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Budding star Irvin Gonzalez Starting to make waves in Super featherweight division

New England’s Future 3June 10th Worcester, MA

WORCESTER, Massa. (Toukokuu 24, 2017) – New England’s top prospect with 10 pro fights of less, undefeated hometown favorite Irvin Gonzalez, is on a fast track going into his June 10th headline fight in the third installment of the “New England Future” sarja, klo DCU-keskus (Exhibition Hall) Worcester, Massachusetts.

New England’s Future 3is presented by Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), which is owned and operated by retired three-time, Kaksi jako maailmanmestari Jose Antonio Rivera ja hänen poikansa, Anthonee (AJ) Rivera.
The 21-year-old Gonzalez (6-0, 6 KOs) ottaa itselleen Raul Lopez (10-2-1, 5 KOs), Bronx (New York), in an eight-round main event for the vacant Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) All-American super featherweight championship.
Pro boxing returns to the DCU Center for the first time sisään 11 vuotta, ironisesti, when promoter Jose Antonio Rivera defeated Alejandro Garcia, by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, for the World Boxing Association (WBA) World super welterweight title.
I am excited to watch Irvin’s boxing career flourish,” promoter Jose Rivera remarked. “He has all the tools to become a world champion. Fighting for the UBF championship will be the first of many and I am glad that we are able to give him this opportunity. I see big things for Irvin and I hope fans come out Lauantai yö, Kesäkuu 10th, to support him and the other local boxers.”.
“Tämä on loistava tilaisuus minulle,” Gonzalez sanoi. “I’m blessed to be fighting in Worcester for my first title. It’s not a big title but it’s like taking baby steps to a world title. Since I started boxing at the Boys & girls Club, I always wanted to be like Jose, a three-time world champion. Nyt, it’s my turn, and I’m fighting again in my city.
Gonzalez has a perfect pro record: six rights, six wins by knockout. Kuitenkin, he’s only had fought a grand total of eight rounds, and June 10th he’s in a scheduled eight-round match. The well-spoken youngster isn’t concerned with the step up in rounds and opposition.
I’ve been asked about that by a lot of media, trainers and other fighters,” hän selitti. “I’ve always trained like it’s for a world title fight, 12 kierrosta, so I’m not worried about going into deep water. I’m in magnificent shape, three weeks before the fight, and even in the amateurs I’ve always gotten stronger as the fight went along. In sparring, I get stronger, so going eight isn’t a problem for me.
I don’t really know much about my opponent. He won a few national titles but hasn’t fought too often. I’ll see what he brings into the ring and then adjust. I know I’m taller.
Gonzalez learned a lot when he was a sparring partner for Guillermo Rigondeaux in Florida that was supposed to be a six-week training camp that ended after three weeks due to Rigondeauxfight being cancelled.
I learned a lot about different training methods that I now use,” Irvin continued. “His techniques are phenomenal. I was around a world champion, two-time Olympic gold medalist and I saw his work ethic. After all he’s accomplished, he still has a great work ethic, and I learned from him that a fighter need continue working like he does until the day it’s all over. It’s not all about money, it’s having fun every day, doing what we love.
Former world female heavyweight champions SonyaThe ScholarLamonakis (10-2-2, 1 KO), the New York City teacher who lived in Turners Falls (MA), ja LauraLady RamRamsey (10-7, 5 KOs) battle for the vacant UBF World heavyweight title in the eight-round co-featured event.
Pembroke (MA) Cruiserweight VinnieAmerican NightmareCarita (16-1-1, 15 KOs) meets invading Brazilian knockout artist Marcelo LeonardoQueizada” Da Silva (22-4, 17 KOs) in an eight-round Special Cruiserweight Attraction.
Also fighting on the undercard, kaikki neljän kierroksen ottelua, are Worcester welterweight Andy Gonzalez (6-1, 5 KOs) vs. TBA, Lawrence (MA) junior välisarjan AdrianTonka” Sosa (2-0, 2 KOs) vs. Buffalo’s Jack Grady (0-5-1), New Haven (CT) höyhensarjalainen Josh Crespo (7-4-3, 3 KOs) vs. Georgian Gabriel Braxton (2-18, 1 KO), Worcester featherweight Andino Ranse (1-0) vs. Woburn (MA) Gilvan Santos (0-3), Springfield (MA) junior keskisarjan Nosturi “Double Impact” Whitley (1-0) vs. Norwalk (CT) veteraani Shaka Moore (12-22-3, 2 KOs), Worcester’s pro-debuting Bobby Harris III vs. Woburn (MA) Super keskisarjan Rodrigo Almeida (1-6), Southbridge (MA) junior välisarjan Wilfredo “Sucaro” pakanallinen (1-0) vs. Lawrence’s Anthony Everett (1-5), Worcester’s Bryan Daniels (4-0, 2 KOs) vs. Floridan ChristopherThe ArchbishopBoykins (1-8) at a 205-pound catchweight, Hartford’s (CT) Richie “Kippari-Kalle Man” Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Brasilialainen Nathan Schulte (0-2) at a 180-pound catchweight, and Worcester’s pro-debuting Neal Sullivan vs. Framingham (MA) super middleweight Saul Almeida (0-8).
Kaikki taistelee ja taistelijat voivat muuttua.
Liput, hinnoiteltu $75.00 (kehän vierus) ja $45.00 (Pääsylippu), are on sale and available to purchase at the DCU Center box office, www.dcu.centerworcester.com,
by contacting Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera
(anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) tai jollekin taistelijat
Ovet avataan klo 6 p.m., Ensimmäinen ottelu 7 p.m. JA.
Sponsorit sisältävät Lundgren Honda, Championsofhealth.usana.com, Whiskey On Water and Worcester criminal defense Atty. Michael Erlich.
Viserrys: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_



Sugar-sokerihalli Ray Leonard, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Shawn Porter & Lisää keskustele uusimmista sarjoista, joissa keskipainoinen menestys


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP NYRKKEILY® Live At 5:15 p.m. JA/2:15 p.m. PT Bramall Lanelta Sheffieldissä, Englanti


NEW YORK (Toukokuu 23, 2017) - IBF: n keskipainoinen maailmanmestari Kell Brook ja voittamaton nouseva tähti Errol Spence kohtaavat lauantaina elää Showtime (5:15 p.m. JA/2:15 p.m. PT) viimeisimmässä sarjassa merkittäviä keskipainoisia otteluita parhaiden taistelijoiden välillä yhdessä nyrkkeilyn syvimmistä divisioonista.


Kuusi maailman kahdeksasta parhaasta keskipainosta * on taistellut vuoden viiden ensimmäisen kuukauden aikana 2017 - kaikki SHOWTIME- tai CBS-tilassa - koska tosiasiallisesti turnaus jatkuu 147 kilon luokassa, jotta määritetään Ei. 1 hävittäjä jaossa, jota eläkkeellä oleva Floyd Mayweather hallitsee pitkään.

*Lähde: Kansainväliset nyrkkeilysijoitukset


WBA: n ja WBC: n keskipainoisen maailmanmestari Keith Thurman yhdisti tittelit Maaliskuu 4 jaetulla päätöksellä voitolla Danny Garcialla harvinaisessa voittamattomien mestareiden ottelussa. Lamont Peterson poimi toissijaisen WBA Regular -tittelin Helmikuu. 18, ja Huhtikuu 22 Shawn Porter pudotti Andre Berton pakolliseksi haastajaksi Thurmanin WBC-vyölle. Jäljellä oleva keskipainon mestari, Manny Pacquiao, puolustaa WBO-titteliään Jeff Hornia vastaan Heinäkuu 2.


Nyt on Brook ja Spence vuoro ottaa keskipiste nyrkkeilyn glamour-divisioonassa.


Tänä lauantaina Sheffield, Englanti, Puro (36-1, 25 KOs) tekee neljännen puolustuksen IBF - vyöstä, jonka hän voitti enemmistöpäätöksellä Porterista vuonna 2004 2014. 31-vuotias, joka ei ole koskaan kaatanut, on päättäväinen kotikaupungin suosikki sen edessä, jonka odotetaan olevan 25 000 plus fania ensimmäisessä maailmanmestaruuskilpailussa Bramall Lanen 162 vuoden historiassa.


27-vuotias Spence (21-0, 18 KOs) on pitkään pidetty yhtenä nyrkkeilyn arvostetuimmista näkymistä. IBF: n nro. 1 kilpailija on pudonnut kahdeksan suoraa vastustajaa ja on parantunut vastustuksensa noustessa - hänen kuudella viimeisellä vastustajallaan oli vaikuttava yhdistetty ennätys 151 voittaa vain kahdeksaa tappiota vastaan. Dallasissa asuva matkustaa ulkomaille tämän kauan odotetun tittelimahdollisuuden vuoksi, kun hän yrittää tulla ensimmäiseksi amerikkalaiseksi, joka tuhosi englantilaisen Britannian maalla lähes vuosikymmenen aikana. **


Sekä Spence että Brook vahvistavat aikomuksensa yhtenäistää jako jälkeen Toukokuu 27, katso alla, mistä legendaarinen Hall of Famer Sugar Ray Leonard ja nykyiset huippupelipainot sanovat Lauantain IBF-tittelin ottelu.


SUGAR RAY LEONARD - Entinen kiistaton keskipainoisen maailmanmestari

“Olen todella innoissani tästä taistelusta, lähinnä siksi, että molempien taistelijoiden on oltava A-pelissä. Tiedän, että Kellin silmäleikkaus on psykologinen ongelma, mutta henkilökohtaisesta kokemuksesta, En näe, että näin olisi. En koskaan ajatellut silmääni, kun lääkäri antoi minulle vihreän valon.


"Kysyä minulta, kuka voittaa tämän taistelun, Minulla on suosikkini Errol Spencessä. Mutta, kunkin taistelijan fyysisen tykistön perusteella, yksi booli voi kääntää pöydät ympäri. Tästä huolimatta, Aion istua alas ja katsella hienoa yötä nyrkkeilyä. "


KEITH THURMAN - yhtenäinen WBA & WBC: n keskipainoinen maailmanmestari

”Tämä on mielenkiintoinen taistelu. En ole seurannut Kellia liikaa, mutta olen selvästi nähnyt Errolin taistelevan Yhdysvalloissa. Errol on kova, nuori taistelija, joka on vasta yleisön silmissä, ja Kellillä on ilmeisesti brittiläisen väkijoukon vahvuus hänen puolellaan.


"Sen pitäisi olla kova taistelu, joka todella puhuu keskipaino-divisioonan vahvuuteen. Molemmat taistelijat ovat miehiä, jotka olisin avoin taisteluille, kun jatkan jaon yhtenäistämistä 2018. Taistelun faneina, Katsotaanpa, mikä on Kell Brookin ”erikoista”, ja näemme, pystyykö Errol Spence näyttämään meille olevansa "Totuus". Sen pitäisi olla hieno taistelu, ja minä katson. "


DANNY GARCIA - Entinen keskisarjan maailmanmestari

“Mielestäni tämä on 50/50 taistelu. Luulen, että henkilö, jolla on parempi pelisuunnitelma, voittaa. Spencein tapaan jonkun takapihalle menossa on paljon paineita, ja hän ei ole koskaan aikaisemmin kohdannut taistelijaa parhaimmillaan. Se on ehdottomasti testi hänelle ja iso askel kilpailussa. Jos hän on valmis, hän voi tehdä sen. Hänen täytyy vain mennä sinne ja pysyä keskittyneenä.


“Keskipaino on paras nyrkkeilyosasto. Minusta tuntuu edelleen olevani yksi parhaista keskipainoista maailmassa, vaikka tulin lyhyeksi. En koskaan ajatellut sanovan, että menetys tekisi minusta vahvemman, koska en nähnyt itseni häviävän. Haluan nimeni takaisin ja että minua pidetään parhaana parhaassa divisioonassa.”


SHAWN PORTER - Entinen keskisarjan mestari & Nykyinen WBC-numero. 1 Haastaja

"Olen iloinen siitä, että Errol saa tittelinsä, ja olen iloinen siitä, että hän menee Englantiin sen vuoksi. Olen ilmeisesti vetämässä amerikkalaista. Errol on ilmiömäinen urheilija ja loistava nyrkkeilijä. Luulen, että hän on valmis näyttämään maailmalle jotain, mutta Kell on oikeassa tuossa huipputason painoissa. Virittyvien ihmisten tulisi olla innoissaan. Tiedän, että odotan sitä innolla.


”Keskipaino-jako on mahtava, ylhäältä alas. Olemme oikeassa siellä missä meidän täytyy olla ja pitäisi olla. PBC: llä palanneet massat nyrkkeily oli täydellinen aika minulle ja muille huipputason painoille. Meitä on niin paljon, että pystymme voittamaan tittelin juuri nyt. "


LAMONT PETERSON - WBA (Säännöllinen) Keskipainoinen maailmanmestari

"Tästä tulee kova taistelu, mutta mielestäni Errolin pitäisi voittaa. Ainakin vedon Errolin voittoon. Hänen on voitettava ajatus, että todennäköisesti tulee olemaan 30,000 ihmiset huutavat häntä vastaan, joten hänen on näytettävä tuomareille, että hän ansaitsee voiton.


"Brook on hyvä taistelija ja tuo parhaansa, mutta luulen Errol, lopussa, on parempi taistelija. Mutta hänen on todistettava se.


“Keskipaino-divisioona on yksi parhaista nyrkkeilyssä tällä hetkellä. Meillä on paljon hyviä taistelijoita parhaimmillaan, mikä tekee divisioonasta vahvan. Ja kaverit ovat valmiita taistelemaan toisiaan vastaan. Näemme sellaisia ​​taisteluita, joita fanit haluavat nähdä. Jos tämä jatkuu, se voi tuoda nyrkkeilyn takaisin sinne, missä se oli päivinä, jolloin Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, Thomas Hearns ja Marvin Hagler taistelivat toisiaan vastaan. Joten se on todella hyvä nyrkkeilyyn juuri nyt.”


**Timothy Bradley valtaistuimelta toisen Sheffieldin kotoisin olevan, Junior Witter, sisään 2008 Nottinghamissa.

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Exciting Night of Action With Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Featured Saturday, Heinäkuu 15 Live in Primetime from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island

Former World Champions Omar Figueroa & Robert Guerrero Meet in Welterweight Brawl
Undefeated Contender Marcus Browne Faces Unbeaten Long Island Favorite Seanie Monaghan in Light Heavyweight Clash
All-Polish Heavyweight Brawl Featuring a
Showdown Between Artur Szpilka & Adam Kownacki
Liput myynnissä Torstai, Toukokuu 25 at 10 a.m. JA!
LONG ISLAND, New York (Toukokuu 23, 2017) – A matchup between exciting former world champions Omar “Panterita” Figueroa (26-0-1, 18 KOs)ja Robert “Ghost” Soturi (33-5-1, 18 KOs)headlines an action-packed night of Premier Boxing Champions päällä FOX ja FOX Sports päällä Lauantai, Heinäkuu 15 in the first boxing event at the newly-renovated NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum. Televisioitu kattavuus alkaa 8 p.m. JA/5 p.m. PT from the first boxing event at the Coliseum since Mike Tyson headlined in 1986.
I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring and showing fans what I’m known forexciting fights,” Said Figueroa. “I’ve been quietly training and preparing in Indo, California with Joel Diaz and now it’s time. I’m looking forward to a great fight with Robert Guerrero on July 15 in front of a New York crowd. I can’t wait to show everyone at the Coliseum and on FOX and FOX Deportes what ‘Panteritais all about.
Both me and Omar Figueroa like to bang on the inside, which should make for great entertainment, but Omar is going to find out on Heinäkuu 15 that he’s facing a man who has his back against the wall and is going to leave everything in the ring,” Said Guerrero. “I’m going to give the millions who’ll be watching on FOX and FOX Deportes a fight to remember. This is going to be a classic Mexican war and I’m coming out on top.
The FOX and FOX Deportes broadcast will see unbeaten contender “Sir” Marcus Browne (19-0, 14 KOs) battling undefeated Long Island native and fan favoriteSeanie Monaghan (28-0, 17 KOs) kevyt raskaansarjan välienselvittely.
I have fought more times at Barclays Center than anyone, so it’s exciting to get to fight in a new venue not too far from home,” Said Browne. “We might be in Seanie’s immediate backyard, but I’m just down the block, so he really isn’t any more at home than I am. I know he’s a hard-nosed fighter with a come-forward style. I’m preparing for a tough opponent. A win won’t come easy, but we have to take care of business. I am just ready to display my talent on national television and continue my climb toward a world title.
It is a dream come true to be fighting at the Coliseum, which is literally right next to the track where I run every day,” said Monaghan. “It is an honor to represent Long Island in the first boxing event held at this venue in 31 vuotta. Olen odottanut tällaista tilaisuutta jo pitkään, and I feel that this bout will bring a new chapter in my career. I have a lot of respect for Marcus Browne, but let the best man win. Päällä Heinäkuu 15, I am putting everything on the line.
Also televised in prime time, Arthur Pin (20-2, 15 KOs)täyttää Adam Kownacki (15-0, 12 KOs) in an all-Polish heavyweight showdown that promises fireworks.
I can’t wait to get back in the ring and give my fans another exciting fight,” said Szpilka. “With two Polish heavyweights fighting, you know there will be power and pride on display. I’m training harder than ever to get this victory in front of the great Polish fans in New York. This will be my first step towards getting back to fighting for the heavyweight world title.
I can’t wait to fight again,” sanoi Kownacki. “Most of my past fights were at Barclays Center, so fighting at the Coliseum will be a new and exciting experience. I am training very hard. Voitto Heinäkuu 15 puts me one step closer to becoming a world champion. Szpilka will not stand in my way.
Liput livetapahtuman, joka edistää Dibella Viihde, alkavat $50 (ei myös sovellettavat maksut) ja myydään Torstai, Toukokuu 25 at 10 a.m. JA. Lippuja voi ostaa verkossa osoitteessa www.ticketmaster.com,www.nycblive.com, tai soittamalla 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE beginning Perjantai, Toukokuu 26 keskipäivällä. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.
Boxing’s grand return to Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum is going to be wall-to-wall action,” sanoi Lou Dibella, Presidentti Dibella Viihde. “The PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes main event between Omar Figueroa and Robert Guerrero is destined to be a bloody slugfest. The co-featured bout between Staten Island’s light heavyweight contender Marcus Browne and Long Island’s undefeated ‘Irish RockySeanie Monaghan will bring the heat on a summer night in Long Island. While Marcus and Seanie will bring in a big local crowd, the heavyweight grudge match between Poland’s Artur ‘The PinSzpilka and Polish American Long Islander, by way of Brooklyn, Adam ‘Baby FaceKownacki will pack the house with Polish fans. As a Long Islander, I am proud to promote the first fight card at Nassau Coliseum in 31 vuotta. Heinäkuu 15 will be a fun, action-packed night of boxing entertainment from beginning to end; the remainder of the card will be stacked with old-school brawls including local talent.
The Coliseum has a rich history in boxing, having hosted notable fights with the likes of Mike Tyson, George Foreman, Joe Frazier, and Gerry Cooney, muiden muassa,” mainittu Brett Yormark, Brooklyn Sportsin toimitusjohtaja & Viihde. “We are thrilled to build on the sport’s heritage on Long Island, and to bring boxing back to the venue 31 years later with a major event on network television.
A high volume puncher with an exciting style, Figueroa has returned to training with Joel Diaz in California leading up to this fight and looks to make his presence felt on Heinäkuu 15. Representing Weslaco, Texas, Figueroa is undefeated since turning pro in 2008 and won a lightweight world title by defeating Nihito Arakawa in a 2013 Fight of the Year standout. He followed that victory up with successful defenses against Jerry Belmontes and Daniel Estrada. The 27-year-old most recently defeated former world champions Ricky Burns and Antonio DeMarco in his last two outings.
Syntynyt ja kasvanut Gilroy, Kalifornia., Guerrero is always in exciting contests having gone toe-to-toe with Danny Garcia in a FOX main event in 2016 and Keith Thurman sandwiched around a hard fought victory over Aron Martinez. Ennen 2015, the 34-year-old picked up victories over Andre Berto, Secluk Aydin and Michael Katsidis while winning world titles in multiple divisions. Huuto soturi on ollut useita “Fight of the Year” candidates throughout his career, including a memorable brawl in Southern California with Yoshihiro Kamegai in 2014, and he also challenged former pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather in 2013.
The undefeated Browne enters this fight after an electrifying performance in February that saw him drop former title challenger Thomas Williams Jr. before knocking him out in round six. The 26-year-old defeated previously unbeaten Radivoje Kalajdzic in April 2016 after a big 2015 that saw him defeat veteran contenders Gabriel Campillo, Aaron Pryor Jr., Francisco Sierra and Cornelius White. The 2012 US-. Olympian fights out of Staten Island, New York after an exceptional amateur career that saw him win the 2012 US-. Amateur Championship at light heavyweight.
One of the most popular fighters representing Long Island, Monaghan looks to solidify his first world title shot when he faces Browne on Heinäkuu 15. Monaghan competed in the 2009 New York Golden Gloves before turning pro, reaching the final before dropping a memorable contest to fellow Long Island-native Joe Smith Jr. He has yet to taste defeat in as a professional while battling a slew of veterans eager to test his championship mettle. Monaghan added two more victories in 2016 as he stopped Janne Forsman in five rounds and beat Fernando Castanedo in December.
The always entertaining Szpilka returns to the ring after a defeat at the hands of heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder in 2016 as he attempts to get back on the path towards world title contention. The aggressive-minded 6-foot-3 Szpilka, had a four-fight win streak entering the Wilder bout as he picked up a 10-round unanimous decision over former cruiserweight world champion Tomasz Adamek in 2014 and stoppage victories over Yasmany Consuegra, Manuel Quezada and Ty Cobb in 2015.
A two-time New York Golden Gloves champion, five of Kownacki’s last six victories have come at Barclays Center and he now hopes to bring that winning mindset to the Coliseum. Originally from Poland but now living in Brooklyn, Kownacki stopped previously once-beaten Joshua Tufte in January of this year after 2016 saw him earn a stoppage of Jesse Barboza in June and a decision over Danny Kelly in January. He will take on the toughest test of his career in his countryman Szpilka.
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Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Lisätietoja: vierailu www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / kotisivu, www.foxdeportes.comwww.SHO.com/Urheilu seurata TwitterissäPremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes @LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports jawww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. PBC: tä sponsoroi Corona, Finest Beer. BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Lisätietoja, vierailu brooklynboxingshop.com.

Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Inaugural Induction Weekend

WHO: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF)
MITÄ: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will enshrine 24 Charter Class members.
Confirmed to attend Honorees:
Mike Tyson, Michael Spinks, Don King, Larry Hazzard, Dwight Muhammad Qawi, J Russell Peltz, Frank Gelb, Mike Rossman, Bill Johnson, Steve Smoger, Dave Bontempo, Don Elbaum, Bob Lee and Ken Condon.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will celebrate and remember the legacy of Lou Duva, Arturo “Ukkonen” Kissat, Matthew Saad Muhammad as well as hometown hero Leavander Johnson for their extraordinary careers spanning seven decades.
Special Guests
  • *Ray Mercer (BULLYINGWe’re KickinIt Spokesperson)
  • *Mark Breland
  • *Iran Barkley
  • *Milton Luban
  • *Tracy Patterson
  • *John Scully
  • Non Fighters
  • *Don Guardian, Mayor of Atlantic City
  • *Rodney Jerkins, multi Grammy-award winner
  • *Suzette Charles, former Miss America
  • *Sophia Gatti, daughter of Arturo Gatti
  • *Pat Lynch, renowned Boxing Manager
  • *Lillo Brancato, Näyttelijä
  • *Grandy Twins
  • *Vincenzo Vaccaro: Cake King of Queens
  • *Atlantic City Police Athletic League
  • *Aaron Snowell, co-organizer the Jack Johnson Exhibit
  • *BULLYINGWe’re Kickin’ Se
  • *The Legacy Exists Joe Frazier Scholarship Fund
  • *Joseph Nicolosi, Artist known for his signature Pop Art portraits
  • *James O’Neal, Wood Sculpture Artist
MISSÄ: The ClaridgeA Radisson Hotel, 123 South Indiana Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Perjantai, May 26th, Sunday May 27th and Sunday, May 28th
May 26th (Lehdistötilaisuus) Check-in 3:30P | in the The Vue | Kickoff Reception 4P – 7P
May 27th Press Check-in 9:15A | in the Conference Center | Fight Fan Experience 10A – 4P
May 27th Press Check-in 5:15P | Red Carpet Arrivals 6:00P | in the Art Gallery | Honoree Gala 7P – 11P
May 28th Press Check-in 4:00P | Red Carpet Arrivals 4:30P | in the Conference Center | Inaugural Induction Ceremony | Aika: 6P – 9P
Post ceremony interviews and photo ops available as well.
Media Inquiries:
Please note that space is limited and all press will need credentials to check-in. Representatives of the media must RSVP to:
Angela Crockett Marc Abrams
Communications Director for ACBHOF Abrams Boxing
Honorees, Celebrity Guests and ACBHOF Executives will be available for interviewS.
******ACBHOF is pleased to recognize our sponsors*****
Corporate Partner: The Claridge Hotel a Radisson Hotel Title Sponsor: Hard Lifestyle Beverages
City of Atlantic City; suunnittelija Wraps; Hammer Fiber Optics; Triax 57; 2300 Areena; FantaSea Resorts; Adams Boxing; Cake King of Queens and Bee Apparel
Fight Fan Experience Timeline
Honoree Gala Timeline
6:00 Dignitaries Arrival/Reception (Lower GalleryLevel)

7:00 General Public Arrival
7:00 Cocktail Reception & Chicken Bone Beach Performing
7:30-7:35 Ray McCline Welcoming Remarks/Intro Emcee Nino DelBuono
7:35-8:00 DJ Young Hitta/Reception
8:00-8:20 Honoree Precession & Greetings
8:20-8:30 Solo Musical Performance by Suzette Charles
8:30-8:55 Honoree & Awards Presentation
8:55-9:05 Solo Musical Performance by PARRIS
9:05-9:35 Chicken Bone Beach Performing
9:35-10:00 Nicolosi Art Reveal Presentation
10:00-10:50 DJ Young Hitta/Reception
10:50 Closing Remarks
Induction Ceremony Timeline
Procession of Inductees IntroductionFounder, Ray McCline
InvocationPastor, Wayne M. Nelson Sr. National AnthemAlthea Saunders
Mission Statement – Varapuheenjohtaja, Rodrick L. Green Master of Ceremonies – Henry Hascup
Fighter (Resident and Non-Resident)
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Unbeatens Regis Prograis and Joel Diaz Jr., Collide In Main Event On Perjantai, Kesäkuu 9 Live On SHOWTIME® at 10:30 p.m. ET / PT

2017 Hall of Fame Inductees Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood To Be Joined By Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein & Jimmy Lennon Jr.

NEW YORK (Toukokuu 23, 2017) - ShoBox: New Generation will celebrate the 2017 Hall of Fame weekend with a special doubleheader on Friday, Kesäkuu 9 elää Showtime (10:30 p.m. JA/PT) from Turning Stone Resort Casino, just minutes from the International Boxing Hall of Fame in Canastota, N.Y..


Longtime ShoBox analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood will call the actionperjantaina before their induction in the “Observer” category sunnuntaina as part of a 2017 class headlined by boxing greats Evander Holyfield, Marco Antonio Barrera and Johnny Tapia.


Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr. will join Farhood and Tompkins on-air during the special Hall of Fame edition of the prospect oriented series. Lennon Jr. returns to Canasota for the posthumous induction of his father, world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon, Sr.


Vuonna 10-kierroksen päätapahtuma, undefeated super lightweights Regis “Rougarou” Prograis (19-0, 16 KOs) and Joel Diaz Jr. (23-0, 19 KOs) will meet in a quintessential ShoBox matchup that could thrust the winner from prospect to legitimate title contender. Viewers have seen both fighters develop on the series – this will be Prograis’ fourth start and Diaz’ third on ShoBox.


Vuonna yhteistyössä ominaisuus, unbeaten Canadian super middleweight Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 KOs) makes his second start on ShoBox when he faces the dangerous Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 KOs) vuonna kahdeksan kierroksen ottelu.


“I think I can speak on behalf of all of us here at SHOWTIME about how happy and proud we are to see both Steve and Barry’s careers validated with their induction into the Boxing Hall of Fame,”Sanoi Gordon Hall, ShoBox Executive Producer and SVP Production, Showtime Urheilu. “And when you add four fighters with only one loss between them in a quintessentialShoBox kortti, it just doesn’t get much better than that.”


Tompkins and Farhood are the one-two punch behind ShoBox: The NewGeneration. Tompkins calls the blow-by-blow and Farhood offers his wealth of boxing knowledge and expert analysis. The series announce team also includes former world champion Raul Marquez, who also serves as expert analyst.


This will be the fifth ShoBox visit to Turning Stone Resort Casino, which hosted its first ShoBox telecast during the 2013 Hall of Fame weekend.


Liput tapahtumaan, co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment (DBE) and AASHA Record Breakers, hinnoitellaan $65 for ringside, $50, $40 ja $30 (may be subject to additional fees) and are available at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877-833-SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. Ovet avataan klo 6:30 p.m., ensimmäisen ottelun tarkoitus 7:30 p.m.


Ranked No. 4 jonka WBC, the 28-year-old Prograis has scored knockouts in 12 hänen viimeisen 13 taistelee. Originally from New Orleans but currently fighting out of Main Street Gym in Houston, the 5-foot-9 Prograis is an aggressive-minded southpaw with stunning accuracy on his power shots.


Prograis has beaten two previously undefeated fighters on ShoBox – an eight round stoppage of Abel Ramos and an eight-round decision over Amos Cowart – in addition to his most recent performance, a first round KO of veteran Aaron Herrera. The former amateur standout is coming off a first round knockout of Wilfrido Buelvas on Helmikuu. 11.


“It’s ‘Rougarou Time’,"Sanoi Prograis, whose nickname originates in Louisiana folklore and is defined as a werewolf-like creature. “This is a crossroads fight for me. I am ranked No. 4 by the WBC and fifth by Ring at 140 kiloa. I have worked hard to get here, and I am on a hunt for the title belts.


“Diaz is standing in the way of my ultimate objective and I know that I must defeat him to get where I want to be. He needs to get past me to move onto the next level himself, so I am sure he is equally motivated. That is what makes for great fights.”


Joel Diaz Jr., of Palmdale, Kalifornia., will return to ShoBox for the third time. He debuted on the SHOWTIME series in just his sixth pro bout, stopping unbeaten prospect Guy Robb in seven rounds in 2012. Diaz Jr. returned to headline aShoBox event on May 16, 2014, dominating Canadian Tyler Asselstine over 10 rounds en route to a unanimous decision.


The 25-year-old won all of his starts by stoppage in 2016.


“I am honored to be back on SHOWTIME and am thankful to my promoters DiBella Entertainment and Jean Pascal Promotions for the opportunity,” said Diaz Jr. "OnKesäkuu 9, I will be more than ready to hand Regis Prograis his first defeat. ShoBoxfans are in for a treat as this will be a thriller while it lasts. Kun savu tyhjentää, I know that I will be the one left standing.”



Steve Rolls, of Toronto, Kanada, earned his biggest victory in his ShoBox debut in December 2015, stopping then undefeated prospect and amateur standout Steed Woodall inside four rounds. He has since earned two impressive knockout wins in 2016.


Rolls had a successful amateur career, competing on both the 2009 ja 2010 Canadian National boxing teams and finishing with an 83-14 record overall. Sisään 2009, he went to the International Boxing Association (AIBA) Miesten Boxing Championship Milano, Italia, where he lost in the Round of 16 kohteeseen 2008 Olympic bronze medalist Vijender Singh.


“It feels great to be back on ShoBox and I’m looking forward to putting on another spectacular performance,” Rolls said. “I know that Nicholson can fight and I expect him to come prepared. Training camp has been going very well and on Kesäkuu 9, I will be more than ready.”


Demond “D’Bestatit” Nicholson is a super middleweight from Laurel, Md. with devastating power, scoring all but one of his wins by knockout, mukaan lukien 10 ensimmäisellä kierroksella. The 24-year-old has won seven fights with one draw since his only defeat in 2014.


Nicholson, who owns an impressive victory over former world title challenger Milton Nunez, is coming off of a questionable draw against Immanuwel Aleem –who recently stopped Ievgen Khytrov in a back-and-forth brawl that aired on SHOWTIME. Kuten amatööri, Nicholson accumulated a record of 110-15, before turning pro in July 2013.


“My time is now,” said Nicholson. “Any time that I am able to showcase my talent in front of a national audience means a lot. I am very humbled and thankful to be a part of this card. I’ve had great sparring, making adjustments every session. I saw Rollsfight against Steed Woodall – I think he has a lot to learn, and I will teach him a lesson. I look forward to victory and continuing to move up the world rankings.”

# # #


Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.sho.com/sports seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, @loudibella and @DiBellaEnt or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, jawww.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


Tietoja ShoBox: New Generation

Aloitettiin heinäkuussa 2001, kriitikoiden ylistämä Showtime nyrkkeily sarja,ShoBox: New Generation on esillä nuoria lahjakkuuksia täsmäsi kova. TheShoBox filosofia on televisioida jännittävä, Yleisö-miellyttävä ja kilpailukykyinen ottelut samalla koekenttä varten valmiita näkymiä päättänyt taistella maailmanmestaruudesta. Osa kasvava luettelo 67 taistelijat, jotka ovat esiintyneet ShoBox ja kehittyneet koota maailmanmestaruuksia sisältää: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams ja lisää.

Brave Warriors In ActionPPV To air Saturday live from Mexico

TENAFLY, N.J.(Toukokuu 23, 2017) – Four action-packed fights on theBrave Warriors in Action” kortti, co-promoted by A & T Events and Promotions and Mundo Boxing, will air live lauantaina yö (Toukokuu 27) on pay per view from Merida Yucatan, Meksiko.
Brave Warriors In Actionis a television presentation of Integrated Sports Media.
Integrated Sports Media will distributeBrave Warriors In Actionlive in the United States, klo 9 p.m. JA / 6 p.m. PT, on cable, satellite and internet pay-per-view via iN Demand, Vubiquity, and DISH, in addition to being available in the US, Mexico and worldwide on the FITE app and website (www.FITE.tv), varten ovh vain $24.95.
Hometown suosikki Manuel “El VenadoCeballos (12-1, 8 KOs) battles veteran Argentinean fighter Cesar Hernan Reynoso (14-8-4, 7 KOs) for the vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO) Latino super middleweight title in the 10-round main event.
Vuonna 10-kierroksen co-ominaisuus, undefeated Colombian knockout artist Romar Alexis Angulo (21-0, 18 KOs) will be showcased against another tough Argentinian super middleweight challenger, Rolando Mansilla (13-3-1, 5 KOs). Angulo is world rated by the WBO at No. 12 ja o. 13 by the International Boxing Federation (IBF).
Something must give in the potentially explosive eight-round middleweight match-up between Elias “Latin KidEspadas (14-3, 9 KOs), who will be fighting at home, and his fellow Mexican opponent, Michelle “el Bravo” Rosales (34-12, 27 KOs).
In the six-round heavyweight bout opening the PPV broadcast, Tyrone “King of the Ring” Spongiformisten (8-0, 8 KOs) puts his perfect pro record on the line against Juan Carlos “Chino” Salas (6-11, 4 KOs). A native of Suriname who fights out of Miami, 6′ 2″, 230-pound Spong is a former professional kickboxer (74-7-1, 46 KOs).
Kaikki taistelee ja taistelijat voivat muuttua.
Viserrys: @InternetPPV

Backyard Brawl: Briggs vs. Oquendo Has Been Canceled

WBA Championship Showdown Between Shannon Briggs & Fres Oquendo from Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Kasino Hollywoodissa, Fla. Not Being Rescheduled at This Time
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (Toukokuu 23, 2017) – The Backyard Brawl: Briggs vs. Oquendo battle for the World Boxing Association (WBA) Heavyweight Championship on Lauantai, Kesäkuu 3, 2017 at Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casinoin Hollywood, FL has been officially canceled.
The fight has not been rescheduled at this time. Ticket refunds are available at point of purchase.

Ruben Villa remains undefeated with 5th round stoppage in Ontario, Kalifornia


ORANGE, Kalifornia. (Toukokuu 22, 2017) – Top featherweight prospect Ruben Villa (6-0, 4 KOs) continues to impress early in his professional career. Villa, a southpaw fighting out of Salinas, Kalifornia., picked apart Anthony de Jesus Ruiz (2-3, 2 KOs) to win by fifth round technical knockout.
Villa, who was naturally bigger than Ruiz, unloaded a serious of damaging shots in the fifth round. By that point, Ruiz had already absorbed a great deal of punishment and his corner wisely put an end to the onslaught at the 2:43 merkki.
My jab was working well all night,” said Villa, who is promoted by Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions. “I worked off backing him up with the jab and then that opened up a lot of angles for me to land power shots.
Ruben looked fantastic perjantainayö,” said Ken Thompson, presidentti Thompson Nyrkkeily. “He looked really comfortable and was in firm control of the fight from start to finish. He managed to fight a patient, yet aggressive fight to secure another knockout win.
We have been very happy with Ruben’s development. He is shaping to be the fighter we believe he will be,” said Banner Promotions vice-president, Matthew Rowland. “He is going to have a big future.
The fight can be viewed on Thompson Boxing Promotions Facebook page.
Connect with Ruben Villa on social media: Instagram: RubenV4 , Facebook: Ruben Villa IV , & Viserrys: @Ruben_Villa4 .
Kuva pistetilanne: Carlos Baeza/Thompson Boxing


Lauantai, Kesäkuu 3
New York, New York (5/22/17) – Päällä Lauantai, Kesäkuu 3, DiBella Entertainment will return to the Fox Theater at Foxwoods Resort Casino, in Mashantucket, CT, for the latest exciting installment of its popular Broadway Boxing sarja, presented by Nissan of Queens, Azad Watches, OPTYX, and Christos Steak House. The card will feature a bevy of New England talent, including fan favorite Shelly “Shelito tie” Vincent in an eight-round special attraction featherweight bout, as well as lightweight Matt Remillard on the comeback and welterweight prospect Mykquan Williams on the rise.
I am happy to bring another great card back to Foxwoods, which continues to be a terrific venue for Broadway Boxing,” sanoi Lou Dibella, Presidentti Dibella Viihde. “Fans will not want to miss the always-entertaining Shelly Vincent, who is a great ambassador for women’s boxing. The stacked undercard will include local New England favorites Matt Remillard, Mykquan Williams, Jonathan Figueroa, and Khiry Todd, as well as Russian future world champion Radzhab Butaev and a battle between unbeaten heavyweight prospects Ruslan Shamalov and George Arias.
One of the most popular fighters out of the New England area, Shelly “Shelito tie” Vincent (19-1, 1 KO), born in New London, CT, but now residing in Providence, RI, will compete at Foxwoods for the seventh time, in an eight-round featherweight bout. Viime elokuussa, Vincent entered enemy territory to challenge rival Heather Hardy in her adversary’s hometown of Brooklyn, New York. Their highly publicized grudge match was nationally televised by NBC Sports Net and was hailed by Ring Magazine as theFemale Fight of the Year” varten 2016. Vincent was also honored by the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame as their “Fighter of the Year” varten 2016, becoming the first female recipient of the award. She rebounded from her only defeat with a unanimous decision victory on Joulukuu 2, back home in Rhode Island. Before turning pro in October 2011, Vincent was a Connecticut State, Connecticut Golden Gloves, and National Golden Gloves champion as an amateur. Managed by Mike Criscio and trained by Peter Manfredo Sr., Vincent signed with DiBella Entertainment in 2016.
Matta “Sharp ShooterRemillard (24-1, 13 KOs), of Hartford, CT, will continue his comeback, following a six-year ring absence, in kahdeksan kierroksen kevyt bout. It will be his first fight in his home state since November 2010. Pro vuodesta 2005, Remillard is a former WBC Youth, WBC-USNBC, NABF and NABO featherweight champion. His only loss came in March 2011 to the unbeaten Mikey Garcia, now the WBC world lightweight champion. He is trained by Paul Cichon, a local legend and community leader, out of Manchester Ring of Champions Society boxing gym. Kuten amatööri, Remillard accumulated a record of 115-25, and was a two-time Everlast Under-19 National amateur champion.
Highly touted East Hartford welterweight prospect Mykquan Williams (6-0, 4 KOs) has kept a busy pace since turning pro last April. Promoted by DiBella Entertainment and managed by Jackie Kallen, the 19-year-old Williams will return to Foxwoods, where he has built a strong following, for the sixth time, in his first scheduled six-rounder. Williams is also trained by Cichon, whom he’s known since he was a child and looks upon as a surrogate father. His biological father was murdered when Mykquan was just a week old. Williams was a decorated amateur with a 45-13 ennätys, highlighted by three gold-medal performances at the Ringside World Championships, in addition to winning the PAL Tournament and Silver Gloves Championships.
Unbeaten New York-based heavyweights will collide in their toughest tests to date, when Russian Ruslan Shamalov (4-0, 3 KOs) meets Dominican George Arias (6-0, 3 KOs) in kuuden kierroksen kilpailu.
Born in Cherkessk, Venäjä, and now living in Brooklyn, the 6’5Shamalov was a two-time amateur MMA champion before switching to boxing and engaging in 30 amateur bouts while participating on the Russian National team. Shamalov turned pro in October 2016 and is trained by Eduard Kravtsov out of Wild Card Gym, in Los Angeles, KUTEN. Hänen viimeinen ottelu on Huhtikuu 5, Shamalov returned home to Russia and registered a first-round knockout versus Oleksandr Nesterenko in 43 sekuntia.
Arias was born in San Francisco de Macoris, Dominikaaninen tasavalta, then moved to New York City in 1996, at four years old. Kuitenkin, it wasn’t until graduating high school that Arias learned to box at Morris Park Boxing Gym near his home in The Bronx. He won the New York Golden Gloves tournament in 2014 then turned pro that October. Arias recently returned from a 13-month ring hiatus with a four-round unanimous decision versus Jamal Woods in Lawrenceville, GA, huhtikuuta 29.
Cuban cruiserweight Luis Garcia (14-0, 11 KOs), based out of Peekskill, New York, will see action in a six-round bout. After being denied a berth on the Cuban Olympic team, despite winning in the Cuban Olympic qualifiers preparing for the Games in Beijing, Garcia defected from his native land and settled in Cork, Irlanti, where he turned pro in September 2008. Having built his record to a perfect 11-0 over the next 26 kuukauden, Garcia then relocated to the United States to resume his career. Joulukuussa 5, 2015, Garcia made his New York debut at Barclays Center, Brooklyn, earning a 63-second knockout versus Willie Williams. Anther first-round knockout followed in his last bout on June 25, 2016, Buffalo Run Casino, Miami, Kunnossa.
Russian amateur prodigy Radzhab Butaev (5-0, 4 KOs), co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. and managed by Vadim Kornilov, will make his second appearance at Foxwoods in an eight-round contest. Päällä Marraskuu 19, Butaev earned an eight-round shutout victory versus experienced Hungarian Gabor Gorbics to win the NABF junior middleweight title. Hänen viimeinen ottelu, päällä Huhtikuu 5, Butaev returned to Russia to stop Baxrom Payazov inside one round. The 22-year-old Butaev, born in Salsk, Venäjä, and now living in Los Angeles, was a highly accomplished amateur, having compiled an incredible 304-12 ennätys, kanssa 164 aihiot. He participated in the World Series of Boxing as well, finishing at 9-1.
A native of the boxing rich city of Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Jose Roman (3-0, 3 KOs) will make his US debut in a four-round welterweight contest. Roman began boxing at 13 years of age amassing a stellar 124-17 amateur record along the way. He joined the Puerto Rican National team in 2012, winning three consecutive National championships from 2013-2015.
Junior welterweight Jonathan Figueroa (2-1, 1 KO), of Hartford, CT, will fight in a four-round contest. Managed by Vinny Scolpino, Figueroa turned pro on a Broadway Boxing card held at Foxwoods on Syyskuu 1 viime vuonna. Training out of Hartford PAL gym, Figueroa was a 2012 Golden Gloves champion as an amateur.
Välisarjan nyrkkeilijä Khiry Todd (3-0, 3 KOs), Lynn, MA, will make his Connecticut debut in a four-round contest. The 25-year-old Todd had 40 amateur bouts and won the New England Golden Gloves tournament before turning pro last December with a 42-second demolition of Patrick Leal.
Liput Kesäkuu 3 Broadway Boxing tapahtuma, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by Nissan of Queens, Azad Watches, OPTYX, and Christos Steak House, hinnoitellaan $125, $75 ja $45. Tickets can be purchased online at Foxwoods.com, Ticketmaster.com, soittamalla 800-200-2882, or visiting the Foxwoods box office. Ovet avataan klo 7:00pm, with the first fight scheduled for 7:30pm.

Super Channel to air Mega-Fight KELL BROOK vs. ERROL SPENCE, JR. Toukokuu 27 from United Kingdom

Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada (Toukokuu 22, 2017) – Super Channel subscribers across Canada will be able to watch tämä Lauantain mega-fight between International Boxing Federation (IBF) Keskipainoinen maailmanmestari KellThe Special One” Puro ja voittamaton Ei. 1 pakollinen haastaja Errol “Totuus” Spence, Jr., klo 3 p.m. JA/ 12 p.m. PT, live from the outdoor Bramall Football Ground in Sheffield, Yorkshire, Iso-Britannia.
“Brook vs. Spence, Jr.” is a presentation of Matchroom Boxing. Super Channel will air four exciting fights from this card, headlined by one of the most anticipated fights of the year between two world-class prize fighters, yksinomaan Kanadassa.
We are thrilled to be bringing back world-class caliber boxing to our viewers,” sanoi Troy Wassil, Ohjelmistojohtaja, Kotimaiset jakelijat & Urheilu. “This is the type of high-quality, exclusive sports content that subscribers can look forward to seeing as part of the Super Channel Sports sub-brand.

Puro (36-1, 25 KOs), fighting at home in Sheffield, captured the IBF 147-pound division title August 16, 2014, with a signature victory, Poiketen 12 kierroksen päätös, yli Shawn Porter Carson, Kalifornia. The 31-year-old Brook has successfully defended his championship belt three times, including a pair of challengers from Canada, Jo Jo Dan ja Kevin Bizier.
In his most recent fight this past September, unified world middleweight champion Gennadi “GGG” Golovkin (35-0) ruined Brook’s perfect record, stopping the game Brit who had moved up two weight classes in five rounds.
Brock is 4-1 (3 KOs) maailman otsikko taistelee, 3-1 (1 KO) in fights against former or current world champions, defeating Porter, Lovemore Ndou ja Vyacheslav Senchenko.

Kell Brook (R)
(photo courtesy of Matchroom Boxing)
Spence, Jr., 27, has been hyped by some as the possible successor to retired Floyd Mayweather, Jr. as the new face of boxing. Fighting out of Texas, Spence, Jr. oli 2012 US Olympian who fought in the London Games.
Spence Jr. has defeated the likes of former world champion Chris Algieri, sekä Leonard Bundu, Alejandro Barrera ja Chris van Heerden, among the more notables during his 4 ½ year professional career.

Errol Spence, Jr.
(photo courtesy of PBC)
The 12-round co-feature for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Middleweight World Championship pits three-time World title challenger “Pyhimys” George Groves (25-3-0, 18 KOs) against former WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Fedor Chudinov (14-1, 10 KOs).
Groves, fighting out of London, has defeated fellow countryman and current IBF Super Middleweight World Champion James DeGale and former World light heavyweight titlist Glen Johnson.
Last February, Chudinov lost his WBA strap to Felix Sturm in a rematch of a title fight the Russian had won. Chudinov has also defeated Frank Buglioni ja Ben McCullough.
Kicking-off the three-hour, action-packed Super Channel broadcast is 12-round heavyweight clash between David “White Rhino” Allen (11-2-1, 8 KOs) ja Lenroy “TNT” Thomas (20-4, 10 KOs) for the vacant Commonwealth Championship, followed by the professional debut of 2012 British Olympian Anthony Fowler vastaan Arturs Geikins (3-7-1, 2 KOs) in a four-round middleweight match.
Viserrys: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV

Tietoja Super Channel:

Super Channel on kansallinen palkkio maksu televisioverkko, joka koostuu neljästä HD-kanavat, neljä SD kanavaa, ja Super Channel Demand.
Super Channel tehtävänä on viihdyttää ja harjoittaa Kanadan yleisöjä tarjoamalla ainutlaatuisen ja yksinomainen viihdekokemus. Jossa on ydin perusta koskemattomuuden ja vastuullisuuden, Omistamme itse innovatiivisia ohjelmoinnin strategioita ja vertaansa vailla tiimityötä, joka tarjoaa katsojille poikkeuksellinen laatu ja monipuolisuus.
Super Channel omistaa Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., edmonton-mediayhtiö.
Super Channel on tällä hetkellä saatavilla Bell TV: ssä, Shaw Suora, Rogers Anyplace TV, Shaw Cable, Cogeco Cable, Access Communications, Bell Aliant -TV, Lähde Cable, SaskTel, MTS, Novus, Eastlink, TELUS, Videotronin, Westman Viestintä ja muut alueelliset palveluntarjoajat.