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Российский тяжеловес Зубов продолжает путь к искуплению в Detroit Brawl в воскресенье, Январь 22 Против Будапешта, Венгерская банда

Российский тяжеловес Алексей Зубов знает, что поставлено на карту, когда выйдет на ринг. в это воскресенье в Детройте.
Со вторым шансом в бою, который транслируется по национальному телевидению, возможно, маячит на ближайшем горизонте., Зубов (13-1, 8 КО) из Магнитогорска, Россия, встретится с Будапештом, Андраш Чомор (Венгрия) (18-14-1, 14 КО) в восемь-раундовом поединке.
Зубов против. Чомор станет одним из главных боев разогрева в специальном воскресном выпуске промоутера Дмитрия Салиты. “Детройт Brawl” сериал о Январь 22, 2017, в масонском храме. В главном событии вечера, состоящем из восьми раундов, Многолетний вратарь Детройта в полусреднем весе и любимец болельщиков Ланардо. “Боль Сервер” Тайнер (30-10-2, 19 КО) встретится с Надьканижей, Иштван Дернанеч (Венгрия) (10-4, 7 КО). в восьмираундовом со-главном событии Детройта в легчайшем весе Джеймс Гордон Смит (11-0, 6 КО) встретится с Кишкунфелегизой, Венгерские новогодние двери (10-3-1, 5 КО).
В очередной раз спонсируется отелем-казино Greektown., Билеты на “Детройт Brawl” по цене VIP $123, Сиденья-боксы $80 и $60, Сиденья $80, $60, $40, и $20. Их можно приобрести во всех точках продаж Ticketmaster и Ticketmaster.com.
Для этого тренировочного лагеря, Зубов работал со своим тренером, племянник покойного Эмануэля Стюарда Джаван “Сахар” Холм, поскольку он помог подготовить бывшего чемпиона WBC в суперсреднем весе Энтони Диррелла к его недавнему бою..
“На этот раз в моем обучении все было идеально,” сказал Зубов. “Мне нравится работать с Джаваном, он помог мне вырасти как бойцу. И Энтони Диррелл тоже многому меня научил.. Я покажу, чему я научился в это воскресенье.”
Хотя он не относится к нему легкомысленно, ранее неоднократно награжденный любитель Зубов говорит, что его исследования оппонента Чомора не выявили ничего такого, чего он не видел раньше.
“Я немного посмотрел его на пленке, и он не делает ничего необычного.. Я раньше дрался с такими парнями, как он, у которых такой же стиль.. И я всегда с ними очень хорошо справляюсь.”
Зубов, Хочу встретиться с чемпионом WBO Александром Усиком, земляк Денис Лебедев, или любое другое громкое имя подразделения, говорит, что его возвращение на национальное телевидение будет совсем не таким, как в первый раз. Зубов потерпел единственное поражение в карьере, a единогласное решение - Константин Беженару из Молдовы, Lв апреле в Turning Stone в Вероне, Нью-Йорк и прямой эфир на ShoBox.
“я нервничал. До этого я никогда не дрался на большом шоу и поперхнулся.,” объяснил Зубов проигрыш. В следующий раз будет совершенно другим. Я уже достаточно раз участвовал в большом боксе на больших шоу.. Я буду готов.”
В этот вечер за происходящим также примет участие бывший претендент на титул чемпиона мира в тяжелом весе. “Ураган” Младший Райт (15-2-1, 12 КО) из Эванстона, Иллинойс, дебютировал в супертяжелом весе против Дэймона МакКрири из Детройта. (15-6, 11 КО) в шесть-раундовый.
В шестираундовом легчайшем весе, непобежденный легчайший Ja’Rico “Король Великих озер” О'Куин (4-0, 3 КО) встретится с Анхелем Карвахалем из Чикаго (2-5).
В сверхлегкой четверке, Детройт помолодел “Молния” Ларри Вентус (7-11-1, 3 КО) встретится с Хесусом Луле из Флориды с железной челюстью (9-20-1, 1 KO).
Популярный и непобедимый супертяжеловес Ардриал Холмс. (4-0, 2 КО) Флинта, Мичиган, запланирован бой с Мейконом, Брайан Голдсби из Джорджии (3-1).
Непобежденный Дуэйн Зейглер в суперлегком весе из Алабамы. (5-0-1, 5 КО) встретится с Аароном Холлисом (3-3, 2 КО) Цинциннати в четырёхраундовом бою в суперлёгком весе.
Кронк в полусреднем весе Джейкоб Бонас (2-0-1, 1 KO), Толедо, суперсредний вес ДеАндре Уэр (8-0, 6 КО) и непобежденный тяжеловес из Детройта Маркус Картер (1-0, 1 KO) столкнутся с противниками, которые еще не объявлены.
На бой ночью, Двери открываются в 4:00 вечера и бои начинаются в 5:00 вечера. Масонский храм расположен в г. 500 Темпл-стрит в Детройте.
Для получения дополнительной информации о “Детройт Brawl” или Салита Сниженные цены, визит www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook и Щебет: @DetroitBrawl

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Podcast “ON THE RECORD” Gets Visit From NBA Great LeBron James, NY Giants Victor Cruz & Maverick Carter


Link to show: с ленты на печать://s.sho.com/2k196Ps


NBA superstar LeBron James joins the new SHOWTIME Boxing podcast for the latest episode of “On the Record” hosted by Paul Rivera. On what would have been Muhammad Ali’s 75й день рождения, Ривера, LeBron, along with guests Victor Cruz of the NY Giants and Maverick Carter, LeBrons agent discuss the impact Ali had on society during the 1960s and today. During the engaging 40-minute podcast, the group reveals how Ali’s remarkable influence impacted each of them as professionals and as men.


“On the Record” is Episode 6 of the recently launched SHOWTIME Boxing podcast that also features Paul Malignaggi’s “From Brooklyn To The World”.


From this edition of “On The Record”:

“This world, I don’t believe, would be the way it is without his presence, without what he stood for… and what he did in the ring,” James said. “I think he was more of a champion—and the reason he is the people’s champ is—because of what he represented outside of the ring. Whatever Ali stood for, he was very proud about it, and he was gonna stand there until he felt like there was some change that was going to be made.


Click on this LINK to listen to the podcast. Other notable soundbites include:

Victor Cruz reflecting on Ali:

If you look at the things he’s done, if you look at his career, and the earth changing and life changing things he’s done not just for himself but for the world, for the country, taking a stand on whatever he felt was wrong and being powerful about it and not backing down in whatever he believed in that’s what motivates me. Whenever I think of Ali that’s what I think about is how empowering he was to the world, to the time he lived in.

Maverick Carter on Ali’s influence:

He allowed me to be the person I am today and be able to walk into a business meeting or into a boardroom and be confident that I can handle myself and me as a young African American man I can be heard and have an opinion that matters.


LeBron James on if Ali’s social stance was today:

“Could you imagine Ali doing that today? He’d get killed on social media. People wouldn’t be able to understand, they would’t be able to comprehend what his job is, what he is trying to do. He was making a move that was bigger than him, he knew that, he knew that 50 years from now that athletes like us can now speak upon social issues and it’s ok.




ГОЛЛИВУД, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. (Январь. 17, 2017) - С Bellator 170: Ортис vs. Sonnen всего в нескольких днях, Цифровая команда Bellator в очередной раз разработала серию эксклюзивного нового контента для подготовки Субботу разборки на форуме. Присоединяйтесь к нам, когда мы исследуем закулисные кадры некоторых из величайших спортсменов ММА и их режимов тренировок.. Чтобы глубже заглянуть внутрь пути этих конкурентов к большой сцене, не смотрите дальше фантастических Страница YouTube.


В фокусе с Чаэлем Сонненом

Присоединяйтесь к нам, и мы проведем день в жизни Чаэля Соннена в его родном городе Вест-Линн., Орегон. Мы глубоко погружаемся в историю наследия Соннена и долгожданного матча-реванша с Тито Ортисом..

Спарринг с Тито Ортисом

Бывшая суперзвезда НФЛ All-Pro Шон Мерриман идет лицом к лицу с Тито Ортисом на спарринг перед большим главным событием на Форуме..

Что смотреть: Тито Ортис vs.. Чел Соннен

После того, как Ортис чуть не схватил Ортиса в поединке по борьбе в колледже 20 много лет назад, Соннен надеется снова выйти на первое место, когда две легенды сходятся воедино. Январь. 21.

Что смотреть: Пол Дейли против. Бреннан Ward

Двое лучших слаггеров борются за это в вечернем со-главном событии, и Джимми Смит разделяет их на обоих суперзвезд в полусреднем весе, прежде чем они войдут в клетку..

БОРЬБА INFO: Около 20 лет прошло с тех пор Тито Ортиз (18-12-1) и Чел Соннен (28-14-1) встретились на поединке по борьбе в родном штате Соннен Орегон.. Сейчас, две легенды смешанных боевых искусств встречаются снова, с выстрелом в сладкую месть за Ортиса, кто был зажат во время их столкновения в 1998. В январе 21, Bellator MMA вторгнется в Лос-Анджелес и на Форум, по мере того, как промоушен под руководством Скотта Кокера готовится к одному из крупнейших событий года.


В со-главном событии вечера, болельщики будут иметь возможность испытать войну в полусреднем весе, в которой сражаются товарищи-слаггеры. Пол Дейли (38-14-2) против Бреннан Ward (14-4). В среднем действий, Hisaki Като (7-2) в четвертый раз выступит под эгидой Bellator MMA, и на его счету победная серия из двух поединков, когда он готовится к непобежденному вундеркинду бразильского джиу-джитсу. Ралек Грейси (3-0). В конце концов, Георгий Караханян (26-6-1) бросит вызов Эммануэль Санчес (13-3) в легком весе, в то время как Дерек Поля (17-6) и Дерек Андерсон (14-2, 1 Северная Каролина) завершите основную карту, которую транслировал Spike, легким действием.


Bellator 170: Ортис vs. Sonnen выходит в эфир в прямом эфире и бесплатно на шип в 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. Коннектикут, а предварительные бои будут транслироваться в прямом эфире на Bellator.com и в мобильном приложении Bellator.. Билетов осталось совсем немного, и их можно приобрести в кассе Форума., as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com.

Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia Press Conference Quotes & Фото

(Фото кредит: Аманда Уэсткотт / ПОКАЗЫВАНИЕ)
Primetime Battle Headlines
Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов
Суббота, Март 4 в Barclays Center в Бруклине
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Амандой Westcott / SHOWTIME
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Ed Диллер / ДиБелла Entertainment
Бруклин (Январь 18, 2017) – Undefeated welterweight world champions Дэнни Гарсия и Кит Турман hosted a press conference in Brooklyn Среда to discuss their primetime showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPION CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов,Суббота, Март 4 от Barclays Center в Brooklyn.
The broadcast, which will air live from 9-11 p.m. И/6-8 p.m. PT, is just the second primetime boxing presentation on the CBS Television Network in nearly 40 годы.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует ДиБелла Entertainment, по цене $750, $500, $400, $300, $150, $100, и $50 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.
Thurman and Garcia were joined by their trainers at the press conference Средаafternoon at Barclays Center. Вот то, что участники должны были сказать,:
Кит Турман
It’s a pleasure to be here again. This is where it’s at. I get the most love out here, since the first time I ever fought here. The fans in New York make me feel like I’ve made it.
“Этот бой Март 4 has two undefeated champions. Two of the best welterweights going toe-to-toe. Someone’s ‘0’ has to go.
I’m blessed to get this fight because I’ve been asking for it. Я с нетерпением жду этого. We’re working hard down in Florida. You don’t want to miss this fight.
This fight is going to have action. There’s too much on the line. I remember Danny from the amateurs. I applaud him for everything he’s done in this career. He signed the wrong contract though, because Keith Thurman’s got this. Дэнни Гарсия, тебя нокаутируют.
At the end of the day it’s your actions that speak louder than words. We will make our statement on Март 4. You will know after that night, who the champion truly is.
Angel will talk to try to get people off of their game. Danny is an elite fighter, and he can talk for himself. These father trainers seem to like the limelight as much as the fighter, если не больше. В конце концов,, I’m only fighting Danny Garcia.
Danny Garcia has some power. He has enough, even compared to me. But if you look at a lot of his fights, he knocked guys down. But they got back up. There is a difference between knockdown and knockout power.
He’s dangerous but we believe I’m more dangerous. He hasn’t fought a true welterweight with punching power. I believe I’ll be the last man standing on Март 4.
We’ll see what kind of camp he has. If he works hard, then he’ll be geared up for a tough fight. A fighter’s performance is based off of training camp, not any past fights.
He’s a champion and I’m a champion. You will see the results on Март 4. I’m eager to unify these titles and this should be an exciting fight.
Дэнни Гарсия
You know I’m already in shape. I’ve been active and in the gym getting ready. Я прекрасно себя чувствую. Такой Как Март 4, I’m going to be the unified champion again.
“Для меня в этом нет ничего нового. I’ve been the underdog in a unification fight. В конце концов,, Angel and I, we’re going to come out with a great game plan and get the victory. I will have my hand raised at the end of the night.
I just had to tell Keith to be careful what he wished for. He wanted this fight, but now that he’s got it, you have to deal with me.
I’m going to take this one round at a time to get the victory. Если нокаут придет, речь идет. I’m not going out of my element. Я буду делать то, что я делаю лучше всего.
We’re definitely going to work the body. But we’ll work the head too, wherever we can hit him. We’re just working smart and hard in camp. Nothing is changing from past camps. We’re going to put in work.
I’m excited to fight on CBS. The fans deserve fights to be on free television so that everyone can watch it. I’m excited to unify titles in another division.
At the end of the day he’s a world champion and you have to respect that. He’s nothing I haven’t seen before. I’ve been fighting people like him since I was a little kid in Philadelphia. I’ve been boxing my whole life for this moment. I just have to go in there and make sure I’m ready mentally and physically.
I just have to have tunnel vision on fight night. I’m going to show composure during every round and keep the momentum going my way. If it switches a little bit, then I’ll make adjustments and adapt like a true champion. I’ll be prepared like I always am.
I feel very comfortable at Barclays Center. It’s like another day in the gym with me in here. It’s a fantastic atmosphere. This is the best place in the world to fight and I’m happy to be back.
I hope everyone comes out to Barclays Center on fight night. I know there are a lot of Puerto Ricans in New York and I hope they’re here to support. Барклайс-центр мой дом вдали от дома.
I just want to make sure I’m mentally and physically ready. If I’m ready, nobody can stop me. We’re going to do what we always do. Put the hard work in, talk a little trash and back it up.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
Were here. We’re going to be ready. We’re focused on Danny Garcia. Keith Thurman will be the victor that night and stake his claim as the best in the division.
Danny Garcia is a very good fighter. He’s like a mirror image of Keith Thurman. He boxes well, punches well and has good defense. But he’s facing a kind of fighter that he’s never faced before. Keith Thurman is the most talented welterweight in the world.
Keith will bring the strength. He’s not a built-up welterweight. He comes down to make welterweight from about 170 pounds so we expect size to be an advantage.
ANGEL GARCIA, Отец Гарсии & Тренер
Danny was the first man to headline here. Danny holds the attendance record at this venue. We knew Brooklyn was where we wanted to have this fight.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this fight should be. I love this venue and it’s been great to Danny every time he fights here.
Март 4 you will see the champion of the world, Дэнни Гарсия, become a unified champion. Danny is a great fighter and he won’t be beat.
We’re not the underdog here. Danny is the undefeated champion of the world. Thurman is in for a long night. Верь мне.
Thurman is a good fighter and he’s been around for a long time like Danny. Я уважаю его, but they made him a champion. Danny became a champion, and there is a difference. Danny is a true champion. Март 4 he will still be undefeated. Thurman won’t have an answer for Danny.
Лу ДиБелла, Президент ДиБелла Entertainment
On the heels of what was a tremendous fight card в эту субботу night in this great arena, it’s great to be able to say that it doesn’t get any better than this fight.
“Турман против. Garcia is the best against the best, which is really what we have to do to elevate our sport to the sport of kings like it once was. We have two kings sitting at this table
It’s a privilege to promote another great PBC card and at Barclays Center in my hometown. Say what you will about what is the cathedral of boxing in the U.S., but I’ll take this building over just about any venue in the world. They have a great commitment to the sport.
In an era where some people think that PPV is a good thing, it’s incredibly important that a fight of this magnitude is on broadcast television. These two champions have the opportunity to do their thing in front of a huge audience. It’s great for boxing.
We’re very proud that 80 percent of the seats in the building are available for between $150 и $49. We want this to be accessible to all boxing fans. That’s a tribute to everyone involved in this event and to serve all these great fans.
BRETT YORMARK, генеральный директор Бруклин Спортс & Развлечения
Brooklyn Boxing is defined by 50-50 бои, dramatic moments and a regular schedule of big-time boxing events. Last Saturday night was a great start to our 2017 lineup. Every fan left wanting more, and they will get more, на Март 4.
We’re talking about world class championship boxing at its best. Март 4 will be that, и более. This is the best welterweight fight of the year, with two spectacular undefeated fighters.
We are honored to host the welterweight world title unification showdown between Keith Thurman and Danny Garcia. We expect to host the biggest fight night crowd ever at Barclays Center.
Thousands of tickets have been sold for this fight and we are gaining incredible momentum. I’m looking forward to a great night on Март 4. Buy your tickets now. This is going to be one of those moments at Barclays Center that you need to circle on your calendar.
Стивен Эспиноза, Executive VP & Главный Управляющий, Showtime спорта
This is truly an event that doesn’t need to be sold. I am here to share that this fight will be the second installment of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS. The obvious question is why? It’s because this fight merits it. As we saw в субботу, when the best fight the best, the results are often spectacular.
It’s not a surprise that we get impressive results when elite fighters take on other elite fighters. Special things happen. New fans are created and rivalries are born.
Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman are the two best welterweight in the world. End of story. They will fight on Март 4, it will be a huge audience here at Barclays and on CBS and it will be a special night.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer. *Prices not including applicable fees.

Брант с самым высоким рейтингом защищает чемпионство WBA-NABA от Хлороса в эту пятницу в Хинкли, Миннесота

На Пятница, Январь 20, at the Grand Casino’s Events & Convention Center in Hinckley, Миннесота, WBA #3-, IBF #13- and WBO #5-rated middleweight contender Rob “Хорошо” Брант поставит на карту свой высокий рейтинг и чемпионство WBA-NABA в среднем весе против Маунт Клеменс., Алексис из Мичигана “Ураган” Хлорос (18-5-2, 12 КО) в 10-раундовом снайперском турнире.
Уроженец Сент-Пола, Миннесота, Казарка (21-0, 14 КО) вернется в свой родной штат, чтобы заголовок “Великие бои в пятницу вечером” соревнования по профессиональному боксу из девяти боев, представлен Грегом Коэном Промоушнс совместно с победителем Дэвида Шустера принимает все постановки.
Билеты на “Великие бои в пятницу вечером” по цене $800 Таблица, $100 Ринга, $50 Зарезервировано и $35 Общий прием и доступны по адресу grandcasinomn.com, Ticketmaster.com и все торговые точки Ticketmaster. Все мероприятие также будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на FloBoxing.tv (7:30 p.m. CST).
“Прошло пять месяцев с тех пор, как я был на ринге, но не взяли много времени,” said Brant. “Я не сосредоточился ни на чем, кроме подготовки к высшему уровню среднего дивизиона.. Хотя мой первоначальный противник потерпел неудачу в последнюю минуту, Я хорошо подготовлен к тому, кто находится напротив меня. Я отношусь ко всем напротив как к чемпиону мира и готов продемонстрировать лучшую версию себя.”
“Он меня обойдет, если захочет драться с лучшими в дивизионе.,” сказал Холорос. “То, как он поступает против меня, даст хорошее представление о том, кто он. Если он бьет меня, у него что-то есть. Я знаю, что он непобежден и идет сражаться, и я тоже. Я борюсь много лет. Я готов и поставлю спектакль, который запомнится поклонникам в тот вечер.”
Другими перспективами промоушена Грега Коэна станут полусредневес Скендер Халили из Форт-Уэрта., Техас, твоя клина, Косово; и сверхталантливый проспект в полусреднем весе Малик “Альпинист” Hawkins (10-0, 7 КО) из Балтимора, Мэриленд.
Никогда в плохом бою, 26-летний Халили сразится с Уичито., Канзас, ветеран Ромон Барбер (7-12, 6 КО) в шестираундовом бою.
21-летний Хокинс, титулованный боксер-любитель, а ныне непобежденный профессионал, встретится с оппонентом, который еще не объявлен, в шести раундах.
“Роб Брант стоит на пороге очень большой возможности, и я благодарю его за то, что он не хочет останавливаться на достигнутом и не останавливается на достигнутом.,” сказал Грег Коэн. “Grand Casino было отличным сайтом для работы на протяжении всей истории моей компании, и я очень рад вернуться сюда снова.. Наши бойцы Скендер Халили и Малик Хокинс хорошо сражаются в андеркарте, и у нас есть сайт FloBoxing.tv, транслирующий событие онлайн.. Это здорово, даже я горжусь тем, что имею имя Грега Коэна Promotions.”
На бой ночью, действие начинается в 7 p.m. Grand Casino Хинкли находится в 777 Lady Luck Drive в Хинкли, Миннесота.
How to Watch FloBoxing Fight Series: Брант против. Хлорос
On TV: Now Available on Roku & Apple TV 4
STREAMING: Available only on FloBoxing. Sign up today for $20 monthly or $150 yearly. Yearly FloPRO access gets you premium content and events from ALL FloSports sites, including FloCombat, FloWrestling, and FloGrappling. The commentary team for Январь. 20 will feature Mike Letourneau, national boxing writer Steve Kim and former heavyweight champion of the world Hassim “Рок” Рахман. The eight-bout card will begin streaming on FloBoxing.tv at 7:30 p.m. CST. SIGN UP HERE

Carl Frampton Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Irish Star & Undefeated Prospect Josh Taylor
Prepare for Суббота, Январь 28 Showdowns at
MGM Grand Garden Arena в Лас-Вегасе
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий Райана Грина/
Премьер Бокс чемпионов
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Январь 17, 2017) – Undefeated featherweight world champion Карл Frampton hosted media at his training camp in Las Vegas Tuesday ahead of his highly anticipated rematch with former three-division world champion Лев Санта-Крус наСуббота, Январь 28 from the MGM Grand Garden Arena and live on SHOWTIME.
Телевизионный охват начинается 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT with undefeated lightweight world champion Деян Zlaticanin battling former two-division world champion Майки Гарсия.
Frampton was joined by undefeated prospect Джош Тейлор; who’s 10-round super lightweight contest is set to be featured as part of bonus coverage on SHOWTIME EXTREME at 8 p.m. И/PT.
Here is what the participants had to say Tuesday from Porter Hy-Performance Center in Las Vegas:
КАРЛ Фрэмптона
This camp has been even better than the last one. I had a few problems with my hand during the last training camp but this camp has been brilliant. I’ve been able to put a lot of effort into every session.
I’m hungry to prove that this wasn’t a fluke. I see some people talking on the internet that I got lucky last time or that Leo would have won with his father in camp the whole time. But I believe there is a lot more to come for me. I’ve been performing better this camp than ever before. I think I win this fight more convincingly.
I think Leo is a confidence fighter. I think his pride has made him go straight back to the deep end again. He’s always been bigger than his opponents. At both bantamweight and super bantamweight he was bigger. Even though Leo is taller than me, I’m the bigger man. On fight night I’ll be heavier and stronger than him. He’s been able to bully opponents and wear them out, but he can’t do that to me. I think he’s making a big mistake jumping right back in.
I got drawn in to Leo’s type of fight last time, which made it very exciting. Because of our styles, it’s always going to be a good fight. If it’s two wins to nil for me, I’d rather move on and fight someone like Lee Selby. I just want to be involved in big fights.
“Очевидно, being from where I’m from, fighting in New York was a major appeal, and a lot of guys on the East Coast are attracted to an Irish fighter they haven’t seen before. So I got a lot of new support from the East Coast. We brought a lot of people across with us, также. Но сейчас, to be fighting, topping the bill at the MGM in the fight capital of the world, it’s something I never really thought about when I was a kid or when I turned professional. I never really believed I could get to this. But it’s here, and I’m hoping that it can continue for a long time.
We’re staying at Robert Guerrero’s training camp house, which is a big thing for me in itself. We drove past the MGM Grand and saw my face on the side. That was pretty surreal in itself. I just can’t wait to soak it up.
This was a big fight enough in New York, now I think it’s going to be like New York on steroids. I can’t wait to soak up the atmosphere on fight week, can’t wait for all of my fans to get here, I think it’s going to be a real carnival atmosphere and people are going to enjoy it.
Fighting Leo Santa Cruz in the United States, a 3-weight world champion who a lot of people thought was going to beat me and beat me comfortably, that was a big deal. That was the real turning point of my career. And I think there’s more to come. Я 30 в феврале, but I don’t feel any signs of slowing up.
I genuinely feel like I’m getting better and I think Leo’s going to be in for a tough night here. If I can do what I’ve been doing here in the gym, perform like I’ve been performing in sparring, I’m hurting sparring partners, knocking sparring partners out. I feel like I’m developing, developing into a proper featherweight and I feel like he’s going to be in for a tough night.
We’ve got a chef in the house that we’re staying at, cooking and preparing our food. We’re training at Shawn Porter’s gym here. It’s a great facility and they’re looking after us, Shawn and (Кенни) Носить. It’s nothing really to deal with apart from the time difference. I reckon it takes a day for every hour of time difference.
This is the first time I’ve been in Las Vegas and I’m definitely a little star struck by the strip and the big buildings. I’m really have a great time though and it’s a good experience.
This is a great setup we have here at the gym and I’m getting a lot of good work here. I’ve been sparring with former world champion Shawn Porter and Cuba’s Yordenis Ugas. I couldn’t ask for better work.
“Я чувствую себя очень уверенно. I’m getting great preparation. It’s not every day you get to spar with guys like this, especially with only seven fights under my belt. I’m feeling really good.
Шейн Макгиган, Frampton and Taylor’s Trainer
Training camp has been going really great. Santa Cruz feels like he didn’t have his best performance last time but I don’t think Carl was at his best either. I think we’ll see the same victory this time.
Carl’s confidence is through the roof. He never lacks in that department. He always rises to the occasion. He performs his best when he’s out there in front of a huge crowd. Leo Santa Cruz is going to bring out the best of Carl Frampton.
Fighting in Las Vegas is amazing. This is what Carl has been dreaming about since he was a kid. I’ve been dreaming about it too. My father was an amazing fighter but this is a new era of massive crowds coming across the globe. It all starts on Январь 28 and it’s going to be a great time.
Барри Макгиган, Менеджер Фрэмптона, Former World Champion and Hall of Famer
It was definitely Carl’s toughest fight but I think Carl is still getting better. I think Carl will win even more convincingly this time, but it’s going to be a great fight every time they meet because of the clash of styles.
Carl has knocked out at least two of his sparring partners in preparation for this. He’s looking very strong and he’s working very hard.
Santa Cruz is talking about using his range, but I think that’s all smokescreens. Once that bell rings he’s going to come straight at Carl and we’ll be in for another great fight.
We had the option to squeeze in a mandatory defense before the end of last year. But we thought it was best to rest and get this big fight in by the end of January.
Карл Фрэмптон против. Лев Санта-Крус 2 is a world championship rematch of the 2016 Fight of the Year candidate featherweight showdown. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action on Суббота, Январь 28 от MGM Grand Garden Arena в Лас-Вегасе. В со-главном событии, lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin will meet former two-division champion Mikey Garcia in the opening bout on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT.
Featherweight world champion Lee Selby will fight for the second time in the United States when he battles former world champion Jonathan Victor Barros in action on SHOWTIME EXTREME beginning at 8 p.m. И/PT
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions, по цене $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 и $54, и на продажу. Билеты можно приобрести в www.AXS.com.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comи www.mgmgrand.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, @МайкиГарсия, @DinamitDejan1 and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Адам Лопес: ‘A Win on Friday Will Be Life Changing For Me

Lopez faces Danny Roman in Main Event
Of ShoBox: The New Generation Tripleheader Live on SHOWTIME®
Undefeated Super Middleweight Ronald Ellis Takes
On Christopher Brooker; Undefeated Super Lightweights
Кеннет Sims младший. & Emmanuel Robles Collide
Билеты в свободной продаже

Атлантик-Сити (Jan.17, 2017) — В эту пятницу ночь, WBA Нет. 3- ranked super bantamweight Адам Лопес (16-0-1, 8 КО) берет на нет. 4-место Дэнни Роман (21-2-1, 7 КО) в главном событии ShoBox: Новое поколение card at Ballys Atlantic City Hotel and Casino.
Борьба, which is a WBA Title Elimination bout, will headline a tripleheader Live on SHOWTIME® начиная с 10 PM ET/PT.
Лопес Сан-Антонио, Texas имеет запись 16-0-1 с 8 нокауты, and he will be making his fifth appearance on ShoBox.
My training camp went great. Я чувствую себя сильным, and I have prepared for whatever Roman brings,” сказал Лопес.
He has scouted Roman very thoroughly; Lopez knows that he could be in store for a tough evening.
In some fights he looks really good, and in some fights he looks good, but not as dominant as he does in others,” Лопес говорит,. “Take his fight against Erick Ruiz. He looked really good in that fight, but in his last fight he fought Marlon Olea, who was undefeated but not as skilled, and I thought he should have taken him out. All in all he is a good fighter, and I am expecting a tough fight.
С победой, Lopez will become the mandatory challenger for WBA Super Bantamweight champion Nehomar Cermeno, and he realizes that he has chance to be mentioned with the elite of the 122-pound division.
This would be a life changing win,” Лопес говорит,. “It would be privilege and a blessing to fight for the great title. I feel that because I have been on this stage now for the fifth time, it could be a little bit of an advantage. He has fought on some swing bouts before, but I know what to expect in the days leading up to Friday night. С этим, как говорится, ShoBox is a great platform for young prospects like me and can turn us into contenders. It has also raised my stature in terms of gaining more fans. A lot of people have seen me on SHOWTIME and it has got my name out there. This is a high stakes fight. I am putting all cards in and I am taking this as there is no завтра. I am going to put on a great show and I think, I will come out with the victory.
Билеты на шоу, который продвигается GH3 Promotions, Kings Promotions in association with Thompson Boxing (главное событие) and Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel and Casino, находятся $125, $100 $75 & $50 и могут быть приобретены на www.ticketmaster.com или позвонив 1-800-745-3000

В телевизионном со-функция, Рональд Эллис (12-0-1, 10 КО) Линн, Масса., берет на себя Кристофер Брукер (11-2, 5 KO’a) of Philadelphia in a super middleweight bout scheduled for 8-rounds.

In a super lightweight bout scheduled for 8-rounds, Кеннет Симс, Младший. (10-0, 3 КО) бои Эммануэль Роблес (15-1-1, 5 КО) Сан-Диего, Халиф.
В не-телевизионном действия: Stephon Молодая (15-0-3, 6 КО) Св. Луис, Missouri tangos with Olimjon Назаров (14-3, 8 КО) of Tashkent, Узбекистан в поединке в суперлегчайшем весе. ЗАМЕТКА: Young was originally slated to open the ShoBox telecast in a matchup with Elton Dharry, who was forced to withdraw with a shoulder injury. Highlights of Young vs. Nazarov will now air in the ShoBox telecast.
В 6-раунд боя:
Leroy Davila (4-0, 2 КО) Нью-Брансуика, N.J., бои Энтони Тейлор (4-0, 1 KO) of Warren, Ohio in a battle of undefeated bantamweights.
Кинан Смит (9-0, 3 КО) Филадельфийских боев Маркиз Хоторн (4-5, 1 KO) of Waco, Texas in a welterweight affair.
Местный любимый, Энтони “Сок” Молодой (14-2, 6 КО) Атлантик-Сити будет бороться Джеймс Робинсон (4-5-4, 1 KO) Йорк, Па., в полусреднем весе бой.
Дармани Рок (6-0, 4 КО) Филадельфия будет боксировать Solomon Maye (3-7-2, 3 КО) Нью-Хейвен, Conn., в бой в супертяжелом.
Малик Джексон (1-0, 1 KO) Вашингтон, D.C. квадратов с с Christian Foster (0-2) Александрии, Virginia in a bantamweight bout.
# # #

О ShoBox: Новое поколение с момента основания в июле 2001, критиками SHOWTIME бокс серии, ShoBox: Новое поколение имеет признаки молодой талант соответствует жестким. Философия ShoBox является телевидению захватывающим, толпы приятно и матчах, обеспечивая полигоном для желающих перспективы решимости бороться за титул чемпиона мира. Некоторые из растущего списка 67 бойцов, которые появились на ShoBox и расширенный, чтобы собрать мировых титулов включает: Андре Уорд, Deontay Уайлдер, Эрисланди Лара, Шон Портер, Гэри Расселл-младший, Ламонт Питерсон, Гильермо Ригондо, Омар Фигероа, Нонито Донэр, Девон Александр, Карл Фроч, Роберт Герреро, Тимоти Брэдли, Джесси Варгас, Хуан Мануэль Лопес, Чэд Доусон, Поли Малиньяджи, Рикки Хаттон, Келли Павлик, Пол Уильямс и более.

Melson Reflects on Career; Next Fight For a Seat in US Congress

Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк (Январь 17, 2017) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson may be the only fighter in boxing history not in the sport for financial gain and even came out of retirement for one final match to raise funds for others.


A multi-time champion as an amateur that defeated future pro standouts Keith Thurman, Чарльз Хэтли, and Deandre Latimore, Melson had a different vision of what boxing would do. The 2003 West Point graduate and Army Reserve Officer used boxing as a vehicle and a voice for causes close to his heart throughout his 18 бороться карьеру, donating 100% of the money he earned in the ring.


Общий, Melson helped raise $400,000 between his boxing purses and charity galas. The majority of the funds was for Team Fight to Walk, a 501(C)3 which raises funds and awareness for a clinical trial focused on to curing Chronic Spinal Cord Injuries. He also donated one of his purses to a childhood friend that had a son battling brain cancer and another to Big Vision, which helps people battle drug addictions among young adults.


Fighting for causes was his ultimate passion, but the literal fights were often very difficult. Melson spent the first few years of his professional boxing career traveling from his New York City residence to New Jersey where he worked for Johnson&Johnson as a medical device sales rep. When he was preparing for a fight, he’d run on his lunch break, train in the evening after working a full day and often run again in the middle of the night to help cut weight. В то же время, Melson served in the U.S. Army Reserve, having military duties one weekend a month and two weeks a year.

В дополнение, Melson would teach fitness classes at Equinox Fitness to earn extra money and regularly traveled to public schools providing motivational speeches to students for free. The exhausting schedule was hard for Melson, who suffered multiple injuries including a stretched brachial plexus which temporarily paralyzed his right arm during his fight against Donald Ward, multiple tears in his left rotator cuff, kidney stones due to dehydration and a fracture in his left orbital bone. Еще, he made weight for every fight in his career and finished 15-2-1 с 4 побед нокаутом, winning the WBC USNBC junior middleweight title against Mike Ruiz in May 2015.


Melson believed his championship winning performance would be his last bout as lingering injuries from boxing still bothered him and a laundry list of other commitments occupied much of his time. He came out of his unofficial retirement for one final match last November against Courtney Pennington. Melson’s fight financially assisted the aforementioned Big Vision, an organization which he works very closely with that has a mission of helping young adults battling drug addictions return to sobriety. К сожалению, Melson took extreme measures to cut 30 фунты в 8 недели and entered the ring devoid of energy, проигрыш через 7й round stoppage.


После боя, Melson officially announced his retirement and plans to run for U.S. Congress in 2018. Promoter Lou DiBella, who promoted most of Melson’s fights including his career finale, said to the crowd at the Foxwoods Casino “I’ve never promoted a better man than Boyd Melson.”


Общий, Melson is satisfied with his boxing career and is greatly appreciative for the incredible support from the boxing community.


“When I turned pro, I had no idea how far or long professional boxing would take me. This is a brutal sport not just physically but mentally as well. There were many days where I wanted to stop fighting for a number of reasons, but it was on those days that I had to always remind myself that I needed to fight to help others. The causes I fought for and continue to fight for outside of the ring are as important as anything in my life. Through boxing, I made many great friends and am incredibly thankful for that. I also appreciate everybody that donated to Team Fight to Walk or Big Vision as well as all the media that helped raise awareness for these great causes by covering my career.”


With the gloves hung up, Melson’s focused on running for United States Congress, advancing his career in the US Army Reserve, assisting others in need and continuing his growing career as a public and motivational speaker.


“I fell on my sword in order to compete in this last fight. The weight loss took the fight from my body, so I used every bit of strength in my mind to give whatever I had. I had one purpose for this last fight, and that was to raise awareness and money to help combat the heroin epidemic in Staten Island. I took a beating for this mission and I hope my example demonstrated the need to risk everything, even your body, when you believe it will help the lives of others suffering. Boxing has created a future that has continued to allow me to serve mankind now that I have left the ring as a competitor. I am on the board for the charities Boxer Inc., Stop Soldier Suicide, Team Fight To Walk, and hopefully Big Vision sometime soon. I was recently asked to join the 501c3 titledThe In Bed and Chair Recovery Foundationso that I can serve on their board. They have a patented multi-faceted exercise apparatus which is meant for anyone who is confined to a wheelchair or a bed. They’ve asked me to help raise money through donations so that they can provide their unit, free of charge to groups of people in need such as disabled veterans and children battling cancer. There is a lot of pressure I continue to put on myself through various commitments and organizations I’m involved with, but this is what makes my world go round as I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


“I continue to have more opportunities presented to me so that I can positively reach children through my words. Although I have only fought once in order to help create a larger awareness regarding the heroin epidemic in Staten Island, my mission for this cause has only begun. My goal is to begin offering my time to host free boxing clinics on the Island at Rustam’s Boxing Gym as well as one of Teddy Atlas’s boxing gyms. These clinics will be meant for heroin addicts, and the aim is to knockout heroin on Staten Island. My hope is to help Staten Island’s heroin addicts fall in love with boxing and have that as a vehicle to help overcome the addiction. These human beings are sick but they’re are not criminals. Sometimes people who are sick are not able to be healed on their own and when that happens it is upon us as human beings to come together to help heal them.”


Melson is currently on military orders at Fort Meade, Maryland for 9 weeks in total. He is in school there being trained for his new duty as a Public Affairs Officer in the U.S. Army Reserve. Upon completing training in March, Melson will be looked at in April for a much welcomed promotion to the rank of Major. When he is finished, Melson looks to take his political aspirations to the next level.


If elected, Melson’s mission will involve helping many aspects of human beingsdaily lives with a focus on battling bullying, sickness and disease, poor health care for veterans, veteran suicide, heroin addiction, racism, hunger and unemployment.


“Every part of my journey these past 6 years as a professional boxer has led me to my decision to run for U.S. Congress in 2018. I hope to make my official announcement some time in 2017. Various celebrities and generals have given me their words that they will stand by my side in the public during this run. I am tired of being the human being always asking for help and never being the one asked for help. My mission is to bring the type of fight I brought every fight into the ring and implement it while serving the people as an elected official. I’m confident I can be very effective in using my abilities to help improve the lives of human beings that I am responsible to and for. Самое главное, I need to inspire the hearts and minds of those necessary to help get me elected.”


Melson is also proud to announce that the cause that brought him to boxing, Team Fight To Walk, should have FDA Approval to conduct the clinical trial here in the United States by this Fall. Мелсон, along with Christan Zaccagnino and publicist Matt Yanofsky have raised $400,000 to help conduct this clinical trial. The trial will consist of 27 Spinal Cord Injured human beings in total. It will divide the 27 into three groups of nine treated between the University of Newark Hospital in New Jersey along with Mount Sinai and Long Island Jewish Hospitals in New York.


The study presented to the FDA was published in May of 2016 in the Medical Journal “Cell Transplantation,” with its results being heavily investigated by American physicians. All reviewing physicians agreed with the results, a requirement in order to be published. This exact study conducted in China resulted in 15 снаружи 20 Spinal Cord Injured patients, as a group paralyzed an average of 7 годы, now able to walk at least 10 meters with the help of a walker. The results also showed that 12 out of these same 20 had their bladder and bowel functions restored. Мелсон, Zaccagnino and the rest of Team Fight to Walk believe this is the beginning of our long awaited cure for Spinal Cord Injuries in the United States.


Fans can keep up with the latest on Boyd and contact him via Twitter @Boydmelson, Facebook at Boyd Melson, and Instagram @BoydMelson

Top Prospect Robert Brant Headlines FloBoxing Fight Series Event

FloSports announced today the launch of its “Серия боев FloBoxing,” a high-level boxing series that will feature many of the top fighters, prospects and promotions in boxing beginning Январь. 20 from Grand Casino in Hinckley, Миннесота, проветривание жить on the FloBoxing.tv platform.


One of boxing’s top prospectsand the World Boxing Association’s #3-ranked middleweight in the world–Роберт “Хорошо” Казарка (21-0, 14 нокауты) headlines the first event, defending his WBA-NABA middleweight title against Mount Clemens, Michigan’s Alexis Hloros (18-5) в 10-раундовом бою.


I am extremely excited to be a part of such a groundbreaking series on such an amazing platform,” said Brant, who was named one of ESPN’s 2016 Перспективы года. “I was a subscriber to FloSports far before I ever knew I would one day be featured on the Flo Fight Series. I am not going to disappoint my hometown fans at Grand Casino Hinckley or the many fans who will be tuned in live on FloBoxing.




Brant’s promoter, Грег Коэн Грег Коэн Promotions, сказал, “It is truly incredible to have Rob Brant defend his NABA Middleweight Title on the first installment of FloBoxing Fight Series. High-quality championship match ups being featured on OTT streaming is unquestionably the future of the sport, and I believe FloSports is going to be the leader of this platform. We are very excited and humbled to play a role in bringing this event to the FloSports audience.


The loaded undercard of the first FloBoxing Fight Series event will include top national prospects Duarn Vue, Skendar Halili, Adrian Taylor, Delorien Caraway and Deontae Wislon.


The commentary team for Январь. 20 will feature Mike Letourneau, national boxing writer Steve Kim and former heavyweight champion of the world Hasim “Рок” Рахман. The eight-bout card will begin streaming on FloBoxing.tv at 7:30 p.m. CST.


How to Watch FloBoxing Fight Series: Брант против. Хлорос

On TV: Now Available on Roku & Apple TV 4
STREAMING: Available only on FloBoxing. Sign up today for $20 monthly or $150 yearly. Yearly FloPRO access gets you premium content and events from ALL FloSports sites, including FloCombat, FloWrestling, and FloGrappling.



Steve Farhood Ring 8 Приглашенный спикер, вторник вечером

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Январь 16, 2017) – Award-winning boxing journalist Стив Farhood will be Ring 8’s guest speaker tomorrow night (вечер вторника, Jan., 17) на своем ежемесячном собрании, начиная с 7 p.m. И, в ресторане O’Neill’s (64-21 53rd Drive) в Маспете, Нью-Йорк.
“Кольцо 8 is excited to have Steve Farhood as our featured speakersaid newly appointed Ring 8 президент Джек Хирш. “Steve is one of the most respected media members in the sport and well deserving of the recent announcement that he will be inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.
Internationally respected throughout boxing as an analyst, historian and writer/editor, Farhood is also a New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) призывник. Кольцо 8 sponsors the NYSBHOF.
Farhood, Бруклина, is the former editor-and-chief of The Ring and KO Magazine, in addition to being a veteran television commentator, including his current role for Showtime’s ShoBox: Новое поколение с момента ее создания в 2001. В 2002, he received the prestigious Sam Taub Award from the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) for Excellence in Broadcasting Journalism.
О RING 8: Кольцо 8 стал восьмым дочерней то, что было тогда известно как Национальный Ветеран Боксеры ассоциации – следовательно, RING 8 – и на сегодняшний день девиз организации остается: Боксеры Помочь боксеров.
RING 8 полностью привержены поддержке менее удачливых людей в боксерском сообществе, которые могут нуждаться в помощи в плане уплаты арендной платы, медицинские расходы, или что-то обоснованной необходимости.
Перейти на линии www.Ring8ny.com для получения дополнительной информации о КОЛЬЦА 8, Самая большая группа в своем роде в США с более чем 350 Участники. Ежегодные членские взносы только $30.00 и каждый член имеет право на фуршет в КОЛЬЦА 8 Ежемесячные встречи, за исключением в июле и августе. Все активные боксеры, любительские и профессиональные, с текущей боксерской лицензии или книги имеют право на бесплатный RING 8 ежегодно членство. Гости кольца 8 Участники приглашаются в стоимости лишь в $7.00 на человека..