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Is USA Boxing Nationals Champion Jared Anderson America’s next great heavyweight?

COLORADO SPRINGS, Колорадо (Декември 21, 2017) – Christmas came early for Jared Anderson, who not only won the heavyweight title at the recent USA Boxing National Championships, the 18-year-old also captured the Most Outstanding Boxer Award in the Elite Division.
Seeded No. 7 in an eight-boxer field at The Nationals, Anderson, in order, defeated No. 2 Jesus Flores во колото за отворање, 5-0, edged No. 3 Adrian Tillman во полуфиналето, 3-2, and upset five-time national champion Cam F. Awesome, 5-0, во шампионатот финалето.
In USA Boxing’s most recently listed heavyweight ratings (Ноември. 17, 2017), Tillman and Awesome are ranked No. 1 и 2, соодветно, Flores is No. 5, and Anderson is unranked.
I think that’s going to change,” Anderson noted. “Winning the heavyweight title and Most Outstanding Boxing Award meant the world to me. Maybe some people had never heard of me, but I’ve been boxing since I was eight, and I’ve faced a lot of different styles.
I had a vendetta going with Tillman and, instead of boxing, I tried to take his head off. Simple work allowed me to beat Awesome. He is a good fighter. Cam does what he wants in the ringthrows jabs, sits there and builds up pointsand intimidates some opponents. I took the fight to him. Not wild, иако, because he’d have been there in the ring, calm and smiling, and I would have lost. I used my jab more than anything against him.
One of 11 siblings in two households, Anderson is another USA Boxing success story. Growing up in Toledo, Охајо, Anderson was constantly getting into trouble in school and boxing eventually saved him. His mother convinced her son to meet a local boxing coach, who introduced Jared to boxing, drilling discipline into him, something Jared desperately needed at that point in his young life.
Boxing in Toledo has also aided his overall development in boxing. “We push each other,” Anderson explained. “We support each other and perfect our crafts. There’s a lot of support here at all the gyms in Toledo.
Anderson represented Team USA at this past August’s 2017 Bradenburg Cup in Frankfurt, Германија, at which Anderson won the heavyweight title, as well as the Most Outstanding Boxer Award, which should have been a warning for other leading U.S. велесили.
As a young boxer, Anderson admired three legends who were all products of USA Boxing, U.S. Olympians and Olympic medal winners: 1. Шугар Реј Леонард – “Брзо раце, брзина, a phenomenal boxer.” 2. Evander Холифилд – “A warrior who could bang or box. Moved up successfully from cruiserweight to heavyweight.” 3.Мухамед Али — “Not just because he was a great boxer, but more so because of his life.
Во моментов, Anderson stand 6′ 2 and weighs 200 lbs., but he’s only 18 and should continue growing even larger. На крајот на краиштата, he wants to be heavyweight champion of the world, but Jared does have a plan.
I want to stay as active as possible next year, competing in tournaments, and turn pro but not until after the (2020) Олимписки игри,” Anderson concluded. “I’m not turning pro until after the (2020) Олимписки игри. I want to win a gold medal, turn pro and win the world heavyweight title, so I can move my mother out of the ‘hood.
Remember the name, boxing fans, Jared Anderson has the potential to be America’s next great heavyweight.
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ЗА САД боксер: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, развиваат карактер, поддршка на спортот на боксот, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Mikey Гарсија наспроти. Сергеј Lipinets Сан Антонио Прес конференција Цитати & Фото-Галерија

(Фото кредит: Естер Лин / Showtime)
Three-Division World Champion Garcia Faces 140-Pound World Champion Lipinets Сабота, Февруари. 10 во живо на Showtime® Од Alamodome во Сан Антонио, Тексас &
Овозможено од Премиер бокс шампионите
Кликнете ТУКА за Слики од Естер Лин / Showtime
SAN ANTONIO (Декември 19, 2017) – Непоразен три поделба светски шампионMikey Гарсија и пораз ИБФ Помлад Светски шампион боксер од полусредна категорија Сергеј Lipinets се лице во лице за втор ден денеска на прес-конференција во Сан Антонио да разговараат за нивните главниот настан пресметка се одвива Сабота, Февруари. 10во живо на Showtime (10:15 вечер. И/Португалија). На кандидатот на топ-5 рангирана помлади welterweights се презентирани од страна на Премиер бокс шампионите на Alamodome во Сан Антонио, Тексас.
Showtime ПРВЕНСТВО бокс покриеност, исто така, ќе има две поделба светски шампион Rances Бартелеми во реванш против Kiryl Relikh за слободни ВБА 140 фунти светската титула.
Билети за настан, кој е промовиран од страна Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, се по цена од $250, $150, $75, $50 и $20. Билетите се во продажба сега и на располагање во Ticketmaster.com.
Овде е она што на учесниците на денешната прес-конференција имаше да каже во вторникот од Крис Бифтек куќа Гранд Хајат Рут во Сан Антонио:
“Ние очекуваме тешка конкурентна борба. Lipinets е борец, кој е секогаш опасен. Тој има моќ во двете раце, и тој не се плаши да ги споделите со своите раце одат. Тој е исто така, сакаат да се погодени, така што тој може да ви го возврати ударот. Тоа е она што го прави опасен.
“Оваа можност да освои титула во четврта дивизија беше премногу голем за да го поминат на. Тоа е тешко да се обезбеди борби вака. Јас сум среќен што дојдоа заедно, така што можеме да им даде на навивачите одлично шоу.
“Минатата година беше одлична година за моето враќање. Се започна со победа на светската титула за трета титула поделба и тогаш имав голема победа над Адриан Broner во текот на летото. Јас сум во потрага за уште поголем работи во 2018 и тоа минатата година навистина го отвори патот за тоа.
“Освојување на четвртата титула беше голем магнет за мене во донесувањето на оваа борба да се случи. Да се ​​направи историја како што е нешто што навистина ме мотивира. Знам дека има многу повеќе да се постигне во спортот, Но, ова е одличен почеток. Ова е во насока сакам да одам во.
“Има многу талент и историја во бокс во Сан Антонио. Брат ми има теретана тука, а ние имаме многу борци ние воз со од областа. Иако никогаш не сум се борел тука, Сум добил голема поддршка од заедницата. Кога бевме во потрага на места за борба, Ова беше нешто што беше возбуден да се направи.
“Јас се бореле во различни региони на Тексас и секогаш доби многу љубов, но јас никогаш не биле во можност да се бори во Сан Антонио. Решивме да се донесе на борбата тука за да се даде нешто назад кон државата Тексас. Нема градот е подобро да се биде домаќин од Сан Антонио.”
“Навивачите во Сан Антонио може да се очекува драма. Тоа се случува да биде знак. Тоа се случува да имаат големи удари, knockdowns и се што би сакале да го видите во тепачка.
“Ова е најголемиот предизвик што сум ги имал во мојата кариера. Mikey е голема ѕвезда, но јас сум многу конкурентни и сакам да му покажеме на светот она што можам да направам.
“Мојот дух нема да може да се одговори со било борец, но јас, исто така, имаат брзина и сила да се победи. Јас ќе се покаже мојот катастрофални моќ на Февруари 10.
“Mikey е многу добар шахист. Луѓето се потцени неговата способност да размислуваат во рингот. Па јас не може само да оди таму со стил што некој друг го користи против него. Ние ќе работиме напорно на најдобрите игра план за она што може да се направи.
“Ова се случува да биде тешка борба. Јас сум со цел да се добие победа на било кој начин што можам. Не можам да кажам што тоа се случува да се погледне како, но ќе биде подготвен за ништо во рингот.
“Доаѓам да победи. Сакам да бидам во позиција која Mikey достигна во овој спорт. Сум работел напорно за да се дојде до овој момент и јас одам да го дадам на сите да ги искористат предностите.
“Ако јас не мислам дека е подготвен за оваа борба, тогаш јас не би го земе. Имаме план и ние ќе ги искористи сите искуството што го стекна од мојата кариера да ја изврши.”
RICHARD SCHAEFER, Претседател & Извршен директор на Ringstar Спорт
“Boxing се случува во 2018 со голем интензитет и почнувате со големи настани како овој. Имате две непоразен шампион добива во рингот да се борат едни со други. These kind of fights are going to continue to elevate the sport to great heights.
“Ова беше лесна борбата да се направи затоа што имаат два борци кои сакаат да се измери против најдобрите. Ова е борба што влегов направи брзо. Ниту борец мораше да бидат убедени. Двете момчиња се чувствуваат тие може да победи и ќе се обидеме во борбата со став на непоразен борец.
“Ниту еден од овие момци имаат каква било помисла дека тие може да ја изгуби. Тие се 100 проценти убедени дека тие се случува да излезе од таму со крена својата рака. Тоа е она што се случува да се направи овој голем кандидатот.”
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ЛОС АНЏЕЛЕС – The Bellator bantamweight championship will be up for grabs Петок, Март 2 кога Darrion Колдвел (11-1) makes his first title defense against Leandro Higo (18-3) на Bellator 195 inside WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, Okla., the same venue where “The Wolf” captured the belt earlier this year.


“Darrion Caldwell is an exciting young fighter that has worked his way to the top of a very competitive bantamweight division to become a world champion,” Bellator President Scott Coker said. “I’m excited to see what he can do in his first title defense against Leandro Higo, who is an incredibly tough competitor with the ability to submit his opponent at any time. The fans are in for a great matchup between these two grapplers.”


The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network at 9 вечер. И/8 вечер. КТ, додека прелиминарните активности ќе започнат Bellator.com and globally on the Bellator Mobile App. Билети за Bellator 195: Калдвел vs.. Смоква оди на продажба овој Петок, Декември. 22 на 10 изутрина. КТ and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino and Resort box office, as well as through Ticketmaster and Bellator.com. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


Caldwell has been on a steady ascension to championship status since signing with Bellator in 2014. Ahead of his championship victory over Eduardo Dantas на Bellator 184, which brought his Bellator record to 8-1, the 30-year-old collected five wins by way of first-round knockout or submission. The run was highlighted by a remarkable stoppage of former multi-division champion Џо Ворен. Hailing from Rahway, N.J. and training alongside Bellator standouts Фил Дејвис и Џастин Лоренс at Alliance MMA in San Diego, Калифорнија., “The Wolf” also serves as one of the main sparring partners of former UFC bantamweight champ Dominick Cruz.


Higo signed with Bellator in February riding an eight-fight win-streak and earned the Legacy Fighting Alliance 135-pound crown in the process. Fresh off animpressive win против Joe Taimanglo, the 28-year-old Pitbull Brothers product also competed on The Ultimate борец: Бразил 4 во 2015. A proud carrier of the Olympic torch ahead of the 2016 Summer Games in Brazil, “Pitbull” will now set his sights on carrying the torch in Bellator’s bantamweight division.


Ажурирано Bellator 195: Калдвел vs.. Смоква Карта за борба:

Bantamweight World Title Main Event: Darrion Колдвел (11-1) наспроти. Leandro Higo (18-3)



Две дивизија светски шампион Badou Џек со нетрпение очекува да Монументал 2018 Во внатрешноста & Outside of the Ring Following Impressive 2017 кампања


(Фото кредит: Естер Лин / Showtime)
LAS VEGAS (Декември 19, 2017) – По решителна деби во светлина тешка категорија поделба, Две поделба светски шампион Badou Џек се бара да се користат 2018 да докаже дека тој е на врвот на 175-pound борец во светот и еден од најдобрите борци фунта-за-фунта во спортот.
“Јас сум 100 проценти сигурни во мојата способност да го преземе и да се победи секој во поделбата,” рече Џек. “Јас сум дојденец на светлината во тешка категорија, но јас веќе се докажа Јас припаѓам. Јас сум ставање сета светлина гиганти на известување.”
светлина тешка категорија деби Џек го виде предизвик ВБА шампионот Натан Умно во ко-главен настан на Mayweather наспроти. Мекгрегор блокбастер пресметка во август пред милиони. Џек доминираше на акција од самиот почеток и престана шампион во петтиот круг да стане носител на титулата во втора класа по тежина.
“По мојата победа против Умно, Јас сум подготвен да се цел на најголемите борби таму,” рече Џек. “Знам дека ако јас се изврши до моите способности, Одам да се постави на патот кон обединување на титулите. Јас само треба да го земе една борба во исто време.”
Џек почна 2017 со ставање на сензационални резултати во борбата на кандидатот година против тогаш ИБФ Супер средна светски шампион Џејмс DeGale. The unification showdown on Јануари 14 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn ended in a controversial draw, и покрај рингот повеќето набљудувачи постигнувајќи борбата во полза на Џек.
“Поставување себеси за успех за следната година нема да биде можно без да се има голема 2017 година,” продолжи Џек. “На почетокот од годината со борбата за обединување против Џејмс DeGale е најдобар начин да се започне, и иако јас се ограбени, тоа беше голем ден за мене и мојот тим. Научив многу и дефинитивно доби нови фанови тука и во странство.”
Роден е во Шведска и се борат надвор од Лас Вегас, на 2008 Олимпиец за мајчин Гамбија неговиот татко е светски шампион во вистинската смисла на зборот. Џек е номиниран оваа година по втор пат во неговата родна Шведска за машки спортист на годината на престижниот Македонски idrottsgalla. Но, без разлика што се случува во рингот, Најголемата победа на Џек ќе биде претстојните раѓањето на своето второ дете во март.
“Јас бев во можност да се трошат многу време со моето семејство 2017 и јас секогаш се сеќаваме дека,” рече Џек. “Баланс е клуч во овој спорт и во животот. Со друго дете доаѓа, Јас сум со нетрпение очекувам да продолжат да ги следат моите соништа како татко, маж и светски шампион.”
Со големи борби и нова Покрај семејството на патот, Џек знае дека ова е година за да профитираат на неговиот статус како меѓународна светски шампион да го донесе до нови височини, вклучувајќи бизнис и добротворни напори кои ќе бидат објавени во 2018.
“Имам силни корени и го носат мојот наследство со мене секој пат кога ќе влезат во рингот,” рече Џек. “Имам одговорност да биде смирен и да биде шампион на луѓето. Јас го посетив многу нови места во 2017 и тоа навистина се прошири мојот поглед на светот. Јас сум подготвен да ги преземе за наредната година и да се направи мојот тим, роднините и фановите горд секој пат кога ќе добие шанса.”

Salita Promotions Signs Women’s Superstar Christina Hammer to Multi-Fight Promotional Contract

Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces the signing of undefeated women’s unified world middleweight champion Christina Hammer to a multi-fight promotional contract.
Already a superstar in Europe, “Лејди Перфоратори” (22-0, 10 КО), from Dortmund, Германија, (via Novodolinka, Казахстан) is the current WBC and WBO Middleweight Champion. She has also previously held the WBF Middleweight, as well as WBO and WBF Super Middleweight Championships.
Under Salita’s promotional direction, Hammer will make her United States boxing debut on Петок, Јануари 12, на Осврнувајќи Стоун одморалиште казино во Верона, Њујорк, on the non-televised undercard of a ShoBox: Новата генерација предавам на телевизија (10 вечер. И/Португалија), featuring unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa ShieldsWBC and IBF title defense against mandatory challenger Tori Nelson. Hammer is scheduled for a 10-round fight, highlights of which will be shown on SHOWTIME.
I never had any doubt that my manager Harald Pia and I would reach an agreement,” said a happy Hammer of the signing. “I love the U.S.,” таа продолжи. “If you are successful here, you will be successful everywhere. Since the beginning of my boxing career it has been a dream of mine to fight in the U.S.. Не можам да дочекам за Јануари 12.”
Hammer joins the Salita Promotions roster that also includes women’s superstar, unified super middleweight champion and two-time gold medalist Claressa Shields, as well as world, Европската (2X) и руски (6X) amateur champion and 2012 Олимпиец, Elena Savelyeva.
Christina has all the tools to become a star in the U.S.,said Dmitriy Salita. “Her skills, personality and appeal outside the ring make Christina a unique and special fighter in the talent-filled middleweight division. Верувам 2018 is going to be a historic year for women’s boxing all over the world.
Hammer is a technically outstanding boxer, but her outstanding physical strength is what separates her from the rest of the world’s 160-pound fighters. She was voted WBF Female Fighter of the Year in 2011 и 2013; the WBO Female Fighter of the Year in 2013; the BDB Female Boxer of the Year in 2016; the HERQUL Female Boxer of the Year in 2017 and is the only woman in Europe to earn the Diamond Ring of the WBO.
It is always a pleasure to work with highly professional partners,” said manager Pia of the deal. “I’m confident we have a contract that is good for all parties. Christina is very happy to be fighting in the U.S. It is a dream of hers to be successful over here and she can’t wait to show the U.S. public who Christina Hammer is!”
Билети за настан, кој е промовиран од страна Salita Промоции, се во моментов на продажба за $75 за првите два реда на рингот, $65 за останатите рингот седишта и сите други цени на $49 и $37, плус било какви такси се применуваат,. Билетите може да се купат во лице или со повик на Осврнувајќи Стоун одморалиште на Box Office 800.771.7711 или на интернет во Ticketmaster.
In the telecast opener Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 КО) ќе се соочи со колеги непоразен и топ-10 рангирани Сони Фредриксон (18-0, 12 КО) Толедо, Охајо. Во ко-функција, Џеси Хернандез (10-1, 7 КО) ќе ги преземе за Ернесто Garza (9-2, 5 КО; 1-3 WSB) во 10-круг супер bantamweight рунда.

2016 Olympic Silver Medalist SHAKHRAM GIYASOV Arrives in U.S.A. to Start Pro Career

LAS VEGAS, Н.В. (Декември 18, 2017)Uzbekistani superstar and 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist, Shakhram Giyasov, has landed in the United States, and will settle in Las Vegas, Н.В., to start his pro career. Како професионален, Giyasov will campaign in the welterweight division, where he was a sensational amateur standout.
At age 24, Giyasov who stands at 5’9″, is one of the most talented boxers to enter the professional ranks in the last decade. This past summer in Hamburg, Германија, the right handed Giyasov captured Gold (Боксер од полусредна категорија) на 2017 Меѓународната боксерска асоцијација (AIBA) World Championships. Giyasov’s victory in the finals against Cuba’s Roniel Iglesias, на 2012 Олимписки шампион, came to no one’s surprise, as the Uzbekistan was the #1 seed entering the tournament. Shakhram was voted best boxer of the tournament by his peers, победа 56% of the AIBA online poll.
I have arrived in the United States of America and plan to establish myself as the next great champion from Uzbekistan,” said Shakhram Giyasov. “My goal is to conquer the welterweight division and become a pound-for-pound champion. I set my goals high because I believe in myself and the team I’ve put around me. Together we will go to the top.
Giyasov, who is a mega-star in his native land of Uzbekistan, is managed by Ruslan Khusinov, an international sports agent with ties to some of the best amateur boxers in the world. His reasoning for bringing Giyasov to the bright lights of Las Vegas was easy, to establish his brand in the mecca of professional boxing.
We are very please with our decision to bring Shakhram Giyasov to Las Vegas,” said Ruslan Khusinov. “Everyone recognizes Las Vegas as the mecca of boxing and this is where we want to build our foundation. I have big plans to make Giyasov a super-star here in the States, just like back home where his popularity is undeniable.
Training Giyasov, ќе биде Justin Gamber, who guides the corner of undefeated world ranked contender, Калеб “Слатка раце” Фабрика (16-0, 10 КО). Gamber believes Giyasov can jump on the fast track to a world title.
In today’s boxing game, you have many boxers with high amateur pedigree’s, fighting for a world title before their 15та pro fight,” Justin Gamber stated. “I believe Giyasov fits that mold. I can see him fighting for a world title early in his career.

Jose Haro fighting for a break in 2018

WEST JORDAN, Utah (Декември 18, 2017) – United States Boxing Association (USBA) featherweight champion Жозе “PepitoHaro (14-1-1, 8 КО) is suffering from unfair blowback for the accidental role he played this past summer, in which his opponent, Даниел Франко, nearly died from injuries resulting from their nationally televised fight in Idaho.
На 3-2 underdog Haro, fighting out of West Jordan, Utah, dropped Franco with a chopping right in the eighth round, soon followed by a crisp combination of devastating punches, which resulted in a knockout victory and the USBA title for Haro.
За жал, Франко (16-2-3, 11 КО) was sent to Mercy Medical Hospital, where he underwent two brain surgeries to relieve pressure caused by brain bleeds. He came out of a medically induced coma and, fortunately, Franco continues to recover at home in California from what his father/trainer, Al Franco, has described as a miracle.
I can’t forget it,” Haro said about his last fight. “It’s been traumatic. I’m very happy Franco is recovering but, every time something comes up about him on social media, a lot of people tag me. I don’t answer, I just need to deal with it. My victory was taken away, I couldn’t enjoy it. I fought a clean fight, but some people blame me for what happened.
Haro hasn’t fought since that fateful night in Iowa last June. Whitfield Haydon, who serves as Haro’s agent, is a veteran Southern California matchmaker, можеби, best known for discovering under-the-radar boxing talent such as Haro. It appeared that Haro was finally going to catch a big break in late October, when Haydon was contacted about a non-mandatory title fight for Haro with International World Boxing (ИБФ) Featherweight World Champion “Молња” Ли Селби (26-1, 9 КО). The Selby vs. Haro world title fight contract was reportedly being drawn up and Team Haro had agreed to promotional options in the event of him winning. Suddenly, иако, communications with Team Selby went dark. Team Haro later learned that Selby had gone in another direction, Eduardo Ramirez, who Selby defeated by way of a 12-round unanimous decision December 9 во Лондон.
We were going to London for short money because the world title shot was worth it,” Haydon explained. “Haro would have been one helluva live dog in that fight. I must not have been the only one thinking that way. I’ve been hearing that, within the boxing industry, Haro has become a hot potato after his Franco fight. How ridiculous is this? Last time I checked, Haro’s a featherweight who’s also capable of fighting at junior lightweight or super lightweight. My phone has been silent, иако, other than for a late notice fight or a fight at lightweight. Boxing sometimes eats its own. This is a joke.
Haro, who was a member of the USA Junior Olympic Boxing Team during his amateur days, isn’t 100-percent sure why he’s not being offered good fights, but he does blame most of it on boxing politics.
After the Franco fight,” Haro remarked, “I feel like I’ve been benched. I think I’m not getting good fights is because I’m a high risk, no reward fighter. I’m depressed right now about it. I love boxing but, Јас сум 30 with a wife and five kids. Boxing politics is the reason!”
Boxing is the most unforgiving sport, boxers risk their lives every time they walk up the three steps into the ring. The aftereffects of a boxing tragedy like this is traumatic for all parties involved. Nobody knows that better than the 30-year-old Haro.
Ranked No. 15 во светот од страна на ИБФ, Haro works fulltime for Pepsi, putting product on shelves at supermarkets in Utah. The father of three girls and two boys, the hard-working Mexican-American starts at 3 изутрина. and works until 12 пладне, then goes home to watch his children because his wife, Yesenia, also needs to work to make ends meet.
Haro has overcome so many obstacles during his career that some refer to him as, “Hard Luck Haro.In addition to repercussions from the Franco fight, назад во 2015, he was shot in both feet (see accompanying picture) in a parking lot after shopping by a stranger for no apparent reason. Haro noted, “I was tainted by that because only bad guys get shot, право?”
Losing the opportunity to fight in his world title fight against Selby was another example of what Haro’s been facing the past six months. “I’m not much of a talker,” тој призна, “but I won’t be used for leverage. I won’tbe used as piece of meat. I’m not taking a fight just for the money, I’m going in the ring to give it my all to win for me, my family and team.
I’m riding this out (boxing career) for my wife and children. I’m teaching my kids to never give up and to continue working hard no matter what life may throw you. It’s been rough. We’ve had our ups and downs, but I have to continue working until, hopefully, I get a big payday.
For Haro and Haydon, they’re both due for a big break in 2018.


Photo by Prince Ranch Boxing
LAS VEGAS, Н.В. (Декември 15, 2017)Undefeated super-lightweight prospect, BlairThe Flair” COBBS (8-0, 6 КО), кој раководи Prince Ranch Boxing’s Greg Hannley, has signed a promotional agreement with Голден Бој Промоции. COBBS, who trains in Las Vegas by way of Philadelphia, is ready to take his career to the next level, and vows to bring value to an already loaded stable at GBP.
I’m super excited that I’ve signed with Golden Boy Promotions,” said Blair Cobbs. “I worked extremely hard to get in position to sign with a top-notch promoter and all that hard work has paid off. It’s time to step up my game and show the world that I belong with the elite fighters in my division. I’m going to make everyone proud at Golden Boy with electrifying performances. I want to thank Greg Hannley for making my dreams come true.
This is just the beginning of a great working relationship with Golden Boy Promotions,” Greg Hannley, president of Prince Ranch Boxing, изјави. “Blair Cobbs is an exceptional fighter with a ton of upside. His dedication to the sport of boxing, along with his elevated ring IQ, is what makes him special. Golden Boy Promotions is a first-class operation, and Blair will shine with every opportunity that comes his way.

Mikey Гарсија наспроти. Sergey Lipinets Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Фото-Галерија



Three-Division World Champion Garcia Faces 140-Pound World Champion Lipinets Сабота, Февруари. 10 во живо на Showtime®

Од Alamodome во Сан Антонио, Тексас &

Овозможено од Премиер бокс шампионите

Кликнете ТУКА за Слики од Естер Лин / Showtime

ЛОС АНЏЕЛЕС (Декември 18, 2017) – Непоразен три поделба светски шампион Mikey Гарсија и пораз ИБФ Помлад Светски шампион боксер од полусредна категорија Сергеј Lipinets отиде лице-в-лице за прв пат Понеделник at a press conference in Los Angeles to discuss their main event showdown on Сабота, Февруари. 10 во живо на Showtime (10:15 вечер. И/Португалија). The matchup of top-5 ranked junior welterweights will take place at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas and is presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


Showtime ПРВЕНСТВО бокс покриеност, исто така, ќе има две поделба светски шампион Rances Бартелеми во реванш против Kiryl Relikh за слободни ВБА 140 фунти светската титула.


Билети за настан, кој е промовиран од страна Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, се по цена од $250, $150, $75, $50 и $20. Билетите ќе бидат пуштени во продажба утре на 12 вечер. КТ and will be available at Ticketmaster.com.


Lipinets will be making the first defense of his world title while Garcia looks to become only the third fighter in modern history to become a champion at 126, 130, 135 and 140-pounds, joining future Hall of Famers Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao*.


Овде е она што на учесниците на денешната прес-конференција имаше да каже Понеделник од соба Conga на L.A. Во живо:




“A world champion like Sergey Lipinets is more exciting an opponent for me than an easy title defense. I wanted a challenge and this man presents that. He’s a bigger man naturally. He’s going to be very hungry and motivated. He knows a victory over me launches his career to the top. That’s going to make this an interesting fight.


“To win a world title in a fourth division is a big deal to me. My dad always wanted a three-division world champion, and now I have a chance to give him a fourth title. That’s something that really excites me.


“It’s been a great return to boxing since my layoff. When I came back, I wanted to move fast and take on big challenges. That’s what we’ve been doing so far. I want to take on any challenges that people think I can’t achieve. I think slowly we’re proving to everyone that I’m better than ever and I’m going to keep taking on the kinds of fights that will cement my legacy.


“It would be a great accomplishment to be in the discussion with guys like Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez, that would be a win in itself. But it wasn’t on my mind when taking this fight. I just want to keep fighting the best out there. There’s still more for me to accomplish until I’m on the same level as Pacquiao and Marquez.


“It’s going to be a great fight. Like I’ve said, the challenge for me is that I’ll be fighting the bigger man. Во борбата ноќ, that advantage he has on me might be enough to make it that much more exciting. It will be interesting to see how well I adapt to the size. I have to make adjustments to overcome those challenges. This should give the fans the excitement that we want to give them.


“My only focus is on Февруари 10 against Sergey Lipinets. That’s my target throughout the entire camp. There may be more opportunities for me on the horizon, but you’ll see on fight night that I’m one hundred percent focused.


“I know that I have the possibility to be the biggest star in boxing like a Floyd Mayweather, and I think I’m on track to accomplish that. I don’t see a lot of guys in the sport with the resume of accomplishments that I have. I’m going to continue take on the best and beat my opponents convincingly.”




“Mikey Garcia is a great champion and I want to be in the position that he’s reached in this sport. The only way there is to go through him.


“I’m taking on a great challenge against Mikey Garcia, and many people think I’m not ready. This is the fight that I wanted. I’ve had many obstacles in my way throughout my career and I’ve overcome them all. I’m going to overcome Mikey Garcia just like that.


“Every time I have sparred with top fighters, like Terrence Crawford, I have learned more about what I need to improve to get to the next level in this sport. That kind of experience has helped my confidence increase and will help me when I face Mikey Garcia.


“A lot of things can happen when you move up in weight. Usually people use some pop. Whatever version of Mikey Garcia shows up; I’ll be ready for him.


“I believe I’m going to win, Mikey believes he’s going to win, and it will all unveil in the ring. One thing I can guarantee; тоа се случува да биде голема борба.


“Every fight I’ve had has been against a tough opponent who has helped get me to this point. Сега, I’m ready to fight the best, and Mikey Garcia is truly that.


“I had to work very hard to make the transition from champion kickboxer to a champion boxer. I did everything I had to do, moving from gym to gym and sparring everyone. I always aimed for the best and wanted to be the best at what I do.”


ROBERT GARCIA, Mikey’s Brother & Обучувач


“We know that Sergey Lipinets is a very dangerous fighter. He’s a really strong champion. I know he’s going to be hungry because he wants to become a big name by beating Mikey.


“Mikey is very smart in the ring. We’re going to come in there with a good game plan. We’ll have some big sparring partners. Strong, heavy guys who will give Mikey a big challenge in sparring.


“Mikey has to be in great shape for this fight. You can easily win the first eight rounds, but there are still four left. You have to be able to finish the fight. A great power puncher like Lipinets can finish you in one round.”


BUDDY MCGIRT, Lipinets’ Trainer


“We will be prepared for any and every thing. This way, when fight night comes, we’ll have an answer for everything. The key is that we just have to be on point from the opening bell to the end. There’s no way around it.


“We’re going to cover everything in training camp. You have to have every option available to you on fight night. This way, you’re never surprised in the ring. Sergey won’t go in there swinging to get a knockout, he’s going to be disciplined and focus on getting the victory.


“I believe that Sergey is on a mission. I know Mikey Garcia is on a mission too, and I respect that. I respect that these two men are fighting each other. Champions do what Sergey is doing, and that’s fighting the best.”


RICHARD SCHAEFER, Претседател & Извршен директор на Ringstar Спорт


“This is going to be a huge night for the 140-pound division. It will be another toe-to-toe showdown at the Alamodome in San Antonio, where so many great matchups have taken place before. Билети со почеток во само $20 so we expect another great crowd of fight fans down in Texas.


“This matchup features two undefeated fighters, two big punchers and 50 победи, 40 со нокаут, between the two of them. These guys are both champions who are daring to be great. These are exactly the kind of fighters that the public likes. These fighters will push themselves to be great.


“These guys only know one thing, and that is winning. Sergey Lipinets is the biggest puncher at 140-pounds and it seems like Mikey Garcia always seeks out these big punchers.


“Mikey is looking to do something that only Manny Paccquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have done, in moving up from 126 pounds through 140 pounds winning titles at each division. It is very difficult to carry that power up from featherweight. You have to tune-in to see an exciting fighter like that trying to make history.”


Стивен ESPINOZA, Извршен потпретседател & Генерален директор, Showtime Спорт


“What boxing needs are great fights. Good, high quality matchups like Leo Santa Cruz vs. Карл Frampton, Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia and Errol Spence vs. Кели Брук. There needs consistently be good fights, and that’s what we have been doing at SHOWTIME for the last couple of years. No other network has done the quality of fights that SHOWTIME is doing. No other network is as committed to the sport as SHOWTIME has been.


“The best need to fight the best, and that is what Mikey Garcia has done. He came off of a two-and-a-half-year layoff and во 18 месеци he’s had four fights, two title fights and will be going for a title in a fourth weight class, something only Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez have done before. That’s what great fighters do.


“Historically the fighters who separate themselves as legendary, are the ones who challenge themselves and travel across weight classes to seek these challenges. But there are two sides to this story. Those who have been paying attention have seen Sergey Lipinets make a lot of noise on SHOWTIME cards lately. He has risen very quickly.


“If you just look at Lipinets’ record, 13-0, and think about him fighting Mikey Garcia it would sound crazy. But if you look at the kind of competition he’s faced, his last seven opponents have a combined record of 163-15. That’s not something you usually see 13 fights into a career. Lipinets is a combat veteran, and whatever happens in the ring, he will be ready for it. It’s going to make for an exciting night.”

# # #


*Pacquiao won lineal championships at 126 and 140-pounds, although he did not win alphabet titles.


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Минатата сабота вечер, two-time Argentinean Olympian Alberto “Влијанието” Melian turned professional theLomachenko wayby knocking out the former world title challenger Diego Ricardo Santillan in the fifth round.
Fighting in front of a sold out F.A.B. Stadium in his hometown of Buenos Aires, Melian hit Santillan (сега 23-3, 15 КО) with a sizzling right hand that dropped him for the 10 count.
Promoted by Sampson Boxing, in association with Tello Box and JEB Boxing and with the sponsorship of Abitab and Asociación Atlética Argentinos Juniors, “Night Of High Impactand was broadcast live by TyC Sports for all of Latin America and a large part of the United States.
Next up, the Argentinean super bantamweight phenom will face JuliánChispitaAristule for the Argentinean championship.
Alberto is the newest star in boxing,” said promoter Sampson Lewkowicz. “He is the Argentine Lomachenko. In his first fight, he knocked out a world title challenger and will be world champion by next year.
On the same fight card, the Buenos Aires native TomásThe CobraReynoso won by disqualification in the fifth round to SebastianThe PromisePapeschi and snatched the super middleweight WBC Latin title.
The referee Rodolfo Stella punished Papeschi after his repeated dangerous use of the head, a situation that had already earned him a one point discount in the second episode.
Reynoso (12-2-1, 3 КО) gets the belt and he broke the unbeaten record ofThe Promise”, who has now a pro record of 12-1, со 6 КО.
In an international special attraction, the undefeated Californian SebastianThe Infernal Tower” Fundora (8-0, 4 КО) won by points in unanimous decision after six rounds to the local idol David EzequielHorseshoe” Ромеро (11-7-1, 5 КО). Fundora is getting famous for his extraordinary size of 1.98 м. which makes him the tallest super welterweight boxer in the history of his weight class.
In another six-rounder, the Dominican middleweight, Феликс “Jay Jay” Варгас (7-2, 2 КО) won in split decision to the now former unbeaten Julián IsaiasThe Diamond” Гомез (3-1, 3 КО) from Buenos Aires.
Во прилог, the former national Argentina amateur team member, the undefeated light flyweight AnyelénLa PekeEspinosa (5-0) won by unanimous decision after six rounds to María Laura Cano (1-3).

And in a four-rounder, Federico Rodríguez (1-0) makes his pro debut with a victory by points in split decision over Matías Díaz (2-4).