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Top Russian heavyweight Sergei Kharitonov Commits to fighting on M-1 Challenge 80 card June 15 在中国

莫斯科 (三月 27, 2017) – 俄罗斯重量级 谢尔盖 “该伞兵” Kharitonov has committed to fighting 六月 15M-1的挑战 80 card in Harbin, 中国. Kharitonov will square-off against veteran Brazilian MMA fighter Marcus Viniciuds “山” 洛佩斯 在主要事件.
Kharitonov (23-6-0, M-1的: 3-0-0) is undefeated in three M-1 Challenge events having defeated former M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion 肯尼 “两点” 谷仓 两次, at M-1 挑战 59 在 2015 at Kazakhstan (WKO/TKO4 – 拳) 和 M-1的挑战 43 在 2013 at China, (KO/TKO3 – 伤), 并 财务阿列克谢M-1的挑战 53 在 2014 俄罗斯 (KO2).
Kharitonov, who has also fought in Strikeforce and PRIDE, has defeated some of the greatest heavyweight MMA fighters of all-time, 含 Allistair Overeem, 安德烈Arlovski, FABRICIO韦尔杜姆 佩德罗里佐.
洛佩斯 (15-0-0, M-1的: 2-1-0) 打败 Evgeni Myakinkin by three-round unanimous decision this past February at M-1的挑战 74. Lopes won a three-round unanimous decision over 库尔班·易卜拉欣莫夫 in his M-1 debut last July. His lone M-1 loss came at M-1的挑战 71 this past October to former M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion 斯蒂芬Puetz, who used a choke hold for a third-round submission victory.
A pressure fighter and solid striker, Lopes is a jiu-jitsu champion in his native Brazil, where most of his MMA fights have been held during his 6 1/2-years professional career.
In a recent interview with M-1 Global News, Kharitonov said, “I received a lot of offers but I prefer to fight in M-1 Global.Below is the complete Q & A with Kharitonov:
Do you know who your opponent will be at M-1 Challenge and, 否则, what are your expectations?
SK: “I don’t not know anything yet. I received an offer from M-1 to fight in China. Since I have been talking with (M-1全球总裁) 瓦迪姆·芬克尔希泰因 for a long time and understand each other, I gave my consent Vadim said I am popular in China and that he wanted me to represent Russia in this tournament. 在这一刻, I have no thoughts or assumptions about this fight because I’m focused on my upcoming Bellator fight. This is my main objective right now and after that fight I will think about the M-1 fight.
Bellator did not give permission for a fight last December in Russia. What changed this time and was it difficult to get permission to fight again in M-1?
SK: “There were no problems. I do not want to comment on how we came to an agreement, bit one thing is for sure, I’ve received permission and after my next Bellator fight I will fight at M-1 Challenge 80 in China.
You fought in China at M-1 Challenge 53. How do you like the local audience there and what are your overall impressions of the tournament?
SK: “Everything was fine. I liked the level of organization, 球迷’ attitude toward the athletes, and the response from the public. I think M-1 has good experience in terms of holding tournaments in China, so this time they can make it an even bigger show.
Do you accept offers to fight from other Russian organizations and why did you decided to fight in M-1?
SK: “是的, I received a lot of offers, especially recently. I won’t say specifically but they were from major Russian MMA organizations. But I have a long relationship with M-1 and me and Vadim know each other well. We get along well and trust each other. 因此, O prefer to fight in M-1 Global.
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2016 奥运会铜牌得主尼科·埃尔南德斯在主场职业首秀中大放异彩

Tramaine “强大的侏儒” 威廉姆斯决定爱德华多 “雷声” 加尔萨要提高到 10-0
Neeco “Rooster” 马西亚斯在后面乌鸦叫
“KO拳击之夜: 历史开始”
尼科·埃尔南德斯 (ř) 是未来之星
(所有图片均由查尔斯·黄羽拍摄 / KO拳击之夜)
莫凡, 堪萨斯州 (三月 25, 2017) — 昨晚,一位未来之星诞生了 2016 奥运会铜牌得主 尼科·埃尔南德斯 在他的职业首秀中表现出色, 停车 拍 “休闲裤” 古铁雷斯 在第四轮比赛中 “KO拳击之夜: 历史开始” 主要事件, 哥伦比亚广播公司体育网在马尔文的堪萨斯明星竞技场现场直播, 堪萨斯州.
“KO拳击之夜: 历史开始” 被KO拳击之夜呈现有限责任公司, 与堪萨斯之星赌场合作, 并由 Miller Lite 赞助, 梅尔汉贝尔顿福特和标题拳击.
大的, 家乡群众超过 3,100 有埃尔南德斯 (1-0, 1 KO) 激动地开始战斗, 他很快就把自己确立为明显的侵略者. 21岁的他在第二年安顿下来, 展示他的全套拳法, 当他撞古铁雷斯时’ 身体也有效落地到楼上.
埃尔南德斯在第三局切断了戒指, 经常困住古铁雷斯 (0-3) 绳索上, 在那里,他挥出了惩罚性的拳头,开始对这位勇敢的拉斯维加斯拳手造成伤害. 埃尔南德斯’ 第四节继续占据主导地位, 即使他出人意料地从正统姿势转变为左撇子姿势, 伤害了古铁雷斯,直到他的角球要求裁判停止行动.
尼科·埃尔南德斯 (ř) 捣毁帕特·古铁雷斯
“没有比这更好的了,” 埃尔南德斯在比赛结束后满面笑容地说. “将拳击带到威奇托对我来说意义重大, 致整个堪萨斯州, 对于这些很棒的粉丝. 我开始稍微改变一下,因为它有效. 我想再次回归战斗 两个月.
“我不是为了感谢 KO 夜间拳击. 这就是我想象的方式. 当我在隧道里等待时, 我能听到人群高呼我的名字. 这是一个伟大的拳击之夜. 我想在这里带来更多的节目.
“这里的战斗 今晚 与奥运会上的格斗有很大不同 (在巴西). 今晚 他们在为我欢呼, 不管我和谁打,他们都会在奥运会上向我发出嘘声,因为我是美国人。”
在共同特征, 天才纽黑文 (CT) 左撇子 Tramaine “强大的侏儒” 威廉姆斯 将他的不败纪录提高到 10-0 (3 科斯), 在八轮比赛中展现出特殊的擂台技巧,取得令人印象深刻的一致判定 爱德华多 “雷声” 加尔萨 (6-2, 2 科斯).
经典拳击手, 威廉姆斯也表现出了一些流行 今晚, 两次掉落加尔萨, 第一轮一次,第三轮一次. 威廉姆斯, 为 Roc Nation Sports 首次亮相, 以分数取得胜利 79-71 两次, 78-72.
特拉梅因·威廉姆斯 (ř) 超越爱德华多·加尔萨
“我表现还行,” 威廉姆斯评论道. “最后两轮我有点气喘吁吁,但我已经两年没上擂台了. 我们知道他刺拳时下巴掉了下来; 我遵循了游戏计划并且成功了. 他奋力拼搏, 他不是来输的. 现在, 我要争取最好的. 我们走吧!”
无情的初中量级 Neeco “Rooster” Macias (15-0, 8 科斯), 特哈查比的战斗, 加利福尼亚州, 提高了他作为地区舞台上不断崛起的竞争者的声誉, 攻击他的游戏墨西哥敌人, 塞萨尔·索里亚诺 (26-35-1, 16 科斯), 从开场到比赛结束,八回合一致判定,苦战获胜.
左撇子以其不间断的马达而闻名, 马西亚斯从各个角度出拳, 让索里亚诺没有移动的空间,也没有时间喘口气, 以分数获胜 80-71, 79-72, 78-73).
“我觉得我可以做得更好,” 马西亚斯承认. “对手来打八回合,我们互相尊重. 我还在学习. 每个人都有一个游戏计划,直到他们被击中. 我没有像我应该的那样移动. 我感谢我的对手给了我一场可以让我学习的战斗.

“我很惊讶他挨了这么多拳, 但他是一位老将,我并没有低估他. 我刻苦训练并且需要它的每一点. 我正在变得更好,我会坚强地回归,让拳击变得更加令人兴奋。”

自去年八月以来首次战斗, 堪萨斯州的最爱 杰夫·佩奇, JR. (18-3, 12 科斯) 放弃密苏里州退伍军人 史蒂夫 “剧透” 沃克 (26-34-1, 16 科斯) 在一场 186 磅体重的比赛中,三次获得首轮技术淘汰赛胜利.
在一场非冠军争夺战中, 堪萨斯州初中量级冠军 埃夫拉因·莫拉莱斯 (5-0, 2 科斯) 保持不败, 阻止堪萨斯同胞 罗伯特·亚历山大·萨彦 (2-6, 2 科斯) 在首轮.
堪萨斯羽量级 埃里克·瓦尔加斯 (2-0, 1 KO) 投了停业, 击败职业出道的所有四轮比赛 凯文· “印地欧” 加西亚.
堪萨斯州轻量级 胡安·霍林斯沃斯 (1-0) 通过四轮一致判定赢得了他的职业首秀 雷蒙德·格雷 (1-2),
TITLE Boxing 是淘汰赛之夜拳击赛的官方服装和手套合作伙伴.
Complete results & 赛后新闻发布会引述如下:
MAIN EVENT – 少年最轻量级
尼科·埃尔南德斯 (1-0, 1 KO), 威奇托, KS
WTKO4 (2:32)
帕特·古铁雷斯 (0-3), 拉斯维加斯, NV
共同特征 – 羽量级
特拉梅因·威廉姆斯 (19-0, 3 科斯), 新天堂, CT
WDEC8 (79-71, 79-71, 78-72)
爱德华多·加尔萨 (6-2, 2 科斯), 朋友视图, TX
胡安·霍林斯沃斯 (1-0, 1 KO), 温菲尔德, KS
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
雷蒙德·格雷 (1-2, 0 KO), 哥伦比亚, MO
杰夫·佩奇, JR. (18-3, 12 科斯), 安多弗, KS
WTKO1 (2:36)
史蒂夫·沃克 (26-34, 18 科斯), 汉尼拔, MO
JUNIOR middleweights的
Neeco Macias (15-0, 8 科斯), 特哈查皮, 例如
WDEC8 (80-71, 79-72, 78-73)
塞萨尔·索里亚诺 (26-35-1, 16 科斯), 墨西哥城, 墨西哥
埃夫拉因·莫拉莱斯 (5-0, 2 科斯), 花园城市. KS
WTKO1 (1:46)
罗伯特·亚历山大·塞亚姆 (2-6, 2 科斯), 威奇托, KS
埃里克·瓦尔加斯 (2-0, 1 KO), 花园城市, KS
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
凯文·加西亚 (0-1), 里奥兰乔, NM
叽叽喳喳: @堪萨斯星, @Neonstarmedia, @KONightBoxing
在Twitter上关注 & Instagram的: @尼科姆埃尔南德斯 & @Tramaine_Midget 和 ABT Films 在 Twitter 上@abtfilms

Fight Network 推出 LFA 7: VS桑切斯. 五月 & GLORY 39 布鲁塞尔双赛本周末直播

立即发布 - 三月 24, 2017


多伦多 – 战网, 全球首屈一指 24/7 多平台的通道专用于格斗运动的全覆盖, 呈现一个充满动感的周末现场格斗运动, 从今晚开始, 星期五, 三月 24 在 9 P.M. AND, 同 LFA 7: VS桑切斯. 五月 源自休斯顿竞技场剧院, 得克萨斯州.

在加拿大和全球各地的 Fight Network 上直播 30 在欧洲国家, 非洲和中东地区, LFA 7: VS桑切斯. 五月 将以不败之间的蝇量级对决为特色 罗伯托·桑切斯 (5-0) 和 Klayton五月 (8-2) 以及一次雏量级联合主赛,一次被击败 阿德里安·亚内兹 (5-1) 针对 周日皮拉特 (6-1).

GLORY, 世界首屈一指的跆拳道联赛, 春季赛季将于本周六在 Fight Network 上直播双赛开始, 三月 25 从布鲁塞尔国家森林公园出发, 比利时.

截至首先在 1 P.M. AND, GLORY 39 超级格斗系列 GLORY轻量级世界冠军争夺战, 作为卫冕荣耀冠军 实提猜 (113-30-5, 30 KO) 捍卫他的腰带免受不. 1 排名挑战者 迪伦·萨尔瓦多(Dylan Salvador) (49-11-1, 21 KO).

完整的六打卡 GLORY 39 超级格斗系列 可以在下面找到:

  • 轻量级世界冠军头条赛: 实提猜 vs. 迪伦·萨尔瓦多(Dylan Salvador)
  • 轻量级联合头条赛: 马拉特·格里戈里安vs. 安东·彼得罗夫
  • 重量级回合: 海丝蒂·格尔格斯 VS. 齐刘易斯-帕里
  • Catchweight (150 磅 / 68 公斤) 回合: Qinghao Meng vs. 基利安·穆伦
  • 次中量级回合: 哈鲁特·格里戈里安 VS. 帕沃尔·加拉杰
  • 轻量级回合: 泰贾尼·贝兹塔蒂 VS. 萨布里·本·赫尼亚

GLORY 39 布鲁塞尔 本周六主卡直播, 三月 25 在 4 P.M. AND, 由新加冕的 GLORY 次中量级冠军领衔 塞德里克 “最好的” 杜姆贝 (65-4-1, 39 KO) 法国队首次卫冕金腰带,对阵瑞士前锋和诺. 2 次中量级 约恩·孔戈洛 (64-8, 46 KO).

完整的五战卡 GLORY 39 布鲁塞尔 可以在下面找到:

  • 次中量级世界冠军头条争夺战: 塞德里克·杜姆贝 VS. 约恩·孔戈洛
  • 羽量级锦标赛决赛: Bout A vs的获胜者. Bout B冠军
  • 重量级共同标题比赛: 贾马尔·本·萨迪克 VS. 古托·伊诺森特
  • 羽量级锦标赛半决赛 B 回合: 谢尔希·阿达姆丘克 VS. 纳菲·比拉洛夫斯基
  • 羽量级锦标赛半决赛 A: Petchpanomrung Kiatmookao VS. 阿列克谢·乌里扬诺夫

GLORY 双赛将在加拿大和土耳其的 Fight Network 上独家直播.

对于战网的广播时间表的完整列表, 请访问 www.fightnetwork.com, 按照我们在Twitter上@fightnet, 成为粉丝在Facebook上,并参观我们的Instagram @fightnet.

Iconic ‘WOSBritish Wrestling to Return to ITV

曼彻斯特 | NASHVILLE – ITV Studios Entertainment Manchester announced today that it has teamed up with IMPACT摔跤, 的子公司 国歌体育 & 娱乐公司, to bring WOS Wrestling back to ITV, with an initial commission for a 10-part series.

The commission from ITV’s Helen Warner follows a successful one-off-special, which aired on New Year’s Eve 2016. The Executive Producers for ITV Studios are Tom McLennan and Simon Marsh. Jeff Jarrett, the Chief Creative Officer for IMPACT Wrestling, will be the Executive Producer for IMPACT Wrestling.

Thirty years after the original WOS ended – and legendary stars such as Big Daddy, Mick McManus and Rollerball Rocco left British screens – this new series will feature the very best of today’s wrestlers from the current red-hot U.K. wrestling scene.

They will compete in front of a live audience at the intimate Preston Guild Hall on Thursday 25 May and Friday 26 五月 (doors 7pm / bell time 7.30pm).

Tickets for these historic shows will go on sale at 9am on Friday 7 April from Gigsandtours.com /Ticketmaster.co.uk / prestonguildhall.co.uk

There will also be a launch event this Monday (27 三月) 在 2 pm in Manchester, where the full details of the WOS live shows will be announced, including the roster. Press and fans are invited to attend to the launch, which will include a Q&A and meet & greet. Places are extremely limited, to reserve one please email wswaudience@itv.com

This initial commission is part of a comprehensive co-production agreement between ITV Studios and IMPACT Wrestling to relaunch the WOS Wrestling brand, bringing British stars to ITV while leveraging the roster and creative team of IMPACT Wrestling along with its expertise in live event production and international distribution.

“This opportunity to work with ITV Studios to revive this iconic brand in the United Kingdom is a perfect example of the ways in which we intend to leverage our strengths to build our presence in international markets in collaboration with local organizations,” said Ed Nordholm, president of IMPACT Wrestling.

Director of Entertainment, ITV Studios Manchester, Tom McLennan said: “Britain’s wrestling scene is thriving and there has never been a better time to bring it back to ITV after a gap of 30 years.”

Jeff Jarrett, Chief Creative Officer for IMPACT Wrestling, 额外: “The WOS brand is etched in professional wrestling tradition. My family’s lineage in the industry dates back 70-plus years, so I am honoured for the opportunity to work on reviving the legacy of this historic British series.


Win Sets Up A Possible Unification Fight With WBC World Champion Mikey Garcia; Encore Presentation of 今晚的 Fight Airs at 10 P.M. AND/PT的SHO EXTREME®

Photos Courtesy: Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Sport


纽约 (三月 25, 2017) – Jorge Linares defended his WBA Lightweight World Championship with a unanimous decision victory over Anthony Crolla 星期六 evening on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL from Manchester, 英国. The win sets Linares up for a possible unification fight with WBC Lightweight World Champion Mikey Garcia, a matchup that would be considered one of the best that can be made in any weight class.

周六 main event from Manchester Arena aired live on SHOWTIME. Live fight coverage was provided by Sky Sports with Adam Smith calling play-by-play and world champion Carl Froch serving as ringside analyst. Garcia joined SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer and analysts Al Bernstein and Paul Malignaggi to provide commentary from a New York studio.

Linares and Crolla previously fought a fierce, closely contested battle last September, one that Linares won by just a few rounds. 周六, Linares retained the belt by a wide margin—118-109 on all three scorecards—virtually outclassing Crolla from the outset.

“He seems to be getting better with age,” said Froch, sharing a growing sentiment among boxing pundits.

Linares (42-3, 27 KO的) cruised through much of the fight with an impressive display of boxing skill and power. A precisely timed uppercut floored Crolla in the seventh. Moments later Linares nearly finished him with a flurry against the ropes. 克罗拉, 然而, would not go quietly. The Manchester native, perhaps spurned by his home crowd, bravely grew more aggressive in the second half of the fight. But Linares was simply too sharp, too fast and too comfortable for Crolla to overcome.

Mikey Garcia is coming off a brilliant knockout of world champion Dejan Zlaticanin in January and is hungry for a unification bout.

“第一关, I congratulate Jorge Linares for a great win,”加西亚说,. “His skill, flexibility, combinations and power were definitely impressive. I hope we can make a fight as soon as possible. He didn’t look cut or hurt so maybe we can fight this summer.”

Undefeated Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo Defends Against Top Contender Charles Hatley Saturday, 四月 22 On SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, 总理拳击冠军主办, 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林

Welterweight World Title Eliminator Between
其他叶贝 & Shawn Porter Headlines Action-Packed Night
布鲁克林 (三月 24, 2017) – Unbeaten WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell夏洛茨维尔 will defend his world title against No. 1-额定挑战者 查尔斯·海特利 星期六, 四月 22 住在Showtime® 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
Televised coverage of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, 由总理拳击冠军提出, 在开始 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT and is headlined by former world champions 其他叶贝 肖恩·波特 meeting in a 12-round welterweight world title eliminator.
夏洛茨维尔 (28-0, 13 科斯) will face his mandatory challenger Hatley (26-1-1, 18 科斯) after winning the vacant world title with a sensational eighth-round knockout of John Jackson in May of 2016.
I’m once again ready to get in the ring and continue to build my legacy,” 说夏洛茨维尔. “I’ve been training hard, I’m focused and I’m even hungrier now that I have my belt. Charles Hatley has never been in the ring with someone like me and I’m going to do what’s necessary to get that win. My brother had an outstanding performance against Julian Williams and I want to compete with that. It’s motivated me and I’m ready to get out there and show off my power and skills.
I’ve been training for a long time for this fight and I can’t wait to get in the ring,” said Hatley. “I never stopped training since my last fight and I’m going to be ready to win that world title on April 22. Jermell is a good fighter, but he’s got a big mouth. I know we’re both training hard and going for the win, but I’m going to come out victorious.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐促进, 开始 $50 (不包括适用的费用) 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买 www.ticketmaster.com, 万维网.barclayscenter.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP. 查洛 vs. Hatley fight is co-promoted by TGB Promotions and Don King Promotions.
The 154-pound division is very hot right now, and Jermell Charlo is one of the best and most exciting fighters in the weight class,” 说娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁. “Charlo making the first defense of his WBC world title against a worthy challenger like Charles Hatley is a terrific addition to this card on 四月 22, 在巴克莱中心, televised by SHOWTIME. It’s also fun to have Hatley’s promoter Don King around. 仅在美国!”
Jermell Charlo has demonstrated that he is a force in the 154-pound division and his confidence has only grown with winning the championship,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “This match against Hatley will further cement his place in the division. It’s the kind of challenge that will allow Jermell to display all of his power and boxing ability.
The silver champion will become the world champion on 四月 22 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林,” said Don King of Don King Promotions. “We’re looking at a great fight. I know that Charlo will do the best he can. But he’s got two chances against Hatleyslim and none and slim is out of town.
One minute younger than his brother Jermall, Jermellwon his belt last year and made the Charlo brothers the first pair of twins to hold world title simultaneously in the same weight class.The 26-year-old from Houston trains in Dallas and is unbeaten since turning pro in December 2007. 夏洛茨维尔 took on a steady slew of contenders on his way to a world title, including victories over Vanes Martirosyan, Gabriel Rosado and Joachim Alcine.
The first-time title challenger Hatley enters this fight on a nine-bout win streak after traveling to Australia to beat former two-time world champion Anthony Mundine by 11th round stoppage in 2015. The Dallas-native turned pro in 2008 after an impressive amateur career that saw him defeat Keith Thurman on his way to a U.S. National Amateur Championship. 这位31岁的选手赢得了他的第一个冠军 14 fights and went his first 18 bouts without a defeat.
查洛VS. Hatley becomes the eighth title fight or world title eliminator in the 154-pound weight class in the last 14 months on SHOWTIME or CBS, a roster featuring eight of the top-10 fighters in one of the deepest divisions in boxing.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, @ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Undefeated super lightweight Keenan Smith Headlines on Saturday, April 22nd at The Claridge in Atlantic City


Jerry Odom takes on Gabriel Pham

Stacked card features Anthony “液” 年轻

Also undefeated Leroy Davila, 以利亚葡萄, 泰瑞尔·赖特, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza), 唐纳德·史密斯 & 迪伦价格

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (三月 24, 2017)- Undefeated super lightweight Keenan Smith will headline a big night of action on Saturday, April 22nd at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.

The show is promoted by GH3 Promotions and D and D Promotions.

The card will also feature many up and coming stars from the Philadelphia/New Jersey region.

费城史密斯的纪录 10-0 同 4 击倒.

工匠, 该 2008 全国金手套羽量级冠军和一个 2007 少年奥林匹克全国冠军, turned pro in April 2010-at 130 英镑. 史密斯去 72-4 在业余. Two of the victories came against current world-ranked contender Amir Imam.

他转为职业选手 2010, and his wins over two undefeated fighters Alex Montes (1-0) and Lavelle Hadley (2-0). Smith also has a win over Bemjamin Whitaker (10-1) in a bout that was nationally televised on Showtime’s ShoBox series. 在他的最后一个回合, Smith defeated Marquis Hawthorne on January 20th in Atlantic City.

The will be Smith’s 6 fight Atlantic City.

In the exciting eight-round co-feature, Gabriel Pham will battle Jerry Odom in a super middleweight bout.

Pham of Atlantic City, 新泽西州有纪录 8-1 四击倒.

该 28 year-old Pham turned professional in 2009, and won his first six bouts, which included a win over undefeated Michael Glenn (2-0). Since his only professional blemish, Pham has knocked out his last two opponents, with the latest being a 4th round stoppage over Chauncey Fields (4-10) on March 11th at The Claridge in Atlantic City.

This will be Pham’s 7th fight in Atlantic City, with this being his 3rd consecutive at The Claridge.

鲍伊的奥多姆, 马里兰州有一个记录 14-3-1 同 13 击倒.

该 24 一岁是一个 5 年的职业. Odom won his first 11 结束, which included a thrilling stoppage over previously undefeated Victor Quinonez (8-0) in six-rounds in a bout that was nationally televised on Showtime’s ShoBox: 新一代.

Odom then was disqualified in his bout against Andrew Hernandez, when Odom hit Hernandez while he was down. The loss was extremely controversial, and Odom avenged that setback in dramatic fashion as he stopped Hernandez inside of a round in their rematch. 奥多姆, who has appeared on ShoBox five times, stopped Julius Jackson (19-1) 七月 22, 2016. 在他的最后一个回合, Odom was stopped in five rounds by Philadelphia based upset specialist Taneal Goyco on November 11, 2016 费城.

Appearing in six-round bouts will be:

达洛拉(Lerooy davila) (5-0, 3 KO的) 新不伦瑞克省, New Jersey taking on an opponent to be named in a bantamweight bout.

伊恩·格林 (12-1, 9 KO的) 帕特森, New Jersey taking on an opponent to be named in a middleweight bout.

安东尼 “液” 年轻 (15-2, 6 KO的) of Atlantic City will take on an opponent to be named in a welterweight bout.

泰瑞尔·赖特 (9-0-1, 6 KO的) 泽西市, New Jersey battling Dan Pasciolla (9-2-1) 砖, New Jersey in heavyweight bout.

约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (5-0, 2 KO的) 北卑尔根, New Jersey will fight Tyrome Jones (4-0, 1 KO) 芝加哥, Illinois in a super middleweight bout.


Super Middleweight Elijah Vines (3-0, 3 KO的) 费城, super featherweight Donald Smith (4-0, 3 KO的) 费城, super flyweight Dylan Price (1-0, 1 KO) 西克勒维尔, New Jersey as well as Manuel Rodriguez of Newark, New Jersey making his pro debut against will see action against opponents to be named.

Tickets range from $50 – $150 并且可以通过调用被购买 856-842-7577


Now that sanction has officially been granted, the next fight for red-hot undefeated super middleweight David “红旗” Benavidez will be an eliminator for the #2 mandatory challenger spot in the WBC’s world rankings against highly regarded contender Rogelio “腴” 梅迪纳, 索诺拉, 墨西哥.

WBC #1-rated Callum Smith and WBC #2-rated Anthony Dirrell will fight for the vacant 168 WBC Championship (tentatively scheduled for May), the winner of that fight must then face undefeated WBC #3 竞争者, 主治医生耶尔德勒姆, from Turkey. The champion at the end of those two fights will be mandated to face the winner of the Benavidez vs. Medina eliminator.

For Benavidez (17-0, 16 科斯), who served as chief sparring partner for middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin’s recent preparations to face Danny Jacobs, news of the fight with Medina is a welcome development.

This is the biggest opportunity of my life and I’m not going to let it go to waste,” 说Benavidez. “I’m going to destroy this guy like I do everybody else. I have never trained this hard for a fight and I feel that, come fight time, I’ll be extremely strong and do it up.

许多人认为拳击神童, the 20-year-old Benavidez, who turned professional at age 16, is the brother of former interim WBA World Super Lightweight Jose Benavidez, and has been trained since age two by his father Jose Benavidez Sr.

Father/trainer Jose says everyone on Team Benavidez is aware of what’s at stake against the formidable Medina, who lost a controversial decision to IBF World Champion James DeGale’s last year, in a fight that many felt Medina won.

We are excited and working really hard,” 他说,. “This is the toughest fight of his career, so we’re taking it super serious. This is a big opportunity for us to shine and look good and go to the next level. We were training with Golovkin here in Big Bear (加利福尼亚州) and we’ve decided to stay here and keep training until the fight.

I know he’s a tough fighter and he’s been in a lot of wars, and he has a lot of experience, but I’m very motivated for this fight,” continued David. “We have a month and a half in training with Golovkin in camp already. Camp with him is hard work and training here in Big Bear gets you to the next level. The hard work I’m doing here will definitely get me this win.

Promoter Lewkowicz says any remaining questions about young Benavidez will be answered in this fight.

This is the final test for David Benavidez,” 说Lewkowicz. “If he does to this guy what he did to so man other fighters, it will be time for the world to acknowledge that David is going to be a star in boxing. This test will show everyone that he is truly everything we’ve been saying he is since he was a teenager. I am proud of the hard work he is doing and look forward to this great victory.

Date and site for the fight are being negotiated. More details to follow.

FNU搏击运动展: UFC回顾, 戈洛夫金VS. Jacobs Results, Bellator 175 预习

汤姆, Tony and Rich discuss the world of combat sports. Conor MacGregor will fight Floyd Mayweather, JR. if you believe Dana White. We also chat about UFC Fight Night events featuring Jimi Manuwa and Kelvin Gastelum notching huge career wins. We look back at Golovkin vs. Jacobs and the unlikelihood of Canelo taking the fight with Golovkin now. We also preview King Mo Lawal vs. Rampage Jackson next Friday.







三月 23, 2017







LOS ANGELES – Bellator MMA is bringing its biggest event ever to the “Big Apple!”

麦迪逊广场花园, “The World’s Most Famous Arena” and Mecca of combat sports, will host Bellator’s first-ever mixed martial arts event in the state of New York on Saturday, 六月 24 同 Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席尔瓦. The blockbuster pay-per-view features two of the sport’s most recognizable names in Chael Sonnen的 (29-15-1) 和 万德雷·席尔瓦 (35-12-1, 1 NC), who will finally meet in a light heavyweight fight that has been brewing since 2011.

The double main event also features 费多尔艾米连科 (36-4, 1 NC), an MMA legend that many consider to be the greatest heavyweight fighter of all-time, 承担 Matt Mitrione (11-5) in a bout that will undoubtedly produce fireworks between the heavy-handed strikers.

另外, the Viacom-owned promotion is adding two world championship bouts. 第一, 道格拉斯·利马 (28-6) defends his belt against top free agent signing 洛伦茨·拉尔金 (18-5, 1 NC) 进而, current lightweight champ 迈克尔·钱德勒(16-3) will put his world title on the line against the undefeated 布伦特博智 (7-0).

“As a fight promoter, my goal is to put together the biggest cards possible for our fans around the world,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “Bringing an event of this magnitude to a city and arena like New York and Madison Square Garden has been something Bellator, Spike and Viacom have wanted to make happen for quite some time. 上 六月 24, the goal becomes reality, when we put on the biggest event in promotional history, Bellator NYC.

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席尔瓦 发生 星期六, 六月 24 and airs LIVE on pay-per-view beginning at 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT. Prior to the pay-per-view event, SPIKE will air Bellator 180 LIVE and FREE on both coasts, 在开始 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT. 另外, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6 P.M. AND/ 3 P.M. PT. Additional contests will be announced in the coming days.

Tickets for the event starting at $60, 不包括适用的服务费和税款, go on sale 星期五, 三月 31 at Ticketmaster, TheGarden.com and Bellator.com. Fans can sign up for Bellator Nation here to participate in a presale that will take place 星期三, March 29-Thursday, 三月 30.

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席尔瓦 will be distributed by G&G Closed Circuit Events to bars, restaurants and other commercial establishments throughout the U.S. 和加拿大. 摹&G Events is a leading provider of closed circuit television and has distributed some of the biggest events in sports, including De La Hoya vs. 梅威瑟, 梅威瑟VS. “Canelo” Alvarez and Mayweather vs. 帕奎奥, 以及Bellator 120: 狂暴VS. 莫景. “G&G is thrilled about Bellator being back in the pay-per-view business with this tremendous event. We look forward to handling the distribution nationwide and for Canada,” said G&G President Nicolas Gagliardi. 摹&G Events can be contacted at www.ggccevents.com 或通过电话(888) 258-7115.

另外, through Bellator’s global distribution partners, Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席尔瓦 will be available in over 140 世界各国.

Sonnen spent a majority of his 44-fight career with the UFC, a run that saw him defeat current middleweight champion Michael Bisping, 并与乔恩·琼斯(Jon Jones)之类的人竞争, 安德森·席尔瓦 (两次), 拉沙德·埃文斯(Rashad Evans), “ Shogun” Rua, Demian Maia和Brian Stann. 除了他的圈内动作, 西林, 矿石. 本地人已经掌握了在镜头前的艺术, doing broadcast work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. 进行了三年的活跃MMA比赛后, 索南回到笼子里对付 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯Bellator 170 一月.

“斧头杀手”参加了这项运动有史以来最令人难忘的仇恨和战斗. 与他的战争“狂暴”杰克逊, 蒂托·奥尔蒂斯, 米尔科·克罗马警察, 维托尔贝尔福, 丹·亨德森, 樱野合, Chuck Liddell and Michael Bisping remain some of the more memorable bouts in MMA history. Silva is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career, returning to action against a man that he has despised for quite some time. In addition to the PRIDE middleweight title, Silva’s trophy case includes awards for “Fight of the Year” (2003, 2004, 2007), 年度KO (2008) and multiple “Fight of the Night” awards, including one for each of his last three fights. He now looks to continue entertaining fans inside the Bellator cage and begins with a bout several years in the making.

一位前PRIDE冠军, “末代皇帝”,是最受尊敬和推崇的重量级战士运动已经看到了一个. 石坎和安静, 艾米连科自诩最令人印象深刻的不败条纹之一MMA历史, 没有失去之间的较量 2001 和 2009. 多世界冠军在MMA和三宝, 费多尔最近回到这项运动短暂的沉寂, accumulating two decisive wins since his return to action.

Matt Mitrione remains poised to make an impact in the Bellator heavyweight division following two emphatic wins since signing with Bellator in 2016. 伊利诺伊州普渡大学的本地人和杰出的防守端在 2000 随后进入NFL,在纽约巨人队和明尼苏达维京人队中打了六个赛季. Mitrione最终进入MMA,成为高级竞争者, 击败已故的Kimbo Slice之类的东西, 德里克·刘易斯和加布里埃尔·冈萨加.

Hailing from Atlanta, 嘎. “The Phenom” has been ruling the roost at 170-pounds in Bellator for the better part of three years. A winner of 16 他最后的 18 竞赛, the American Top Team product remains set on doing away with all viable contenders at welterweight and his first step since reclaiming the strap from 安德烈Koreshkov comes against one of Bellator’s newest signees, 洛伦茨·拉尔金.

Set to enter the Bellator fray is a “Monsoon” of violent proportions – unanimously ranked on lists compiling the top-ten welterweights on the planet, Larkin is set to continue his career in Bellator, after inking an exclusive, multi-fight contract last week. A known finisher, the pride of Riverside, 加利福尼亚州. will make his promotional debut a winner of four out of five.

Chandler will look to defend his belt for the first time since successfully defending it in a “Fight of the Year” candidate against 本森亨德森 去年十一月. A 16-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Chandler has consistently proven that he belongs among the world’s elite, riding into his bout on 六月 24 on a streak of four straight victories.

Also a native of Oregon, the surging Primus remains unbeaten after five consecutive wins to begin his Bellator MMA career. 仅在 31, Primus has been committed to honing his craft since he was 13, going as far as to sell his landscaping business to keep his hopes of someday becoming a champion alive. 上 六月 24, he finally has the opportunity to make his dreams come to fruition.

Follow the conversation using #BellatorNYC on social media.


更新 Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. 席尔瓦 战卡:

轻重量级的主要事件: Chael Sonnen的 (29-15-1) VS. 万德雷·席尔瓦 (35-12-1, 1 NC)

重量级的主要事件: 费多尔艾米连科 (36-4, 1 NC) VS. Matt Mitrione (11-5)

次中量级世界冠军赛: 道格拉斯·利马 (28-6) VS. 洛伦茨·拉尔金 (18-5, 1 NC)

轻量级世界标题布特: 迈克尔·钱德勒 (16-3) VS. 布伦特博智 (7-0)