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Barrientes Twins From Pound-4-Pound Boxing Program Win Belts at 2017 USA Boxing Elite Youth National Championship

LAS VEGAS, NV (Gruodis 11, 2017)This past week, the Pound-4-Pound sporto salė, Las Vegasas’ # 1 amateur boxing program, sent eight members to the 2017 USA Boxing Elite Youth National Championships & Junior Open. The Barrientes twins, H.Chavezas ir Angel both qualified to represent Team USA in the Junior Division, by winning belts at the tournament. Angel Barrientes was voted most outstanding boxer of the tournament.
The five-day tournament, which took place in Salt Lake City, OUT, at the Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center, had the best amateur boxers fighting to see who would triumph and represent Team USA.
I’m very proud of our entire team who all fought hard and had tremendous success in this tournament,” said Pound-4-Pound head coach Richard Barrientes. “Although everyone didn’t come home with a belt, they all gave it their best, and gained a lot of experience. Angel and Chavez were outstanding, winning belts in their divisions. We competed against the best amateur boxers in the USA and held our own. Words can’t describe how happy I am with everyone’s performance.


Photo by Sugar Promotions (L-R) Damien Vazquez, Humberto Torres, Oskaras Vazquez, Cristina Mora
Aguascalientes, MX (Gruodis 11, 2017)Princas Ranch Boksas is happy to announce the signing of super-middleweight Humberto Torres (18-1-1, 12 Kos) and undefeated female bantamweight Cristina Mora (6-0-2, 4 Kos), who both hail from Aguascalientes, Meksika. The duo also signed promotional agreements with Damien Vazquez’ cukraus Akcijos.
We are pleased to add Torres and Mora to our outstanding roster,” sakė Greg Hannley, princo rančo bokso prezidentas. “As we establish our foundation in Aguascalientes, Meksika, it’s important that we sign the top talent from that region, and Torres and Mora fit that mold. Both are very popular fighters from the area and we know our shows will be sell outs, with exciting local talent performing. Sugar Promotions is the perfect fit for these two talented fighters.
Damien and I have done our homework and we know Torres and Mora are going to be a great addition to Sugar Promotions.Oskaras Vazquez, CEO of Sugar Promotions, pareiškė,. “We have big plans to promote a massive amount of shows in Aguascalientes and establish ourselves as the next great promotional company from Mexico.
Humberto Torres is an orthodox fighter who stands 6’1″, with power in both hands. He has a crowd-pleasing style and is happy to join forces with Prince Ranch Boxing and Sugar Promotions.
I’m looking forward to a great working relationship with Greg Hannley and Oscar Vazquez.Humberto Torres said. “It’s going to be an exciting next couple of years with all the fights coming to Aguascalientes, mano gimtasis miestas. I can’t wait to get in the ring and preform for my people.
Cristina Mora is a slick boxer with great movement who is thrilled to be under the guidance of Greg Hannely, in addition to being promoted by Oscar Vazquez and Sugar Promotions.
It’s a dream come true to be signed to a promoter like Sugar Promotions, who will be promoting all their shows in Aguascalientes, where I was born and raisedsaid Cristina Mora. “Prince Ranch Boxing is an elite management company with the best fighters from Mexico. Dabar, I’m happy to be associated with a great group of people. As soon as they let me know when I’ll be fighting, I’ll be ready to go.
# # #

2017 National Golden Gloves champion Poindexter Knight, Jaunesnysis. wins his Pro debut

Niujorkas (Gruodis, 11, 2017)–On December 1st, welterweight prospect Poindexter Knight, Jaunesnysis. won his anticipated professional debut when he stopped Samuel Forjoe in the first round of their scheduled four-round bout at The Strand Ballroom and Theater in Providence, Rod Ailandas.
The 2017 National Golden Gloves champion out of Philadelphia landed a hard combination the corner that had Forjoe bending over, and the bout was stopped in just 63 sekundžių.
Knight is the latest top-prospect to debut for Split-T Management, and he is promoted by Evander Holyfield’s Sports and Entertainment.
Everything went well, I was excited and nervous, but I got through it,”said Knight.
I thought my opponent would have a little more for me, but I did what I had to do in there and I got him out of there. It was great to get the knockout in my pro debut,” continued Knight.
Knight is eager to get his next victory, and he is looking to do in front of his hometown fans.
I am hoping to fight in front of my hometown fans in 2018. That would be a goal for the upcoming year. I can’t wait as I am coming strong in 2018.
Knight is trained by his father Poindexter Knight, Sr, and the elder Knight was happy with his son’s performance.
Poindexter looked relaxed, and it looked like it was his 10th fight. I am happy to be with Split-T Management. They gave us a chance when no one else did. We wanted to turn pro for a while and a lot of managers made a lot of broken promises. I put Poindexter back in the Golden Gloves, and he won, which opened a lot of doors,” Said Poindexter Knight, Sr.
Like my son said, I would like to see him get at least five fights for 2018. That will keep him sharp, and he will continue to learn. We had a great 1st fight, and we will continue to work hard and get better with each fight.
Said David McWater, CEO of Split-T management, “I’m truly excited about Poindexter Knight’s futurehe has the skill and more importantly the drive to be one of the very best.

Knight vs Forjoe
Knight vs Forjoe

31stanualinis žiedas 8 Atostogų Renginių & Apdovanojimų ceremonijos APŽVALGA & NUOTRAUKOS

(L-R) — „Ring 8“ Muhammado Ali tarptautinis metų kovotojas Vasyl Lomanchenko & Žiedas 8 prezidentas Jackas Hirschas. (Visi Peter Frutkoff nuotraukos)
NEW YORK (Gruodis 11, 2017) – Mažiau nei 24 valandų po to, kai jis nugalėjo anksčiau nepralaimėjusį Guillermo Rigondeaux, WBO jaunių lengvo svorio pasaulio čempionas ir du kartus olimpinis aukso medalio laimėtojas Vasilijus “Labas Tech” Lomachenko dalyvavo vakar (Sekmadienis, Gruodis. 9) 31g metinė žiedas 8 Šventinis renginys ir apdovanojimų ceremonija žiedui priimti 8 2017 Muhammado Ali tarptautinio metų kovotojo apdovanojimas.
Iškilmingas renginys įvyko Russo „On The Bay“ Hovardo paplūdimyje, Niujorkas, ir Davidas Diamante vėl buvo renginio ceremonijų meistras.
Dalyvavo šeši pasaulio čempionai, įskaitant tris apdovanojimų nugalėtojus: Lomachenko), Tarptautinė šlovės muziejus Michaelas Spinks (Istorijos premija), ir penkiskart pasaulio čempionas Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano (Niujorko valstijos metų moterų kovotoja); Pasaulio čempionai Vito Antuofermo, Iranas Barkley ir Luis Collazo parodė savo paramą.
“Mūsų apdovanojimų banketas buvo vienas geriausių visų laikų,” Žiedas 8 prezidentas Džekas Hirsch sakė. “Džiaugiamės, kad Vasyl Lomachenko dalyvavo kitą dieną po didžiausios savo karjeros kovos. Jo buvimas sukūrė elektros atmosferą, tipas, kuris retai matomas. Kiti apdovanotieji, vadovauja Michaelas Spinksas, padarė popietę, kuri visada bus prisiminta.”
2017 ŽIEDAS 8 Nugalėtojai
Muhammado Ali tarptautinis metų kovotojas: Vasilijus Lomachenko
Istorijos premija: Michaelas Spinks
(su vedėju Jacku Hirschu)
Tarptautinė metų perspektyva: Michaelas Conlanas
NYS metų kovotojas: Marcus Brown
(su vedėju Teddy Atlasu)
NYS Metų kovotoja moteris: Amanda Serrano
„Sunnyside Gardens“ apdovanojimas:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
(Bobby Cassidy, Jaunesnysis. priimdamas savo tėvą su vedėju Henriu Hascupu)
NYS metų prospektas: Devaun Lee
(su vedėju Felipe Gomezu)
Samo Kellermano žiniasklaidos apdovanojimas: Mattas Christie
NYS metų treneris: Hektoras Roca
Ilgai & Nusipelnęs aptarnavimas: Edvinas Torresas
NYS Metų pareigūnas: Robertas Perezas
NYS metų rėmėjas: „Mercedes Vasquez Simmons“
(su vedėja Melvina Lathan)
Uncrowned čempionas: Richardas Kiley
(su vedėja Vinny Maddalone)
Metų gydytojas „Ringside“: Dr. Osricas Kingas
Gero vaikino apdovanojimas: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Žiedas 8 Metų narys: George'as Newmanas
(su vedėju Johnu Rohe)
Bendrijos tarnyba apdovanojimas: Mike Reno
(su vedėjais Bobu Duffy (L) ir Bobby McGuire'as)
Kylančio pretendento apdovanojimas: Skender & Anwar Halili


RIZIN kovos federacija
Pasaulio Grand Prix " 2017 veiksmas uždaryti 2017 MMA sezonas
Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovičius & Takanori “„Fireball“ vaikas” Gomi grįžta Naujųjų metų išvakarės
Gruodis. 29 & 31 LIVE per PPV iš Japonijos
New York City (Gruodis 11, 2017) —Tarptautiniai mišrių kovos menų ir kikbokso gerbėjai gali uždaryti 2017 sezonas didingu stiliumi, žiūrint dvigubą statinę „RIZIN Fighting Federation World Grand Prix“ veiksmą, išryškino sugrįžusi kovinio sporto superžvaigždė Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovičius,Gruodis 29 & 31, tiesiogiai transliuojamas mokant už peržiūrą iš Saitamos miesto, Japonija.
Gruodžio mėn. 29oji vyrų pusantro svorio ketvirtfinalio nugalėtojai pateks į gruodžio mėn. 31g moterų superatono ir kikbokso pusfinaliai, o vėliau - finalai (žr).
Specialus lankytinas objektas gruodžio mėn. 29ojikortelė yra lengvo svorio kategorijos rungtynės tarp Jiri “Denisas” Prochazka (19-3-0, 16 KO / TKO, 2 SUBRANGOVAMS), Čekija vs. Karlas Albrelktssonas(6-1-0, 2 KO / TKOs, 3 SUBRANGOVAMS), Švedija.
The Gruodis. 29 ir 31 (1 tarifu. /10 p.m. PT pradžia) bus tiesiogiai transliuojama visame pasaulyje (išskyrus Japoniją FITE.TV platformos $19.99 arba dviejų dienų specialus „RIZIN Pack“ pasiūlymas $29.99. Gerbėjai gali tiesiog atsisiųsti FITE programą – nemokamai atsisiųsti iš „iTunes“ ir „Google Play“ – ir tada perkelkite kovą į didįjį ekraną naudodamiesi tiesioginio srauto į TV funkcija. „FITE“ programa veikia su bet kuria „Wi-Fi“ prijungta televizija visame pasaulyje, „iOS“ ir „Android“ įrenginiai, taip pat srautinius įrenginius, tokius kaip „Roku“, „Chromecast“ ir dar daugiau. Gerbėjai taip pat gali tiesiogiai stebėti kovas FITE svetainėje adresu iš bet kurio kompiuterio.
Naujųjų metų išvakarėse integruota sporto žiniasklaida bus platinama per kabelinę ir palydovinę PPV (Gruodis. 315:00 tarifu. IR / 2:00 tarifu. PT pradžia) ekstravagancija gyvena Šiaurės Amerikoje per „iN Demand“, Gyvenamumas, ir patiekalas JAV, taip pat „SaskTel“ ir „Telus“ Kanadoje, už Siūloma mažmeninė kaina tik $19.95.
“Džiaugiamės galėdami metus užbaigti dviem linksmais renginiais, „RIZIN World Grand Prix“ 2017, plius grįžo tarptautinės MMA žvaigždės Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovičius ir Takanori “„Fireball“ vaikas” Gomi,” sakė „Flipps Media“ įkūrėjas ir generalinis direktorius, Kosta Jordanovas. “Šie renginiai padės mūsų labai sėkmingam kovinio sporto programavimui 2017 m.”
“Džiaugiamės parsivežę šį Naujųjų Metų išvakarių renginį iš Japonijos, su „Cro Cop’ ir „RIZIN World Grand Prix“ finalai Amerikos ir Kanados kovinio sporto gerbėjams,” Integruota Sportas žiniasklaidos prezidentas Dougas Jacobsas - pastebėjo. “Tai reta galimybė Šiaurės Amerikos MMA ir kikbokso gerbėjams stebėti geriausius tarptautinius kovotojus.”
„RIZIN World-Grand Prix“ kikbokso finalas, prieš moterų superatsvorio ir vyrų svorio kategorijos pirmenybes vyks trys linksmos rungtynės. Kroatijos sunkiasvoris “Cro Cop” Filipovičius (35-11-0, 27 KO / TKO, 5 SUBRANGOVAMS) įgauna japonų mėgstamąTsuyoshi Kosaka (27-19-2, 8 KO / TKO, 6 SUBRANGOVAMS) specialioje papildomoje lankytinoje vietoje Gruodis. 31gkorta. Taip pat, ilgai lauktas japonų lengvojo svorio sugrįžimas Takanori “„Fireball“ vaikas” Gomi(18-6-0, 13 KO / TKO, 6 SUBRANGOVAMS) bus pademonstruotas jo metime su tautiečiaisYusuke Yachi (18-6-0, 5 KO / TKO, 1 SUBRANGOVAMS). Moterų rungtynės tarp amerikiečių muselių Shinju “Juju” Aišku (1-0-0, 1 SUBRANGOVAMS) ir debiutuojančių „Chelsea LaGrasse“ taip pat yra čiaupo.
Specialus vienos dienos kikbokso turnyras vyks gruodžio mėn. 31g tarp Japonijos Kazuyuki Fujita ir Mitsuhisa Sunabe ir nenugalėtas nokautas menininkas (20-0, 16 Kos) „Tenshine Nasukawa“ vs. TBA su nugalėtojais kovosime čempionato etape kortų čempionato finale.
Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.
Vyrų „Bantamweights“
Ianas “Dėdė Creepy” McCall (13-5-0), JAV prieš. Manelis Kape (8-1-0), Angola
Kyoaji Horiiguchi (20-2-0), Japonija vs.. Gabrielius Oliveira (10-0-0), Brazilija
Takafumi Otsuka (23-13-0), Japonija vs.. Khalidas Tahna (11-0-0), Vokietija
Shintaro Ishiwatari (23-6-0), Japonija vs.. Kevinas “„Macine“ ginklas” Petshi (12-3-0), Prancūzija
Moterų „Super-Atomweights“
Rena Kubota (5-0-0), Japonija vs.. Irena “„La Nina“” Rivera (7-4-0), Ispanija
Kanna Asakura (9-2-0), Japonija vs.. Maria Oliveira (10-2-0), Brazilija
Yamato Fujita, Japonija vs.. Mitsushisa Sunabe, Japonija
Tenšinas Nasuikawa, Japonija vs.. TBA
"Twitter": @FiteTV, @IntegratedPPV

Attention USA Boxing Alumni

Attention USA Boxing Alumni:
Help support our boxers.

Lapkričio 1, 2017, USA Boxing launched the USA Boxing Alumni Association as a way of connecting former and current boxers, coaches and fans with the goal to raise money for current and future boxers.

As a local gym that is the home to many USA Boxing members we are requesting that if you are a USA Boxing Alumni, please join the Alumni Association for the annual donation of $40.00 to support the 31,924 boksininkai.

Not only will you support boxers from grassroots level to World Class competition, you will receive:

· Opportunities to attend national, regional and local events
· December 8: Inaugural Alumni Association Hall-of-Fame Reception in Salt Lake City, OUT
· USA Boxing Alumni Association T- Shirt, Key Chain and E-Wallet
· Subscription to USA Boxing Alumni Association quarterly newsletter
· Opportunity to sponsor a USA Boxing boxers
· Select discounts on USA Boxing merchandise

It takes less than three minutes and you can make a huge impact on the lives of our young boxers just click the link below:

JAV Boksas – Alumni Association

As a recently appointed member of the USA Boxing advisory board, this is a cause close to my heart and I hope you can help spread the word.


Joe Hand Jr.
Joe Hand Boxing Gym & Computer Lab

Vito MIELNICKI, Jr wins United States Junior National Championship in Salt Lake City, Utah

Nutley, NJ (Gruodis 11, 2017)–This past week in Salt Lake City, Utah, Vito MIELNICKI, Jaunesnysis. captured the United States Junior National championship in the 145-pound division.
Mielnicki of Roseland, New Jersey moved up an unprecedented 10 weight classes where he competed at 106-pounds at the 2017 turnyras, and defeated the number-two seed, Adam Calixto of Tampa, Florida in the semifinals. In the finals, Mielnicki defeated top seeded Obed Bartee-El of Huntsville, Alabama.
With the title, Mielnicki gained a spot in the 2018 United States Junior National Team, Where he will be heading to train with teammates on February 4th at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado to get ready for international competition.

Mielnicki is trained by Ahmad Elliot and Willie Moses, as well as strength and conditioning coach Fred Caruso.
Mielnicki is the son of the GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki.

Ar Saundersas gali užsitikrinti savo įspūdingiausią pergalę prieš Lemieux?

Billy Joe Saundersas į ringą žengs gruodžio mėnesį 16 Kanadoje kaip valdantis ir ginantis WBO vidutinio svorio čempionas, būdamas išdidus diržo, kurį laimėjo dar gruodį, savininkas 2015 kai nugalėjo bendrakeleivį Andy Lee.


Tačiau nuo to laiko, kai airis Lee sulaukė daugumos sprendimų tapti pasaulio čempionu Mančesterio arenoje, Saundersas tai gynė tik du kartus, vieningu sprendimu triumfuoja prieš Artūrą Akavovą ir Willie Monroe jaunesnįjį., visai neseniai.


Prieš žaidimą rusas Akavovas, nenugalėtas pasaulio čempiono titulo turėtojas toli gražu nebuvo įspūdingas ir galbūt net pasisekė, kad galų gale gavo tokį patogų sprendimą Škotijos dirvožemio lagūnos laisvalaikio centre. Pergalė prieš amerikiečių varžovą Monroe Jr buvo daug geresnė, tada ėmėsi Dominiko Ingle'o kaip savo naujausio trenerio.


Tačiau pastarasis mūšis vis dar buvo niūrus reikalas ir nieko nedarė, kad dar labiau sustiprintų Saundersą’ kreiptis į platesnę auditoriją, nes jis visai patogiai perdirbo Niujorke gimusią pietų leteną. Didžiąją titulo gynimo dalį, jis beveik nebuvo priverstas dirbti, Monroe atėjo su keistai neefektyviu žaidimo planu.


Tačiau, 28-erių kitas neabejotinai susidurs su savo sunkiausiu iki šiol karjeros išbandymu prieš buvusį 160 svarų čempioną Davidą Lemieux, kur kas rimtesnis iššūkis nei nepatyręs ir jaunatviškas Chrisas Eubankas jaunesnysis, abejingas Andy Lee ir toli gražu ne grasina Willy Monroe Juniorui.


Sunkiai smūgiuojantis kanadietis Lemieux pateks į žiedo lynus kaip paskutiniųjų bokso koeficientų tolygus pašalietis vyrauti namų teritorijoje, daug žadanti kaina kovotojui dėl stipraus pastarųjų pergalių antplūdžio. Kadangi spalio mėnesį buvo piktybiškai sustabdytas galantišku pasirodymu prieš divizijos karalių Genadijų Golovkiną 2015, 28-erių metų žaidėjas pelnė keturias pergales iš eilės, įskaitant du didelius Glen Tapia ir Curtis Stevens nokautus.

Iš visų priešininkų Saundersas iki šiol ėjo kojų kojų pirštų link, nė vienas neturėjo Lemieux smūgio galios, ir tai gali būti lemiamas veiksnys kovos naktį. Pastarąją namų viltį skatina Oskaro De La Hoya auksinis berniukas, kurie iš pažiūros nori prilyginti kanadietį pagrindinei grynųjų pinigų karvei Sauliui Canelo’ Alvarezas kitais metais, o ne mesti jį su „GGG“’ dar kartą labai lauktoje revanšinėje kovoje.


Nepaisant to, kad jis yra mėgstamiausias nugalėtojas ir išsaugo savo nepralenkiamą rekordą apie tai, kokia bus jo pirmoji profesinė karjera už JK ribų, atrodo, kad šiam naujausiam susitikimui šansai iš tikrųjų yra sukrauti prieš Saundersą.


Tai buvo akivaizdu, taip pat, kad Saundersas negali pasigirti didžiulėmis jėgomis, galinčiomis išlaikyti „Lemieux“ laivyno koją nuo pavojingų zonų per visas rungtynes. Knockout atlikėjas Lemieux kovą, kai žiauriai iškėlė Stevensą, sukūrė tai, kas galiausiai galėtų būti paskelbta metų sustabdymu’ šviesa užgesta Niujorke.


Ar dar viena žiauri sustabdymo sėkmė gali būti ant namų diržų? Saundersas ir Ingle turi puikiai įgyvendinti savo būsimą žaidimo planą, kad užtikrintų labai įspūdingą pergalę kelyje, but it looks likely of being a truly testing night in Quebec.

Granite Chin’sRumble at The RIM” OFICIALŪS REZULTATAI

Richardas “Popeye the Sailor Man” Rivera
Good to finish because he eats his spinach
Russell Kimber wins pro debut
HAMPTON, N.H. (Gruodis 9, 2017) — Colorful light heavyweight prospect Richardas “Popeye jūrininkas Vyras” Rivera liko nenugalėtas (5-0, 4 Kos), veteranas Roberto “Senasis” Valenzuela, last night (Pn) į “Rumble at The RIM” Pagrindinis įvykis, presented by Granite Chin Promotions, at The RIM Sports Complex in Hampton, Naujasis Hampšyras.
Rivera, fighting out of Hartford (KT), controlled the action from the opening bell against his battle-tested opponent from Mexico, who had a tremendous experience advantage in his 147oji pro fight, compared to Rivera’s fifth.
Valenzuela spent most of the time on the ropes, while Rivera teed-off on him, until a beautiful placed left hook by Rivera decked Valenzuela, who failed to get up until after referee Mike Ryan completed the 10-count.
A busload of Rivera’s fans drove five hours from Hartford through a snowstorm, arriving just before Rivera entered the ring. “That means a lot to me,” Rivera smiled as he spoke about his fans. “We’re more than a gym, mes šeima.
I was so used to an amateur style but now I’m a pro. I’m relaxing and picking my punches. Kitas, I want to win the New England title. It’s vacant and I want it!”
This was our first show in New Hampshire and I consider it a success,” co-promoter Chuck Shearnai sakė, “despite some things going against us like tonight’s weather. We’re grateful for the support we received from Hampton, Naujasis Hampšyras, the commission and local businesses. They worked with us and we can’t wait to return.
The son and nephew of multiple-time world kickboxing championsfather Tommy and uncleworked his cornerPeabody, MA Russell Kimber had a promising pro debut against tough Nathan Schulte in a match contested at a 185-pound catchweight. The 32-year-old Kimber, who was the crowd favorite having lived several years in New Hampshire, overcame the determined Schulte for a hard-fought victory by way of a four-round majority decision.
I was a little nervous with this being my first time in a pro ring,” Kimber admitted after his fight. “I hadn’t been in a ring for 1 ½ years and there was some ring rust. Dabar, I know what I need to good, and I’ll be a lot better next fight. This was my first camp and I’ve learned a lot. I’d like to stay busy, come back in late January, early February.
Undefeated Whitman, MA junior welterweight prospect Mikrofonas “Bad ManOhan, Jaunesnysis.charged across the ring, unloading a powerful right that immediately sent Bardraiel Smith to the canvas. Smith somehow got to his feet but Ohan quickly ended Smith’s night, only 30-second into round one, as referee Ryan waved off the action.
New England cruiserweight champion and the show’s co-promoter, Iraq War veteran Chris Traietti (25-5, 19 Kos) outclassed Fabian Valdez en route to a win by second-round knockout in a stay-busy fight to close out 2017. In a non-title fight contested at a 185-pounds catchweight, the Quincy, MA-based Traietti floored his game Mexican opponent with a straight right midway through the opening round, closing the show in the second round with a series of unanswered punches.
The only New Hampshire native on the card, Claremont junior middleweight Ricky Ford(1-1-1) won his first pro fight, taking a lop-sided, four-round unanimous decision over pro MMA fighter Andy Aiello, who made his pro boxing debut.
In another stay-busy fight, former world-rated Ryan “Lenkijos princas” Kielczweski(27-3, 9 Kos), fighting out of Quincy (MA), needed only 51-seconds to finish off Mexican lightweight Franciskas “El MonoMedal. Kielczweski hit Medal with a with a lethal left to the body, leaving Medal in obvious pain and unable to rise before the 10-count.
New Jersey middleweight Chrisas “Sandman” Tomas (7-0-1, 4 Kos) kept his unbeaten pro record intact with a second-round stoppage of Demetrius Thomas. Thomas used a rapid-fire combination to drop Thomas, who beat the count, but he was getting hammered when referee Ryan stopped the fight late in the second round.
Pilnas rezultatai žemiau:
Chris Traietti (25-4, 20 Kos), Quincy, MA
WKO2 (1:13)
Fabian Valdez (2-2, 1 KO), Cananea, Meksika
Russell Kimber (1-0, 0 Kos), Peabody, MA
WDEC4 (39-37, 38-37, 38-38)
Nathan Schulte (0-4), Woburn, MA
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvoriai
Richard Rivera (5-0, 4 Kos), Hartfordas, KT
WKO2 (1:48)
Roberto Valenzuela (69-76-2, 56 Kos), Aqua Prieta, Meksika
Chris Thomas (7-0-1, 4 Kos), Beachwood, NJ
WTKO2 (2:55)
Demetrius Thomas (0-7), Filadelfija, PA
Ricky Ford (1-1-1), Claremont, NH
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
Andy Aiello (0-1), Bridgewater, MA
JUNIOR pusvidutinio svorio kategorijų kovotojams
Mike Ohan, Jaunesnysis. (4-0, 2 Kos), Whitman, MA
WTKO1 (0:30)
Bardraiel Smith (0-3), Filadelfija, PA
Ryanas Kielczweski (27-3, 9 Kos), Quincy, MA
WKO1 (0:51)
Franciskas, Medel (11-11, 7 Kos), Uruapan, Meksika
Event sponsors included Seabrook Inn, Tobin Scientific, Jeremy’s Pizzeria and Sports Bar, and Matrix Aerospace.


MPŪV 30 Main Event:
Penktadienis, JANUARY 12th LIVE ant AXS TV
MPŪV 31 Main Event:
Penktadienis, JANUARY 19th LIVE ant AXS TV
Vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempiono titulą
Penktadienis, JANUARY 26th LIVE ant AXS TV


LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Palikimas Kova aljansą (MPŪV) CEO Ed Soares announced the promotion will kick off 2018 su 1-2-3 punch in January with a trio of star-studded shows in California, Arizona, and Louisiana.

Pagrindinis renginys MPŪV 30 will feature the long-awaited clash between southern California kingpins and top LFA welterweights “Curtious” Curtis Millender and NickThe Phoenix” Barnes. MPŪV 30 – Millender vs. Barnes takes place Penktadienis, January 12th at Costa Mesa Hall at OC Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa, Kalifornija.
The following week, LFA heads to Arizona with a fierce interim featherweight title fight in the Valley of the Sun. Į pagrindinį renginį, former RFA title challenger and BJJ black belt Bobby “Wolfman” Moffett battles knockout sensation Thanh Le for the LFA interim featherweight title. MPŪV 31 – Moffett vs. Le takes place Penktadienis, January 19th at the Comerica Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona.
LFA caps the month of January with a pair of title fights in southern Louisiana. Į pagrindinį renginį, former LFA title challenger BrendanAll InAllen faces top undefeated prospect AnthonyFluffyHernandez for the vacant LFA middleweight title. Be bendro Headliner, red-hot Ryan “Supermenas” Spann will lock horns with UFC vet AlexThe SpartanNicholson for the inaugural LFA light-heavyweight title. MPŪV 32 – Allen vs. Hernandez takes place Penktadienis, sausio 26th at the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino in Lake Charles, Luizianos.
The entire main card of all three of these events will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT.
I’m excited to kick off 2018 with three straight weeks of LFA action across the country”, Užfiksuota Soares. “Curtis Millender and Nick Barnes are coming off big wins in LFA headliners and will meet in the main event of LFA 30 in southern California on January 12th. The following week, we head to Arizona with top contenders Bobby Moffett and Thanh Le meeting for the interim featherweight title in the main event LFA 31. We finish the month with two title fights at LFA 32 in southern Louisiana. Brendan Allen faces Anthony Hernandez for the vacant middleweight title in the main event and Ryan Spann will take on Alex Nicholson for the inaugural light-heavyweight title in the co-headliner.
Mill Baigiasi (13-3) returns home to the building where he fought and won his first seven fights. The Orange County juggernaut is looking to build off a perfect 2017 where he won three fights, including back-to-back LFA headliners. His most recent win came via highlight reel Head Kick KO in the main event of LFA 24. Millender will meet Barnes (12-2) in a long-awaited showdown between two of southern California’s finest. The welterweight stars started their careers in the southern California regional circuit, moved on to Bellator, and will finally meet in the main event of LFA 30. Barnes, like Millender, is coming off an impressive win in an LFA headliner.
Pagrindinis renginys MPŪV 31 is a fight that casual fans and MMA purists alike are salivating over. It pits a rugged and accomplished BJJ black belt in Moffett (10-2) against one of the most dynamic strikers in all of MMA in Le (7-1) with the LFA interim featherweight title on the line. Ant popieriaus, this is a textbook grappler vs. striker bout at its highest form. Tačiau, both men bring so much more to the table than what their respective martial arts backgrounds represent. Moffett, who trains out of The MMA Lab, has shown a willingness to throw down with anyone, while Le trains with BJJ wunderkind and UFC star Ryan Hall in northern Virginia.
LFA will conclude its busy month of January with a pair of title tilts in southern Louisiana. LFA standout and Louisiana native Allen (8-2) will get a second shot at LFA gold after going five rounds with current UFC star Eryk Anders for the inaugural LFA middleweight title in June. Allen quickly rebounded six weeks later with a submission win in the co-main event of LFA 18. He will face another highly-touted undefeated prospect for the title. This time it comes in the form of the northern California destroyer Hernandez (5-0). Žmogus žinomas kaip “Fluffyhas finished everyone he has faced inside the first round.
Bendro pagrindinis renginys MPŪV 32 will crown the inaugural LFA light-heavyweight champion. Spann (12-5) is a former Legacy FC title challenger that will look to capture LFA gold in front of his home crowd. “Supermenas” is riding considerable momentum heading into this fight after dispatching a pair of top contenders in the first round of his last two bouts at LFA 23 and LFA 27. He will face Nicholson (10-4) who has been a man on fire since his four-fight run with the UFC ended in May. The Florida native has been a tour de force since then as he looks to make his way back. In the past two months, “The Spartanhas knocked out three quality opponents in grand total of 3 minučių ir 28 sekundžių.
Rugsėjį 2016, Legacy FC and RFA officials announced that they would be merging to form the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) pradedant sausio 2017. Legacy FC and RFA have launched the careers of over 150 sportininkai, kurie pasiekė MMA viršūnę konkuruojančių UFC.
Prašome apsilankyti už šoninių atnaujinimus ir informaciją. LFA is on Facebook at Palikimas Kova aljansą. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting ir "Twitter" ne @LFAfighting.