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Undefeated prospect Marrero hires Galante as manager


Danbury, Коннектикут (Мая 19, 2017) – Rising Junior Welterweight Cristobal ‘Bazooka’ Марреро (4-0, 2КО, Нью-Лондон, Коннектикут) has bolstered his camp by hiring A.J. Галанте as his manager.

Галанте, Дэнбери, Коннектикут, has been managing and advising professional boxers for 6 годы. In addition to Marrero, Galante currently manages Omar ‘The Beast’ Бора (1-0, Danbury, Коннектикут) and is an adviser to Frank ‘Notorious’ Galarza (17-2-2, 11КО, Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк). He notably managed the career of Делвин Родригес (29-4-4, 16КО, Danbury, Коннектикут) from his fight of the year against Pawel Wolak in 2011, to his HBO Main Event bout against Miguel Cotto in 2013.

Galante thinks with a good plan in place, the sky is the limit for the 22 year old Marrero. “I’m really excited and appreciative to be hired by Cristobal. It’s always humbling when somebody of his talent and caliber seeks you and wants you to be part of their team. У него есть все инструменты, the hunger, amateur experience (82 бои), and personality to be a star. I’ve been brought onboard to monitor and add structure to his camp, and map out the future both for the short and long term. I’m looking forward to working with and building a successful relationship with his promoter, Джимми Берчфилд and CES, one of the most respected names in professional boxing.

In speaking with Marrero, it’s clear to see he is optimistic on his future. “My Dad and I have followed A.J. and have seen the great things he has been doing with everybody that he handles, as well as his gym and amateur program. When we met with him the first time, we left knowing this was a guy we could trust, and has what it takes to take me to the next level, we knew we had to hire him. He is a man of his word and I’m so excited about some of the ideas he has for my career. It just makes me hungrier!”

His hunger will be on display on Пятница июня 9 на Казино Твин Ривер в Линкольне, Род-Айленд, as ‘Bazookaaims to extend his undefeated record to 5-0 against fellow undefeated prospect Майкл Ортис (2-0, 1KO, Springfield, Массачусетс). Билеты по цене $47, $102, $127 & $152, и доступны на сайте CESBOXING.COM or by Phone at 401-724-2253.

FNU Спортивные единоборства Показать: Макгрегор подписал контракт с Мэйвезером на бой, впереди большие выходные для бокса

В шоу на этой неделе Рич и Том хвастаются своим UFC. 211 прогнозы на основные события прошлой недели. У Тони также есть широкие возможности поговорить о боксе на этой неделе с массой кулачных боев, запланированной на эти выходные по всему миру.. Мы также анонсируем напряженные выходные Bellator с грандиозным визитом в пятницу вечером в Великобритании, озаглавленным битвой между Рори Макдональдом и Полом Дейли..

Великий боксер всех времен Томас Хернс посещает Кларессу Шилдс на тренировке в Berston Field House во Флинте

Двукратный призер Олимпийских игр готовится к Пятница, Июнь 16, Бой за титул чемпиона WBC Silver в суперсреднем весе против Мери Рансье на Salita Promotions’ Детройтская драка в масонском храме в Детройте
Фотографии Сильвия Джонс
Двукратный золотой призер Олимпийских игр и чемпионка NABF среди женщин в среднем весе., Кларесса “Тираннозавр” Вчера в спортзале Шилдс был особенный посетитель., не кто иной, как великий Томас Мичиган всех времен “Наемный убийца” Хернс.
Хернс, из Детройта, это 1980 и 1984 Журнал Кольцо “Истребитель года” и первый боксер в истории, выигравший титулы чемпиона мира в пяти весовых категориях.: полусреднем, легкий средний вес, в среднем, суперсредний и полутяжелый вес.
22-летний Шилдс (2-0, 1 KO) Флинта, в настоящее время готовится к своему восьмираундовому главному событию против Мери Рансье (7-8-3, 5 КО) Санто-Доминго, Доминиканская Республика за титул чемпиона WBC Silver в суперсреднем весе на Salita Promotions’ “Детройт Brawl” на Пятница, Июнь 16, 2017 в масонском храме в Детройте.
В очередной раз спонсируется отелем-казино Greektown., Билеты на “Детройт Brawl” по цене VIP $200, Сиденья-боксы $100 и $55, Сиденья $40, и доступны во всех торговых точках Ticketmaster и Ticketmaster.com.
“Я вышел, чтобы увидеть ее, потому что я хочу, чтобы она преуспела. Я думаю, это замечательно, что женщина-боец сейчас лучшая из Мичигана.,” сказал Хернс. “Мир - это перемены, и это перемены к лучшему. я чувствую себя хорошо. Чемпионы прошлого из Мичигана передают эстафету следующему великому бойцу отсюда, и это Кларесса.. Поклонники в Мичигане должны прийти и поддержать ее, потому что за ней будущее.”
Шилдс сказала, что она была польщена тем, что ее поддерживает такой великий человек..
“То, что Томми Хернс приходит в мой спортзал, очень много значит для меня., Я чувствую, что двигаю свою карьеру в правильном направлении и получаю должное внимание. Я не просто какая-то девушка, надевающая перчатки. Быть последним знаменитым бойцом из Мичигана значит очень много.. Я рад, что Томми Хернс решил приехать сюда, и это действительно похоже на передачу факела. Он очень поддерживает меня, и мне приятно чувствовать уважение такого великого чемпиона мира.”
Шилдс говорит, что ее подготовка к третьему профессиональному бою и второму чемпионскому бою проходит очень хорошо..
“Тренировки пока идут очень хорошо. Мы 29 дней без боя, и я в лучшей форме в своей жизни. Я усердно тренировался для своего шестираундового раунда, и он прошел всего четыре раунда, и я чувствую, что после этого я все еще в форме.. Сейчас я готовлюсь к восьми раундам и чувствую себя прекрасно.. я сражаюсь в 168 фунтов, и я в 168 прямо сейчас. У меня нет проблем с весом, я правильно питаюсь и бегаю каждый день.”
Промоутер щитов, Дмитрий Салита, говорит, что Хернс указал, что он был очень впечатлен Шилдсом’ работа в тренажерном зале.
“Кларесса — следующая суперзвезда бокса из штата Мичиган.,” он сказал. “Это особенная передача факела от такой живой легенды, живущей в Детройте, как Томми Хернс.. Мистер. Хернс, кто является иконой бокса Детройта и великим послом этого вида спорта, был очень впечатлен навыками и режимом тренировок Кларессы.”
Салита говорит, что видит Шилдса’ потенциал для суперзвезды и ее способность возродить энергию в Мичиганском боксе.

“Детройт — город величайшего возвращения Америки. Мы увидим возрождение бокса мирового уровня., в сопровождении юной леди из Флинта, которая, несмотря на то, что росла в очень трудных условиях, является двукратным олимпийским чемпионом, самый опытный боксер из всех, кто вышел из боксерской программы США. Это всего лишь ее третий профессиональный бой, и она борется за титул WBC Silver на Июнь 16. Мы наблюдаем здесь что-то особенное, и очень иронично, что все это происходит недалеко от Детройта., который снова борется за признание себя одним из величайших городов Америки.”
Больше боев, соперники и раунды будут объявлены в ближайшее время. На бой ночью, Двери открываются в 7:00 вечера и бои начинаются в 8:00 вечера.
Для получения дополнительной информации о “Детройт Brawl” или Салита Сниженные цены, визитwww.salitapromotions.com. Facebook и Щебет: @DetroitBrawl
О предложениях Salita
Салит Акция была основана в 2010 Дмитрий Салита, профессиональный боксер и мировой титул чемпион, который видел необходимость в рекламную сущность, чтобы показать лучшую молодой бокс перспективы и устоявшиеся соперник в Северной Америке и по всему миру. Зрители смотрят бойцы на мировых телевизионных сетей, включая Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Универсальный Sports Network и MSG пользуются Салита Promotions бороться действие в последние годы. Мы гордимся тем, предлагая нашим бойцам возможность внутри и снаружи кольца. Салита Акции ожидает продолжения роста и удовлетворения потребностей любителей подраться по всему миру.

Гэри Расселл-младший. против. Цитаты заключительной пресс-конференции Оскара Эскандона & Фото

Featherweight World Championship Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING This Суббота, Мая 20от MGM National Harbor в Мэриленде
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
NATIONAL ПОРТ (Мая 18, 2017) – Полулегком чемпион мира Гэри Расселл-младший. and top challenger Оскар Escandon пошел лицом к лицу Четверг at the final press conference before they square-off in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING this Суббота, Мая 20 от MGM National Harbor в Мэриленде.
Also in attendance at Четверг press conference and competing in action on SHOWTIME were super middleweight contenders Андре Диррелл и ХосеUzcategui, who battle for the IBF Super Middleweight World Championship, plus two-division world champion Rances-Бартельми и бывший титул чемпиона Kiryl Relikh, who meet in a 140-pound title eliminator. Телепередача начинается в 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT with Gervonta Davis putting his IBF Jr. Lightweight Title on the line against Liam Walsh from Copper Box Arena in London.
Tickets for the live event at MGM National Harbor, promoted by TGB Promotions, по цене $200, $150, $100 и $50, and are now on sale. Для покупки билетов перейдите наhttp://mgmnationalharbor.com/.
Рассел-младший. was joined by his brothers, 2016 U.S. Олимпиец Гэри Рассел Antuanne и непревзойденная перспектива Гэри Расселл-Антонио, as the trio of brothers look to pick up a hat trick of victories in their hometown Суббота night and on the birthday of their father and trainer, Гэри Расселл Sr.
Вот то, что участники должны были сказать, Четверг from MGM National Harbor:
Гари Расселл JR.
I never magnify an event, even though it’s at home. The end objective is still the same. But I think it’s cool that everyone in our neighborhood has the opportunity to be in the arena and see what we do.
“Я 100 percent physically and mentally ready for the challenge and I’m on top of everything I can be.
When you get caught up in the hype, it’s a deficiency in yourself. You have to be able to focus on the objective over everything else.
I believe in my ability but also the ability of my brothers. So I’m not nervous for them. I know what they’ve been taught. They conduct themselves like young men in and out of the ring.
I want a unification bout after this. I’m ready for any of the other world champions. We can line them all up in the same night if you want. If I can’t get those fights, I’m going to move up in weight and bully around these bigger guys.
I look at each fighter as their own individual. We don’t prepare the same way for every opponent. He’s a tough fighter who comes forward. He’s very physical and I expect him to be at his best в субботу. It’s up to me to counteract what he does.
“Я люблю этот спорт. я люблю то, что я делаю. I love being able to prepare for no one else, but the person across the ring and then dismantling him.
We worked on versatility most. We believe in the sweet science. A lot of these guys just win because they’re stronger and faster. We want to be more technically sound too.
ОСКАР Escandon
This is a very important fight for my career. This is going to elevate me to where I want to be and give me the platform to do anything in the sport. I’m very well prepared for this.
I feel strong and healthy at 126-pounds. I’m focused on this fight Суббота ночь. I’ll fight anyone but right now I have to get past Gary Russell Jr.
In my last fight I was the underdog. People counted me out. Same thing applies here. I’ve done the work and I’m confident that I’m going to win.
I didn’t have complete training camps with my past trainers, but now I’m with Ruben Guerrero. I’m learning so much. You can look at me in my previous fights and you’ll see a vast improvement now.
I want that green (WBC) belt a lot. Green is my favorite color. I want to be the best and to me, winning that title signifies that I am the best. To do that I have to beat the best, and that is Gary Russell Jr.
I don’t like to talk much but I will say that I’m coming to bring this world title back to Colombia. I respect Gary but my mindset is that I’m taking this title home.
Андре Диррелл
It’s been a long hard journey for me. But I’ve always managed to climb back on top. The hard work that I’ve put in will make Суббота night easy work.
My opponent is a fantastic fighter. If anyone should be in line for a title it’s this guy. He has the the power and he has the skill. I just believe he’s up against a better and tougher opponent.
I’m going to get in the ring and display all of my abilities. I’m very confident and ready. It’s time for Andre to get on top and stay on top.
I’ve been out of the ring for a while but most importantly, I’ve stayed in the gym in training the whole time. I’ve kept positive mentally as well. Everything is going upward right now and I’m going to take advantage.
Uzcategui has everything a world champion needs to get to that title, but he’s facing a more skilled competitor on Мая 20. He’s deserving of the opportunity and that’s why I trained so hard for this fight.
The title means the world to me. We fight for the titles first. We’re all coming from the amateurs where we got trophies. My love will always be here with the sport until the day I retire.
You won’t want to miss any of these fights в субботу ночь. It’s a great card and I’m planning to steal the show.
I like when my opponent talks a lot. None of the stuff my opponent says can help him in the ring. It’s just me, him and our fists.
It’s a lot of responsibility to be the top contender for the belt. I have to make it clear that we deserve this so that I can move on to bigger and better things.
People are going to get to see my power on display Суббота ночь, but also my other skills. I can do it all in the ring and I’m going to prove it.
After this I want to take on James DeGale and Gilberto Ramirez. I’m coming to clean out this whole division and be undisputed. It starts в субботу.”
Rances Бартелеми
I’m living a dream right now that I myself never in a million years imagined. Every time I get to speak with my mother in Cuba, I tell her of this dream that I am currently living and how it is still surreal to me. To be able to fight on these big cards in the U.S. after the long journey, after all the setbacks, I could not be any more grateful.
Being a world champion in two different weight divisions is something still unreal to me after people doubted whether I would even become a world champion one day. But this journey does not stop here for me. I have the urge to keep on going, make history for my people, and fight the big names in boxing.
Everyone in my team supports and motivates each other because we know we as Cubans have to work twice as hard as everybody else. There is an unfair representation of Cuban boxers among the press and fans here in America. We are misconstrued as being boring fighters therefore we are determined to erase that stigma and prove to everyone that we can brawl and put on a good show just as much as we can box.
I have been working on some new and different things to add to my arsenal this training camp. My whole team has been incredible and pushed me every day.
“Не пропустите этот бой в субботу ночь. It’s going to be eventful and exciting. I’m coming to get a spectacular win.
I’m very happy to be here and be a part of this great show. I will do my best to give a great fight в субботу.
Camp was perfect. I have a great team and I’m ready for anything. We worked hard and it’s going to be a great performance.
I’m ready for any style that that Rances Barthelemy can bring into the ring. We thought that we got the win in Scotland against Ricky Burns, but it is very hard to win on points on the road.
I always fight in different countries so this is just another one on my list. It’s normal for me. I’m very ready for the challenge and I’m expecting a great fight.
I hope that people like my style. I’m going to entertain the fans and get a victory over Rances Barthelemy в субботу ночь.”
I get to pick up right where I left off after the Olympics. I’m fighting on the same night with my brothers for the first time in so long. It was one of my first amateur fights when we last did it.
“Я чувствую себя очень хорошо. We’re making a statement and we’re making history. What’s not to be excited about?
Mentally and emotionally the Olympics really helped me for the pros. You have to develop over time. We’re constantly training and sharpening our tools. This is a different stage, that’s all.
I hope everyone is ready for Суббота ночь. There were some mishaps at the Olympics. Life is going to throw you bumps to get over, и вот что я собираюсь сделать. Everyone better keep their eyes open Суббота, because it might be quick.
Гари Рассел АНТОНИО
I’m really excited about this fight and competing alongside my brothers. It feels good to come home and fight. My family and friends will be in the building.
I can’t wait to get in the ring and show what we’ve been working so hard on. All the hours in the gym with my dad and brothers is going to pay off on fight night.
I’ve seen some video of my opponent. I know his weaknesses and strengths. We’re going to come exploit it on fight night.
Гари Рассел SR., Father and Trainer of the Russells
We work hard in the gym. Everybody has a plan until they get hit. We know that he’s going to bring pressure and we’ll be ready for it.
I’m really happy about this opportunity. We can get it all done in one night and put on a great show for everyone.
I’m definitely in fight mode. There are no extra nerves at all. I just want to get this done and get it done right.
I can’t really put Escandon in the same category with the top guys we’ve faced. He’s a short fighter. Most people in these weight classes are taller than Gary. At that size, the only way you can fight is straight forward. He’s not going to out box us.
РУБЕН ГЕРРЕРО, Escandon’s Trainer
We’re ready over here. We’re going to do what it takes. Мы знаем, что мы против. He’s one of the best. We’ll prove who is the best в субботу. This is going to come down to a war. Gary knows what he’s going against.
I helped Escandon set up a camp in Las Vegas for this fight because this was a huge opportunity. We were up in the mountains and that’s where I wanted him. He’s going to be great on fight night. He’ll be ready to go. It’s not easy to train in Vegas.
We’re coming to win. We can’t control the judges but we know they’re fair. We’re expecting a fair shake. We’re going to control what we can.
# # #
Гэри Расселл-младший. против. Оскар Escandon is a featherweight world championship showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on Saturday, Мая 20 от MGM National Harbor в Мэриленде. Televised coverage begins on SHOWTIME at 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT and features super middleweight contenders Andre Dirrell and Jose Uzcategui in a matchup for the Interim IBF Super Middleweight World Championship plus two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy in a WBA 140-pound world title eliminator against Kiryl Relikh. В телепередаче нож, from Copper Box Arena in London, Gervonta Davis puts his IBF Jr. Lightweight Title on the line against Liam Walsh.
Для получения более подробной информации, follow on Twitter @MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, @MGMNatlHarbor и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и www.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. Мероприятие спонсируется Corona Extra, Finest Beer.




America’s Youngest Champion Makes First Title Defense On The Road Against No. 1 соперник & Local Favorite Walsh Суббота На 6 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME


“I’m just on a whole different level…В Субботу night you’ll be on your ass.” – Gervonta Davis


“I’m not intimidated one little bit. Not by Floyd, not by Tank, not by anyone.” – Liam Walsh


Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий; Credit Mark Robinson/SHOWTIME


ЛОНДОН (Мая 18, 2017) – IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Gervonta Davis, непобежденным Нет. 1 contender Liam Walsh and promoter Floyd Mayweather got into a jarring session during Четверг final press conference at Landmark Hotel in London just two days before Субботу world title clash on SHOWTIME from Copper Box Arena.


Baltimore’s “Tank” Davis, America’s youngest world champion, will attempt to become the first American to successfully defend his title on British soil in nearly a decade*, while Walsh (21-0, 14 КО) aims to dethrone the man that Mayweather has christened the “future of boxing.” (*Заметка: Малиньяджи против. Lovemore Ndou in 2008)


Дэвис против. Walsh is part of a split-site, four-fight SHOWTME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that begins on Saturday, Мая 20, на 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT. В главном событии, Гэри Расселл-младший. will make his second featherweight title defense and long-awaited homecoming against mandatory challenger Oscar Escandon live from MGM National Harbor just outside of Washington, D.C.


The 22-year-old Davis, who has won by knockout in 16 из его 17 Профессиональные бои, will make the first defense of the IBF belt to won via KO over previously unbeaten Jose Pedraza in January. The 30-year-old Walsh has won by knockout in three of his last four bouts and will be a decided local favorite at an expected sold-out Copper Box Arena.


The pound-for-pound great turned promoter Mayweather and Walsh’s two brothers, fellow professional fighters Michael and Ryan, led the jarring during Четверг festivities with Mayweather claiming “I’m 40 years old and I’ll kick all three of your asses in the same night.”


Team Walsh was “not intimidated one little bit” by Mayweather or Tank, while the southpaw Davis promised “В Субботу night you’ll be on your ass. And then your brothers can get in next.”


Below are highlights of what the participants had to say в четверг:



“I’m just on a whole different level. I do know they built you good, but you’ve been dropped before. They’ve been protecting you from the power, so I know you have no chin. В Субботуnight you’ll be on your ass. And then your brothers can get in next.


“Please don’t run Суббота ночь.


“I’ve just been trying to stay level-headed. Getting that belt brings me that much closer to what I want to do – to take over the sport of boxing. With the performance I put в субботу night it will bring me a step closer to being the star of boxing and follow after Floyd Mayweather.


“Having Floyd in my corner gives me a lot of confidence. Floyd has been pretty hands on with me, he’s been getting up and training and running with me. He was my hero in the sport of boxing coming up so to just have him in my corner now is amazing.


“I won the belt and now my focus is to take over the sport.


“Growing up in Baltimore, it has a high crime rate. Это было жестко. Where I’m from the gym is in the hood. If it wasn’t for the gym I’d either be in jail or dead. That’s not what I want to be. Boxing saved my life.”



“I’m always confident. As I’ve said many times, his performance against Pedraza was very good. I applaud him. Tank is the best fighter I’ve come up against in my career so far, but I’m also the best fighter he’s going to come against in his career so far. So it makes for a great fight.


“He’s physically very good. He’s very fast, very powerful. He’s a good puncher and performed beyond his years against Pedraza. You can’t knock his performance whatsoever, but there’s still a lot of questions that he has to answer.


“The southpaw stance doesn’t affect me too much. I can switch between the two. I’m comfortable in both stances so that doesn’t bother me.


“I don’t think I can put it into words what it would mean to win the title. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a little child. The feeling, the emotion, I can’t put it into words. This is the biggest night of my life.


“There are definitely flaws in his game and they’re there for me to exploit. I plan to take advantage of his mistakes. Когда я был 22, there were definitely mistakes I made that I wouldn’t make now. So maybe it’s the perfect time to fight him.


“I’m not intimidated one little bit. Not by Floyd, not by Tank, not by anyone.


“I predict I will win the fight. I wouldn’t be shocked if I won by knockout, I wouldn’t be shocked if I won on points. You won’t see me celebrating like a mad man if I knock out Tank because I know I’m capable of it.”


Флойд Мэйвезер:

“It’s not just one performance. It takes more than just one performance. We truly believe that he can be a great fighter, but he came in his last fight with only 16 fights and beat the champion. We know he’s not going to lay down. This kid has dynamite in both hands. If he keeps going out there beating great fighters he cannot be denied.


“When its lights, камера, action and the bell rings, 17 times he came out victorious and 16 посредством (нокаут).


“His team does a remarkable job, but it’s my job as a friend and a father figure to tell him to come to Vegas to get him the best work. We wanted him to have different looks. We want guys that were going to push him, give him different styles.


“This kid, he busts his ass day in and day out. We’re going to continue to go out there and do what we do.


“I already conquered your country once (with Ricky Hatton) and now we’re going to conquer it again в субботу.


“I don’t miss being in the gym at all. If I can push this fighter to surpass me and break every record, that’s a goal of mine. That’s what we’re here to do. Записи, чтобы их нарушать.


“I remember when I met Tank on the Canelo (Альварес) press tour and he asked to take a photo with me. When I took a photo with him I said, ‘there’s something about that kid that looks special.’


“He came to my gym and put in some real good work and I reached out to him and said, ‘whatever it takes to work with you and get you to the next level, let’s make it happen.’ I told him, ‘if you listen to me and continue to work hard I truly believe you can be world champion в 24 месяцы.’ And that’s just one stepping stone. As of right now he’s one of the only fighters in boxing facing back-to-back undefeated fighters.


“Frank Warren, Лиам Уолш, we just want to commend you guys for stepping up to the plate and making this fight happen and giving the fans what they want to see. The fans want to see blood, пот и слезы.


“Tank is always in tremendous fights, he’s a big knockout artist. I truly believe in my man, and I want to work with him until the end of his career.”


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EVENT TAKES PLACE ЗАВТРА в то время как предварительные действия будут транслироваться на Bellator.com и во всем мире в мобильном приложении Bellator, начиная с, WEMBLEY IN LONDON — AIRS AT 9 PM ET/8 PM CT ON SPIKE

ПОЛНОЕ Взвешивание в фотографиях ЗДЕСЬ

Официальный Bellator 179: Дейли против. МакдональдMain Card Weights:

Главное событие в полусреднем: Rory MacDonald (170.1) против. Пол Дейли (170.8)

В полутяжелом совместно Главным событием: Линтон Vassell (205) против. Лиам Мак-Гири (205.5)

Heavyweight Feature Bout: Аугусто Сакаи (263.75) против. Шейх Конго (244)

Catchweight Feature Bout: D.J. Griffin (164) против. Кevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr. (165)

Бой в полусреднем весе: Dan Vinni (169.4) против. Alex Lohore (170)


Bellator.com-Streamed Предварительное Card:

Легкий Предварительный Bout: Jay Dods (154.75) против. Alfie Davis (155)

Heavyweight Предварительный Bout: Dan Konecke (227.5) против. Stav Economou (260.75)

Наилегчайшем Предварительный Bout: Jamie Powell (125.2) против. Amir Albazi (125.5)

Средний вес Предварительное Bout: Umer Kayani (168.75) против. Натан Джонс (169)

Средний Предварительное Bout: Fabian Edwards (184.5) против. Rafal Cejrowski (185)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Jeremy Petley (148.75) против. Чейз Мортон (149.75)

Средний Предварительное Bout: Marcin Prostko (185.25) против. Нджокуани против (185.75)

Легчайшем Предварительный Bout:Salih Kulucan (135.5) против. Diego Barbosa (136)

Рой Джонс-младший. Boxing Promotions Makes FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Facebook Debut On Saturday, Июль 15

Лас-Вегас, Невада (Мая 18, 2017) – Рой Джонс-младший. Boxing Promotions will team with Linacre Media and Facebook to bring the fans from across the globe together with one purposethe love of boxingand will give all a ringside seat for “FIGHTNIGHT ЖИВОЙ” на Facebook.
Record numbers and 5-star reviews are still pouring in following last Thursday’s debut of FIGHTNIGHT LIVE as it received a standing ovation from fans across the globe, and Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions has accepted the invitation to join the future of live FREE streaming. Fans from all around the world can tune-in to Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on Суббота, Июль 15 на 6 p.m. PT (9 p.m. И) to catch a fan-friendly, interactive, high quality Facebook Live broadcast on every enabled device. Рой Джонс-младший. Boxing willgo livefrom Wild Horse Pass Casino and Hotel to bring behind-the-scenes interviews, exclusive first-hand looks at the fighters and the raw emotion of each fighter’s win, поражение или ничья.
Повышен Рой Джонс-младший. and Keith Veltre of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions, this card will give fans back-to-back championship action. The event will showcase a main attraction featuring NABA Super Welterweight Champion John “Phenom” Vera Jr. (16-0, 10КО) as he takes on the former WBO Latino Champion Daniel Rosario (11-2, 10КО) in a 10-round contest at the Wild Horse Pass Casino in Chandler, AZ. Former WBA Super Bantamweight, Рико Рамос (25-5, 13КО) will go toe-to-toe for the vacant NABA Super Bantamweight Belt, along with Arizona area heroes. Additional fights and fighters are subject to change.
“Мы с Роем всегда чувствовали, что прямые трансляции займут место старых платформ для проведения боев.,” stated Keith Veltre, ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ДИРЕКТОР & Соучредитель Роя Джонса-младшего. Boxing Promotions. “To partner up with Linacre Media and showcase our talent live with Facebook is years ahead of anyone else in the industry. This will give us the ability to reach millions of boxing fans around the world and enable us to deliver our sponsors triple the exposure we would normally get from traditional T.V. Марк Фрэтто, the brains behind this envisioning series, is giving fighters the opportunity to showcase their talent to the world and gain a fan base. We are thrilled that his vision lines exactly where Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions хочет быть.”
The July 15th card will be called by world-renowned blow-by-blow announcer Ray Flores of Premier Boxing Champions, Showtime Бокс, HBO бокса и CBS Sports Networks. Commentating ringside alongside Flores will be boxing analyst Michael Woods of the TalkBox Podcast, NYFights.com и Ring TV. Sports fans will have a fully-interactive ringside experience as commentators respond to and answer questions and comments from the Facebook audience and fight fans from around the globe throughout the entire broadcast.
I was inundated with complimentary texts, emails and calls almost as soon as the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE pilot started, and it was a lot of fun watching the numbers swell from 27 views at the start of the broadcast to 43,000-plus by now,” сказал Марк Фратто, Главный из Линакр СМИ. “Like many others, we believe that the present and future of ‘televised’ бокс, MMA, Muay Thai and really all live sports is digital. Дальше, by putting these events on Facebook we’re providing an interactive environment for fight fans to not only view the events, but to connect with each other and provide their own real-time commentary during the bouts. We believe in high-quality, cost-efficient production that can give fans free access to hundreds of global, national and regional live fight nights without breaking the bank of the promoter and also without sacrificing what sports fans have come to expect from their viewing experience – множественные ракурсы, графика, повторы и за кадром доступа и интервью. We don’t want traditional fans, digital customers and cord-cutters to be relegated to trying to watch other spectatorslive feeds off their cell phones.
Созданный и произведенный Линакр СМИ из Нью-Йорка, серия FIGHTNIGHT ЖИВОЙ имеет несколько углов камеры, графика, replays and behind the scenes access and interviews. В потоковом шоу доступны по всему миру, где Facebook доступен. Эта инициатива не только позволяет болельщикам со всего мира, чтобы настроиться на, but also gives up-and-coming fighters a global platform to showcase their skills, дает промоторы доступный “трансляции” solution and gives small business sponsors the ability to reach a mass audience via branded content.
Веб-сайты: www.linacremedia.com, www.royjonesjrboxing.com, WWW.wingilariver.com/WildHorsePass,
Щебет: @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_, @Royjonesjrfa
Instagram: @faceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE, @Royjonesjrboxing, @LinacreMedia, @KeithVeltre
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE, WWW.facebook.com/RoyjonesjrBoxing, www.facebook.com/WildHoresePasscasino

Victory Prospects Continue on the Fast Track – Эннис & Sanchez Score Wins


KENSINGTON, MARYLAND – Мая 17, 2017 – Victory Boxing Promotions is keeping with its promise to keep its top prospects busy, с Джарон “Сапоги” Эннис (11-0, 9KO) и Карлос “Tiburon” Санчес (13-0, 12KO) stepping into the ring in Virginia and Mexico over the weekend.

Эннис’ конец, which was scheduled for six rounds, was the fourth this year for the highly-touted prospect. He faced journeyman Eduardo Flores (25-27-3, 15KO), stopping him in the fourth round. The fight was a learning experience for Ennis, who has faced increasingly more experienced competition in his last three fights. Flores has bouts with Egis Kavaliauskas, Брэд Соломон, Kermit Cintron under his belt, and gave boxing fans in attendance at the Masonic Temple in Norfolk, Virginia a good show before having the fight stopped by the referee at 1:57 of the fourth round due to an accumulation of unanswered punches. Ennis wasted no time in returning to the gym, where he trains with his father, “Bozy” Эннис, to prepare for his next bout, 10 июня в Атлантик-Сити, Нью-Джерси. It is the first of four bouts already scheduled into the third quarter of 2017. The welterweight sensation has stayed busy, racking up eleven wins in thirteen months.

This is what we’ve planned for Victory Boxing’s prospects,” said Victory Boxing Promoter Chris Middendorf. “We want to keep them busy and keep them learning. Boots is a special talent, and we want to get him in the ring and in front of his fans as much as possible.

Карлос “Tiburon” Sanchez returned to his hometown of San Felipe, Mexico for the first time since his January 2016 профессиональный дебют, facing Ivan “Тигр” Chevelas, ветеран 33 бои. Scheduled for six rounds, the fight ended in the fourth, with Carlos dropping Chevelas twice en route to landing a barrage of punches, which prompted the referee to wave off the fight. Sanchez has also been busy, racking up thirteen wins in just 19 месяцы.

Victory Boxing Promotions has a busy summer ahead. One of the promotion’s most promising prospects (и 2017 high school graduate), полусреднем Brandun Lee (2-0, 2KO) is back in action 1 июня в Фениксе, и мухи Manuel Flores делает его профессиональный дебют в эту субботу in Palm Springs.

For more information on Victory Boxing’s stable of fighters, пожалуйста, посетите www.victoryboxingpromotions.с.


America’s Youngest Champion Makes First Title Defense On The Road Against No. 1 соперник & Local Favorite Walsh

SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® Coverage Begins At 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Credit Lawrence Lustig/SHOWTIME

ЛОНДОН (Мая 17, 2017) – Gervonta Davis and Liam Walsh participated in public workouts в среду at the legendary York Hall in advance of это субботуIBF Junior Lightweight World Championship on SHOWTIME from Copper Box Arena in London.

Балтимор Дэвис (17-0, 16 КО) was joined in the ring during the workout by his promoter and mentor, все время большой Флойд Мэйвезер. Дэвис, who became America’s youngest reigning world champion in January, will make the first defense of his IBF belt on the road against undefeated No. 1 contender and local favorite Walsh (21-0, 14 КО).

Дэвис против. Walsh is the opening bout of a unique split-site, four-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event в эту субботу that begins at 6 p.m. И/3 p.m. PT на SHOWTIME. В главном событии, Гэри Расселл-младший. will make the second defense of his WBC Featherweight World Championship against mandatory challenger Oscar Escandon from MGM National Harbor just outside of Washington, D.C.

Two world title eliminators will round out the quadrupleheader. Top super middleweight contenders Andre Dirrell (25-2, 16 КО) and José Uzcátegui (26-1, 22 КО) will face off in an IBF Super Middleweight Eliminator to determine the mandatory challenger for champion James DeGale. Undefeated Rances Barthelemy (25-0, 13 КО) will meet Kiryl Relikh (21-1, 19 КО) in a WBA Super Lightweight Eliminator for unified champ Julius Indongo.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing или стать поклонником на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. Стать вентилятор на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

World ranked junior middleweight Kanat Islam takes on Norberto Gonzalez for the WBO/NABO & WBA Intercontinental titles on Friday, May 26th at the Boca Raton Resort & Spa in Boca Raton, Флорида

World class boxing event to be shown around the world


Бока-Ратон, Флорида (Мая 17, 2017)WBA number-4 ranked and WBO number-6 ranked junior middleweight Канат Ислам возьмет на себя Норберто Гонсалес in a battle for the WBO / NABO and WBA Intercontinental Junior Middleweight championships on вечер пятницы, 26 мая at the beautiful Boca Raton Resort & Spa в Бока-Ратон, Флорида.

The international card is promoted by Nelsons Promotions.
The event will be distributed world-wide exclusively by New York-based MultiVision Media, Inc. The Executive Producer is Brian Ricco. The event will be produced and directed by Ira Steven Glass.
The card will feature fighters from no less than six countries.
This is a very special event with an International feel,” said Nelson Lopez, Sr. of Nelson’s Promotions.
The Boca Raton Resort & Spa is an incredible facility that every A-List celebrity visits and vacations at. This will be a great night, and we look forward to having a great crowd to see one of the best fighters in the world in Kanat Islam on 26 мая.”
Islam of Almaty, Kazakhstan has a record of 23-0 с 19 большие нокауты.
The 32 year-old has built up a reputation of being an exciting fighter who is constantly going for the knockout.
Islam turned professional in 2012 after competing in the 2004 and winning a Bronze medal in the 2008 Олимпийские игры.
Islam started to gain recognition when he stopped Humberto Toledo (41-8-2) in the 1st round. He then scored impressive stoppage victories over Francisco Cordero (29-2) & Хуан Де Анхель (16-3-1).
Октября 29, 2016, Islam returned home to Kazakhstan and won a 12-round unanimous decision over Patrick Allotey (30-2) перед более 18,000 фанаты.
В своем последнем бою, Islam was cut badly in the 1st round of his bout with Robson Assis (16-3), yet stopped his Brazilian foe in the first round of their bout on 17 февраляas part of the Roy Jones, Младший. – Bobby Gunn Pay-Per-View undercard in Wilmington, Делавэр.
Gonzalez of Nuevo Leon, Мексика имеет запись 23-8 с 13 нокауты.
The 36 летний является 10 year-professional who has solid wins over Joel Juarez (22-3-1), Jesus Arras Perea (18-2), Michael Oliveira (20-1), former world title challenger Javier Maciel (30-3) and in his last bout when Gonzalez when an eight-round split decision over Daniel Rosario Cruz (11-1) ноября 18, 2016 в Лас-Вегасе,
In the eight round co-feature, Islam stablemate, Zhankosh Turarov столкнется Густаво Garibay в полусреднем весе бой.
Like Islam, Turarov is from Almaty, Kazakhstan and sports a perfect mark of 20-0 с 14 нокауты.
Октября 18, 2013, Turarov won the WBA Fedecentro super lightweight title with a 5th round stoppage over Abrahan Peralta (10-1). In Turarov’s last bout, he stopped Isaac Aryee in 4 rounds in Almaty, Kazakhstan on October 29, 2016.
Garibay of Mexico is 13-8-2 с пятью нокаутом.
The 36 year-old Garibay is a nine year professional who has victories over Mario Alberto Lozano (29-6) & Хосе Napoles (4-1).
Lozano is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision defeat to Sebastian Bouchard (14-1) на 24 февраля в Квебеке, Канада.
В восемь круглых бои:
Dagoberto Агуэро (11-0, 8 КО) San Cristobal, Dominican Republic will take on Густаво Молина (24-10, 9 КО) of Mexico in a super bantamweight bout.
Zhilei Zhang (15-0, 11 КО) из Zhoukou, China will take on Кертис Харпер (12-4, 8 КО) Джексонвилле, Florida heavyweight attraction.

Веллингтон Ромеро (12-0-1, 9 КО) of the Dominican Republic battles Wilfrido Buelvas (18-7, 12 КО) Барранкильи, Colombia in a junior welterweight bout.

В шести-раундовый бой, Mike Bolagun (10-0, 9 КО) Верхнего Мальборо, Maryland будет принимать Ytalo Переа (8-2-2, 5 КО) of Howard Beach, NY in a heavyweight bout.
Justin Wright will make his pro debut in a bantamweight bout against Christopher Salerno (0-1) Флориды.
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