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Fighters Join The Salvation Army, The United States Marine Corps At Toys For Tots Toy Drive In Bell Gardens Σάββατο
Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ For Photos from
Eder Mercado/Premier Boxing Champions
ΛΟΣ ΑΝΤΖΕΛΕΣ, ΟΠΩΣ – Νοέμβριος 28, 2016Premier Πυγμαχία Τσάμπιονς, the leading Boxing series on TV, had three of it’s leading fighters team up with Santa and The Salvation Army for the Toys For Tots toy drive with members of the U.S. Marine Corps αυτό το Σάββατο. The drive was held at the TOYS R US in Bell Gardens, CA and raised three truckloads of toy donations for the charity event.
Toys donated at the drive will be handed out to local Los Angeles children on Δεκέμβριος 17.
Shown at the toy drive are (l to r): members of the U.S. Marine Corps, Αλέξανδρος Λούνα (πάλης Δεκέμβριος 10 in Monterrey, MX), Abner Mares (πάλης Δεκέμβριος. 10 στο Λος Άντζελες, ΟΠΩΣ), Santa Claus, Major Osei StewartGeneral Secretary of The Salvation Army Southern California Division, members of the U.S. Marine Corps and Dominic Breazeale (fighting in 2017).

Premier Πυγμαχία Τσάμπιονς Δώρα: 12 Γύρους με Τζούνιορ Middleweight Παγκόσμιος Πρωταθλητής Jermall Charlo

(Φωτο: Λέων Wilson / Premier Boxing Τσάμπιονς)
Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ να διαβάσετε στην ιστοσελίδα της Premier Boxing Τσάμπιονς
Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ για στρατόπεδο εκπαίδευσης Φωτογραφίες από την
Λέων Wilson / Premier Boxing Τσάμπιονς
Δεν είναι ότι Jermall Charlo είναι ένας εσωστρεφής ή κάποιον που δεν μπορεί να αρθρώσει τις σκέψεις του. Είναι απλά ότι είναι μια ηχηρή, ματιά στα μένα σόουμαν δεν αποτελεί μέρος του μακιγιάζ του πρωταθλητή 154-λίρας.
Λόγω του ότι, λίγοι άνθρωποι εκτός από τον δίδυμο αδελφό του (και τους συναδέλφους titleholder 154-λιβρών) Jermell Charlo Γνωρίζουμε ότι Jermall Charlo είναι μια καλά ανάγνωσης, εκκολαπτόμενος μουσικός παραγωγός / μηχανικός ο οποίος αγαπά μια ωραία μπριζόλα και να υπογράψει το όνομά του με τα δύο χέρια.
Μάθαμε όλα αυτά και πολλά περισσότερα, όταν πρόσφατα κάθισε με Jermall Charlo μπροστά του το πολυαναμενόμενο Δεκέμβριος 10 υπεράσπιση του τίτλου ενάντια κορυφαία υποψήφιος Julian Ουίλιαμς στο Galen Center στο Λος Άντζελες (SHOWTIME, 10 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/7 μ.μ. PT).
Ποιος είναι μποξ ήρωα σας?
Tommy Hearns είναι ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου μαχητές. Ήταν πάντα προσπαθεί να διαψεύσει τους αμφισβητίες του, και σέβομαι όλα όσα έχει περάσει. Η ζωή μου και Tommy Hearns’ η ζωή είναι παρόμοια. Είμαστε και οι δύο ψηλοί, και είχε ένα θρυλικό προπονητή στον Emanuel Steward, και έχω ένα, πάρα πολύ, στο Ronnie Shields.
Tommy είχε ένα καλό τρύπημα και ήταν ένα ψιλόλιγνο μαχητής. Πολλοί μπόξερ νομίζω ότι είναι εύκολο να πάει στο σώμα σε ψηλά μαχητές για να μας σπάσει. Αλλά είναι μια διαφορετική ιστορία, όταν φτάσουν εκεί με τον Tommy, έτσι ώστε με έκανε να τον αφορούν με αυτόν τον τρόπο.
Υπήρξε επίσης μια μεγάλη ουσία Tommy Hearns. Πρέπει να είστε ένας έξυπνος μαχητής για να γνωρίζουν τη διαφορά μεταξύ διαπληκτίζεται και η πυγμαχία, και πώς να χρησιμοποιήσετε το εύρος σας.
Από όλα τα μπόξερ στην ιστορία, που εσείς επιθυμείτε μπορείτε να έχω αγωνιστεί, και πώς θα τον αγώνα έχουν παιχτεί?
Όντας στην welterweight και junior σειρά middleweight, Θα ήθελα να δω πώς το στυλ μου θα ταιριάξει εναντίον ενός άντρα όπως Sugar Ray Leonard. Ξέρω πάλεψε Tommy Hearns, αλλά νομίζω ότι έχουν κάποια διαφορετικά χαρακτηριστικά, και θα ήθελα να δω πώς θα το κάνουμε εναντίον [Leonard] στα καλύτερά του.
Μίλησα με τον Sugar Ray Leonard λίγο πριν Κέρδισα τον τίτλο από Κορνήλιος Bundrage, και του είπα ότι ήταν η νέα “Hitman” (αναφέρεται σε Hearns’ παρατσούκλι).
Δεν θέλω να πω ότι θα είχα νικήσει Sugar Ray Leonard, γιατί αυτός είναι ένας μεγάλος μαχητής και δεν θα ήθελα να τον ασέβεια. Αλλά έξω από κανέναν που θα μπορούσε να αγωνιστεί, Θα ήθελα πολύ να ταιριάζει με το στυλ μου ενάντια Sugar Ray είναι.
Θα ήθελα βέβαια να δανειστεί από τον αγώνα Tommy Hearns με τον Sugar Ray Leonard. Κάθε φορά που βλέπω αυτό το κλασικό αγώνα, Φαντάζομαι τον εαυτό μου να είναι Hearns.
Ποιο είναι το πιο δύσκολο που έχετε ποτέ χτύπημα, και πώς δεν θα ασχοληθεί με το θέμα?
Ξέρεις τι είναι τρελό? Δεν ήταν καν από μια γροθιά; ήταν μια κουτουλιά, και ήταν πραγματικά στην τελευταία πάλη μου ενάντια Ώστιν Πέστροφα. Κάπου σε αυτά τα μέσα γύρους, που συγκρούστηκαν κεφάλια, και το κεφάλι του προσγειώθηκε ακριβώς πιστεύω στην αριστερή πλευρά του πηγούνι και το αυτί μου.
Δεν έχω είδε ότι σκληρά από κάθε διάτρηση ή οτιδήποτε, γιατί να κάνω καλά τη δουλειά με τη διατήρηση χέρια μου και με κίνηση του κεφαλιού και άλλα τέτοια. Αλλά κατά Πέστροφα, έριξε ένα τρύπημα, και πάτησα πάνω και το κεφάλι του ήρθε συντρίβεται σε σαγονιού μου.
Δεν είχε καμία ιδέα [ότι ήμουν έκπληκτος], και πάλεψα μέσα από αυτό σαν πρωταθλητής υποτίθεται ότι. Αλλά αυτό ήταν το πιο δύσκολο σουτ που έχω λάβει από το κατούρημα-wee μου ημέρες του ποδοσφαίρου. Έπρεπε να ελέγξει τον εαυτό μου να είμαι σίγουρη ότι ήταν καλό. Ήταν απλά ένα πλάνο που με ξύπνησε.
Κατά την κατάρτιση για έναν αγώνα, Ποιο είναι το ένα γεύμα που λείπει περισσότερο?
Θα πρέπει να είναι μπριζόλα. Είμαι ένας τύπος φιλέ μινιόν του άντρα. Αλλά πρέπει να δώσουμε ότι κατά τη διάρκεια της κατάρτισης, διότι ένα είναι της εν λόγω κόκκινα κρέατα που με επιβραδύνει.
Είσαι γνωστός για την ύπαρξη ένας αρουραίος γυμναστήριο. Έχετε ένα αγαπημένο άσκηση?
Μου αρέσει όλες τις ασκήσεις, κάτι που είναι προκλητική. Αλλά αν έπρεπε να επιλέξω μία, το αγαπημένο μου θα πρέπει να εργάζονται την τσάντα του σώματος με [θρυλικός προπονητής] Σύμβολο της Πίστεως Κρήνη. … Έχω προσέξει Creed Κρήνη κάνει την τσάντα σώμα με Evander Holyfield και πολλά άλλα πρωταθλητές, έτσι είναι το είδος της να γίνει ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου ασκήσεις.
Τι θα γίνει με ένα αγαπημένο γροθιά για να ρίξει?
Ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου είναι αριστερό γάντζο μου. Δεν είναι απαραίτητα για το σώμα, αλλά είναι μία από τις γροθιές που μεγάλωσα ρίχνουν και πάντα ένιωθα ήταν ένας από τους πιο προκλητική πλάνα μου. Είμαι πολύ άνετα ρίχνουν, είναι ότι είμαι δεξιόχειρας και αριστερόχειρες.
Θα σας πω αμφιδέξιο είσαι?
Ναί. Εγώ πραγματικά μπορεί να γράψει με τα δύο χέρια. Πραγματικά δεν ήξερα τι κυρίαρχο χέρι μου ήταν, είναι ότι ήμουν ισχυρή και με τα δύο χέρια. Ρίχνω μια ποδοσφαίρου και να πυροβολήσει μια μπάλα του μπάσκετ με το δεξί μου χέρι.
Αλλά είναι τρελό και το είδος της σύγχυσης ακόμα και για τον εαυτό μου. … Σε έναν αγώνα, Μπορώ να στραφούν σε κάθε πλευρά. Μεγάλωσα σε μια στάση southpaw και αισθάνονται πιο άνετα ως αριστερή στροφή, αλλά στη συνέχεια άρχισα να αγωνίζονται από την δεξιόχειρες πλευρά και αισθάνονται πιο άνετα ως ένα δεξιά στροφή. Έχω χρησιμοποιήσει και τις δύο πλευρές αποτελεσματικά.
Τέλος για αυτή την πρόταση: Αν όχι για την πυγμαχία, Θα …
… ίσως να είναι ένας μορφωμένος αποφάσεων επιχειρηματίας κάπου κινείται σε όποιο κλάδο επέλεξα. Αλλά πυγμαχία έχει σώσει τη ζωή μου.
Ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη παρανόηση του κοινού σχετικά με μπόξερ?
Ότι είμαστε όλοι μεγάλα, θυμωμένος παιδιά που ξοδεύουν τα χρήματά τους άγρια ​​και δεν είναι μορφωμένοι. Αλλά είναι όλα λάθος.
Έχετε μια αγαπημένη ταινία πυγμαχίας?
Εγώ γενικά δεν μου αρέσει πυγμαχία ταινίες λόγω των γροθιές ψεύτικο. Αλλά μια ταινία που πραγματικά μου άρεσε ήταν Χέρια της πέτρας. Μεγάλωσα βλέποντας τον Βραχώδης σειρά, έτσι μου άρεσε ότι, πάρα πολύ. Αλλά Χέρια της πέτρας είναι ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου.
Μου αρέσει όταν [τα οικόπεδα ταινίες του μποξ] να μπει στο lifestyle. Όταν Micky Ward έκανε την ταινία του, Ο πολεμιστής, πολλά πράγματα που βγήκε γι 'αυτόν ότι οι άνθρωποι δεν ξέρουν. Αυτό είναι το πώς είμαι. Υπάρχουν πολλά πράγματα που οι άνθρωποι δεν ξέρουν για μένα. Ίσως αυτό θα αλλάξει όταν υπάρχει μια ταινία γράψει για τα δίδυμα Charlo.
Καλά, Τι κι αν το Χόλιγουντ έκανε μια ταινία για σένα και τον αδελφό σου, Jermell-τι φορέων θα θέλουν να παίζουν δύο?
Καλή ερώτηση. Πρώτα απ 'όλα, εμείς θα πρέπει να βρούμε κάποια δίδυμα με αθλητική ικανότητα. Θα έπρεπε να είναι ταυτόσημες. δίδυμος αδελφός μου και εγώ μοιάζουν μεταξύ τους, αλλά δεν ενεργούν όσο. Αμέσως, θα ήταν δύσκολο να βρούμε μια καλή ηθοποιός για να απεικονίσει τους δυο μας.
Μου άρεσε το πώς Usher έπαιξε Sugar Ray Leonard, και πώς Will Smith απεικόνισε Muhammad Ali, αλλά … Νομίζω ότι θα πρέπει να πάρει ένα σετ διδύμων.
Ποιος είναι αυτός καλλιτέχνης στο playlist σας που θα εκπλήξει τους οπαδούς αγώνα?
Μεγάλωσα ακούγοντας Αλ Πράσινη. Ο πατέρας μου ήταν οπαδός της μουσικής ψυχής. Είμαι μια παλιά ψυχή, γιατί ο παππούς και άλλοι μου είδος μου γύρισε σε μια-δυο Al Πράσινο τραγούδια. Johnnie Taylor, πάρα πολύ.
Πάντα πάμε πίσω και να αναπολούν τις παλιές ημέρες και το παλιό σχολείο μουσική. Άκουγα κάποια Al Green και Johnnie Taylor σήμερα.
Τέλος για αυτή την πρόταση: Οι άνθρωποι θα εκπλαγείτε να ξέρετε ότι …
… Παίζω μέσων και τη δημιουργία beats και τη μηχανική και την παραγωγή καθώς πριν ακόμη γίνει ένας μποξέρ. Έχω ένα πλήρες στούντιο ηχογράφησης μέσα στο σπίτι μου. Έχω πιάνο παιχνίδι και κιθάρα. Είμαι πραγματικά σε ηλεκτρονική μουσική.
Κάνω επίσης πολλή ανάγνωση κατά τη διάρκεια του χρόνου μακριά μου. Ανάγνωση και τη μουσική.
Αν μπορούσατε να αλλάξετε ένα πράγμα στον κόσμο, τι θα ήταν?
Αυτή είναι μια δύσκολη ερώτηση, επειδή υπάρχει τόσο πολύ που θα ήθελα να αλλάξει. … Υποθέτω ότι θα θέλουν όλοι να είναι ίση. Δεν θα υπήρχε κανένα επίπεδα ή ένα άτομο που είναι καλύτερη από ό, τι το επόμενο πρόσωπο, δεν έχει σημασία το χρώμα του δέρματός σας.
Τι είναι στη λίστα κουβά σας?
Ξέρεις τι θέλω πραγματικά να κάνω? Αυτό επιβίωσης πράγμα πού θα πάτε στην έρημο και να επιζήσουν για 21 ημέρες. Όπως και στο ότι Γυμνοί και φοβισμένοι σόου. Απλά θέλουν να πέσει στα ανοικτά στην έρημο και να πάει και να επιβιώσουν, όπως αυτοί οι τύποι κάνουν, δημιουργώντας τη δική μου φωτιά και να δει τι του αρέσει. Νομίζω ότι θα μπορούσα να το κάνω. Μπορώ να διαρκέσει εκεί έξω. Μπορώ να επιβιώσει τίποτα.
Δεν μου αρέσει φίδια και δεν μου αρέσει κουνούπια, αλλά δεν φοβάμαι τους. Θα μπορούσε να με αφήσουν πουθενά και θα μπορούσε να επιβιώσει.
“12 γύρους με …” δημοσιεύεται κάθε Τετάρτη στο PremierBoxingChampions.com
Αυτή την εβδομάδα: πρώην τρεις διαίρεση παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής Abner Mares.
Αυτό το άρθρο αρχικά δημοσιεύθηκε στην ιστοσελίδα της Premier Πυγμαχία Champions την Τετάρτη, Νοέμβριος 23




Σάντα Μόνικα, CALIF. (Νοέμβριος 28, 2016) – A lightweight bout pitting Kansas’ most popular MMA fighter David Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) κατά Aaron Derrow (14-8) and a middleweight bout featuring undefeated phenom Κρις Χάρις (7-0) έναντι Jordan Young (5-0) are the first two fights announced for “Bellator 171” which will take place inside Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Κάνσας, τον Ιανουάριο 27.

“Bellator 171,” που βγήκε στον αέρα ζωντανά στην ακίδα 9 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/8 μ.μ. CT, is expected to have a main event announced in the coming weeks.

Tickets for the event starting at just $24, go on sale Σάββατο, Δεκέμβριος. 3 with an exclusive two-day Bellator Nation pre-sale beginning November 30, and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or KansasStarEventCenter.com. The event takes place one week after the extremely anticipated "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” in Inglewood, Καλιφόρνια.

“The King of Kansas” will once again compete on the Spike-televised main card of Bellator MMA’s return to Kansas Star Arena. A 17-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Rickels will return to action for the first time since competing against Melvin Guillard this past summer. “The Caveman” has strung together an impressive career, totaling 11 wins over his seven years with the promotion, including four of his five career knockouts. A native of Derby, Κάνσας, Rickles recently delivered a brutal first round knockout in his co-main clash with Bobby Cooper at "Bellator 150: Kongo vs. Spartan.” The 27-year-old Rickels now prepares for Aaron Derrow, who enters the bout undefeated since joining Bellator MMA in 2014.

A native of Blue Springs, Μιζούρι, Derrow has made an immediate impact on the promotion, collecting victories in each of his first two fights under the Bellator MMA umbrella. Following his hot start, “Daddy Long Legs” will now be tasked with one of the lightweight divisions most proven veterans in David Rickels. Of his 14 κερδίζει καριέρα, Derrow has finished his opponent in 12 από αυτούς, συμπεριλαμβανομένου 10 of the submission variety. The 29-year-old Derrow has scored two knockouts, each of which came in the first twenty seconds of action. Derrow will have his hands full with Rickels and the raucous hometown crowd that follows him when the two enter the cage on Ιανουάριος 27.

With an unblemished mark of 7-0, Harris enters the cage riding an impressive string of success to begin his professional career. Fighting out of Wichita, Κάνσας, Harris will have the luxury of competing in front of his home crowd as he prepares to make his third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner. Harris has a knack for finishing his opponents early and often, recording six wins by way of knockout or submission, including four in the first round. The 26-year-old knockout artist will look to build off of a commendable 2016 campaign that saw him emerge victorious in each of his three contests, including a pair of wins with the Scott Coker-led promotion.

Also boasting an undefeated record through five career bouts, the 22-year-old Young will make his promotional debut against the equally impressive Harris. Of his five career wins, four have come by way of submission, with each of the four finishes occurring in the opening round of action. Prior to making his professional debut in 2014, the submission specialist had similar success on the amateur circuit, where he collected four submission victories over a five-fight span. Fighting out of Urbandale, Αϊόβα, the 6’4’’ Young will also hold a significant height advantage over the 5’11’’ Harris as he prepares to challenge one of the most aggressive opponents of his career.

Updated “Bellator 171” Main Card:

Ελαφρύς εξοπλισμός: Ο Dave Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) vs. Aaron Derrow (14-8)

Middleweight Feature Bout: Κρις Χάρις (7-0) vs. Jordan Young (5-0)


ΜΟΝΤΡΕΑΛ (Νοέμβριος 26, 2016) A settlement has been reached between Lucian Bute and the District of Columbia Athletic Commission, several months after an initial anti-doping test result was announcement regarding traces of Ostarin found in Bute’s urine samples this past May.
Following the World Boxing Council (WBC) super middleweight world title bout between defending champion Badou Jack and challenger Bute, που κατέληξε σε ισοπαλία, a positive test result was announced to the general surprise of Bute.
Έκτοτε, ωστόσο, in-depth analyses has demonstrated beyond all doubt that this result was due to contamination of nutritional supplements, prescribed by Bute’s conditioning trainer and created by a laboratory in California.
All this information has been favorably received by the authorities of the Athletic Commission of the District of Columbia.
As a result of communications between the parties involved, an agreement was reached:
Lucian Bute voluntarily agrees to contribute $50,000 (USD), within a period not exceeding 90 ημέρες, to the WBC Clean Boxing Program (CBP).

Lucian Bute also agrees that his boxer license from the Athletic Commission of the District of Columbia be suspended for a period of six months, dating back to May 6, 2016.
The athletic commission therefore agrees to reject the disputed case immediately with the compromise reached between the parties and does not in any way consider that this compromise constitutes an admission on the part of Lucian Bute of the alleged facts or circumstances.
Lucian Bute intends to pay his voluntary contribution to the WBC CBP without delay and as the six-month suspension period of his boxing license from the District of Columbia ended November 6, he may now box at the place and time of his choice right now. The case is now permanently closed.
I am extremely happy that everything is now over,” former IBF world champion Bute said. I would like to thank my family and my spouse, Helena, all members of my team, Christian Ganescu, the Grant brothers, Groupe Yvon Michel, μάνατζέρ μου, Αλ HAYMON, my lawyer, Howard Jacob, and my friends, fans and supporters who were many to support me and to encourage and trust me during these dark and painful hours of my life. I would also like to thank the members of the Athletic Committee of the District of Columbia and its Chairman, Ο κ. Adam Weers, for listening and understanding, as well as WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman for giving me the benefit of the doubt and keeping me in the rankings of the best super middleweight challengers,”
In spite of this difficult period, Bute has continued training and he is more determined than ever to take the road back to regaining his world title. Bute is ready to face anyone who will stand between him and his goals.
I am surrounded by the best team to guide me, ” Bute concluded. “έχω, more than ever, the enthusiasm and will to fight. I have a lot of years ahead of me and I cannot wait to get back into the ring in early 2017.

American Legend Set To Descend On London Boxing Gym In Celebration Of Film About His Career

On Monday 28ου Νοέμβριος, Vinny Pazienza, the subject of forthcoming Hollywood movie BLEED FOR THIS, will descend on pro boxer Ben Day’s Ringtone Gym in Euston, London for a series of press interviews, ahead of a special private screening of the film that evening. BLEED FOR THIS goes on general release in the UK on Friday 2ΝΔ Δεκέμβριος.


BLEED FOR THIS is based on the incredible true story of Vinny Pazienza, who is played by Miles Teller in the movie, one of the few American boxers to hold World Titles in three different weight categories, who suffered a near-fatal car accident at the peak of his career. Told he would never walk again. Vinny spent months recovering in a neck brace until, against doctors’ orders and without their knowledge, he returned to the gym. With support of trainer Kevin Rooney, played by Aaron Eckhart in the movie, “The Pazmanian Devil” made a triumphant return to the ring just over a year later.


Written and directed by Ben Younger (Boiler Room), BLEED FOR THIS is executive produced by RAGING BULL director Martin Scorsese. Miles Teller (Whiplash, War Dogs) stars as Vinny alongside Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight, Sully) as Pazienza’s trainer Kevin Rooney. The Supporting cast includes Ciarán Hinds, Ted Levine and Katey Sagal.


On a quirky side note: Το Σάββατο 3RD Δεκέμβριος, the day after BLEED FOR THIS is released nationally in the UK, Ringtone Gym owner Ben Day will be back in Championship action himself, as he looks to secure his third title, the Southern Area Lightweight, against Michael Devine at York Hall in Bethnal Green, Λονδίνο.


Speaking earlier Ben saidI’m really looking forward to Vinny and the stars of the film coming to the gym τη Δευτέρα. I can empathise with Vinnys struggles we’ve both had struggles in similar areas, his physical and mine mental, following an extremely tough upbringing, however against all the odds I now hold an International Masters Belt and the Southern Area Super-Lightweight title, and I’m fighting for the Southern Area Lightweight Title on 3rd December!”


Tickets for Ben Day versus Michael Devine for the Southern Area Lightweight Championship at York Hall in London on Saturday 3RD Δεκέμβριος 2016 are available on the gym’s websitewww.ringtoneboxinggym.com






BLEED FOR THIS trailer http://bleedforthis.co.uk/trailer

“Γύρος 7, Operation Knockoutcharity event for Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation Airing this Sunday night on CBS Sports Network

LAS VEGAS (Νοέμβριος 25, 2016) – Ο “Γύρος 7, Operation Knockoutamateur mixed-martial-arts and grappling card, presented by Tuff-N-Uff in association with Neon Star Media, will air TONIGHT (Νοέμβριος. 27), ξεκινώντας από 11 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ / 8 μ.μ. PT επί CBS Sports Network.
The seventh annualOperation Knockout,” held last Saturday evening at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, was created to help Randy Couture’s G.I. Foundation raise funds and awareness for wounded soldiers and their families.
There was something for everyone with nine amateur MMA fights, four of which were for title belts, and six super-fight grappling bouts featuring Bellator’s Ryan Couture, ex-UFC fighter Ulysses Gomez and current UFC fighter Anthony Birchak, former Bellator fighter and active military, Michael Parker, former Lion Fight fighter Fanny Tommasino, and current Combate Americas fighter and former Tuff-N-Uff fighter, Κυρά Batara.
Veteran MMA announcers Sean Wheelock, Joey Varner and living legend Couture called all the action live from ringside.
Xtreme Couture G.I. Ίδρυμα παρέχει την απαιτούμενη υποστήριξη και υπηρεσίες για τους τραυματίες στρατιώτες και τις οικογένειές τους, πολλοί από τους οποίους επιστρέφουν με τραυματικές ακρωτηριασμούς, τραύματα από πυροβολισμούς, εγκαύματα και τραυματισμούς έκρηξη. One-hundred percent of the proceeds are given as Operation Knockout continues to build on its efforts to raise more money and help more wounded soldiers and their families. With help of its generous sponsors and donations, “Operation Knockhad raised more than $170,000 going into this year’s event.
CBS Sports Network is available across the United States through local cable, βίντεο και τους παρόχους τηλεφωνικών εταιριών και μέσω δορυφόρου DirecTV Κανάλι 221 και Dish Network κανάλι 158. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων ένα πλήρες πρόγραμμα προγραμματισμού και πώς να πάρει το CBS Sports Network, πηγαίνετε στο www.cbssportsnetwork.com
Δικτυακός τόπος: www.tuffnuff.com, www.xcgif.org
Έξαψη: @tuffnuff, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture

Featherweight World Championship Rematch Between Carl Frampton & Leo Santa Cruz Headlines Premier Boxing Champions Event Saturday, Ιανουάριος 28 From MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas Live on SHOWTIMEâ

ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ! Lightweight World Champion Dejan Zlaticanin Battles Undefeated Former Two-Division Superstar Mikey Garcia

Frampton & Santa Cruz to Host
Press Conferences in Belfast & Λος Άντζελες

Εισιτήρια για την πώληση Τρίτη, Νοέμβριος 29 στο 9 π.μ.. PT!

LAS VEGAS (Νοέμβριος 23, 2016) – Undefeated featherweight world champion Carl "Το Τσακάλι" Frampton (23-0, 14 KOs) και πρώην τρεις διαίρεση παγκόσμιος πρωταθλητής Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz(32-1-1, 18 KOs) will meet again in a world title rematch that headlines a Premier Πυγμαχία Τσάμπιονς συμβάν Σάββατο, Ιαν. 28 live on SHOWTIME from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.


Ο SHOWTIME ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ ΠΥΓΜΑΧΙΑΣâ doubleheader will also feature lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin (22-0, 15 KOs) making his first title defense against fan favorite and former two-division titlist Mikey Garcia (35-0, 29 KOs).


Frampton and Santa Cruz are set to clash in a rematch of their July “Fight of the Year” candidate that saw tremendous back-and-forth action throughout the 12-round fight that ended in a majority decision for the Irish fighter. Frampton drew significant Irish support in Brooklyn and will now bring his legion of fans to Las Vegas for the first time in an arena where Santa Cruz has fought six times. Just a few hours from Santa Cruz’s home of Los Angeles, the electric atmosphere is sure to be buoyed by two men who combined to land 402 power shots out of the 497 punches landed in their first fight.


To kick off the promotion, Frampton and Santa Cruz will be holding open-to-the-public press conferences in Μπέλφαστ, Βόρεια Ιρλανδία επί Τρίτη, Νοέμβριος. 29 και Λος Άντζελες επί Πέμπτη, Δεκέμβριος. 1 with more details to be announced shortly.


The rematch is the fight we wanted,"Δήλωσε ο Frampton. “I enjoyed our first fight in New York. The atmosphere was fantastic and the fight lived up to the hype. Επί January 28th I will be better and I will win more convincingly. I know the way Leo fights, he throws a lot of punches and he is brave, but his style suits me. It has always been a dream of mine to headline in Las Vegas and I cannot wait to get out there and put on a great performance for the American boxing fans and the travelling support from Ireland and the UK.


“From the moment our last fight ended, when the decision came and I lost the fight, I knew my only goal was to get my belt back,” said Santa Cruz. “When I sat in the locker room afterward, I felt more motivated than ever to get back in the gym. All I’ve thought about since the fight was this rematch. There won’t be any distractions in this camp. I’ll be heading into the fight with a better game plan. I’m putting in 100 percent in training and I’m excited to get in the ring on January 28 to get my belt back.”


This is the most important fight of my career,” said Zlaticanin. “I expect a tough and ruthless fight. I know how good Mikey Garcia is, but I also know how good I am. The fight is not going to reach the final bell; one of us will be knocked out, and I believe it will be Mikey. Garcia has never fought a good and strong fighter like me before. He will feel my power on Ιανουάριος 28.”


“I’m very happy and excited for my upcoming fight,»Είπε η Γκαρσία. “This is a chance to claim a third world title in my third division. Zlaticanin is tough, strong and dangerous but I feel confident in my abilities. I’m planning on giving the fans in Las Vegas a great show. 2017 will be a great year for me and it all starts Ιανουάριος 28!"


“Frampton-Santa Cruz II is truly the best that boxing has to offer, an immediate rematch of a leading Fight of the Year candidate between the two top-rated fighters in the division,"Δήλωσε ο Stephen Εσπινόζα, Εκτελεστικός Αντιπρόεδρος & Γενικός Διευθυντής, Αθλητισμός SHOWTIME. “And Zlaticanin vs. Garcia is a ‘50/50’ fight between two undefeated champions and a main event in its own right. Ο Ιαν. 28 telecast is the cornerstone of four upcoming SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING presentations that feature the best matchups in boxing’s deepest divisions. Events like this one are proof that SHOWTIME delivers the strongest boxing line up of any network in the sport today.”


Τα εισιτήρια για το live event, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions, Οι τιμές στο $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 και $54, και να πάει για πώληση Τρίτη, Νοέμβριος 29 στο 9 π.μ.. PT. Τα εισιτήρια είναι διαθέσιμα στο www.AXS.com.


I am looking forward to a terrific event in Las Vegas,” said Barry McGuigan of Cyclone Promotions, a former world champion and Hall of Famer. “The first fight between Carl Frampton and Leo Santa Cruz was sensational and I truly believe that the rematch will be even better. I’m convinced that Carl will win the rematch more convincingly and beating someone like Leo Santa Cruz a second time will define Carl as true great of Irish boxing. I know everyone at Cyclone Promotions is proud to deliver a great night of boxing at MGM Grand where there will be a full action packed card of championship fights.


“It’s a thrill to promote another fantastic night of boxing featuring two evenly matched world championship showdowns,” said Richard Schaefer, Πρόεδρος και Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Ringstar Αθλητισμός. “These are the kinds of cards that Ringstar is all about. Frampton and Santa Cruz put on a memorable performance in July and battled from the opening bell. It was Frampton who took home the belt last time, but I expect that Leo will train to be 100 percent and do everything in his power to get his title back. I believe this could be an even better fight than the first one. We also have Mikey Garcia, who shook off the ring rust in July and will challenge the most dangerous lightweight champion in the world, Dejan Zlaticanin, στο συν-κύριο γεγονός. This is a fight that looks destined to end by knockout. The perfect stage for this great night of action is the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and I anticipate a huge crowd on hand to support these outstanding fighters.”


“The first fight between Frampton and Santa Cruz was action packed from start to finish and I guarantee the rematch will be the same,», είπε ο Τομ Μπράουν, Πρόεδρος της TGB Προσφορές. “Along with the Zlaticanin-Garcia bout, as they battle for a world title, you have another can’t miss night of boxing from MGM Grand live on SHOWTIME.”


Frampton’s all-action style has made him a firm favorite with boxing fans all around the world. The record breaking Northern Irishman is currently one of the best pound-for-pound boxers on the planet and on January 28 θα, για πρώτη φορά, take his legion of fans to the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas.The 29-year-old defeated Santa Cruz after conquering rival Scott Quigg in their 122-pound unification bout in February. Fighting out of Belfast, the Irish national amateur champion (σε 2005 και 2009) became a world champion in 2014 when he defeated Kiko Martinez to earn a super bantamweight title. Έκανε Η.Π.Α. του. debut in July 2015 when he defeated Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. in Texas before unifying the title against Quigg.


The popular Mexican-American Σάντα Κρουζ fights out of Los Angeles and won a 126-pound title in a “Fight of the Year” grudge match against former three-division champ Abner Mares in August 2015 στο Staples Center. He followed that up by stopping former world champion Kiko Martinez before taking the Frampton challenge. Πριν από αυτό, Santa Cruz won belts at 118 και 122 pounds while earning a reputation as one of boxing’s most active and exciting fighters. The 28-year-old also holds victories over Cristian Mijares and Eric Morel and has competed in world title bouts in 12 τελευταία του 14 fights since 2012.


The first world champion ever from Montenegro, Zlaticanin will be putting his belt on the line for the first time since earning a third-round stoppage of Franklin Mamani in June to pick up the vacant title. The 32-year-old put himself in position to fight for the title in his U.S. debut by dominating then unbeaten Ivan Redkach on his way to a third-round TKO. A hard-hitting southpaw, Zlaticanin also has victories over Ricky Burns and Petr Petrov.


A popular fighter on both coasts, Όξναρντ, Καλιφόρνια Γκαρσία returned from a two and half year layoff in July to dominate former champion Elio Rojas on his way to a fifth-round stoppage in Brooklyn as the co-main event of the first Santa Cruz vs. Frampton fight. The 28-year-old is ready to resume his promising career that already saw him pick up world titles at 126 και 130 λίρες. Trained by his brother Robert, he owns impressive victories over Roman Martinez, Ορλάντο Salido, Juan Manuel Lopez and Bernabe Concepcion.


Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com καιwww.mgmgrand.com, ακολουθούν στο Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, @MikeyGarcia, @DinamitDejan1 and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports και www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Το PBC χρηματοδοτείται από την Corona, Finest Beer.




Σάντα Μόνικα, CALIF (Νοέμβριος 22, 2016) – The second main card fight announced for "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” at The Forum on Ιανουάριος 21, 2017 features the Bellator MMA debut of Los Angeleno Ralek Gracie (3-0), who will meet Hisaki Κάτω (7-2) σε μια περίοδο middleweight.


The fight joins a card that already features a contest that many mixed martial arts fans thought they’d never see, όταν Ο Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) και Chael Sonnen (28-14-1) return to action. The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/8 μ.μ. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App.


Tickets for this massive event start at $36 και είναι στην πώληση τώρα στο Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announcing in the coming weeks.


Στο μόνο 22, Ralek made his MMA debut in Japan, where he defeated his opponent, Kastuyori Shibata with a devastating armbar. Nearly a year later, Ralek returned to Japan for his second MMA fight and again was victorious, this time defeating Gahdzhiev Alavutdin with an armbar from the mount. These two bouts led to a highly anticipated matchup with Kazushi Sakuraba, where again the Los Angeles native left “The Land of the Rising Sun” with the victory. That was the last time Ralek would fight under MMA rules, until now. Ralek is the third son of Rorion, the nephew of Royce, Rickson, and Royler Gracie and received his black belt from Grand Master Helio Gracie. The Gracie Family is famous for putting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on the map around the globe.


Since joining the Bellator MMA roster, you would be hard-pressed to find a fighter who has been involved in more exciting matchups than Hisaki Kato. Nicknamed “The Japanese Mouseketeer,” the 34-year-old French-Japanese competitor has finished Joe Σίλινγκ on two separate occasions, and was involved in what many called a “Round of the Year” candidate during his lone Bellator MMA loss against Melvin Manhoef σε 2015. Τώρα, Kato sets his sights on Gracie, looking to nullify the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu of his Jan. 21 εχθρός.


Ενημερώθηκε »Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” Main Card:

Κύριο γεγονός ελαφρού βαρέων βαρών: Ο Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vs. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Middleweight Κύριας Κάρτας Μπουτ: Ralek Gracie (3-0) vs. Hisaki Κάτω (7-2)

Ο Ιησούς Cuellar vs. Abner Mares Media Conference Call Transcript & MP3

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ for MP3
Richard Schaefer
Ευχαριστώ πολύ, and thank you to all the media for being on today’s call. It was an interesting weekend, but boxing goes on and boxing goes on in a big way here on Σάββατο, Δεκέμβριος 10 as a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader with two toe-to-toe fights that will electrify the sport, and I’m really excited to be able to host and promote this card here from Galen Center in Los Angeles.
The fight we are discussing today is for sure going to be one of those potential Fight of the Year candidates, and I know these days those words are being used quite a bit, but I really feel these fighters are right for each other. This is a fight in one of the most stacked divisions in boxing. Before I introduce the two fighters, just some other things, the card will take place from the Galen Center at the USC Campus in Los Angeles.
The Galen Center is a first-class arena. It’s actually the newest indoor arena in and around Los Angeles. Τηλεοπτική κάλυψη θα αρχίσει στις 10 μ.μ. ΚΑΙ/7 μ.μ. PT for those people who can’t make it to the Galen Center. The co-main event is really a main event in its own. It’s one of the most anticipated and asked for fights in another great weight class, the junior middleweight division where you have arguably two of the best, if not the two best fighters in that division against each other: Jermall Charlo defending his title against top-rated challenger Julian Williams.
This is a fight Julian Williams has been waiting for, for a long time, and it’s a battle of unbeaten up and coming stars in their prime. There’s going to be a terrific, non-televised card as part of this event, επίσης. Έτσι, those people that are going to be able to make it out to the Galen Center, they’re going to really be in for a treat. I’m going to tell you about some of those fights, which my co-promotor, Tom Brown from TGB, has put together and I want to thank Tom for a job very well done. These are greatly matched fights, and I’m excited and looking forward to seeing them.
Included on the undercard is junior welterweight title eliminator featuring unbeaten Sergey Lipinets, με ένα αρχείο 10-0, με 8 KOs, taking on Australia’s Lenny Zappavigna with a record of 35-2 με 25 KOs. Great match ups. They will also see a pair of undefeated prospects who are looking to cement their status as championship contenders. In the super welterweight division Erickson Lubin, ο οποίος είναι 16-0, με 11 KOs of Orlando, Fla., and junior lightweight Mario Barrios, με ένα αρχείο 16-0, με 8 KOs out of San Antonio.
The card will also include an array of local talent from Los Angeles or the greater Los Angeles area, including Oxnard’s Hugo Centeno, Jr. με ένα αρχείο 24-1 με 12 KOs, former title challenger Josesito Lopez with a 33-7 ρεκόρ, με 19 KOs and personally one of my favorites. He’s always there to give a fight, just an amazing warrior and I’m happy to see Josesito Lopez on this card. Then we also are going to see Abner Maresyounger brother, Adan Mares, που έχει ιστορικό 14-3. I’m looking forward to having him there as well. It really is a can’t-miss night, and for those people here in Southern California, please come and see this card. It’s going to be great fighters, great matchups.
The doors are open at 3:30 μμ, and the fights begins shortly thereafter. Tickets for the live event are on sale now, and they start at $35, ναι 35, what a steal. Students get a special $10 μακριά από. There’s a $25 student ticket available as well, and they’re available at www.galentix.com.
Τώρα, the man who made is all happen and is not only a very close friend of mine but really a man with a passion for the sport of boxing, the Executive VP and General Manager, Αθλητισμός SHOWTIME, Stephen Εσπινόζα.
Stephen Εσπινόζα
This fight is one of the fights I’ve been most excited about on this year’s schedule. As many of you remember, this was a fight that was originally set for June and had to be rescheduled. It was such a strong fight that we didn’t want to lose that, and I know that required some sacrifice from both fighters, and we’re deeply appreciative for that. That they’re willing to wait shows what kind of guys both these guys are, as they’re looking for a challenge and neither one wanted to walk away from what, as Richard mentioned, could be one of the best fights of the year.
This is the fifth featherweight fight that SHOWTIME will be televising this year. It is one of the most talent, deep divisions, and we’re thrilled to have such a wealth of talent and thrilled to be focusing on it this year. It is a 50-50 fight between two fighters that are, in the consensus top six of the division supported by an incredibly strong undercard, and we are very happy and very proud to be ending the year on such a strong note. We look forward to Δεκέμβριος 10, and I’ll turn it over back to Richard.
Ε. Schaefer
Δεξιά, thank you very much Stephen. Τώρα, it is a privilege for me to introduce to you Abner Mares. Abner Mares, as you all know is certainly one of the greatest fighters at this time to come out of Mexico. He was born in Guadalajara, Μεξικό. Ήταν μια 2004 Mexican Olympian and that is how long I’ve known him and how long I’ve been involved with his fights. He lives now and fights out of Downey, California and trains with one of the best trainers in his corner, Robert Garcia. If you look at his resume, it is as impressive as it comes. He is a former world champion at 118, 122 και 126 λίρες, has really fought everybody and from Ponce de Leon, from Oquendo, from Moreno, from Darchinyan and the list goes on and on.
He will be fighting in California for the 10th time in his career, including his last bout which was a terrific Fight of the Year candidate against Leo Santa Cruz. Abner Mares is the kind of fighter, who in all the fights, has never been in a boring fight because he knows how to entertain. He wants to give it his best, and he has the will to win. Here he goes, at this point in his career, for yet another world title and it is a pleasure now to turn it over to Abner who can talk a little bit about training camp, what this fight means to him and maybe give us some Thanksgiving thoughts as well. Αβενήρ.
Abner Mares
Οριστικά, Richard. How you doing? I want to start out by thanking God. All you guys for making this possible, Richard, Stephen Espinoza and obviously, the great boxing fans out there who are always supporting and even the ones who are not there to support, they just give you a bad time, but you know at the end of the day, they support the sport in a way.
Έτσι, I’m really honored and privileged to be fighting Δεκέμβριος 10 in my hometown in LA. It’s going to be a great fight against a great fighter, Ο Ιησούς Cuellar, a puncher, a guy who has a lot of strength, a guy that has lots to prove. Like Richard has mentioned, I’m just really looking forward to this fight. As you guys know, I’ve never been in a boring fight. I always entertain. I find a way to give you guys explosive fights and this will be just that. It will be an exciting fight, like Richard mentioned, this is perfect for an entertaining fight and I’m going to give you just that.
An early Christmas present to everyone, hopefully a late birthday present for me, since it’s going to be a week after my birthday. It’s going to be great. You can’t miss it, like Richard mentioned; in this stage of my career, I think this is my second wind. I’m looking forward to showing you guys a different Abner and what you guys don’t know already. This is going to be a year since I started training with well-known coach Robert Garcia, a whole year we had to train and get to know each other, so you will see the difference. So with that said, I think this is a fight you can’t miss on SHOWTIME. You can’t miss live at the USC Galen Center.
This is a Fight of the Year to close the end of the year and I’m looking forward to thatnot so much looking forward to Thanksgiving like Richard said because we will still be on a diet, we won’t be able to eat as much, but obviously spending time with the family being thankful for everything that God has given us. It’s been a blessing. Thank you all for tuning in and thank you all again. Δεν μπορώ να περιμένω για December 10th to make history once again and become a four-time world champion.
Αβενήρ, you mentioned the year with Robert Garcia. How has it transformed you? How has it changed you from who you were?
Ένας. Μητέρες
I know once you get a new coach they tend to get a fight right away, and they tend to fight the next six to eight weeks, and you don’t see much of a difference. Γιατί? Because you only have that small period of time to train and get to know each other, and I just mentioned a whole year with Robert and not only a whole year with Robert, a whole year of getting ready for this fight against a southpaw and you guys know what type of coach Robert is. Not only does he bring education to your boxing skills but also that motivation, it’s always good to have that motivation knowing that you have one of the best in your corner. Έτσι, you will see a different Abner and I think the best way to answer your question is you will just see a more mature fighter in me.
A lot of people who are looking at this fight are saying that dealing with Cuellar’s strength and power is going to be the most difficult thing for you. How do you get through that and what are your own thoughts?
Ένας. Μητέρες
Once you get hit hard or anything that you can’t think of happens in the ring, I don’t think it’s based on your experiences, it’s more based on your willingness, your heart and the desire to continue. I think that comes from deep inside, and I think I have that. I think I’ve showed it in many fights. I’ve had difficult times in different fights, so I think it just comes from inside. You can’t teach that, but again, ναι μεν, experience has helped a lot to get you out of certain things but, πάλι, I think this is going to be one of the smartest fights we’re going to be able to fight.
How disappointed were you and how surprised were you that you would were not allowed to fight that particular bout in Brooklyn because of the location of the match?
Ένας. Μητέρες
Καλά, it was difficult. It’s not the first time something like this has happened to menot in the sense of me being injured or anything but a fight being cancelled. I’ve had fights being cancelled or postponed, years back so it’s nothing different. But I am a human being, I have feelings, προφανώς, and I just felt sad at the moment because I love to fight.
Ναί, I was disappointed, not so much in myself, just the situation, αλλά, πάλι, I have to take people back. I’ve got them pretty much fighting this whole year. I was supposed to fight in March, that got postponed because of an injury and then it got postponed for June and then that June fight got postponed so here we are December 10th, and again it’s just a way of seeing that mental strength and that circle you have around you. You know my family kept me strong and those long talks with my advisor kept me going and again here we are and still healthy and we will continue to give you guys good fights.
Αβενήρ, could you at all just explain the situation with the eye. For whatever reason, they have different rules in New York, but can you explain what that situation is with that eye and which eye is it?
Ένας. Μητέρες
It’s like you said, different rules for different states. We know they’re stricter on that side. I think that tells you they’re stricter and then, προφανώς, the issues they’re having at the moment and it’s nothing bad. It’s something that happened in 2008. I have been fighting since. I’ve been cleared in every state I’ve fought in, other than New York. I fight in California, I fight in Texas, I fight in Vegas. I fight in Philly, πάρα πολύ. I think there was a red flag for them because, προφανώς, I had surgery done again in 2008 and they just didn’t want to take the risk, but again I think, like Richard, myself and my doctor said, είμαστε καλοί να πάτε. We have been. I have the same risk. I don’t have it higher or less than any fighter out there. My surgery is done. I’m good and like any other fighter I have the same risk of getting one open in the ring, so there’s no risk higher of me getting one.
Αβενήρ, which eye was it you had the surgery on back in ’08?
Ένας. Μητέρες
It was in my left eye.
Αβενήρ, do you have any concern whatsoever about rust?
Ένας. Μητέρες
Καθόλου, you have to see it and look at it on the positive side. Προφανώς, I haven’t been in the spotlight, no cameras around me, no lights, but I’ve been active. Από τον Μάρτιο, I’ve been getting ready for the fight. Every single fight has been postponed the week of the fight, so I’ve practically done training camps for two fights. Έτσι, that does not worry me, but if it happens you will feel it in the ring, and it’s just a matter of adjusting to it. It wears off within one or two rounds and just getting the rhythm of the fight going. I think we’re safe and we’ll be good.
Richard, when you started to go and work on this fight did you have any issues with Abner’s medical situation or were you were sort of like surprised it was postponed and then, when he went through the testing you were very satisfied that everything was okay? What was your take on the postponement because of New York?
Ε. Schaefer
Νομίζω ότι, καταρχάς, New York has other issues related to boxing to well. With the insurance requirement they had a very difficult year, New York, as it situates to what happened with all the ins and outs of the commission and I think anybody in boxing or anybody would agree it’s a bit of a mess out there. Then you look at California. I think California is one of the best run if, ειλικρινά, not the best-run commissions and so of course when the fight was postponed or cancelled or whatever in New York, I not only talked to Abner and his wife. They were both in my office and I talked to them, but I asked Abner for permission to actually talk directly with his attorney and with his doctor, who is one of the most recognized surgeons and specialists as it relates to eyes and eye injuries in the world.
When I talked to the doctor I asked him straight out, is Abner okay? He said yes. I asked him is Abner at a higher risk than any fighter who enters the ring and he said absolutely not and that gave me the confidence to go forward and promote this fight. I had the same conversations with the California Commission and their medical board was satisfied with their requirements to make sure Abner was okay because of course if it’s the commission or anyone involved in this fight, first and foremost is fighter safety and Al Haymon, Abner’s advisor, asked me numerous times, I mean numerous times, and he said look if we’re going to do this fight, make sure Abner is okay and make sure he is absolutely okay, and I feel confident that I did that and so we’re ready to go.
Ε. Schaefer
Καλά, μεγάλος. We’re going to have Jesus make some comment and then opening up for both fighters to answer any questions.
It’s a pleasure for me to introduce to you the current WBA Featherweight World Champion with a record of 28-1 με 21 knockouts. He’s one of those other tough, hard hitting, fighters coming out of Argentina, in this case Buenos Aries and he’s in his first fight under legendary coach Freddie Roach, so you’re going to have an interesting matchup there also with Robert Garcia’s trained fighter, Abner Mares, against a Freddie Roach trained fighter Jesus Cuellar and you know those two guys, Roach and Garcia are very competitive, and so I think that adds some extra spice to the matchup. Cuellar won his world title in 2013 and has gone to defend it five times since then, including victories over Rico Ramos, Vic Darchinyan and Juan Manuel Lopez. It is a pleasure now to introduce Jesus Cuellar.
Ο Ιησούς Cuellar
I feel very good. We’ve had a great training camp with Freddie and my entire team. I have been concentrating on this matchup and looking forward to the fight with Abner.
Ε. Schaefer
Καλά, very good so let’s open it back up to questions now from the media. Any more questions for Abner or Jesus Cuellar please.
What did that fight against Santa Cruz tell you about what you have left to offer in boxing?
Ένας. Μητέρες
I think that part itself tells you what I have left. Έδωσα μου όλα. I think it was a close fight and it lets you know I have a lot left. I gave a hell of a fight and it’s just different styles. It didn’t really tell me anything other than that I’m ready for anything. It was a great fight against a great fighter and that’s it.
Αβενήρ, without giving away any strategy or anything, what do think are some of the biggest improvements you’ve made working with Robert Garcia?
Ένας. Μητέρες
Ουάου. Έτσι, many but I think that number one is definitely on my basic punches, the one, δυο, hook, three-punch combination. I think we perfected those plus sitting down more, turning more on my punches. It’s crazy how you might think you’re throwing your punches good, and you’re not this whole time. Έτσι, I think I’ve learned how to turn more on my punches, how to sit better on my punches and I think my power is coming out really good. My sparring partner has helped me and I think you will see improvement in my power and my defense.
I know he probably doesn’t speak to you about this much, but can you tell me what it would mean for you, because as Richard mentioned before, there’s an obvious rivalry between Robert and Freddie. What would it mean for you to win one for him?
Ένας. Μητέρες
Ναί, like you said we don’t talk about that. It has nothing to do with Freddie Roach. I think it’s a fight between a fighter and myself and just winning the fight for us as a team will mean the world to us. We have no desire on throwing this in anyone’s face. It’s just a win, and there’s no rivalry.
Αβενήρ, when you think back about your journey and the opportunities you’ve had in boxing, what are you most grateful for? What are some of the things you’re most grateful for this month, in advance of Thanksgiving?
Ένας. Μητέρες
Πρώτα, all of the great people I have around me. My circle, οι φίλοι μου, the opportunities I’ve had, and just the opportunity to be fighting for another world title before the end of the year is something I’m really grateful and then I thank, προφανώς, the great team, SHOWTIME, my advisor and then everyone for this opportunity. I’m really looking forward to making myself and my family proud for everything overall. Like you said, I came from nothing to something and there is something I’m trying to do in this sport and that’s to just try and be an example for my kids and for the young kids growing up that anything is possible.
Ιησούς, how long have you been with Freddie Roach so far in camp and how has that made a difference in your style and your confidence going into this fight?
J. Cuellar
I’ve definitely learned a lot. I feel extremely improved. We have a lot of confidence heading into this fight. I want to thank God for the all the blessings I’ve had. It’s been nice to go back to Argentina, but this was a great opportunity to come up with Freddie and get ready for December 10th.
Do you think that your power and your size advantage make you different from southpaws Abner has faced in any way? What do feel separates you from those southpaws and or anyone else that Abner has faced?
J. Cuellar
I know that I have the size advantage and I’m the bigger fighter but I certainly cannot rely on that. I realize this is going to be a difficult matchup, and I have to bring my best because Abner is a heck of a talent.
What are you thankful for in advance of Thanksgiving?
J. Cuellar
I’m relaxed, I’m calm and I’m thankful that I’m going to spend the time with my family and friends.
Αυτό το παρελθόν Σάββατο we saw a very controversial decision with Ward and Kovalev. Αβενήρ, I’ll begin with you, when you see a very controversial decision like that, ως πυγμάχος, does it bother you the fact that we’re still seeing controversy when it comes to the judges and does that motivate you at all to try to go for the knockout, not to leave it in the judges hands?
Ένας. Μητέρες
Λυπάμαι, I’m not going to lie. I did not watch the fight. I wasn’t able to see the fight, because I had a turkey drive the following day την Κυριακή, so I was getting ready for that, but obviously I saw the tweets, I saw everything. I heard about it, and I heard it was a really controversial decision, but I think there’s no judges like the people. I think those are the ones that you have to prove something to, not so much the actual judges in the ring.
Αν και, I think it’s divided. Νομίζω ότι 50 percent think Kovalec won and another 50 percent think Ward won. Coming from the ground and getting back up and just winning the fight speaks a lot for him. Έτσι, again I did not watch the fight. I can’t go into detail, and for myself you just take that and put it on my fight. I don’t have to do anything to impress the judges. I think just my boxing itself. I think we have professionals up there, and they’re going to do their jobs, so I don’t even have to think about that or put that in my head that I have to do something different just to impress the judges. Μη, I’m going to go in there and just do my job.
You mentioned before, after your last fight was cancelled, that you spoke with Al Haymon and he gave you some advice and counsel to lift your spirits. What advice did he give you after your last fight was cancelled?
Ένας. Μητέρες
Just having him as a friend, as an advisor, just being positive, him saying Abner ‘we’re in this together.Just hearing those words, ‘we’re in this together, we’re going to get through it, we’re going to get you a fight soon. Do not worry.That did it all. Ήμουν, προφανώς, I was still worried but it calmed me down. It calmed me down and like I said here we are a couple of weeks away and, πάλι, I’m really thankful for my team.
Ιησούς, everyone who saw you at the news conference was talking about how big you were. Is weight going to be a problem for this fight and traditionally have you ever had any weight difficulties?
J. Cuellar
Μη, I’ve never had any issues when it comes to weight and I’m very thankful again for the training camp we’ve had and continue to have and I’m ready for the fight.
How much do you weigh right now?
J. Cuellar
Ιησούς, why did you want to fight Abner specifically?
J. Cuellar
Καλά, Abner is a fantastic fighter and you have to beat the best in the world to be the best. Now we just have to get ready for December 10th στο Λος Άντζελες.
Ε. Schaefer
Καλά, μεγάλος. I want to thank all of the media members again. I know that many of you from the East Coast are planning on being here for this fight. I just want to say, I know you guys are going to be treated to a very special night. I am going to host a spectacular media dinner την Παρασκευή night as well. This is my first fight back, and I really couldn’t have asked for a better doubleheader with Cuellar and Abner Mares and Charlo and Williams and all the other fights I mentioned before. Έτσι, I’m really excited about the fights, but I’m really excited to see you guys from the East Coast as well and appreciate the relationship that we have and look forward to working with you. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and all of your families. Ευχαριστώ πολύ.
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Το PBC χρηματοδοτείται από την Corona, Finest Beer.

Boxing Stars Badou Jack, James DeGale, Χοσέ Pedraza & Gervonta Davis Give Back Before Thanksgiving Holiday & Ιανουάριος 14 Showdowns


(Φωτο: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)


Fighters Deliver Thanksgiving Meals at

Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger in Brooklyn


από την Barclays Center στο Μπρούκλιν

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ για Φωτογραφίες από Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Κάντε κλικ ΕΔΩ for Photos from Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions/

DiBella ψυχαγωγία

BROOKLYN (Νοέμβριος 22, 2016) – In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, super middleweight world champions Badou Τζακ και James DeGale, plus junior lightweight world champion Χοσέ Pedraza και αήττητη αμφισβητία Gervonta Davis, donated and distributed Thanksgiving meals at the Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger in Brooklyn before their press conference last Wednesday to discuss their respective January 14 showdowns taking place at Barclays Center and live on SHOWTIME.


(Φωτο: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)


The fighters handed out 100 turkeys along with other Thanksgiving foods to help aid the organization that has provided millions of meals for people in the area. Hailing from countries all around the world, the fighters got together to give back in the borough that they will be competing in come January. To learn more about the Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger visit www.bedstuyagainsthunger.org.


(Φωτο: Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions/DiBella Entertainment)


Τα εισιτήρια για το live event, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, ξεκινούν από $25. Tickets are available now and can be purchased online by visiting www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com ή με την κλήση 1-800-745-3000. Τα εισιτήρια είναι επίσης διαθέσιμα στο American Express Box Office της Barclays Κέντρο. Ομάδα εκπτώσεις είναι διαθέσιμες με την κλήση 844-bklyn-GP.


(Φωτο: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)


# # #


Πλατφόρμα προγραμματισμού Μπρούκλιν εγκιβωτίζοντας ™ Barclays Κέντρο παρουσιάζεται από AARP. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing @SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, και @Swanson_Comm ή γίνετε θαυμαστές στο Facebook στοwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. This event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.