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Ringstar Sports Adds 2016 Mexican Olympian Lindolfo Delgado to Stable of Exciting Prospects

LOS ANGELES (一月 25, 2017) – Another top amateur standout has joined forces with 呼叫五星体育 to launch his pro career as 2016 墨西哥奥运选手 林道夫·德尔加多 has signed with the Los Angeles-based promotional company.
I’m very proud to welcome a young man with the talent and heart of Lindolfo Delgado to our roster at Ringstar,” 说 理查德·谢弗, Ringstar Sports董事长兼首席执行官. “We’re excited to add a second Mexican Olympian and fifth 2016 Olympian to the Ringstar family. I know that Lindolfo will bring the heart of a Mexican warrior every time he enters the ring and I expect him to be a fan favorite in the U.S and Mexico. I can’t wait to get started on helping him achieve his dreams and make him a star in this sport.
By signing with Ringstar I will be given the best opportunities to become a world champion and have the career I envision,” said Delgado. “I really feel that this is the best promotion company for me. I believe Ringstar can help me reach great heights in the sport and beyond.
Born in Linares, 新莱昂, 墨西哥, the 22-year-old began his boxing career in 2004 在年龄 10. He worked his way up the amateur circuit in Mexico before breaking through by winning a silver medal at the 2010 Junior Mexican National Olympiad. He followed that up with a bronze at the 2011 Youth Mexican National Olympiad and with a championship winning-performance at the 2012 Mexican National Olympiad.
He continued to impress by picking up a gold medal at the 2014 Pan-American Sports Festival and silver medals at the 2014 Central American and Caribbean Games and the 2015 泛美运动会. He would go on to capture gold at the 2016 American Olympic Qualification event and stamp his ticket to the Rio 2016 games to represent Mexico.
The Olympics were a beautiful experience for me,” said Delgado. “I learned that you can’t hold anything back. Every time that I compete, I know that I have to leave it all in the ring. I’m going to do everything I can to take advantage of every opportunity I get.
The lightweight compiled a 139-15 amateur record that included victories over former world champion Amnat Ruenroeng and 2016 中美. Olympian and fellow Ringstar stablemate Carlos Balderas. Delgado currently trains in Tijuana under Pedro Moran.
I’m going to work hard to reach my full potential as a fighter,” said Delgado. “I have an elegant style that is full of passion. Mexican legends are popular because they are warriors. I am going to model my style after them and use it to conquer the sport.
Lindolfo Delgado is the latest addition to the growing stable of Ringstar fighters that already includes: 2016 中美. Olympian Carlos Balderas and his brother, National Golden Gloves champion Jose Balderas, 2016 Super Heavyweight Gold Medalist Tony Yoka, 2016 Bronze Medalist Misael Rodriguez, 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis and top-ranked amateur Money Powell IV.

美洲作战袭击伯班克, 周四加利福尼亚州, 二月 16; 在 AZTECA AMERICA 和 UFC FIGHT PASS® 上直播

凯拉·巴塔拉 VS 瓦内萨·里科·费尔南德斯

埃里克桑切斯 VS. 安德烈斯“子弹”昆塔纳

埃里克“幽灵辣椒”冈萨雷斯 vs. “现实主义者”丹尼·拉米雷斯

何塞“青蛙”埃斯特拉达 vs. 乔治·埃尔南德斯

纽约 - 一月 25, 2017 – Combate Americas 今天宣布了主要赛事 – 女子原子量级 (105 英镑) 之间的对决 凯拉“MOGWAI”Batara (5-4) 和八届西班牙国家柔道冠军 凡妮莎·里科·费尔南德斯 (2-2) – 以及联盟的另外三场比赛 11 住混合武术 (MMA) 事件, 在伯班克的伯班克活动中心举行, 加利福尼亚州. 上 星期四, 二月. 16, 并在 Azteca America 直播 (10 P.M. AND/PT) 和 UFC FIGHT PASS® (8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT).

该活动也将于第二天晚上在墨西哥通过磁带延迟播出, 星期五, 一月. 20 在 11 P.M. CT。, 阿兹台克电视, S·A·B. 德·CV. (BMV: 阿兹台克; 拉蒂贝克斯: XTZA), 世界上最大的两个西班牙语电视节目制作商之一.

从价格 $45, 活动门票 – 《战斗11》 – 可以在网上购买 其我的座位.com.

在羽量级中 (145 英镑) 这项运动中两位冉冉升起的新星之间的联合主赛事, 乌利亚法贝尔-保护 埃里克·桑切斯 (7-2) 将与 Combate Americas 新人发生碰撞 安德烈斯“子弹”昆塔纳 (9-2).

现场直播的其他地方, 淘汰赛艺术家同行 埃里克·“幽灵辣椒”·冈萨雷斯 (5-1) 和 “现实主义者”丹尼·拉米雷斯 (5-2) 将在一场轻量级对决 (155 英镑) 引力, 不败的同时, 严厉的 何塞·“青蛙”·埃斯特拉达 (2-0) 将接受提交艺术家 乔治·“愤怒”·埃尔南德斯 (4-3), 也处于轻量级.

“Combate11”的附加比赛, 包括蝇量级 (125 英镑) 比赛特色 海因里希·“瑞奇·斯克拉普斯”·瓦斯默 (4-1) 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州。, 将很快公布.

凯拉·巴塔拉 vs. 凡妮莎·里科·费尔南德斯

4 英尺 11 英寸, 22-拉斯维加斯的巴塔拉一岁, 内华达州. 你在拉焦拉势不可挡, 在康贝特美洲笼, 赢得全部三场比赛, 包括第二轮 (4:13) 技术击倒 珍妮“凤凰”西尔弗里奥 巴塔拉以前所未有的方式进行了一场地面和猛击,西尔维里奥陷入了“扭曲”,” 巴塔拉著名导师创造的专利提交动作, 埃迪·布拉沃.

让她成为美国. 登场, 里科·费尔南德斯 (2-2) 阿利坎特, 西班牙拥有柔道黑带二级,是西班牙国家柔道队13年成员,前国家自由式摔跤冠军. 迄今为止,她的两次职业综合格斗生涯胜利都是通过降服获得的.

埃里克桑切斯 VS. 安德烈斯·昆塔纳

5尺10, 26-萨克拉门托的桑切斯一岁, 加利福尼亚州. 是一位爆发力十足的终结者,他将在职业生涯中第三次进入拉焦拉, 取得三连胜.

男性阿尔法队成员通过以下方式击败了他最后的所有三个对手 (牛逼)KO或提交, 包括他最后的对手—— 迈克·塞古拉 ——桑切斯强迫他从后面裸绞中出来 50 他们在美洲战斗大会上最后一次见面的几秒钟 四月 18.

罗斯威尔之战, N.M., 6英尺-, 25-岁的金塔纳是另一支毁灭性的力量,他在职业生涯的九场胜利中除了一场之外的所有胜利都是通过 (牛逼)KO.

金塔纳将试图从近五年来唯一的失利中恢复过来——第一轮 (2:10) WHO (身体踢和拳) 掌握在 阿德里安·迪亚兹, 上 五月 19.

埃里克·冈萨雷斯 VS. 丹尼·拉米雷斯

5尺10, 25-托兰斯的冈萨雷斯一岁, 加利福尼亚州. 将面临三连胜的风险, 包括在Combate Americas的推动下取得两连胜.

迄今为止,冈萨雷斯在他的五场职业胜利中取得了四场 (牛逼)KO. 在他去年开始, 他交给了古巴新贵 约安迪·卡里略 他职业生涯的第一次TKO失败 (拳) 在第二轮 (3:13) 战斗.

出生于洛杉矶和前美国. 海洋, 5尺9寸, 27-一岁的拉米雷斯从萨克拉门托出战, 像他的对手一样, 除了五次征服中的一次之外,他在所有征服中都取得了胜利, 通过 (牛逼)KO.

强力击球的拉米雷斯第三轮取得进球 (1:02) WHO (拳) 上 查克·西恩 在他最后一次露面时 八月 27.

何塞·埃斯特拉达 vs. 乔治·埃尔南德斯

在成为专业人士不到一年的时间里, 5英尺6英寸, 26-埃斯特拉达一岁, 他的粉丝最熟悉的名字是“Froggy”,” 已经赢得了残暴拳手的名声, 两场先发均取得首轮淘汰赛胜利, 这两件事都发生在拉焦拉.

菲尔莫尔, 加利福尼亚州. 居民在他的职业首秀中留下了印记, 推杆 乔纳森·基罗斯 在不到两分钟的时间里,他仰面躺下,一拳打倒.

5尺10, 35-圣罗莎的埃尔南德斯一岁, 加利福尼亚州. 将在战斗美洲旗帜下寻求他的第一场胜利, 并试图阻止三打滑行.

两年前才转为职业球员 33, 埃尔南德斯在前四场比赛中轻松获胜, 以降服方式击败三名对手,并以 TKO 方式击败第四名对手.

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GH3 Promotions scores 6 big victories this past Friday night in Atlantic City


纳特利, 新泽西州 (一月 24, 2017)Despite the disappointing loss by Adam Lopez in the main event of the 的ShoBox: 新一代 card at Ballys Atlantic City Hotel and Casino, GH3促销 still had a prosperous evening as the company registered six big victories on the show.

Televised winners included 罗纳德·埃利斯Kenenth Sims, JR.斯蒂芬·扬, 勒罗伊·达维拉(Leroy davila), 基南·史密斯马利克·杰克逊 were all very impressive on the undercard.
Ellis won a 8-round unanimous decision over Christopher Brooker to raise his record to 14-0-1 在超中量级回合.
次中量级, Sims was making his national television debut, and did so in style as he remained perfect by winning a 8-round unanimous decision over Emmanuel Robles to go to 11-0.
Young of St. Louis fought a crowd pleasing fight, and took home a unanimous decision over Olimjon Nazarov and the number-4 ranked bantamweight contender is now 16-0-3.
Davila, 一 2016 United Stated Olympic alternate, dominated and ultimately stopped fellow undefeated bantamweight Anthony Taylor in round three of their four round bout. Davila, a native of New Brunswick, 现在是新泽西州 5-0 同 3 击倒.
Smith of Philadelphia was impressive in stopping Marquis Hawthorne after round five of their scheduled six round welterweight bout. Smith was dominant from the opening bell, and Hawthorne had taken enough punishment to pack it in after round five. Smith is now 10-0 同 4 击倒.
Jackson of Washington, D.C. was making his first start under the GH3 promotional banner and took out an overmatched Christian Foster in the 1st round. The super bantamweight remained perfect at 2-0 with both wins coming early.
Some of our younger guys really showed that they are legit prospects,” said Vito Mielnicki, CEO of GH3 Promotions.
Adam Lopez in defeat showed a lot of heart and he will be back. He has showed that he can beat a lot of good fighters and his loss is just a minor setback. 有了这样说, Ronald Ellis and Kenneth Sims were in exciting fights and came through on 的ShoBox. Ellis is at the point now where he should start getting rated by the sanctioning bodies, and start competing for regional titles in the super middleweight division. We were very impressed by Davila, 年轻, 杰克逊, and Smith. Our next order of business is to get Stephon a big fight very soon.

Mexico’s Jose Alfredo Rodriguez Determined to Win Second World Championship on January 29 Against ‘Pretty Boy’ 安卡哈斯

墨西哥‘s Jose AlfredoToritoRodriguez is promising fireworks in his upcoming world title challenge.
星期天, 一月 29, 2017, at the Studio City Casino in Macao, 中国, 罗德里格斯 (32-4, 19 科斯), 马萨特兰, 锡那罗亚, will attempt to win his second world championship by challenging Cavite City, 菲律宾’ IBF World Super Flyweight Champion Jerwin “漂亮男孩” 安卡哈斯 (25-1-1, 16 科斯) 以上 12 发.
The former interim WBA Light Flyweight Champion Rodriguez says he’s determined to get back where he belongs in boxing.
I took two years off of boxing and missed being a champion. I came back last year on a mission to win another title and that’s what I’m going to do,” 罗德里格斯说. “Nothing can stop me. When I am given the proper time to prepare, I am one of the world’s best. That is what I will show against Ancajas.
The southpaw Ancajas won his title in September of last year with a unanimous decision over McJoe Arroyo. The fight against Rodriguez will be his first defense.
Rodriguez’s manager José A. Acevedo of Free Agent Boxing Management, says his fighter is getting top-level training for this showdown.
Torito is working with his great trainer, Gil Gastelum, at Big Time Boxing in Port St. 露西, Florida and Caicedo Sport Training Center in Miami,” said Acevedo. “And more importantly, he is sparring with some excellent fighters to get ready, including former world champ Juan Carlos Payano, WBA-NABA Bantamweight Champ Stephon Young and upcoming featherweight title challenger Claudio Marrero amongst others. This is the best I’ve ever seen him look. He is very determined to win this championship. Thanks to Manny Pacquiao and Sean Gibbons for this terrific opportunity.
Ancajas is a good fighter and I respect him, but there is nothing that can save his title from me,” continued Rodriguez. I thank him for this opportunity, 这是一个梦想成真, but he’s going home an ex-champ. I am going to be an unbeatable force that night.

Sunday Matinee Detroit Brawl Draws Huge Crowd to Masonic Temple in Detroit

Promoter Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions wishes to thank all the participants, sponsors and especially the fans who helped make his latest “底特律争吵” such a tremendous success.
Held this past Sunday, 一月 22, at the Masonic Temple Downtown, the Detroit Brawl attracted a near sell-out crowd, who took in an exciting night of no less than 10 打架. In the night’s welterweight main event, Detroit’s Lanardo Tyner (31-10-2, 20 科斯) proved he still has plenty left in the tank as he made a meal out of Hungary’s Istvan Dernanecz (10-5, 7 科斯).
泰纳, one of the city’s most beloved fighters, scored an impressive TKO in the first round (1:58).
And in the co-main event, Detroit bantamweight James Gordon Smith (12-0, 7 科斯) had an usually easy night, as he took out Hungary’s Szilveszter Ajtai (10-4-1, 5 科斯) 在 1:00 两个圆形的标记. Having had several slugfests in a row, Smith used his considerable talent to take out his Hungarian foe with a flurry of hard punches along the ropes.
Boxing’s big comeback continues,” said a happy Salita, 战斗后. “The goal of this series was to showcase the best young prospects in the city in competitive match-ups and we’ve done it and the fans have responded very well. The crowd today was very large and loud and came out in force to support their local fighters. It was a great event and thank you to everyone, especially Greektown Casino for their continued support.
Other Results:
Detroits Ja’Rico O’Quinn scored a third-round TKO (2:34) over Chicago’s Angel Carvajal.
在晚上的战斗, super middleweights Deandre Ware of Toledo and Juan Rojas-Sanchez of Coahuila de Zaragoza, 墨西哥, fought to an exciting six-round split draw. 得分 56-58, 58-56 和 57-57.
Heavyweight Junior Wright of Evanston, 伊利诺伊, knocked out Detroit’s Damon McCreary at 2:04 第二轮的.
In another heavyweight match-up, Detroit’s Marcus Carter scored a TKO 2 (1:23) over Manitowoc, Wisconsin’s Timothy Dunn.
Super featherweight Dwayne Zeigler of Montgomery, Alabama won a four-round unanimous decision (40-36, 40-36 和 39-37) of Charles Clark of Dallas, 得克萨斯州.
Detroit super lightweight Larry Ventus Jr. knocked out Fort Myers, Florida’s Jesus Lule with a single left hook. The knockout came at 2:26 第二轮的.
Super welterweight Ardreal Holmes of Flint knocked out Georgia’s Bryan Goldsby at2:59 第二轮的.
Cruiserweight Alexey Zubov of Detroit via Magnitogorsk, 俄罗斯, stopped Budapest, Hungary’s Andras Csomor at 1:05 第三轮.
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问 www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook的叽叽喳喳: @DetroitBrawl


SUNDAY, MARCH 12 AT日落公园在拉斯维加斯
LAS VEGAS (一月 24, 2017) 梅威瑟JR. 基金会 (TFMJF) is proud to announce their 3RD Annual Fight-4-Fitness 5K Race, 2K Walk, 儿童长跑, and Community Day taking place Sunday, 三月 12 在日落公园在拉斯维加斯. This event is intended to support the movement toward more active and healthy lifestyles, while forming community alliances where awareness and empowerment serve as the nucleus for an improved quality of life.
今年, 梅威瑟JR. 基金会, plans to unite runners and families within the Las Vegas community and surrounding communities in an eventful day filled with events geared toward the whole family. The festivities will start off with a 5K race and 2K walk, the Kids Fun Run will follow, and Community Day to commence the event. 孩子们, 年龄 12 下, can take part in a fun-filled scavenger hunt before the Kids Fun Run (one half mile run). The races are followed by an awards ceremony honoring the top 5K Race participants in each age category.
Fight-4-Fitness will also feature great healthy food options, 供应商, merchandise booths, photo-booths, 遇到 & greet with the Mayweather Promotions stable of fighters, live performances, physical activities geared toward fitness and fun, PLUS MORE!
For more information and to stay connected, follow us on social media: @TFMJF on Twitter,@TFMJF on Instagram, 并Facebook的: www.Facebook.com/TFMJF
The full race day schedule is listed below:
  • 10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. -5K Race, 2K Walk, Kids scavenger hunt
  • 11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.儿童长跑 & 颁奖典礼
  • 11:30 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.社区日
Registration for these activities can be completed at www.tfmjf.org/events. Full registration dates and fees are listed below:
  • January 24th-一月 31ST: $30 5K/$25 2K/$15 Kids Fun Run/$20 Community Day
  • February 1st- 二月 28: $35 5K/ $30 2K/ $15 Kids Fun Run/ $20 社区日
  • 三月 1ST– 三月 12: $40 5K/ $35 2K/ $20 Kids Fun Run/ $25 社区日
  • Day of event: $65 5K/ $60 2K/ $25 Kids Fun Run/ $30 社区日
Online registration is open through 三月 10.



Linares-Crolla II Paves The Way For World Title Unification Bout With Winner of
Saturday’s Lightweight World Championship: Dejan Zlaticanin vs. 米奇·加西亚

点击 这里 对于照片; 信贷: 劳伦斯·勒斯蒂格; Matchroom的拳击

曼彻斯特, 英格兰 (一月. 24, 2017) – WBA Lightweight World Champion 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯 与前锦标 安东尼克罗拉 held a press conference on Tuesday in Manchester, 英国, to formally announce their upcoming rematch on 星期六, 三月 25 住在 开演时间 从曼彻斯特竞技场.


Linares (41-3, 27 科斯) narrowly outpointed defending champion Crolla (31-5-3, 13 科斯) last September in a thrilling battle in Crolla’s hometown of Manchester.


The WBC has mandated that the winner of Linares-Crolla II must face the winner of this Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING matchup between WBC Lightweight World Champion 德扬Zlaticanin and undefeated two-division titlist 米奇·加西亚.


Here’s what the fighters had to say on Tuesday:



“I wasn’t supposed to win the first fight, but I’m glad I did so I can come back and do it again.


“The belts mean so much to me and my country, and I am going to work very hard to make sure that I take them home again.


“It’s a new year and a new day. Anthony is going to be better and hungrier, and that means I will work harder, come with more skill and an even better game plan to win.


“I hope to see another huge crowd in Manchester and we’re going to provide the fans with another beautiful fight.”



“I want the belt back, simple. Fighting for these prizes in front of us is huge. I’m so lucky to have a second chance and it’s one I have to take.


“It was a special night last time, great crowd and it’ll be even bigger this time. The setting was perfect but I lost my belt. I lost to a great fighter but I don’t celebrate losing, I don’t want to feel it again and I want to go down in history by beating a great fighter.


“I am better in rematches and I’m locking myself away to work harder and smarter to make sure these belts stay here.


“Jorge is the best and I want to be the best – beating him stakes my claim. I didn’t win the first one but I had success and I can work on that.


“We’ve both got great teams behind us, and I believe if I make the right changes for the fight I will take the titles.”



“The first fight was a hell of a fight. Anthony was the favorite and now Jorge is the favorite.


“Anthony is the challenger in this rematch. He’s had success in rematches before – he did it against Darleys Perez and he came back better. He needs to do that again against Jorge, 别. 1 中科.


“It gives me huge pleasure to announce that the fight will be on SHOWTIME in the U.S. and I want to thank Stephen Espinosa and his team for making this happen.”



“I need a nasty Anthony Crolla for this fight. Jorge is the best in the world so I need to keep him locked away and getting nasty – he won’t be doing any fan signings or selling tickets. If you like Anthony and care about him, leave him alone, let him work, and come and watch him win on the night.”



“I didn’t know how Jorge was going to react to the fans as I know that Anthony has great fans. I think that Jorge won a lot of fans that night and he’ll have his share in the rematch.


“Anthony didn’t have to take the fight, he could’ve gone elsewhere and got some wins, but that shows what a man this guy is. He wants the belts and we expect a better Anthony. I said you would see the best Jorge ever and you did – he’s going to be even better this time.”

Rising Promotions Press Conference video plus interviews with Thomas LaManna and Gabriel Pham


大西洋城, 新泽西州 (一月 24, 2017) – Below is the press conference video from this past 周五 media gathering at the VUE Rooftop Bar and Grill inside The Claridge Hotel to promote this 星期六 晚上的 Rising Promotions card that will feature 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 承担 爱德华多·弗洛雷斯 in the 8-round junior middleweight main event. 在共同特征, Chuck Mussachio will will battle 迈克尔·米切尔 in a light heavyweight bout scheduled for 6-rounds. Also seeing action on the 8 bout card will be 加布里埃尔范 承担 何塞·瓦德拉玛.
Also below are also video interviews with LaManna and Pham. Media outlets may use the videos on their digital platform by copy/paste the embedded codes.
Rising Promotions Press Conference
Rising Promotions Press Conference

Embedded Code:<IFRAME宽度=”560″ 身高=”315″ SRC =”HTTPS://www.youtube.com/embed/cwztRTKXGDs” FRAMEBORDER =”0″ 的allowFullScreen></IFRAME>
Embedded Code
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Embedded Code:
<IFRAME宽度=”560″ 身高=”315″ SRC =”HTTPS://www.youtube.com/embed/9Qav4Id0cy0” FRAMEBORDER =”0″ 的allowFullScreen></IFRAME>
这个伟大的拳击之夜的门票是 $125, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.RSPboxing.com