我们的马厩中添加这样一位经验丰富的战斗人员,”罗奇评论道。 “罗科满足了教练对战士的要求。他的环智商很高。他速度快,防守出色, 罗科(Rocco)是一位非常有活力的战士。他距离世界冠军头衔已经很近了; 再打一两场比赛,我们将与顶级超级蝇量级选手进行比赛。罗科有能力击败那些家伙。”

一位意大利父亲的儿子希望他的儿子成为“动物”,” 罗科生来就有战斗精神, 小时候有攻击性, 并受到启发洛矶马尔恰诺.  罗科开始接触拳击, 很大程度上, 因为追随哥哥的脚步, 他是一位获得荣誉的业余拳击手。他第一次打拳击是因为他的兄弟, 然后通过希斯皮里亚当地的拳击俱乐部 (例如), 除了在家练习,他还观看 ESPN Classic 上他最喜欢的拳手比赛。

桑托毛罗的业余生涯从未真正起飞。他居住的地区很少有拳击比赛, 并需要前往箱子, 这导致他决定在长大后搬到拉斯维加斯来掌控自己的拳击事业。他在那里发展了自己的技能并决定 2009 在美国国民队经历了他认为是一个错误的决定后转为职业球员。

一位精力充沛、聪明的拳击手, 侵略性反击拳手, Santomauro 还检查了身体, 并为擂台带来兴奋。他迄今为止最好的一场比赛是他最近的一场比赛 (十一月. 7, 2020), 当他停止克里斯蒂安·奥马尔·恩里克斯 (10-4-2) 在蒂华纳举行的第六轮比赛中。

“我得到了 Fighter Locker 和我的团队的支持,”罗科指出。 “我专注并接受了适当的心理训练,以完成我在比赛中必须做的事情, 年轻的对手,有获胜记录. 我把他打晕了! 我们做得很明智,并且能够在性能方面达到所有目标。”

疫情期间的训练和战斗充满挑战, 至少可以说, 而成为超级蝇量级只会让问题变得更加复杂。

“作为一名美国超蝇量级选手,参加比赛非常困难,”桑托毛罗补充道, “尤其是从羽量级到初级羽量级的体重下降。没有人愿意给我机会, 他们也不认为我能以初级轻量级身份出道,参加那个重量级别的比赛。我基本上就被束之高阁了, 作为自由球员被左右拒绝 14-1 记录当时的情况。我达到了一个 1 半年裁员, 只得到针对临时通知的对手的低价报价。我的教练, 哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教, 我决定在墨西哥开始战斗是明智的, 那里有超级蝇量级选手可以战斗。

“大流行期间的训练对我来说绝对是地狱, 几乎所有健身房都关闭了,但很高兴能够参观, 时, 外卡拳击馆和丘吉尔拳击俱乐部。但这不是我所习惯的。为了保持健康,我必须自己进行很多我称之为“Rocky 4”的训练。我也很幸运能够与我的推广人在墨西哥建立良好的关系, 所以我很幸运总是可以选择在蒂华纳保持忙碌。我做到了。”

现在, Roach 和 Fighter Locker 为 Santomauro 提供支持, 他的未来是充满希望的。

Fighter Locker 不断壮大的天才拳击手包括, 特洛伊, NY ABF 美国西部超轻量级雷杰“毁灭者”贝穆德斯(12-0, 9 科斯), 多伦多, 加拿大次中量级 West Haven, CT超次中量级吉米“安静的风暴”威廉姆斯 (16-5-2, 5 科斯), 超中量级肖恩·麦卡曼(Shawn McCalman)(6-0, 4 科斯), 中美. 陆军超轻量级丹尼尔·贝利, JR. (2-0, 1 KO), 轻量级莱昂内尔·德洛斯桑托斯 (2-0, 2 科斯),, 一 2-时间 多米尼加共和国奥海, 职业首秀波士顿羽量级特洛伊·安德森(Troy Anderson), JR., 多米尼加共和国次中量级选手胡安·索拉诺 (Juan Solano) 首次亮相, 和盐湖城, 犹他兄弟, 超轻量级伊格纳西奥·凯雷兹 (7-0-1, 4 科斯) 轻巧加布里埃尔·凯雷兹 (3-0, 2 科斯). 


网站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

脸书:  /战斗机, /罗克桑托马罗

推特:  @RoachRyan, @RoccoSantomauro

插页: @ RyanRoach82, @RoccoSantomauro

关于战斗机储物柜: 成立于 2019, Fighter Locker 是一家管理职业拳击手的综合体育机构。 Fighter Locker 还通过 100% 的定制服务寻找他们的声音,从而帮助品牌拳击手。 Fighter Locker 并不真正相信工作模型。它相信正在运行的合作伙伴优化模型。

Fighter Locker 使用四个创造性的步骤,因为它相信“基础就是一切”: 1. 构思巧妙, 2. 创造性地克制, 3. 自豪地判断, 4. 针对性强。


“I don’t know how he feels, but I’m willing to die in the ring. I’m willing to put my life on the line.” – Broner

“I don’t have anything to lose, so AB better bring his A-game against me.” – 圣地亚哥

Former Four-Division World Champion Adrien Broner Returns to the Ring to Face Undefeated Jovanie Santiago Live on SHOWTIME® Saturday, 二月 20 in a Premier Boxing Champions Event

Click HERE for Photos from

*Editor’s Note: 主要事件, previously announced as a super lightweight fight, will now be contested at the welterweight limit (147 磅。) following a mutual decision from both fighters.

安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州. - 二月 18, 2021 – Former four-division world champion and must-see attraction Adrien “The Problem” Broner and Jovanie Santiago met face to face Thursday at the final press conference to preview their main event attraction taking place this Saturday, 二月 20 住在Showtime (9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT) in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州.

The popular Broner (33-4-1, 24 科斯), who by the age of 26 had captured world titles at 130, 135, 140 和 147 英镑, will end his two-year hiatus from boxing and continue his quest for a fifth world title by returning to face the unbeaten Santiago (14-0-1, 10 科斯) in a 12-round welterweight bout.

The press conference also featured former heavyweight world title challenger Dominic Breazeale and highly touted contender Otto Wallin, who will square off in the 12-round co-feature of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast, and former world champion Robert Easter Jr. and contender Ryan Martin who will meet in a 12-round super lightweight bout to open the telecast.

该活动由TGB Promotions推广. Breazeale vs. Wallin is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.



“I’ve had so many great performances and I’m looking forward to another great performance Saturday night. 我知道他要来战斗, he’s undefeated and he’s hungry. Anybody who fights a name like Adrien Broner is going to always train to their best ability so I’m not looking at this as a fight where I just go in and destroy this guy. I’m just going to go to do what I have to do to get the victory – look good inside and outside the ring.

“I feel like I’m going to be a world champion again, 再次, 反复. Until I’m really done with boxing. 是的, I took two years off from boxing, retired and let my body heal and rest. I just feel like I’ve got what it takes to win more championships in different weight classes so that’s what I’m going to do.

“At the end of the day, he’s here because of me and everybody in this room is here because of me, so that’s special. 周六晚上, the only thing that’s going to be special is this whooping I’m giving out. He’ll know then. Santiago hasn’t been punched yet. When you punch somebody, they talk different. He ain’t going to be talking like that after Saturday.

“I went through a lot of things, 老老实实. 一天, I just woke and said, ‘I’m done.’ In order to change, you’ve got to make change or you’ll steady get caught up doing the same thing. I cut a lot of stuff, I stopped doing a lot of stuff and I got myself together. It was a long road to get to where I’m at today and now I’m here.

“听, if you got a belt, just hold on to it. I’m coming to sweep it all up; WBA, WBO, WBC, IBF. I’m coming to get them all.

“Just expect a hell of a show. 我知道他要来战斗, He’s from Puerto Rico, 他们来打. But I didn’t just do all this training to go into the ring and not fight. So he’s got to know that if he comes to a war, he’s going to be in a war too. He better be coming with a lot of equipment because I’ve got a lot of equipment coming with me. I’m just ready to put it all on the line. I don’t know how he feels, but I’m willing to die in the ring. I’m willing to put my life on the line. I don’t know how far he’s willing to go. He might start thinking about his kids, grandkids, aunts, nieces, 我不知道.

“From the time I was six years old, I never took a break from boxing. So that’s what I did. 现在, I’m missing boxing again, I’m back in it and we’re back to it on Saturday night.

“It’s been a hell of a training camp. Maybe one of the toughest because I had to get back in rhythm, coming back and losing all that weight and working as hard as I do. I didn’t want an easy fight so I picked a guy like Jovanie Santiago because I know he’s going to push me and bring the best out of me. That’s what I know about him. 他是一个好战士, an undefeated fighter, and he’s not here to lose.

“I know a lot of people don’t know these guys, but guys like Jovanie can be very dangerous because a lot of people don’t know him. I know better, he’s coming to fight, he’s a good fighter and undefeated, so I have to stay on my A-game. I’m going in to get the victory – whatever presents itself. If the knockout presents itself, 我接受了. You don’t get paid for overtime but I’m definitely coming to get my win.

“The overall goal is to get past this fight first. 在拳击中, you can’t look past no opponent. I don’t care how everything looks on paper. 在拳击中, you’re only one punch away from a knockout and that’s on both ends. So what I’ve got to do is go in, get my victory, get my hands raised first, and then we’re gonna go to the drawing board. So the plan for me is to get my victory Saturday night.

“Everything happens for a reason and I think this is going to be a great start. 就像我之前说, I didn’t want no easy out. I could have taken a pushover, but I’m not doing that. I love competition. I want somebody to test me, bring the best out of me, and that’s why I picked Jovanie Santiago. Saturday night is going to be a great fight.”


“这对我来说是一个很好的机会. 周六晚上, I’m going to show who I am. I’m going to show Adrien Broner that I’m ready to fight.

“Whatever Broner brings to the table, I’m going to beat him on Saturday night. 我准备好这场斗争. At this point, Broner might think he has an easy fight, but he’s in the wrong. 我在这里打, 我在这里取胜. 我们准备好了.

“This Saturday night is going to be a war and it’s going to be a victory for Puerto Rico. I’m ready to die in the line like we say in Puerto Rico.

“I know this is the biggest fight of my career. He’s a big name and I’m going to try and win for Puerto Rico. Winning this fight would be the best thing that’s happened in my career and my name would get a lot bigger in the boxing world.

“I don’t have anything to lose. Adrien Broner has everything to lose Saturday night so he better bring his A-game against me. A win for me would catapult me into a world title shot.

“AB always puts on a show so on Saturday I have to be ready to put on my own show against AB. He is a good champion but I’ve trained really hard in the gym and I’m going to show it on Saturday.

“I think Adrien Broner thinks that I’m an easy fight for him, but he’s wrong about that. I think Broner is going to let go of his hands because he sees me as a weak opponent. He’s definitely overlooking me.

“Whatever Broner brings to the table, 我会为此做好准备. If he moves, I’m going to move with him. If he wants to brawl, I’m going to brawl. Whatever he does, I’m going to do it better than he does.”


“It’s true you’re only as good as your last fight, but at the same time I feel like this is my coming out party. It feels like my pro debut. I’ve been off for a long time and had a great training camp so I’m ready for Saturday night.

“After my last fight against (Deontay) Wilder I took a few days to digest the loss and then was back in the gym about 10 days later. I didn’t want to harp on it or let it bother me. There wasn’t really a sense of urgency, but I knew there were going to be changes and I knew they had to be done in the next couple of weeks. I focused on my eating and my training and, 当然, the biggest change of all was my trainer change from Virgil Hunter to Abel Sanchez.

“Switching to Abel and training up in Big Bear has been huge and something I wish I would have done years ago. Abel actually has something written on the wall that says, ‘Imagine what if.’ And I imagine ‘what if’ every night. 就像我说的, I wish I would have done this a year ago, but my conditioning and my confidence are at an all-time high.

“Some people might have thought I would have wanted to get back in there with a pushover, but I’ve always wanted to fight the top guys. I saw the Otto Wallin fight and the performance he gave against Tyson Fury and then Travis Kauffman. When the name was brought to my attention, I jumped all over it. I knew that the boxing world would respect the fight against myself and Otto.

“I don’t think Otto’s been in there with a big, 强, athletic guy like myself. Mike Tyson said it best: ‘Everyone’s got a game plan until you get punched in the mouth.’”


“Everybody wants to ask about my fight with Tyson Fury and they forget that I’ve done a lot more than that. But it was a great performance and I understand that most people hadn’t seen me fight before, it was a great fight and it was better than what most people thought. I’m kind of over that now. I want to move forward. It’s nice to move forward. It’s nice to be on SHOWTIME fighting with Breazeale, who has a good name. So hopefully with this fight, I beat him and move on so people can see I’m able to beat good guys.

“I think I’m more well-rounded than Breazeale. 还, you can’t forget that I’m actually 6’ 6”, 240, so I’m not that small. I know a lot of people look at me like I’m smaller but I’m not that small. 有了这样说, 我更聪明, got a great team, we’ve had a great camp and I’m really good too. I’m faster than Dominic, I have better footwork, better defense, and better defense. So I’ve got to bring all of that in there, do what I’m good at and I’ll be fine.

“I think a win will hopefully help me move past Fury. But also it will put my name up there, to solidify my spot there. I don’t think this fight will get me a title shot but it will be a good shot on the way.

“I think you can expect a good fight, two good fighters. Dominic probably feels he has a point to prove and probably going to come out and be aggressive and try to come after me. I’m sure I won’t have to look for him and I’m ready for that. People can expect an exciting fight and a good night of boxing.

“Dominic is an aggressive guy so I have to be smart. I have to be who I am and set him up and I think I will be able to do that.

“I don’t feel a lot of pressure. I just have to be myself and I have to do what I do, what I’m good at. This is a big opportunity for me so I try to be positive. I waited a long time to get to this level, I’m finally here and I’m not going back.”

罗伯特·伊斯特, JR.

“I’ve been in some brawls, but I really haven’t ever shown my true boxing abilities. 我, Mike Stafford and my father (罗伯特·复活节, 老) just worked on boxing and being myself.

“During COVID it really set me down and being off for all that time and never really knowing when I would get that call to get back in the ring. So I really had to focus up and I had to be ready whenever I was given that phone call. 这激励了我. 更多, I had to look over my son and make sure he was alright. So it really put a different drive in me. This pandemic really set everything back, but we’re more than ready.

“140 is definitely the place for me to be right now. That’s the future. We’re worried about present right and capturing this title at 140.

“I’m just worried about me and showing my skills and everything we’ve worked on in training and this camp.”


“We fought in the amateurs and he beat me so there’s definitely a little chip on my shoulder there. I want to get back at him and let him know that I’m not a 16-year-old kid anymore.

“This fight is going to put me right back up there to be in a position to fight any of the champions or top contenders in the division. This fight is definitely going to steal the show.

“I’m focused. My mind is clear. This fight right here gets me excited. We’re two Ohio fighters with history – I’ve got a chip on my shoulder. It’s going to be an action-packed fight and I’m going to bring it. I’m not really surprised that Easter says he doesn’t see much difficulty in fighting me. I kind of expected him to say that. Easter is Easter.

“It’s going to be very important that I let my hands go against Easter. I feel that this fight is going to have so much action. I’m clear minded. 我准备好了. 周六晚上, we’re going to get in there and let it fly.

“Words can’t explain how excited and anxious I am for this, to tell you the truth. I’m just so ready for Saturday night. I’m ready to get the weigh-in over with, get under the lights on Saturday night and put on a show. It’s going to be an entertaining fight. A lot of people are saying a lot of things about me based on the Josh Taylor fight. 所以, it’s kind of like I’m battling two things.

“Easter just needs to come with it on Saturday night. I always knew this fight with Robert Easter was going to happen. 我不知道为什么, but I just always knew that we would meet again in the ring. I think it’s because we were both in Ohio – he was in Toledo and I was in Cleveland – and I just always thought I’d get this fight. I just didn’t think it would happen like this in a bubble.”

For more information visit www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 在 Instagram 上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

# # #

Broner VS. Santiago will see former four-division world champion Adrien Broner return to the ring to face undefeated Puerto Rican Jovanie Santiago in a 12-round welterweight bout in the main event Saturday, 二月 20 住在Showtime在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, 康涅狄格州. 在英超拳击冠军赛. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also pit former heavyweight world title challenger Dominic Breazeale against highly touted contender Otto Wallin in the 12-round co-feature. The telecast opener features former world champion Robert Easter Jr. facing off against contender Ryan Martin in a 12-round super lightweight bout. 该活动由TGB Promotions推广. Breazeale vs. Wallin is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

小理查德·布鲁沃特. 训练营行情

卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击促销

电晕, 例如 (二月 18, 2021) – 不败的中量级, 理查德“酷风”布鲁尔特小. (8-0, 4 KO), 将在 内森·韦斯顿 (6-0-2, 2 科斯), 这个星期天, 二月 21, 2021, 上 汤普森拳击促销 第一 3.2.1. 拳击 年度盛事. 6轮比赛将作为当晚的重头戏.

联合专题将看到不败的超最轻量级, 秋木胜马 (4-0, 1 KO), 面对同胞不败的前景, 阿诺德·迪农 (7-0, 1 KO). 在开场的 4 轮比赛中, 纳尔逊奥利瓦 将在对阵 乌列·冈萨雷斯 (5-6-1, 5 科斯) 在中量级.

免费直播将直播这个 星期天, 二月 21, 2021, 在汤普森拳击促销网站上 (www.thompsonboxing.com), 以及他们的 Facebook的YouTube的 页, 此外 打集线器电视. 3.2.1. 拳击比赛将在 欧米茄产品国际活动 中心 科罗纳, 例如, 并将开始于 3:30 P.M. PT / 6:30 P.M. AND.

这是小理查德·布鲁瓦特的内容. 不得不说一下他即将与韦斯顿的战斗, 与教练一起训练营 亨利·拉米雷斯, 多.

“我和我的教练亨利·拉米雷斯一起在健身房, 进行了大量的防守训练,我看到我投入的时间得到了回报. 我在上次战斗中学到了很多东西, 我知道我即将获得一些重大机会, 所以我非常专注. 至少可以说,这是一次非常富有成效的训练营。”

“我听说过韦斯顿, 我知道他曾与戈洛夫金和蒙吉亚等大牌球员一起参加过几个训练营, 但我知道我与众不同. 这是我向受人尊敬的对手和即将获胜的人展示才华的机会. 我的力量随着每一次战斗而开始显现, 我觉得我的力量会击垮他. 我将通过大量强力射击让他在这场战斗中感到不舒服.

“我即将击败连续不败的拳手, 这是很多战斗次数少于十场的拳手不会做的事情. 我希望在中量级级别发表声明, 并让其他竞争者知道我要来。”

在战斗中 3.2.1. 拳击:
“汤普森拳击公司一直非常照顾我,我很感激他们让我忙碌起来. 我参加的每一场战斗 3.2.1 拳击运动令人兴奋且深受粉丝喜爱. 我与路易斯·埃尔南德斯的最后一场比赛被一些人认为是去年最好的比赛之一, 我知道这场战斗也会同样精彩, 如果不是更好. 我期待未来的战斗 3.2.1 2021 年剩余时间的拳击卡。”

贝托杜兰 将作为逐一评论员与专家评论 道格·菲舍尔 和返回 史蒂夫金. 杰西卡·罗萨莱斯将担任现场马戏团记者.

3.2.1 拳击 由汤普森建材赞助, 在美丽的地方改变空间; 欧米茄产品国际, 美国领先的灰泥制造商; 亨利 / 强化, 水分系统控制就像 1,2,3; 和牧田, 统治户外.

欲了解更多信息, 定期更新我们的战士, 事件, 和促销, 请访问 ThompsonBoxing.com. 您也可以关注社交媒体上的对话, 请使用 #321Boxing 和 #ThompsonBoxing.

请检查我们的 Facebook的 页面, 看我们的 YouTube的 汤普森拳击电视频道并关注我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 @ThompsonBoxing.
打集线器电视 是 Thompson Boxing 的骄傲媒体合作伙伴 3.2.1. 拳击表演和所有事物的重要资源 拳击.



标识, 公司名



LOS ANGELES - Bellator MMAis pleased to announce the organization will implement an official fighter rankings system for each of its weight classes, in addition to a pound-for-pound list for both the men’s and women’s divisions, in the coming weeks. 官方Bellator MMA Fighter Rankings will be determined by a 15-person voting panel, comprised exclusively of members of the MMA media.

“This is the greatest roster in the history of Bellator,“Bellator MMA总裁斯科特·科克说:. “As we continue to sign the top free agents in the sport and see the success of young prospects inside the Bellator cage, we felt that the time was right to introduce official fighter rankings. We are always looking at ways to improve our product and this adds a new and exciting aspect to the organization that will have a significant impact on how fans watch Bellator. Every division is competitive, every matchup is important, and we are set for several potential blockbusters as we begin a new year on Showtime.”

Votes will be cast for eligible fighters following each Bellator live event and final results will be made public. To ensure transparency, the tabulation of votes will be overseen solely by a third-party company, Combat Registry.

The initial rankings will be released in the days leading up to Bellator’s return to action and debut on SHOWTIME® 星期五, 四月 2 同Bellator 255: 比特犬VS. 桑切斯 2 在 9 P.M. AND.

Information detailing fighter eligibility, as well as additional voting criteria, is listed below:

Divisional Rankings:

  • 顶 10 fighter rankings will be voted on in nine Bellator MMA weight classes, in addition to two pound-for-pound lists.
  • Champions of each division will be automatically assigned to the Champions slot atop the rankings.
  • Fighters in seven men’s divisions will be ranked, 含:
    • 重量级
    • 轻重量级
    • 中量级
    • 次中量级
    • 轻量级
    • 羽量级
    • 最轻量级
  • Fighters in two women’s divisions will be ranked, 含:
    • 羽量级
    • 飞锤
  • Two pound-for-pound lists will be voted on, 含:
    • Men’s
    • Women’s

 New Fighter Eligibility:

  • A fighter must have competed once inside the Bellator cage on a current term with the company to be eligible.


  • A fighter is eligible to be ranked for up to 15-months without competing.


  • A fighter remains eligible for 60 days after an indication of retirement, with the organization ultimately determining if the fighter remains active and eligible.

Multiple Weight Classes:

  • A fighter is allowed to be actively ranked in two different weight classes and is eligible to be ranked in an additional weight class once they have competed at least once in that division.
  • A fighter must actively compete in each weight class – a period of inactivity longer than 15 months in a given weight class will result in the removal from that specific weight class, but not necessarily from another division or the overall rankings pool.
    • With the exception being that a fighter is actively participating in a World Grand Prix tournament in a different weight class.


  • A fighter serving a non-medical suspension from an overseeing regulatory body and/or the organization for longer than six months will be removed from rankings eligibility. A fighter will remain eligible with a suspension of six months or fewer.

Fighter Rankings Pool:

  • The final list of eligible fighters, and the weight classes in which they are eligible to be ranked, will ultimately be determined by the organization.

Voting Frequency:

  • New Bellator rankings will only be voted on after every event, regardless of frequency.
  • Votes will be due the Monday following a Bellator live event.

First-Place Votes:

  • Each rankings period will reveal how many number one contender votes each fighter received.

Voting Tabulation:

  • Tabulation of votes will be handled exclusively by Combat Registry, a third-party independent of Bellator MMA.

Voting Panel:

  • Bellator fighter rankings will be voted on exclusively by media members within the MMA industry.
  • In no capacity, will Bellator staff, 运动员, talent or other organization personnel participate in voting.

The inaugural voting panel will include the following members of the media:

  1. Jeff Cain – MMA Weekly
  2. Brian Campbell – CBS Sports
  3. Rodrigo Del Campo – Claro Sports
  4. Rob DeMello – KHON Hawaii
  5. Jason Floyd – The MMA Report
  6. George Garcia – MMA Junkie
  7. Amy Kaplan – FanSided
  8. Nolan King – MMA Junkie
  9. John Hyon Ko – South China Morning Post
  10. Mark LaMonica – Newsday
  11. Igor Lazarin – TASS Russia
  12. Shakiel Mahjouri – Fightful MMA
  13. Joe McDonagh – Cageside Press
  14. John Morgan – MMA Junkie
  15. Ken Pishna – MMA Weekly

请访问Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

Jason “The Kid” Knight 成为 iKON 的头条新闻 5

图标 5 直播 & 独家通过UFC战斗通行证®

3 月 5 日从比洛克西出发, 密西西比州

LAS VEGAS (二月 18, 2021) – 密西西比羽量级杰森“小子”奈特 将标题图标 5, 3 月 5 日在 UFC FIGHT PASS 上独家直播®, 开始 8 P.M. AND / 5 P.M. PT, 从 比洛克西 比洛克西文娱中心, 密西西比州。

要注册UFC FIGHT PASS, 世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务, 请访问www.ufcfightpass.com或下载UFC应用。

图标 5 由 iKON Fighting Federation 与 Roy Jones Jr 联合主办. 拳击。

“我们很高兴回到去年九月 iKON 格斗联盟成立的地方,” iKON 总裁Keith Veltre 说。 “从那时起,我们改进了每一场节目,并为 2021 年的突破做好了准备。我们能够在大流行期间成功推出一家新的 MMA 公司, 尽管有所有具有挑战性的限制, 今年我们将全力推进,继续发展。”

28岁的骑士 (20-6-0), 卢塞代尔的战斗 (MS), 去年11月取得了一场令人印象深刻的徒手格斗胜利, 当他阻止前UFC选手时阿尔乔姆·莱博夫 在第五轮中。 柔术和泰拳专家, 奈特在 UFC 中战斗 2015 和2018年。他的对手是金牛座博格斯 (15-11-0) 在主要活动中。

路易斯安那州次中量级不败“幽灵”AJ·弗莱彻 (6-0-0) 将在联合赛事中面对待确定的对手。

塔拉哈西 (FL) 次中量级苏格拉底《卡奥斯之声》皮埃尔 (11-6-0), 谁与当地最爱的人匹配哈里斯·“桑德曼”·史蒂芬森 (6-2-0), 另一位具有赤手空拳格斗背景的战士。

也计划采取行动的是查理·德卡 (2-0-0), 迈阿密, 谁会和阿拉巴马州一起摔倒凯尔·麦克唐纳 (0-1-0) 在净重。

安排三场女子草量级比赛: 加州的瓦莱丽“违规者”黄 (0-1-0), 她在 Invicta 中首次亮相, VS. 丹佛的凯瑟琳·帕普罗基 (2-1-0)), 路易斯安那州的首次亮相梅西·布劳克斯 VS. 奥兰多魔术队的 (FL) 肖娜·“Bam Bam”·奥姆斯比 (2-2-0), 和西棕榈滩的 (FL) 凯拉“K-Rock”赫拉乔 (3-2-0, 图标: 2-0-0) VS. 诺克斯维尔的 (TN) 埃米莉·金 (4-4-0). 阿拉巴马州蝇量级选手之间还有另一场女子拳击比赛即将上演格里芬·菲斯克 VS. 康涅狄格州亚历山德拉·巴卢 (1-0-0), 她在 Bellator 比赛中赢得了她的职业首秀。



Websites:   HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

Facebook的: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

叽叽喳喳: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram的: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

关于罗伊·琼斯JR, 拳击促销: 合作公司成立于 2013 10次​​世界冠军罗伊·琼斯, JR. 和Keith Veltre, 罗伊·琼斯, JR. (RJJ) 拳击促销是它的方式来重塑拳击.  RJJ在短短几年已经取得了拳击界产生巨大影响.  为UFC Fight Pass创建令人振奋的内容, CBS体育, 开演时间, ESPN和贝因体育在一些全国最好的场地, RJJ已经证明了它征服了这项运动的甜蜜科学。

总部设在世界资本争夺, 拉斯维加斯, NV, 罗伊·琼斯JR. Boxing Promotions 是攀登到顶部在一个快节奏, 加入年轻人才不断增长的稳定: NABF超级轻量级​​冠军, IBF #8 和WBC # 15 翡翠“飓风” Bornea (15-0, 10 科斯); 两届世界冠军挑战者, WBO #11 最轻量级的“威武”阿斯顿·帕利克特 (26-4-1, 22 科斯); NABF次中量级冠军, WBC #14 和圣地亚哥“萨莫尔”多明格斯 (24-0, 18 科斯); 前 NABA 次中量级冠军 Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 科斯), 前《中期世界》中量级冠军挑战者约翰“飞鸿”维拉 (19-1, 11 KO), 不败超中量级前景胡安“Just Business” Barajas (11-0-1, 7 科斯), 和前 WBC 世界青年重量级冠军亚历山大“伟大的”弗洛雷斯 (18-3-1, 16 科斯).  

关于UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC FIGHT PASS® 是世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务. 由于发动 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS现在可用于 200 国家和地区. UFC FIGHT PASS为会员提供无限制的现场直播UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; 住来自世界各地的混合武术和格斗运动; 原创系列和历史编程; 特殊功能; 幕后的内容; 深入访谈; 和先进的的作战体育世界最新报告. UFC FIGHT PASS用户也有 24/7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打, 设有超过 20,000 从几十回合对抗的体育组织, 以及在UFC历史上每场战斗. 战斗迷可以在个人计算机上访问UFC FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移动设备, 苹果电视, Xbox One上, 亚马逊消防电视, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能电视, LG智能电视, 和索尼电视与Android电视. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问www.ufcfightpass.com

Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, JR. Benefited from sparring with undisputed world lightweight champion Katie Taylor

波士顿 (二月 17, 2021) – Boston featherweight特洛伊·安德森(Troy Anderson), JR.  hasn’t made his pro debut yet, but he did get the opportunity to recently spar with undisputed world lightweight champion凯蒂·泰勒 (17-0, 6 科斯), 该 2012 Olympic gold medalist from Ireland, who was a 5-time AIBA world champion as an amateur.

The 28-year-old Anderson, who is managed by Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker, was supposed to make his pro debut earlier this year in Mexico. He showed up but his opponent tested positive for COVID-19 and their fight was canceled.

Taylor frequently travels from Ireland to Connecticut, where she prepares for fights with her trainerRoss Enamait.    

安德森, a union Sheetmetal worker in local 17, was a decorated amateur who won a gold medal at the 2016 洛基马尔恰诺锦标赛, as well as The New England’s Tournament twice in 2018-2019, and won Central Division of the New England Golden Gloves Tournament twice and runner-up twice during his four-year (2016-2019) run. He also competed in three national tournaments.

Anderson benefitted from being a southpaw when his trainerMarc Gargaro, was contacted by Enamait about needing a lefthanded sparring partner for Taylor. “I’ve only sparred with her once,” Anderson said, “but I believe I will be getting more work with Katie at her training camp in the near future. I’ve already been asked back for more sparring.

“In the ring, Katie is patient, 锐, and quick with her combinations. She also doesn’t waste any movements all all. She is very tough and aggressive. Outside the ring, she is very nice, always smiling when talking, and a generous, decent human being.”

There’s nothing better for a young boxer than to train and spar with a world-class athlete, even if it’s a female against a male, the experience in invaluable.

I believe getting experience with a world champion helped me build up my confidence. It definitely opened my mind and eyes to trying new things like different movements and combinations, as well as make sure my defense and foot work was on point. Learning to become better at changing the tempo of combinations I was throwing. Also, realizing the things Katie did during and after sparring, understanding her mentality, and letting me know and see what it takes to be the best in the world, will help me grow big-time as a boxer.

“It is a little different sparring a woman but, 老老实实, it helped me work on my craft in areas I’ve been trying to improve on. I am still available to give and get good, solid work and effort. It’s expanding my mind, I was still able to pick and choose when to dig hard shots to make sure I was still solidly sparring for her, unlike with guys’ majority of punches are thrown hard.

Ortiz’ manager瑞安·罗奇(Ryan Roach) 评论: “This is a great opportunity for Troy. Anytime you share the ring with a world champion, even sparring, is a great way to elevate your level of confidence. As many know there are a lot of levels to this sport and these opportunities are crucial in building a fighter. I am really proud of Troy. His debut got pushed back, but he’s stayed in the gym and remains positive waiting for his shot. He has a great coach and team at Nonantum Boxing.”

Sparring Taylor may not have erased the disappointment of Anderson’s pro debut being canceled; 然而, the experience will surely make him a better fighter.

“Sparring a world champion was unbelievable,” Anderson concluded. “Just having the opportunity to step foot in the ring with world champion Katie Taylor was amazing. Literally, leading up to the day of sparring, that’s all I could focus on and think about. I was extremely locked in, because I wanted to give Katie Taylor good work and show her that reaching out to my coach Marc was not a mistake, and his words about me were solid. Seeing how Katie is when moving, throwing combinations, and on defense picking and choosing when to be aggressive and not, is unexplainable. It was truly a blessing and I will forever be grateful and thankful for the experience and opportunity to be able to spar with a world champion, Katie Taylor”


网站:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

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推特:  @RoachRyan, @_troyandersonjr

插页: @ RyanRoach82

关于战斗机储物柜: 成立于 2019, Fighter Locker 是一家管理职业拳击手的综合体育机构。 Fighter Locker 还通过 100% 的定制服务寻找他们的声音,从而帮助品牌拳击手。 Fighter Locker 并不真正相信工作模型。它相信正在运行的合作伙伴优化模型。

Fighter Locker 使用四个创造性的步骤,因为它相信“基础就是一切”: 1. 构思巧妙, 2. 创造性地克制, 3. 自豪地判断, 4. 针对性强。