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UŽ nedelsiant paleisti: Lewiston, Meino (Gegužė 1, 2017) – Between them they have a dozen fights in the Bellator cage. Dabar, they have signed to face each other in the New England Fights (NEF) hexagon. Spindulys “Visos veiklos” Mediena (8-3) susitiks Alexandre “Užpakalis” Bezerra (19-5) į pagrindinį renginį “NEF 29: STARS & STRIPES.” Renginys, which will feature a full slate of mixed-martial-arts and professional boxing bouts, is scheduled to take place on Saturday, Birželis 17, 2017 tuo Androscoggin Bank COLISEE į Lewiston, Meino.


This would be a main card fight on any nationally-televised event,” sakė NEF bendrasavininkas ir rėmėjas Nickas DiSalvo. “It doesn’t get any bigger or better than this on the regional level. This is the kind of fight we love to deliver to the NEF fans.


Wood grew up in Bucksport, Maine and became a top MMA prospect after joining Young’s MMA in Bangor. He was victorious in ten of his first eleven fights over the course of his amateur and early professional careers. Wood’s sole loss during that impressive run came when he moved up to the lightweight division to face a larger Shane Manley (3-3).


It took Wood just over a minute to submit Lenny Wheeler (9-5) į “NEF 8.In doing so, Wood became the first NEF Featherweight Champion. He went on to successfully defend the title against tough Brazilian prospect Gabriel Baino (6-2) with a second-round TKO. Months later, Wood would drop the title to Anthony Morrison (20-11) via fifth-round submission.


The next few years would see Wood travel away from Maine to settle first in South Carolina and later Texas. Since leaving Maine, he has been training at some of the top gyms in all of mixed martial arts with world-class athletes, and he has fought for national promotion Bellator three times. Wood’s Bellator debut saw him finish Chris Jones (10-5) pirmajame etape. He is now looking to rebound from a unanimous decision loss to AJ McKee, Jaunesnysis. (8-0) ne Bellator 166 late last year. The fight with Bezerra will be Wood’s first on Maine soil since February 2015.


I’m excited to fight in front of the New England fans once again,” said Wood when reached for comment at his home in Amarillo, Teksasas. “It’s been way too long. It’s time to get back to where all my success began. The last time I fought in Maine, I left with a loss, and I have no easy task in front of me this time. Alexandre is no joke, and has fought some of the best in the world, and with me coming off back-to-back losses, I have no choice but to have my hand raised by the end of three rounds. I have never lost three straight in anything.


A native of Sao Paolo, Brazilija, Alexandre Bezerra now lives and trains in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he is a member of Daddis Fight Camps. Bezerra holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and he is also a teacher of the sport.


Bezerra has nine Bellator bouts under his belt. He competed in both the Season Six and Season Eight featherweight tournaments, making it past the quarterfinal rounds but losing in the semifinals each time. Neseniai, Bezerra competed for national promotion Titan Fighting Championships in late 2016. Like Wood, Bezerra is looking to bounce back from a loss.
I am very excited to compete for NEF, they are a fantastic organization and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity,” said Bezerra. “My opponent is a tough, up-and-coming prospect, and this should be a great fight. Both of us are looking to finish fights, so the fans are in for a treat!”


Everyone in Maine and New England fight sports knows the talent that is Ray Wood,” pareiškė NEF bendrai savininkas ir piršlys Mattas Petersonas. “He cut his teeth in NEF and after going on to compete in several high-profile Bellator fights, he’s coming back home to where it all began for him. Jo priešininkas, a native of Brazil, is a seasoned veteran that has a black belt in jiu-jitsu. Fans can expect to see the highest level of mixed martial arts skill on display in this blockbuster main event.


„New England Fights“ grįžta pas Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston, Maine with its next event, “NEF 29: STARS & STRIPES,” šeštadienį, Birželis 17, 2017. Bilietai dabar parduodami Colisee kasoje 207-783-2009 x 525 ir internete


Daugiau informacijos apie renginį ir kovoti kortelių atnaujinimus, apsilankykite skatinimo tinklapyje adresu Papildomai, Jūs galite žiūrėti NEF vaizdo įrašus, sekite juos „Twitter“ @ kovos ir prisijungti prie oficialios „Facebook“ grupės „Naujosios Anglijos Kovų."

Flipps Media Inc. srautiniam Sauliui “Canelo” Alvarez vs. Julio Cesar Chavez, Jaunesnysis. Tiesiogiai per PPV, Šeštadienis, Gegužė 6, iš Las Vegaso

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
NEW YORK, NY (Gegužė 1, 2017) – „Flipps Media“ paskelbė, kad transliuos gegužės 6-ojisuper kova tarp Saulius “Canelo” Alvarez ir Julio César “JC” H.Chavezas, Jaunesnysis., JAV ir Kanadoje gyvena už mokestį už peržiūrą, pradedant 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT, from sold-out T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.
“Canelo vs.. H.Chavezas, Jr”, reklamuoja „Golden Boy Promotions“, galima žiūrėti HD formatu anglų ir ispanų kalbomis svetainėje už siūlomą mažmeninę kainą $69.99.
Bokso gerbėjai gali žiūrėti visą PPV kortelę, Antraštė-Alvarezas-Chavezas, Jaunesnysis. 12-raundo kova yra ginčijamasi sugauti 164 ½ svarų, gyventi iš bet kurio kompiuterio ar mobiliojo prietaiso. Visi pagalbiniai renginiai, įskaitant „Canelo vs. Chavezas jaunesnysis. spaudos konferencija, sverti-in, ir kovos su kortelėmis bus tiesiogiai transliuojamos visame pasaulyje nemokamai „“ svetainėje, „“ svetainėje ir „FITE“ programoje, skirtoje „iOS“ ir „Android“ įrenginiams.
“Džiaugiamės galėdami surengti didžiausią metų bokso renginį, Canelo vs.. Chavezas jaunesnysis,” sakė „Flipps Media“ įkūrėjas ir generalinis direktorius, Kosta Jordanovas. “Su šia nuostabia PPV kortele, anglų ir ispanų HD kanalus, ir geriausi bokso ekspertai tiesioginiame pokalbyje, tai bus nuostabi naktis visiems gerbėjams!”
“Mūsų komanda čia, „Golden Boy Promotions“, jau daugiau nei metus dirba su „Flipps Media“ ir džiaugiamės, kad jie padeda sukurti šią „negali praleisti kovą“’ prieinama dar platesnei bokso gerbėjų bazei,” sakė „Golden Boy Promotions“ įkūrėjas ir generalinis direktorius, Oskaras De La Hoya.
The “Canelo vs.. H.Chavezas, Jr” PPV kortelėje yra daug įdomių nokautų atlikėjų, su aštuoniais pagrindiniais kortų kovotojais, kurių bendras rekordas yra 272-18-2 su 194 Knockouts, pabrėžė Alvarezas-Chavezas, Jaunesnysis. kaupiamasis rekordas 98-3-2 su 66 sustojimai.
Alvarez vs. H.Chavezas, Jaunesnysis. yra viena laukiamiausių kovų, lengvai „Metų kovos“ kandidatas, dalyvauja du aukščiausio lygio Meksikos kariai, kovos Cinco de Mayo savaitgalį.
Dvidešimt šešerių metų Alvarezas (40-1-1, 34 Kos) yra valdanti Pasaulio bokso organizacija (WBO) pasaulio jaunių vidutinio svorio ir Žiedas žurnalo vidutinio svorio čempionas. Nepaprastai populiarus kovotojas juda į viršų kovodamas su Chavezu, Jr, kuris nukrito atgal nuo lengvojo svorio.
Alvarezas yra 10-1 (6 Kos) pasaulio čempionų kovose, be būties 11-1 (4 Kos) kovose su esamais ar buvusiais pasaulio čempionais: Shane Mosley, Miguel Cotto, Amir Khan, Miguelis Vasquezas (dvigubai), Carlosas Manuelis Baldomiras, Lovemore N’dou, Kermit Cintron, Ostinas Upėtakiai, Erislandy Lara ir Liam Smith.
Legendinės Šlovės muziejaus sūnus Julio Cesar Chavez, H.Chavezas, Jaunesnysis. (50-2-1, 32 Kos) yra buvusi Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas. Jis nugalėjo tokius pasaulio čempionus kaip Carlos Molina, Sebastianas Zbik ir Andy Lee jo metu 13 ½ metų profesinė karjera.
Per pirmąjį savo pralaimėjimą, Chavezas jaunesnysis. pralaimėjo 12 raundų sprendimą Sergio Gabriel Martinez, kuris išgyveno paskutinį raundo nokdauną, kai Chavezas bandė užbaigti garsųjį argentinietį.
10 raundų bendra funkcija taip pat gali sprogti kaip vidutinio svorio Davidas Lemieux (37-3, 33 Kos) ir Marcos “Dorado "” Reyes (35-4, 26 Kos) turi didesnį bendrą nokautavimo procentą nei Alvarezas-Chavezas. Jaunesnysis.
Lemieux, 28, yra aukštos kvalifikacijos kovotojas iš Monrealio ir buvusi Tarptautinė bokso federacija (IBF) vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas. Jis yra 12-1 į jo paskutinis 13 kovas, nuo pralaimėjimo vieningam pasaulio vidutinio svorio čempionui Genadijus “GGG” Golovkin.
At stake for Lemieux is a possible throw-down with “Canelo” later this year. The Canadian slugger has quality victories over Curtis Stivenso, Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam, Gabe Rosado, Fernando Guerrero. Lemieux is currently world rated among the top seven middleweights by all four major sanctioning bodies – WBO & WBC #4, WBA #5 ir IBF #7 — taip pat Nr. 3 iki (independent) Žiedas.
Reyes, fighting out of Chihuahua, Meksika, went thedistance in 2015 with Chavez, Jr, in a loss by way of 10-round unanimous decision. Reyes is a former WBC FECOMBOX middleweight and Mexican light middleweight champion.
Former Interim WBC super lightweight champion Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse (37-4, 34 Kos) returns to action for the first time since October 3, 2015 against Maryland welterweight Emmanuelis “Tranzformer” Taylor (20-4, 14 Kos).
Matthysse is a fan-favorite fighter, power-puncher from Argentina. His signature victories have been against former world champions Ruslanas Provodnikov, Lamont Peterson, Humberto Soto, DeMarcus Corley ir Vivian Harris
Taylor was a decorated American amateur boxer who owned a 186-26 mėgėjų įrašas, including three gold-medal performances in the National PAL Championships. 26-erių vyras niekada nebuvo sustabdytas kaip profesionalas, imdamas pasaulio čempionus Adrianas Broneris ir Chrisas Algieri Atstumas. Tayloras nugalėjo Karim Mayfield, Viktoras Manuelis Cayo ir Raymond Serrano, Tarp labiau Aristokratija.
Kylanti plunksnos svorio žvaigždė Juozapas “JoJo” Diaz, Jaunesnysis. susiduria su kitu nenugalimu kaliforniečiu Manuelis Avila 10 raundų kovoje su ateities pasaulio čempionų titulo pasekmėmis.
24 metų Diazas, Jaunesnysis. (23-0, 13 Kos), a 2012 Ne JAV. Olimpinis, yra Šiaurės Amerikos bokso federacija (NABF) plunksnos svorio čempionas. Jis yra Ne. 2 pretendentų į WBC ir WBO pasaulio reitingus, taip pat Nr. 7 į IBF. Paskutinė jo kova buvo pergalė 10 raundų vienbalsiu sprendimu (100-90 X 3) per 30-1-1 Horacio Garcia pernai gruodį.
Avila, įvertino Nr. 10 pagal WBC, yra gyvas pralaimėtojas, pralaimėjęs 28-6 Jose Ramirezas, 24-7 Prosper Ankrah ir 23-6 Rene Alvarado per paskutines tris kovas.
Renginys yra galima užsisakyti iš anksto dabar val

Our Next Two Amateur Boxing Shows are Wednesday May 10, 2017 and Saturday May 20, 2017

JOIN US MAY 10TH FOR A NIGHT OF CHARITY BOXING AT BB KINGS. Purchase tickets now at Kovotojai 4 Life is a 501C3 nonprofit organization that raises money by hosting amateur boxing shows. Our Ninth Charity Boxing Show, The Night of Charity Boxing, vyks Wednesday May 10th 2017at BB Kings 42nd Street. If You Want To Box our Next Amateur Boxing Show on Saturday May 20, contact New York’s number one matchmaker, Jieun Lee. The show is open to any currently licensed amateur boxer. We are looking for Juniors, Seniors and Master boxers. Contact the matchmaker, Jieun Lee at 917 858 3955 or email her at Please include your name, weight, amžius, record and telephone number.

Gegužė 13, 2017

  • 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Opening Reception ofLucky Joa photo exhibition about boxing by French
    photographer Orianne O. On display the award winning reportage about the
    life story of welterweight female boxing French champion Johanne Cavarec,
    aka Jo Lachance (Lucky Jo).

    8:30 pm There will also be an exhibition boxing match during the opening night of the event.
    ​Ronica Jeffery 15-1 WBC Silver Featherweight Champion vs. Johanne Cavarec French Champion

JLEW bags will be onsite May 13th for the photo and fighting exhibition selling its newest bag, designed by two female fighters and entrepreneurs, Jamie Lewis of JLEW Bags and Cary Williams of Too Pretty brand, and manufactured down the street in Brooklyn. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of each bag go to support Gleason’s own Heatherthe Heat” Atsparus. Read more here:

Pilates and personal training now at Gleason’s Gym.
Cinch is Ashley Barenz and Desira Barnes. Combined they have 18 years of Pilates and personal training experience. Į 2017, they joined forces to create Cinch. Ashley and Desira are creative, knowledgeable instructors who take great personal pride in their clients’ good form. Working with a Cinch instructor you will sweat, tone muscles, enjoy the time you spend with Cinch, and receive one-on-one instruction to correct bad body alignment so you can go hard without harming your body. With Cinch you will work smarter, not harder.
Cinch is open Pirmadienis-Saturday with Appointments available all day.
​To schedule your session go arba siųsti Starting in May, Physical Therapy į Gleason sporto salėje One on One, 1 hour sessions Fernando Moreno Jr. PT, DPT, CMP (Licensed Physical Therapist; Certified Mulligan Practitioner; Certified in SFMA) Days and Times: Antradienis 10am-1pm, Ketvirtadienis 10am-1pm To schedule an appointment or insurance inquiries, laišką ar apsilankymas
Ronica Jeffrey

Premier Boxing Champions Rolls Into May With An Exciting Slate Of Shows

Featherweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz
Puts On Promoter’s Hat For FS1 & FOX Sportas
Toe-to-Toe Antradienis Show On Gegužė 2
Unbeaten Rising Star David Benavidez Tests
His Mettle Against Porky Medina In 168-Pound
World Title Eliminator On FS1 & FOX Sportas
Apie Šeštadienis, Gegužė 20
Undefeated Welterweight Star Errol Spence
Challenges Kell Brook For 147-pound Championship
In Sheffield, England in Premier Boxing Champions Action
Apie Showtime, Gegužė 27
LAS VEGAS (Gegužė 1, 2017) – The Premier Boksas Čempionų series will follow a very busy April with an extremely exciting month of May. The slate of shows will run the weight spectrum from featherweight to super middleweight.
The Premier Boxing Champions series schedule for May has a slate of shows where several boxers get an opportunity to step up to world title matches,” said Tim Smith, Vice President of Communications for Haymon Sports. “With so much on the line those kinds of challenges typically lead to action-packed, fan-friendly matches.
Kicking off the month is a thrilling 10-round lightweight clash between Ivanas Redkach (20-2-1, 16 Kos) ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Argenis Mendez (23-5-1, 12 Kos) apie TOE iki kojų antradieniais nuo FS1 ir Boksas Čempionų on FOX Deportes from the Sportsmen’s Lodge in Studio City, California on Gegužė 2. Televizijos aprėptis prasideda9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT.
The show will be staged by featherweight world champion Leo Santa Cruz’s Last Round Promotions, and will include an 8-round junior featherweight match between Brandon Figueroa ir Luis Saavedra and a 6-round bantamweight match between Antonio Santa Cruz ir Arturo Torres. The show will be a family affair as Brandon Figueroa is the younger brother of Omar Figueroa and Antonio is the cousin of Leo Santa Cruz.
Davidas Benavidez (17-0, 16 Kos), an ascending star, susitiks buvęs pasaulio čempionų titulą Challenger Rogelio “Porky” Medina (37-7, 31 Kos) in a super middleweight title elimination match from Laredo Energy Arena in Laredo, Texas Gegužė 20. Benavidez will face the toughest test of his career against Medina, a veteran who has already fought for a world title. The winner will get a shot at the 168-pound world champion.
Televizijos aprėptis prasidės 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT with unbeaten 126-pound contender Jorge Lara (28-0-2, 20 Kos) taking on hard-hitting brawler Mario Briones (28-5-2, 22 Kos) in a 10-round featherweight match.
Unbeaten top welterweight star Errol Spence, Jaunesnysis. (21-0, 19 Kos) will travel from his home in Desoto, Texas to take on Kell Brook (36-1, 25 Kos) in his hometown at Bramall Lane Football Ground in Sheffield, England in a Premier Boxing Championship match on SHOWTIME.
In other non-PBC matches of interest to boxing fans in the month of May, Gervonta Davis (17-0, 18 Kos) will defend his 130-pound world title against No. 1 varžovas Liam Walsh (21-0, 14 Kos) from Copper Box Arena in London, England on SHOWTIME on Gegužė 20.
On the same night Gary Russellas, Jaunesnysis. (21-1, 16 Kos) will defend his 126-pound world title against Oskaras Escandon (25-2, 17 Kos) at MGM National Harbor outside Washington D.C. nuo Showtime. Be bendro funkcija Andre Dirrell (25-2, 16 Kos) susitiks Jose Uzcategui(26-1, 22 Kos) for the vacant 168-pound championship. Be,Rances Baltramiejaus sala (25-0, 13 Kos) veidai Kiryl Relikh (21-1, 19 Kos) in a lightweight world title eliminator.


Lewiston, Meino (Balandis 30, 2017) – Again, blood flowed from the head of Jon Lemke. Vėl, “The” Ryan Sanders had his hand raised in victory.

Šį kartą, tačiau, there was zero controversy or conjecture about the finish, and that authoritative ending made Sanders an NEF mixed martial arts champion for the first time.

Sanders used a guillotine choke to stop Lemke just 22 seconds into the second round and win the vacant New England Fights lightweight championship at “NEF 28: Nenugalimas,” held Šeštadienis naktį Androscoggin Bank COLISEE į Lewiston.

Their previous non-title confrontation in November 2016 ended with Lemke unable to continue due to an accidental cut. Sanders earned the victory by winning the first two rounds on all three judges’ scorecards.

In the title-bout rematch, Sanders likely was behind on those cards after Lemke used a late takedown to punctuate what had been a back-and-forth, stand-up opening session.

“He hit me right in the … gut, and it … hurt,- pasakė Sandersas, peppering the statement with the smile and the expletives that are his calling card. “I knew the first round was going to tough, because he’s a killer, and I tend to be a slow starter.”

Sanders (14-8) wasted no time getting Lemke (6-8) to the mat and earning the tap in round two. It was his seventh win in nine NEF appearances.

The Bangor-based battler dedicated the win to his wife, Vanessa, who was in the cage to put the belt around her husband’s waist. The couple celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary Penktadienis.

“She saved my life,- pasakė Sandersas. “She’s the reason I’m here, the reason I fight, and the reason I’m a champion.”

Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, Joshas Harvey (4-0) stayed undefeated with a brutal, 50-second knockout of Derek Shorey.

Shorey (4-9) returned to the NEF cage to raise funds for four of his children and their mother, who lost their home in a recent New Hampshire apartment fire.

“He’s a great guy and a super warrior. I’m glad he stepped up to fight,- pasakė Harvey. “Next I’d like to fight someone else who’s undefeated.”

Matt Denning of Auburn ended his four-fight winless streak with authority. “Ken Doll” made his long-awaited return to the NEF cage with a first-round verdict over Josh Parker.

Denning used his grappling strength to win the grudge match. He rallied from an early takedown, dominated on the ground, and used a guillotine to put it away in the fourth minute.

“It feels good to win. I finally got one,” Denning said. “I’m at 145 svarų, which is where I belong.”

Bellator veteran Walter Smith-Cotito improved his NEF record to 3-0, and he has done it against eye-opening opposition. On the heels of past wins over Bruce Boyington and Elias Leland, Smith-Cotito defeated Andre Belcarris via rear naked choke at 2:05 antrojo turo. Belcarris was making his pro debut after 34 mėgėjų seansų.

Dominic Jones made a triumphant pro debut, taking out NEF mainstay Tollison Lewis with only 30 seconds remaining in the first round. Jones won all his amateur fights by decision, but be used his wrestling acumen to dominate his taller opponent on the ground and earn the TKO.

First-round stoppages also were the rule in the amateur portion of the card, with all four fights ending in under two minutes.

The most controversial result involved Caleb “Dr. Feelgood “Austinas, an 18-year-old senior out of Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, taking on James Ploss of Kaze Dojo in Lancester, Naujasis Hampšyras. It was the cage debut for both combatants.

Ploss was the aggressor from the opening bell and immediately took the action to the mat. That also played to the strengths of Austin, who amassed an astonishing 208-11 record while winning two state championships as a schoolboy wrestlers.

At about the 30-second mark, Ploss applied a guillotine and forced a tap from Austin. Unfortunately for Ploss, the referee did not see Austin tap and he allowed the fight to continue after Ploss had released the hold.

Austin took full advantage of the reprieve and showed power in both his stand-up and striking game, eventually earning a TKO in the flyweight fracas at the 1:57 ženklas.

Josh “Basketball” Jones left no doubt whatsoever in his debut victory over Sean Worcester (0-3).

Jonesas, 29, who was drafted by the NBA Development League before embarking on a professional career in Germany and Canada, went on the early attack with looping haymakers. He dropped Worcester to the canvas and ended the middleweight scrap with a barrage of haymakers after only 20 sekundžių.

Jacob Deppmeyer evened his ledger in the amateur hexagon at 1-1 with a 77-second dismissal of Glenn Kasabian at a catch weight of 140. The wins by Dominic and Josh Jones as well as Dettmeyer made First Class MMA a perfect 3-0 on the evening.

Mason Travers joined the parade of fighters making a successful amateur debut with his win over Nigel Moye at 1:10 atidarymo strofa.

Many big announcements were made concerning “NEF 29: Stars and Stripes,” which will be held Šeštadienis, Birželis 17 at Androscoggin Bank Colisee. The main event will feature the Maine homecoming of Ray “All Business” Wood. Former NEF bantamweight champion Paul Gorman will also be featured.

Professional boxing will return to share the spotlight, led by local favorites Brandon Montella of North Anson and Russell Lamour of Portland, and with a special guest: Former heavyweight champion James “Buster’ Douglas will be in attendance to greet fans and sign autographs.

Bilietus prasideda $25 ir yra prieinami ne arba paskambinus COLISEE dėžutė biure 207.783.2009, pratęsimas 525.


Middleweight Nathaniel Gallimore Defeats Jeison Rosario Via Sixth Round TKO in Co-Main Event
Super Lightweight Prospect Ladarius Miller Scores Eighth Round TKO over Jesus Gutierrez & Former World Champion Layla McCarter Stops Szilvia Szabados In Round Seven in Prelims on FS2 & FOX Sportas
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions
LAS VEGAS (Balandis 29, 2017) – Newly crowned WBA Interim Featherweight Champion Claudio Marrero (22-1, 16 Kos) shocked previously unbeaten Carlos Zambrano (26-1, 12 Kos) with a first round knockout in the main event of Premier Boksas Čempionų nuo FS1 ir "Fox Deportes, Šeštadienis night from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.
There’s so many emotions going through my head right now, that I still can’t wrap how it feels to be a champion now,” Sakė Marrero. “I won’t let it distract me, because I’ll fight whoever is the best in my weight class. I knew what kind of fighter I was going up against and I knew what had to be done. I was hungry
The fight ended abruptly as Marrero of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic threw a rock solid straight left hand that sent Lima, Peru’s Zambrano to the canvas, rendering him unable to stand and referee Vic Drakulich waved off the bout at 1:30 of the one and only round. Marrero extended a seven-fight win streak.
After being inactive for a year, of course my timing was a little off I am not happy at all with my performance,” said Zambrano. “This is a fight that was long awaited and I know Marrero has been eyeing me for a while, so it’s just unfortunate the way things ended.
I need to come back to the states and find sparring partners who can really help get me to the level that I want to be,” continued Zambrano. “For my record to be beaten at this point, its just really disappointing I have no other words to describe it.
The co-main event of the FS1 and FOX Deportes telecast ended in a sixth round TKO by hungry middleweight Nathaniel Gallimore (18-1-1, 15 Kos) of Kingston, Jamaica over Jeison Rosario (12-1, 9 Kos) Santo Domingas, Dominican Republic.Both fighters came out swinging in the first round with Rosario taking it on all three judge’s scorecards. Rožančius, who had never gone past the fourth round started to slow down in the fifth as Gallimore took over.
I came into the fight confident then at some point something just happened, my body started to slow down,” said Rosario. “I got a little tired and I started to fight a little sloppy. My plan is to go back and begin working on my jab consistently, that was my weakness during throughout the fight.
Gallimore came out of the corner in the sixth round determined to end the fight and succeeded. He dropped Rosario, but the Dominican rose to his feet, only to be dropped by a hard upper cut. Galų gale, it was a left hook that sent Rosario to the canvas for a third and final time as referee Jay Nady waved off the fight at 2:15 of the sixth round.
He was fighting really dirty the whole fight, I think he knew he was hurt early on,” Sakė Gallimore. “I knew I had a lot more experience so I just started breaking him down round by round and that’s what got me the win. This was the first time he went so many rounds, so I think it really just got to him to the point where he was just trying to hold on the last few rounds. I came to finish him and that’s what I did.
In the main event of the FS2 and FOX Deportes telecast, super lightweight prospect Ladarius Milleris (13-1, 4 Kos) put on an impressive performance before stopping Jesus Gutierrez (14-2-1, 4 Kos) in the eighth and final round of their matchup.
I am extremely happy with my performance,” said Miller. “This is the best Ladarius Miller I have shown. I was familiar with him as a fighter so I knew what I had to do in the ring. I thought I had him in the first round with the uppercut, but he was in a lot better shape than I thought. He took the punches but in the end I knew I would end up on top with the win. I’m just ready to get back in the ring and look ahead at my next challenge.
Miller out boxed Gutierrez with a combination of movement and lead left hands to take control of the first portion of the fight. Gutierrez attempted to close the distance between him and Miller, but was unable to muster up enough offense to slow down his opponent.
“Tai buvo puiki kova, I think we gave the fans what they wanted to see,” said Gutierrez. “I have nothing but respect for Ladarius, he came out šįvakar and showed what he was made of. I kept the pressure on and I thought that would be enough to get him.
Several back and forth flurries defined the final two rounds of the fight before Miller was eventually able to use a big right hand to floor Gutierrez and force referee Russell Mora to halt the fight at 2:34 into the eighth round.
The opening bout on FS2 and FOX Deportes saw former world champion Layla McCarter(39-13-5, 10 Kos) dominate and eventually stop Szilvia Szabados (15-10, 6 Kos) in the seventh-round of their welterweight bout.
I saw early in the fight an opportunity, to go for the body and that’s what I did,” said McCarter. “She took a lot of damage and was a tough opponent. I felt I could have brought it a lot harder, I had such a great training camp I wish I just would have delivered the Layla i know I can bring.
Szabados came out aggressive from the start, but the veteran contender McCarter picked her off with power punches throughout the early rounds before Szabados began to wear down and become frustrated.
She was a great opponent for me, there are definitely a lot more things that I need to go back home and work on,” said Szabados. “Bendras, she came to win and she showed it. I brought a lot of toughness, but in the end she came out on top.
Referee Tony Weeks deducted a point from Szabados for blows to the back of the head early in round seven before a final flurry from McCarter forced the referee to stop the fight 56 sekundes į turas.
PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions and sponsored by Corona Extra, geriausių Alus.
# # #
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Joshua Overcomes First Professional Knockdown To Score 11oji Round TKO In Front Of Record Crowd At London’s Wembley Stadium

007_Anthony Joshua vs Wladimir Klitschko.jpg

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Kredito Estera Lin / Showtime


LONDON (Balandis 29, 2017) – Anthony Joshua was crowed the king of the heavyweight division Šeštadienis live on SHOWTIME as he unified the division with an 11oji round TKO of long-reigning champion Wladimir Klitschko before a record 90,000 fans at London’s Wembley Stadium.


Jozuė, who remains a perfect 19-0 su 19 Knockouts, overcame the first knockdown of his career to successfully defend his IBF belt and pick up the vacant WBA title.


Joshua knocked Klitschko down once in the fifth and twice in the 11oji before referee David Fields stepped in to protect the defenseless former champion at 2:25 priešpaskutinio turo.


“I’m not perfect but I’m trying,” Joshua said. “I got a bit emotional because I know I have doubters. I’m only going to improve. Sometimes you can be a phenomenal boxer, but boxing is about character. When you go into the trenches that’s when you find out who you really are.


“I came out and I won – that’s how far I had to dig. I came back and I fought my heart out.”


“As boxing states you leave your ego at the door and you respect your opponent. A massive shout out to Wladimir Klitschko for taking the fight. I don’t want to say too much because I don’t know if he wants to come back and fight me. He’s a role model in and out of the ring.”


Po kovos, Joshua called out former heavyweight champion Tyson Fury, who dethroned Klitschko in 2015 but was subsequently forced to vacate his belts due to a number of issues outside the ring.


“Tyson Fury where you at, kūdikis,” Joshua said. “Come on – that’s what they want to see. I just want to fight everyone. I’m really enjoying this right now.”


Klitschko floored Joshua in the sixth and was up on Steve Weisfeld’s scorecard at the time of the stoppage 95-93. The other two judgesDon Trella and Nelson Vazquez – had Joshua up 96-93 ir 95-93, atitinkamai.


“The best man won šįvakar and it’s an amazing moment for boxing. Anthony was better today than I. It’s really sad that I didn’t make it šįvakar. I was planning to do it. It didn’t work, but all the respect to Anthony.


“Of course we have a rematch in the contract. I need to analyze and see what the heck happened. I wish I could have raised my hands, but congrats to him. He got up, he fought back and he won the titles.”




LOS ANGELES – Bellator is pleased to announce the signings of Valérie Létourneau (8-6), Alejandra Lara (6-1), Sabriye Şengül(Debiutas), Kristi Lopez (2-0), Na Liang (6-0) ir Juliana Velasquez (5-0) to multi-fight contracts that will see them compete in Bellator’s emerging 125-pound division. Be, Bellator will look to crown its next women’s flyweight world champion this year.

“2017 has been a big year for us in terms of bringing in marquee free agents that can have an immediate impact on their division,Sakė Bellator prezidentas Scottas Coker. “This group of flyweight signings demonstrates that we’re committed to that throughout our roster, as we’re adding even more depth to an already-competitive weight class. We’re adding a proven title contender, along with a group of prospects from all around the globe, and we look forward to putting on great fights and displaying the talent this division has to offer.”

These news stars join a division that already includes talented fighters, toks kaip Keri Taylor-Melendez (1-0), Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (6-0),Anastasia Yankova (5-0), Emily Ducote (5-2), Colleen Schneider (11-7) ir Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 NC).

The Canadian-born Létourneau, a former UFC strawweight title challenger, carries an impressive track record of thrilling fights, highlighted by a world title contest against undefeated UFC champion Joanna Jędrzejczyk. Dabar, moving up to a more natural weight class, the 33-year-old American Top Team product will make her debut for Bellator in 2017. She will look to improve upon her eight victories as a professional, a tally that includes five finishes, with four coming by way of knockout.

Hailing from Medellin, Kolumbija, Alejandra Lara will look to make a statement in Bellator’s budding women’s flyweight division. The 22-year-old knockout artist has earned six victories in seven outings since making her professional debut in 2011. “Azul” has shown tenacity in her fights thus far, showcasing a pair of first round knockouts, as well as a first round armbar submission. Lara trains alongside UFC fighters Alexa Grasso and Irene Aldana at Team Lobo in Mexico.

Kova iš Holivudo, Kalifornijoje., Kristi Lopez will enter the Bellator fray as she prepares for her third professional bout. Prieš tai, “Loba” also tallied three victories over a four-fight, two-year span on the amateur circuit.

Chinese submission specialist Na Liang will look to build on a 2017 campaign that already saw her finish an opponent in a mere 38 sekundžių. The first-round stoppage marked the fifth time in six appearances that Liang’s opposition failed to make it out of the opening round. After competing exclusively at bantamweight to begin her career, Liang decided to move down to the flyweight division, where she also saw success by collecting a trio of first round finishes.

With an impressive following in Turkey from her kickboxing career, Sabriye Şengül will now transition to MMA under the direction of Bellator. With a professional kickboxing record of 6-1, the 26-year-old prospect holds the potential to achieve the same success in multiple combat sport disciplines.

Nepralaimi ne 30 metų, Juliana Velasquez trains under the Nogueira brothers in Brazil, carrying one of the most famous names in MMA with her inside the Bellator cage. Be, Juliana trains alongside fellow Bellator flyweight Bruna Vargas. With five wins in five appearances, the Rio de Janeiro resident will look to become another Brazilian Bellator champion.


Joshas Hernandezas 127.5 kg. vs. Gavino Guaman 130.5 kg.
Shawn Simpson 117.5 kg. vs. Jose Elizondo 117 kg.
Jessica McCaskill 133 kg. vai. Brenda Gonzalez 134.5 kg.
William Hernandez 129 kg. vs. Giovanni Mioletti 131.5 kg.
Aidar Sharibayev 135 kg. vs. Orlando Perez 135 kg.
Ruben Schobitz 167.5 kg. vai. Cesar Ruiz 168 kg.
Propaguotojas: Warriors Boksas Akcijos
Vieta: UIC Pavilion, Čikagos
Tickets for Windy City Fight Night are on sale now and priced at $101, $76, $51 ir $36 and are available at Ticketmaster outlets,; paskambinus 1-800-745-3000, or the Warriors Offices: 312-226-5800 or the UIC Pavilion Box Office: 312-413-5740 or by visiting the UIC Box Office (Ketvirtadienis arba Penktadienis 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM). Or they can be purchased the night of the event. A special VIP Lounge experience is available to select sponsors. Please call 312.622.7668 Daugiau informacijos.
Windy City Fight Night doors open at 7:00 pm CT ir veiksmai prasideda 8:00 pm. The UIC Pavilion is located at 525 S. Racine Avenue in Chicago. The entire bout card is subject to change.
Apie Warriors Boksas
Įkurta 2003, Kariai Boksas veikia filosofija paprasta-duoti geriausius boksininkų pasaulyje kovoti ventiliatoriai, juos suderinti konkurencingose ​​seansų, ir tokiu būdu padeda atkurti bokso sporto naujos kartos.
Su sėkmingų Pay-Per-View šou serija ir supakuoti namų į savo kredito, Kariai verslo modelis veikia stebuklų sporto, kad buvo skaudžiai reikia inovacijų ir energijos, kad kompanija atneša prie stalo.
Kai jis ateina į ją, nors, reklamos įmonė yra tik tokia gera, kaip kovotojų ir kovoja ji skatina. Kariai Boksas PAREIŠKĖ visais frontais, su žymiais seansų pvz Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraomas-Miranda I ir II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-žalia, Archyvas: Briggs, Archyvas: Vardas, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana ir Ibragimov-Holyfield.
Daugiau informacijos apie Warriors Boksas, visit their website at


Jozuė vs. Vardas | Šeštadienis, Balandis 29

LIVE ant Showtime® į 4:15 p.m. IR/1:15 p.m. PT

From Sold-Out Wembley Stadium in London

“I’ve prepared since day one for this… Balandis 29 is just another stepping stone towards greatness.” – Anthony Joshua

“I’m the challenger again. I feel young, alkanas, humble and totally obsessed with my goal to raise my hands again.” – Wladimir Klitschko

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Kredito Estera Lin / Showtime

LONDON (Balandis 27, 2017) – Anthony Joshua and Wladimir Klitschko came face-to-face ketvirtadienį at the sprawling Sky Headquarters in London as the two 6-foot-6 giants participated in a final press conference for Šeštadienio blockbuster heavyweight world championship event.

SHOWTIME will televise the fight LIVE at 4:15 p.m. IR/1:15 p.m. PT from sold-out Wembley Stadium where a record-setting 90,000 fans are expected to be in attendance.

The 27-year-old Joshua (18-0, 18 Kos), who won the IBF belt in just his 16oji professional fight, faces his toughest challenge yet in Klitschko but has “prepared since day one for this” and sees the future Hall of Famer as “just another stepping stone towards greatness.”

The 41-year-old Klitschko (64-4, 54 Kos), who has competed in 28 world title fights and is the second longest reigning world champion in history, is “obsessed” with winning back two belts he held during his 11-year reign as heavyweight champion.

Joshua and Klitschko will unify the heavyweight division as they meet for Joshua’s IBF World Championship and the vacant WBA World Championship. The event from Britain’s national stadium will be televised in over 150 pasaulio šalių.

The ringwalks are set for 4:35 p.m. IR/1:35 p.m. PT with the first bell scheduled for 5 p.m. IR/2 p.m. PT. Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® pre-fight coverage begins live on SHOWTIME at 4:15 p.m. IR/1:15 p.m. PT with all the grand pre-fight pageantry from London.

Here’s what the fighters had to say ketvirtadienį. Spauskite ČIA to watch Sky Sports coverage of the press conference on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel:


“Even though this is such a great event, I always try to strip it down to what it really is and just focus that it’s just me and this man coming to blows and the best man will win. I’m not only prepared physically but mentally as well for any battle.

"Balandis 29 is just another stepping stone towards greatness.

“Any fight is the right fight. I’ve never shied away from any fight, any opponent. I started boxing in 2008; į 2009, ’10, ‘11 I was in the World Championships, ir 2012 I was representing Great Britain competing to be the best in the world in the Olympics. Nesvarbu, kas aš kovoti. I just enjoy what I do and I just embrace every opportunity.

“I don’t underestimate any opponent. Through my mistakes I have learned and made myself right.”


“I win. It’s not complicated. Let’s not overthink it. This isn’t rocket science. This is just a fight. Let’s strip it right back to what it is – a young lion, ferocious, alkanas, very determined. I left no stone unturned in training camp. We do talk about experience, but even when I was fighting guys with lesser experience I was preparing for this. I’ve prepared since day one for this.

“Carrying the belt hasn’t changed me as a person. I just want to represent myself the best way because I know behind me are a million people that walk the same path as me and come from the same background. I think I’m a representation of these people.

“This is another stop. You can’t sit down and enjoy the fruits of your labor. As you sit down on your throne there is always someone knocking on your door to take you down. Man, it’s just another stepping stone.”

On potentially celebrating after a win:

“You can’t deny it. This is epic. As much as I’m calm, when I look around and see how pumped people are for this fight it gives me energy, it gives me life. So it would be hard for me to hold myself together after such an amazing event.”

On this being a pivotal moment for the sport of boxing:

“Absolutely, this is 110 percent a pivotal moment for boxing.”


“Can you imagine my next opponent is going to fight a guy whose age is exactly the number of how long he has been in boxing – 27 metų? Can you imagine that? It’s a pretty amazing task. Is it a degradation that I’m actually a challenger and underdog in this fight after 27 years in the sport? I don’t think so. I think it’s great.

“I’m the challenger again. I feel young, alkanas, humble and totally obsessed with my goal to raise my hands again.

“I’m so obsessed with winning. I realized that life is a circle, and I see myself in AJ. I do believe I know how he thinks, how he goes, and how the actual fight is going to be.

“The belts are very important. I’ve been attached to these belts for a very long. I had those belts in my past fight, and I’m fighting for these belts in this fight. The only difference is in my last fight they went to the opposite corner. So my goal and obsession is for those belts to land in my corner, in my hands.

“Obsession is love in extreme shape. I’m in love with my goal.

“Defeat? Aš buvau ten, I’ve done that. I got up, shook it off and came back stronger. Just a little help (for Joshua) – there’s nothing scary about it.”