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Güclü M-1 Çağırışı 77 əsas kart dəsti Viktor Nemkov, yüngül çəki dərəcəsində Ronny Markes'i qəbul edir

Viktor Nemkov (L) bir MMA döyüşçüsü və ən yaxşı M-1 Global funt sterlinq döyüşçülərindən biridir
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusiya (May 10, 2017) – Köhnə iki dəfə M-1 Challenge yüngül çəki çempionu Viktor Nemkov M-1 Global-debüt edəcək Ronny Markes, May 19, ilə M-1 Challenge 77 Soçidə əsas hadisə, Rusiya.
M-1 Challenge 77 üzərində yüksək dəqiqliklə yayımlanacaq www.M1Global.TVSoçidən yaşayır, Rusiya. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans bütün fəaliyyət onların kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi.
Rusiyadan kənarda döyüşən Qazaxıstan vətəndaşı, Nemkov (24-6-0, M-1: 17-5-0) daha bir dəfə M-1 yüngül çəki dərəcəsinin zirvəsinə qayıtdı. Ilə 2013, Nemkov məğlub oldu Vasili Babich (11-8-0), ikinci tur təqdim yolu ilə (qol-lock), at M-1 Challenge 66, vakant M-1 Challenge yüngül çəki dərəcəsi üçün.
Nemkov ilk titul müdafiəsini Almaniyaya beş turluq bir qərarla itirdi Stephan Puetz, sonradan dörd döyüşdən qisas almış Nemkov, içərisində beş turluq çoxluq qərarı alınması M-1 Challenge 63 Coveted M-1 tacını almaq üçün Gecənin mübarizəsi.
İkinci hakimliyini ilk titulunda müdafiə etdi, Nemkov, beş dövrəli bir qərar qərarı ilə titulunu itirdi Rəşid Yusupov (8-0), bir il əvvəl at M-1 Challenge 68. Çevik Nemkov Markesə təsirli bir qələbə ilə vurulan başqa bir titul üçün özünü göstərəcək.
Markalar (16-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Braziliya, Nemkov-a qarşı M-1 Qlobal debütünü edəcək. Bu son Fevral ayında son döyüşündə, Markes boğuldu 15-4-0 Tony Lopez Cage kralı super çəki dərəcəsində çempionluq matçının açılış turunda. Markes UFC və Dünya Döyüş veteranları seriyasındandır
Müəyyən artikl M-1 Challenge 77 əsas kart əyləncəli şəkildə yığılmışdır, bərabər uyğun döyüşlər, o cümlədən, uğursuz Rusiya orta çəkili perspektivi arasında partlayıcı bir atış Artiom Frolov (8-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0) və həmişə təhlükəlidir Taleh “Azərbaycan Terminator” Nəcəfzadə (5-1-1 (M-1: 2-0-1).
Rusiya featherweight Viktor Kolesnik (9-2-1, M-1: 0-0-1) vs. Brazlı Felipe Rego (10-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Ukraynalı ağırlıqqaldır Audrey “Dəmir” Lezhnev(15-7-0, M-1: 3-3-0) vs. Rus rbanali Abdusalamov, və gürcü yüngül Raul Tutarauli (9-3-0, M-1: 4-1-0) vs. M-1 Qlobal pro-debüt Artur Lemos (8-2-0), Portuqaliyanın, əsas kart fəaliyyətində də planlaşdırılır.


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@ M1Global
M-1 Challenge 77: Nemkov vs. Markalar – May 19, 2017 Sochi, Rusiya
M-1 Challenge 78: Divniç vs. Ismagulov – May 26, 2017 Orenburq, Rusiya
M-1 Challenge 79: Shlemenko vs. Halsey – İyun 1, 2017 St. Petersburg, Rusiya
M-1 Challenge 80: Kharitonov vs. Lopes – İyun 15, 2017 Harbin şəhərində, Çini
May 19 Soçidə, Rusiya

Himnin FNTSY İdman Şəbəkəsi və Fight Şəbəkəsi go90 ™ -də işə salınır

Tərəfdaşlıq, FNTSY İdman Şəbəkəsinin Gündəlik Şoularından Kliplər ilə Himnin Mobil Ayaq İzini Genişləndirir, Şəbəkənin Geniş Məzmun Kitabxanası ilə mübarizə aparın

NEW YORK | TORONTO - Himn İdmanı & Entertainment Corp. bu gün elan edib FNTSY Sports Network, dünyanın fantaziya idmanına həsr olunmuş ilk və yeganə kanalı, və Fight Network, dünyanın ilk çox platformalı döyüş idman kanalı, başladılar go90.

“Anthemin flaqman xüsusiyyətləri FNTSY İdman Şəbəkəsi və Mübarizə Şəbəkəsinin go90 platformasında istifadəyə verilməsi mobil genişləndirmə strategiyamızda vacib bir addımdır,”Dedi Leonard Asper, Anthem İdman CEO & Entertainment Corp. “Xidmət ABŞ-da mobil telefon istifadəçilərinə çatır., tamaşaçı istehlakı və söhbət üçün yeni bir milli platformanın yaradılması. Orijinal və vaxtında təqdim olunan premium məzmununuz xidmət üçün mükəmməl uyğun gəlir, müstəsna döyüşlər və rəqəmsal xüsusiyyətlər ilə döyüş idman azarkeşlərini artırır, fantaziya idman oyunçularına son seçimlər ilə üstünlük verir, reytinq, proqnozlar və daha çox şey. "

Go90 on Anthem, FNTSY Sports Network’un əsas şoularından gündəlik klipləri ehtiva edir, o cümlədən Bu gün HotRosterev sahibi Garion Thorne və Cam Stewart, müəyyən artikl Pat Mayo Saatı ödüllü fantaziya idman mütəxəssisi Pat Mayo ilə, Morency UnfilteredOyun vaxt qərarları, aparıcı Qabriel Morency, Evdə buz üstünlüyü Chris Meaney ilə, daha FNTSY Qarışıq, Corey Parson'un iştirak etdiyi ən yaxşı qısa formalı məzmunu vurğulamaq, Tim Gilbert, Ashley Docking və daha çox. Döyüş Şəbəkəsi döyüş idman dünyasındakı bütün ən böyük hadisələri əhatə edəcəkdir, ən yaxşı şəxsiyyətlər və döyüşçülərlə eksklüziv reportajlar, kimi orijinal məhsullar RetrospektivTristar hekayələri, üstəgəl geniş proqramlaşdırma dəstindən döyüşlər və hadisələr. Anthem’in FNTSY İdman Şəbəkəsini və Mübarizə Şəbəkəsini izləyin go90.com və ya mövcud go90 tətbiqi iOS və ya Android.

Bütün ABŞ-da mövcuddur. simsiz daşıyıcılar, go90 hazırda təhvil verilir 25,000 futbolda ən yüksək liqaların canlı və tələb etdiyi idman saatları, basketbol, futbol və daha çox.

FNTSY İdman Şəbəkəsi dünyanın ilk və yeganə şirkətidir 24/7 yerdən informasiyaya qədər hazırlanmış televiziya şəbəkəsi, məşğul və daha çox əyləndirmək 60 hər il və gündəlik əsasda fantaziya idmanı ilə məşğul olan milyon həvəskar. fantaziya idman oyunçular üçün hedef kanal, cədvəli həyəcan verici canlı studiya proqramlaşdırma daxildir, zəng-in göstərir, ekspert panelləri, ünlü və ekspert layihələri, reallıq proqramlaşdırma və idman yerlərindən yerində təqdimat, qitə ətrafında ekspertlər, eləcə də qısa formada proqramlaşdırma,futbol fantaziya idman müzakirəsi və təhlilini təmin, beysbol, basketbol, Futbol, golf, xokkey,NASCAR və digər idman. Həm də bir ekranda mövcud olan ən çox məlumatı özündə cəmləşdirən bir fantaziya idmanı "ticker" daxildir. Yayımlanır 20 kabel, ABŞ-da peyk və IPTV platformaları. və Kanada və Apple TV daxil olmaqla yayım xidmətləri, Il, Amazon Fire, Xbox, Pluton TV və Xumo kimi Smart TV platformaları, rəqəmsal və sosial platformalarda qlobal olaraq.

Network mübarizə 24/7 Döyüş idmanlarını tam əhatə etməyə həsr olunmuş HD çox platformalı kanal. Döyüş idman növünün bütün sahəsinə diqqət yetirən hava sproqramları, qarışıq Döyüş, o cümlədən, boks,kikboksinq, professional güləş, Ənənəvi Döyüş, xəbərlər və təhlili mübarizə, habelə döyüş temalı dram, reallıq seriyası, sənədli və bədii filmlər. Fight Network-un dinamik proqramlaşdırma dəstinə dünyanın müxtəlif yerlərində canlı hadisələr və geniş xəbərlər daxildir. Fight Network kabel vasitəsilə paylanır, ABŞ-da peyk və IPTV sistemləri, Kanada və üzərində 30 Avropada ölkələr, Afrika və Yaxın Şərq, Apple TV daxil olmaqla axın xidmətlərində də qlobal olaraq, Il, Amazon Fire və Pluton TV, rəqəmsal və sosial platformalarda qlobal olaraq.

FNTSY İdman Şəbəkəsi və Mübarizə Şəbəkəsi Anthem İdmanının törəmə şirkətləridir & Entertainment Corp.

Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün:

Anthem İdman & Entertainment Corp.
Ariel Shnerer

Direktor, Proqramlaşdırma & Communications


Undefeated hometown prospect Irvin Gonzalez to headline June 10; New England’s Future series continues in Worcester, MA

Heavyweight Sonya Lamonakis to
Fight for vacant UBF World title
WORCESTER, Kütləvi. (May 10, 2017, 2017) – Undefeated rising super featherweight prospect Irvin Gonzalez will headline the third installment of the “New İngiltərənin gələcək” seriya, Şənbə gecə, İyun 10, as professional boxing returns for the first time ilə 11 il to the DCU Center (Exhibition Hall) Worcester, Massachusetts.
New England’s Future 3is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, iki bölmə dünya çempionu Jose Antonio Rivera və onun oğlu, Anthonee (A.J.) Rivera.
Arguably the top New England prospect, the 21-year-old Gonzalez (6-0, 6 Kos) is continuing Worcester’s rich boxing tradition, which dates back nearly a century. A 2015 N. Və. Qızıl Əlcəklər çempionu, Gonzalez has knocked out all six of his pro opponents, four in the opening round, the other two in the second. Gonzalez will fight Raul Lopez (10-2-1, 5 Kos), Bronx (NY), in an eight-round match for the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) East Regional super featherweight championship.
Former International Boxing Organization (IBO heavyweight world champion, SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis (10-2-2, 1 KO), will face TBA in the eight-round co-feature for the vacant UBF World heavyweight title. Lamonakis is a New York City teacher who lived in Turners Falls (MA) and graduated from Springfield (MA) College. She is a native of Greece and a four-time New York Golden Gloves champion.
I am excited that we will be having our ‘New England’s Future 3boxing event at the DCU Center,” promoter Jose Antonio Rivera said. “The last time there was boxing at the DCU was when I fought for and won the WBA Junior Middleweight world title. It was an electric night with the fight televised live on Showtime. I am hoping we can bring the same kind of excitement with our action- packed lineup of young and hungry up-and-coming boxers.
We have two UBF title fights on the line with Sonya Lamonakis fighting for the female UBF Heavyweight World Title and Worcester’s own Irving Gonzalez, in only his seventh pro fight, fighting for the UBF 126-pound division East Regional championship. I’m also excited to have five Worcester boxers on our event at the DCU and I hope our Worcester fan-base comes out to support them. I am looking forward to seeing another great night of action-packed boxing.
Powerhouse fighter VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (16-1-1, 15 Kos), fighting out of Pembroke (MA), returns in an eight-round Special Cruiserweight Attraction against TBA.
Həm də undercard üzərində mübarizə aparır, bütün dörd dəyirmi bouts, are Worcester welterweight Andy Gonzalez (6-1, 5 Kos) vs. Baltimore’s Kevin “The ScarecrowWomack, Jr. (7-14-3, 5 Kos), Lawrence (MA) kiçik Welter Siklet AdrianTonka” Sosa (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Las Vegas’ Johnny Frazier (2-3-0-4, 2 Kos), New Haven (CT) featherweight Josh Crespo (7-4-3, 3 Kos) vs. Georgia’s Gabriel Braxton (2-18, 1 KO), Worcester featherweight Andino Ranse (1-0) vs. Voburn (MA) Gilvan Santos (0-3), Springfield (MA) kiçik middleweight Vışka “Double Impact” Whitley (1-0) vs. Norwalk (CT) veteran Shaka Moore (12-22-3, 2 Kos), Worcester nin Bobby Harris III vs. Braziliyanın Nathan Schulte in a battle of pro-debuting super middleweights, Southbridge (MA) kiçik Welter Siklet Wilfredo “Sucaro” kafir (1-0) vs. Lawrence’s Anthony Everett (1-5), Worcester heavyweight Bryan Daniels (4-0, 2 Kos) vs. Florida’s ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-8) and Hartford’s (CT) Richie “Popeye The Sailor Man” Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Miçiqan Michael Shipp (1-4, 1 KO) fighting at a 180-pound catch-weight.
Bütün döyüşlərdə və döyüşçüləri dəyişiklik obyektidir.
Biletlər, faiz $75.00 (Ringside) və $45.00 (ümumi qəbul), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office, www.dcu.centerworcester.com, by contacting Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera
(anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) və ya döyüşçü hər hansı bir.
Açıq qapı 6 dək., İlk bout 7 dək. VƏ.
Sponsorlar Lundgren Honda daxildir, Championsofhealth.usana.com, Whiskey On Water and Worcester criminal defense Atty. Michael Erlich.
Cuqquldamaq: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_

Gamal Yafai and Frankie Gavin speak about undercard bouts this Saturday, Live on AWE- Əyləncə A Sərvət

Kal Yafai defends WBA Super Flyweight title against Suguru Muranaka This Saturday, May 13th on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment


SAN DIEGO, CALIF. – May 10, 2017Gamal Yafai says he can beat Sean Davis any way he wants to when he challenges his local rival for the WBC International Super-Bantamweight title at the Barclaycard Arena in Birmingham on Şənbə AWE CANLI- Əyləncə A Sərvət at a NEW START TIME 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT.
Əsas halda, Kal Yafai defends the WBA Super Flyweight title against Suguru Muranaka.
For fans who do not have AWE, they can access the fight card on the AWE channell on www.klowdtv.com

Yafai and Davis finally get their hands on each other after their proposed meeting for Yafai’s Commonwealth title fell through in October after the champion damaged his ankle in training.
Davis instead met Paul Economides for the crown he defends bu axşam, while Yafai returned from injury in Germany in March in a six rounder. Müəyyən artikl 25 year old now meets ‘Showtimeon the undercard of his brother Kal’s World title defence, and Yafai plans to do a comprehensive job on Davis to show he’s ready to move to the next level.
I can’t wait for this,” said Yafai. “Fighting in front of my home fans on big shows is something I’ve always wanted to do and it’s a bonus to be alongside my brother. To do it so early into my career is massive for me. I’m so happy to be one of the big names in Birmingham.
I know a bit about Sean. I didn’t know him a year ago until his coach messaged me on Facebook for a bit of sparring and we done a little bit of work.
It’s my job to answer whatever Sean brings. I’m capable of that. I am more than just a puncher, I can outbox Sean and outpunch himI beat him in every department.
I was preparing for the Davis fight doing box jumps. I’ve got it on video, it was on CCTV where I was training. I went over on it, it’s hard to describe how I done it. The pain and rehab was unreal. I couldn’t do anything for two months solid.
It was horrible being out of the ring so long. I couldn’t train and obviously wasn’t getting paid. It’s hard when you can’t fight but it only makes you stronger.
I didn’t have any surgery, just had to let it rest. It was so bruised and I tore a few ligaments but it’s in the past now.
I’m entering the next phase of my career now. I learnt a lot as an amateur so I didn’t have to have as many learning fights so to speak. I didn’t need that long like other fighters might do. I was a World class amateur so I think I’ve done alright so far and I’m ready for the next step in my career.
Yafai’s clash with Davis is part of a huge night of action in Birmingham where Kal Yafai defends his WBA World Super-Flyweight title against Suguru Muranaka.
Sam Eggington challenges Cerefino Rodriguez for the European Welterweight title, Ryan Kelly and Adam Harper meet for the Midlands Area Middleweight Title.
‘Funtimefaces French challenger Şənbə günü gecə
Frankie Gavin admits he’s heading to the last chance saloon as he faces Renald Garrido.
Gavin is back in action after his loss in the same arena to Sam Eggington in a thrilling fight in October, and the former World title challenger is kicking off a new chapter in his career having switched to Eggington’s trainer Jon Pegg.
Garrido is a familiar face in the UK having beaten Bradley Saunders and gone the distance with Jack Catterall, Martin Lindsay and Robbie Davies Jr, and Gavin knows he must be at his best if he wants to bounce back with a win and move onto major title fights later in the year.
I’m heading to the real last chance saloon now,” said Gavin. “I’m in a gym with a lot of fighters and that’s good for meit’s keeping me on my toes and hungry.
I want a big fight next so I need a good performance Şənbə günü to prove that I can still win massive titles. Garrido is a good test for me, he always comes to win and he’s dangerous, so I need to be on my guard.
Gavin’s clash with Garrido is part of a huge night of action in Birmingham as Kal Yafai makes the first defence of his WBA World Super-Flyweight title against Suguru Muranaka.
Eggington challenges Cerefino Rodriguez for the European Welterweight title, Yafai’s brother Gamal defends his WBC International Super-Bantamweight championship against fellow Birmingham man Sean Davis, Ryan Kelly and Adam Harper meet for the Midlands Area Middleweight Title.
There’s action for Lennox Clarke, unbeaten Olympian Josh Kelly, Kieron Conway, Aaron Lovell, Jordan Clayton, Charlie Williams and Cori Gibbs.
AWE LIVE boks haqqında

AWE LIVE Boks bu gün ən maraqlı döyüşçüləri nümayiş canlı dünya adı birinciliyi və aradan qaldırılması bouts xüsusiyyətləri. Qorxu canlı boks hadisələr başladığından bu yana 2011, AWE has featured over 50 dünya adı döyüş.

AWE has brought boxing fans some of the most exciting and controversial bouts, including the matchup of Ricky Burns against Ray Beltran for the world title. AWE featured live and exclusively the crowning of American Terence Crawford over Ricky Burns. AWE azarkeşləri şəbəkə namağlup ağır Tyson Fury və partlayıcı güc neçə dəfə şahidi olduq, Kevin Johnson üzərində Fury qələbə, o cümlədən. Ilə 2017, AWE was the exclusive United States television provider of the historic matchup between legendary British heavyweight David Haye and Tony Bellew.

Rances Barthelemy Training Camp Quotes & Şəkillər

Two-Division World Champion Battles Kiryl Relikh in 140-Pound Title Eliminator on SHOWTIME Şənbə, May 20 Etibarən

MGM National Harbor in Maryland

Basın HERE Sean Michael Ham şəkillər üçün /

Premier Boks Çempionlar

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD (May 10, 2017) – Cuban star Rances Barthelemy will look to take one step closer to becoming the first Cuban fighter to win world titles in three weight classes when he battles Kiryl Relikh in a WBA 140-pound title eliminator on Şənbə, May 20 on SHOWTIME from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.


Televised coverage begins on SHOWTIME at 6 dək. VƏ/3 dək. PT and is headlined by WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. defending his title against top challenger Oscar Escandon plus super middleweight contenders Andre DirrellJose Uzcategui in a matchup for the Interim IBF Super Middleweight World Championship. Televiziya açacağında, from Copper Box Arena in London, Gervonta Davis defends his IBF 130-pound world championship against Liam Walsh.


Tickets for the live event at MGM National Harbor, promoted by TGB Promotions, fiyatlandırılır $200, $150, $100 və $50, and are now on sale. To purchase tickets go to http://mgmnationalharbor.com/.


Already a champion at 130 and 135-pounds, a victory over the former title challenger Relikh will put Barthelemy in the mandatory position to face unified 140-pound champion Julius Indongo and do something that no fighter has done in the rich history of Cuban boxing.


Here is what Barthelemy had to say from training camp in Las Vegas:


1) How is training camp going? How have you benefitted from sparring and training alongside of your brother Leduan and Yordenis Ugas and have their recent performances been an indication of how you expect to perform?


Training camp is going really well. Training alongside of my brother and Yordenis under the tutelage of Ismael Salas is the best thing that could happen in my career. They keep me focused and motivated to get better every day. Yordenis and I have been helping each other during our camps, he’s an Olympic athlete so having him to train with is really beneficial. We have a new strength and conditioning coach as well who has us in the best shape possible. Mən bilirəm May 20 you guys will see the best Rances Barthelemy yet.”


2) What would it mean to you to become the first three-division world champion from Cuba?


It would mean the world to me, after all that it took to defect from Cuba, the near death experiences, the imprisonments, leaving my loved ones behind, it would all have been worth it. I want to inspire the youth that come after me as well, let them know to never give up on their dreams no matter the conditions you live in or what the naysayers may say. Me winning a third world title and making history for a Cuban would prove that.


3) What did you take away from Relikh’s loss to Ricky Burns?


I didn’t get to watch the fight but watched the highlights and it seemed like a very entertaining fight. People were saying that it probably should have gone the other way even, so it seems like he put on a good performance.

4) How would you characterize Relikh’s style and how do you see this fight playing out?


He likes to come forward a lot and attack. I’m prepared for that if that’s what he plans to do come fight night but I also anticipate having to make adjustments. I always prepare to adjust to whatever my opponent brings. Being a cerebral fighter is a skill that has helped me succeed inside the ring.

5) Can you address your 11-month layoff and how your training has been geared towards shaking off any ring rust you may have?


There will be no ring rust come May 20 as we have been in the gym non-stop since my last fight against Mickey Bey. We took a few weeks off to visit Cuba for the first time since my defection. Aside from that I made sure to stay active and I’ve been training hard to be prepared when my name got called. The 11-month layoff happened for reasons out of my control. My management team has been trying to get the best opponents and unfortunately it took longer than we expected but we are here now and I’m as prepared as I have ever been.


6) How did you trip back to Cuba come about and what was it like to be back in your home country?

“It was very emotional and a long eight years since I had been back. I didn’t know if I’d be able to go back or not. But I visited the Cuban embassy in Washington D.C. and they told me I’d finally be able to go back to visit my loved ones. It was nothing but nerves until I got over there. It was an emotional time and everyone welcomed me back with open arms in my hometown of Havana. It’s something I will never forget, especially for the way I was received.”

7) How do you rate your skills and progression as a fighter considering your last three dominant wins over top quality opposition? Do you feel that you are at the peak of your career?


I am definitely at my peak physically, and I’m looking to match that on paper this year. I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring. I don’t like to rate myself, I leave that to the people and the media. They’ve taken notice and that’s why I am where I am today, but I am expecting big things to happen this year.


8) Why did you feel it was time to rise in weight, especially considering the wealth of talent at 135 indicə? Who do you consider to be the top 135 fighter now that you are gone?


My body was asking for it, 135 was taking too much of a physical toll on me. It may not have been noticeable, but I struggled to make weight during my last fight at 135 and felt I lost some of my power because of the drainage. Since I moved up to 140 I definitely have felt a lot better. It was the right move. Daha, I now have the chance to go after a third world title in a third division, which would be the first time for any boxer from Cuba.


9) Why did you make the decision to move from Miami to Las Vegas and how do you think it has benefited you?

“To be honest, there is nothing better for a Cuban than to be living in Miami, because the weather is just right and what we are used to. But at the same time it presents a lot of distractions too. So moving to the boxing hub of the United States is better for me so I don’t get wrapped up in anything extra other than boxing. Daha, there are so many sparring partners here and I can go up to Mt. Charleston and get my runs in up there.”


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Gary Russell Jr. vs. Oscar Escandon is a featherweight world championship showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on Şənbə, May 20 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland. Televised coverage begins on SHOWTIME at 6 dək. VƏ/3 dək. PT and features super middleweight contenders Andre Dirrell and Jose Uzcategui in a matchup for the Interim IBF Super Middleweight World Championship plus two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy in a WBA 140-pound world title eliminator against Kiryl Relikh. Televiziya açacağında, from Copper Box Arena in London, Gervonta Davis puts his IBF Jr. Lightweight Title on the line against Liam Walsh.


Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün, follow on Twitter @MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. The event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

America’s Youngest World Champion Gervonta Davis And WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. Anchor Four-Fight, Split-Site Boxing Event Saturday, May 20 On SHOWTIME®

Davis Defends Against Unbeaten Liam Walsh To Open the Show From London;

Russell Faces Mandatory Challenger Oscar Escandon In Main Event from Outside Washington D.C.


Şənbə, May 20 * At Live 6 dək. VƏ/3 dək. PT

From MGM National Harbor In Maryland

NEW YORK (May 10, 2017) – America’s youngest world champion, Gervonta Davis, will make his first world title defense in the opening bout and featherweight world champion Gary Russell Jr. will make his mandatory world title defense in the main event of a split-site, four-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event on Şənbə, May 20, da Showtime yaşayır 6 dək. VƏ/3 dək. PT*.

Davis will travel to Britain to defend his IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship against undefeated No. 1-ranked contender and local favorite Liam Walsh from Copper Box Arena in London. Russell will make a long-awaited homecoming—his first professional fight in the region—and his second WBC Featherweight World Championship defense against mandatory challenger Oscar Escandon live from MGM National Harbor just outside of Washington, D. Ç.

*Editors’ Note: In order to present all four bouts on one program, the Davis vs. Walsh bout may air on a delay basis of up to 30 dəqiqə.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING host Brian Custer will anchor the four-fight telecast from Maryland with coverage of Davis vs. Walsh provided by BT Sport. Veteran sportscaster Mauro Ranallo will handle play-by-play at MGM National Harbor with Hall of Famer Al Bernstein and former two-division champion Paulie Malignaggi serving as analysts. Emmy award winning sports reporter Jim Gray and 2017 Hall of Fame inductee Steve Farhood will also serve from ringside. Secondary Audio Programming will be offered in Spanish by Alejandro Luna and former world champ Raúl Marquez.

From London, John Rawling will handle play-by-play for Davis vs. Walsh with former world champion Richie Woodhall providing the color commentary at Copper Box Arena.

“May 20 will be a big night of boxing and it kicks off a run of four consecutive weeks of world class fights on SHOWTIME,"Stephen Espinoza bildirib, Müdir Köməkçisi və baş direktoru, SHOWTIME İdman®. “We have consistently delivered the biggest and most important boxing events from around the globe to SHOWTIME subscribers. This unique presentation—four fights, two world championships and two title eliminators, from different continents, all on one show—is yet another example of our unrivaled commitment to the sport.”

The 22-year-old Davis (17-0, 16 Kos) is the youngest reigning world champion from the United States and the second youngest in the world. The Baltimore native and Floyd Mayweather protégé will travel to hostile territory in his first title defense against Walsh (21-0, 14 Kos) in a matchup of undefeated southpaws.

Russell Jr. (27-1, 16 Kos) will look to make a statement in the loaded featherweight division against mandatory challenger Ecandon (25-2, 17 Kos), who owns a stunning knockout of former world champion Jesus Cuellar. Russell vs. Escandon is the sixth featherweight title bout on SHOWTIME since February 2016.

Two world title eliminators will round out the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING quadrupleheader. Top super middleweight contenders Andre Dirrell (25-2, 16 Kos) and José Uzcátegui (26-1, 22 Kos) will face off in an IBF Super Middleweight Eliminator to determine the mandatory challenger for champion James DeGale.

Undefeated Rances Barthelemy (25-0, 13 Kos) will meet Kiryl Relikh (21-1, 19 Kos) in a WBA Super Lightweight Eliminator for unified champ Julius Indongo. Barthelemy, who won titles at 130 və 135, will earn an opportunity to become Cuba’s first three-division champion with a win over the hard-hitting Relikh.

Daha çox məlumat üçün www.SHO.com/Sports Twitter-də @ ShowtimeBoxing-i izləyin və ya Facebook-da pərəstişkar olun www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. To become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

King’s Promotions Press Conference Video

Christopher Brooker to take on Oscar Riojas in featured bout This Cümə, May 12th at the SugarHouse Casino

Jerome Conquest battles Daniel Perales in co-feature bout

Also seeing action will be undefeated fighters Blake Mansfield, Sam Orapeza, Jeffrey Torres, and Harold Lopez
Jerome Conquest (l) and Christopher Brooker

Philadelphia, PA. (May 10, 2017) -Aşağıda video edir Çərşənbə axşamı nin King’s Promotions Press Conference at The SugarHouse Casino
Cümə günü night at the SugarHouse Casino, , super middleweight Christopher Brooker (11-3, 5 KO-nin) Philadelphia döyüşlərdə Oscar Riojas (14-7-1, 5 KO-nin) of Monterrey, Mexico in a super middleweight bout.
ATƏT-xüsusiyyət, Jerome Conquest (6-2, 1 KO) Philadelphia olacaq Daniel Perales (10-9-1, 5 KO-nin) of Monterrey, Mexico in a six-round lightweight bout.
Also in a six-round bout:
Blake Mansfield (5-0-1, 2 KO-nin) Burlington, NC mübarizə edəcək Henry Beckford (4-6, 1 KO) of Coram, NY in a super middleweight bout.
Dörd dəyirmi bouts:
Chaise Nelson (4-1, 3 KO-nin) of Dayton, Ohio olacaq Bryan Perez Nevarez (2-5-1, 1 KO) Carolina, Puerto Rico in a featherweight bout.

Sam Orapeza (1-0) Philadelphia döyüşlərdə Kyle McNutt (1-2, 1 KO) of Battle Creek, MI in a cruiserweight affair.
Jeffrey Torres (2-0, 1 KO) Philadelphia mübarizə edəcək Kashon Hutchinson (2-2, 1 KO) in a battle of Keystone State based lightweights.

Harold Lopez (1-0, 1 KO) Bethlehem, PA will square off Sergio Aguilar (2-5, 2 KO-nin) Mexico City, Mexico in a bantamweight fight.

Biletlər üçün satışa çıxarılıb $100, $75, $50, və əldə etmək olar SugarHouseBoxing.eventbrite.ilə

Jose Rodriguez unfazed, determined to KO 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez InRapid Firemain event June 17

Airing live on CBS Sports Network from
Hartman Arena in Kansas
PARK CITY, Kansas (May 11, 2017) – Unfazed Mexico-native Jose Rodriguez is determined to knockout 2016 Olimpiya bürünc medalçısı Nico Hernandez haqqında Şənbə, İyun 17, ilə “KO Night Boxing: Rapid Fireheadline event.

Wichita-native Hernandez (1-0, 1 KO) will be fighting at home against Rodriquez (2-0, 2 Kos), a flyweight living in Wisconsin,in the six-round main event that will air (10 dək. VƏ / 7 dək. PT) on CBS Sports Network live from Hartman Arena in Park City, Kansas.
“KO Night Boxing: Rapid Fireis a presentation of KO Night Boxing LLC.
Hernandez drew nearly 3,200 fans for his professional debut, Mart 25, in nearby Mulvane (KS), in which the 21-year-old future star stopped Patrick Gutierrez in the fourth round of the main event, which was also televised live on CBS Sports Network.
Rodriguez is chasing the American dream having moved 12 years ago to Wisconsin for a job opportunity and better life for his family. He had started boxing in Mexico but was unable to continue because he needed to work. A few years after he moved to Wisconsin, Rodriguez decided he wanted to box again, although he had a difficult time finding a trainer who wanted to work with a 24-year-old novice. Məşqçi Eddie Haynes gave Rodriguez an opportunity to join Team Certified, which includes former world title challenger Angel Manfredy, who also works Rodriguezcorner.
After a brief yet undefeated amateur career, highlighted by Rodriguezgold-medal performance in the in the Milwaukee Golden Gloves Championships, Jose turned pro last July in Milwaukee against Nicholas Brand. Indi, he has a pair of first-round knockouts, the last this past September against Richard Tallmadge, who was coached by Nate Jones, istehzayana, also an American Olympic bronze-medal winner in 1996.
Rodriguez, who drives 1 ½-hours to train at his gym, works the night shift in a factory. “I fight for my wife and three children,” the 29-year-old Rodriquez said. “This is a very important fight for me because, when I knock him out, it’ll open doors for me and my team. I train very hard every day because I want to make a living boxing, or at least enough to work less hours, so I can see my kids more than the hour a day I do now. I’ve already lost too much time
This is going to be a good action-fight, Başdan, as long as it lasts. I like to fight inside, putting a lot of pressure on my opponent. I don’t want to leave it in the hands of the judges. No decision, I’m knocking him out. If he thinks this is going to be an easy fight, he’ll know who I am after our fight. Mən onu başa çatdırmaq üçün gedirəm!”
Unbeaten Canadian featherweight Marc “Gwapo” Pagcaliwangan (10-0-1, 8 Kos) takes on Mexican invader Mələk “Dəhşətli” Monrreal (9-8-1, 3 Kos) in the eight-round co-feature. Pagacaliwangan is a Taekwondo-trained fighter of Filipino heritage. He is a three-time Ontario Golden Gloves and two-time Provincial amateur champion in his native Canada.
Wichita junior middleweight Noel Esquada (7-3-2, 5 Kos) cavab 2012 Chicago Golden Gloves champion LimberthEl GallitoPonce (12-3, 9 Kos) in a scheduled six-round bout. Garden City (KS) featherweight prospekti Eric Vargas (2-0, 1 KO) faces pro-debuting Humberto “Tito” Tellez, fighting out of Winfield (KS).
Non-televised “KO Night Boxing: Rapid Fireundercard bouts featuring additional Kansas fighters will soon be announced. Bütün döyüşlərdə və döyüşçüləri dəyişiklik obyektidir.
Tickets are on sale at the Hartman Arena box office and http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/060052A193761C74. qiymətləri $175.00 (VIP ringside package ticket which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt and a ticket to the official after-party with a meet-and-greet opportunity), $150.00 (floor seat which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt), $75.00, $35.00 və $20.00. Tickets will also be sold in Wichita at Angela’s Café (2119 Müəyyən artikl. 21st St. N, or call Team Nico (Jeremiah @ 316. 393.3743 or Lewis @ 316.806.0144).
Bu bütün yaş göstərmək. Açıq qapı 6:00 dək. CT təyin açılış bout ilə 7:00 dək. CT.
Cuqquldamaq: @KONightBoxing
Twitter və Instagram @Nicomhernandez edin



DƏRHAL AZAD EDİLMƏSİ: Lewiston, Maine (May 10, 2017) - New England Davalar (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Şənbə, İyun 17, 2017 with the fight promotion’s next event, “NEF 29: STARS & STRIPES.The event will feature a full slate of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) və peşəkar boks görüşləri. Bu gün, NEF announced the addition of a professional featherweight contest to the fight card. Josh Parker (5-9) görüşəcək Digər “Bitirici” Belcarris (0-1) 145-manat döyüş çəkisi. Both athletes have earned a reputation for finishing fights andnot letting it go to the judgesscorecards.Both will also be looking to bounce back from losses atNEF 28” Ötən ay.


Josh Parker was riding high off a win over Derek Shorey (4-9) when he signed to face Matt Denning (4-6) aprel 29. Təəssüf ki, Parker, Denning was able to work his jiu-jitsu effectively and submit Parker in the first round. Like all Josh Parker bouts, lakin, the action was fast and furious and the head of Ruthless MMA & Boxing predicts much of the same excitement for his fight with Belcarris.


I want to thank NEF for the opportunity, and I want to thank my opponent for taking the fight,” Səid Parker. “I’m excited for the challenge. Andre has a lot of experience in the cage and with 11 knockouts on his record, I’d say our fighting styles are going to make one hell of an exciting fight. The fans are going love this one. Görüşürük June 17th!”


Andre Belcarris entered the NEF cage for the first time atNEF 28,making his professional debut after an amateur career spanning more than three-dozen fights. In the opposite corner stood veteran Walter Smith-Cotito (5-5). Belcarris held his own against the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt for two rounds before Smith-Cotito was able to submit him. While the fight did take place at featherweight, Belcarris had spent the majority of his camp training for a bantamweight bout with Elias Leland (3-2) until Leland had to pull out due to injury. Now with a full camp to prepare for a fight at featherweight, Belcarris promises improvements in his game.


I’m working hard to improve upon my last performance,” said Belcarris between training sessions at NorthEast Assassins in Vermont. “A full camp with 145 as the target is a different setup. I will be ready!”


New England Fights returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine with its next event, “NEF 29: STARS & STRIPES,” Şənbə günü, İyun 17, 2017. Tickets are on sale now at the Colisee box office 207-783-2009 x 525 və online at www.TheColisee.com.


Hadisə və mübarizə kart yenilikləri haqqında daha ətraflı məlumat üçün, enmənin veb səhifəsinə müraciət edin www.NewEnglandFights.com. Əlavə, Siz NEF video izləyə bilərsiniz www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “New England Davalar."


New England Davalar haqqında

New England Davalar ("NEF") döyüş hadisələr promosyonlar şirkət. NEF missiyası eyni Maine döyüşçüləri və azarkeşləri üçün yüksək keyfiyyətli hadisələr yaratmaq. NEF icra komanda mübarizə idman idarə geniş təcrübəyə malikdir, hadisələr istehsalı, media münasibətləri, marketinq, Hüquqi və reklam.

Fight back against Autism

Fight back against Autism with our newest classes specially designed for children with this condition
(Boxers needed for our next amateur show)
Gleason’s Gym has been very successful with our stoPD! Program.(Support and Training to Overcome Parkinson’s Disease)
We now want to extend this success with our program to fight children with Autism.
Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences. It is now know that there is not one autism but many types, caused by a combination of genetic and environmental influences.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (XNM) estimates autism’s prevalence as 1 ilə 68 children in the United States. This includes 1 ilə 42 boys and 1 ilə 189 girls.
Our program will have boxing classes for students on the Autism Spectrum. We will work on socialization, communication, focus and organization through boxing fitness.
The program will incorporate boxing basics and a circuit workout that will be modified to fit all students needs while using supports and prompting procedural techniques.
The instructors are Jessica Margulies (owner of Bout Fitness) a certified Childhood/Special Education Teacher. NASM CPT And Ernesto Colon a certified Assistant Special Education Teacher. NASM CPT
The classes are every Cümə at 7:00 pm.
The fee is $25 per class.
Our Next Amateur Boxing Show is Saturday May 20, 2017
If You Want To Box our Next Amateur Boxing Show on Saturday May 20, contact New York’s number one matchmaker, Jieun Lee.
The show is open to any currently licensed amateur boxer. We are looking for Juniors, Seniors and Master boxers. Contact the matchmaker, Jieun Lee at 917 858 3955 or email her at matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net. Please include your name, weight, əsr, record and telephone number.

Pilates and personal training now at Gleason’s Gym.

Cinch is Ashley Barenz and Desira Barnes. Combined they have 18 years of Pilates and personal training experience. Ilə 2017, they joined forces to create Cinch. Ashley and Desira are creative, knowledgeable instructors who take great personal pride in their clients’ good form. Working with a Cinch instructor you will sweat, tone muscles, enjoy the time you spend with Cinch, and receive one-on-one instruction to correct bad body alignment so you can go hard without harming your body. With Cinch you will work smarter, not harder.
Cinch is open Bazar ertəsiŞənbə with Appointments available all day.
To schedule your session go cinch.schedulista.com və ya e-poçt cinchpilatesnyc@gmail.ilə
Starting in May, Physical Therapy at GLEASON nin Gym
One on One, 1 hour sessions
Fernando Moreno Jr. PT, DPT, CMP (Licensed Physical Therapist; Certified Mulligan Practitioner; Certified in SFMA)
Days and Times: Çərşənbə axşamı 10am-1pm, Cümə axşamı 10am-1pm
To schedule an appointment or insurance inquiries, E-poçtfernando@fernandompt.com və ya səfər www.fernandompt.com
Free Physical Therapy Assessment (1/2 hour)
Zaman: Çərşənbə axşamı nin arasında 11am-1pm
Email to set up appointment: fernando@fernandompt.com