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Tairons Brunsons uzvar dalītu lēmumu par Brendonu Kvarlesu galvenajā turnīrā, ietilpīgu skatītāju priekšā SugarHouse Casino Filadelfijā

Karloss Rosario gūst aizraujošu pārtraukumu 3. raundā

Viktors Vazkess uzvar 1. kārtā
Travis Kauffman – Amir Mansour šo piektdien Reading, PA
UZ TIEŠĀ Release
Philadelphia, PA. (Gājiens 11, 2017) – Tairons Brunsons uzvarēja 8 raundu dalītu lēmumu pār Bandonu Kvarlesu galvenajā turnīrā ar 8 bumbu kārti pie pārpildītas mājas SugarHouse Casino..
Izrādi reklamēja King’s Promotions.
Tā bija darbība piepildīta cīņa, kurā abi puiši bija agresori dažādos cīņas posmos. Brunsons parādīja daudzpusīgāku viņa pusi, ka daudziem boksa faniem ir patvērums;gadu no viņa nav redzēts. Tādu, kas atšķīrās no brīnišķīgā nokautā sitiena, ar kuru Brunsons bija pazīstams, kad viņš nokautēja 1. 19 cīnītājiem, ar kuriem viņš saskārās 1. raundā.
Šis Brunsons izmantoja savas kājas, lai izveidotu sitienus no sitiena, ko viņš arī vairākas reizes piezemējās ar varu aiz tās nūjas. Quarles bija ļoti spēle, jo viņam bija savi momenti un smagi sitieni, kas saglabāja Brunsona godīgumu. Brunsons piezemējās arvien stiprāk, un viņš uzvarēja ar punktu pārsvaru 78-74 un 77-75. Quarles paņēma karti plkst 77-75.
Tagad ir Filadelfijas Brunsons 24-6-2. Aleksandrijas kvartāli, Virginia ir 18-4-1.
Tairona Brunsona intervija pēc cīņas
Tairona Brunsona intervija pēc cīņas
Novēlota punktu atskaitīšana Deividam Gonsalesam maksāja dalītu lēmumu, jo viņš sešu raundu cīņā piekāpās Huanam Rodrigesam junioru pusvidējā svara cīņā.
Tā bija smaga cīņa, līdz Gonzalesam tika atņemts punkts 30 sekundes turēšanai par turēšanu.

Rodrigess no Haymarket, Virdžīnija ieguva divas kārtis 58-55 un 57-56, kamēr Gonzales no Filadelfijas paņēma karti 57-56.

Rodrigess ir 7-6-1. Gonzaless ir 8-2-2.

Karloss Roasrio nokāpa no grīdas, bet 3. raundos pārtrauca Lensu Viljamsu plānotajā 6 raundu vieglā svara cīņā..
Carlos Rosario
Rosario otrajā raundā no labās rokas guva nokautu. Seconds later, tas bija Viljamss, kurš ar smagu labo sitienu stūrī nomāca Rosario. In kārtā trīs, Rosario apbruņoja Viljamsu ar cietu kreiso āķi. Viljamss piecēlās kājās, bet tiesnesis Stīvs Smogers apturēja cīņu plkst 46 sekundes kārtā trīs.
Rosario no Pennsauken, NJ ir 7-1 ar 4 knockouts. Viljamss no Maskatinas, IA ir 7-8.

Viktors Vazkess guva 1. raunda pārtraukumu pār Maiku Fauleru plānotajā 6 raundu supervieglajā cīņā..

Vazkess bija pa visu Fauleru un nometa viņu ar kreiso sitienu stūrī. Faulers nespēja pārspēt 10 punktu skaitu plkst 1:38.
Viktors Vazkess
Vazkess no Jonkersas, NY ir 7-2 ar 3 knockouts. Faulers no Milvoki, WI ir 5-7.

Sems Oropeza debitēja profesionāli, kā viņam vajadzēja 35 sekundes, lai viņu kreisera svara cīņā iznīcinātu kolēģi pro debiteru Džo Pārkinsonu.

Oropeza piezemējās pa kreisi, nometot Parkinsonu. Parkinsona pakausi ietriecās audeklā, un viņš vairākus mirkļus bija auksts, pirms ringa ārsti spēja viņu nogādāt kājās.

Brendons Robinsons pussmagā svara cīņā uzvarēja 4 raundu vienbalsīgu lēmumu pār Lamontu Maklauglinu.

Robinsons atmeta Maklauglinu trešajā kārtā un devās mājās, lai gūtu uzvaru 40-35 kārtis.

Robinsons no Filadelfijas ir 2-1. McLaughlin no Filadelfijas debitēja profesionāli.

Vincents Floids apturēja Bleinu Donkoru viņu plānotās 4 raundu cīņas otrajā kārtā.

Floids izraisīja spēcīgu satricinājumu, kas piespieda tiesnesi Stīvu Smogeru pārtraukt cīņu plkst 1:48.

Floids no Filadelfijas tagad ir 2-2-1 ar vienu nokauts. Vašingtonas Donkors, D.C. gadā debitēja profesionāli.

Edvards Ortiss un Šarifs Džonss cīnījās līdz 4 raundu spraigam neizšķirtam supervidējā svara cīņā.
Ortizs no Sanantonio, TX ir 3-0-2. Džounss no Filadelfijas ir 0-1-1.

King’s Promotions piedāvās The Road To the Heavyweight Championship, Šo piektdien Santanderas arēnā Redingas pilsētā, Tētis. kad Treviss Kaufmans cīnās ar Amiru Mensuru

SugarHouse, kas tika atvērts septembrī 2010 kā Philly’s kazino, Iespējas 1,891 slots, 103 galda spēles, 28 galdu pokera istaba, jautras un unikālas ēdināšanas iespējas, skatu uz upi un bezmaksas autostāvvietu. Kazino nodarbina aptuveni 1,700 cilvēki, un sešus gadus pēc kārtas ir balsots par a “Labākā vieta darbam” Philadelphia Business Journal un piecus gadus pēc kārtas a “Labākā darba vieta” no Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, vizīte

Plašāka informācija un Kauffman akreditācijas dati – Mansour, Lūdzu, aizpildiet veidlapu zemāk esošajā saitē:

Demetrius Andrade wins WBA Junior Middleweight title with split decision over Jack Culcay

UZ TIEŠĀ Release

Ludwigshafen, Vācija (Gājiens 11, 2017)–Demetrius Andrade walked into the lions den and came out of it a two-time world champion with a 12-round split decision to capture the WBA Junior Middleweight world title over defending champion Jack Culcay in Ludwigshafen, Vācija.
Andrade was the superior boxer, who controlled the bout with his combination punching as he worked the body and then came upstairs to the head of Culcay. Andrade kept a solid distance with his jab, that thwarted Culcay’s oncoming rushes. It was a tough grueling battle as Culcay (22-2, 11 KO s) tried to bull his way in, had some, but little success and, Andrade was consistently finishing off the exchanges with the prominent punches.
The fight had entertaining exchanges throughout, but it was the workrate of Andrade that was the difference to the tune of 116-112 twice while Culcay took a card 115-114.
I thought I did everything that I needed to do. I came to Germany and took the title,”Teica Andrade. “Culcay came like a champion, but I was the better man. I outlanded him and I came out with the victory.
Andrade (24-0, 16 KO s) of Providence, Rhode Island is now a 2-time world champion as he adds the WBA belt to his trophy case.
“Tā uzskata, lieliski. It was a great opportunity to come over here. I never lost my other belt in the ring, so it feels likeAnd still, and the New, and still undefeated” pasaules čempions”
“Es tikai gribu, lai cīnītos labākais. Līnija tos, and I will knock all the champions down.
With the title, Andrade will look to come back to the United States and defend his crown. I just want to thank my whole team, everyone in Providence, New England, Matrix Aerospace, SNAC, Everlast, and my promoters. “


Nikolay Potapov Outpoints Antonio Nieves, Wesley Tucker Defeats Ed Williams & Joshua Greer Jr. Knocks Out James Gordon-Smith On ShoBox: The New Generation From MGM Grand Detroit

Nepalaidiet garām Replay Otrdiena, Gājiens 14 Pie 10 p.m. UN/PT Showtime EXTREME®

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Fotogrāfijām; Credit Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

DETROIT (Gājiens 11, 2017) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields shined in her television debut, knocking out the durable Szilvia Szabados in the fourth round (1:30) to advance to 2-0 as a professional in the main event on ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes Piektdiena on SHOWTIME at MGM Grand Detroit.

Shields (2-0, 1 Kos) put on a show less than an hour from her hometown of Flint, Mich., landing nearly 50 percent of her power shots in the first women’s boxing main event in premium television history.

Szabados (15-9, 6 Kos), Ungārijas, didn’t touch the canvas but never really stood a shot against an opponent that has been billed as the future of women’s boxing. Shields came out blazing in the opening round, backing up Szabados with crisp, clean punches as she out-landed her opponent 31-4 in the first.

Shields was a bit more patient and settled in the second and third, but the onslaught continued against a relatively defenseless Szabados. After a flush right hand, left hook combo in the fourth, referee Harvey Dock had seen enough and stepped in to halt the contest with Szabados still on her feet.

“It was about respect,” Shields said of her performance. “I wanted to go out there and show I had power and I wasn’t scared of her. I knew she was tough coming in. That’s why I started going to the body. I was going to get the clean shot in one round and she was going to go, but the ref stopped it in the fourth. A knock out is a knockout. It was exciting.

“I’m glad everyone came. I took advantage of this great opportunity once again. It’s another step toward winning a world title.”

Szabados said she was disappointed with Dock’s decision to stop the fight when he did. “I’m very sad and heartbroken right now because it only went four rounds and I could have kept going,” she said. “Her hits were not painful. Her right hook got me a lot, Es zinu. I could feel that one.”

In ShoBox co-funkcija, Nikolay Potapov narrowly edged Antonio Nieves in a close, 10-round split decision scored 96-94 Potapov twice, 96-94 Nieves.

The technical match between undefeated top-10 bantamweight prospects was close from the opening bell. Nieves was the more active fighter, nolaišanās 64 punches per round to Potapov’s 50, but the round-by-round breakdowns reveal that Potapov prevailed in total connects as well as in landed power shots.

“Es domāju, tas bija tuvu cīņa, but I came on strong at the end,” Potapov said. “I had more and finished stronger. That made the difference. I am much more aggressive now and I sit down on my shots. That’s the difference training at Kronk has done for me.

I knew I won the fight. I wasn’t surprised when I got it. I wasn’t happy about the judging in my last big fight, but I thought this time I had done more than enough to win.”

Nieves did impressive work to the body, sazināšanos 59 total body shots compared to just 14 for Potapov, but it wasn’t enough to earn him the decision.

“Es domāju, es uzvarēja. I thought it was a bad decision,” Nieves said. “I don’t even think it should have been a spilt decision. I thought I was up clearly. He didn’t really score like he wanted to. I was making him miss and landing all the sharper punches. Everything he was hitting me with I was blocking and coming back.

I don’t know why close fights don’t go my way. From here I go back to the drawing board. My whole team and a lot of the crowd felt like I won. I would love to fight him again.”

In a featured matchup between undefeated welterweights, Wesley Tucker (14-0, 8 Kos) edged Ed Williams in an eight-round unanimous decision scored 77-73, 79-71, 78-72 Tucker.

The foul-filled fight featured little action. Toledo’s Tucker landed 31 procenti no viņa varas šāvienu salīdzinot ar tikai 19 percent for Detroit’s Williams (12-2-1, 4 Kos), who was deducted two points for hitting to the back of the head on separate occasions. Tucker (14-0, 8 Kos) didn’t land a jab the entire fight, but his heavier shots and accuracy with his power shots seemed to be more impressive to the judges.

He was an awkward, long fighter, who knew how to move very well,” Tucker said. “I’m not disappointed it turned out like that. Not every fight can be pretty, so I came out with the win and that’s what matters most.

I was really frustrated in there, but I’m an action kind of fighter, so when he was running it kind of was pissing me off. He was all over the place. He ran the whole fight.”

Williams landed only 17 procenti no savām kopējām perforatori.

He didn’t show me anything I didn’t expect,” Williams said. “This week was a great experience for me, but you want to come out with a win and I wasn’t able to get it done.”

Jo televīzijas nazis, Joshua Greer Jr. handed bantamweight prospect James Gordon-Smith his firstloss with a brutal one-punch sixth-round knockout (2:06).

After a blazing first round that saw over 50 power shots landed, Greer pepped his opponent with a steady diet of counter rights as Gordon-Smith continued to charge forward and fight largely off-balance. Chicago’s Greer floored Gordon-Smith with a perfectly timed right uppercut in the opening seconds of the fifth and, despite looking dazed, Gordon-Smith rallied to survive the back-and-forth round.

In the sixth, Greer (12-1-1, 5 Kos) knocked Gordon-Smith out cold with a huge straight right that sent the Detroit native falling face forward as referee Harvey Dock immediately waved off the bout.

“I guess he blinked. That was the problem,” Greer said. “I told everyone when I got here I didn’t have that pillow for no reason. I said don’t blink and I wasn’t playing. I knew I was going to get him. The pillow is just my trademark. It’s nothing personal. You have to stand out somehow. That’s just what I do. Nothing personal to him.

“I knew what I came to do. I’m excited but I’m not shocked. My team knew what would happen and they had confidence in me. I knew it was only a matter of time.”

Gordon-Smith (11-1, 6 Kos) bija 160th fighter to suffer his first defeat on the prospect developmental series. And Nieves would later become the 161st.

Piektdienas quadrupleheader will replay on Otrdiena, Gājiens 14 pie 10 p.m. UN/PT Showtime EXTREME. The telecast will also be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® un Showtime Anytime®.

“Detroit City Gold,” was promoted by Salita Promotions.

Barry Tompkins called the ShoBox rīcība no ringside ar Steve Farhood un bijušais pasaules čempions Raul Marquez kalpo kā ekspertu analītiķi. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

# # #


Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 ar Dmitriy Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.




Featherweight Co-Main Event:
Walter Zamora vs. Alex “Gallito” Flores

Erick “Ghost Pepper” Gonzalez vs. Marco Antonio “La Roca” Elpidio
Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet vs. Jose Salasar

NEW YORK – Gājiens 10, 2017 – Combate Americas announced its second event of the year in a Mexican territorya debut visit to the city of Tijuana – par Ceturtdiena, Gājiens 30, live on Azteca America (10 p.m. UN/PT) and UFC Fight Pass® (8 p.m. UN/5 p.m. PT), from Auditorio Fausto Gutierrez Moreno.

Jo bantamweight (135 mārciņas) Galvenais notikums, Argentīniete Marcelo “Pitbull” Rojo (10-4) will square off with fellow rising star and Monterrey, Mexico native Iván “El Brasil” Flores (8-1-1).

Rojo, a semifinalist on the third season of The Ultimate Fighter Latin America, will make his promotional debut in La Jaula, Combate Americas būris, and set out to prove that he has the tools necessary to lead Combate Americasfast-growing, 135-mārciņa nodaļa.

“I’m not only here as a guest. I came here to become the most important fighter in my division,” said Rojo. “MMA has grown in Argentina, and it’s about time that we show that on this side of the continent. This fight will be a duel between the North against South.”

On the other side, Ziedi, who suffered his first career defeat at the hands of unbeaten Mark “The Bumblebee” Delarosa at the Combate Americas event in Mexico City, Mexico on Janvāris 19, now wants to return to the win column immediately.

“When you face a Mexican fighter, you have to be prepared for the most difficult fight of your life. ES ceru (Rojo) is aware of that, if he wants to be victorious” said Flores.

Rojo will fight for the first time in Mexico after an extensive career in South American arenas where he has become one of the most popular fighters in the region.

In the featherweight (145 mārciņas) co-galvenais notikums, Walter Zamora (9-2) of Costa Rica will battle Alex “Gallito” Flores (8-1) of Monterrey.

Zamora’s debut in Combate Americas will once again personify the sports rivalry between Mexican and Central American fighters.

“Mexico is always the one to beat at any sport,” Zamora explained. “It won’t be any different against Flores. We are going to put on a good show. It will be a spectacular evening because the best fighters of the Americas will be present in Tijuana.”

In other action in La Jaula, Erick “Ghost Pepper” González (5-2) Los Angeles, Calif. will return to action just six weeks after his heroic, “Fight of the Night” performance against Danny “The Realist” Ramírez at Combate11 on February 16.

Gonzalez will battle Marco Antonio “La Roca” Elpidio (7-1) of Mexico City in a lightweight (155 mārciņas) lieta. Elpidio was victorious by way of split decision over Rodrigo “Kazula” Vargas at the Combate Americas event in Mexico City.

Gonzalez’s three-fight win streak was snapped when he gave up a unanimous decision to Ramirez.

In another bantamweight scrap, Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet (4-1) Las Vegas, Nev. būs saduras ar Jose Salasar (4-2) no Tijuana.

Ruquet notched a spectacular victory by submission (aizmugures naked choke) otrajā kārtā (1:47) of action against Jose “The Ghost” Ceja at the Combate Americas event in Mexico City.

Additional Combate12 bouts will be announced soon.

UFC FIGHT PASS is a digital subscription service which gives fans access to exclusive live UFC events and fights, exclusive live MMA and combat sports events from around the world, exclusive original and behind the scenes content and unprecedented 24-7 access to the world’s largest fight library.

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News From Gleason’s Gym, Upcoming Events

White Collar/ Master’s Boxing show in London, Anglija
Gājiens 31, 2017
Visi Female klīnika
Aprīlis 13-15, 2017

Gleason’s Gym will host the seventh annual All Female Clinic and a boxing show.

Ja Jums ir interese, lūdzu, sazinieties ar Bruce Silverglade at (718) 797-2872vai e-pastu
The boxing show will be at Gleason’s Gym on Aprīlis 15
Personal Trainers Certification Clinic
Maijs 4-7, 2017
Personal Trainers-Get your Boxing Certification and earn more money. Tell your friends and co-workers. Spread the word.
Sign up now for this clinic.
This clinic is not for USABoxing Certification. It is not for USABoxing trainers and is not recognized by USABoxing.
If you are interested contact Bruce Silverglade at Gleason’s Gym. The telephone number is: 718 797 2872 and the email address is
Gleason’s Fundrasier Show
Maijs 10, 2017

BB Kings Times Square NYC

Cīnītāji 4 Life is a 501C3 nonprofit organization that raises money by hosting amateur boxing shows.

Our Ninth Charity Boxing Show, The Night of Charity Boxing, notiks Wednesday May 10th 2017 at BB Kings 42nd Street.
We are looking for interesting, exciting participants that are up for the physical challenge of a lifetime.
Jūnijs 15-17, 2017
15th Annual Gleason’s Fantasy Camp
Augusts 10 caur 13, 2017

Džeks Kulkejs 153.2 lbs – Demetrius Andrade 153.4 lbs

Džeks Kulkejs 153.2 lbs – Demetrius Andrade 153.4 lbs
UZ TIEŠĀ Release

Ludwigshafen, Vācija (Gājiens 10, 2017)–WBA junior middleweight world champion Jack Culcay weighed in at 153.2 lbs while mandatory challenger and undefeated Demetrius Andrade weighed in at 153.4 lbs at Piektdienas weigh in for their championship bout that takes place sestdien in Ludwigshafen, Vācija
Foto Credit / Team Sauerland

Anthony “Sula” Young takes on Samuel Amoako this Tomorrow night at The Claridge in Atlantic City

Gabriel Pham vs. Chauncey Fields in co-feature
Undefeated Heavyweight “Brutāls” Brendan Barrett back in the boxing ring this Saturday night at The Claridge in Atlantic City
Also seeing action: Dan Pasciolla
UZ TIEŠĀ Release

Atlantic City, NJ (Gājiens 10, 2017)–Papildsvars Anthony “Sula” Jauns uzņemsies Samuel Amoako Šo sestdien nakts The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The show is promoted by Rising Promotions.
Jauns, 15-2 with six knockouts of Atlantic City will be looking for his 5th consecutive victory when he takes on Amoko (21-13, 14 KO s) no Akrā, Gana.
Amoako turned professional in 2005 with a victory over contender Albert Mensah (9-2-1). Amoako, 32 years-old is the former WBO African Lightweight champion Lightweight champion.
Amoako is coming off a 4-round unanimous decision loss to Sam Teah on August 6th in Bristol, PA.
My training is good. It’s fight week, so I am just maintaining weight. I had a good camp working on my footwork. I sparred with Danny Garcia,” teica Young.
The transition to Amoako was easy, as he was already sparring orthodox fighters, even thought original opponent Rogelio Casarez was a southpaw.
I was sparring right handers anyway, and when Amoako came in, it was no big deal with the switch of the opponent.
Savā pēdējā cīkstēšanās, Young was dominating James Robinson until the final round when he got caught and eventually knocked down. Young was able to get out of the round and hang on for the victory on January 20th.
I leaned it’s boxing, and one punch can change the fight. I need to stay sharp for the whole fight and not get lackadaisical.
In now his 18th bout, Young is taking a minor step up against a veteran who has fought 201 professional rounds.
This is my first official 8-round bout. I plan to put on a great performance for the fans. I am grateful for Rising promotions. They gave me a opportunity to fight in front of my fans, and I am looking for them to keep it going.
In a 6-round bouts:
Dan Pasciolla (8-2) Ķieģeļu, NJ cīnīsies LeMarcus Tucker (4-1,2 KO s) of Forrest City, Arkansas in a heavyweight bout.
Gabriels Fems (7-1, 3 KO s) no Atlantic City, NJ uzņemas Chauncey Fields (4-1, 2 KO s) no Lynchburg, VA un a super middleweight bout.
4-apaļas bouts:
Brendan Barrett (4-0-2, 4 KO s) Little Egg Harbor, NJ uzņemas Brian Donahue (3-13) Filadelfijas ar smagiem cīkstēšanās.
Adrian Wilson (0-3) of Atlantic City battles Henry Tyrone Paige (0-3) of Little Rock, Arkansas in a welterweight bout.
Kevin Asmat (1-1) North Bergen, NJ uzņemsies Edgar Cortes (3-4) no Vineland, NJ on a super featherweight bout.
Thomas Romain (1-1) of New York will square off with Sānu bloķētājs (1-6-1) no Pleasantville, NJ in a lightweight fight.
In a battle of pro debuting welterweights, Cesar Francis of New York boxes Steve Moore Orange, New Jersey
There will be several amateur bouts that will precede the professional bouts beginning at 6 PM ET.
Tickets for this great evening of boxing are $150, $80 un $55 un to var iegādāties plkst


Matt Probin delivers a flying knee on a Muay Thai fight card in Thailand


Lewiston, Maine (Gājiens 10, 2017) – New England cīņas (NEF) presents its next mixed-martial-arts event “NEF 28: INVINCIBLE” sestdien, Aprīlis 29, 2017 pie ANDROSCOGGIN Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Maine. Agrāk šodien, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Matt “Pretty Boy” Probin (0-0) tiksies Aplaupīt “Beast” Best (0-0) pie cīņa svaru 145 mārciņas.

Probin, a well known boxer, kickboxer and mixed-martial-artist, came to Maine and began training in the Pine Tree State in 2015. A native of Blackpool, Anglija, Probin had spent time training in North Carolina prior to arriving in Maine. He put together a 6-2 record as an amateur MMA competitor and won a regional title in the Carolinas. While he has not competed in MMA since moving to Maine, Probin has stayed active competing in other combat sports. Viņš ir 2-2 kā profesionāls bokseris, and he has also spent time training Muay Thai in Thailand in recent years. Probin even competed at the world famous Bangla Boxing Stadiumone of Thailand’s premier Muay Thai venues. He will make his professional MMA debut on Aprīlis 29 kā loceklis Bangor, Maine’s Young’s MMA.

I feel like this has been a long time coming,” said Probin when reached for comment. “I’m excited to make my debut for NEF and put on a show for my friends and fans in my adopted hometown. Nelietojiet mirgot!”

With more than two-dozen fights since 2011, Rob Best has been one of the Northeast’s most continuously active MMA competitors in recent years. Kā amatieru, Best captured a regional lightweight title in New York state. He is a member of Mohawk Valley MMA based in the Utica area. Like Probin, the bout on Aprīlis 29 will be Best’s professional MMA debut.

New England Fights returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 28: INVINCIBLE,” sestdien, Aprīlis 29, 2017. Tickets are on sale now at the Colisee box office 207-783-2009 x 525 un tiešsaistē

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par notikumu un cīņu karšu atjauninājumi, lūdzu, apmeklējiet veicināšanu tīmekļa Turklāt, Jūs varat skatīties NEF videoklipus, follow the promotion on Twitter and Instagram @nefights, and join the official Facebook groupNew England Fights.

Par New England cīņās

New England cīņas (“NEF”) ir cīņa notikumi akcijas kompānija. NEF misija ir radīt augstākās kvalitātes notikumus Maine ir cīnītāji un atbalstītāji. NEF izpildvaras komandai ir liela pieredze kaujas sporta vadība, notikumi ražošana, mediju attiecības, mārketings, legal, regulatory affairs and advertising.

FITE invites fans to join Jim Ross in a LIVE CHAT during ROH 15th Anniversary

FITE TV will stream 16 live events this weekend from the Pro Wrestling, Bokss, MMA and Muay Thai world.

The live action starts Piektdiena 3/10 9pm ET with the Ring of Honor 15th Anniversary where viewers can also interact with Jim Ross who will be in the FITE app chat taking questions and giving his thoughts on the action.

Chat starts on the top of the hour and is available to ROH 15th Anniversary viewers exclusively on the FITE platform.

Full list of events is attached and also on this link:

Jim Ross exclusively on the FITE chat

Jim Ross LIVE Chat

ROH 15th Anniversary
ROH 15th Anniversary on FITE


PVO: LEONARD ELLERBE, Izpilddirektors Mayweather Promotions
FIGHTERS: Badou Jack, J'Leon Mīlestība, Alexis Santiago, Kevin Newman plus more!
KAS: FLOYD Mayweather JR. FOUNDATION invites the Las
Vegas community and surrounding areas to join us for our 3rd Annual Fight-4-Fitness. The festivities will start off with a 5K race and 2K walk, the scavenger hunt & Kids Fun Run will follow, and Community Day will finish up the event. Fight-4-Fitness will also feature vendors, merchandise booths and a meet & greet with the Mayweather Promotions stable of fighters. Comedian & radio personība Mike Pwill host this year’s event while the event also features Las Vegas’ pašaDJ D Miles, Prodigy Dance Group, a live step show from UNLV’s Zeta Phi Beta, un The Monster Kids!
KAD: Svētdiena, MARTS 12TH
The 2017 event day schedule (all times PT):
8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – Participant registration/check-in
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.Kids Scavenger Hunt
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.5K Run & 2K Walk
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Kids Fun Run
11:30 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.Balvas ceremonija
11:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.Kopiena diena
2601 East Sunset Road
Las Vegas, NV 89120
The 3rd Annual Fight-4-Fitness 5K Race, 2K Walk, KIDS FUN RUN, & Kopiena diena sponsors to date include: Mayweather Promotions, The Money Team, Mayweather Sports, Showtime, and Greenspun Media Group. Šogad, a portion of registration proceeds will go toward local Las Vegas track teams, and the top 3 track teams with the highest registration participation will also be presented with a cash prize for their respective teams: 1st place will receive a donation of $5000, 2nd place will receive a donation of $3,000, un 3rd place team will receive a donation of $2,000.
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For additional information follow on Twitter: @FloydMayweather and @TFMJF, Kļūsti ventilatoru par Facebook at un, follow on Instagram at and