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لی هاسکینز روز شنبه از عنوان IBF Bantamweight در برابر رایان برنت بدون شکست دفاع کرد, 10 ژوئن, زندگی در هیبت.

SAN DIEGO- قهرمان جهان Bantamweight لی هاسکینس سعی خواهد کرد برای سومین مبارزه از عنوان IBF خود محافظت کند, این بار در برابر بدون شکست رایان برنت, روز شنبه, 10 ژوئن,

زندگی در هیبت- ثروت از سرگرمی.
قبل از رویداد اصلی ، یک بعدازظهر کامل بوکس از ورزشگاه ادیسه آرنا در بلفاست برگزار می شود, ایرلند از آغاز 3 PM EST/12 PM PST.
“این مبارزه ادامه دهنده مسابقات قهرمانی بوکس قهرمانی ما در سال 2017 است ،” رابرت هرینگ مدیر عامل AWE گفت, SR. “این جنگ نبردی خارق العاده بین یک قهرمان درجه یک جهانی است که گرسنه است, رقیب بدون شکست.”
The 33 قهرمان جهان, هاسکینز, هست یک 14 حرفه ای سال که برای اولین بار خود را برنده شد 15 دعوا. پس از متحمل شدن اولین باخت خود به رقیب آینده جهان ، تشیفیوا مونئی, هاسکینز به پیروزی رسید 11 از بعدی خود 12 به پایان می رسد. سلسله پیروزی های وی شامل پیروزی در برابر قهرمان فعلی WBA Bantamweight جیمی مک دانل بود (8-1-1), راس بورکینشاو (6-1-2) و همچنین بر Don Broadhurst پیروز می شود (11-0), ترنت برادبنت (3-0), رایان فاراگ (4-0) و Broadhurst (11-2) دوباره برای برنده شدن در مسابقات Prizefighter.
هاسکینز با پیروزی برابر استوارت هال ، قهرمان سابق IBF Bantamweight ، موفقیت خود را ادامه داد (12-1-1), مارتین بخش (16-1), رقیب سابق عنوان جهانی جیسون بوث, لوک ویلتون (15-3-1), ویلی ولازکز (17-3-1), عمر لامیری (17-3-1) قبل از کسب عنوان IBF Interm Bantamweight با توقف دور 6 مقابل Ryosuke Iwasa (19-1).
هاسكینس با یك تصمیم 12 رأی وحدت روی یوان مورالس از عنوان IBF Bantamweight دفاع كرد (29-1). در آخرین جلسه خود, او یک بار دیگر هال را شکست داد (20-4-2) با 12 رأی اتفاق نظر در دسامبر 10, 2016 در لندن.
“لذت بردن از Boxing در بلفاست در مقابل طرفداران بزرگ آنجا بسیار جالب خواهد بود,” گفت هاسکینز. “من رایان زیادی را تماشا کرده ام و همیشه فکر می کردم که او یک استعداد عالی است. او و آدام بیش از حد آماده خواهند شد.
“من پیرتر می شوم اما به همین دلیل است که ما می خواهیم اینگونه دعوا را انجام دهیم – گرفتن مبارزان گرسنه جوان برای نشان دادن به جهان که می توانم آن را با بهترین ها تکان بدهم و قهرمان جهان شوم.”
“من فکر می کنم سبک های مشابهی داریم بنابراین می تواند یک بازی شطرنج باشد. آدامس ترفندهای زیادی در آستین دارد ، بنابراین یک مبارزه واقعا جالب خواهد بود.”
“من بسیاری از مبارزات بزرگ را در اینجا تماشا کرده ام و راهی که طرفداران اینجا پشت سر مرد خود قرار می گیرند شگفت انگیز است, این چیزی است که فکر می کنم ما در انگلستان از دست داده ایم. فکر می کنم تا پایان شب آنها توانایی من را درک خواهند کرد.”
برنت در مقابل هواداران زادگاهش در بلفاست به دنبال قهرمان شدن در جهان خواهد بود.
برنت, که توسط IBF رتبه 12 را کسب کرده است 25 ساله و یک حرفه ای 4 ساله است.
برنت این موقعیت را با پیروزی برابر سرخیو پرز بدست آورد (4-1), غرفه, آنتونی ستول (21-4), سزار رامیرز (12-2), رایان فاراگ (16-2), و مسابقه او هنگامی که او یک تصمیم هشت دور بیش از Joseafat Reyes پیروز شد 25 فوریه در هال, انگلستان.
“من همیشه آرزو داشتم که در بلفاست تیتر بزنم و اکنون این فرصت را دارم که برای یک عنوان جهانی این کار را انجام دهم – من خیلی هیجان زده ام,” گفت برنت.
“مزیت خانگی عظیم خواهد بود. من وقتی در لیورپول با رایان فاراگ جنگیدم در گوشه مقابل قرار گرفتم و آن سمت را تجربه کردم. وقتی کارل فرامپتون با اسکات کوئیگ بوکس کرد ، کمی از آن لذت بردم, وقتی بیرون آمدم همه دیوانه شدند.”
“این احساس یک نمایش خانگی بود! آن را به شما می دهد که بهار اضافی در مرحله شما, من فقط می توانم تصور کنم که در مقابل هواداران خانگی من در بلفاست چگونه خواهد بود. نمی توانم صبر کنم”
“لی هاسکینز در مورد بوده است, او مدتها در بازی بوده است ، بنابراین احتمالاً قبلاً در چنین وضعیتی بوده است. اما جمعیت بلفاست مناسب است, آنها بسیار علاقه مند به جنگنده خود هستند و سر و صدای زیادی در شب برای من ایجاد می کنند.”
“من فقط هستم 16-0, 25 ساله. من هنوز در این سطح تازه کارم. اما قطعاً این مبارزه درست در این مرحله از حرفه من است. من می دانم که توانایی قدم برداشتن را دارم.”
“لی خیلی خوب است, ماهر. اما من می دانم که او قبلاً با کسی مثل من و آنچه من روی میز می آورم جنگ نکرده است. جالب است که ببینید چگونه او این کار را انجام می دهد.”
“مبارزه فاراگ یکی از سخت ترین آزمایش های من بود, من با بهترین فراگ جنگیدم. آدام بوث از نحوه برخورد من بسیار خوشحال است. نگاهی به گذشته, این یک جنگ یادگیری خوب برای من بود.”
“هاسکینز در مقابل. هال یک نزاع نزدیک بود, من فکر کردم که هاسکینز فقط آن را لبه کرد. این شخصیت لی شخصیت زیادی را نشان می داد. بوکس تحت فشار. این بهترین عملکرد او نبود. استوارت هال با این همه سرسختی آمد اما من معتقدم که مرد مناسب شب برنده شد.”
“من اوایل سال جاری در هال با یک پنجه جنوبی روبرو شدم و مسابقات ورزشی زیادی را در سالن ورزشی خواهیم داشت. ما قبلاً برای جلب من در ریتم صحیح کاملاً تلاش کرده ایم ، بنابراین فکر نمی کنم موضع من را آزار دهد.”
“آدام بوث مواردی را به من آموخته است که من حتی نمی دانستم وجود آنها چیست! فکر کردم بوکس بلدم, اما وقتی با آدم رفتم سریع فهمیدم که من چیز زیادی نمی دانم. بیش از دو سال است که من با او کار نمی کنم. او عادت های بد من را از بین برده و مرا به جنگجوی کلاس جهانی تبدیل کرده است.”
درباره هیبت بوکس فعال

ویژگی های AWE فعال مسابقات قهرمانی بوکس و حذف عنوان جهان زندگی می کنند حملات مبارزان نمایشگاه هیجان انگیز ترین های امروز. از زمان آغاز حوادث بوکس زندگی می کنند AWE در 2011, AWE برجسته شده است 50 دعوا عنوان جهان.

AWE هیجان انگیزترین و بحث برانگیزترین دوره ها را به طرفداران بوکس آورده است, از جمله مسابقه ریکی برنز در برابر ری بلتران برای کسب عنوان جهانی. AWE بصورت زنده و منحصر به فرد تاجگذاری ترنس کرافورد آمریکایی بر سر ریکی برنز بود. طرفداران AWE در شبکه شاهد قدرت انفجاری سنگین وزن شکست نخورده تایسون خشم چندین بار, از جمله پیروزی خشم بیش از کوین جانسون. به 2017, AWE ارائه دهنده انحصاری تلویزیون ایالات متحده در مسابقه تاریخی بین سنگین وزن افسانه ای بریتانیا دیوید هی و تونی بلو بود.

درباره AWE – ثروت از سرگرمی

ثروت از سرگرمی (“AWE”) ویژگی های طیف گسترده ای از شیوه زندگی و برنامه های سرگرم کننده از سفر عجیب و غریب و خانه های ظالمانه به زندگی می کنند مسابقات قهرمانی بوکس جهان. AWE در بیش از صد سیستم کابلی موجود است, از جمله AT&T U-آیه, CH 147 و 1147 در HD, ورایزون FiOS تلویزیون, CH 169 و 669 در HD. و DirecTV, CH 387.

Quest for Muhammad Ali Trophy begins as three cruiserweight stars sign up for World Boxing Super Series

مطلب مطبوعاتی
زوریخ, 2دوم ژوئن 2017
The first three star names have signed up for the inaugural season of the World Boxing Super Series. IBF Cruiserweight World Champion Murat Gassiev (24-0, 17 کوس), WBC World Champion Mairis Briedis (22-0, 18 کوس) as well as former IBF / قهرمان WBC & IBF top-ranked challenger Krzysztof Wlodarczyk (53-3-1, 37 کوس) will all participate in the revolutionary global knock-out tournament, with five more elite fighters to be confirmed shortly. The winner will receive the GREATEST prize in boxing, محمد علی جایزه.
Boasting a combined record of 99 برنده و 3 losses along with 72 کوس, Gassiev, Briedis and Wlodarczyk can´t wait to get in on and write history.
It is an honor to be in the World Boxing Super Series,” سعید Gassiev, who holds the IBF title. “این بهترین مبارزه با بهترین هاست. I have never lost a fight, I am the IBF champion and I look forward to winning the other belts as well to cement my position as the best fighter in the division!”
WBC Champion Briedis is also thrilled to participate. “This is the Champions League of boxing and I am going to prove that I am the world´s best cruiserweight,” او گفت. “The competition will be tough, but to be the best, you have to beat the best.
ولادارزیک, IBF سابق & WBC Champion who now occupies the number one spot in the IBF rankings, is equally confident of success. “I will stamp my authority on the division by beating the best cruiserweights out there and winning the World Boxing Super Series,” he stated. “There is a reason the winner gets the Muhammad Ali Trophy. He was the Greatest of all time, and the winner of this tournament has the right to call himself the greatest cruiserweight of our time.
روز شنبه will mark the first anniversary of Muhammad Ali´s death. Roberto Dalmiglio, Comosa´s Head of Management Board, paid tribute to the GREATEST of all time. “Nobody will ever forget what Ali has achieved,” او گفت. “He was the GREATEST of all time because he defeated the best opponents out there. The World Boxing Super Series is all about the best fighting the best, and that is why we named the trophy after him.
With three high-profile signings confirmed and many more to come, the stage is set for an exciting tournament. “The quest for the Muhammad Ali Trophy has officially begun and we are thrilled to welcome two unbeaten world champions and a top-ranked challenger, who is a former champion, to the World Boxing Super Series,” Dalmiglio said. “They have accepted the ultimate challenge to determine the best cruiserweight in the world.
فصل 1 of the World Boxing Super Series will feature the cruiserweights and super-middleweight divisions. در هر کلاس وزن, eight top fighters will battle out a bracket-style elimination tournament. There will be four quarter-finals (سپتامبر / اکتبر 2017), دو نیمه نهایی (زود 2018) و یکی از نهایی (مه 2018), which makes for a total of 14 high-class fights. “We have received a massive amount of applications for both divisions,” said Kalle Sauerland, Comosa`s Chief Boxing Officer. “The best fighters are lining up to be in the tournament. Just like the fans, they love the format and the fact that there will only be one man standing at the end.
ریچارد شفر, Comosa`s Chairman of the Americas, اضافه: “We promised you the biggest names and champions in the divisions and here we are delivering. More names will follow shortly. We simply can’t wait to get the action started!”
The quarter-final pairings will be determined during the Draft Gala in Monaco in early July. در هر کلاس وزن, the four top-seeded boxers (which will be determined by the Comosa Board) will select their quarter-final opponents from the four unseeded boxers. Once the pairings are set, the exact fight dates and venues will be announced. Details about the participants in the super-middleweight division will be revealed shortly.
برای اطلاعات بیشتر, مراجعه کنید www.WorldBoxingSuperSeries.com or follow @WBSuperSeries on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

REVELENT SPORTS AND Fightate AMERICAS اعلام همکاری شریک جهانی برای "مبارزه CLASICO" در روز پنج شنبه, ژوئیه 27

نبردهای بارسلونا و مادرید در آفریقا
دو روز قبل از بارسلونا و رئال مادرید
چهره در ال کلاسیکو میامی

بلیط های "Combate Clasico" هم اکنون در فروش است

نیویورک - ژوئن 2, 2017 - ورزش های آزاد, بخشی از مشاغل RSE, و Combate Americas امروز یک همکاری پیشگامانه برای تولید "Combate Clasico,”دیدنی, در سطح جهانی مخلوط هنرهای رزمی (MMA) رویداد زنده تلویزیونی در میامی, فلوریدا. بر پنج شنبه, جولای 27.

بلیط های "Combate Clasico" در اینترنت به فروش می رسد Ticketon.com.

در رویداد اصلی یک ماجرای 10 دوره ای که در Mana Wynwood اتفاق می افتد, دو برتر, جنگنده های پوند برای پوند از شهرهای رقیب اسپانیا - Abner “Skullman” Lloveras (20-9-1) of Barcelona and خاویر فوئنتس (9-4) of Madrid – will face off two days before the El Clasico Miami, a meeting between global soccer powers Real Madrid and FC Barcelona at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami. The match, which marks the clubs’ first meeting in North America and the first outside of Spain since 1982, is part of the International Champions Cup presented by Heineken.

The “Combate Clasico” live MMA event will be part of a nearly week-long extravaganza that will begin with a match between marquee soccer clubs Juventus and Paris Saint-Germain at Hard Rock Stadium on جولای 26 as well as concerts, parties and other interactive events prior to El Clasico Miami on جولای 29.

For more information on El Clasico Miami fans can visit elclasicomiami.com و internationalchampionscup.com.

"Relevent Sports از همکاری با Combate Americas هیجان زده است,چارلی استیلیتانو ، رئیس ورزشهای گفت. "مبارزات کلاسیکو قول می دهد یکی دیگر از اتفاقات تماشایی در ال کلاسیکو میامی در استادیوم هارد راک باشد."

"ما خوشحالیم که با همکاری Relevent Sports و International Champions Cup می توانیم برند الکتریکی Combate Americas را به ارمغان بیاوریم, اقدام MMA اسپانیایی حرفه ای به میامی,کمپبل مک لارن ، مدیر عامل Combate Americas و بنیانگذار UFC ، گفت. "این نوید می دهد که یک هفته خارق العاده از ورزش و موسیقی زنده باشد, اوج خود را در یک مسابقه تاریخی بین دو بزرگترین قدرت فوتبال جهان به دست آورد. "

این رویداد به طور زنده در آمریکا پخش خواهد شد. در آزتکا آمریکا در 10 p.m. و/9 p.m. CT. شب بعد نیز پخش خواهد شد, جمعه, جولای 28 در تلویزیون آزتکا در مکزیک.

افتخار بارسلونا, Lloveras 34 ساله است 2010 مسابقات بوکس المپیک اسپانیا مدال طلا و سه بار قهرمان بوکس کشور. به 2015, Lloveras, که کمربند قهوه ای در جیو-جیتسو برزیل دارد, یک شرکت کننده در نهایی جنگنده: تیم مک گرگور در مقابل. تیم فابر مجموعه تلویزیونی واقعیت در Fox Sports 1.

فوئنتس 27 ساله رقیبی پرخاشگر و سرعتی است که تا به امروز همه پیروزی های شغلی حرفه ای خود را از طریق (T)KO یا تسلیم.

مسابقات تکمیلی اضافی برای "Combate Clasico" به زودی اعلام خواهد شد.

“طوفان” انتقام الکساندر شلمنکو در حال افزایش است 2 از دست دادن ½ ساله مانع از حضور براندون هالسی می شود 25 ثانیه

آزادی فوری
M-1 CHALLENGE 79 نتایج

توقف حساس الکساندر شلمنکو براندون هالسی یک مسابقه احتمالی سه گانه را ترتیب می دهد

برای دیدن تصاویر بیشتر به اینجا بروید: HTTPS://yadi.sk/d/4xHtiukp3JjhgV
سنت پترزبورگ; روسیه (ژوئن 2, 2017) — MMA ستاره الکساندر “طوفان” Shlemenko مورد نیاز تنها 25 ثانیه برای انتقام از دست دادن وزن متوسط براندون “گاو نر” هلزی، نبراسکا در دیشب M-1 چالش 79 سرفصل خبر در سن پترزبورگ, روسیه.
M-1 چالش 79 بخشی از خیابان بود. برنامه فرهنگی انجمن اقتصادی بین المللی پترزبورگ. نه کشور مختلف در این رویداد بین المللی شرکت کردند: روسیه, آمریکا, انگلستان, اسرائيل, برزیل, قرقیزستان, آلمان, کره جنوبی, اوکراین.
Shlemenko (56-7-0, M-1: 6-0-0) برای زنگ افتتاحیه با قدرت بیرون آمد, تخلیه مجموعه ای از ضربات و ضربات قدرتمند به بدن هالسی غرق شده (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), که اولین M-1 جهانی خود را انجام داد, و نتوانست از مرز 25 ثانیه دور آغازین بگذرد.
در این نبرد قهرمانان سابق بلاتور, شلمنکو انتقام شکست بلاتور خود را از هالسی گرفت, با خفه کردن برهنه عقب در 35 ثانیه, در سپتامبر 26, 2014.
Shlemenko, مبارزه با خارج از روسیه, پس از دعوا اشاره کرد که شروع الکتریکی او اتفاقی نیست. “من فقط خوشحالم,” او گفت. “منظور من, اگر تازه برنده شده بودم, همه می گویند, 'خوب, من این کار را انجام دادم’ اما, من در برنده شدم 25 ثانیه; این فقط شادی واقعی است. من فکر می کنم همه خوشحال هستند. بسیار زیبا و زیبا بود و هیچ سوالی باقی نگذاشت,”
هالسی بعداً گفت که برای بازی سوم مقابل شلمنکو آماده است تا سه گانه آنها را کامل کند. “من آماده هستم تا دوباره با روسیه روبرو شوم,” هالسی نظر داد. “همه شما دیدید که اسکندر تهاجمی بیرون آمد. او شروع خوبی داشت و همه چیز از قبل تعیین شده بود. من باختم و درد می کند, اما من آماده بازگشت به جنگ هستم. من خودم را معذور نمی کنم. هیچ چیز کمتر از نظر دیگران در انجمن ها نگران نیست. امروز, شلمنکو قوی تر بود. من آمادگی دارم از اشتباهاتم درس بگیرم. دفعه قبل یک برد سریع داشتم. اکنون, شلمنکو به سرعت برنده شد. امتیاز 1 به 1 است و من آماده دیدار مجدد با او هستم تا سرانجام مشخص شود که جنگنده بهتر کیست.
سبک وزن روسیه سرگئی رومانوف (11-0, M-1: 5-1-0) M-1 طرفدار اولین بازی خود را شکست دادآردا “Boma Ye” رازیانه (7-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), آلمان, با ناک اوت فنی دور اول به دلیل مصدومیت بازو.
روسیه بسیار سبک وزن و آلکسی “واگذاری” Makhno (14-5-0, M-1: 4-2-0) در مورد برزیل تصمیم اکثریت گرفت میشل “Sassarito” درختان جنگلی (18-6-1, M-1: 0-1-0), در حالی که وزن متوسط ​​روسیه اولگ اولنیوچف (9-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0) تصمیم متقابل را به دست آوردEnoc حل تورس (19-10-1, M-1: 5-7-1).
در بازکن کارت اصلی, خروس وزن روسیه دالگیف خمزات (9-1-0, M-1: 6-1-0) برای تسلیم بریت از قلاب پاشنه استفاده کرد دراگان “کمی تعجب” پسیک (13-8-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
خروس وزن آمریکایی “پایان دهنده” جاش اصلاح خانه (15-4-0, M-1: 3-0-0) در رقابت جهانی M-1 بدون شکست باقی ماند, تسلیم قبلاً بدون شکستبختیار “بها” تویچوبایف (6-1-1, M-1: 0-1-0) در دور دوم با خفگی پشت برهنه.
همچنین با تصمیم متقابل برنده کارت اولیه شدند: اوکراین سنگین وزن نور دیمیتری میکوتسا (7-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0), سنگین وزن روسیه آنتون Vyazigin (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) و وزن bantamweight روسیه الکساندر Osetrov (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), به ترتیب, علیه روسی دیمیتری تباکین (5-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), اوکراینی یوری پروتسنکو (8-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0) و اسرائیلی آلموگ شاو (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
بایر اشتپین با وزن سبک وزن روسیه (4-2-0, M-1: 1-2-0) مشت کردن “پسر جهنمی” برنده جون جنگ | (4-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), کره جنوبی, در دور اول. وزن سبک روسیهنیکولای گونجارپو (0-0-1, M-1: 0-0-1) و ماکسیم پوگاچف (7-1-1, M-1: 3-0-1) به تساوی سه دور مبارزه.
نتایج کامل زیر:
کارت MAIN
رویداد اصلی – MIDDLEWEIGHTS
الکساندر Shlemenko (56-7-0, M-1: 6-0-0), روسیه
WTKO1 (0:25 – مشت)
براندون هلزی، نبراسکا (9-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), آمریکا
سرگئی رومانوف (11-1-0, M-1: 4-2-0), روسیه
WTKO1 (4:19 – آسیب بازو)
آداس را بسوزانید (7-3-0, M-1: 0-010), آلمان
آلکسی Makhno (14-5-0, M-1: 4-2-0), روسیه
مایکل سیلوا (18-6-1, M-1: 0-1-0) برزیل
اولگ اولنیچف (9-4-0, M-1: 2-0-0), روسیه
Enoc حل تورس (19-10-1, M-1: 5-7-1), اسپانیا
دالگیف خمزات (9-1-0, M-1: 6-1-0), روسیه
WSUB1 (قلاب پاشنه)
دراگان پسیچ (13-8-0, M-1: 0-1-0), انگلستان
کارت مقدماتی
آنتون Vyazigin (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), روسیه
یوری پروتسنکو (8-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0), اوکراین
دیمیتری میکوتسا (7-4-0, M-1: 1-1-0), اوکراین
دیمیتری تباکین (5-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), روسیه
نیکولای گونچاروف (0-0-1, M-1: 0-0-1), روسیه
قرعه کشی 3
ماکسیم پوگاچف(7-1-1, M-1: 3-0-1), روسیه
جاش Rettinghose (15-4-0, M-1: 3-0-0), آمریکا
WSUB2 (4:31 – چوک عقب برهنه)
بختیار توچوبایف (6-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), قرقیزستان
خانه بیر (4-2-0, M-1: 1-2-0), روسیه
WKO3 (2:31 – مشت)
برنده جون جنگ | (4-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), کره جنوبی


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فیس بوک:
تقویم رویداد چالش M-1:
M-1 چالش 80: خاریتونف مقابل. لوپز – ژوئن 15, 2017 در هابین, چین


روز شنبه, جولای 29 زنده در SHOWTIME®


نیویورک – Two of the world’s best 140-pound boxers in the sport – Adrien Broner and Mikey Garcia – participated in a media conference call پنجشنبه to discuss the news that they would square off against one another on روز شنبه, جولای 29, on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®.


A three-division world champion at the age of 23, and one of the youngest four-division world champions in boxing history, Broner remains one of the most accomplished and popular athletes – and perhaps the most polarizing – in the sport today. Broner (33-2, 24 کوس) is unbeaten at or below 140 pounds with his only two losses coming against welterweight world champions Marcos Maidana and Shawn Porter.


The 29-year-old Mikey Garcia is undefeated (36-0, 30 کوس) and coming off a WBC lightweight world title he won in January. Garcia is moving up in weight for the second time in just three fights to challenge Broner.


Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions. A venue has yet to be determined for the highly anticipated matchup.


Also joining the call was Stephen Espinoza, معاون اجرایی رئیس جمهور & مدیر کل SHOWTIME ورزشی.


Here is what the principals had to say on the call پنجشنبه:


آدرین BRONER

“I mean, I’ve done a lot. I’ve done a lot in the sport already at a young age. I’ve watched Mikey Garcia come up before and at the same time I came up. I always want to fight the best. The best fight the best and that’s what’s going on today. This fight is going to be a tremendous fight and I’m bringing my A-game. I know a lot of people are probably counting me out.”


Q: Can you give me your perspective of how this fight was brought to your attention? How easy was the fight to make?

A: “I just see two fighters that got chips on their shoulders and I’m ready to put on another great show of boxing. I’m tired of sitting around and watching everybody else fight each other. I want to fight the best too, so let’s do it.”


Q: Can you just give me your impressions on what it will take to make 140 pounds and to do it so you’re competitive and strong at that weight against Mikey, who’s going to put on a couple of pounds?

A: “Making the weight is not going to be a problem. My last fight is coming from 180-plus. I’ve kept my weight down and I’ve actually been trying to fight somebody earlier than July. But since it’s July, I’ve kept my body in okay shape and I won’t have a problem making the weight.”


Q: Do you see you being more experienced against bigger guys as an advantage for you going into a fight that most people would consider a pretty tough fight?

A: “I don’t look at this fight like that. Mikey is a great opponent and a great fighter. As long as I’m at my A-game, I’ll be okay. That’s just how I feel. I’m taking my career more seriously and I’m just ready to put on a great show.”


Q: Were there discussions about the fight being contested at a higher weight?

A: “I have no problem with making the weight. I have a reason. This fight gives me a reason to make 140 پوند. I will make the weight, مشکلی نیست. Just like when I fought for the title, I made the weight easy.”


Q: What have you seen from Mikey Garcia as far as his development goes since coming back?

A: “A kid who’s still growing in boxing just like me. We all make our mistakes and we try to get better every fight. You have two men that are in their prime and at the highest level of their career and they want to fight each other. پس, let’s do it”


Q: Do you feel that having fought at a higher weight in the past is an advantage for you? Does it help you in any way?

A: “I’m not coming into this fight looking at having an advantage because I’ve fought at a higher weight. در پایان روز, I’ve got to be 100 hundred percent and that’s all I’m worried about.”


Q: Does a challenge like this motivate you more?

A: “I love it. I’ve faced adversity so many times in this game. Sometimes I fell short, but I got right back up and kept fighting.”


Q: How much credit do you sense you’re getting for embracing this fight?

A: "راستش, in all due respect to every reporter out there, I feel like I really don’t get as much respect as I should because of my last fight…the guy that I fought [آدریان گرانادوس], he was a guy a lot of people skipped past…and I’m like, ‘You know what, I’m going to fight him.’ Everybody felt like I wasn’t taking a tough fight. I knew he was tough and I fought him and beat him and now I’m taking another tough fight after that in Mikey Garcia.”


Q: How important was it for you to take a tough fight like this?

A: “I want to fight them all. In the beginning of my career I was very anxious to fight everybody and as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to just take my time and roll down the hill slow and get them all… And this is where it starts.”


Q: Do you feel like fighting [Garcia’s] style is going to require a lot of patience on your part?

A: “If you ask me, I’m the guy that’s very defensive. I really don’t get hit that much. Only when I decide to stand in the middle, but I’m very hard to hit myself. I think this fight is going to be two boxers with high IQ’s who are going to put on a great show of boxing.”


Q: Is it going to be a fight determined by footwork and ring generalship, would you agree with that?

A: “I wouldn’t say all of that. Everybody doesn’t fight the same every night when they go in the ring. Once I get in there and make my adjustments and once he gets in there and tries to make his adjustments, we’re going to let the fight play out.”


Q: Do you feel like Mikey is a stiff puncher and is that something that you have to be careful of with his punching power?

A: “Anybody is a puncher whether… It all hurts. I’m one to tell the truth. I don’t want to get hit by nobody. I don’t care if it’s Paulie Malignaggi…I don’t want to feel none of their punches.”


Q: “What do you say about your power at this weight when you get the proper training in and you’re on weight and you’re on target?

A: “Just check my record. من شکست نخورده ام. There’s only a couple literally, where people lasted. Everybody knows in the boxing game: Once Adrien Broner is focused and I’m on track and doing everything correctly, هیچ کس نمی خواهد به من ضرب و شتم. Only I beat myself and I’m tired of coming up short and selling myself short.”


Q: If you are focused for this fight and you get down to 140, can you just talk about how you’ll feel when that happens and what you feel your power is when you do that?

A: “Independence day in July. I’m bringing fireworks.”


Q: Realistically, how difficult will it be for you to make weight at 140 pounds and do you think Garcia has the upper hand or advantage?

A: "نکن, I’ll make weight easy. راستش, there is no disadvantage or advantages in this fight. This fight will come down to the best prepared boxer.”


Q: What is it about the sport of boxing that has put a chip on your shoulder? What are some of the things about the sport and the business side of it that you don’t like and that you’d like to see change?

A: “It’s really not the business side because the business is going good. I love Stephen to death, that’s my uncle. But as far as the sport, I just feel like they don’t put enough respect on my name. With all of my accomplishments in this game, I’m the one the kids want to be now. Because coming up, everyone wanted to be like Floyd and now coming up all the kids want to be like Adrian Broner. It’s okay though, this fight is just to show people that I’m still here and that I still got what it takes to take over the game of boxing after Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao.”


Q: You’re boxing a lot more than you did in the last year, has anything changed for you?

A: “A lot changed, I’ve gotten older. I’m getting wiser, more mature. This next half of my career, I’m just focused on doing things the correct way. The first half I tried to do things my way and it worked but I could have done better, but I want to try and do everything correct.”


Q: Will you be training in Colorado as usual?

A: “Colorado Springs. My last four fights I haven’t been in Colorado. The last fight I’ve done in Colorado was the Maidana fight. I’ve been in DC. I’m going back to where I can focus on just strictly boxing because I want this to be one of the best performance of my career. I feel like my back is against the wall and it’s time to fight out.”


Closing comment: “Get some cameras my way, I’m ready to perform.”

MIKEY گارسیا

Q: Tell us why you took this fight at 140 and what your plans are on جولای 29.

A: “It is the biggest fight available for me right now. Originally my plan was to unify at 135. If that was not available I would look at a big name to defend my title at lightweight but that wasn’t quite available. Adrien Broner is a much bigger name and a bigger star who has accomplished a lot in the sport. پس, it just made more sense to go and pursue the Adrien Broner fight than a regular title defense.”


Q: Is the move up to 140 a temporary stop? Do you want to come back to 135 to defend title or do you just figure there are bigger names at that [140] weight class?

A: “I would like to come back down to lightweight and unify the titles or defend my title before making a permanent move up. اما, because this fight was available right now and it’s a much bigger fight than anything else at the lightweight division—like I mentioned earlier, that’s why we’re moving up to 140. If unification matches are available at 135 بعد از این سال, then that’s what I’m going to go after.”


Q: Did you think to yourself ‘I’d like to fight Adrien Broner’? Was it brought to your attention or did you maybe mention it to one of your people? How was it brought to your attention?

A: “We had already talked about a possible matchup between us two, but later in the year. When we couldn’t find anything else available that made sense, nothing big enough at lightweight, then we looked at the 140-pound division or someone that could possibly make a big name. و, Adrien Broner’s name came up along with Stephen [اسپینوزا] who had also brought it up to me, we were able to look into Adrien Broner and gladly everything worked out. His team accepted and I think this is the biggest fight that we can both get right now in our careers.”


Q: Did your team try to get the weight at even lower than 140 or they bring it to you at higher than 140 and you were able to settle on the division weight limit? How did the discussion of what weight would this would be at go?

A: “I made it clear that I’m still a lightweight and my best division right now is at 135. پس, I would not go any higher than 140 pounds for this fight with Adrien. I made that very clear from the beginning, that if there was any discussion or talks about a fight with Adrien Broner it would not be anything higher than 140 پوند. I’m glad Adrien Broner and his team agreed to that weight.”

Q: Was there any hesitation from Broner’s team about that weight?

A: “Not that I’m aware of because I had heard that he also stated that he was coming back to 140 پوند است. "


Q: What weight do you think Broner has been best at?

A: “Everything changes as the body grows and matures. When he was at 130 و 135 he was very strong, very fast. سپس, at welterweight he made that big jump to welterweight and also looked very, خیلی خوب. But in recent fights he’s had some other issues outside the ring, distractions and stuff that might be cause for some of the lack-luster performances on some of his fights. اما, the skills are there and the talent is still there. پس, I can’t comment on a specific weight class and he’s also fighting bigger men in bigger fights at welterweight and 140 پوند, and that’s also maybe some of the reason why he’s unable to finish the guys or look tremendous like he used to. اما, you can’t deny the talent.”


Q: Where do you think your advantage comes in this fight? What area do you think you’re clearly better than he is?

A: “I just think I’m a skilled fighter with very good power as well and I think it’s a pretty even fight, pretty even match. اما, I feel that I have a slight edge when I comes to just natural boxing skills, تکنیک, the ring generalship; the timing and the distance-range where I control the range of the distance of a fight.”

Q: What makes Broner the “big fight”?

A: “I haven’t fought anybody else that’s been champion in four divisions. پس, that’s going to be an accomplishment in itself there and that’s what I mean. There’s no one else available that has that resume.”


Q: Do you feel that you coming up in weight is an advantage or disadvantage in this fight?

A: “I don’t know that it’s an advantage or disadvantage. I think it’ll be a new to see Broner at 140 because that’s probably a better weight for him and that will actually allow me to perform better too. اما, I don’t see myself as having an advantage because the fight is at 140. I feel that I should still be at 135 and I still plan on coming down to 135 pounds but we’ll just have to see on the 29هفتم and see how I feel there.”


Q: How excited are you that a big fight like this is finally here?

A: “It’s exciting to be able to dictate and guide my career in a way that I want and I’m able to secure this fight without having much resistance on either party. پس, that makes it easy and I look forward to securing bigger fights after this also.”


Q: Any concern that Broner is not going to make weight for the fight?

A: “There is some concern and that’s why I made it clear that I wouldn’t go any higher than 140. اما, he agreed, his team agreed, and it seems like he’s confident that he’s able to make 140. I think last time he didn’t make it, maybe he wasn’t taking it as serious. شاید, he was coming from some personal issues and problems. پس, I think now, he’s probably more focused and ready to regain control of his career and make a big name again. He should be taking it very serious and if he feels confident in making 140, then that’s great. That only makes for a much better fight. If he’s going to be training better and preparing himself better to make the weight, it’ll just make for a bigger fight.”


Q: If he doesn’t make the weight, is the fight still something that you would consider?

A: “We would have to consider options and consider other factors to see if it’s still something that benefits me. همین الان, we targeted 140 پوند, he agreed on 140, so that’s what I’m looking at. If later, قبل از مبارزه, something does come up with issues than I’ll make a decision at that point.”


Q: Where were you, as far as making unification fights, before the Broner fight became a realistic possibility? Have fights with Linares or Flanagan been very difficult to make at that point? Or were you hoping that those fights could’ve been made this summer?

A: “I still hope we can get something like that before the end of the year but it just wasn’t happening this summer. Linares’ team said that they would like maybe a voluntary title defense of his titles just like the WBC had already agreed that it was okay for either one of us to take a voluntary title defense. With Flanagan, I heard it was a very good possibility to get done but I think he’s also got a fight with Verdejo, possibly as a mandatory and that’s something that we would have to wait for results for. پس, it was a little more complicated to be waiting and to try to get those unification matches. But the Adrien Broner fight came up and it was a lot easier to get that than anything else.”


Q: در 140, tell us how you think your power will translate?

A: “I think the power is still there. It just depends on how well my opponent can take a punch. I am fighting a bigger guy with Adrien Broner, who has fought at welterweight and faced some of the better welterweights there, so the power may not show because he might be able to take a better punch. اما, I moved up from featherweight all the way to lightweight and I still carried punch. My last victory as everybody knows, I knocked out Dejan Zlaticanin who had never been dropped and who was undefeated. I dropped him cold. The power is there it just depends on how well a guy can take a punch.”


Q: How comfortable are you at this weight? Do you walk around heavier than this or is this a big cut for you?

A: “It’s not a big cut honestly. It’s actually a very simple weight cut. But I think what I’m going to be working on is not necessarily just focusing on power but I’m going to continue working on my footwork, having my speed, my reflexes, so that I can carry that. The power, I believe is going to be there regardless but I want to make sure that I carry my speed and I don’t want the weight to affect me in any way and slow me down.”


Q: Is he going to be the best boxer you’ve faced?

A: “On paper he has the biggest resume, he’s the most accomplished fighter that I’ve faced. But as far as the better boxer, I’m just going to have to wait and see on the 29هفتم and see how good of a fighter he really is because he’s definitely got the talent and the skills. Let me see what I can do on July 29هفتم.


Q: How do you expect the fight to play out?

A: “It’s going to be a good, مبارزه رقابتی, a very close fight because like I said, you can’t deny his skills, you can’t deny his accomplishments. But at the end of the night I feel that I am a slightly better boxer. Just a little bit better than he is and I’ve just got to prove it on the 29هفتم. I did tell you that he loses, he’s lost and I don’t lose. That’s where I have that confidence. I don’t believe anybody around my division can beat me right now and I don’t think Adrien Broner is going to be one to give me those kinds of problems. We’re going to obviously train hard and prepare. We can’t take him lightly but I still believe very, very strongly that I’m the better fighter.”


استفن اسپینوزا, معاون اجرایی رئیس جمهور & مدیر کل SHOWTIME ورزشی

“It’s been a great year for boxing. More specifically, it’s really been a great year for SHOWTIME boxing. Boxing is enjoying a rejuvenation, a reinvigoration. The sport has a lot of momentum and SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING has been the primary engine for that. Through this weekend, when we’ll be featuring Adonis Stevenson vs. آندره Fonfara, SHOWTIME will have telecasted 18 live boxing events this year alone. That includes 14 دعوا عنوان جهان. The fight we’re talking about today will be the 19هفتم live telecast on SHOWTIME this year.


“Broner vs. Garcia will be the sixth time that we’ve featured a consensus top-5 fighter versus another consensus top-5 fighter. It’s really undisputablethis year the best are fighting the best and they’re doing it on SHOWTIME. In a year filled with memorable fights on SHOWTIME, I think July 29هفتم could be among the most eagerly anticipated fights on the schedule. Two of the most talented, شناخته شده ترین, most popular fighters in the sport today facing each other in the primes of their respective careers.


“On a personal note, this was a very easy fight to make. The conversation started roughly a week ago about the same time all of these rumors became public. And here we are a week later, including a holiday weekend, announcing a fight. And I’m proud to say that both of these very talented fighters showed no hesitation whatsoever in doing this.


“In the short time since this fight has been rumored and announced, there’s something I’ve seen that I think that’s unique in my experience in this position. There are large groups of people on each side of this fight that think it’s an easy fight. A lot of people say, ‘easy fight for AB.’ There’s an equally large group of people on the Mikey Garcia side that say ‘easy fight’ and I’ve never seen that on a fight before. That’s what makes this such an intriguing matchup.”

Q: “Did all of the other successful fights contribute to you being able to get this particular fight done.”

A: “These fighters are top-tier athletes. And they don’t get to this level of accomplishment without being competitors. We saw it with Shawn Porter at Errol’s fight. When these guys see these big fights happening, their juices get flowing and they get salivating. بیشتر از هرچیزی, it’s really the fighters. The fighters are the ones who are taking these tough fights and in many cases asking for the tough fights. Originally, we were looking for scheduling a fight for Mikey and a fight for Adrien at some point this summer. And then at a certain point, we realized that for either of them at 135 یا 140, there wasn’t a bigger fight than fighting each other. Once everyone understood that, everything clicked. This is the biggest fight that each of them can make right now realistically and that’s really what got it done and made all the other issues: وزن, money, all that other stuff melted away because these are two world class competitors who want to do the biggest fight possible.”


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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.SHO.com/Sports در TwitterShowtimeBoxing دنبال کنید یا در Facebook در Facebook طرفدار شوید www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. برای تبدیل شدن به یک طرفدار در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.



Unbeaten Maravillabox Promotions’ Prospect Jon Fernandez To Face Juan Reyes; زنده در SHOWTIME® From Turning Stone Resort Casino In Verona, N.Y..

2017 Hall of Fame Inductees Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood To Be Joined By Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr.

نیویورک (ژوئن 2, 2017) - SHOWTIME ورزشی® has announced undefeated Maravillabox Promotions’ prospect Jon Fernandez will meet super featherweight Juan Reyes in an eight-round matchup in the opening bout of ShoBox: نسل جدید جمعه, ژوئن 9, زندگی در SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. و/PT), از عطف سنگ توچال کازینو در ورونا, N.Y..


The addition of Sergio Martinez’s protégé, Jon “Jonfer” Fernandez, (12-0, 10 کوس), in a 130-pound scrap against Juan “Pochito” Reyes (14-3-3, 2 در KO) upgrades the previously announced ShoBox to a tripleheader.


کارت, which takes place during the 2017 Hall of Fame Weekend where longtime ShoBox analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood will be inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, features undefeated super lightweights Regis “Rougarou” Prograis (19-0, 16 کوس) and Joel Diaz Jr. (23-0, 19 کوس) در رویداد اصلی 10-دور. The winner will be thrust from talented prospect to legitimate contender. Both fighters have developed on the series—this will be Prograis’ fourth start and Diaz’s third.


در همکاری ویژگی, unbeaten Canadian super middleweight Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 کوس) makes his second start on ShoBoxwhen he faces the dangerous Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 کوس) در جلسه هشت دور.


بلیط برای رویداد, co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment (DBE) و رکورد شکن های AASHA, در قیمت $65 for ringside, $50, $40 و $30 (may be subject to additional fees) and are available at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877-833-SHOW, و یا آنلاین در Ticketmaster.com. درب در باز 6:30 p.m., با اولین جلسه برنامه ریزی شده برای 7:30 p.m.


“This is another big opportunity for me to show everybody that I am one of the best super featherweights in the world,” said Fernandez, who will fight for just the third time in the United States. “The fight against Garza was an amazing experience and I was happy to give the audience in the U.S. such an exciting performance.


“In my last fight, I won the Spanish title, something that I am very proud to have achieved, now I will travel back to the U.S. to face anybody that my promoter puts in front of me. I am very confident in my skills and my team is doing great work with my career.”


This is the opportunity I have been waiting for my entire career,” سعید ریس. “I make real wars out of my fights because that is my style and it works for me. Jon Fernandez will have his hands full because I am coming to win.


I want to thank to Lou DiBella and SHOWTIME for another great opportunity for Jon Fernández,” said Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, promoter and former unified middleweight world champion. “Jonfer is a talented and hard-working young man that will archive great things. He’s destined for greatness.”


“With his potential and work ethic, I have no doubt he’ll be a world champion one day. I will take it a step further and say that he will become next pound-for-pound champion. He is ready to win this fight by knockout and call out the top names in his weight class.


The 21-year old Fernandez is coming off of a second-round TKO victory versus previously unbeaten Ismael Garcia to seize the Spanish 130-pound title in his hometown of Bilbao, País Vasco, اسپانیا, بر آوریل 21. In his last stateside appearance on Feb.10 از این سال, Fernandez made his ShoBox debut with an impressive third-round knockout against formerly once-beaten Ernesto Garza in Miami, اوکلاهما.


Reyes is a 27-year-old from Guadalajara, جالیسکو, مکزیک, now training out of Bell Gardens, کالیفرنیا. He will be making hisShoBox and New York debut—he has never fought outside of Southern California. Reyes’ last two fights resulted in unanimous decision wins as he beat Miguel Angel Mendoza on مارس 3 of this year and Cesar Villarraga in October 2016.


Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr. will join Farhood and Tompkins on-air during the special Hall of Fame edition of the prospect oriented series. Lennon Jr. returns to Canasota for the posthumous induction of his father, world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Sr.

Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


Tompkins and Farhood will be inducted in the “Observer” category در یکشنبه as part of a 2017 عنوان با عناوین بزرگان بوکس Evander Holyfield, مارکو آنتونیو باررا و جانی تاپیا.

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برای اطلاعات بیشتر www.sho.com/sports در توییتر دنبال کنیدShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, loudibella و @ DiBellaEnt یا در Facebook در Facebook طرفدار شوید www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, وwww.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Michael Farenas Victorious in Comeback Fight, Scores Third Round Knockout

COSTA MESA, مانند (ژوئن 1, 2017) – رقیب سابق عنوان جهانی, مایکل “مشت چکش” Farenas (42-5-4, 34 کوس), was victorious in his comeback fight at the “مبارزه با باشگاه OC” کارت در کوستا مسا, مانند, winning by third round KO over Mexico’s Martin Angel Martinez (17-12-1, 11 کوس).
From the opening round Farenas was the aggressor, as he came forward landing his signature over hand left, which dropped Martinez midway through round one. As the fight went on, Farenas continued to land his overhand left, wearing down Martinez. در دور سوم, Farenas landed a barrage of punches that send Martinez to the canvas for good. The knockout happened at the 2:04 علامت دور سه.
I felt very good going into this fight and it showed in my performance,” مایکل فارناس گفت. “I felt I gave the fans the fans a great show. My goal now is to get back into world title contention in the lightweight division. I feel much stronger at this weight. I’m hoping to get back in the ring by the end of the summer.


آزادی فوری
MASHANTUCKET, CT (ژوئن 2, 2017) – همه بوکسورها امروز را برای امروز وزن کردندرا (شنبه, ژوئن 3) برادوی بوکس رویدادی که در تئاتر فاکس برگزار می شود, در کازینو Foxwoods Resort, در Mashantucket, CT,
محبوب برادوی بوکس این مجموعه توسط DiBella Entertainment تبلیغ و توسط نیسان از کوئینز ارائه می شود, ساعتهای آزاد, OPTYX, و خانه استیک کریستوس, برخی از مبارزان برتر نیوانگلند را به نمایش می گذارد.

رویداد اصلی صفحه اصلی – Lightweights — (8)

(L) مت ریمیلارد (24-1, 13 کوس), منچستر, CT 135 پوند.

(R) فتیو فاسینو (27-5-3, 14 کوس), کوتونو, بنین 133 پوند.
شرکت های – Heavyweights (6)
(L) روسلان شاملوف (4-0, 3 کوس), بروکلین, نیویورک از طریق روسیه 233 پوند.
(R) جورج آریاس (6-0, 3 کوس), برانکس, NY از طریق جمهوری دومنیکن 230 پوند.
Welterweights (6)
(L) میکوآن ویلیامز (6-0, 4 کوس), شرق هارتفورد, CT 146 پوند.
(R) آریل واسکز (13-17-2, 9 کوس), ماناگوا, نیکاراگوئه 147 پوند.
وزنه سبک فوق العاده زنانه (6)
(L) جنیفر سالیناس (19-4, 5 کوس), مشیت الهی, RI 135 پوند.
(R) مارکیتا لی (3-4), نواتو, مانند 132 پوند.
وزنه برداری فوق العاده (4)
(L) خیری تاد (4-0, 4 کوس), لین, MA 149 پوند.
(R) نیکولاس سارونا (12-8-1, 9 کوس), لومه, رفتن 148 پوند.
Middleweights (8)
(L) رادزاب بوتایف (5-0, 4 کوس), بروکلین, نیویورک از طریق روسیه 153 پوند.
(R) ابراهیم آلوارز (20-10-1, 11 کوس), تسبیح, مکزیک 157 پوند.
Cruiserweights (6)
(L) لوئیس گارسیا (14-0, 11 کوس), Peekskill, NY از طریق کوبا 194 پوند.
(R) فیلیپه رومرو (19-13-1, 13 کوس), سن دیگو, CA از طریق مکزیک 195 پوند.
وزنه برداری فوق العاده (4)
(L) خوزه روم (3-0, 3 کوس), بیمن, پورتوریکو 149 پوند.
(R) ویلیام هیل (2-2), دیترویت, MY 148 پوند.
چی: “برادوی بوکس” بوکس حرفه ای
چه زمانی: روز شنبه, ژوئن 3, 2017
مکانی که در آن: تئاتر روباه, Foxwoods توچال کازینو, Mashantucket, CT
ترویج کننده: DiBella سرگرمی
گوینده RING: دیو دیامانته
درب باز: 7:00 p.m. و
اول جلسه: 7:30 p.m. و
بلیط: قیمت $125, $75 و $45. خرید بلیط از طریق سایت اینترنتی Foxwoods.com انجام می شود, Ticketmaster.com, با تماس 800-200-2882, یا بازدید از گیشه Foxwoods
توییتر & اینستاگرم: DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT
شنبه, ژوئن 3

ورزش رزمی FNU نمایش: مبارزه با UFC شب روکش, 212 پیش نمایش; Kell و بروک در مقابل. Errol اسپنس جونیور. Recap and Sucker Punches in boxing and MMA

2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Dedicated to building boxing in Wichita & across Kansas

Airing live on CBS Sports Network from
Hartman Arena in Kansas
PARK CITY, کانزاس (ژوئن 1, 2017) – Wichita-native نیکو هرناندز (1-0, 1 ضربه فنی), a 2016 دارنده مدال برنز المپیک, is on a mission to establish his home as a realfight townlike world champion Terence Crawford has done in Omaha, نبراسکا.
The 21-year-old Hernandez returns to action روز شنبه, ژوئن 17, in the six-round main event against Mexican-born flyweight opponent خوزه رودریگز (2-0, 2 کوس), headlining اول “KO شب بوکس: آتش سریع”, which will air (10 p.m. و / 7 p.m. PT) در شبکه ورزشی CBS از هارتمن آرنا در پارک سیتی به صورت زنده پخش می شود, کانزاس.
“KO شب بوکس: آتش سریع” ارائه KO Night Boxing LLC است.
Hernandez drew nearly 3,200 fans for his professional debut, مارس 25, در نزدیکی مولوان (KS), که در آن او را ناک اوت کرد پاتریک گوتییرز در دور چهارم رویداد اصلی, which was also televised live on CBS Sports Network.
هرناندز’ ترویج کننده, KO شب بوکس, LLC, is committed to showcasing Hernandez at home on national television, as well as provide a platform for young Kansas boxers for them to develop their skills and build intra-state rivalries as evident on this card.
My plan is to do it like Terence Crawford has done in Omaha,” Hernandez explained. “I’m hoping it works out as well for me. It means so much for me to bring boxing to Wichita, to all of Kansas, for these fans and all the good, young boxers we have here.
This is a good opportunity for fighters from Wichita, across Kanas, to showcase their skills to the boxing world,” ترویج کننده John Andersen گفت:. “Nico is giving all these other fighters a chance to do that by headlining our shows on CBS Sports Network. They need to fight to develop; otherwise, they’d have to travel far from home just to fight. They can build fanbases close to their hometowns.

We’re an up-and-coming promotional company, much like Nico as a pro fighter, and together we want to build boxing across Kansas and build natural rivalries like we have on this card. Nico is the perfect fighter to do this because, in addition to being an Olympic medalist, he’s a great role model for young people in Wichita, and Kansas as a whole, to emulate. We’ve planted the boxing seed in Wichita, through Nico, and we feel that boxing is going to grow across the state where Nico is bigger than life.

Unbeaten Canadian featherweight تفاله میوجات “Gwapo” Pagcaliwangan (10-0-1, 8 کوس) ملاقات فرشته “وحشتناک” Monrreal (10-8-1, 3 کوس), مکزیک, در هشت دور شرکت از ویژگی های, while Wichita junior middleweight Noel Esquada (7-3-2, 5 کوس) طول می کشد در 2012 Chicago Golden Gloves champion LimberthEl Gallito” پونس (12-3, 9 کوس) in the six-round match,
A prime example of a budding intrastate Kansas rivalry will be displayed in the televised opener as Garden City (KS) چشم انداز ورزشکار پروزن Eric Vargas (2-0, 1 ضربه فنی) takes on pro-debuting از Humberto “تیتو” Tellez, fighting out of Winfield (KS).
The non-televised “KO شب بوکس: آتش سریع” undercard is loaded with local talent: pro-debuting Topeka (KS) سبک وزن نیست. برایان کلمنت در مقابل. Bryan Montalvo (1-9, 1 ضربه فنی), of Garden City (KS); Winfield light heavyweight Juan Hollingsworth (1-0, 1 ضربه فنی) در مقابل. Oklahoman Matt Dixon in his pro debut, and pro-debuting middleweights Eddie Chavez, of Wichita, and Garden City’s Fernando Jasso throw-down in the opening bout.
همه دعوا و مبارزان در معرض تغییر.
Tickets are on sale at the Hartman Arena box office and HTTP://www.ticketmaster.com/رویداد / 060052A193761C74. قیمت ها $175.00 (بلیط بسته حلقه VIP که شامل یک تی شرت با نسخه محدود و بلیط بلیط رسمی برای بعد از مهمانی با امکان دیدار و تبریک است), $150.00 (صندلی طبقه ای که شامل یک تی شرت با نسخه محدود است), $75.00, $35.00 و $20.00. بلیط ها همچنین در ویچیتا در کافه آنجلا فروخته می شود (2119 W. 21ST سنت. N, یا با تیم نیکو تماس بگیرید (ارمیا @ 316. 393.3743 یا لوئیس @ 316.806.0144).
این همه سنین را نشان می دهد. درب در باز 6:00 p.m. CT با جلسه افتتاحیه برنامه ریزی در 7:00 p.m. CT.
توییتر: KONightBoxing
دنبالNicomhernandez در توییتر و نمایش مشخصات عمومی.