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Photos by Robert ElizondoBoxeo Imperio
SAN ANTOINIO, TX (Rugsėjis 11, 2017) – Praeitą Šeštadienis at the San Antonio Event Center, selina “Actekų karalienė” Gyvenamieji (2-0, 1 KO), remained undefeated with a dominating four-round unanimous decision victory against Andrius Clarkson (4-10).
Nuo atidarymo varpas, Barrios applied a tremendous amount of pressure, never letting Clarkson breathe. Hard shots to the body and head forced Clarkson to fight going backwards the entire bout. The bout almost ended when Selina stormed landed a barrage of punches at the end of round three, but Clarkson was saved by the bell. Clarkson was able to survive and make it to the final bell. Score cards read 40-36 dvigubai, ir 39-37.
I felt really good going into this fight and it showed in my performance,” said Selina Barrios. “I was able to cut off the ring and put a lot of pressure on Jasmine. She was very tough and I give her a lot of credit for going the distance. I felt I won every round but one judge didn’t see it that way. My goal is to get back in the ring as soon as possible.

Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitrijaus Kudrjašovo treniruočių stovyklos pastabos

Pasaulio bokso super serijos kreiserinio svorio turnyras įkaista šeštadienį, Rugsėjis 23 su Dorticos vs. Kudrjašovo ketvirtfinalio rungtynės iš Alamodome San Antonijuje
SAN ANTONIO Iš (Rugsėjis 11, 2017) – Pasaulio bokso super serijos veiksmai oficialiai pradėti po Oleksandro Usykio 10oji-apskritas Marco Hucko sustojimas šeštadienį Vokietijoje, kreiseriniai svogūnai yunier Dorticos ir Dmitrijus Kudryashov pasiūlė atnaujinti treniruočių stovyklas prieš labai laukiamą ketvirtfinalio pasirodymą Šeštadienis, Rugsėjis 23 iš Alamodome San Antonijuje.
WBA kreiserinio svorio titulo turėtojas, “KO daktaras” Dorticosas sunkiai dirbo Majamio „Freestyle Fighting Academy“, ruošdamasis rungtynėms, kurias daugelis vadina geriausia turnyro kova.
“Aš sunkiai dirbu ir ruošiuosi pasinaudoti šia galimybe,” Sakė Dorticos. “Prieš mane yra stiprus priešininkas, bet aš žinau, ką galiu. Aš eisiu ten ir studijuosiu jį pirmuosius raundus, o paskui sulaužysiu. Turiu įvykdyti savo žaidimo planą. Mano treniruočių stovykla klostosi tikrai gerai ir nekantrauju, kai visas sunkus darbas atsipirks rugsėjo 23 d.”
Turėdamas a 100 procento nokautavimo santykis virš jo 21 pro laimi, “Rusijos plaktukas” Kudrjašovas treniravosi „Legends“ bokso sporto salėje Norvalke, Kalifornijoje., pirmajai jo kovai JAV. kaip jis nori mušti savo bilietą į WBSS pusfinalį.
“Kai nori būti geriausias, turite treniruotis sunkiau nei visi,” - sakė Kudrjašovas. “Tai yra mano žaidimo raktas. Dorticos yra geras kovotojas, turintis stiprią mėgėjų kilmę. Jis atsidavęs šiai sporto šakai ir nėra lengvas varžovas. Turėsiu iš visų jėgų jį įveikti. Visi šiame turnyre bijojo mane pasirinkti, bet džiaugiuosi galėdamas dalyvauti šioje kovoje.”
WBO čempionui Usykui laukia WBC čempiono nugalėtojas Mairis Briedis vs. mike Perez, Dorticos vs. Kudrjašovo nugalėtojas susitiks su IBF čempiono nugalėtoju Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztofas ​​Wlodarczykas suvienijimo demonstracijoje, žadančioje daugiau aukštų statymų.
“Man garbė būti tokio prestižinio turnyro dalimi,” Sakė Dorticos. “Tai mano galimybė kartu su kitais garsiais vardais ir čempionais tapti šios sporto šakos viršūnėje. Tai aš ir mano komanda taip sunkiai dirbome, kad pasiektume.”
“Mano pagrindinė motyvacija yra tapti pasaulio čempionu ir parodyti, kad esu geriausias divizione,” - sakė Kudrjašovas. “Aš esu galingiausias kovotojas šioje divizijoje ir visi tai matys Rugsėjis 23. Turiu ką tik gimusią dukrą, bet aš vis dar treniruojuosi sunkiau nei bet kada ir tai tik dar labiau padidino mano motyvaciją eiti laimėti šį turnyrą.”
Su Muhammad Ali Trophy laukia WBSS turnyro nugalėtojas, abu vyrai nori padidinti savo profilį ir įrodyti savo viršenybę divizione, tuo pačiu rungtyniaudami su geriausiais svorio kategorijoje.
“Kova dėl Muhammado Ali trofėjaus man yra didžiulė,” - sakė Kudrjašovas. “Užtikrinti, kad gerbčiau jo vardą, yra didelė atsakomybė. Tai galbūt didžiausias prizas, dėl kurio boksininkai gali kovoti turnyre, kuris negali būti svarbesnis.”
“Noriu kovoti su visais čempionais,” Sakė Dorticos. “Toks mano planas, nes matau save kaip geriausią kovotoją šioje divizijoje ir dabar galiu išeiti ten ir tai įrodyti. Aš dievinau Muhammadą Ali, kaip ir visi kiti šioje sporto šakoje, ir pelnyti taurę jo vardu būtų kažkas labai ypatingo mano gyvenimui ir karjerai.”
Su kombinuotu 41 išmuša 42 pergalės, Dorticos vs.. Kudrjašovas žada būti visų veiksmų kova pirmyn ir atgal, bet tik vienas žmogus galės pakelti ranką nakties pabaigoje ir toliau ieškoti Muhammado Ali trofėjaus.
“Fanai išvys nuostabų pasirodymą Rugsėjis 23,” Sakė Dorticos. “Tai tikrai geriausia turnyro kova ir laimės geriausias žmogus. Mes abu paliksime viską ringe ir kovosime širdimi iki pat pabaigos. Aš per daug dirbau, kad pasiekčiau šį tašką. Kai aš su juo bendrauju, visi žino, kas nutiks.”
“Tai pirmas kartas, kai visi geriausi diviziono kovotojai buvo surinkti turnyre, todėl man tai puiki galimybė,” - sakė Kudrjašovas. “Mano komanda buvo nuostabi treniruočių stovykloje, ir aš tai padarysiu ir iškelsiu į ringą prieš „Dorticos“. Mano priešininkui geriau būti pasiruošusiam, nes aš ateinu tavęs mušti, kaip niekas niekada.”
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kurį reklamuoja „Ringstar Sports“ kartu su „World Boxing Super Series“, yra kaina $250, $125, $100, $50, ir $30, ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti
Daugiau informacijos rasite arba

Sekite „Twitter“ @WBsuperSeries, @„Ringstar“ ir tapkite gerbėjais „Facebook“ adresu ir žvaigždučių Sportas


16/09/17 – Super vidutinio svorio ketvirtfinalis:
Callum Smithas prieš. Erikas Skoglund (WBC deimantas)
„Echo“ arena, "Liverpool", Jungtinė Karalystė

23/09/17 – Sunkusis Finalas:
Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitrijus Kudryashov (WBA pasaulis)
Alamodome, San Antonijas, Teksasas, JAV

30/09/17 – Sunkusis Finalas:
Mairis Elniai vs.. mike Perez (WBC pasaulis)
Ryga arena, Ryga, Latvija

07/10/17 – Super vidutinio svorio ketvirtfinalis:
Chrisas Eubankas jaunesnysis vs.. Avni Yildirimas (IBO pasaulis)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer salė, Štutgartas, Vokietija

14/10/17 – Super vidutinio svorio ketvirtfinalis:
George išvaikščiojau vs. jamie Cox (WBA)
„SSE“ arena, Vemblis, Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė

21/10/17 – Sunkusis Finalas
Muratas Gassievas vs.. Krzysztofas ​​Włodarczyk (IBF pasaulis)
Prudential Center ", Niuarkas, Naujasis Džersis, JAV

Aukšto svorio kategorijos ketvirtfinaliai:

Juergenas Braehmeris vs.. Robas Brant

Dalyvių skaičius: 16
Diržų skaičius: 7
Pasaulio čempionų skaičius: 6
Buvusių pasaulio čempionų skaičius: 3
Nugalėtų kovotojų skaičius: 9
Bendras dalyvių įrašas: 423 Laimėta, 17 nuostoliai, 294 Kos

Undefeated Bantamweight sensation Christian Carto to faces toughest test in Alonso Melendez on Friday night, September 29th at The 2300 Arena

Loaded card also features
Carlos Rosario taking on Jerome Conquest in Lightweight showdown

Junior Castillo takes on Gabriel Pham in 10-round Super Middleweight bout
Mykal Fox squares off with Marlon Aguas
David Gonzales battles Darius Ervin

Erik Spring fights Anthony Prescott

Plus Amir Shabazz and Robert Irizarry in action

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti

Filadelfija, PA (Rugsėjis 11, 2017) -Undefeated bantamweight sensation, Knockout menininkas, Christian Carto has been added to an already loaded night of boxing on penktadienio naktis, September 29th ne 2300 Arena Filadelfijoje.
Carto (11-0, 11 Kos) is set to take on Alonso Melendez (14-1, 11 Kos) Čihuahua, Mexico in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.
Rodyti skatinama Karaliaus Akcijos.
The 20 year-old continues to step up in competition, ir September 29th, he will be taking on his toughest foe in Melendez
Carto has kept extremely busy as he fought all eleven of his bouts in a 13-month span, with his latest being a 2nd round stoppage over Phillip Adyaka on August 11th in front of a sold-out crowd at SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia.
He will making his 1st appearance at the 2300 Arena.
Melendez will making his United States debut. He has won three in a row, and the five-year professional has a win over previously undefeated Edgar Garcia. Alonso is coming off a 7th round stoppage over Jesus Limones on September 9, 2015 in Chihuahua, Meksika.
Carlos Rosarijas (7-2, 4 Kos) of Pennsuaken, New Jersey and Jeronimas užkariavimas (8-2, 1 KO) of Philadelphia will meet in a highly anticipated eight-round lightweight bout.
In a ten-round super middleweight attraction, Jaunesnysis Castillo (14-1, 10 Kos) of theDominican Republic takes on Gabriel Pham (9-1, 4 Kos) iš Atlantic City.
Mykal Fox (14-0, 4 Kosas) of Forestville, MD will take on Marlon Aguas (9-1, 4 Kos) of Quioto Ecuador in a eight-round welterweight bout.
Be šešių apvalių seansų:
Maynard Allison (9-1, 6 Kos) of Philadelphia meets Juan Rodriguez (7-7-1, 5 Kosas) of Haymarket, Virginia in a junior lightweight bout.
Davidas Gonzales (8-2-2, 2 Kos) Filadelfijos kovose Darius Ervin (4-1) of Los Angeles in a super lightweight bout.
Erikas pavasaris (9-1-2, 1 KO) Skaitymo, PA kovosime Anthony Preskotas (6-7-2, 2 Kos) Cherry Hill, NJ in a super welterweight fight.
Be keturių apvalių seansų:
Robertas Irizarry (3-1-1) Cherry Hill, NJ kovoja Bryan Perez (2-7-1, 1KO) apie Karolina, Puerto Rico in a super featherweight fight.
Rasheed Johnson (1-1) Filadelfijos kovose Demetrius Williams (1-3) of Philadelphia in a welterweight tussle.
Sultan Zamir Ululu Filadelfijos bus padaryti savo pro debiutavo prieš Christopher Burgos(0-1) of Philadelphia in a junior lightweight bout.
Amir Shabazz (4-1) Filadelfijos bus aikštė ne su Alan Lawrence (1-0, 1 KO) Newark, NJ in a light heavyweight bout.
Tickets for this great night of boxing can be purchased at už $100, $75 ir $50

Gleason’s Gym owner Bruce Silverglade, Alex Montaldo & Frederick Romano Ring 8’s September Guest Speakers

Antradienis, Septyni. 19 at O’Neill’s Restaurant
In Maspeth, NY
2015 NYSBHOF inductee Bruce Silverglade and his wife, Jo Ellen
(photo by Peter Frutkoff)
NEW YORK (Rugsėjis 11, 2017) – New York State Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Bruce Silverglade, special boxing program director Alex Montaldo and boxing historian Frederick Roman will be the Ring 8 guest speakers at its next monthly meeting antradienį naktis, Rugsėjis 19 (7 p.m. IR pradžia), at O’Neill’s Restaurant (64-21 53rd Drive) in Maspeth, Niujorkas.
Full credit should be given to Bruce Silverglade for turning Gleason’s into arguably the top boxing gym in the world,” Žiedas 8 prezidentas Džekas Hirsch sakė. “With all the great fighters who have trained there over the years, he probably will have some fascinating stories to share with us. Alex Montaldo runs a boxing program at Gleason’s for people afflicted with Parkinson’s disease. We look forward to him explaining how it works.
Frederick Romano has written a new book detailing the history of boxing on the radio, taking us back to a golden age before television came into existence. He will bring along some books for purchase at a discounted price for Ring8 members. Our three speakers should make this a very enjoyable night for the membership.
Silverglade has owned the world-famous Gleason’s Gym since 1983. The iconic boxing gym dates back 80 metų, when Gleason’s Gym was originally founded in the Bronx, before moving to Manhattan from 1974 į 1984, then to Brooklyn in 1985, and finally into its present location in Brooklyn a year ago at 130 Water Street.
Many of boxing’s greats have trained at Gleason’s including Jake Lamotta, Roberto Duran, Mike'as Tysonas and even Muhammadą Ali, who as Cassius Clay trained there for his first fight with Sonny Liston į 1964. Many actors, įskirtinai Robert DeNiro irWesley Snipes, have also trained there for roles in movies.
Montaldo developed and operates a special program at Gleason’s GymstoPD (Support training to overcome Parkinson’s Disease) designed to help people with Parkinson’s Disease.
Romano has had work experience in boxing for more than 35 years as a research consultant for HBO, as well as a producer and host of a cable television show about boxing, and he is a certified amateur boxing judge in New York. Frederick will speak about boxing bookshe’s written severaland movies.
APIE ŽIEDAS 8: Žiedas 8 tapo aštunta dukterinė kas tada buvo žinoma kaip Nacionalinė Veteranas boksininkų asociacija – taigi, ŽIEDAS 8 – o šiandien organizacijos šūkis išlieka: Bokseriai Padėti Boxers.
ŽIEDAS 8 yra visiškai įsipareigojusi remti mažiau pasisekė žmonių bokso bendruomenės nariai gali prireikti pagalbos, kalbant apie mokėjimo Nuoma, medicininių išlaidų, ar kas pateisinama būtinybė.
Eiti į eilutę Daugiau informacijos apie ŽIEDU 8, Didžiausią grupę tokio pobūdžio JAV daugiau nei 350 prisijungę. Metinė narystė mokesčiai yra tik $30.00 ir kiekvienas narys turi teisę švediško vakarienė ŽIEDU 8 mėnesiniai susitikimai, išskyrus liepą ir rugpjūtį. Visi aktyvūs boksininkai, mėgėjų ir profesionalų, su dabartinės bokso licencijos ar knygos turi teisę į nemokamas ŽIEDU 8 kasmet narystės. Šis žiedas 8 nariai yra laukiami esant tik išlaidas $7.00 vienam asmeniui.

Decastro Vs Landaeta Showdown For IBF European Crown on October 21st



Aberdynas, Jungtinė Karalystė. Šeštadienis 9oji Rugsėjis 2017.



British Super Middleweight Nathan ‘Nightmare’ Decastro (9-0-0 with 8KOs) is set to challenge Spain’s Ronny Landaeta (12-0-0 with 8KOs) į laisvą Tarptautinės bokso federacijos (IBF) European Super Middleweight European Championship at the Palacio de Deportes José María Martín Carpena Malagoje, Spain on Saturday October 21g.


Decastro, the current MBC International Champion, kuris šiuo metu yra reitinguojamas #13 in the IBF Intercontinental ratings, spoke briefly on learning of the golden opportunity.


“I can’t put into words what this fight means to me, I am a fighting man and fighting is my life.


This is a golden opportunity that I will take with both hands and show everyone what I’m made of.


Huge thanks to Lee (Manager Lee McAllister) for sorting this, ką aš galiu pasakyti, I only signed with his Assassin Boxing Promotions and Management company a few weeks ago and already he’s already got me a shot at title.


To fight for any title is an honour, but to fight for a coveted IBF belt is something else.


I know this is not an easy fight, Ronny’s undefeated in twelve and has successfully defended his Spanish title twice against top class opposition, but then again he’s not fought me yet, I’m not called the Nightmare for nothing.”


Nathan’s Manager, Three Time World Champion Lee McAllister, then added


“This a cracking opportunity for Nathan to catapult himself in to the World rankings, exciting times ahead for him if he’s successful.


We know we are going into the Lions den as massive underdogs, but I will be making sure that Nathan has space in his bag for the belt when coming home.


Tai dar ne viskas, If all goes well in the next few days I hope to be announcing another Assassin Boxing Promotions and Management boxer challenging for an IBF title, here in the UK this time though”



Devastating Accidental Head-Butt Ends J’Leon Love-Abie Han Fight in Technical Majority Draw;

Caleb Plant Stays Unbeaten With Shutout Decision Over Andrew Hernandez

Sugavimo pakartojimo Pirmadienis, Septyni. 11, Į 10 p.m. IR/PT Dėl Showtime EXTREME®

Spauskite ČIA Parsisiųsti Nuotraukos; Kredito Rosie stu / Showtime


LAS VEGAS (Septyni. 8, 2017) – At 20 metų, 9 months old, Davidas Benavidez became boxing’s youngest world champion – and the youngest ever in the super middleweight division – with a split decision victory over Ronaldas Gavril penktadienį night on an exciting night of 168-pound action on Showtime Boksas: SPECIALUS LEIDIMAS iš bendrosios Hard Rock Hotel & Kazino. See the video of the decision via Twitter link ČIA.


Benavidez (19-0, 17 Kos) placed the previously vacated WBC Super Middleweight belt around his waist after winning the title against former European amateur standout Gavril (18-2, 14 Kos) in what Benavidez later described as quite possibly the “Fight of the Year.” One scorecard had Gavril winning 116-111, with Benavidez winning on the other two scorecards, 116-111 ir 117-111 in the event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


“It feels amazing to win this title,” said the Phoenix resident Benavidez. “It’s everything I’ve dreamed about since I was a little kid. It’s everything I’ve dedicated myself to and I’ve worked hard for. It finally paid off.”


The 31-year-old Romanian Gavril, who trains at Mayweather’s Gym in Las Vegas by Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, sent Benavidez to the canvas with a left hook with just 50 seconds left in the wild 12oji ir paskutinis turas.


„Jaučiuosi laimėjęs kovą. I dominated the pace. I can’t say anything else other than it was up to the judges,” Gavril said, who was watched by his promoter all-time great Floyd Mayweather from ringside. “The only thing I can do is to ask for a rematch.”


Benavidez, who turned pro at age 16 and only had 15 mėgėjai kovos, took control of the fight early on, but Gavril seemed to gain steam mid-fight, out-boxing and being more active than Benavidez in the seventh, aštuntojo ir devintojo raundai. In rounds 11 ir 12, Benavidez out-landed Gavril 66-35 overall and 53-14 with power punches.


“I felt my performance was good except for the last round when I got too anxious and wanted to knock him out,” Benavidez said. “I let my young side takeover and I wanted to give the fans a great fight. I didn’t really feel hurt but it was a shock knockdown. I know to be careful and more cautious. It was a learning experience.”




In another super middleweight contest, Abie Han suffered a devastating accidental head-butt againstJ'Leon Dienoraštis į 1:02 into the eighth round and the fight went to the scorecards. One judge had Las Vegas’ Love winning 79-73, and the other two 76-76 making the decision a technical majority draw.


Following an exchange of punches, Meilė (23-1-1, 13 Kos) leaned in and the two fighter banged heads in violent fashion. han (26-3-1, 16 Kos) El Paso, Teksasas, was left stunned and fell to the floor as blood gushed from his forehead above his left eye and he was immediately checked on by referee Kenny Bayless.


han, who left the arena sitting up on a stretcher before hearing the decision, won the statistical battle in the ring. Han landed more blows (78-47 bendras, 20-12 Stumtelėjimus, 58-35 galia) and did so more accurately (24 percent to 17 percent overall, 16 percent to eight percent jabs and 30 percent to 27 percent power).


SHOWTIME boxing analyst Al Bernstein had Han winning by one point at the time of the stoppage.


“I can’t rate my performance as great because I didn’t get a victory, I got a draw,” said Love, who once trained at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit under Hall of Fame trainer Emanuel Steward.


The 29-year-old Love ended nearly a one-year layoff with his return to the ring. “I’m kind of rusty but I feel like I pressed the action and tried to take it to him,"Jis pasakė. “Other than that I feel like I landed the cleaner shots.”


Atidarymo bijau dėl laidoje, unbeaten super middleweight prospect Kalebas augalų (16-0, 10 Kos) recorded a 10-round shutout decision against a tough Andrew Hernandez (19-7-1, 9 Kos), 100-90 triskart.


Augalas, who resides in Las Vegas by way of Ashland City, Tenn., was the more active fighter against the 31-year-old switch-hitting journeyman Hernandez, who took the fight on just eight daysnotice after Alan Campa dropped out. Plant jabbed effectively (81 apie 271, 30 procentų) while neutralizing Hernandez’s usually effective jab (46 apie 325, 14 procentų). Plant was also sharp with his power shots landing 44 percent to Hernandez’s 19 procentų.


“I’m very pleased with my performance,” Plant said. “I boxed well and I dictated the pace. I pressed when I needed to press and boxed when I needed to box. I felt I put on a great show for the fans. I want to be star in boxing. I know with hard work I can accomplish anything.


“Hernandez is tough, I sent him with everything and he stood tall and my hats off to him. He’s a tough competitor.”


Hernandez, from Phoenix, Ariz., suffered a cut under his left eye in the third and it caused him problems throughout the fight, opening up and bleeding over the final two rounds.


“All respect to Caleb Plant on his performance tonight,” Hernandez said. “He put on a solid fight and he’s got a great future. I was happy I was able to stay in there and last the entire 10 raundai.


“I felt Caleb won, but I don’t think it was 10 rounds to none. But that’s not for me to decide. It’s all up to the judges at the end of the day it only matters what they think.”


Plant added: “I’m ready to step up in competition and fight anybody in the top 10 of the super middleweight division. I got my eye on Benavidez and all the other world champions. I’m coming!"


Penktadienio tripleheader will replay on Sunday, Septyni. 10, į 9 tarifu. IR/PT, ir Pirmadienis, Septyni. 11, į 10 p.m. IR/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® ir Showtime ANYTIME®.


Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with Bernstein and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


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Daugiau informacijos rasite, sekti TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing and @MayweatherPromo, arba tapti "Facebook" gerbėjas ne, ir

Salita Promotions Lightweight Dimash Niyazov Returns to Action Saturday in Kazakhstan

Apie Šeštadienis, Rugsėjis 9, undefeated lightweight Dimash Niyazov, Salita Akcijos’ own fighting NYC cop, will return to his birthplace of Kazakhstan to face Brazil’s Eduardo Pereira dos Reis at the sold-out, 12000-seat Saryarka Velodrome in Astana.
Niyazov (11-0-3, 5 Kos), a resident of Staten Island, and Pereira dos Reis (22-4, 18 Kos) of Sao Paolo will meet in a six-rounder as part of the Astana EXPO 2017 event headlined by a 12-round battle for the WBO NABO Super Welterweight and WBA Inter-Continental Super Welterweight Championships between Kazakhstan’s undefeated Kanat Islam (24-0, 19 Kos) and also undefeated Brandon Cook (18-0, 11 Kos) of Canada.
The fight will be the first-ever outside of the United States for the 28-year-old Kazakh-born Niyazov. And with 12,000 of his countrymen expecting big things from him, Niyazov says he’s feeling the pressure.
Are you nervous, fighting outside the US and in front of so many people?
I feel a little nervous because it’s my first time fighting here and I have to perform well. A lot of people, Mano gerbėjai, are coming just to see me, so I feel the pressure to do very well. Prieš 12,000 žmonės. They all know me. I got to look good.
Why did you take this fight so far from where you’ve now lived for many years?
I live in the USA, I work in the USA. I have my family in the USA, so all my moves I make in regard to boxing are going to take place in the US. This was just an opportunity that I saw that can improve my boxing career.
How did training camp go for this fight?
Training camp with my father went well. I am ready to perform and outbox the guy. I’m not looking for a knockout. I’m going to box the guy outclass him and the knockout will come by itself.
How did you get the nickname Lightning?
The fans gave me this name. It’s because of my fast hands. Sometimes when they see a knockout or knockdown it happens so fast they can’t tell what happened.
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Due to the high-demand theQazaq Pride Championship Boxingevent will be broadcasted worldwide via Pay-Per-View for only $4.99. It is now available to purchase and is compatible in all mobile devices and smart TVs. To purchase the fight, eiti į FITE.TV, arba The live stream will begin 10 AMRytų laikas / 7AM Pacific in the United States.

Pasaulio bokso super serija patenka į rytinę pakrantę kaip IBF čempionas Muratas Gassievas, kovęs su buvusiu čempionu Krzysztofu Wlodarczyku

„WBSS Cruiserweight“ ketvirtfinalio rungtynės šeštadienį, Spalis 21 ne Prudential Center Newark, N.J.
NEWARK, N.J. (Rugsėjis 8, 2017) – Pasaulio bokso super serijos veiksmai ateina į rytinę pakrantę kaip kreiserinio svorio kategorijos ketvirtfinalio kovos tarp IBF čempiono Murat “Geležis” Gassiev (24-0, 17 Kos) ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Krzysztofas ​​Włodarczyk (53-3-1, 37 Kos) yra nustatytas Šeštadienis, Spalis 21 ne Prudential Center Newark, N.J.
Skatina „Ringstar Sports“ kartu su „World Boxing Super Series“, bilietai į tiesioginį renginį dabar parduodami ir juos galima įsigyti Bilietus taip pat bus galima įsigyti „Prudential Center“ kasose Pirmadienis, Rugsėjis 11 į 11 tarifu.
“Labai malonu reklamuoti šį jaudinantį Pasaulio bokso super serijos mačą,” - tarė Ričardas Šeferis, „Ringstar Sports“ pirmininkas ir generalinis direktorius. “Muratas Gassjevas aiškiai yra vienas didžiausių kreiserinių svorių pasaulyje, tačiau jis turės didelę kliūtį prieš kovą išbandytą buvusį čempioną Krzysztofą Wlodarczyką, kuris turės didelį postūmį iš pašėlusių lenkų gerbėjų Naujajame Džersyje. „Prudential Center“ yra puiki vieta šiam renginiui ir žinau, kad sirgaliams patiks šios rungtynės, nes abu vyrai varžosi dėl Muhammado Ali trofėjaus.”
“Tai taip įdomu, kad „Ali Trophy“ atvyksta į kovos vietą, tokią kaip Naujasis Džersis,” - sakė Kalle Sauerland, „Comosa“ vyriausiasis bokso pareigūnas. “Laikykitės tvirtai ir mėgaukitės važiavimu, Spalis 21 bus unikali patirtis, pagalvokite „Sostų žaidimas“’ susitinka su boksu. Negalima laukti!”
Netrukus bus paskelbta visa kortelių kortelė.
“Pažadu, kad ateisiu į ringą laimėti ir padarysiu viską, kas įmanoma, kad gautume šią pergalę,” - pasakė Gassjevas. “Noriu pasinaudoti šia galimybe kovoti su geriausiais savo svorio kategorijos boksininkais.”
“Turiu labai rimtą priešininką Krzysztof Wlodarczyk, kuris yra du kartus pasaulio čempionas ir jo gyvenimo aprašymas kalba pats už save. Jis kovojo geriausiai ir aš laukiu labai sunkios kovos.”
“Man didelė garbė kovoti Pasaulio bokso super serijoje dėl Muhammado Ali trofėjaus,” sakė Włodarczyk. “Dvi savaites treniravausi Lenkijos kalnuose ir dabar grįžau į VaršuvąSpalis 21.”
“Labai džiaugiuosi turėdamas galimybę kovoti su tokiu čempionu kaip Muratas Gassiev. Jis jaunas, stiprus čempionas, koks buvau prieš keletą metų, bet esu pasirengęs parodyti, kad vis dar esu geriausias divizione.”
Vienas sunkiausių sportininkų, Gassiev treniruojasi kartu su Abeliu Sanchezu „Big Bear“, Kalifornija ir kilęs iš Vladikaukazo, Rusija. 23-ejų metų vyras išvyko į JAV. debiutas 2015 ir iškovojo keturias pergales iš eilės, įskaitant “Knockout Metų” pretendentas, kai gegužę pirmajame ture išlygino Jordaną Schimmelį 2016. Gassjevas pernai gruodį metė iššūkį Denisui Lebedevui Rusijoje ir sugebėjo atsisakyti čempiono laimėdamas IBF titulą.
Kova iš Piaseczno, Lenkija, Wlodarczyk pirmą kartą tapo pasaulio čempionu, kai jis nugalėjo Steve'ą Cunninghamą 2006 užfiksuoti IBF karūną. Kovojo lygiosiomis prieš WBC čempioną Giacobbe Fragomeni 2009, Wlodarczyk sustabdė Fragomeni 2010 pakartotinis mačas vėl taps čempionu. Jis šešis kartus gins titulą ir pateks į savo Spalis 21rungtynės keturių kovų pergalių serijoje.
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Nuotraukomis galima naudotis nemokamai, bet prašau įskaityti Pasaulio bokso super seriją.
09/09/17 – Sunkusis Finalas:
Aleksandro Usyk vs. Marko Huck (WBO pasaulis)
Makso Šmelingo salė, Berlynas, Vokietija

16/09/17 – Super vidutinio svorio ketvirtfinalis:
Callum Smithas prieš. Erikas Skoglund (WBC deimantas)
„Echo“ arena, "Liverpool", Jungtinė Karalystė

23/09/17 – Sunkusis Finalas:
Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitrijus Kudryashov (WBA pasaulis)
Alamodome, San Antonijas, Teksasas, JAV

30/09/17 – Sunkusis Finalas:
Mairis Elniai vs.. mike Perez (WBC pasaulis)
Ryga arena, Ryga, Latvija

07/10/17 – Super vidutinio svorio ketvirtfinalis:
Chrisas Eubankas jaunesnysis vs.. Avni Yildirimas (IBO pasaulis)
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer salė, Štutgartas, Vokietija

14/10/17 – Super vidutinio svorio ketvirtfinalis:
George išvaikščiojau vs. jamie Cox (WBA)
„SSE“ arena, Vemblis, Londonas, Jungtinė Karalystė

21/10/17 – Sunkusis Finalas
Muratas Gassievas vs.. Krzysztofas ​​Włodarczyk (IBF pasaulis)
Prudential Center ", Niuarkas, Naujasis Džersis, JAV

Aukšto svorio kategorijos ketvirtfinaliai:
Juergenas Braehmeris vs.. Robas Brant

Dalyvių skaičius: 16
Diržų skaičius: 7
Pasaulio čempionų skaičius: 6
Buvusių pasaulio čempionų skaičius: 3
Nugalėtų kovotojų skaičius: 9
Bendras dalyvių įrašas: 423 Laimėta, 17 nuostoliai, 294 Kos

Former World champions clash as Anthony Crolla takes on Ricky Burns on Saturday October, 7oji

LIVE ant AWE – Pramogos turtas
SAN DIEGO Iš (Rugsėjis 8, 2017) -Apie Saturday afternoon, Spalis 7, A pair of former world champions will collide as former lightweight world champion Anthony Crolla battles former three-division champion Ricky Burnsas in a scheduled 12-round lightweight clash at the "Manchester Arena Mančesteryje, Anglija, and will be broadcast GYVI & EXCLUSIVELY IN THE UNITED STATES apie AWE- Pramogos turtas.
The fight will also be available on on the AWE Channel.
This will be a terrific bout with both Anthony Crolla and Ricky Burns looking to make a statement and get back into title contention. These two champions are both itching to get their belts back so when they meet on Spalis 7, it will be a fight at the highest level and quality and we at AWE are ecstatic to be bringing this fight to the fans in the United States,” sakė Charles Silkė, Prezidentas AWE– Pramogos turtas.
Crolla, 30 years-old of Manchester, Anglija turi įrašą 31-6-3 su 13 Knockouts. He won the WBA Lightweight title when he thrilled his hometown fans by scoring a one-punch body shot knockout over Darleys Perez. Crolla defended the title with a hard-fought come from behind stoppage over Ismael Barroso. Crolla dropped the belt when he was on the short end of a unanimous decision to Jorge Linares. Savo paskutinio priepuolio, Crolla lost his 2nd straight unanimous decision to Linares in a rematch that took place on March 25th Mančesteryje.
Burns of Coatbridge, Scotland has a record of 41-6-1 su 14 Knockouts. Rugsėjo 4, 2010, Burns won the WBO Junior Lightweight World championship with a 12-round unanimous decision over Roman Martinez. Burns made three successful defenses of his title, before moving up to lightweight and capturing the WBO Interim Lightweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Michael Katsidis. Burns was elevated to full champion and went on to score wins over former world champion Paulus Moses, Kevin Mitchell and undefeated challenger Jose Gonzalez, as a well as a draw with top contender Ray Beltran before losing his crown to the classy Terence Crawford. Burns became a three-division champion as he won the WBA Super Lightweight World Championship on May 28, 2016 with a unanimous decision over Michele Di Rocco. He defended the title once with a 12-round unanimous decision over Kiryl Relikh before dropping the title in his last bout to undefeated Julius Indongo on April 15thGlazge, Škotija.
Crolla Quotes
All I want to do is be involved in big fights and Ricky Burns is a three weight World Champion, I’ve got a lot of respect for him,” sakė Crolla. “He’s a great fighter and only lost to the very best.
I’m looking forward to going to battle and putting on a display for the fans.

It’s at a good time for both of us. A win puts us back in the mix for titles, I’m not going to say the loser has nowhere to go, but it’s going to be a tough road back. We’re both coming off losing our World Titles and the incentive is to win the fight and get back in the frame.

I could have a tune up fight on the undercard of somewhere and an easier opponent to get me back into things and then a big fight after but I’m not interested in that.

It’s nearly happened before a good few times, a few years ago at Super-Featherweight and again at Lightweight. It’s been talked about for years now. It looked like it wasn’t going to happen but it’s good now we’re finally going to meet.

I’m really happy the fight is in Manchester,” sakė Crolla. “It’s going to be one of the first shows since that horrible night with the bombings so it means an awful lot to go back. A lot of people have been asking me to come back to the Arena for my next fight. But if there’s a rematch, I’ll happily go to Glasgow.

“The 24 rounds with Linares puts me in good stead. They weren’t fights where I took a serious beating with huge shots bouncing my head back. Other than the knockdown, I wasn’t on wobbly legs. I enjoyed the experience. I made improvements in the build-up which I didn’t get to show on the night which is a credit to Jorge.

I’ve got nothing against Ricky, he’s a good guy. But once that bell goes we’ll both be willing to dig deep. I’ve wanted this for a long time, I can’t wait.
Burns Quotes

“Tai bus puiki kova,” sakė Burns. “There was a lot of talk in recent weeks, the response we got was unbelievable. People want to see it and now the deal is done I’m looking forward to it.

It doesn’t bother me where I fight, there will be a good crowd coming down from Scotland. It’s a fight the fans have been getting up for and I’m sure they will turn up in their numbers.

When I held World titles at Super-Featherweight and Lightweight, Crolla’s name was always mentioned but it never happened. He’s a great guy and a great fighter, I don’t think you’ll get much trash talk in the build-up. The best man will win on the night.

I moved up to Super-Lightweight because the World title came up and the chance to make history was there. I’ve been making 140lbs too easily and I’ve had enough notice for this fight and although those last pounds will always be tricky I’m happy to be back down at 135lbs.

I’m always saying to Tony I think I’ve got two or three more years left. At this stage of my career I don’t see the point in getting an easy win. I’d rather go in with a big name. Jei laimėsiu, I’m going to progress and hopefully get another title shot. That’s the way I’m looking at it.

Everyone keeps asking me how long I have left. The first time I take too many punches or turn up to training and don’t enjoy it – Viskas. I won’t put myself through it. Especially with training down in Essex for 12 savaičių, but at the minute I’m really looking forward to it.

I said to Eddie Hearn that I was 100 per cent up for it, but we’ve been waiting for a couple of weeks from their side so I don’t know what’s been going on.

Crolla just fell short with Linares, although he lost twice he didn’t take a beating. You’ve got to hold your hands upLinares is very good.

It’s a make or break fight for the both of us. Even before I fought Di Rocco I always said I just want to take it one fight at a time. I’ve been the same the whole way through my career but fingers crossed a win here can lead to bigger things.

It’s going to be hard, kieta kova. The two of us will come out and go for itthe fans are the real winners.

What a fight between two great warriors'said promoter Eddie Hearn. “Both Anthony and Ricky are in similar places in the careers and they know that this absolute must win. Knowing these two like I do this is going to be a fight until the finishing bell with neither taking a backward step. It’s an all-British super fight between two great World champions and fans in the Manchester Arena and watching on Sky Sports can expect a wonderful event.

Apie AWE LIVE Boksas

AWE LIVE Boksas funkcijos Live pasaulio čempionų titulą čempionatas ir eliminacija seansų pademonstruotų šiandien labiausiai jaudinančių kovotojai. Nuo baimės Live bokso įvykių pradžios 2011, AWE pasiūlė daugiau 50 pasaulio čempionų titulą kovoja.

AWE atvedė bokso gerbėjus į pačius įdomiausius ir prieštaringiausius mačus, įskaitant Ricky Burnso mačą su Ray Beltran dėl pasaulio čempionų titulo. AWE tiesiogiai ir išskirtinai vainikavo amerikietį Terence'ą Crawfordą per Ricky Burnsą. AWE gerbėjai patyrėme sprogmuo galia nenugalėtas sunkiasvoris Tyson Fury kelis kartus tinkle, įskaitant Fury pergalę prieš Kevin Johnson. Į 2017, „AWE“ buvo išskirtinė Jungtinių Valstijų televizijos tiekėja istoriniam mačui tarp legendinio britų sunkiasvorio Davido Haye ir Tony Bellewo..

Apie AWE – Pramogos turtas

Pramogos turtas (“AWE”) funkcijos platų gyvenimo būdo ir pramogų programavimas Nuo egzotinių kelionių ir piktinančius namuose gyventi Pasaulio čempionatas boksas. AWE yra prieinama daugiau nei šimte kabelių sistemų, įskaitant&T U Verse, CH 147 ir 1147 HD, "Verizon FiOS televizija, CH 169 ir 669 HD. ir „DirecTV“, CH 387.



L to R: Kalebas augalų, J'Leon Dienoraštis, Davidas Benavidez, Leonardas Ellerbe, Ronaldas Gavril, Abraomas Han, Andrew Hernandez


Live Showtime® į 10:05 p.m. IR/PT from The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Kazino


“This is the biggest fight of my life, and I have to take advantage.” – David Benavidez

“They say he’s a highlight reel, but he will be exposed penktadienį night.” – Ronald Gavril


Spauskite ČIA To Download Weigh-In Photos; Kredito Rosie stu / Showtime

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Idris Erba/Mayweather Promotions


LAS VEGAS (Septyni. 7, 2017) – All six super middleweight boxers made weight ketvirtadienį, one day before a stacked tripleheader rytoj/Penktadienis, Septyni. 8 apie Showtime Boksas: Special Edition gyventiShowtime® (10:05 p.m. IR/PT) from the Joint at Hard Rock Hotel & Kazino.



Davidas Benavidez: 167 ½ svarų

Ronaldas Gavril: 166 ¾ svaras

J'Leon Dienoraštis: 168 ¼ svaras

Abraomas Han: 167 ½ svarų

Kalebas augalų: 167 ¼ svaras

Andrew Hernandez: 166 ¼ svaras



DAVID Benavidez:

“I’m a little surprised the title shot came this early. My dad told me to be ready and if the opportunity came, I need be ready to show up.


"[Gavril] thinks I’m a kid, As zinau tai. Aš 20 metai, but I’m going to let him make the mistakes and let him come forward, then I’m going to take over.


“He’s never faced someone like me. I’ll let him think what he wants to think. I know what I can do. This is the biggest fight of my life and I have to take advantage.


“Leaving Phoenix was probably one of the best things I’ve ever done, especially for my boxing career.


“I can’t keep my mind away from boxing and I have to stay sharp because the fights are getting harder and harder.


“The last few fights have been tough and I can’t go in there just thinking about the knockout. I have to take them apart piece by piece. My approach has changed. I’m not going in there just wailing away like Mike Tyson. I’m going to dissect them.


“I see that he’s a pressure fighter and has good body work. He only has one speed and doesn’t have any other gears. I’ve watched a lot of film on him and feel like he has some weaknesses that I can expose. I’m going to end this in a knockout! Aš pasiruošęs eiti 12 raundai, bet aš ruošiuosi trankyti jį.


“I’ve dedicated myself the most I ever have for any fight this time. I had sparring partners exactly like Gavril.


“I feel comfortable at this weight, but I can see myself going up to 175 at some point, maybe three or four years from now.


“I know if I win I’m going to be the youngest super middleweight world champion ever. That’s just frosting on the cake.”


Ronaldas Gavril:

“Our camp was extended by two weeks because we were supposed to fight on Aug. 26. But the world title fight came up so we had to go for it.


“I’m going to make him fight. I’m a more experienced fighter and have a higher boxing IQ than my opponent.


“I’m not overlooking Benavidez. He’s a tough fighter and we know it. Mano treneris, [Eddie Mustafa Muhammad] has been working with me on a game plan. I’m going to be ready for whatever he has to bring.


“It was a great camp and we had the best sparring partners, including Badou [Domkratas] and Jose Uzcategui.


“I’ve watched video of Benavidez. He throws lots of combinations and quick hands. They say he’s a highlight reel, but he will be exposed penktadienį naktis."



“I know I’ve had a year-long layoff, but I’ve always been in the gym just working on my mistakes and polishing my game. I’m past the prospect stage and now I’m a contender.


“He’s not as smart as me. I’m coming to make a statement. He’s going to try and bring the fight to me, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve had some bigger guys in sparring, šviesos sunkiasvoriai.


“It’s easy to be comfortable, but I’ve learned from my mistakes. I’m blessed to have Floyd [Mayweather] in my life, but he won’t always be there. I have to be able to do some things for myself. Everyone knows Floyd has it all, but he still busts his ass and works hard.


“Theo Chambers is back training me now and I had to go back to Kronk Gin Detroit to let the dog come out. I started with him when I was 14 metai.


“I want guys like James DeGale, and the winner of Benavidez and Gavril. Kodėl ne? I’m hungry for whatever. I’ll do whatever I have to do be world champion.


“Sometimes you need some time off and a layoff is good. I healed my mind and my body. We’ve worked on some things and now we are ready to put it on display. I’ve learned from my mistakes.


“Boxing just comes natural to me and I’m feeling really good about my chances Penktadienis naktis."



“I wasn’t always focused on my career, but I’ve gotten it back and my sister [current IBF women’s Featherweight World Champion] Jennifer is a big reason for that. I had to figure some things out. She beat my butt all the way through high school. Guys would see me with black eyes and know that she would beat the crap out of me. It was kind of embarrassing when you get beat up by your sister.


“This is a big opportunity for me. I lost two split decisions [to Sergio Mora and Fernando Guerrero] and both could have gone either way. I had the only knockdowns in both fights, but I was on the ‘B’ side so you know how it’s going to go.


“El Paso is trying to become a fight town and we have a lot of good trainers, but we still have a ways to go.


“I injured my shoulder a few years ago and couldn’t use my right shoulder so I started fighting more southpaw. I’ve done a lot of mixed martial arts growing up, and it hasn’t been hard switching from that to boxing.


“J’Leon Love has one of the best teams in boxing in Mayweather Promotions. I have to throw punches in bunches.”



“I’m just going to go in there calm and relaxed as I always do and make adjustments as I need to. I could tell you everything I plan to do, or what could happen, but this this is boxing and everyone knows how it works. It depends on what’s going on inside the ring, and I will make adjustments.


“My opponent does different things and is very durable and comes to fight. We know he moves well and can do different things and be the aggressor. He has different dimensions. We’re not overlooking him.


“This isn’t the first time it’s happened, ir ji bus ne paskutinis, having to face a different opponent than we trained for. At the end of the day it’s all about being able to make adjustments, in the ring and in life. I don’t expect anything less than an A-plus performance.


“I’m not taking this fight lightly. This is no joke. Boxing is life and death to me. It’s all I have and it’s been my whole entire life since I was nine years old. I don’t have anything else.”



“I’ve had about a week notice for this fight. Of course I’m going to say yes. I’m not going to run from any fighter or opportunity. Caleb is a tremendous prospect and they are talking about him fighting for a world title soon. So much opportunity can come from this.


"[Kalebas] doesn’t have many weaknesses. He has good hand speed and pretty good power and very good defense. He’s the total package and I have my work cut out for me. But I’m very confident in myself and I hope I can take him into deep waters.


“Hopefully I will fight the best fight I can and pull off the upset.”


“I’ve had some upsets during my career. I’ve been doing this long enough and hopefully someday maybe I’ll fight for a world title and get a nice payday before it’s all said and done. I’m very hungry.”


# # #


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