Wszystkie posty FNU47



Lewiston, Maine (Sierpień 19, 2016) -Nowe Anglia Walki (NEF) ogłosiliśmy dzisiaj pełną kartę walki na następne wydarzenie promocyjne, “NEF 25: BOHATEROWIE & ZŁOTY.” Odbędzie się w dniuSobota, Wrzesień 10, 2016 w Lewiston. Dynamiczna karta będzie zawierała profesjonalne walki bokserskie, a także mieszanych sztuk walki zawodowych i amatorskich (MMA) konkursy.


Na pudełkowej części karty, Brandon Montella (4-0) spotka Tollison Lewis (2-1) w konkursie cztery wagi ciężkiej światło przez cały, podczas gdy długoletni Maine średniej wagi John “Huk” Webster (8-7-1) powraca do bitwy w przeddzień swoich 48. urodzin Zenon “K-Bar” Herrera (0-2). Zaokrąglenie części pro bokserskiej karty będzie Casey “Buzz Piła” Niezręczny (4-0-1) i Connor Barry (0-1) w czterorundowej walce.


Na profesjonalnej stronie karty MMA znajdzie się łącznie trzech weteranów Bellator i jeden Invicta. Jesse “Viking” Erickson (7-5) i Jon Lemke(5-6) powtórzy swoją poprzednią walkę wygraną przez Lemke na Bellatorze 93 w 2013. Bellator 144 konkurent Walter Smith Cotito (3-4) wraca do Maine po trzyletniej nieobecności na spotkanie Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (2-1), podczas Valerie “Valociraptor” Aspaas (0-0) sama wraca do Maine po trzech latach, aby zadebiutować w pojedynku z Invicta 16 weteran Sarah “SwitchKick” Kliknij (0-1).


Amatorska karta MMA będzie zwieńczona dwiema walkami o tytuł. Rafael “Deez Nuts” Zasłonięte (3-0) przyjmuje Jimmy Jackson (3-2) za wolny tytuł amatora wagi lekkiej. Amatorski mistrz wagi koguciej Johnny Rzemiosła (4-0) rośnie w wadze, aby rzucić wyzwanie Caleb Hall (7-3) na koronę Halla wagi piórkowej.


Karta amatorska będzie zawierała również dwie walki kobiet w wadze koguciej Brianne Genschell (0-0) i Melissa Trahan (0-0) debiutują przeciwko sobie w klatkach, podczas Jessica “Czarna wdowa” Zapłacić(2-1) spotka się Rachael Joyce (1-0).


Pełny “NEF 25” karty walki (ulec zmianie):


Boksie zawodowym


175 Funtów: Brandon Montella vs.. Tollison Lewis

160 Funtów: John Webster vs. Zenon Herrera

155 Funtów: Casey Kramlich przeciwko. Connor Barry



205 Funtów: Mike Hansen vs. Matt Andrikut

155 Funtów: Jesse Erickson przeciwko. Jon Lemke

145 Funtów: Matt Denning vs. Taylor Trahan

135 Funtów: Elias Leland przeciwko. Walter Smith Cotito

125 Funtów: Sarah Click vs. Valerie Aspaas

Amatorski MMA

155 PUNKT * TYTUŁ: Rafael Velado vs. Jimmy Jackson

145 PUNKT * TYTUŁ: Caleb Hall (c) vs. Johnny Rzemiosła

155 Funtów: Caleb Swoveland przeciwko. Frank Johanson

135 Funtów: Walt Shea vs. Joel Downing

135 Funtów: Brianne Genschell przeciwko. Melissa Trahan

135 Funtów: Jessica Borga przeciwko. Rachael Joyce


Kolejnym wydarzeniem New England walczy ', "NEF 25: BOHATEROWIE & ZŁOTY,”Ma miejsce Sobota, Wrzesień 10, 2016 w Androscoggin Banku Colisée w Lewiston, Maine. Bilety zaczynają się od godz $25 i są już w sprzedaży na lub dzwoniąc na kasowy COLISEE 207.783.2009 x 525.


Więcej informacji na temat aktualizacji kart zdarzeń i walki, znaleźć na stronie internetowej pod adresem Promocji Dodatkowo, można oglądać filmy w formacie NEF, za nimi na Twitterzenefights i dołącz do oficjalnej grupy na Facebooku "New England walczy."


M-1 Challenge mistrz wagi półśredniej Aleksiej Kunczenko, aby obronić pierwszy tytuł przeciwko. Maxim Grabovich w wyzwaniu M-1 70

Wrzesień 10 w Syktyvkar, Rosja
ST. PETERSBURG, Rosja (Sierpień 19, 2016) – M-1 Challenge półśredniej Alexey Kunchenko postawi swój pas tytułowy i niepokonany rekord na liniiWrzesień 10 kontra zdenerwowany pretendent Maxim Grabovich, podsufitka M-1 Sezon 70 w Syktyvkar, Rosja, M-1 Global ogłosił.
M-1 Sezon 70 będą transmitowane na żywo z Rosji w wysokiej rozdzielczości na www.M1Global.TV. Widzowie będą mogli oglądać w trybie walki i karty głównej po zalogowaniu się na rejestracji w www.M1Global.TV. Fani mogą oglądać wszystkie działania na swoich komputerach, jak również na Android i Apple, smartfonów i tabletów.
32-letni Kunchenko (13-0-0, M-1: 6-0-0), walcząc z Tiumeń, Rosja, zdobył tytuł w swojej ostatniej walce, podczas obrony mistrza M-1 Challenge w wadze półśredniej Murad Abdulaev przeszedł na emeryturę podczas czwartej rundy w kwietniu ubiegłego roku o godz M-1 Sezon 65. Kunchenko (na zdjęciu poniżej) jest specjalistą Muay Thai, który pierwotnie miał bronić tytułu w rewanżu z Abdulaevem, który nie był w stanie zaakceptować wyzwania w tym momencie, spowodował kontuzję.

Kunchenko budzi strach, potężny napastnik
Grabovich (4-2-0, M-1: 3-0-0), kolega Rosjanin, zdobył tytuł mistrza, będąc niepokonanym w dotychczasowych walkach M-1 Challenge. Znany ze swoich grecko-rzymskich umiejętności zapaśniczych, Ostatnia akcja Grabovicha miała miejsce w czerwcu o godz M-1 Sezon 68, w którym podjął decyzję przeciw Wyświetlacze Danill w Fight of the Night.

Utalentowany zapaśnik Grabovich ma nadzieję, że doprowadzi do poważnego zmartwienia
Spodziewano się, że inni bojownicy będą w akcji Siedem. 10 na M-1 Sezon 70Karta zawiera byłego mistrza M-1 Challenge w kategorii lekkiej Maxim Divnich(12-1-0, M-1: 6-0-0) i były pretendent do tytułu lekkiego M-1 ChallengeArtem Damkovsky (20-10-0, M-1: 10-7-0), wraz z rosyjskimi myśliwcami, takimi jak wagi półciężkiej Andrey Seledtsov (5-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), piórkowej East Nagibin (7-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) i średniej Artem Frolov (6-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0).

Świergot & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
O M-1 Global: Założony w 1997, M-1 Global zyskał w MMA (MMA) jako podmiot premier do odkrywania i rozwoju w świecie nowej generacji myśliwców superstar. Z siedzibą w Sankt Petersburgu, Rosja, Marka M-1 zrealizował więcej niż 160 Wydarzenia na świecie, w tym m-1 Selection, M-1 Sezon, M-1 Global i M-1 Global HWGP wydarzenia, oprócz wspólnie promowanie wydarzeń Strikeforce i M-1 Global w USA. sieć, Showtime. Urzekające żywo, telewizyjnych i szerokopasmowego publiczność z jego wyjątkowego wartości produkcji i rywalizacji, M-1 Terminy globalne figurowały niektóre z najlepszych nazw tego sportu, w tym legendarny Fedor Emelianenko wagi ciężkiej, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Siergiej Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yūshin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid poniesione i Stephan Struve. 2016 to kolejny rewelacyjny rok światowej rywalizacji, z pełnym kalendarzem zawodów Challenge, napędzany przez bogaty w talenty system rywalizacji, który plasuje M-1 Global Champions wśród najlepszych zawodników w sporcie.

O M-1GLOBAL.TV: Ciesz działań MMA teraz w wysokiej rozdzielczości przyniósł ci przez, oferuje tylko najlepsze walki z M-1 Global i innych organizacji MMA. jest doskonałą platformą opracowany specjalnie, aby zgromadzić najbardziej wyczerpującą bazę danych wideo walki. Zapewnia również łatwy i intuicyjny interfejs, pomaga wszystkim, aby zacząć korzystać z platformy, nie czas, unikając jakichkolwiek spoilerów. Poza tym oglądając dawne walki na żądanie w dowolnym czasie dogodnym dla klienta, widzowie są w stanie korzystać z aktorów, wszystkie dostępne dla użytkowników przez taniego miesiąca na miesiąc subskrypcji cyfrowej. Twój świat działania. W każdej chwili!

Fight News Unlimited Combat Sports Show: 18 sierpnia, 2016


Join Tony “Tornado” Penecale, “Motłoch Rousin "” Rich Bergeron and “Psychiczny” Tom Padgett as we analyze UFC 202, discuss the budding Pro Fighters Association and go over the weekly combat sports schedule.



Heavyweight Jarrell Miller to Face Tough Veteran Fred Kassi
In Main Event From Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, N. Y..

Lightweights Mason Menard and Bahodir Mamadjonov Clash in Co-Main Event

While Bantamweight Antonio Nieves Takes On Alejandro Santiago in a 10-Rounder

And Welterweights Bakhtiyar Eyubov and Karim Mayfield Do Battle in Telecast Opener

Kliknij TUTAJ Na Zdjęcia; Kredyty Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME

“Anthony Joshua is a punk. Deontay Wilder, don’t get me started…”

– Jarrell Miller, Undefeated Heavyweight Prospect

ROCHESTER, N. Y.. (Sierpień. 18, 2016) – The eight fighters who’ll be fighting on ShoBox: Nowa Generacja jutro/Piątek, Sierpień. 19, żyć SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. I/PT) at Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, N. Y., all made weight Czwartek.


Niepokonany Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller (17-0-1, 15 KO) faces his toughest test to date in veteran Fred Cat (18-5-1, 10 KO) w turnieju głównym, which will take place at the outdoor USL soccer venue here. The co-main event features promising Louisiana lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard (31-1, 23 KO) facing his most dangerous foe to date in Bahodir “Baha” Mamadjonov (18-2, 11 KO) Houston, Teksas, by way of Uzbekistan in a 10-round battle for the WBO NABO Lightweight title.


Więcej, undefeated welterweight knockout artist Bakhtiyar Eyubov (10-0, 10 KO) Brooklyn, N. Y., by way of Kazakhstan, steps up to face veteran Karim Mayfield (19-3-1, 11 KO) of San Francisco in a 10-round clash. And unbeaten Antonio Nieves (16-0-1, 8 KO) of Cleveland will square off against Mexico’s Alexander Santiago (11-2-1, 3 KO) in a 10-round bantamweight bout for Nieves’ WBO NABO Title.

Ciężary: Miller tipped the scales at 296 ½ kg, while Kassi weighed 237 ¼ funta. Menard weighed 134 ½ kg, podczas gdy jego przeciwnik, Mamadjonov, measured half pound over the limit on his first try, but hit the 135 mark half an hour later. Nieves weighed 117 even, while Santiago weighed 117 ½ kg. Eyubov weighed 142 ½, while Mayfiled measured at 142 ¾ funtów.


The event is presented by Salita Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions.


Here’s what the principals had to say prior to the weigh-in:


Jarrell Miller, Undefeated Heavyweight Prospect

“Mike Tyson was a freak of nature. Vitali Klitschko was a freak of nature. I’m also a freak of nature. I’m 6’ 4” and pushing 280. I’m a big guy, but I’m athletic. I can move. I can punch, and I was a kickboxer. I’m not your average heavyweight. I’m not trying to change the blueprint of how heavyweights should be. I’m just being myself and doing my job.


“They are like, ‘we’ve seen his body, we’ve seen his size. We’ll outwork him,’ but they are wrong. Never can judge a book by its cover. I’ll outwork him in the ring. I’m fast, I’m good and I can punch. He’s not going to see me coming.


“Don’t let my weight fool you. I’ve been doing cardio. I’m in really good shape and I’m ready to go the distance.


“Every fight, I have to know how to adjust. I feel like Fred has never been in with a guy like me. He’s been with [Chris] Arreola, who doesn’t move as much, and he also fought [Dominic] Breazeale, who doesn’t have good footwork. I’m telling you, he’s never fought a big athletic body like me. He’s in for a surprise.


“I know my jab is going to be on his face. Dla mnie, it’s not just about winning, it’s about performance. Every fight in my career from now on it’s about more than winning. Now I have to prove myself. I have to prove I’m worthy of a title shot.


“I wasn’t happy with my [Jan. 22] win over Donovan Dennis. I knew I could’ve done better than a seventh-round TKO. That’s why I’m pushing myself on this fight. I want to win convincingly and I will.


“Anthony Joshua is a punk. Deontay Wilder, don’t get me started. Teraz, Tyson Fury can actually punch. Dam mu, że. From all of them, Fury in my opinion is the better one. That’s why I want to fight him. I believe you should go for the hardest ones first. You take the biggest guy out first and then, you go for the easy ones. That’s how it’s supposed to be and that’s what I’d like to do. Take the hard ones out first. Furia, you are next.”


Fred Cat, Heavyweight Prospect

“I’ll be a little bit heavier than usual for this fight, but I’m feeling good. I’m feeling ready. I hope the judges see that. I have had some bad experiences with judges recently.


“I have had some big fights. I dealt with big guys and talkers, but that doesn’t concern me because in the ring it’s going to be just the two of us. That is when the real fight is going to happen.


“I did my job against Arreola, I did what I had to do against Dominic Breazeale. I got robbed.

I’ve never fought a heavyweight shorter than me. I’m usually the shorter one in the ring, but I know my game. I know what I’m doing.”


“I’ve gotten robbed so many times. I was coming on hard against Hughie Fury. I didn’t do great in the first rounds, but I was leading in the late ones, and he was slowing down. The stoppage was a relief for him. He was running out of gas.


Mason Menard, Lightweight Prospect

“After that last knockout, so many people were actually exhilarated about it. People that didn’t even know me, they’d come up and say, ‘Are you Mason? Człowiek, I saw that KO [and show me the video]. I’ve watched it a thousand times.’”


Na swojego przeciwnika ...

“He’s one of those guys that no one wants to fight. I took this fight as soon as it was offered because it’s another step up for me. I have to beat guys like this to get to the A-class of fighters. He’s not a bad fighter but he’s not A-class. I simply have to beat guys like this.


“Hand speed and foot speed, those are my difference makers.”


On his growth beyond the La., circuit now, później 35 Walki:

“I am glad to be getting the national exposure now. We had some step up fights in Louisiana at first. Teraz, we are right where we need to be. It’s all happening now.”


Bahodir Mamadjonov Lightweight Prospect

“Menard fought many of the same fighters that we have. Many guys in the same class as we did. Tak, we are not impressed with his record or his knockouts. We prepared for seven or eight weeks. Although we only knew of this opponent for two-three weeks. At this level, this is no surprise. We are ready.


“We tried to fight him years ago. Był 17-1 lub 18-1 at the time and he didn’t want the fight. Teraz, he’s out of options. I am by far the toughest test of his career.


“We are close to a world title now. A win here, our third appearance on SHOWTIME, and against a world-rated lightweight…. “I will bring the fight to Mason Menard. That is my style and it doesn’t change for this fight. He’s fighting to prove he’s legitimate. I am here to earn my title shot.”


Antonio Nieves, Koguciej Prospect

“When they tell you are going to fight and then you hear your opponent got injured, you get a little bit down. Na szczęście, Alejandro Santiago was ready to step up.


“We’ve noticed he’s successful when the fighter gets in his face, and I have the right strategy for that.


“From my last fight I took two weeks off, and then back in the gym. I didn’t even know the name of my opponent. I just wanted to be ready to go when the fight was set.


“I’m ranked fifth in the WBO, after Santiago I want to fight for the WBO bantamweight title and then, I will probably look for Rau’shee Warren to unify the titles. I think there’s not enough action in my division and I’m ready to change that.”


Alexander Santiago, Koguciej Prospect

“I’ve known about this fight for two months. I was about 130 pounds when I found out. I’ve been training hard and I feel ready to move up in weight. I’m ready for my opponent.


"Lubię boksować. I like to get in my opponent’s face. I like to hit and not get hit. I’ve worked a lot on my defensive skills.


“I know Nieves is a tough fighter. He’s skilled. But I have a good strategy. I’ll approach him smartly, and I’ll get the decision.”


Bakhtiyar Eyubov, Undefeated Welterweight Prospect

“We have been training in a large ring, specifically to prepare to cut the ring off. We are prepared to go 10 Rundy, to go 15 Rundy. We are not worried about going rounds.”


(Re: tylko 10 fights so far in career):

“I grew up in the gym, had a great amateur career. I expect to progress quickly just like the great amateurs before me. I am at the peak of my strength and I am ready. Karim has never been stopped, never been dropped. He’s a real test.


“I grew up in a rough environment, in the streets. I am not intimidated. If not for boxing, I would be in a very bad situation back home (Kazachstan)."


(Re: Mayfield)

“It will be a real fight. I hope he is ready 100 percent because we are. I am not a God, we can’t predict, but know this, it will be a good show. Let him do his job. I will do my job. And I will have him out of there within five rounds.”



Karim Mayfield, Półśredniej Prospect

“I’m a world class opponent. I’ve fought better fighters than him. He will be taking his first loss.


“For those that say it’s too late at 36, I tell them they are wrong. I’m not worn out. I haven’t been in one-sided wars or beatings. I’ve been taking care of myself. I’m experienced and I know my craft.


“I’m planning to show my opponent I know how to utilize the ring. I’ve only been down once. I know my opponent is a strong fighter and that he’s going to come strong, but he’s not going to take me down.


“I’m used to training late. I hit the gym at 7 lub 8 Godz at night. Our fight is latejutro, but I’m used to it. At that time Eyubov is going to sleep. Tak, I’m going to do him a favor and I’ll put him to sleep.


“I feel that I still have the opportunity to thrive, to move forward in my boxing career. There’s still a lot of me left.”


# # #


O ShoBox: Nowa Generacja
Od momentu powstania w lipcu 2001, Seria krytyków SHOWTIME boks, ShoBox: Nowa Generacja jest opisywany młody talent dopasowane trudne. The ShoBox filozofia jest do transmisji ekscytujące, Tłum miłe i konkurencyjne mecze, zapewniając jednocześnie terenu doświadczalnego dla chętnych perspektyw zdecydowani walczyć o tytuł mistrza świata. Część rosnącej listy 67 Strażacy, którzy pojawili się na ShoBox i awansowała do gromadzenia tytułów mistrzowskich zawiera: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paul Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams i więcej.


O Salita Promocje
Salita Promotions została założona w 2010 Dmitriy Salita, zawodowy bokser i pretendent do tytułu światowego mistrza, który dostrzegł potrzebę promowania najlepszych młodych perspektyw i uznanych zawodników boksu w Ameryce Północnej i na całym świecie. Widzowie oglądający bojowników w światowych sieciach telewizyjnych, w tym w Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. Jesteśmy dumni z tego, że oferujemy naszym zawodnikom możliwości na ringu i poza nim. Salita Promotions z niecierpliwością oczekuje dalszego rozwoju i zaspokojenia potrzeb fanów walk na całym świecie.

Undefeated Super Welterweight Domonique Dolton Faces Once-Beaten Justin DeLoach in Co-Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions: The Next Round on Bounce TV Friday, Siedem. 16From The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas – 9 p.m. ET / PT

Chris Pearson Forced to Withdraw After Suffering Cut in Sparring
LAS VEGAS (Sierpień 18, 2016) – Niepokonany rywal Domonique Dolton (17-0-1, 9 KO) will take on once-beaten super welterweight Justin DeLoach (15-1, 8 KO) in the 10-round co-main event of Premier Boxing Mistrzów: Następna runda na Bounce TV Piątek, Sept.16 z Chelsea wewnątrz The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
Super welterweight contender Chris Pearson was originally scheduled to face DeLoach, but was forced to withdraw after suffering a cut during training.
Televised coverage begins on Bounce TV at 9 p.m. I/PT i jest gwiazdą przez byłego mistrza świata Czy On Jest “Sugar Shay” Kowal (28-8, 12 KO)facing once-beaten contenderSzczery “Notoryczny” Galarza (17-1, 11 KO).
Bilety na wydarzenia na żywo, który jest promowany przez Mayweather Promotions, zaczynają się $29 i są już w sprzedaży. Tickets areavailable online at: or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000
A highly regarded fighter out of the late Emanuel Steward’s Kronk Gym, the Detroit-native Dolton battled to a draw in an exciting matchup against then-unbeaten Oscar Molina last September. The 26-year-old took home victories over Victor Fonseca and Juan Carlos Rojas in 2015 and owns wins over Donatas Bondorovas, Richard Gutierrez and Jonathan Batista in his eight-year career.
In his first bout of 2016, the 22-year-old DeLoach delivered a sensational knockout over previously unbeaten Dillon Cook in his debut with new trainer and former world champion Paul Williams. DeLoach followed that up by knocking down previously unbeaten Junior Castillo twice on his way to a unanimous decision victory in June. The fighter from Augusta, Georgia turned pro in 2013 i wygrał swój pierwszy 10 fights before suffering a defeat in early 2015. He enters this bout on a five-fight win streak.
# # #
Więcej informacji na stronie: www.premierboxingchampions.comi śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, BounceTV, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm , Zostań fanem na Facebooku na:, i Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce.

Caleb Plant Training Camp Quotes & Zdjęcia

Unbeaten Prospect Takes On Colombia’s Juan De Angel In Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 &
BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Wtorek, Sierpień 23 z
Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Pa.
Kliknij TUTAJ For Photos From Kerry Ware/Team Plant/
Premier Boxing Mistrzów
BETHLEHEM, PA. (Sierpień 18, 2016) – Niepokonany perspektywa Caleb “Słodkie Ręce” Roślina is closing in on making the leap from prospect to contender and hopes to help cement that position when he takes on hard-hitting Juan De Angel w przypadku głównej Premier Boxing Mistrzów TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 and BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Wtorek, Sierpień 23 from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Pa.
Zasięg zaczyna się w telewizji 9 p.m. I/6 p.m. and features undefeated light heavyweight prospects Carlos Congora and Ronald Mixon in an eight-round bout.
Bilety na wydarzenia na żywo, która jest promowana przez króla Promotions, są w cenie $108, $83 i $58, nie w tym obowiązujących opłat i podatków na usługi i są już w sprzedaży. Bilety dostępne są w Aby naładować przez co rozmowy telefonicznej Ticketmaster(800) 745-3000.
Plant gave a training camp update and talked about his upcoming bout and more:
On fighting in his first 10-round main event on FS1
This is a big opportunity for me to show the fans that I have arrived. FS1 is seen by millions around the word and I’m ready to make a statement to a national audience. I’ve been working hard to get to this point and I’m going to shine.
On his matchup with Juan De Angel...
Like all fights at this level, it’s going to be a tough fight. I’m expecting to see a hungry fighter who has nothing to lose. I myself have everything to lose so I’m going to make sure I’m at my best when we step in the ring. De Angel has held some regional belts so I know he has some tricks up his sleeve. One thing I will do is dictate the pace.
On the landscape of the middleweight division
The middleweight division has plenty of talent. Gennady Golovkin has a stranglehold on the division at the moment but I’m gunning for him and anyone else that’s in my way. First I have to get past this fight and then continue my march toward that world title.
On his recent training camp
My team and I have been working extremely hard. I’ve got all the right people in my corner helping me get to the top. I’m sparring with some really good fighters. I’ve taken my conditioning to new levels. My body is fresh and I’m amped up for this fight.
On his quest to become the first world champion to come out of Nashville, TN…
To become the first world champion to come out of Tennessee would be incredible. I know I have a lot of hard work that needs to be done but I’m ready for the difficult challenge. Nashville needs a boxing champion and I know in my heart that it will happen. I’m just taking it one fight at a time.
Śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, FOXDeportes ISwanson_Comm i stać się fanem na Facebooku na, i Najciekawsze dostępne w na FS1 & FOX Deportes jest sponsorowany przez Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Errol Spence Jr. vs. Leonard Bundu Press Luncheon & Coney Island Photo-Op Quotes & Zdjęcia

Welterweight World Title Eliminator Headlines PBC on NBC Action
Niedziela, Sierpień 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk
w Brooklynie
Kliknij TUTAJ For Photos From Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment/
Premier Boxing Mistrzów
BROOKLYN (Sierpień 18, 2016) – Niepokonany wschodząca gwiazda Errol “Prawda” Spence Jr. and once-beaten contenderLeonard “Lew” Bundu poszedł twarzą w twarz po raz pierwszy Czwartek before they meet in the main event of Premier Boxing Mistrzów na NBC to Niedziela, Sierpień 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
Televised coverage of the welterweight world title eliminator begins at 5 p.m. I/2 p.m. PT. PBC on NBCSN begins at 9 p.m. I/6 p.m. PT and features exciting featherweight ClaudioThe Matrix” Marrero taking on undefeated Derrick Murray plus unbeaten rivals Wrzos “Ciepło” Wytrzymały i Shelly “Shelito w sposób” Vincent in a featherweight matchup.
Bilety na wydarzenia na żywo, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, zaczynają się $35 i są już w sprzedaży. Bilety można zakupić online, odwiedzając i fordamphitheaterconeyisland.z.
Spence Jr. and Bundu spoke to media at Via Della Pace in downtown Manhattan before they visited Coney Island for photo-ops ahead of their Niedziela bout in the Brooklyn venue. Oto co miał do powiedzenia uczestnicy Czwartek:
This has been a long camp. I’m in great shape and I’ve had strong sparring partners throughout. Bundu is a very good fighter. He’s experienced and technically sound, but he can be awkward.
I’m happy to be back in New York. I think it’s going to be a good fight and I’m looking to put on a spectacular performance.
We went up the rankings trying to find an opponent. A lot of guys didn’t want to fight me, even in a title eliminator. So I want to thank Bundu for taking the fight.
I’m not worried about what’s going to happen next. I know what’s next if I take care of my business. If I win I’m guaranteed a chance at the world title. I want the title fight sooner rather than later.
We try to break down an opponent’s weakness in camp. But we’re also looking at what they do right. We have to capitalize on everything. My trainer will watch the video and talk about what he sees. It’s a lot of communication in the gym.
I love sparring with younger guys. Preferably amateurs or guys who just turned pro. They have more to prove in a sparring session. They really push me and help make me better.
My main goal is to win. The only thing I have to do, is win. Jeśli chodzi nokaut, Wezmę to. But I’m not going to force it. He’s a tough and durable fighter. It has to be setup and it has to be calculated.
“Spence Jr. jest dobrym bokserem. He’s probably my toughest fight to date. These kind of fights make me more motivated.
“nie mam nic do stracenia. I’m going to give it all I have and I’m very confident in myself. I believe I can be victorious.
“Spence Jr. and Thurman have some similarities but also are completely different fighters. I have studied Spence and I believe I will have an even better chance against Spence Jr..
I’m always trying new workouts and trying to improve my training. I’m in tremendous shape and I know it will help carry me in the ring.
I thought my performance was okay against Thurman. There was definitely room to improve and I think I’m an even better fighter now than I was then. I feel like I was 10 lat temu. I’m like wine, I’m truly getting better with age.
I see his weaknesses and I have to take advantage of them. I believe I can put him in trouble with my countering but it all has to come together in the ring.
I love the challenge. I want to give him his first loss. That’s what I have to do. That’s all that is in my head.
LOU Dibella, Prezes Dibella Entertainment
Everyone should come out to Coney Island w niedzielę afternoon to see what’s going to be an incredible day and early evening of boxing. The fights start at 2:30 p.m. in the afternoon and is fully covered, so there will be no weather issue. It’s a beautiful new facility with an incredible view.
This is the first boxing broadcast that will be nationally televised from Coney Island. In my mind we have one of the best young fighters in the world defending his standing against a guy who has had a long and successful career. Both Spence Jr. and Bundu were Olympians and it will be a real test for Errol.
There’s no question Errol is the favorite while Bundu is the underdog, but he’s been the underdog before. He knows he has to win and that this could be his last chance on a big stage.
I’ve promoted a lot of fighters throughout the years and there wasn’t a better fighter from the last Olympic class or this one that is better than Errol Spence Jr. In terms of ability, talent and instincts he’s world class. He fights with much more intelligence than his ring age. He’s a master of controlling the ring. When I watch this kid fight I’m always blown away.
On Sunday Spence Jr. is fighting a real professional and he has a chance to prove something on national television. This is a great forum for him to follow the Olympic Gold medal basketball game. The kind of audience that is going to watch the Gold medal game are the kind of people that we need to bring into boxing. I’m proud to promote this show.
Platforma programowania BROOKLYN BOKS ™ Barclays Center jest przedstawiony przez AARP. PBC na NBC jest sponsorowany przez Corona, Finest Beer.
Więcej informacji na stronie i, śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter ISwanson_Comm lub Zostań fanem na Facebooku na,, i Highlights available at


Lewiston, Maine (Sierpień 18, 2016) - NaWrzesień 10, 2016 New England Walki (NEF) wraca do Lewiston z kolejnym wydarzeniem, “NEF 25: BOHATEROWIE & ZŁOTY.” Just 48-hours following the announcement of a professional women’s mixed-martial-arts (MMA) bout between Sarah “SwitchKick” Kliknij (0-1) and Valerie “Valociraptor” Aspaas (0-0), the promotion confirmed a second women’s fight for the card. In the amateur bantamweight division, Rachael Joyce (1-0) odbędzie się Jessica “Czarna wdowa” Zapłacić (2-1).


Rachael Joyce is a member of Team Irish and Gracie Barra Bangor based in Brewer, Maine. She made her amateur MMA debut in October 2015 against Christine Brothwell (0-2). Joyce won the fight via knockout in the second round. She has since had difficulty finding opponents until Borga stepped up to take the bout atNEF 25.Joyce currently holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ).


This fight has been a long time coming for me, and NEF has finally made it happen,” powiedział Joyce. “I am a completely different fighter than I was a year ago, and I’m ready to show everyone on September 10th in the NEF cage against a committed opponent. If someone is willing to travel from Florida for an amateur fight she is ready for a brawl. That’s my kind of fight.


Like Joyce, Jessica Borga won her first amateur MMA fight by knockout. It took her a mere 14-seconds to put Victoria McCollum (0-1) away in the summer of 2015. Borga followed up that performance with another first-round finish two months later. She trains out of Champions MMA in Lakeland, Florida where, also like Joyce, she is a BJJ blue belt.


I’m always looking to forward to fighting worthy opponents,” said Borga when reached for comment.


Kolejnym wydarzeniem New England walczy ', "NEF 25: BOHATEROWIE & ZŁOTY,”Ma miejsce Sobota, Wrzesień 10, 2016 w Androscoggin Banku Colisée w Lewiston, Maine. Bilety zaczynają się od godz $25 i są już w sprzedaży na lub dzwoniąc na kasowy COLISEE 207.783.2009 x 525.


Więcej informacji na temat aktualizacji kart zdarzeń i walki, znaleźć na stronie internetowej pod adresem Promocji Dodatkowo, można oglądać filmy w formacie NEF, za nimi na Twitterzenefights i dołącz do oficjalnej grupy na Facebooku "New England walczy."


After finishing 3rd year of medical school, It’s back to boxing for undefeated super middleweight Devar Ferhadi

Mykal “Prof.” Fox headlines against Somner Martin fight this Friday, August 19th at the Crystal City Hilton in Crystal City, Wirginia
Undefeated heavyweights Luther Smith battles Malogun in co-feature

Plus undefeated Jordan White, Sam Crossed & Colby Madison to see action
Crystal City, Wirginia (Sierpień 18, 2016)–One of the best stories in boxing will have another chapter written w ten piątek night as Devar Ferhadi przyjmuje Christopher Petty in a four-round bout at the Crystal City Hilton in Crystal City, Wirginia.
W turnieju głównym, Niepokonany Mykal Fox will make his 2nd headlining appearance w ten piątek night when he takes on Somner Martin in a junior welterweight bout scheduled for eight rounds
Ferhadi, Fryderyka, Maryland has a perfect mark of 6-0 pięć nokautów, just completed his third year of medical school in his native Kurdistan.
Because he finished up school at the end of June, the 21 year-old started his training camp in Kurdistan, before heading back to the states to spar with the likes of undefeated middleweight Immanuwel Aleem, undefeated junior middleweight Jarrett Hurd and recent light heavyweight world title challenger Thomas Williams.
This has been a long camp, but I am ready to fight,” said Ferhadi. “I started over there and I came back home to finish camp off.
Ferhadi, who will pursue General or internal medicine when his fight days are complete, is ready for what the unknown Petty will bring.
He is a last-minute replacement and a southpaw, But I have prepared hard and I prepared to win.
There were several opponents that were offered the fight with Ferhadi and due to his amateur pedigree combined with the world class sparring that Ferhadi consistently gets when he is home in Maryland, he is looking to step up the competition.
We are always looking to fight better opponents and we have no problem stepping up.
This will be Devar’s first fight since February, where he was home from school long enough to stop Travis Davidson in one round in Roanoke, Wirginia. But between training and a heavy school load, Ferhadi is grateful for the time off from the ring.
The time off actually helps me. It’s tough jumping from one camp right into another one, but I am ready to go and expect me to put on a show.
Said Ferhadi’s manager, Jason Boyer, “Devar has three more years of medical school and when he is completed that, he will be come a full-time boxer. W tym momencie, he will just be about 24 lat, so I know the best boxing years have yet to come.
In a six-round heavyweight co-feature of undefeated heavyweights, Luther Smith(5-0, 4 KO) Bowie, Maryland will take on Mike Balogun (6-0, 5 KO) of Upper Marlboro, Maryland.
W walkach na cztery rundy:

Jordan Biały (2-0, 2 KO) Waszyngton, DC will take on Sergio Aguilar (0-4) z Homestead, Florida in a bantamweight bout.

Marcus Bates (3-0-1, 3 KO) Waszyngton, DC będą walczyć Daniel Hernandez(0-1-1) Queens, NY in a featherweight bout,
Sam Crossed (3-0, 1 KO) Greenbelt, Maryland will take on Mike Estus (0-3) of Ames, Iowa.
Colby Madison (2-0, 1 KO) od Owings Mills, Maryland will tangle with an Bryson Haubrick (Pro debiut)s) of Lewistown, Pensylwania, w ciężkiej walce.
Patrick Rivera of Edgewood, Maryland will make his pro debut when he fights Dustin Caplinger (2-8, 1 KO) of Columbus, OH in a junior middleweight bout.
Phillip Hooker Waszyngton, DC will make his pro debut against David Rohn(0-6-1) of Villa Park, IL in a middleweight bout.

Bilety $50/$75/$100 i są dostępne poprzez wywołanie 301.890.2430 lub przez kliknięcie


Lewiston, Maine (Sierpień 18, 2016) - NaWrzesień 10, 2016 New England Walki (NEF) wraca do Lewiston z kolejnym wydarzeniem, “NEF 25: BOHATEROWIE & ZŁOTY.” Wcześniej dzisiaj, NEF ogłosił dodanie profesjonalnych mieszanych sztuk walki wagi koguciej (MMA) walka do karty walki. Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (2-1) podpisała spotkać Walter Smith Cotito (3-4) przy masie 135-walka funtów.


Sześć z połączonych siedmiu amatorskich i profesjonalnych walk MMA Lelanda odbyło się w klatce NEF. Portland, Jedyną dotychczas porażką mieszkańca Maine w NEF była jego ostatnia walka z Jayem Perrinem (2-2) wiosną 2015. Pod koniec zeszłego roku, Leland zadebiutował w boksie zawodowym na ringu NEF, biorąc Josha Parkera (0-3-1) do remisu na sędziach’ karty wyników. Udowodnił, że jest silny zarówno w stójce, jak i na macie. Leland, członek Akademii MMA Jaya Jacka i Amandy Buckner w Portland, jest niebezpiecznym przeciwnikiem bez względu na to, gdzie zakończy się walka.


“Ciężko pracowałem od zeszłego roku, aby stać się lepszym w każdym aspekcie mojej gry,” Said Leland. “Nie mogę się doczekać, aby sprawdzić się na tym twardzielu. Powodzenia, Walter – i przygotuj się na piekielne przedstawienie!”


Walter Smith Cotito nie jest obcy klatce NEF. We Wrześniu 2013, Cotito zaszokował fanów Maine, przedstawiając byłego mistrza NEF MMA Pro Lightweight Bruce Boyington (13-8) w pierwszej rundzie walki o godz “NEF X.” Ostatnio, Cotito rywalizował z Bellatorem 144 w Connecticut. Posiada czarny pas w brazylijskim jiu-jitsu, i ma siedzibę poza Team Link w Hooksett, New Hampshire.


“Myślę, że ten dzieciak jest naprawdę odważny, by ze mną walczyć, ale upewnię się, że jestem jego najgorszym koszmarem,” zawołał Cotito, gdy sięgnął po komentarz.


Kolejnym wydarzeniem New England walczy ', "NEF 25: BOHATEROWIE & ZŁOTY,”Ma miejsce Sobota, Wrzesień 10, 2016 w Androscoggin Banku Colisée w Lewiston, Maine. Bilety zaczynają się od godz $25 i są już w sprzedaży na lub dzwoniąc na kasowy COLISEE 207.783.2009 x 525.


Więcej informacji na temat aktualizacji kart zdarzeń i walki, znaleźć na stronie internetowej pod adresem Promocji Dodatkowo, można oglądać filmy w formacie NEF, za nimi na Twitterzenefights i dołącz do oficjalnej grupy na Facebooku "New England walczy."