Все сообщения FNU47

Mykal Fox takes on Daniel Sostre in headlining bout on Saturday, June 3rd at Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Мэриленд

Luther Smith to appear in co-feature bout
Plus undefeated Greg Outlaw, Младший, Маркус Бейтс, Джастин Херд, Tyrek Irby and Jordan Peters

Fort Washington, Мэриленд (Мая 15, 2017)on Saturday night June 3rd, непобежденный младший полусредний вес Mykal Фокс take on battle-tested Даниэль потолка in the main event of a nine-bout card at the Rosecroft Raceway в Fort Washington, Мэриленд
Карта способствует Акции Кинга.

Фокс Форествилл, Maryland has become a popular headline attraction in the Beltway

The 21 year-old Fox has a record of 13-0 с четырьмя нокаутом.
The three-year professional has continuously stepped up the competition, and will be making his seventh start at the Rosecroft Raceway, and is coming off a eight-round majority decision over Tre’Sean Wiggins on 11 февраля.
Sostre of Highland, New York via Vega Baja, Пуэрто-Рико имеет запись 13-12-1 с пятью нокаутом.
The 33 летний является 12 летний ветеран, and is known for fighting top competition.
Fox will mark the 11th undefeated opponent that Sostre has faced.
Sostre has wins over Kenny Galarza (16-3), Крис Гилберт (11-0), Джей Крупп (14-3), Томми Rainone (12-2), Майк Руис (8-2) & Broderick Antoine (2-0).
Sostre will be looking to get back in the win column after dropping his last three fights to fighter’s who have a combined record of 45-2-1. В своем последнем бою, Sostre dropped an eight-round majority decision to Derrick Cuevas (12-0-1) на December 10th in Catono, Пуэрто-Рико.
В шесть круглых бои:
Лютер Смит (8-1, 7 КО) Боуи, Maryland battles an opponent to be named in a cruiserweight bout.
Грег Outlaw, Младший. (2-0) Боуи, Maryland will fight an opponent to be named in a lightweight bout.
Маркус Бейтс (6-0-1, 6 КО) Вашингтон, DC будут бороться Роберт Пучета (10-10-1, 6 КО) Халиско, Mexico in a super bantamweight tussle.
В четыре круглых бои:
Джастин Херд (2-0, 1 KO) из Accokeek, Мэриленд берет на себя Джонатан Гарсия (4-15-1,1 KO) из Aguada, Puerto Rico in a junior middleweight bout.
Tyrek Irby (2-0, 1 KO) из Форествилла, Maryland battles Брэндон Санудо (5-3, 2 КО) Сан-Фелипе, Mexico in a junior welterweight contest.
Малик Loften из Суитленда, Maryland makes his pro debut against an opponent to be named in a featherweight contest.
Ламонт Маклафлин (0-1) of Philadelphia boxes against Jessie Singletary (0-2) Вашингтон, DC в бою в суперсреднем весе.
Джордан Питерс (1-0-1) Вашингтон, DC will take on an Брайан Перес Неварес (2-6-1, 1 KO) Каролины, Puerto Rico in a super bantamweight contest.
Билеты на продажу за $75, $60 и $40 на www.kpboxing.com или по телефону 301-899-2430

Referee and retired boxer Randy Neumann Ring 8 Guest Speaker Tuesday, Мая 16

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Мая 14, 2017) – Referee/retired boxer Randy Neumann (31-7, 11 КО) Randy Neumann will be Ring 8’s guest speaker at its mnthly meeting this coming Tuesday ночь, Мая 16 (7 p.m. И начало), в ресторане O’Neill’s, находится в 64-21 53rd Drive, Маспет, Нью-Йорк 11378.
Ring 8’s May meeting is sponsored by DiBella Entertainment and Top Rank.
“Кольцо 8 is fortunate to have such a fascinating speaker this month who will share his vast experience with us,” Кольцо 8 президент Джек Хирш сказал. “Randy Neumann was a heavyweight of note in the 1970’s who boxed a main event at Madison Square Garden against Джерри Карьер. Later he would become one of the best-known referees in boxing working major fights involving Майк Тайсон and other champions.
О RING 8: Кольцо 8 стал восьмым дочерней то, что было тогда известно как Национальный Ветеран Боксеры ассоциации – следовательно, RING 8 – и на сегодняшний день девиз организации остается: Боксеры Помочь боксеров.
RING 8 полностью привержены поддержке менее удачливых людей в боксерском сообществе, которые могут нуждаться в помощи в плане уплаты арендной платы, медицинские расходы, или что-то обоснованной необходимости.
Перейти на линии www.Ring8ny.com для получения дополнительной информации о КОЛЬЦА 8, Самая большая группа в своем роде в США с более чем 350 Участники. Ежегодные членские взносы только $30.00 и каждый член имеет право на фуршет в КОЛЬЦА 8 Ежемесячные встречи, за исключением в июле и августе. Все активные боксеры, любительские и профессиональные, с текущей боксерской лицензии или книги имеют право на бесплатный RING 8 ежегодно членство. Гости кольца 8 Участники приглашаются в стоимости лишь в $7.00 на человека.

Kal Yafai retains WBA Flyweight title with decision over Muranaka

World title bout headlined thrilling day of boxing on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment

Сан-Диего, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. – Мая 14, 2017 – В Субботу, Kal Yafai thrilled his hometown fans in Birmingham, Англия, and made the first the defense of the WBA Super Flyweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Suguru Muranaka.
The bout headlined another tremendous day of action AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment.

I am thrilled to be able to bring this action-packed cards to the American fight fans,” сказал Чарльз Херринг, President of AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment.

In recent months, The super-flyweight division has been one of the divisions that has featured terrific fights, and today Kal Yafai proved that he is one of the elite in the division. Sam Eggington carried on the momentum of stopping Paulie Malignaggi, and won in another thrilling fight. We have a great Spring and Summer fight schedule that we will be excited to share with the fans very shortly.

Yafai looked like he was going to have an early day as he sent his Japanese challenger down to the canvas in round two. Muranka proved sturdy and even had a few moments in the fight. Yafai was deducted a point in round eight for low blows, but he was comfortably ahead, and won by scores of 119-107 в два раза и 118-108.

Yafai is 22-0. Muranaka is 25-3.

Rising welterweight contender Сэм Eggington stopped Ceferino Rodriguez in round ten of their scheduled 12-round welterweight bout.

It was an exciting fight throughout, but the taller Eggington took control of the bout and drilled Rodriguez with ahard uppercut on the inside that sent him to the canvas and the fight was stopped.

Eggington, 146.8 lbs is is 21-3 с 13 нокауты. Родригес, who is managed by former world middleweight champion Sergio Martinez is 24-2.

Gamal Yafai dropped Sean Davis six-times en-route to a seventh round stoppage over Sean Davis in a scheduled 10-round Super Bantamweight bout featuring Birmingham based fighters.

Yafai dropped Davis three times in the 7th round, focusing mostly on the body and the bout was stopped at 2:27.

Yafai, 121.9 lbs is now 12-0 с 5 нокауты. Дэвис, 121.3 lbs is nos 12-1.

Бывший претендент на титул чемпиона мира Фрэнки Гэвин won a eight-round decision over Renald Garrido in a super welterweight bout.

Gavin, 148.9 lbs won a a referee score of 77-75 ans is now 24-3. Garrido, 145 lbs is 18-15-1.

Josh Kelly stopped Jony Vina in round four of their scheduled six-round welterweight contest.

В четвертом раунде, Kelly dropped Vina with a right hand. Kelly continued to pound Vina and the bout was stopped at 1:27.

Kelly is 2-0 с 1 нокаут. Vina is 6-2.

In a spirited battle of undefeated middleweight’s, Adam Harper won a decision over Ryan Kelly.

The referee scorecard read 97-95 for Harper, 152.9 lbs and is now 8-0. Келли 153.9 lbs is 8-1.

Брукер победил Риохаса в Филадельфии; победы путем завоевания, Торрес и Нельсон; Орапеза побеждает МакНатта в войне; Бекфорд расстраивает Мэнсфилда; Лопес и Баратов сразились вничью


Филадельфия–В прошлом Пятница ночь, Кристофер БрукR одержал уверенную победу единогласным решением судей в восьми раундах над ветераном Оскаром Риохасом в поединке в суперсреднем весе, который выдвинул на первый план карту из семи боев при переполненном джеме. Казино SugarHouse.

Карточка способствовало Акции Короля.

Брукер был очень тверд во всем, пытаясь работать на внутренней стороне.. В трех круглых, он нанес идеальный левый хук, который сбил Риохаса с канатов. Брукер работал внутри и был самым занятым человеком на протяжении всего конкурса..

Брукер из Филадельфии выиграл со счетом 78-74 на всех картах и ​​в настоящее время 12-3. Riojas Монтеррей, Мексика 14-8-1.

Джером Conquest провел солидные шесть раундов и одержал победу единогласным решением судей над Даниэлем Пералесом в поединке в суперлегком весе..

Завоевание Филадельфии одержано с преимуществом 60-54 и 59-55 дважды, и в настоящее время 7-2. Пералес Монтеррея, Мексика 10-10-1.

Генри Бекфорд огорчился, приняв решение большинства в четырех раундах над ранее непобедимым Блейком Мэнсфилдом в поединке в суперсреднем весе..

Бекфорд из Корама, Нью-Йорк выиграл с разницей в 58-56 в два раза и 57-57, и в настоящее время 5-6. Мэнсфилд из Берлингтона, НК сейчас 5-1-1.

Сэм Орапеза буквально пришлось держаться и выиграть единогласным решением судей в четырех раундах в поединке в тяжелом весе над Кайлом МакНаттом..

Орапеса одолел Макнатта идеальным прямым ударом левой в первом раунде., и казалось, что это будет второй нокаут Орапезы в первом раунде подряд.. МакНатт собрался с силами и провел хороший второй раунд.. Орапеза снова взял под свой контроль в четвертом раунде., поскольку он нанес тяжелый нокдаун и, казалось, в нескольких секундах от завершения боя. Возможно, он ударил себя кулаком, как в прошлый раз. 45 секунды боя, МакНатт избил и пошатнул Оарапесу по всему рингу. Если бы бой был 30 секунд дольше, результат вполне мог быть другим, но Орапеса из Филадельфии получил одобрение под мелодию 38-37, 39-35 и 39-36. Орапеза сейчас 2-0. МакНатт из Батл-Крика, МИ 1-3.

Джеффри Torres выиграл единогласным решением судей в четырех раундах над Кашоном Хатчинсоном в легком весе..

Счета были 40-36 и 39-37 дважды за Торреса из Филадельфии, который в настоящее время 3-0. Хатчинсон из Ридинга, ПА 2-3.

Гарольд Лопес и Basyzbek Баратов дрался с впечатляющей ничьей в наилегчайшем весе.

Ближе к концу третьего раунда, Лопес нанес удар левой в корпус, отбросив Баратова на канвас.

Лопес из Вифлеема, ПА взял карту 39-38 и две другие оценочные карточки читаются даже на 38-38.

Лопес 1-0-1. Баратов 2-1-2.

Нельсон стул выиграл единогласным решением судей в четырех раундах над Брайаном Пересом Неваресом в полулегком весе..

В конце второго раунда, Неварес сбросил Нельсона контрправым хуком.

Нельсон из Дейтона, Огайо выиграл с разницей в 39-37 и 38-37 дважды и сейчас 5-1. Неварес из Каролины, Пуэрто-Рико 2-6-1.



Бокс, MMA streaming series debut draws 40,000 Просмотры, and still climbing.
Онлайн: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /
The reviews are in, and the numbers are in, and the decision is unanimous: the debut of FIGHTNIGHT LIVE, on Facebook Live Четверг evening from Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, was a KO victory.

Watchers of the stream, which drew 37,000-plusuniques” в ночь боя, and continues to draw clicks, enjoyed a Star Boxing main event topped by a junior middleweight scrap between vet Delvin Rodriguez and up ‘n comer Courtney Pennington.

More numbers: Почти 3,000 comments were shared by watchers during the four plus hour show, which provided incredible value for fans of the sweet science. Fans said things like, “This is the future of the sport, live FREE streaming.” “This stream is giving expose to young guns that would not ordinarily get it on broadcast TV!” “После сегодня вечером streaming many will talk about it and many more will watch if there’s a next time, this is the bomb!”

I was inundated with complimentary texts, emails and calls almost as soon as the stream started, and it was a lot of fun watching the numbers swell from 27 views at the start of the broadcast to 40,000-plus by now,” сказал Марк Фрэтто, Главный из Линакр СМИ. “Like many others, we believe that the present and future of ‘televised’ бокс, MMA, Muay Thai and really all live sports is digital. Дальше, by putting these events on Facebook we’re providing an interactive environment for fight fans to not only view the events, but to connect with each other and provide their own real-time commentary during the bouts. We believe in high-quality, cost-efficient production that can give fans free access to hundreds of global, national and regional live fight nights without breaking the bank of the promoter and also without sacrificing what sports fans have come to expect from their viewing experience – множественные ракурсы, графика, повторы и за кадром доступа и интервью. We don’t want traditional fans, digital customers and cord-cutters to be relegated to trying to watch other spectatorslive feeds off their cell phones.

Промоутер Джо DeGuardia went on air during the main event. He was visibly impressed and shared his enthusiasm while watching Pennington spring the upset.

This has been incredible,” DeGuardia said. “It is great that fans will now be able to see more fights on a platform with massive reach. This is good for everyone and a perfect way for fighters to expand their fan base. I am pleased to be involved.

Said boxing fan-favorite Рэй Флорес, who sat in the blow-by-blow chair, “It was an honor to be a part of FIGHTNIGHT LIVE and work with such talented individuals. I’m extremely excited about what the future has in store for the series. Больше чем что либо, thank you to all the fight fans who tuned, shared it, and commented. Fan interaction and world class fights is the basis for FIGHTNIGHT LIVE. I cannot wait for the next show!”

We want to have something of a distinct identity,” said analyst Майкл Вудс, who publishes NYFights.com and does the TALBOX podcast for Everlast. “We want watchers to be able to interact with us, be part of the show, have a voice. We also want to have fun, keep it loose at times, также. We will be incorporating that interactivity even more going forward. This series aims to be and I think is well on its way to establishing a paradigm in the space.

We firmly believe this new series is beneficial to all parties involved. More exposure for the sport and for the fighters,” Said Фрэтто, whose production services company does 200 live events each year. “This production model is designed to be lean and cost-effective. And that enables us to cover more events, and with Facebook, we know we are being seen world wide and on a platform with a great deal of potential.

Future FIGHTNIGHT LIVE dates will be announced in the coming weeks.

FIGHTNIGHT ЖИВОЙ доступна в Интернете по адресу: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/

Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE на Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ на Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Для последних событий Линакра СМИ и расписание вещания, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents или #LinacreMediaOnTV.

FNU Спортивные единоборства Показать: Fighter Uprising in the UFC Continues; GSP vs Bisping Cancelled; Канело против. GGG takes spotlight From Floyd vs. Conor

На этой неделе Том, Tony and Rich discuss how boxing is winning the combat sports battle for market share. We recap Canelo Alvarez vs. Хулио Сезар Чавес-, Младший. and preview UFC 211. We also talk about the planned superfight between Canelo and Triple G, Геннадий Головкин. We break in with the news of GSP vs. Bisping getting cancelled and go on to explore multiple UFC fighter complaints from Tom Lawlor to Luke Rockhold to Anderson Silva. We will be moving the show to rantsports.com next week so stay tuned on the transition details.


We also touch on our interview from last year withTHEJames Krause, who just won his first fight in The Ultimate Fighter house on the current season of the reality TV tournament. This interview is from just prior to the UFC sale to WME/IMG and company, and it’s very eye opening:


Томас “Cornflake” LaManna headlines on Saturday, June 10th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Энтони “Сок” Young takes on Juan “Зверь” Rodriguez in battle of New Jersey welterweights
Gabriel Pham and fast rising Jaron “Сапоги” Ennis to see action in separate bouts
Also undefeated Donald Smith, Рокко Салимбене, Chris Thomas and Elijah Vines

Атлантик-Сити, Нью-Джерси (Мая 12, 2017)–Полусреднем весе Томас “Cornflake” LaManna will headline a stacked card on Суббота, 10 июня на Claridge Hotel в Атлантик-Сити.
The show is promoted by Rising Star Promotions.
LaManna из Милвилл, New Jersey will compete in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.
The 25 year-old LaManna has a record of 22-2 с девятью нокаутами.
Ламанна выиграл свой первый 16 концы, где наслаждался победами над Ашанти Гиббсом и Джамаалом Дэвисом.
После первого профессионального поражения от непобежденного проспекта среднего веса Антуана Дугласа., Ламанна одержал пять побед подряд, которые были подчеркнуты остановкой в ​​4-м раунде над Кендал Мена. (20-3).
В сентябре 15, 2016, LaManna engaged in a hotly contested bout with undefeated Dusty Hernandez Harrison in Philadelphia. Бой, which was for the USBA Welterweight title was a close fight and LaManna fought well, but came up just short via unanimous decision.
LaManna will be looking for his 2nd consecutive victory, as in his last bout, he won a one-sided eight round unanimous decision over Ecuadorian veteran Eduardo Flores on 28 января в The Claridge.
This will be LaManna’s 5th appearance, and 15th start in Atlantic City.
I’m happy to be back in the ring, I was supposed to fight on April 14th, but unfortunately the promoters did not live up to their word so I ended up not fighting. I gone through some personal issues that kept me down and out for a while, but I bounced back. I’m now with a new teacher Mr. Charles Johnson, leading my training. Charles has shown be a new side of boxing that I’ve never been around and I can’t wait to show it on June 10th. I feel like I have a whole new start.””I was strongly considering stepping out of the promotion field, but it’s obvious that what I’m doing is working, so why give myself up to someone else. I’m keeping myself busy and gaining knowledge and experience, while at the same time packing The Claridge Hotel and fighting in front of my fans. I’m a strong believer inIf you want things done right, you got to do it on your own”.
Противник LaManna будет объявлено в ближайшее время,
В восемь круглых со-функция, it will be a battle of New Jersey based welterweight’s as local favorite Энтони “Сок” Молодой возьмет на себя Хуан “Зверь” Родригес.
Молодые Атлантик-Сити есть запись 16-2 с шестью нокаутом.
Young is a six-year professional and is coming off a career best performance against Samuel Amoako (21-13, 15 КО). That bout took place on 11 марта. The 29 year-old will be making his 10th appearance in Atlantic City and 3rd at The Claridge.
Родригес Юнион-Сити, Нью-Джерси запись 13-4 с пятью нокаутом.
Rodriguez is an eight-year professional who has wins over Greg Jackson (3-0-1), and in his last bout he took an eight-round split decision in a all out war over Alex Perez (18-2) августа 27, 2016 in Bayonne, Нью-Джерси.
This is going to be a great fight card! You have Thomas who’s on the edge of getting another big opportunity and the Young/Rodriguez fight is a all out Crossroads.Debra LaManna, President of Rising Star Promotions.
Not to mention the under card. Эннис, Кузнец, Thomas all these fighters have tremendous fan bases and they can really fight. I expect great match ups on this card and the fans will really get their moneys worth.
В шесть круглых бои:
Ярон Эннис (10-0, 8 КО) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a Welterweight bout.
Габриэль Фам (8-1, 4 КО) из Плезантвиль, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a super middleweight bout.
В четыре круглых бои:
Дональд Смит (4-0, 3 КО) Филадельфия возьмет на себя Sidell Blocker (1-7-1) из Плезантвиль, NJ in a super featherweight bout.
Рокко Салимбене (1-0) of Waretown, Нью-Джерси будут бороться про Дебютировав Marcus Lugo из Вайнленд, NJ in a New Jersey lightweight bout.
Крис Томас (6-0, 3 КО) из Томс-Ривер, NJ will take of rough and rugged Давонд Пикни (1-4-2) горячие источники, Арканзас. Pickney’s last outing at the Claridge, he dropped a very close MD defeat to Philadelphia’s Greg Jackson (7-3-1 2 КО).
Элайджа Вайнс (3-0, 3 КО) Филадельфия возьмет на себя Henry Tyrone Pagи (0-4) of Batesville, Arkansas in a junior middleweight title.
Билеты на этот большой вечер бокса по цене $150, $125, $100, $80 и $55 и могут быть приобретены на www.rspboxing.com

2016 Olympic Gold Medalist Tony Yoka Makes Pro Debut Against Unbeaten Travis Clark on Friday, Июнь 2

From Le DomePalais Des Sports de Paris & Live on Canal Plus at 7:30 p.m. CET
Билеты в свободной продаже!
ПАРИЖ (Мая 12, 2017) – French Olympian and 2016 super heavyweight gold medalist Tony Yoka will make his highly-anticipated pro debut on Пятница, Июнь 2 as he faces unbeaten Travis Clark (12-0, 8 КО) from Le DomePalais Des Sports de Paris and live in France on Canal Plus at 7:30 p.m. CET.
I can’t wait to step into the ring for the first time as a professional in front of all my fans in Paris,” said Yoka. “Это мечта, but it’s also just the first step. I’ve been improving every day in the gym with Virgil Hunter and I can’t wait to show everybody what I’ve got. I know that my team is going to put me into the positions that I want, so it’s up to me to deliver in the ring. It all starts on June 2 and you don’t want to miss it.
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by Ringstar France and sponsored by Unkut Paris, начинаются 25 € and are available by calling Ticketmaster at 0825 038 039, или посетив www.ticketmaster.fr и www.FranceBillet.com.
This is truly a momentous occasion to have the 2016 Olympic super heavyweight gold medalist making his pro debut in front of his hometown fans,” сказал Ричард Шафер, Председатель & Генеральный директор Ringstar спорта. “Tony Yoka’s outstanding performance in Rio was just the start of what I know will be a spectacular career. Tony is training with the renowned Virgil Hunter and along with his swagger and personality outside of the ring, he is putting all the pieces in place with an eye towards becoming a huge star in this sport. I’m excited to help Tony reach his full potential and elevate the French boxing scene to the next level.
This is a great opportunity for Tony to start his pro career in style and for the French boxing fans to get a look at the next superstar in this country,” said Jerome Abiteboul, President and CEO of Unkut and CEO of Ringstar France. “Tony has all of the elements of a superstar in the making. Combined with the training of Virgil Hunter and the guidance of Richard Schaefer, there is no doubt that he is going to reach his full potential in this sport.
One of the most exciting stars to emerge from the Rio games, Yoka followed up his 2012 Olympic appearance by beating fighters from Croatia, Jordan and the U.S. Virgin Islands before defeating Great Britain’s Joe Joyce in the gold medal showdown. Now trained by Virgil Hunter, Yoka will look to follow in the footsteps of Anthony Joshua, who went from Olympic super heavyweight gold to heavyweight world champion.
Born in Paris, Франция, Yoka began boxing at six-years-old and was trained by his father Victor, a former professional boxer in the Congo. The 24-year-old made a splash by winning the French Junior National Championship in 2008 и 2009 before claiming a silver medal at the 2010 Чемпионат мира по молодежи. He continued his rise to prominence by winning French National Championships in 2012 и 2014 while also defeating current heavyweight world champion Joseph Parker at the 2010 Youth Olympic games.
Born in Morristown, Огайо, Clark is unbeaten since beginning his pro career in 2009 with a second round stoppage of Andrew Snow. Now fighting and training in West Virginia, Clark won the state’s heavyweight title by stopping William Shahan. He won three times in 2016 прежде чем сделать его 2017 debut in March with a third round TKO over Branden Lee Hinkle.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.ringstar.com or follow in Twitter @Ringstar, @laboxesurcanal, @TonyYoka and @Swanson_Comm.


Super-Fly king makes first defenceand is targeting unification clashes


Сан-Диего, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. – Мая 12, 2017Kal Yafai believes he can build something special in Birmingham and wants to unify the Super-Flyweight division as he prepares to make the first defense of his WBA title against Suguru Muranaka at the Barclaycard Arena in Birmingham on Суббота В прямом эфире на AWE- Богатство развлечений на 2 PM ET / 11 AM ET

For fans who do not have AWE, they can access the fight on the AWE channel on www.klowdtv.com

Yafai became the second city’s first World champion in December with a punch-perfect display against Luis Concepcion in Manchester, and the unbeaten 27 year old wants to turn the Arena into a fortressstarting this weekend.

It’s such an honor to be Birmingham’s first World champion. I consider myself to be the flag bearer for Midlands boxing now, I just want to make sure there’s more talent and inspire more fighters to achieve the same.

I want to be a big role model for Birmingham and the Midlands all together. Birmingham has been craving World Championship boxing for some time, for me to be bringing the World title back and with being born and bred in Birmingham is an honour.

Walking out in front of my fans with the belt is a privilege and I can’t wait. I’d love to turn the Barclaycard Arena into my fortress.

Yafai is in a talent heavy division with Muranaka’s countryman Naoya Inoue holding the WBO crown, Jerwin Ancajas the IBF and the WBC belt in the possession of Wisaksil Wangek, who edged out pound-for-pound star Roman Gonzalez in Marchand Yafai wants to face the best to add more belts to his collection as soon as possible.

Unification bouts are very much part of my planand sooner rather than later,” said Yafai. “Whatever my team puts in front of me, that’s what I’ll take. I’ve got the best team in the business around me who advise me what to do and when to do it, so I listen to them first and foremost but I like to take it all one fight at a time. I’ve got to concentrate on this fight solely and then we’ll go from there and see what is next.

I haven’t really studied Inoue much. I’ve seen a couple of his fights when he’s boxed lately. Очевидно, he’s massive talent and a very good fighter. If that could happen down the line then that would be great.

I thought Gonzalez nicked the fight with Wangek by a couple of rounds. In the rematch which seems to be on the cards, I think he’ll win convincingly. Before that fight Gonzalez was up there at number one on my pound for pound list and he’s still up there in my top three.

Ancajas could be the likeliest of unification’s but it depends what and when they are available. Either or, I’m not really bothered. I’d love to fight Gonzalez, obviously he’s the name in the division. If I had to hold out and wait, have another defence or two before fighting Gonzalez then I’d do that.

Yafai’s World title defense is part of a huge night of action in Birmingham, where Sam Eggington challenges Ceferino Rodriguez for the European Welterweight title.

Yafai’s brother Gamal defends his WBC International Super-Bantamweight championship against fellow Birmingham man Sean Davis, Ryan Kelly and Adam Harper meet for the Midlands Area Middleweight Title.

Frankie Gavin is back in action in his first fight with trainer Jon Pegg, and there’s action for Lennox Clarke, unbeaten Olympian Josh Kelly, Kieron Conway, Aaron Lovell, Jordan Clayton, Charlie Williams and Cori Gibbs.

Photos By Lawrence Lustig



НЬЮ-ЙОРК – Gervonta Davis, America’s youngest world champion, и Нет. 1-ranked challenger Liam Walsh participated in an international media conference call в среду in advance of their clash for Davis’ IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship on Суббота, Мая 20 on SHOWTIME from Copper Box Arena in London. Дэвис против. Walsh is part of a split-site, four-fight SHOWTME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that begins at 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT. В главном событии, Гэри Расселл-младший. will make his second featherweight title defense and long-awaited homecoming against mandatory challenger Oscar Escandon live from MGM National Harbor just outside of Washington, D.C.


Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe and Hall of Fame boxing promoter Frank Warren also joined the call to talk about their fighters.


Here is what the principals had to say в среду:



Thoughts on going to London to make his first title defense on foreign soil:

“I believe it was the right business move as far as getting me to the UK in my early career and giving the fans what they want to see. I have a lot of UK fans after the [Хосе] Pedraza fight so I think it’s a good change. It’s good for me to fight in the UK. I fought overseas when I was an amateur so now I’m going as a pro and I feel like it’s a great opportunity.


“I’m actually excited to fight in the UK. I believe that I will have a crowd over there and I’m excited to put on a show for the UK fans.”

Have you watched Liam Walsh’s tapes? Do you think his style is sort of made to order for a fighter liked you?

"Он хороший боец; I can’t take that away from him. He’s my mandatory so I’m taking him seriously. I’ve actually looked at a couple of his fights. Он достойный боец, but I’m just on another level. My mind, my skills, I’m on another level than what he’s saying and what his fans are saying too.”


What has it been like since you won the title?

“It’s been pretty good. I’m actually staying level headed, staying focused. Getting the world title is a step closer to where I want to be. Having a belt is cool, but I’m trying to do more in the sport. I want to be the next star of boxing. I want to do more in the sport. This is just one more step to me.”


Do you feel like you need to win by knockout?

"Конечно. I can’t rely on his mistakes, he’s capable of going down.”


On finishing camp with Floyd Mayweather in Vegas:

“When I got back to Vegas, Floyd Mayweather was hands on more than usual, working with me in the gym late nights. I’m working extra hard. Having him back in the gym gives me that extra push and has my mind on another level.


“Having him in my corner makes me feel like I have that chance. I have one of the best in the business backing me. Это значит многое. It makes me work harder.”


How has your experience growing up in inner-city Baltimore influenced you?

“Just growing up in that inner city, it gave me the hunger I have today. My folks struggled. I knew that when it was time for me to turn pro, it was time for me to help feed my family. I’m ready to do big things in the sport of boxing and outside of the sport.

“I believe I have the youth right now. Right now I’m one of the youngest (чемпионы мира), and believe I have the youth right now. I believe that as I continue to keep winning and crowning myself, a lot of young kids will look up to me and it will help get them on the right track.”


Going into this fight do you think Liam Walsh is your toughest opponent so far?

"Я так считаю. I’ve fought a world champion. Он непобедимый. Не знаю, I have to see when I get in there. On paper he might seem like a tough opponent. I won’t know until I get in there and see what he brings to the table.”


Is there pressure to try and make statement against him and knock him out or wait to see if the knockout comes?

“I don’t think I have to make a statement by knocking him out. I would rather beat him in 12 раундов. We’re going to look for the knockout and if it comes, речь идет. But I would rather go on 12 раундов ".


Would you like to make a prediction?

“I’m coming out on top and keeping my world title.”



Can you tell us what you think of Gervonta Davis?

“He certainly has potential and star quality – that was clear to see when he beat [Хосе] Педраса. But he has to come through me first. I don’t see any other way than me winning. If he’s going to be a star in the future, it’s going to have to be with a loss after fighting me.”


Are there advantages to fighting at home?

“I thank Frank Warren for that and giving me that advantage. I think it all depends on his mental capacity. He’s coming to a foreign country. Provided that he adapts to the environment and change of scenery, then we’ll find out that night.”


You were Pedraza’s mandatory so were you surprised that Gervonta won that fight and in that dominant a fashion?

“I was to be honest with you. My prediction was Pedraza to win on points. I thought Pedraza had all the attributes and tools to get the job done. But then on the night watching the fight, I was surprised by the way Pedraza went about his work. I thought Gervonta looked brilliant and mature beyond his years. I think he put on a really good show but I thought Pedraza could have gone about it a little bit better.”


What are your advantages in the fight against Gervonta Davis?

“First and foremost, I don’t think he’s completely overrated, but I think there are still a lot of questions to be asked of him. He looked very good and brilliant against Pedraza. The only other reputable fighter on his record is Cristobal Cruz. There are a lot of question marks lingering on.


“I feel like I’ve been in tougher fights than him. I feel like I’ve been in longer fights. I think I have a better boxing IQ than him. He’s very powerful, very physical and very fast, but we haven’t seen him in a long fight or a dog fight or a grueling fight though. I will certainly ask all these questions. I’ll do it any which way that it has to go. I’m more than confident I’ll get the job done.”


Is it key to take the fight into later rounds?

“I think possibly, да. I think that could be one angle to look at it. We’re not going to really know until the first bell rings. We all have game plans, but good fighters have to adapt. There’s going to be ebbs and flows in this fight, but I think the better fighter will prevail and I think that’s me.”

Boxing is hot in UK, how much of a benefit do you think will that be for you?

“I think it’s definitely beneficial to be fighting at home. I don’t live far from London so I won’t have to leave my house until a couple of days before the fight and obviously my sons will be there in support for me. It’s definitely beneficial. I want us both to get a fair crack and I’m sure it will be. When you’re the home fighter, you feel more obliged to dig a little bit deeper for your home fans who are cheering for you. So that’s what I’ll do.”

What is your prediction for the fight?

“Like 21 previous times, I’ll always predict I’ll win. So that’s what I’ll predict again. One thing is factually certain, I’ll give my absolute all. My prediction is I’ll come away with victory and the belt, whichever which way I have to. I’ll find a way to come away with that belt.”


Over here in the U.S., the sentiment is that Gervonta is the favorite in the fight. Do you think you’re the favorite because of the experience that you bring to the ring?

“I don’t think I’m the favorite but I’m not a 3-1 неудачник. When I was told that, I thought I must be fighting three people. I’ve never been a 3-1 неудачник. I’m a big underdog apparently, but certainly not in my eyes. In my eyes it won’t be a massive shock if I win this title. Соединенные штаты. fans think it will be a walk-over, but that couldn’t be more further from the truth. I can understand him being the favorite with all the hype and Mayweather behind him, but I’m baffled by being that much of an underdog. But we’ll find out.”


Is there extra motivation in being the underdog?

"Да, it’s extra motivation. My friends are betting on me and when I win, they’ll have a great night. This is the first time I’ve been the underdog in my pro career, and I’m really enjoying being the underdog. I’m really thriving on it.”


LENOARD ELLERBE, Davis’ promoter and Mayweather Promotions CEO:

“This is going to be an unbelievable fight and we are looking forward to promoting our first event on foreign soil. We expect a sold-out crowd and this is going to be a very, very exciting fight.


“We think this is a wonderful opportunity and a tremendous platform for [Gervonta] to be able to showcase his skills across the world. With him being a young champion I think he has an advantage, and working alongside someone like Floyd, someone who can explain to him what it’s like to go into hostile territory and what to expect coming into a big fight. All those intangibles, along with his hard work and preparation he’s done, I think he has a tremendous advantage and has the perfect team in his corner to get the job done.


“We are very comfortable with the judges and we expect a very level playing field. Tank just has to go in there and stay focused and do what he does. I think his skills will speak loud and clear. Liam Walsh is a tremendous fighter and he has a tremendous following and he has been in some good fights.


“This is similar to back in 2005 when Floyd went into Atlantic City and beat Arturo Gatti. But this is a little different in that, as Tank mentioned, he has a lot of fans in the UK. I don’t think it’s going to be one-side. Because one thing I do love about the UK fans is that they are very, very knowledgeable boxing fans. They can appreciate skill level and fighters that are really, очень хорошо. Tank has a tremendous social media presence and a tremendous following in the UK. As far as the crowd is concerned, I’m not so sure it’s going to be all Liam Walsh. Tank is going to have a lot of support there. И, снова, when you have the kind of preparation he has had, and you are focused, that’s what it’s going to come down to.


“The focus right now is Liam Walsh and Суббота ночь. As long as Tank stays focused and does what he does, Небо это предел. He has a tremendous team and he’s working with the best promoter in all of boxing. We are really excited about this young man’s career and in our eyes he’s the most exciting fighter in all of boxing. And soon he’s going to be the biggest star in all of boxing.”

FRANK WARREN, Зал Славы промоутер:

“The Copper Box Arena is where they held the boxing for the London Olympics. It’s a fantastic venue with the crowd right on top of the ring. That atmosphere is going to be fantastic and it’s going to be a sellout. This fight is a great opportunity for the American public watching on SHOWTIME, and for those in England, to see a really good quality fight. In some ways this fight reminds me a lot of when Joe Calzaghe fought against Jeff Lacy, who was a big favorite, and Joe took him to school.


“I think it’s always best to have the home advantage. You got your fans there and your home support. The British boxing fans are passionate fans, and they are going to get behind their man. Sometimes when you’re away from home, you may not get the best out of you. When you are at home, you have to do your best because those fans are there for you. I much prefer the home advantage and it’s worked well for us in the past, like when we did the fight with Ricky Hatton fight and Kostya Tszyu and he went in as a massive underdog in that fight and he ended up winning. And we’ve done that on numerous occasions. But you have to have a good fighter.


“With Liam, he’s been under the radar with some of the problems we’ve mentioned outside the ring. But the fact of the matter is that he’s one of the best British boxers. He’s an excellent fighter. He’s not an old 30, he’s a young 30 лет. If Gervonta Davis is going to be what the people think he’s going to be, well then he will be that if he beats Liam Walsh. And to beat Liam Walsh, you have to be something special.


“Everyone is looking for the next big thing. Является [Gervonta] overrated? We will find out. I know one thing is for sure, Liam is underrated. And that’s going to be the difference.”


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