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Результаты чемпионата CBS Sports Network по боксу в Темекуле, Калифорния

'Браво’ Брант останавливает Фитцпатрика в третьем матче, Продолжение боя за титул в среднем весе
Действующий чемпион WBO NABO и WBA NABA в среднем весе и WBA. #4- и Роб, занявший 7-е место в рейтинге WBO в среднем весе. “Хорошо” Казарка (21-0, 14 КО) Святого Павла, Миннесота, продолжал двигаться вперед и сегодня вечером продолжил впечатлять односторонним поражением Криса. “Ирландский призрак” Фицпатрик (15-5, 6 КО) Кливленда.
Бои в главном событии 10-раундового турнира CBS Sports Network Championship Boxing из Большого бального зала курорта Печанга. & Казино в Темекула, Калифорния, У Бранта было слишком много оружия для игры Фитцпатрик.
Событие, телеканал, был представлен Грегом Коэном Promotions в сотрудничестве с Международной лигой чемпионата по боксу. (ICBL), Ringside Ticket Inc., и победитель конкурса Дэвида Шустера Take All Productions.
Брант плавно двигался по рингу, посадка по желанию. Он сбросил Фитцпатрика апперкотом во втором раунде (Фитцпатрик чуть не выпал с ринга) и закончил это еще одним нокдауном на 1:18 из трех раунда.
Обычно откровенный, Брант сказал, что план игры состоял в том, чтобы не позволить Фитцпатрику удержаться в бою.. “Он из тех парней, если вы позволите ему остаться там, он будет висеть на несколько раундов,” сказал Брант, после боя. “Я хотел показать ему пример и убедиться, что я его унизил.”
Будущее выглядит ярким для раскаленного Бранта, который, кажется, усиливает свою игру с каждым выступлением. “Под опекой Деррика Джеймса, Я научился садиться на удары и в то же время сохранять оборонительную стойкость,” он продолжил, “но теперь пора повысить уровень конкуренции. Как бы хорошо ни было получать такие победы, гораздо приятнее поднять их уровень.”
В со-главном событии, Форт-Уэрт, Техас, отбивающий “Не сдаваться” Скендер Халили быстро расправился с Сильвер-Спрингс, Мэриленд, ветеран Бен Одаматти.
По очереди, с записью 11-1, 11 КО, рано поймал Одаматти с его доказанной силой, и быстро стало очевидно, что он не может справиться с этим. Одаматти храбро пытался удержать ноги под адским огнем. Он поднялся после нокдауна, но быстро снова оказался в осаде, и ноги Одаматти его выдали., Рефери Рэй Корона отмахнулся от мяча. 1:17 из первых.
Одаматтей поскользнулся на 16-15-3, 9 КО. По очереди, никогда в плохой драке, это становится “надо посмотреть телевизор” с его энергичным способом ведения дел.
Непобедимый Джем в среднем весе “Чемпион” Киллик (6-0, 3 КО) сделал то, что должен был сделать в своем пробном бою за GCP, прорываясь сквозь дебютного бойца из Вегаса Джереда Фендерсона (0-1).
Фендерсон, похоже, обладал некоторыми навыками и сражался на равных с Килликом в первом раунде..
Однако, Киллик, Франкфурт-на, Германия, сейчас проживает в Шерман-Оукс, Калифорния, взял верх во втором раунде, бить утомленного Фендерсона по канатам тяжелыми ударами, пока он не свалится с силой, чтобы добиться остановки.
Конец наступил в 1:50 два тура.
Чтобы начать транслируемые по телевидению бои, Балтимор, Мэриленд, полусредний вес Малик “Ледяной Человек” Хокинсу пришлось работать все четыре раунда, чтобы поднять свой рекорд на 9-0, 7 Нокаут против удивительно решительного Шона “Зверь войны” Вот здорово (3-4) Портленда, Орегон.
У Хокинса было слишком много скорости и навыков для дерущегося Джи., но Джи поддерживал интерес своими дикими поворотами и готовностью обмениваться. Hawkins’ великолепие одержало верх, поскольку ему было дано единогласное решение (40-36 х 3).
В первом бою ночи, Харико Детройта “Король Великих озер” О'Куин (3-0, 2 КО) пережил испуг, исходивший от Джонатона Кироза из близлежащего Оушенсайда, Калифорния. (6-3, 1 KO) в своем четвертом раунде в легчайшем весе.
О'Куинн выстрелил первым., как и ожидалось, но Кирос придумал, как рассчитать время с помощью циклических ударов во втором. Он потряс О’Куинна ударом правой, но не смог добить мяч..
О’Куинн сделал немного больше в последних двух раундах., но отдайте должное калифорнийским судьям за то, что они не играли с домашними фаворитами. Результаты, встретил освистывание, были 39-37 пересечь границу.
“Для меня это был хороший шаг вперед, существование 2-0, сразиться с кем-то девятью боями,” Said О'Куин. “Я узнал, что не все лягут, и это именно то, чего я хотел.. Я не хотел прогулку с тортом.
То, что должно было стать обычным двойным профессиональным дебютом для двух неизвестных, быстро превратилось в эпическую войну на века., как “Пятно” Уиллу Дэвису наконец удалось остановить безумного Эрика Фаулера за четыре раунда..
Классика “навык против. воля” совпадают, Дэвис нанес бы свой острый удар, продуманные комбинации только для того, чтобы каждый раз отвечать дубинными выстрелами Фаулера с железным подбородком.
С импульсом, раскачивающимся взад и вперед каждые несколько секунд., Дэвис проиграл Фаулеру во втором раунде.. Фаулер ответил тем же в третьем.
К четвёртому раунду даже публика устала., когда Дэвис нанес серию безответных ударов, которые положили конец делу :39 секундная отметка четвертого раунда.
Местный игрок в супертяжелом весе Дэнни Андухо (1-0, 1 KO) стал профессионалом после быстрой остановки Исраэля Эрнандеса из Сан-Хосе, сейчас 1-3-1, 1 KO.
Андухо роился, нанесение сильных ударов по превосходящему по вооружению Эрнандесу, кто взял 10 рассчитывать на :55 в первом туре.
И наконец, непобежденный Темекула в полулегком весе Роберт Меза (3-0-0, 1 KO) одержал победу решением судей в четырех раундах над Brave, но грубый Хосе Фабиан Наранхо (3-3-1, 1 KO)
Нижней Калифорнии, Мексика.
Оценки были 40-36 х 3.

Undefeated Rising Star David Benavidez Knocks Out Denis Douglin in Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN & ESPN Deportes Main Event from Philadelphia’s 2300 Арена

Undefeated Lightweight Alejandro Luna Bests
Naim Nelson by Unanimous Decision
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Кредит: Premier Boxing Champions/Ryan Hafey
Нажмите ВОТ for Benavidez vs. Douglin Highlights
Нажмите ВОТ for Luna vs. Nelson Highlights
Филадельфия (Август 6, 2016) – Undefeated rising contender Дэвид “Красный флаг” Бенавидес (16-0, 15 КО) нокаутировал Денис Дуглин (20-5, 13 КО) в 10-раундовом главным событием Премьер Бокс чемпионов на ESPN и ESPN от 2300 Арена в Филадельфии.
Дуглин, who is trained by his mother Saphya, opened the fight very aggressive, stealing the first round on all three judges’ системы показателей. Douglin continued to press the action, also winning the second round battle with two of the three judges, but Benavidez would soon settle in and take control of the war.
“Я знал, что это будет жесткая борьба. I knew Douglin wasn’t going to go out without a fight,” Said Benavidez. “So I came in here and started slower than I usually do, just using my jab a little bit more.
The 19-year-old Benavidez made the necessary corrections in round three and never looked back, chipping away throughout the fourth and fifth rounds. В шестом, Benavidez teed off on Douglin with damaging punches to both Douglin’s body and head.
В седьмом раунде, Benavidez was still having his way when one of the top turnbuckles gave out, causing the ropes on one side of the ring to collapse, and stopping the fight momentarily. When the action resumed, Douglin came forward with a flurry, but that burst of energy was short-lived.
Benavidez regained control in the eighth round, and in the ninth he scored the only knockdown of the fight. In the tenth and final frame, Benavidez threw a barrage of punches, several of which buckled Douglin, causing referee Gary Rosato to intervene and stop the fight at :35 в раунде.
When asked about Douglin’s resilience, Benavidez said, “I hurt him a lot of times, but I kept my cool. I knew I was going to get him out of there sooner or later and that’s exactly what I did tonight. This is a good victory for me. Douglin is a tough veteran. He started fast and swinging wildly, and his offense probably looked better on-camera than it was, but he did what he had to do to survive until the final round.
Benavidez continued, “It was important to me to get the stoppage and show everybody that I am just as strong in the late rounds as I am early on. I love this. This is what I signed up for. I want tough fights.
A disappointed Douglin said, “I was in this fight, I just got winded. I was in great shape and everything, but I got winded there towards the end. Benavidez is a tough, young fighter. He was able to make me stay in there longer than I wanted to, but I feel good and I’ll be back.
Benavidez concluded, “Сейчас, I would like to say that I don’t think about who’s next. I’m just trying to progress in my career and I’m not trying to call anybody out. But if I do dream about fighting anybody, it would be whoever is the champion at my weight. I’m going to work hard to get to that spot.
Televised coverage began with exciting undefeated contender Алехандро “El Charro” Месяц (21-0, 15 КО) defeating Philadelphia prospect Наим Нельсон (13-2, 1 KO) единогласным решением судей (99-91, 98-92, 97-93) in a ten-round bout fought at a catch weight of 144 фунтов.
Нельсон, who stepped up to face Luna on only 24-hours notice, tried to bring the fight to Luna in the early rounds and make it a physical contest on the inside.
Despite Luna landing a couple of blistering uppercuts in the second and third rounds, Nelson still came forward. Luna later said, “Nelson was a tough guy and could bang a little bit.
By the close of the third round, Luna’s left eye appeared to be swelling badly, but luckily for Luna Nelson’s gas tank appeared to drain just in time. Although Nelson was all aggression and wanted to fight in a phone booth early on, he found himself landing fewer punches and looking to create distance in the middle rounds.
Luna soon took over the action, and in the seventh round a cut opened on Nelson’s forward, but was quickly controlled by his corner. Тем не менее, Luna had done enough damage in the middle stages of the scrap and was able coast to a unanimous victory on the scorecards.
Obviously we prepared for another opponent, but I felt I had a solid performance against him,” Said Luna. “Nelson came to fight and was in shape, and I thought I handled him pretty well, but I know I can still do better.
When asked about taking the fight on short notice Nelson said, “I make no excuses, but we took this fight at 9 p.m. last night and I knew I was stepping up to face a tough opponent. Я не получил решение, but I felt good in there tonight, and I proved I can compete with a world class fighter.
Nelson added, “Luna is a good puncher and he’s strong. I won’t take anything away from him. We fought a hell of a fight, and I look forward to being back soon.
Luna summed up the night adding, “I’m looking to build on what I did here tonight and get back in the ring soon for another good fight.
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Карточка способствовало Акции Короля.
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8-6-16 HBO WCB Letterhead (7-26-16b FINAL)jpg


НА Oracle Arena в Окленде, КАЛИФОРНИЯ


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Фото кредит: Roc Nation Спорт / Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

OAKLAND, ТАКОЙ КАК (Август 4, 2016) - В четверг, Август 4, Roc Nation спорта прошел итоговую пресс-конференцию для чемпиона мира Двукратный и топ-рейтингом фунт-для-фунта боец Андре Уорд (29-0, 15 КО) and power-punching Colombian Александр Марка (25-1, 19 КО) на озере Мерритт амфитеатре в Окленде, California in advance of their August 6 бой на арене Oracle в Окленде. Ward and Brand will meet in 12-round WBO Intercontinental title fight televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing® beginning at 10:35 p.m. ET / PT.


Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf sent senior special advisor, Penny Moore, to kick off the press conference with an official proclamation honoring Ward’s contribution to the city and declaring August 4 as Andre Ward Day.


Below is what the fighters and dais guests had to say at the press conference:



Андре Уорд, Двукратный чемпион мира и топ-рейтингу фунт-для-фунта истребителей:

“The Bay Area is a beautiful place. I’m blessed to be here in my city and to represent you all. I’ve gotten a lot of heat in the press about fighting here but I won’t apologize. I dreamed about fighting here and being a headliner. We’re going to continue to headline. I’m thankful for all the sponsors that were named, HBO and everybody who supported on a small and big level.


“I’m excited about the future. I want to be the lightweight champion of the world, a two division champion. Всем известно, что, but it’s impossible for me to overlook this man (Brand). I’m not built like that. I wasn’t raised like that. I wasn’t groomed like that. As a young fighter, I don’t operate like that. This man is coming, this is his super bowl. Because this is his super bowl, it has to be my super bowl. My ribs are showing, Я голоден. I’ll see you all Saturday night.”

ALEXANDER BRAND, Former WBC Latino Super Middleweight Champion:

“I want to thank you all for being here today. It’s a pleasure for me to be in this wonderful city. All I want to do is give a good show and make sure that I give that to my fans here in Oakland. I want to have a good fight and work hard. It’s really a true honor to be in the ring with a champion like Andre Ward.”

Майкл Yormark, Президент и главный брендинга & Strategy – Roc Nation:

“Over the last year and a half this city has become our home away from home, with Saturday marking Roc Nation Sports’ third big Bay Area fight in the last 16 месяцы. Что еще более важно, Oakland is also the home to the world’s greatest pound-for-pound boxer and Olympic gold medalist, your very own Andre Ward and now the new home of another Roc Nation star athlete, Дюрант. On Saturday at Oracle Arena and live on HBO, Andre looks to continue his conquest of the light heavyweight division when he takes on power-punching Colombian Alexander Brand.”


ВИРДЖИЛ ОХОТНИК, Andre Ward’s Trainer:

"Thanks to the city of Oakland for coming out and supporting Andre. We hope you continue to do that as we continue to grow in his career and his journey. Much respect for Team Brand. We consider him a very formidable opponent. He cannot be taken lightly. We know he can fight, we know he is a great competitor. It is also an honor for us to be in the ring with him and his team.”


Джеймс Принс, Andre Ward’s Manager:

“I like to thank God for this opportunity, HBO, Roc Nation, Antonio Leonard Promotions and Team Alexander Brand. Alexander Brand has over 400 amateur fights so this is an opponent we’re not taking lightly. Anybody who has 400 fights has a lot of experience so we look forward to fighting him. We had him on our radar a few months ago but we didn’t reel him in. We were injured and he got away from us. Приходи в субботу вечером, we’re going to put an S.O.G brand on Alexander Brand.”

ALEX CAMPONOVO, Alexander Brand’s Manager:

“It’s been a long road for Alexander Brand. He’s worked very hard to get where he is today. He was given the opportunity by HBO last December for a fight in Florida on HBO Latino and he showed his true colors. This is a great opponent, one of the greatest of all time, in Andre Ward. We know that this champion probably has never lost a round inside the ring and that is what Brand is here to do, to prove himself and to show that if you try and work hard, you can go very far.”



TONY УОЛКЕР, Вице-Президент, HBO Pay-Per-View:

“On behalf of our executive Vice President Peter Nelson and the rest of the HBO Sports staff, I’d like to say that we’re very happy to be here in Oakland. We are looking forward to a great card on Saturday night. We’ve done three shows from Oracle, and each time, Andre Ward has put on an outstanding performance and showcased his skills as one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world. We consider Andre one of the HBO family as he’s been able to showcase his skills, become one of the best boxers of this generation, recognized as a champion and he’s all done it with great character and great professionalism. He’s a joy to work with us at the network.


“I’d like to welcome Alexander Brand to the network as he’s here to spoil the party. Anytime you get in the ring, anything can happen as we’ve seen in boxing over the years. We welcome him and know that he’s going to give a great performance as he tries to elevate his own career.


“There seems to be an opportunity that people have been talking about this fall for Andre. With what we’ve seen in boxing over the past few years, I think we should wait to see what happens Saturday night, then start talking about what happens after that. The telecast starts at 10:35 p.m. ET / PT. We have a great broadcast crew, we guarantee you some informative and exciting discussion on boxing and a great night of television.”



Уорд против. Brand is a 12-round fight for the WBO Intercontinental title, presented by Roc Nation Sports and sponsored by Corona Extra, Verizon, ProSupps, Corporate Travel Management Solutions (CTMS), Jordan Brand, Чистка дворец, Kingsford, Autocom Nissan, Ticketmaster and The Clorox Company, supporting the Bay Area Community for over 100 годы. The event will be televised live on HBO World Championship Boxing®beginning at 10:35 p.m. ET / PT.

Билеты по цене $250, $100, $70, $40 и $30, не включая применимые плата за обслуживание и налоги, are available at all Ticketmaster locations, на сайте Ticketmaster.com и заряд по телефону (800) 745-3000.


Для получения более подробной информации, пожалуйста, посетите www.rocnation.com. Следуйте Roc Nation на Twitter и Instagramrocnation и Facebook в www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.hbo.com/boxing, следовать по Twitter и Instagram наHBOBoxing и стать вентилятор на Facebook на www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Follow the conversation using #WardBrand.

Хизер Харди & Shelly Vincent Media Roundtable Quotes & Фото

Longtime Rivals Meet Воскресенье, Август 21 In PBC on NBCSN Action from
Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий с Эдом Диллер / ДиБелла Entertainment
Бруклин (Август 4, 2016) – Undefeated contenders Вереск “Тепло” Выносливыйи Изобилующий раковинами “Путь Shelito в” Винсент hosted a media roundtable in Manhattan Thursday to officially announce their long awaited showdown taking place Воскресенье, Август 21 на Премьер Бокс чемпионов на NBCSN from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
PBC on NBCSN coverage begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and is headlined by exciting contender ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро taking on unbeaten Деррик Мюррей. PBC on NBC coverage begins at 5 p.m. И/2 p.m. PT and features undefeated rising star and 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Эррол “Правда” Спенс младший. in a welterweight title eliminator against once-beaten contender Леонард “Лев” Bundu.
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, начинаются $35 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com и fordamphitheaterconeyisland.с.
Hardy and Vincent will meet in a 10-round featherweight showdown years in the making. Vincent began calling Hardy out at her second professional fight, looking to get in the ring with the popular Brooklyn ticket seller. Despite the rival, both have campaigned for a women’s match on this platform for years and will look to make their mark on Август 21.
Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать в четверг в:
I wouldn’t be here without all the help of my team and fans. I don’t stand here alone. I stand here with all of the women who have fought before me that no one knows about.
This is the kind of platform that this fight deserves. I’ve always imagined this fight being on television and I’m thankful that this fight has come together on NBCSN. It’s important to have a stage like this and I hope it’s the first of more fights like this on television.
I really can’t wait to punch Shelly right in the face. I like that everybody is sleeping on ‘The Heat’. Don’t sleep on me.
Shelly started her career a little bit before me. She started showing up at my fights with all these antics from almost my pro debut and talking about wanting to fight me. It was inappropriate at the time, but then she signed with Lou and we’ve both developed in our careers. Hats off to her, it worked. I’m ready to brawl.
I’ve seen her fight before. I went to one of her fights to talk to press and build up this matchup. I don’t get too hung up on what I’ve seen. I go into the ring ready to make adjustments based off what I see. I’m not treating this fight any differently than other fights.
Every fight I’m back in the gym working on getting better. I don’t work hard, I don’t work on getting in better shape, I work to improve at my craft. You’re going to see a new and better Heather than ever before.
I’m thankful for this opportunity for women as a whole. This is a fight we’ve been waiting for, for a while. I can’t wait to get in there and hit Heather. She thinks there’s no pop in my punches but she’ll be surprised on fight night.
Heather and I really just don’t like each other. I’ve tried to make this fight for years and she wouldn’t take the fight. I’ve seen her lose some of these fights. I don’t believe she’s undefeated. I feel like she’s avoiding me.
I’ve been trying to make this fight happen but I’m glad it didn’t happen back then; this is the perfect time for it. We both deserve this opportunity. Heather and I work hard, taking nothing from her, but I can’t wait to get my hands on her.
I know Heather is going to use her legs. She doesn’t seem strong so I think she’s going to try to get away from me. I just have to cut the ring off.
I always knew I’d have to come to her home territory. I’m going to stick to what I have to do. I know she’s not better than me. It’s going to be me coming forward with constant pressure. I hope she comes at me because that would make it an even more exciting fight.
Лу ДиБелла, Президент ДиБелла Entertainment
We’re making a lot of history on Август 21. This will be the first women’s bout broadcast from Coney Island. I want to thank PBC and NBC for giving these women this much deserved platform to showcase their talents.
The co-featured bout on NBCSN will be this long awaited contest between these two women. It’s been talked about for years. They’ve been talking to each other for years and it’s finally happening.
This is history and I think it’s going ot be a good night for boxing, and especially for women’s boxing. This is a great opportunity for these two contenders and two women who have earned the right to be on television. They both have crowd pleasing styles. This is going to be a Gatti-Ward fight. These two want to beat each other up.
Heather and Shelly are two of the most popular female fighters in the country. They like to rumble. They make every fight a war. They’re willing to be hit and that’s what makes their fight so much fun.
PBC на NBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите WWW.premierboxingchampions.com и www.nbcsports.com/boxing, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/NBCSports, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment и WWW.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Highlights available at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Объявлен андеркард чемпионата CBS Sports Network Championship по боксу Quadrupleheader, в эту пятницу, Август 5, в Печане

Множество местных новичков в захватывающих матчах подчеркивают не транслируемый по телевидению андеркартв эту пятницу (Август 5, 2016) Чемпионат CBS Sports Network по боксу в четверых в Большом бальном зале курорта Pechanga Resort & Казино в Темекула, Калифорния.
Представлено Greg Cohen Promotions совместно с Международной боксерской лигой. (ICBL), Ringside Ticket Inc., и победитель конкурса Дэвида Шустера Take All Productions, В главном событии из 10 раундов примет участие WBA #4- и WBO # 7 в среднем весе и текущий WBO NABO и WBA NABA в среднем весе, Грабить “Хорошо” Казарка (20-0, 13 КО) Святого Павла, Миннесота, сразиться с Крисом “Ирландский призрак” Фицпатрик (15-4, 6 КО) Кливленда.
Билеты на CBS Sports Network Championship Бокс по цене в $85, $65 и $50 и доступны на www.pechanga.com или позвонив в кассу Печанга:(877) 711-2946.
В шести раундах супер полусреднем весе участвовал бой, Форт-Уэрт, Техас, Слизняк Скендер Халили (10-1, 10 КО) будет стараться сохранить свой идеальный рекорд нокаутом против опытного ганского ветеран (сейчас живет в Сильвер Спрингс, Мэриленд) Бен Odamattey (16-14-3, 9 КО). В другом телевизионном четырехместном, Непобедимый бывший чемпион мира среди любителей Джем Киллич (5-0, 2 КО) Шерман Оукс, Калифорния, через Франкфурт, Германия, примет на себя дебютирующий в среднем весе Джерхед Фендерсон из Лас-Вегаса. И в ночной дебют на телевидении, раскаленный проспект Малик Хокинс (8-0, 7 КО) Балтимор, Мэриленд, будет стараться сохранить свой марш к вершине полусреднем весе живьем против Портленда, Орегон Шон Джи (3-4).
Возглавит андеркарт вечера Темекула, Непобедимый Роберт Меза из Калифорнии (2-0-0, 1 KO) в четырехраундовом поединке в полулегком весе с Нижней Калифорнией, Мексиканец Хосе Фабиан Наранхо (3-2-1, 1 KO).
Также в бою будет выступать житель Детройта в легчайшем весе Джарико О’Куинн. (2-0, 2 КО) встреча с более опытным Джонатоном Киросом (6-3, 1 KO) из Оушенсайда, Калифорния.
Его ожидаемый профессиональный дебют состоится Темекула., Дэнни Андухо из Калифорнии в четырехраундовом бою в супертяжелом весе против Исраэля Эрнандеса из Сан-Хосе (1-2-1, 1 KO).
Двойной дебютный четырехраундовый бой в легком весе встретится с Лас-Вегасом’ Эрик Фаулер против Уилла Дэвиса из Сакраменто.
А открытием боя станет четырехраундовый бой в суперсреднем весе между непобежденным Кевином Оттли из Сан-Диего. (2-0, 2 КО) и Брайан Тру из Хоторна (1-4, 1 KO).
Курорт Печанга & Казино находится в 45000 Печанга Бульвар в Темекула, ТАКОЙ КАК. Для получения более подробной информации, позвоните 1-888-ПЕЧАНГА или посетите www.pechanga.com. На бой ночью, Двери открываются в 6 вечера и действие начинается в 7 вечера. Все поединки могут быть изменены.


New featherweight main event:
John “Sexy Mexy” Castaneda replaces injured Erick Sanchez against Angel Cruz

New flyweight co-main event:
Danny Martinez in for injured Jonathan Martinez against Benjamin Vinson

НЬЮ-ЙОРК - Август 4, 2016 - Combate Америки, первый в мире U.S. Испанец Смешанные боевые искусства (MMA) спортивные франшизы, today announced new main event and co-main event matchups for its 10-bout fight card that will air live on UFC FIGHT PASS® from The Exchange in Los Angeles, Халиф. наЧетверг, Август. 11 на 9:30 p.m. И/6:30 p.m. PT.

Streaking star Джон "Sexy Sexy" Кастанеда (10-2) заступится за Эрик Санчес, who suffered a staph infection, and face off with Ангел "Тито" Круз(5-2) в полулегком весе (145 фунты) main event at “Aspira A Mas Presents Combate Americas: CombateOCHO,” while four-time UFC® ветеран Danny “The Gremlin” Martinez will replace a hurt (knee injury) Jonathan Martinez(19-7) in the flyweight (125 фунты) co-main event contest with Бенджамин Винсон (8-3-1).

В дополнение, the planned women’s atomweight (105 фунты) матч между Кира "Mogwai" Батара (5-3) и Лиза Эллис (15-10) has been scrapped due to a hamstring injury sustained by Batara.

“We wish Erick, Jonathan and Kyra speedy and full recoveries, and have the utmost respect for John Castaneda and Danny Martinez, two ferocious warriors who did not hesitate to accept our offers to face super tough opponents in the top two fights on our card, на короткий срок,»Сказал генеральный директор Combate Americas Кэмпбелл МакЛарен.

The 24-year-old Castaneda of Mankato, От. ведет серию из пяти побед, the last three of which came inside the Combate Americas cage, or “La Jaula.”

Встретиться, the fast-rising star who normally competes at bantamweight (135 фунты), but who began his career as a featherweight, has notched 7 из его 10 профессиональная карьера выигрывает путем (T)КО или подчинение.

Martinez of Chula Vista, Халиф. will see action for the first time since his unanimous decision win over Richie Vaculik на UFC 193 последний Ноябрь 14.

The 31-year-old finisher, originally hailing from Tempe, Штат Аризона., заработал 14 из его 19 Карьера победы по пути (T)КО или подчинение.

Билеты на «Aspira A Mas Presents Combate Americas»: CombateOCHO,”По цене от $40, продаются на ItsMySeat.com, а также в кассах биржи.. UFC FIGHT PASS доступен на: персональные компьютеры, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Amazon Огонь ТВ, iPhone, Ipad, Apple TV, Android, Chromecast, Смарт ТВ Samsung, LG Smart TV, Телевизоры Sony с Android TV и устройства Roku.

Doors at the Exchange LA open for the event at 5:30 p.m. PT, и первый предварительный бой карты начнется в 6 p.m. The live UFC FIGHT PASS stream will commence at 6:30 p.m.


Главное событие в полулегком весе:
John Castaneda vs. Анхель Круз

Fly-Co-Main Event:
Danny Ramirez vs. Бенджамин Винсон

Легкий вес: Heinrich Wassmer vs. Бенджи Гомес
Полулегкий вес: Izic Fernandez vs. Марк Бонилья
Легкий вес: Jonathan Santa Maria vs. Альберт Тапиа
Полулегкий вес: Jonathan Quiroz vs. Райан Лилли
Легкий: Хосе Эстрада против. Кристиан Кардона
Легкий: Erick Gonzalez vs. Йоанди каррильо
Средний вес: Daniel Rodriguez vs. Гектор Салдана
Средний вес: George Hernandez vs. Hakob Ter Petrosyan


SANTA MONICA, КАЛИФОРНИЯ (Август 4, 2016) – A flyweight bout pitting Anastasia Yankova (3-0) против Вета Артеага (2-0) has been added to the SPIKE-televised portion of "Bellator 161: Конго против. Джонсон," который состоится Сентябрь 16 at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, Техас.

The fight joins a main card that features a heavyweight main event pitting French phenom Шейх Конго (24-10-2) против исчерчивать Тони Джонсон (10-2). Additional main and preliminary contests will be announced shortly.

Двери для этого мероприятия открытого в 7:45 p.m. Коннектикут local time and the first preliminary bout – which streams live on Bellator.com и Bellator Mobile App — начинается с 8:00 p.m. Коннектикут. Билеты на мероприятия начинаются всего $25 and can be purchased now at Bellator.com, Ticketmaster, or the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park Box Office.

The 25-year-old Yankova will make her second appearance of the year, after garnering the attention of the MMA world with an impressive promotional debut in Italy at "Bellator 152: Pitbull против. Souza.” The Russian submission specialist began her professional career 2-0, before earning her first victory under the direction of Bellator MMA with an impressive first round armbar victory. An avid artist outside of the cage, Yankova hopes to carve out her next masterpiece when she returns to action on Семь. 16.

Since making her professional debut earlier this year, Arteaga has strung together back-to-back wins, including a unanimous decision victory over Jackie Vandenburgh in her promotional debut at "Bellator 155: Карвалью против. Манхуф ". До сих пор, each of Arteaga’s first two wins have gone to the judges’ table, leaving the 28-year-old Boise, Idaho native itching for her first career stoppage win.


Обновлено "Bellator 161: Конго против. Johnson” Main Card:

Bellator MMA в супертяжелом Главное событие: Шейх Конго (24-10-2) против. Тони Джонсон (10-2)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (3-0) против. Вета Артеага (2-0)

Exciting Contender Claudio Marrero Takes On Unbeaten Derrick Murray; Undefeated Rivals Heather Hardy & Shelly Vincent Battle In Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Sunday, Август 21

From Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT
Больше! Undefeated Prospects Abraham Nova, Джулиан Соса &
Joseph Williams in Undercard Attractions
Бруклин (Август 4, 2016) – Захватывающие соперником ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро(20-1, 14 КО) takes on unbeaten Деррик Мюррей (13-0-1, 5 КО) while undefeated contenders Вереск “Тепло” Выносливый (17-0, 4 КО) и Изобилующий раковинами “Путь Shelito в” Винсент (18-0, 1 KO) face off in a long awaited battle on a Премьер Бокс чемпионов на NBCSN Даблхедер, Воскресенье, Август 21.
Tape delayed PBC on NBCSN coverage will begin at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn. PBC on NBC coverage begins at5 p.m. И/2 p.m. PT and features undefeated rising star and 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Эррол “Правда” Спенс младший. in a welterweight title eliminator against once-beaten contender Леонард “Лев” Bundu.
Marrero and Murray will meet in a super featherweight bout while Vincent and Hardy are set to compete in 10-rounds of featherweight action that sees the return of women’s boxing to a primetime national audience.
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, начинаются $35 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com и fordamphitheaterconeyisland.с.
A former title challenger who lost a narrow decision to Jesus Cuellar in 2013, Marrero has won six-straight bouts since then. Совсем недавно, the 27-year-old dominated Jonathan Arrellano on his way to a decision in February. A native of Santo Domingo, Доминиканская Республика, Marrero was an accomplished amateur who will be fighting in New York for the second time in his pro career.
Unbeaten and fighting out of St. Луис, Murray has already picked up victories in 2016 over Jose Silveria and Darryl Hayes. Про с 2011, Murray will step up in competition when he takes on Marrero. The 28-year-old was victorious twice in 2015 in addition to four victories he earned in 2014.
A popular Brooklyn fighter who competed in Barclays Center’s first-ever professional female boxing match, Hardy has become a staple of the Brooklyn boxing scene. Немногим более двух лет после ее профессиональный дебют, Харди выиграл международный титул пояс в легчайший вес дивизии в октябре 2014. В 2015, she defeated Noemi Bosques and Renata Domsodi twice. В 2016 she has stopped Anna Donatella Hultin in the fourth round and most recently defeated Kirstie Simmons in June.
Born in Connecticut but now fighting out of and representing Providence, Род-Айленд, Vincent will look to earn the biggest win of her career August 21 when she fights in New York for the second time. Vincent has been busy in 2016, picking up victories over Renata Domsodi, Elizabeth Anderson and most recently Christina Ruiz in July. An all-action fighter, Vincent has fought 10 rounds twice in her pro career that dates back to 2011.
Additional undercard action will see unbeaten prospect and New England Golden Glove champion Abraham Nova (1-0, 1 KO) take on California’s Леонардо Чавес (6-1, 5 КО) in a six-round lightweight attraction, unbeaten Brooklyn-native Джулиан Соса (5-0-1, 2 КО) принимая на Rene Marquez (5-2, 2 КО) in a welterweight showdown and New York Golden Glove champion Джозеф Уильямс (9-0, 7 КО) в тяжелом бою восемь круглых.
Платформа программирования Barclays Center в Бруклин Бокс ™ представлен ААП. PBC на NBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите WWW.premierboxingchampions.com и www.nbcsports.com/boxing, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/NBCSports, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment и WWW.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. Highlights available at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs Takes On Former World Champion Sergio Mora in Rematch That Headlines Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Friday, Сентябрь 9 От Сантандер Арены в Ридинге, Пенсильвания. (9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. Коннектикут)

Больше! Undefeated Lightweights Robert Easter Jr. &
Ричард Коммей Meet for Vacant World Title
Local Heavyweight Travis Kauffman in Action
Билеты в свободной продаже!
SANTANDER, Пенсильвания. (Август 4, 2016) – Middleweight world champion Даниил “Чудо Человек” Jacobs (31-1, 28 КО) will defend his title in a rematch against former world champion Серхио “Латинский Змея” Мора (28-4-2, 9 КО) что заголовкиПремьер Бокс чемпионов на Spike, Пятница, Сентябрь 9 from Santander Arena, в Рединге, Пенсильвания.
Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated lightweights colliding for a vacant world title as Роберт-младший Пасха. (17-0, 14 КО) берет на себя Ричард Коммей (24-0, 22 КО). Кроме того, на карте, супертяжеловес Трэвис “Мое время” Кауфман (30-1, 22 КО) will be featured in a 10-round fight.
Jacobs and Mora met in an August 2015 firefight that saw both men hit the canvas in round one. Mora was floored by a Jacobs right hand but the tricky veteran recovered and caught Jacobs with a clean left that put Jacobs on the ground. The action was halted in round two after Jacobs knocked Mora down again, rendering him unable to continue after fracturing his ankle on his way to the mat.
This is business for me, but it is also more personal than any fight I have ever had,” , сказал Джейкобс. “Sergio has been using these antics online to get this rematch and he has gotten under my skin. There has been a lot of back and forth as far as people’s opinions as to who would have won the fight had he not gotten hurt. I am looking at this as an opportunity to clarify that I am the real champion. I want to shut his trap in primetime.
I don’t think Jacobs wanted this rematch, but it was destined to happen and now he has to deal with it,” Саид Мора. “I thought the first fight was going my way. I knocked him down in the first round and was out boxing him in the second round. He knows that I have enough power to hurt him. He has more to worry about going into this fight than in the first fight. Look at my resume, I have fought solid opposition. Jacobs doesn’t have that type of resume.
Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, начинаются $20 и уже в продаже через Ticketmaster..
This is going to be one of the best cards of the year,” Маршалл Кауфман сказал в Акции Короля. “There are two great world title fights with Jacobs and Mora plus Easter and Commey. The first JacobsMora fight was headed to be a shootout before Mora got injured. Easter and Commey has all the makings of a war. Add that to Travis Kauffman continuing his road to the heavyweight title plus the best fighters from Reading on the card, The Santander Arena will be electric both inside the ring and in the building on September 9.
The 29-year-old Jacobs followed up his victory over Mora with a sensational first round knockout of previously unbeaten former champion Peter Quillin in their highly anticipated December showdown. An inspirational figure representing Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк, Jacobs completed his road from cancer survivor to champion when he defeated Jarrod Fletcher for the middleweight title in 2014.
Победитель NBC, “Претендент” серия, the 35-year-old Mora is a former world champion at super welterweight and looking to add a middleweight crown to his name as he returns to the ring for the first time since the injury suffered in the first Jacobs fight. Лос-Анджелес родной владеет победы над Ише Смит, Питер Манфредо-младший. and Vernon Forrest.
Опытный любитель, который был 2012 U.S. Олимпийский альтернативный, the 25-year-old Easter Jr. picked up four victories in 2015 including knockouts over Osumanu Akaba, Мигель Мендоза, Alejandro Rodriguez and Juan Ramon Solis. Непобедимый с поворотным профессионал в 2012, the Toledo, Ohio-born prospect faced the toughest challenge of his career in April when he impressively stopped former world champion Algenis Mendez also on Spike.
Representing Accra, Гана, Commey has climbed the ranks since turning pro in 2011 and has yet to be defeated. 29-летний выиграл свой первый 11 bouts fighting out of Ghana before going to London, Дания, South Africa and Germany to improve his record to 24-0. Commey fought in the U.S. также, stopping Bahodir Mamadjonov in the eighth round last May.
Местная достопримечательность борются Reading, Кауфман сын давнего тренера и промоутера Маршалла Kauffman. Кауфман выиграл свой первый 18 pro fights and entered his last bout on a 12-fight winning streak. The 30-year-old dropped Chris Arreola in his last outing before losing a majority decision that was later changed to a no decision. Сейчас, Kauffman looks to impress in his hometown as he returns to the ring.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com и www.spike.com/shows/Премьер-бокс-чемпионы. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, DanielJacobsTKO, @TheLatinSnake_, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC on Spike is sponsored byCorona Extra, Finest Beer.

July 23rd “Cancun бокса” Чавес vs. Moreno women’s world title fight To air tonight at 10 p.m. ET в спортивной сети CBS

CANCUN, Мексика (Август 4, 2016) – American boxing fans will have a rare opportunity to watch a women’s world title fight on national television as “Cancun бокса,” представленный Пепе Гомес бокс в ассоциации с неоновой Star Media, будет транслироваться сегодня вечером (Четверг, Август. 4), начиная с 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT, на CBS Sports Network.
Событие, which took place July 23, 2016, is the second in the “Cancun бокса” серия, которая выйдет в эфир на CBS Sports Network в 2016. Grand Oasis Cancun Гостиничный комплекс, Cancun`s ТОЛЬКО Окончательный Все включено Развлечения Курорт, будет принимать все события в этой продолжающейся серии.

Hall-of-Famer announcers Джим “JR” Росс и Аль Бернштейна called the action live from ringside in Cancun, Мексика.

We’re very happy to be in a new partnership with Neon Star Media, whose belief in the quality of Cancun Boxing has led to our product being shown throughout the United States on CBS Sports Network,” Cancun Boxing president Pepe Gomez сказал. “American boxing fans really appreciate Mexican boxers and they will love all of the action from the capital of boxing in Mexico, Cancun Quintana Roo.
The main event was a scheduled 10-round World Boxing Council (WBC) female world flyweight title fight between Mexico City rivals, чемпион Джессика “Kika” Чавес (26-4-3, 4 КО) и претендентом EsmeraldaJoya” Морено (33-8-1. 11 КО), in a rematch of their February 19, 2011 борьба, in which Moreno won a 10-round unanimous decision.
Чавес, 28, captured her WBC flyweight crown last September, taking a unanimous 10-round decision from Arely Mucino (21-2-2), followed by successful title defenses against Simona Galassi (WTDEC9) и, Совсем недавно, Vanesa Lorena (WDEC10) в марте этого года.
During her outstanding 7-year professional career, Chavez has been International Boxing Federation (IBF) and Interim World Boxing Federation (WBF) light flyweight champion. She also has several other title belts in her collection, including WBC International female in addition to WBC Silver and North American Boxing Federation (NABF в) light flyweight.
WBC Нет. 5-rated Moreno, 28, побежденный Eva Voraberger (20-4) by majority 10-round decision this past April in Austria for the International Boxing Organization (IBO в), Women’s International Boxing Federation (WIBF) и Глобальный боксерский союз (GBU) world super flyweight titles.
В 2012, she won a 10-round decision over Naomi Togashi (10-0-1) for the WBC world light flyweight championship, followed by one title defense victory against Maricela Quintero (WDEC10). She has also been WBC Youth and WBC Silver light flyweight, Mexican bantamweight and light flyweight champion.
In their original match-up, Moreno won a convincing 10-round decision over Chavez, десятками 98-92 всеми тремя судьями, for the vacant WBC Silver and Interim Mexico light flyweight titles.
In The 10-round co-feature, Mexican welterweights Хосе “Поршень” Лопес и Диего “разрушитель” Крест went toe-to-toe with future title fight implications at stake.
25-летняя Лопес (25-5-2, 15 КО) was a late replacement for injured Роберто “Пульпа” Ортис. A former World Boxing Federation (WBF) чемпион, upset-minded Cruz (15-3-1, 12 КО) is a 22-year-old prospect from Mexico City who was riding a 10-fight win streak, dating back two years, going into his fight with Lopez.
The other televised bout was an intriguing match-up between former WBC World super bantamweight champion Виктор “VikingoTerrazas (37-3-1, 21 КО) и боевые испытания Кристиан “Rudo” Arrazola (20-11-2, 15 КО).
The 33-year-old Terrazas, who hadn’t fought since his losing his WBC title nearly three years ago to Лев Санта-Крус, captured the vacant WBC crown in 2013, taking a 12-round split decision from fellow Mexican great Кристиан Михарес. Terrazas also holds a notable victory by way of a unanimous 12-round decision over another Mexican boxing icon, 5-время, 3-чемпион мира Fernando MontieL, for the vacant WBC Silver super bantamweight championship.
US viewers will enjoy our Cancun Boxing fights, Mexican against Mexican,” Gomez concluded. “Our fights showcase some of the most recognized Mexican fighters, in addition to competitive, young Mexican warriors ready to advance from prospect to contender. We’re in a new era of Mexican boxing and this new generation of Mexican fighters will be fighting sometime soon in the United States and around the world.
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