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Bangor, Meyn (Iyul 30, 2016) - Jarod “So'nggi daqiqa” Lawton (4-2) has a new opponent this Friday night in Bangor atNEF Presents Dana White: Ichariga qaramoq’ Jang uchun.” Lawton’s original opponent, Mike Hansen (4-4), pulled out of the middleweight contest with an injury just days before the start of fight week. NEF officials scoured the country for someone to step up on a mere week’s notice and face the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt Lawton. Not an easy task, to say the least. NEF matchmaker Matt Peterson was able to secure a replacement opponent in the form of David “RedneckMundell (5-1) of Dunedin, Florida.

Mundell is a purple belt fighting out of Gracie Clearwater. His only loss as a professional came in his last fight this past spring. Aslida, Mundell had not lost a single round in any of his previous five professional fights to that point. He is the reigning Florida State Professional MMA Welterweight Champion. Mundell held several titles in the amateur ranks before turning pro.

While most competitors would shy away from the prospect of facing a black belt on a week’s notice in front of UFC President Dana White, Mundell approaches the fight with a workmanlike outlook.

It’s just another day at the office,” said Mundell when reached for comment.

I am excited to still be a part of the show and thankful Dave Mundell was willing to step up on short notice to take the fight,” Said Lawton. “He is a well-rounded fighter, and I am expecting to put on one of the best fights of the night as always!”

New England jang keyingi voqea, "NEF taqdim etadi Dana White: Jang qidirmoqda” Juma kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Avgust 5, 2016 Bangor shahridagi Xoch sug'urta markazida, Meyn. Chipta endi sotuvga bor www.CrossInsuranceCenter.bilan yoki kassaga qo'ng'iroq qilib 800.745.3000.

Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.

Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson Scores Sensational Knockout Over Hard-Hitting Contender Thomas Williams Jr. In Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Main Event Friday Night From Centre Videotron in Quebec City, Kanada

Middleweight Contenders Immanuwel Aleem & Demond Nikolson
Fight to Majority Draw
Top Contender Eleider Alvarez Dominates Robert Berridge On Way to Unanimous Decision Victory
Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos to be added shortly)
Bosing BU YERGA for Main Event Highlights
Quebec Siti (Iyul 30, 2016) – Engil vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Adonis “Superman” Stevenson (28-1, 23 KOS) delivered a highlight reel knockout victory over Thomas “Top Dogg” Williams Jr. (20-2, 14 KOS) in the fourth-round of an exciting main event showdown on Premer boks Chempionlar bo'yicha Spike Juma night from Centre Videotron in Quebec City, Kanada.
It was a firefight,” said Stevenson. “He put pressure on me so I decided to put pressure on him too. It was a fight with two guys who could punch and it was spectacular. It was my daughter’s birthday and I gave her a great gift.
The defending champion Stevenson, fighting in his adopted hometown, put Williams down in round one with a straight left hand. Williams was able to recover and began to fire back in round two. Ammo, Stevenson’s jab consistently sent Williams backtracking, while Williams abandoned the jab and attempted to cut the distance with power punches from difficult angles. Williams staggered the world champion several times, using an effective counter right hand while getting the best of many exchanges.
Both men were hurt in an exciting third round that saw momentum swing in each man’s favor before the bell rang to end the round. A cut opened up over the left eye of Williams in the end of the round that was tended to in his corner. Williams hit the canvas as a result of a low blow early in the fourth, but regained his footing shortly after.
The notorious power puncher Stevenson eventually landed the deciding blow of the night when he caught Williamschin hanging in the pocket and delivered a straight left hand that put the challenger to the floor. Vashington, DC area-native was unable to recover, prompting referee Michael Griffin to stop the bout 2:54 into the fourth round.
Additional televised action saw rising middleweight contendersImmanuel xurmoni (16-0-1, 9 KOS) va Demond Nikolson (17-1-1, 16 KOS) fight to a majority draw in their eight-round bout.
Neither fighter was able to control of the fight with Nicholson attempting to use his length and jab while Aleem tried to cut the distance and attack with short punches. Nicholson appeared to have the more effective attack in the early rounds, while Aleem began to have more success as the fight shifted to toe-to-toe action in the second half of the fight.
sudyalar’ scores reflected the close nature of the fight as one judge had it 77-74 for Aleem while the other two judges had it a 76-76 chizish.
The televised opener saw Eleider “Bo'ron” Alvarez (20-0, 10 KOS) keep his perfect record intact with a unanimous decision victory over New Zealand’s Robert Berridge (27-5, 21 KOS) in a 10-round light heavyweight affair.
I am happy with the win, but I would have liked a knockout! He was tough, but he did not hurt me at all and I thought that I hurt him. I am ready for my next challenge, which will hopefully be a world title fight.
The top-rated contender for Stevenson’s title, Alvarez established his jab early on while attacking the body of Berridge with right hooks. Alvarez continued to control the fight from a distance as Berridge was slow to begin increasing his output before he started putting the pressure on in round five.
The southpaw Berridge was able to land occasionally on Alvarez with a looping left hand, but never put the undefeated fighter in danger. Alvarez began to have more success varying up his attack with right uppercuts and hooks that eventually left Berridge’s right eye swollen and bruised.
Alvarez took home the decision by scores of 99-90 va 98-92 ikki marotaba.
PBC on Spike was promoted by Group Yvon Michel (SPORTZAL).
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun,,, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AdonisSuperman, TopDoggJr, yvonmichelgymSpikeTV vaSpikeSports va Facebook muxlisi,va Da embed mavjud Highlights PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, eng yaxshi pivo.

Chazz Witherspoon headlines against former world title challenger Mike Marrone on August 6th at The Grundy Arena in Bristol, PA.

Emanuel Taylor battles Carlos Aguilera

Plus undefeated Mike Hilton, Elijah Vines, Jaron Ennis, LaShawn Rodriguez and Luis Perozo
Junior Welterweight Sam Teah also on the bill
Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

Bristol, PA (Iyul 29, 2016) – Chazz “Gentleman” Witherspoon sobiq dunyo nom Challenger bo'yicha o'tadi Mike Marrone Shanba kuni tunda, August 6thsifatida D & D Aktsiyalar va Silver Spoon Promotions taqdim etadi Rumble at the Rink II” da Grundy Arena ichida Bristol, Pensilvaniya.

Witherspoon (33-4, 26 KO) yaqin Paulsboro of, Nyu-Jersi Sit kabi uch amerikalik og'ir biri sifatida o'zini tashkil. Yusufning universiteti bitiruvchisi Maykl Iskandar sevadi ustidan g'alaba bilan o'zining birinchi yigirma uch og'rib qo'lga kiritdi (11-0), Talmadge Griffis (24-6-3), Jonathan Haggler (18-1) tortishuvlarga diskvalifikatsiyasi orqali kelajakda ikki karra jahon nom challenger Chris Arreola uning 1-mag'lubiyat chalingan oldin.

Witherspoon went on to win three fights in a row, which was highlighted by an entertaining 8th round stoppage over Adam “Swamp Donkey” Richards (21-1). Bu jang Ring jurnalining deb topildi 2008 Heavyweight Fight of the Year.Witherspoon then dropped a fight to future two-time world title challenger Tony Thompson.

Witherspoon Tyson Cobb ustidan halokatli 3-davra vayron kiritilgan 4-ketma-ket knockouts ball uchun ketdi (14-2).

Witherspoon keyin aprel kuni Mag'lubiyatsiz kelajak bo'lishi kerak Mitchell oldi 28, 2012 Mitchell uzoqda g'alabasi bilan keldi oldin Witherspoon Mitchell yomon bir necha marta zarar bir juftlik ichida.

Witherspoon has scored four consecutive knockouts which includes his last bout when he stopped Nick Guivas (11-2-2) uch turda Avgust 15 Atlantic Siti.

Marrone of Vero Beach, Florida bir rekord bor 21-5 bilan 15 knockouts.

The 30 yoshli professional qaytdi 2004 va uning birinchi kiritdi 18 bouts that was highlighted by a nationally televised win over Malachy Farrell (15-0).
Marrone suffered first defeat at the hands of future world title challenger Francisco Pianeta. Marrone also lost to world title challenger DaVarryl Williamson.
Marrone challenged for the WBA Cruiserweight title, but was defeated by Guillermo Jones. Marrone also came up short against former heavyweight champion Shannon Briggs.
Seeing action in the eight-round co-feature will be junior welterweight Emanuel “The Tranzforma” Taylor (19-4, 13 KO) kurash Carlos Aguilera (10-16, 4 KO) of Chiapas, Meksika.

Taylor of Edgewood, Maryland bir rekord bor 19-4 bilan 13 knockouts.

The 25 yoshda, won his first fourteen bouts has quality wins over Ayi Bruce (15-1); Jorj Sosa (6-0); Raymond Serrano (18-1)’ Victor Cayo (31-3) & Karim Mayfield (18-1-1).

Taylor also battled former world champions Adrien Broner and Chris Algieri to competitive decision defeats.

The TaylorAguilera bout is promoted in association with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing.

To'rt-davra johillik ichida:

Cruiserweight Mike Hilton (2-0, 2 KO) Trenton, NJ nomidagi kerak raqib haqida o'tadi.

Middleweight Elijah Vines (2-0, 2 KO) Filadelfiya jangi bo'ladi Julian Valerio(3-3, 2 KO) Atlanta, GA

Junior welterweight Sam SeAH (7-1-1, 2 KO) of Philadelphia will all see action against Samuel Amoako (21-12, 15 KO) of Silver Spring, MD.
LaShawn Rodriguez (3-0, 2 KO) of Shirley, NY kurashadi Jason Wahr (4-12-3, 1 KO) Virginia Beach, VA. a middleweight Butning ichida.
Jaron Ennis (4-0, 4 KO) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a junior welterweight bout.
Luis Perozo (1-1, 1 KO) of New York will battle Alberto Martinez (0-1) of Tifton, GA
Tickets for this night of boxing are $150 VIP with food and soft drinks; $100; $50; $25 (for children under 17) va kasb tomonidan sotib olish mumkin 856-842-7577 yoki

The Grundy Arena is located at 475 Beaver Street in Bristol, PA.


Bangor, Meyn (Iyul 29, 2016) - Devin Pauell aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha o'qituvchi va jangchi sifatida o'zining talabchan hayotidan bir oqshom dam olayotgan edi..

U odatdagi mashg'ulot menyusida bo'lmagan ovqat bilan o'ralgan edi. Xfinity markazida baland musiqa va ziyofat muhitiga mos keladigan bayramona ichimliklar bor edi, Mansfilddagi ochiq kontsert maydoni, Massachusetts.

Qandaydir tarzda, Pauell uning telefon jiringlaganini eshitdi, yoki cho'ntagida tebranishini his qildi. Yaqinlashib kelayotgan suhbat uning keyingi kun rejalarini sezilarli darajada o'zgartirdi.

Pauell Jon Lemke bilan "NEF Presents Dana White" da qaytishni qabul qildi: Jang qidirmoqda,” o‘tkaziladi Juma, Avgust 5 Bangordagi Cross Insurance Center-da.

"Yaxshi do'stim Jessi Erikson jarohat olganini bildim,- dedi Pauell, "va ular mendan to'ldirishimni so'rashdi. Men "albatta" dedim. UFC vakili bo'lgan har qanday kishi, Hech qachon Dana White, agar sizda ularning oldida jang qilish imkoniyati bo'lsa, agar imkoningiz bo'lsa, buni qilishni xohlaysiz. Bu yoqimli bo'lishi kerak, samimiy muhit."

Powell (7-1) engil vaznda NEF chempioni, tasmani Eriksonning “NEF”da texnik nokauti bilan mustahkamladi 22: Barcha yo'llar bu erga olib boradi" aprel oyida. Lemke (5-5) ushbu kamar uchun kurashda avvalgi chempion Bryus Boyingtonga yutqazdi.

Jang engil vazn chegarasidan besh funt yuqori bo'lib, ushlash vaznida bo'lib o'tadi 160.

“Bu juda katta imkoniyat,- dedi Lemke, qo'shni Brewerda yashaydi. “Men juda minnatdorman. Men MMAdagi eng nufuzli odam oldida jang qilishni intiqlik bilan kutaman.

Ularning jangi Uayt oldida namoyish etiladigan sakkizta professional to'qnashuvlardan biridir, yaqin atrofdagi Hermon shahrida tug'ilgan, va kogortalar Din Tomas va Mett Serra. Uchlik mamlakat bo'ylab MMA bo'yicha kashf qilinmagan iste'dodlarni izlash uchun Uaytning YouTube sahifasida, shuningdek, UFC Fight Pass obunasiga asoslangan oqimli video xizmatida namoyish etiladigan realiti-shouda sayohat qiladi..

Ma'lumki, hech bir inson diqqat markazidan qochmaydi. Lemke Bellatorda Eriksonni to'xtatdi 93 ikki yil oldin Lyuistonda. Pauell o'zining g'alabali seriyasini 5 taga ko'tardi va bu g'alabaga erishdi Iyun 17 Foxwoodsdagi Butunjahon janglar seriyasida Tommy Marcellino ustidan.

“Bilaman, ular bu yerda asosiy musobaqadagi yigitlarni tomosha qilish uchun kelgandir,Pauell Uayt va uning atrofidagilar haqida aytdi, "Lekin men ular uxlay olmaydigan spektakl qo'yishni rejalashtiryapman. Jang uslubim bilan, juda tajovuzkor va g'ayrioddiy, Ishonchim komilki, men ularning e'tiborini tortaman. Bu sport to'g'ri imkoniyatni qo'lga kiritish va undan foydalanishni o'z ichiga oladi”.

Pauell jangni uch hafta oldin ogohlantirganligi sababli u biron bir ustunlikni sezdimi yoki yo'qligini so'rashganda, Lemke muloyimlik bilan u Eriksonga bundan ikki hafta oldin tayyorgarlik ko'ra boshlaganini ta'kidladi.

Lemke esa Josh LaBergega yutqazdi bo'yicha Iyun 10.

“Menda tayyorgarlik ko'rishim uchun yana bir necha hafta bor edi. Men hali ham mashq qilardim, lekin hammasi shu. Men juda yaxshi formada edim, lekin jangovar holatda emasdim,- dedi Lemke. "Bu sizdan so'raydigan narsalardan biri va siz o'zingizga o'xshaysiz, “Oh, bir, Men buni chindan ham qilishni xohlayman, lekin.’ Bu emas, balki faqat juda katta imkoniyat. Bu mutlaqo ideal emas, lekin jangchi sifatida, Albatta, siz bu qiyinchilikni qidiryapsiz, Devin esa bu yerdagi o'yindagi eng yaxshi yigitlardan biri."

U buni birinchi qo'ldan o'rgandi, va jarangdor uslubda, ikki jangchi avvalroq may oyida to'qnashganda 10, 2014. Pauell faqat bo'g'ilish orqali g'alaba qozondi 23 soniya.

Bu Lemkening sakkiz oy oldin Jon Ortolaniga qarshi chempionlik o'yinidan keskin chiqib ketganidan keyin qaytgan jangi edi..

"O'tgan safar unchalik yaxshi o'tmadi. O'sha jangga qadar men uchun juda ko'p chalg'itadigan narsalar va turli vaziyatlar bo'lgan. Undan oldin chempionlik uchun kurashdan voz kechishim kerak edi, buni siz hech qachon qilishni xohlamaysiz. Men uchun jangning to'rtdan uch qismi endigina qafasga qaytish edi,- dedi Lemke.

“Men hozir butunlay boshqacha jangchiman,- deya qo'shimcha qildi u. "Men hamma joyda oldinga siljdim deb o'ylayman, nafaqat o'z mahoratim, balki yondashuvim bilan. Men juda ko'p janglar o'tkazdim va g'alaba va mag'lubiyatlardan saboq oldim. Siz doimo o'rganasiz. Ba'zan qiyin yo'lni o'rganasiz."

Lemke va Pauellning har biri bir yildan kamroq vaqt ichida to'rtinchi marta qafasga kirishadi. Aynan shu faoliyat qisqarttirilgan o'quv lageridan so'ng hech bir kishi bunday qiyin vazifani qabul qilishdan bezovtalanmasligining sababidir..

Pauell misolida, Jang - bu Somersvortdagi Nostos MMAda egasi va bosh o'qituvchisi sifatida uning kundalik hayotining tabiiy davomi., N.H.

“Men bor narsam uchun minnatdorman. Mening 4 yoshli qizim bor va u akademiyaga kelib jiu-jitsu bilan shug'ullanishni yaxshi ko'radi.,- dedi Pauell. “Mening ajoyib hayotim bor. Men faqat dars berishim kerak, mashq qiling va jang qiling. Ko'p odamlar har kecha bolalari bilan bir necha soatdan ko'proq vaqt o'tkazmaydilar. Biz bu sport uchun ko'p narsani qurbon qilamiz. Odamlar faqat ko'rishadi 15 do'zax daqiqalari. Ular boshqa hamma narsani ko'rmaydilar."

Pauell o'zining gullab-yashnagan karerasida uchinchi marta NEF vakili bo'lishdan mamnun.

“NEF – mamlakatdagi eng katta aksiyalardan biri. Ular Meyndan kelgan yigitlardan super yulduzlarni yaratadilar,- dedi Pauell. “Men Butunjahon janglar seriyasi uchun jang qildim, va men ularni taqillatganim kabi ovoz berishni xohlamayman, lekin bu ancha kichikroq shou edi. NEF juda ko'p muxlislarga ega, va endi siz ularni Cape Cod va Bangor kabi joylarga borishlarini ko'rasiz, va bu faqat uni yanada oshirishi mumkin. Ular buni to'g'ri qilishadi, va ular uchun u erga qadam qo'yganimdan xursandman."

Lemke nafaqat Uayt, balki Bangor hududidan kelgan ona shahri muxlislari oldida kurashning qo'shimcha bosimiga duch kelmoqda..

Ularning ko'pchiligi uning Lyuistondagi uchrashuvlari uchun to'rt soatlik aylanma sayohatga o'rganmagan.

“Jang baribir shunchaki jang, va keyingi jang nima bo'lishidan qat'i nazar, eng katta kurashdir. Siz u erda kim tomosha qilishini yoki natijada nima bo'lishini hech qachon bilmaysiz,- dedi Lemke, u raqibi bilan ko'proq tashvishlanayotganini ko'rsatadi. “Devin ajoyib jangchi. U ajoyib mahoratga ega. U juda mashhur va u buni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun ajoyib rekordga ega. Bu, albatta, men uchun bir umrlik sinov. U qafasdan tashqarida ham ajoyib yigit. Men u bilan yaxshi munosabatdaman. O‘ylaymanki, biz bir-birimizni hurmat qilamiz”.

Pauell bu shubhalarni tasdiqladi, Garchi u o'z maqsadi navbatdagi hal qiluvchi g'alabadan kam emasligini yana bir bor ta'kidladi.

“U yaxshi yigit. Men bunday chuqurlikka borishim shart emas, qorong'u joy. Men tushunamanki, mening vazifam kimnidir shu qadar qattiq xafa qilishdirki, uning hayotini saqlab qolish uchun hakam harakatga kirishishi kerak. Bu go'zal, zo'ravonlik sporti. Men bilan bir xil maqsadlar bilan u erga kirishga jur'at etgan har bir kishini hurmat qilaman,- dedi Pauell. “Men Lemke bilan uchrashuv kutyapman. U agressiv bo'ldi. U jang qilish uchun keladi. Men ham xuddi shunday narsalarni qilishni yaxshi ko'raman. Birinchi jang qisqa muddatli edi. Agar buni takrorlay olsam, Ishonchim komilki, Dana Uayt baxtli bo'ladi."

"NEF Dana Whiteni taqdim etadi: Jangni qidirmoqda” filmi bo‘lib o‘tadi Juma, Avgust 5, 2016 Bangordagi Cross Insurance Center-da, Meyn. Chipta endi sotuvga bor www.CrossInsuranceCenter.bilan yoki kassaga qo'ng'iroq qilib 800.745.3000.

Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin va, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."




Photo by Amanda Westcott / NAMOYISH VAQTI




“Boxing Gave Me Things I Couldn’t imagine. Boxing Let Me Dream. That’s What I’m Fighting For: That Chance To Dream Again.”

Veteran boxer, ikki divizionda sobiq jahon chempioni, Paulie Malignaggi pens an open letter to the sport of boxing as the Magic Man prepares to step into the ring once more on Saturday night.


Malignaggi (35-7, 7 KOS) will face Gabriel Bracero in a 10-round welterweight bout between fellow Brooklynite in the Kvplt_fan FAVQULOTDA® main event tomorrow, Saturday live at 7 p.m. VA/PT from Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y..


Malignaggi explains in the letter why he keeps on climbing into the ring: “I know fighters don’t age gracefully,” he says. “I know fighters get hurt. But I also know in my heart, I gotta fight. At least one more time. Nima uchun? I’ll tell you why: Love.”


After his bout, Malignaggi, also a Kvplt_fan sport® boxing analyst, plans to join the announce team and call the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader featuring featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz defending against N. Ireland’s Carl Frampton and the return of undefeated and former two-division champion Mikey Garcia facing ex-champion Elio Rojas, yashashNAMOYISH VAQTI® (9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT).

Wilcox tops Orozco in Toronto


Toronto, Ontario, Kanada (Iyul 29, 2016) – Up and coming lightweight Steven Wilcox of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada scored an impressive eight round unanimous decision over rugged Mexican Juan Orozco Thursday, Iyul 28 at the Danforth Music Hall in Toronto.

Topping Lee Baxter Promotions’ inaugural “Next Generation” fight card and with an excited crowd supporting him, the taller Wilcox looked to use his range from the opening bell. Orozco was able to close the gap at times during the first few rounds, landing some decent shots in close quarters. Wilcox effectively adjusted and found his range, peppering Orozco with clean punches. For the remainder of the bout, Orozco attempted to press forward but was unsuccessful as Wilcox continued to land clean shots to the body and head of his game foe en route to a unanimous decision.

Wilcox improves to 14-1-1 bilan 5 knockouts. The game Orozco is now 14-4-2 bilan 10 KO.

Light heavyweight “Irish” Tim Cronin of Etobicoke, Ontario dominated Slovakia’s Kristof Demendi over six one sided rounds en route to a decision. Cronin, who is unbeaten since losing a split decision in his pro debut, dominated the fight as Demendi was never able to find his rhythm.

Cronin ups his professional ledger to 8-1-1 bilan 2 wins by knockout while Demendi slips to 10-2-2 (6 KO).

Highly touted heavyweight newcomer Mladen Miljas (1-0, 1 KO) battered David Vyletel (5-2, 2 KO) of Slovakia until the referee saved the latter from further punishment in the second stanza. Miljas, who fights out of Ontario, displayed an arsenal of skills during the impressive showing.

Boshqa kurashlarda, junior middleweight Mayron Zeferino (1-0) scored a first round knockdown and overcame a late rally from Danyk Croteau (1-1) en route to a decision victory while super middleweight newcomers Augistino D’Aluisio (0-0-1) and Mike Miller (0-0-1) battled to a draw.

“We went through a lot of changes with this card and worked hard to make it happen,” said Lee Baxter. “Miljas looked fantastic and Zeferino gutted out a decision over a very determined opponent. Steven Wilcox was very sharp tonight and outpointed a very tough foe that never stopped trying. Umumiy, I’m satisfied with the event and hope the fans that tuned in around the world via the webcast enjoyed it as well. We’re looking forward to bringing more exciting boxing to Ontario.

Lee Baxter Promotions’ next card will be announced shortly.

Melson named New York Sportscene Children Foundation’s Humanitarian Honoree

Boyd formal photo.jpg

Nyu York, NY (Iyul 28, 2016) – WBC USNBC junior middleweight champion, West Point graduate and Army Reserve Officer Captain Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson has been selected as New York Sprotscene Children Foundation’s (NYSCF) Humanitarian Honoree.
He will be honored and serve as the special guest for their 2nd annual Celebrity Golf Classic and pool party Avgust 15 ichidaCommack, NY at The Hamlet. As the honoree, Melson’s also participating in a cocktail hour, award dinner, interview sessions, photo ops and meet & greet.
A501(c)(3), the NYSCF helps to benefit and improve the lives of children and help those in need live happier and healthier. The mission of the New York Sportscene Children’s Foundation is to provide much needed support of local charities.
A recognizable figure in and out of the ring, Melson gained notoriety in the boxing world by donating 100% of his fight purses towards helping others. 16 of his purses went to Team Fight to Walk to help find the cure for Chronic Spinal Cord Injuries and the other went to a friend whose son has brain cancer. Between his fights, charity galas and donations, Melson and co-founder Christan Zaccagnino helped raise close to $400,000. He is also a well-known motivational speaker that has inspired the US Army, various athletes, at-risk youths, large corporations and students of all ages.
The NYSCF is specifically recognizing Melson for his dedication and support of Team Fight to Walk, mentoring at risk youths and excellence as an athlete.
The NYSCF’s Golf Classic will raise funds to provide for local children in need. Their 2015 event made it possible to host a poolside party for more than 150 ill, special needs and underprivileged children and their families. These children, many whom never swam in a pool before, will be shuttled in from the NYC boroughs as well as Long Island to enjoy the pool party. The funds raised last year also covered a holiday celebration for close to 1,000 children and their caregivers.
This event also supports the YES WE CARE Veteran Support Program, Family Services of Westchester Jerome Wagner Youth Residence for Boys, Evelyn Sachs Steiner Residence for Girls and a SUNY Farmingdale Alumni Association Scholarship. Buning ustiga, the NYSCF is making a donation to Team Fight to Walk, which literally brought Melson to tears upon hearing the news.
"I’ve had the blessing to be honored many times for things I’ve done in and out of the ring but this is truly unlike anything else,"Melson dedi. “When I got the call for this and was asked to be the honoree, I thought they were kidding. The original guest was Denzel Washington and the fact that they went from him to me is beyond humbling. I immediately started crying over the phone thanking them profusely. I’m looking forward to this event and owe a special thanks to both Laura Quintoni and Fran Petito, who are both part of the New York Sportscene Children’s Foundation’s leadership. I told them both that the universe keeps reminding me of my path by sending angels into my life to help me along my path. As soon as I heard about the pool party, my first question wascan I get in the pool and play with the kids.I was met with an encouraging yes and I am looking forward to that part of the day as much as any part. FOX News will be filming and although it will not be aired live, the coverage will air nationwide at some point. I hope to meet many great families and bring smiles to their faces. My wish from this is that this experience increases my opportunities to help positively impact the lives of others."
For more information on the NYSCF outing, tashrif buyuring

Adonis Stevenson vs. Thomas Williams Jr. PBC on Spike Official Weights, Weigh-In Photos & Fight Week Quotes

Please see below for the official weights along with fight week quotes from Adonis Stevenson and Thomas Williams Jr. heading into Ertangi Premier Boxing Champions on Spike main event live from Montreal.

Bosing BU YERGA For Photos From Dave Nadkarni/Premier Boxing Champions

ADONIS Stevenson – 173.6 lbs
Welcome to Québec City Thomas. I saw your fight against Edwin Rodriguez. It was a nice performance with a beautiful KO. When I saw that bout, I told myself I wanted that fight with you. I knew I was going to be motivated.
I know Williams hits hard and that he has a name now in the United States, but I keep the same Kronk Gym mentality Emmanuel Steward taught me: we go for the KO. It is also the birthday of my daughter and I want to offer her a KO, I am motivated. This will be excitingdon’t blink!”
You don’t know what I have been through to be here. Tweets, talks and predictions won’t mean nothing Juma tun: facts will. There will be a new champion.
With only a 10 day notice, I am really happy to face a fighter of such a high caliber. Berridge is a tough guy who faced good names like Thomas Oosthuizen and Blake Caparello, but I prepared really hard for Chad Dawson. I am ready.
I am excited to be here and to face a solid boxer. Expect a good performance from me on Friday.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun,,, TwitterPremierBoxing bo'yicha amal, AdonisSuperman, TopDoggJr, yvonmichelgymSpikeTV vaSpikeSports va Facebook muxlisi, Da embed mavjud Highlights PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, eng yaxshi pivo.

Leo Santa Cruz vs. Carl Frampton Final Press Conference Quotes & Rasmlar

Stacked Night of Boxing at Barclays Center in Brooklyn Highlighted by SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Tripleheader
ShowTime Jonli®, Bu Shanba, Iyul 30 At 9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT
Preliminary Fights Begin At 7 p.m. VA/Kvplt_fan FAVQULOTDA to'g'risida PT®
Bosing BU YERGA Amanda Westcott / showtime From Rasmlar
Bosing BU YERGA Ed tillarda fotojamlanma uchun / DiBella Entertainment
Bosing BU YERGA For Photos From Andy Samuelson/Premier Boxing Champions
Bruklin (Iyul 28, 2016) – Mag'lubiyatsiz uch-bo'limi jahon chempioni Leo Santa Cruz and undefeated former unified 122-pound world champion Carl Frampton went face-to-face Payshanba at the final press conference before their featherweight world title clash that headlines a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader bu Shanba, Iyul 30 Bruklindagi Barclays markazida yashaymiz.
Televised coverage begins on SHOWTIMEat 9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT and features undefeated former world champion Mikey Garcia sobiq jahon chempioni ustidan olib Elio Rojas hamraisi asosiy tadbirda,plus once-beaten contenders Tony Harrison va Sergey Rabchenko in a junior middleweight title eliminator.
Ikki karra jahon chempioni Paulie Malignaggi meets fellow Brooklynite Gabriel Bracero in the SHOWTIME EXTREME main event. Coverage begins at 7 p.m. VA/PT with a lightweight battle between Ivan Redkach va Tevin Farmer.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Cyclone Promotions, da boshlanadi $38 va ziyorat bilan onlayn xarid qilish mumkin, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000. Chipta Barclays markazida American Express Box Office ham mavjud. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.
The fighters spoke to media Payshanba at the Dream Hotel Downtown in Manhattan. Bu yerda ishtirokchilar aytish kerak edi nima:
I’m glad that my whole family is here and I’m thankful to my whole team that got me ready for this opportunity.
I’m so happy to have my dad here. We thought about not taking this fight when he got the [cancer] diagnosis. He’s always been there with me since the beginning of my career. Since I was very small. When the doctors told me that he would be in my corner, I was even more ready for this fight.
I know that this is going to be an interesting fight. We’re both undefeated and we’re going to make it a war. Neither of us wants that first loss. We’re going to leave it all in the ring. This won’t be an easy fight. It’s a 50-50 jang. The fighter who wants it the most will win the night.
I want boxing fans from every backgroundLatino people from everywhereMexicans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricansto come out and support me and come watch a great fight shanba kuni Kechasi.”
Karl Frampton
I’ve worked very hard in the gym and I feel strong at 126 funt. This new weight suits me and you will see the result in the ring.
Nothing can compare to this opportunity. People know me in Belfast, but Leo Santa Cruz is a three-weight world champion who gives me the opportunity to become more well known.
“Bu kurash o'zini sotmoqda. I respect all my opponents until I’m disrespected myself. I respect Leo because of his actions and because of the great fighter that he is.
I’m a different animal now at 126 funt. I was only performing at 70 yoki 80 percent of what my capabilities were. I’m feeling strong and I’m a different fighter. This will be my best performance.
I’m honored to be on a bill with so many great fighters. There are four fights that could probably top a bill in their own right. I’m honored to be here and I’m going to get the victory shanba kuni Kechasi.”
Mikey G'orsiya
It’s been a while since I’ve done this but I’m very excited to be back. I want to thank everyone who helped put this fight together.
Everybody has said it all. Biz tayyormiz. We’re prepared and we’ve had a great training camp. Rojas has the boxing skills to make this complicated.
I have better skills than any fighter put in front of me. This will be the beginning of the next stage of my career. The most memorable part of my career.
I’m very thankful for this opportunity. I’m really happy about being on this show. In this fight. I know I’m being brought in as an opponent, but I’m going to let the fans know that I’m not just an opponent.
I know who Mikey Garcia is. I have all the abilities to win on Iyul 30. I’ve always been a boxer who was never protected. I always prepare to win the fight and this will be no exception.
Toni Harrison
I’m just excited to be back on a platform like this. I’m ready put in work. I know my opponent doesn’t speak much English, but I bet he speaks hands.
No disrespect to Ricky Hatton, because what he’s done for his country and for Rabchenko is amazing, but I don’t care about it at all. Seeing Ricky over there fuels me even more to get the win.
I just had a son, he’s three months old. He’s my new motivation. We’ve pushed it to the max in training camp. I’m ready to swim with the sharks. I’ve transitioned from a sprinter to a marathon runner. I’m ready to go into the later rounds.
I’m ready to put Detroit back on the map. One thing you know about Detroit, we’re about that action. Shanba Kuni, we’re coming for it.
This is a very nice country and a great city for boxing. It’s my first time here and it’s very exciting. I’m going to give the fans a really good fight.
I know my opponent is a young, strong kid fighter and he will be ready. I want him to be ready so that we can give the fans a great show.
PAULIE Malignaggi
I hear young guys like Tony Harrison and Tevin Farmer come up here and talk, it reminds me of my young days. The gym I train in down in Miami is full of young guys hungry to break through. That’s the feeling we all used to have in the gym. It starts to rub off on you when you hang around motivated people.
I need to have great motivation and that fire to return to the top level. I took a couple steps back after the Garcia fight and gradually stepped up. I think Gabe is another step up. He’s a hungry and motivated guy.
I know Gabriel Bracero, not only as a fighter, but I know his spirit. We came up together in the same generation of New York fighters.
It’s all love and respect. But this Brooklyn Belt, it looks pretty nice. This is staying here in Bensonhurst.
I want to thank Tommy Gallagher, my trainer. He always stood by my side and always believed in me. No matter what the critics said. It’s because of him that I’m standing here now.
I’ve made mistakes in life. I was away from this sport for a while. Boxing was always my dream though. I stayed focused so that I can come out and do what I’m doing now. Not too many people can bounce back from a situation like that.
Shanba is a big fight and I’m looking forward to it. I’m really thankful that Paulie gave me this opportunity. I always followed his career and his successes. It was a dream of mine to come out here and have the same success he had. I looked up to him.
To be here right now and to be able to fight Paulie is incredible. He’s giving me the opportunity to reach his level of success.
I encourage everyone to come out Shanba tun. I’m going to leave my heart in the ring. That Brooklyn Belt is beautiful and I can’t wait to have it around my waist. This is business, not personal. You should get ready to see fireworks.
I’m very thankful to be part of such a great event. I changed a lot about my training heading into this fight. I’ve trained with the great champion Leo Santa Cruz and it has me ready.
I want to show everyone in the ring what I can do, not up on the stage with my words.
I want to thank my training staff for preparing me for battle Shanba tun. I’m thankful for this opportunity.
This is another chance to show the world who I am. I have about three years with no losses. I started boxing as a hobby. But when I realized how much talent I had, I started training right.
Since I started taking this sport seriously, I’ve been taking guys out easily. Ivan Redkach will get this work. It’s going to be easy.
I’m not about talk. A lot of people don’t know who I am, but everyone will know shanba kuni Kechasi.”
To be here with these great fighters is an amazing opportunity. I’m very honored. I’m ready to fight and successfully defend my title.
I’m going to show all the critics and non-believers that female fighters have the talent and courage of the male fighters, and we’re here to stay. Come out shanba kuni night for a great show.
BARRY McGuigan, Frampton ning Manager, Sobiq jahon chempioni & Hududdagi fermer Hall
We’re delighted to be here in Manhattan for this potential Fight of the Year. The whole team that made this fight happen has been fantastic.
I just wanted to say that we’re thrilled that Jose Santa Cruz is back on his feet, every one of our families is affected by cancer.
This is a clash of styles that could make it a fight of the year. We have the utmost respect for Leo Santa Cruz, but we’re here to win and we will win.
LOU DIBELLA, DiBella Entertainment Prezidenti
I think that this is the best card that I’ve ever been able to promote. This is the deepest boxing card from top to bottom that I’ve seen.
Barclays Center has become one of the homes for great boxing. It is the premier venue right now for boxing in this country. The Brooklyn Boxing program is something that Barclays Center is truly committed to.
If you’re from Brooklyn, then you want that Brooklyn Belt. It’s about carrying the mantle of being that guy from Brooklyn. That’s what both Paulie and Gabe are going to try to do.
The main event is one of the elite fights that can be made in the sport. These are two amazing fighters. The winner won’t just be a featherweight champion; the winner will have an argument for the pound-for-pound list.
Stiven ESPINOZA, Ijrochi vitse-prezidenti & Bosh Menejer, Kvplt_fan sport
SHOWTIME has been bringing its viewers the best, most competitive fights of the year, va Shanba will be no exception.
The 154-pound division is the deepest and hottest in the sport. Tony Harrison and Rabchenko are looking to make their mark and get up to the next level of the division.
Having Mikey Garcia back is a treat. It’s a big positive for the sports of boxing. Elio Rojas is not just an opponent though. He is tough, he is hungry and I expect this to be an amazing fight as well.
The main event is again the best versus the best. Two of the most aggressive fighters in any division. There’s nothing else to say about this fight other than that it will be all action. I think this fight could be better than Thurman vs. Taqinglar.
We’re proudest of all to have the best versus the best. This is what boxing should be. You should be there if you can shanba kuninight and if not, watch on SHOWTIME, you will not be disappointed.
Brett YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment
This is arguably the strongest card from top to bottom that we’ve had in Brooklyn since we’ve hosted fight cards. This will be a great follow-up to the incredible Thurman vs. Porter fight last fight. We expect another headlining fight that could be a leading contender for Fight of the Year. We are honored to welcome these two great competitors to Brooklyn. They are two of the most exciting fighters in the sport and we wish both of you the best shanba kuni.
Shanba ning card certainly has a Brooklyn flavor to it. It begins with Bensonhurst’s Paulie Malignaggi taking on Gabriel Bracero from Sunset Park with the Brooklyn’s World Championship on the line.
“Amanda Serrano, another Brooklynite, will be the first women ever to defend her title at Barclays Center. We look forward to seeing you in the ring shanba kuni Kechasi.”
# # #
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, BarclaysCenter, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,, PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.


Bangor, Meyn (Iyul 28, 2016) – The dedicated delegation from Young’s MMA of Bangor usually relish their reputation as road warriors in New England Fights.

Lewiston is long established as the hub city for the organization, drawing competitors and spectators from both directions on the Maine Turnpike. Fighters and fans from the Penobscot River valley find that staying engaged for those fight cards four or five times a year requires greater commitment than most.

For only the second time in its history, the regional promotion will bring its cage to the Queen City. "NEF taqdim etadi: Dana White Lookin’ for a Fight” is slated for Friday, Avgust 5 at Cross Insurance Center.

Young’s, the gym located just a few blocks away at 127 Hammond Street, will celebrate by showcasing one of its fighters in four of the eight scheduled professional bouts. Battle-tested Ryan Sanders and relative newcomers Aaron Lacey, Josh Harvey and CJ Ewer all are poised to take their best shot with the support of a raucous, partisan crowd.

“That’s the most exciting part for me, being from Brewer. I went to Brewer High School,” Lacey said. “It was definitely a huge, huge draw for me, seeing it in person. I went to the fights when NEF came to Darling’s Waterfront Pavilion (Iyul 12, 2013) and all I could think is, ‘Man, I want to do this.’ This has been a goal of mine for a long time.”

Sanders (10-7) will battle Derrick Kennington (11-7) in a clash of wily lightweights that will be on the featured attractions on the docket.

His three stablemates each emerged victorious in their only previous pro bout. Lacey will lock up with John Santos (3-3) of Derry, N.H., tuklar kurashda. Harvey has an appointment at featherweight. Ko'za, who won an amateur bout at the outdoor concert venue in Bangor, will be tested by Ruben Redman (0-1) in a welterweight scrap.

Even with numerous friends in attendance, the four men know it is the presence of UFC president White, who grew up in nearby Hermon, which could have career-changing ramifications.

“It’s a great opportunity. It’s awesome to know that someone like that is going to be in the building on fight night,” Sanders said. “But for me it’s just another fight. I don’t want to get caught up in all that. Just let it unfold.”

White and cohorts Din Thomas and Matt Serra travel the country in pursuit of undiscovered MMA talent in a reality show that is broadcast on White’s YouTube page as well as the UFC Fight Pass subscription-based streamed video service.

Ha, the entrepreneur’s Maine connections are well-documented. White also previously brought UFC Fight Night 47 to Bangor. Young’s talent pool suspects that the latest event is more than just a case of White throwing a bone to his home base, ammo.

“I’m grateful that he’s bringing it here. I’m sure he’s watched film from NEF in his spare time. He must see something in NEF that he likes in order to be doing this,” Harvey said. “It doesn’t make me more nervous. Men sizlardan buning uchun xursandman. I’m going to try to put that all aside and focus on the task at hand.”

Under the tutelage of co-owners Chris Young and Ernie Fitch, roughly five or six professionals and a dozen amateurs cycle through the gym in any given training camp.

“Four of us fighting, it just shows we’re the best gym in the area. Three of us are undefeated. We’re producing studs. People see that and want to train with the best guys they can,” Sanders said. “We definitely push each other. You have guys who kick your ass every day. We want the best for each other. That’s why we’re here.”

Harvey expects the numbers and commitment to grow after White’s visit. He has been training at Young’s for three years. The cage side seat at the waterfront inspired him to step up his own training regimen. It’s a built-in advantage, Harvey noted, that has belonged almost exclusively to Lewiston until now.

“That’s what gets most people started. They go and see the fights and they want to try it,” Harvey said. “That’s why you see places like Central Maine BJJ (Lewiston) and First Class MMA (Topsham) growing so much. The fights are right there in their backyard.”

Lacey characterizes Young’s as “a gym full of killers.”

The statistics underscore Lacey’s point. The three pros with unblemished records all won their debut in two minutes or less.

“Ryan has only gone to a decision I think one time in his career. He’s a finisher. Josh won his fight by submission in the first round. CJ is super strong,” Lacey said. “They challenge me to be the best I can be every day. They keep me focused not just in the gym but in the game of life outside the cage.”

Although he is facing an opponent with significantly greater experience, Lacey expects a helpful adrenaline rush from having so many familiar faces at his back.

“It is different. I fought I think seven times in Lewiston between amateur fights and my pro debut,"Dedi. “This gives me a chance to be in my comfort zone. And a lot of my fans can’t make it down there. By the time you figure in the travel, the price of the tickets, maybe staying overnight, they just can’t do it.”

Harvey agreed, pointing out that it’s the initial fight for which he hasn’t needed to pack a suitcase.

“This will be the first time I’ve slept in my own bed the night before a fight. I think it’s a huge advantage,” Harvey said. “Some people might think with more of your fans there that there’s more pressure, but I think it just builds you up.”

"NEF Dana Whiteni taqdim etadi: Jangni qidirmoqda” filmi bo‘lib o‘tadi Juma, Avgust 5, 2016 Bangordagi Cross Insurance Center-da, Meyn. Chipta endi sotuvga bor www.CrossInsuranceCenter.bilan yoki kassaga qo'ng'iroq qilib 800.745.3000.

Tadbir va jang karta yangiliklarni haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin va, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."