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ŠODIEN: WBSS pusfināla fināls Super Vidējā svara kategorijā Vācijā: Callum Smith vs. Nieky Holzken

WBSS pusfināla fināls
Supervidējie svari Vācijā
Callum Smith vs. Nieky Holzken

(L-R) Kalums Smits & Nieky Holzken
(Attēlu pieklājīgi no pasaules boksa supersērijas)
Edmonton, Kanāda (Februāris 24, 2018) – Šopēcpusdien neticami izklaidējošā pusfināla kārtas fināls Pasaules Boksa Super Series (WBSS) turnīrs, neuzvarētie izaicinātājiCallum “pasaule” Stiprs sitiens (23-0, 17 Kos), the Pasaules Boksa padome (WBC) Dimanta čempions, un novēlota nomaiņa Kāds “Dabas” Holzken (13-0, 10 Kos), kvadrāts 12 apļu vidējā svara cīņā, Nurnberger Versicherung arēnā Nuremburgā, Vācija.
Smits vs.. Holzkena karte, sākot 2 p.m. UN, tiešraidē Kanādā, tikai uz Super Channel.
Holzken, nezaudēta Nīderlandes izredzes, aizstāja divkārtējo pasaules čempionu Juergen Braehmer, Vācijas, kurš slimības dēļ izstājās šīs nedēļas sākumā no WBSS pusfināla spēles.
Smita-Holzkena uzvarētājs iekļūs WBSS supervidējā svara čempionāta finālā pret Pasaules Boksa asociāciju (WBA) un Starptautiskā boksa organizācija (IBO) Super middleweight Pasaules čempions “Kungs” George Groves (28-3, Kos), Apvienotās Karalistes, Jūnijs 2O2 arēnā Londonā, cīņā par kāroto Muhammad Ali Trophy.
Super Kanāls ieguvusi ekskluzīvas tiesības Kanādā pārraidīt Pasaules Boksa Super Series no MP & Silva, vadošais starptautiskās mediju uzņēmums, kas nodrošina mediju tiesības, digitālais, tehnoloģiju un sponsorēšanas pakalpojumi.
27 gadus vecais Smits, kaujas ārpus Apvienotās Karalistes, uzvarēja 12 raundu vienbalsīgā lēmumā par iepriekš nezaudētajiem Ēriks Skoglunds gada WBSS ceturtdaļfinālā, lai notvertu Pasaules Boksa padomi (WBC) Dimanta supervidējā svara tituls.
“Es atbraucu šeit, lai rezervētu vietu finālā,” Smith teica. “Man ir bijusi ļoti laba nometne, un es esmu uzlabojis pēdējās cīņas lietas, un cilvēki redzēs labāku manas sniegumu. Cilvēki redzēs, ka esmu pietiekami labs, lai uzvarētu turnīrā. Es tikai gribu uzvarēt, uzvari labi, un labi izskatās, to darot.
“Jau no turnīra sākuma es vienmēr zināju, ka Džordžam ir milzīga iespēja (Groves) gaidītu finālā. Bet, tagad, Es pilnībā pievērsos Niekijam, un tad es varu vairāk runāt par Grovsu pēc cīņas.”
Holzken, 34, gatavojās cīņai Dmitrijs Čudinovs uz Sestdienas WBSS supervidējā svara aizstājēju cīņa.
“Tas ir liels, lai būtu šeit,” Holzkens komentēja. “Mana dzīve pēdējās dienās ir bijusi kā kalniņi. Es gatavojos cīņai ar Dmitriju Čudnovu, un pirmdien Man piezvanīja, ka Juergens Braehmers bija ārpus mājas. Tik, šī ir mūža iespēja, un es izmantošu iespēju ar abām rokām, Es esmu gatavs!
“Kalums ir labs cīnītājs un cieņas pilns puisis, bet es esmu liels ticīgais, un es ticu, ka varu iegūt uzvaru sestdien. Es darīšu visu iespējamo, lai viņu uzvarētu, un visu, lai uzvarētu visā turnīrā.”
Piecas aizraujošas cīņas “Smits-Holzkens” karte, prezentēja Zauerlandes notikums, būs gaisa tikai Kanādas Super Channel.
Galvenais notikums – WBSS SUPER Vidējā svara pusfināli – 12 KĀRTAS
Kalums Smits (23-0, 17 Kos), Lielbritānija, 167.5 lbs. (76,0 kg)
Nieky Holzken (13-0, 10 Kos), Nīderlande, 167.5 lbs. (76,0 kg)
CO-FEATURE – WBSS SUPER VIDĒJSvara svara aizstājēju cīņa – 10 KĀRTAS
Dmitrijs Čudinovs (20-2-2, 13 Kos), Krievija
Siarhei Khamitski (30-14-3, 14 Kos), Baltkrievija
Smagsvariem – 8 KĀRTAS
Filips Hrgovičs (3-0, 3 Kos), 2016 Olimpiskā bronzas medaļniece, Horvātija
Sean “Liels seksīgs” Tērners (12-1, 8 Kos), Īrija
Džeimss Krafts (13-0, 9 Kos), Bijušais WBC jauniešu čempions vieglajā svara kategorijā, Vācija
Bernards Donfaks (23-17-3, 11 Kos), Vācija ar Kamerūnas ceļu
Leons Bauers (12-0-1, 8 Kos), Vācija
Marko Miano (6-5 (2 Kos), Itālija
Tonijs Krafts (12-0-1, 4 Kos), Vācija
Jozsef Racz (7-20-1, 2 Kos), Ungārija
(visas cīņas & cīnītāji, kas var mainīties)
Visi WBSS pusfināli un čempionāta cīņas būs pieejami arī Super Channel On Demand.
Papildus visām WBSS ceturtdaļfināla un pusfināla spēlēm, Super Channel izskanējuši lielākie boksa notikumiem dzīvot 2017 piemēram Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, Crawford vs. Indongo un Smith vs. Williams II.
Lai noskatītos visu Pasaules Boksa Super Series rīcība dzīvot, kā arī vairāk aizraujošu boksa nākt, cīņa fani Kanādā var sazināties ar savu vietējo kabeļtelevīzijas pakalpojumu sniedzējs, lai abonētu Super kanālu un visu, ko tā piedāvā, ieskaitot premium sērija, filmas un vēl daudz vairāk, tik zema kā $9.95 mēnesī.
Pasaules Boksa SUPER SERIES pusfināli GRAFIKS
Janvāris 27, Arēna Rīga, Rīga, Latvija – WBO / WBC unificēšana
Oleksandr “Kaķis” Usyk (14-0, 11 Kos), Ukraina
WMDEC12 (115-113, 115-113, 114-114).
Mairis Briedis (23-1, 18 Kos), Latvija
(Usyk saglabāja savu WBO titulu un ieguva WBC čempionu)
Februāris 3, Boļšoj, Sochi, Krievija – IBF / WBA unificēšana
Murat “Dzelzs” Gassiev (26-0, 19 Kos), Krievija
Yunier “KO Doctor” Dorticós (21-1, 20 Kos), Kuba
(Gasijevs saglabāja savu IBF titulu un uzvarēja WBA čempionātā)
Februāris 17, Manchester, Arēna, Manchester, UK – WBA / IBO unificēšana
“Svētais” George Groves (28-3, 20 Kos), Lielbritānija
WDEC12 (117-112, 116-112, 115-113)
Chris “Next Gen” Eubank Jr. (26-2, 20 Kos), IBO pasaules čempions, Lielbritānija
(Grovs saglabāja savu WBA titulu un uzvarēja IBO čempionātā)
Februāris 24, Nurnberger Versicherung arēnā, Nirnbergas, Vācija
Callum “pasaule” Stiprs sitiens (23-0, 17 Kos), Lielbritānija – Gredzens #3
(WBC Diamond Super middleweight čempions)
Kāds “Dabas” Holzken (13-0, 10 Kos), Nīderlande
Maijs 11, 2018, Džida, Saūda Arābija – WBC / WBC / WBA / IBF / gredzenu apvienošana
Oleksandr “Kaķis” Usyk (14-0, 11 Kos), WBO / WBC čempions, Ukraina – Gredzens #1
Murat “Dzelzs” Gassiev (26-0, 19 Kos), WBA / IBF čempions, Krievija – Gredzens #2
Jūnijs 2, 2018, Arēna O2, Londona, Lielbritānija – WBA / IBO unificēšana
“Svētais” George Groves (28-3, 20 Kos), Lielbritānija, WBA / IBO čempions – Gredzens #2
Callum Smith-Nieky Holzken uzvarētājs
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Par deputātu & Silva
MP & Silva ir pilna servisa pasaules sporta mediju aģentūra, kas saista kaislīgus līdzjutējus ar klubiem, raidorganizācijas un zīmoli. Dibināts 2004, uzņēmums ir strauji pieaudzis, kļūstot par galveno dalībnieku pasaules sporta tirgū. Uzņēmums lepojas ar savas globālās komandas izmantošanu, lai radītu vērtību un piegādātu pielāgotus risinājumus saviem klientiem un partneriem; izplatot plašsaziņas līdzekļu tiesības uz dažiem pasaules prestižākajiem sporta notikumiem, piedāvājot plašu sponsorēšanas konsultāciju pakalpojumu komplektu un nodrošinot virkni digitālo pakalpojumu un tehnoloģiju risinājumu. Galvenā mītne atrodas Londonā un Singapūrā, MP & Silvai ir starptautiski biroji Pekinā, Budapešta, Dubaija, Dublina, Luksemburga, Monako, Minhene, Ņujorka, Parīze, Tokija un Varšava.
Sazinieties ar MP & Silva
Mājas lapa:
Čivināt: @MPSWorldwide

Andre Dirrell Talks Working with New Trainer Virgil Hunter Ahead of Interim Super Middleweight World Title Rematch Saturday, Gājiens 3 against Jose Uzcategui Live on SHOWTIME From Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Iesniedza Premier Boxing Champions

Read the whole interview with Dirrell ŠEIT via
OAKLAND, PIEMĒRAM,. (Februāris 23, 2018) – Super middleweight Andre Dirrell is preparing for his rematch with Jose Uzcategui by working with renowned trainer Virgil Hunter and former pound-for-pound great Andre Ward ahead of his showdown for the Interim IBF Super Middleweight title Sestdiena, Gājiens 3 dzīvot Showtime (9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT) no Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by the highly anticipated matchup between heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder un nepārspēts Challenger Luis Ortiz.
Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, ko jāsekmē DiBella Izklaide un TGB Promotions, sākas $50 un ir pārdošanā tagad. Lai iegādātos biļetes, visit,, vai zvaniet 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
Dirrell has moved his training camp out to Oakland to train with Hunter and gain wisdom from being around Ward. Ward for his part, feels Dirrell has not yet reached his potential in the ring.
The way I feel about Andre is the way I’ve always felt, the sky’s the limit,” said the recently retired Ward. “He has the God-given ability and talent to do whatever he wants to do in a boxing ring. Citiem vārdiem sakot, he is blessed with the kind of gifts, that if he’s made up his mind that he won’t allow himself to be beat and if he prepares properly in camp, it’s going to be very hard to beat him.
With a fighter with Andre’s experience and pedigree, it’s less physical and more psychological. Do you want to be a champion and do you want to dominate your division? If the answer is yes, which I believe it is, then go do it. It sounds simple and in many ways it is, but you have to be very intentional to condition your mind to think this way and really believe it. That’s the reason he is training with Virgil in the Bay Area. Physical training, mental preparation & spiritual preparation. It all matters.
Here is part of what Dirrell had to say about training camp with Hunter and Ward. Read the full story ŠEIT via
What are some of the nuances Virgil brings, and will your grandfather, Leon “Bumper” Lawson, remain in your corner?
Virgil is teaching me similarly to the way my grandfather taught me, and I can easily say that he’s picking up where my grandfather left off. My grandfather put my talents in me, making me the fighter Andre Ward had to worry about back in the day.
But my grandfather doesn’t have the ability to coach really anymore because he’s in the beginning stages of dementia, but I still have him in my corner, and I always will. Virgil has taken over, and this is bar-none, the best I’ve felt, garīgi, manā karjerā. There are little things about Virgil that I had to adapt to.
Virgil’s sense of humor is raw, playful and serious at the same time. If I stop for one minute, he’ll tell me, ‘It takes one second to get knocked out.He teaches with passion, direction and remains focused on the task at hand, really wanting you to instill how important things are, psychologically.
How beneficial is the atmosphere in Virgil’s gym?
There is a positive aura in the gym, which is a winning environment. When you walk into that gym, it’s time to work. Virgil lets you know that simply by staring at you. You have Andre Ward’s posters all around you, other fightersposters around you. There are a lot of fightersfaces up on those gym walls, including Andre Berto’s.
I’m definitely inspired because the atmosphere has everything to offer as far as training. You have the mountains, the beaches. Un, protams,, ultimately, you have Virgil, who has flair about him and a way to generate that fire within you and bring it out of you. The most important thing with Virgil is listening.
What counsel have you received from Ward?
Andre’s never really showed any hesitation about offering advice and has always been there to give it to me, no problem at all. Andre has always been cordial and honest about wanting to see me hold that championship belt. I believe that he’ll see that this year.
But I can imagine that now that he’s out of the game, he can do it more freely. I recently had a 45-minute conversation over the phone with him about Jesus Christ, bet, face-to-face, we’ve spoken quite often. He came down for a few of my sparring sessions and he’ll be coming to a few more.
We’ve always talked and had a good time, and he’s been quite an inspiration, aside from being a boxer. Andre has a confidence about himself in and out of the ring, so he’s one of the top guys in my life as a motivator for life outside of and beyond boxing.
Has Virgil broken down the Uzecategui fight?
Virgil has watched the fight several times, and I’ve watched the fight several times. We both agreed that the mistakes were definitely all mine and both agree that I didn’t use my ring generalship.
Even with the flaws that I was committing, I still found my groove. I heard myself saying that I had gotten his timing down and was taking over leading up to the end of the fight.
Uzecategui is a fighter, but that’s ithe’s no boxer. He has great punching ability but not great skills and he’s not fast, so I expect him to attack me like the first fight. He knows how to put a one-two-three together, and he’s hungry.
As far as boxing goes, I’ll have to teach him a thing or two about how this game is really played. There’s no question I made the first fight harder than it had to be. I look at that first fight with so much confidence.
I know that I fought it incorrectly, but I was still coming back. He won the first, second and possibly third and fourth rounds, but I was coming back. So this time, I plan on frustrating this boy so much that he’ll be completely off of his game.
# # #
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follow us on Twitter @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,
un PBC sponsorē Corona Extra, finest Beer.

New England Tournament of Champions Open Division championship finals results from Lowell

72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities
Golden Gloves Championship

2018 Team New England (missing Angel Gonzalez)
(pictures courtesy of Edward Boches / Boches fotogrāfija)
LOWELL, Masa. (Februāris 23, 2018) – Eleven New England champions were crowned last night during the New England Tournament of Champions at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Central New England snapped the Western New England’s four-year reign in team scoring to capture the covered Bill Hoar Memorial Award as Most Outstanding Team.
The New England Tournament of Champions, also known as the All-New England’s, is part of the 72nd annual New England Golden Gloves Championships.
Each individual N.E. champion qualified for Team New England, which will compete at the National Golden Gloves Championship, sākot Maijs 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska.
Centrālā N.E. had five individual winners, edging Western NE with four, North N.E. and Southern N.E. had champion one apiece.
There were some great fights, hotly contested because there was so much on the line,” N. Un. Izpilddirektors Bobby Russo teica. “We closed the season in grand style with great matches and a loud, packed house that’s been the Lowell tradition for 72 gadiem. There were some disputed decisions and the crowd let everybody know how they felt after a few of the fights.
We have a lot of talent on this year’s Team New England. It’s a strong team with some fighters who now have national experience like Angel Gonzalez, Felix Parilla, Liz Leddy, Miguel Teo and Fernely Felix, Jr. The other fighters look like they could do very well at the National Golden Gloves.
N.E. featherweight champion Felix Parilla (WNE), North Haven, CT, was selected as the Thomas Costello Memorial Award winner as Most Outstanding Boxer.

Most Outstanding Boxer Felix Parilla
The Rocky Marciano Memorial Award as the Most Outstanding Heavyweight Boxer was presented to Lowell, MA’s Edmond Worley, who edged Randolph, MA’s Edit McApman, 4-1, to clinch the team title for Central New England in the second to last bout of the night.
Rocky Marciano Memorial Award winner Edmond Worley
The unofficial Fight of the Night was a toss up between lightweights Jonathan DePina un Elijah Peixoto (DePina won 3-2) un middleweights Michael Fontanez un Victor Reynoso (Fontanez won 3-2).
In the most anticipated match of the evening, Mansfield, MA welterweight James Perella (SNE) defeated USA No. 5-rated and defending N.E. čempions Josniel Castro(NNE), by way of a controversial 5-0 unanimous yet very closely contested decision that drew the wrath of the disapproving crown.
USA No. 7 rated light heavyweight Miguel Teo (CNE), of Marlboro, MA, took a unanimous 5-0 decision versus Rashane Doyle (SNE), Bostonas.
In a N.E. super heavyweight rematch, Danbury, CT’s Fernely Felix, Jr. (WNE) repeated by the same score las last year, 3-2, against Providence’s Tim Hatfield(SNE), for his third straight N.E. virsraksts.
In women’s competition, Portland, ME lightweight Liz Leddy (NNE) captured her seventh N.E. women’s title, taking a unanimous 5-0 decision over Willow Crawford(CNE), Mančestras, NH, unanimous 5-0 lēmums, while USA No 10- novērtētie Ashleigh Moore (CNE), representing Buzzards Bay, MA, won a unanimous 5-0 decision against Gorham, ME’s Lindsay Kyanjohnian (NNE), who was runner-up for the second year in a row after she took top honors in 2016.
Ieņēmumi no Lowell Sun labdarības Golden Gloves čempionāts iet uz nosūtot Jaunanglijas Golden Cimdi čempionus, lai Nacionālās Golden Gloves čempionāts (sākot Maijs 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska), papildus atbalstot vietējos sportistus un area vingrošanas zāles, zēni & Meitenes klubs, zupas virtuvēm, bezpajumtnieku patversmes, vēža fondi, stipendijas un daudzas citas lieliskas labdarības cēloņi.
Oficiālie rezultāti
(Feb.22, 2018)
Angel Gonzalez, Hartford, CT / WNE
WDEC3 (5-0)
Shin Murinda, Haverhill, MA / CNE
Felix Parilla, North Haven, CT / WNE
WRSC1 (2:31)
Danny Pang, Portland, ME / NNE
Liz Leddy, Portland, ME / NNE
WDEC3 (5-0)
Willow Crawford, Manchester, NH / CNE
Lightweights (132 lbs.)
Joseph DePina, Dorchester, MA / CNE
WDEC3 (3-2)
Elijah Peixoto, Providence, RI / SNE
Sharad Collier, Hartford, CT / WNE
WDEC3 (5-0)
Brandon Higgins, North Chelmsford, MA / CNE
Ashleigh Moore, Buzzards Bay, MA / CNE
WDEC5 (5-0)
Lindsay Kyajohnian, Gorham, ME / NNE
James Perella, Mansfield, MA / SNE
WDEC3 (5-0)
Josniel Castro, Portland, ME / NNE
Fernely Feliz, Jr., Danbury, CT / WNE
WDEC (3-2)
Tim Hatfield, Providence, RI / SNE
CNE – Central New England – 5
WNEWestern New England – 4
NNENorthern New England – 1
SNESouthern New England – 1
New England Golden Gloves Executive Director: Bobby Russo
Direktors konkursantu: Art Ramalho
Vadītājs amatpersonu: Laurie Purcell
Ring diktors: John Vena
Norises vieta: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA
Čivināt: @LowellGloves


Next Saturday’s Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Doubleheader Will Open With Anticipated Rematch Between Andre Dirrell & Jose Uzcategui
Sestdiena, Gājiens 3 LIVE on SHOWTIME At 9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT From Barclays Center In Brooklyn & Presented By
Premier Boksa Champions
BROOKLYN (Februāris. 23, 2018) – Middleweight sāncensis Hugo Centeno Jr. suffered a rib injury while training and his Interim WBC Middleweight World Championship bout with Jermall Charlo has been rescheduled for a Premier Boxing Champions event on Sestdiena, Aprīlis 21 dzīvot Showtime.
The Gājiens 3 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast continues as a doubleheader beginning at 9 p.m. UN/6 p.m. PT from Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Galvenajā pasākumā, WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder will make the seventh and most difficult defense of his title against fellow-unbeaten heavyweight Luis Ortiz.
In the opening bout of the Gājiens 3 doubleheader, Andre Dirrell and Jose Uzcategui will meet for the Interim IBF Super Middleweight World Championship in an immediate rematch of one of 2017’s best and most controversial fights.
Charlo vs. Centeno will now be a featured bout on the previously announced Aprīlis 21 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast presented by Premier Boxing Champions. Four-division world champion Adrien Broner will face undefeated former champion Omar Figueroa and one of boxing’s brightest young stars, Gervonta Davis, returns to the ring as the 23-year-old undefeated former champion looks to regain a title in the 130-pound class.
While the injury to Centeno is unfortunate, we’re pleased to have the flexibility to keep the Charlo-Centeno fight on our 2018 boxing schedule,” teica Stephen Espinoza, Prezidents, Sporta & Pasākumu Programmēšana, Showtime Networks Inc. “The Gājiens 3 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event remains a can’t-miss night for any fight fan, with Deontay Wilder facing the most dangerous opponent of his career in Luis Ortiz, and Andre Dirrell and Jose Uzcategui settling the score in a rematch of one of 2017’s best fights.
I’m devastated.,said Centeno. “I’ve been in the gym for a long time. Being so close to a fight and accomplishing my dream of a world title it’s devastating.
It happened during sparring. I tried to work through the pain and as the day progressed and the adrenaline subsided I had to go to the ER and get checked out. It’s a good enough injury that it had to be postponed. Nothing was broken, but it was severe enough to keep me from fighting.
I was just about to peak. Now I have to taper off a bit and cut back to let my body recover and then pick it up and get some momentum back.
“Es esmu gatavs iet,” Said Charlo. “Es esmu 167 mārciņas tagad, and this was the best camp I’ve ever had. I’m so disappointed. I’m at a loss for words. When you want something so bad and you don’t get it, you can’t be a kid about it. You just have to deal with it.
I’m hungry and I’m ready to get back in the ring. I’m still coming to the fight though. I’m going be there to support Deontay. I love Barclays Center and all my fans in Brooklyn.
# # #
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follow us on Twitter @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,
un PBC sponsorē Corona Extra, finest Beer.


Damir Ismagulov & Movsar Evloev retain M-1 Challenge titles

Damir Ismagulov celebrates his successful title defense against Raul Tutarauli
MOSCOW (Februāris 23, 2018) – M-1 Challenge champions Damir Ismagulovun Movsar Evloev both successfully defended their titles last night pie M-1 Challenge 88 at Olympic Stadium on Moscow.
Ismagulov (15-2-0), cīnās no Krievijas, retained his M-1 Challenge lightweight title, taking a hard-fought five-round unanimous decision over his Georgian challenger, Raul Tutarauli (18-4-0) galvenajā gadījumā.
Jo sadarbības Featured notikums, Evloev (9-0-0) kept his perfect pro record intact by way of a third-round submission of Sergejs Morozovs (10-4-0), Kazahstānas, locking in a rear naked choke.
Natives of 10 different countries fought in this true international MMA event.
Bijušais M-1 Challenge gaismas smagsvara čempions Stephan “T-800” Puetz (15-4-0) was upset by late replacement and M-1 Global pro-debuting Khadis Ibragimov (3-0-0), Krievijas, who employed a bulldog choke to knock off his heavily favored opponent in the third round in a fight contested at a catchweight.
Krievu bantamweight Mairu māja (6-2-0) stopped Brazilian veteran Heliton Dos Santos Davella (15-7-1) midway through the first round, while middleweight Valērijs “Krievijas Hammer” Mysnikov (12-1-2) registered a ground-and-pound, opening round technical knockout.
Par prejudiciālo kartes, Kyrgyzstan featherweight Busurmankul Abdibait Uulu(10-2-1) took a three-round unanimous decision from former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Maksima Divnich (13-5-0), Alexander Osterov (4-0-0) decisioned Sergejs Klyuev (5-1-0) in a bantamweight battle of previously undefeated Russian prospects, un Brazīlijas viegls Rebenilton “Rubinho” Bumbieris (19-5-0) had his hand raised in victory after three rounds versus RinatRikoSayakbaev (7-2-0), Kirgizstānas.
Undefeated Bulgarian Petur Petrov (4-0-0) used his knees and punches to score a first-round stoppage of Ukrainian Vadim Shabadash (6-3-0), Krievu middleweight Ruslan Shamilov forced Frenchman Reda “Boom Boom” Oudgou (2-3-0) into submission (aizmugures neapbruņotu aizrīties) otrajā kārtā, Talekh “Azerbaidžānas Terminator” Nadzhafadze (7-2-1) uzvarēja trīs apaļas vienprātīgu lēmumu pār Vitālijs Slipenko (9-2-0), Krievijas, and Russian heavyweight Maksim Yakobyuk (3-0-0) used a ground-and-pound attack to defeat Vaļsirdīgs “Tatoo” Kortz (4-5-0), of Germany..
Complete results and pictures below:
Damir Ismagulov (15-2-0, M-1: 9-1-0), Krievija
Raul Tutarauli (18-4-0-1, M-1: 6-2-0), Gruzija
(Ismagulov retained M-1 Challenge lightweight title)
Movsar Evloev (9-0-0, M-1: 9-0-0), Krievija
WSUB3 (aizmugures neapbruņotu aizrīties – 3:41)
Sergejs Morozovs (10-4-0, M-1: 5-3-0), Kazahstāna
(Evloev retained M-1 Challenge bantamweight title)
Khadis Ibragimov (3-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Krievija
WSUB3 (bulldog choke2:12)
Stephen Puetz (15-4-0, M-1: 6-2-0), Vācija
Valērijs Myasnikov (11-1-2, M-1: 2-1-1), Krievija
WTKO1 (ground & mārciņa – 4:41)
Joseph Henle (10-3-1, M-1: 0-1-0), ASV
Mairu māja (6-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Krievija
WTKO1 (perforatori – 2:16)
Heliton Dos Santos Davella (15-7-1, M-1: 0-2-1), Brazīlija
Maksim Yakobyuk (3-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0)
WTKO2 (ground & mārciņa – 4:05)
Frank Kortz (4-5-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Vācija
Vadim Shabadash (7-2-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Ukraina
WTKO1 (kneed & perforatori – 0:46)
Petur Petrov (3-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Bulgaria
Ruslan Shamilov (4-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0), Krievija
WSUB2 (aizmugures neapbruņotu aizrīties – 3:12)
Reda Oudgou (2-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Francija
Talekh Nadzhafadze (7-2-1, M-1: 3-1-1), Azerbaidžāna
Vitālijs Slipenko (9-2-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Krievija
Rebenilton Pereira (19-5-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Brazīlija
Rinat Sayakbaev (7-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kirgizstāna
Busurmankul Abdibait Uulu (10-2-1, M-1: 2-0-1), Kirgizstāna
Maksima Divnich (13-5-0, M-1: 7-5-0), Krievija
Alexander Osterov (4-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Krievija
Sergejs Klyuev (5-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Krievija

Damir Ismagulov (R) strikes Raul Tutarauli

Movsar Evloev finished off Sergey Morozov

Mairu māja (R) was too much for Helton Dos Santos Davella

Valery Myasnikov blasted out Joseph Henle


Čivināt & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Gaidāmie notikumi:
Gājiens 10 – M-1 Challenge 89 in Saint Petersburg, Krievija
Gājiens 30 – M-1 Challenge 90 in Saint Petersburg, Krievija

1stUSA Boxing Alumni Association event in N.E. A knockout in Lowell, Masa

Picture courtesy of Edward Boches / Boches fotogrāfija
LOWELL, Masa. (Februāris 23, 2018) – Gandrīz 50 past New England Golden Gloves boxers turned out last night for the inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association meet-and-greet in a private room, prior to the opening bout of the New England Tournament of Champions, at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium in Lowell, Massachusetts.
The USA Boxing Alumni Association gathering was also to promote the 2018 USA vs. Īrija Northeast Bokss Tour, which kicks-off Pirmdiena, Gājiens 12, at Royale Entertainment Complex in Boston’s famed theater district. The USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour will continue Gājiens 15 pie MassMutual centrā Springfield, Masa. and concludes Gājiens 21at The Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Among the USA Boxing Alumni Association attendees were former professional world champions “Īrijas” Micky Ward, a Lowell boxing icon, and Jose Antonio Rivera, kā arī Sāncenšiem star Peter Manfredo, Jr., “Polārceļotājs” John Scully
Created to champion a lifelong, mutually beneficial relations between USA Boxing and its alumni, –bokseri, officials, coaches and boxing fansThe Alumni Association connects generations of champions, inspiring and giving back to USA Boxing’s future boxing champions, iekšā un ārā no gredzena.
The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, including Friday evening’s USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.
To join the Alumni Association, simply register at for a $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, keychain and e-wallet.
Čivināt: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

FNU Cīņas sporta Show: Ziņa, Atkārtojumi un priekšskatījumi

This week on the FNU Combat Sports Show we recap a packed weekend of fights, including world class boxing on Saturday and excellent Bellator (Piektdiena) and UFC Fight Night (Svētdiena) cards to review. We also take a look ahead to this weekend’s UFC on Fox card and the upcoming boxing matches. We also cover some recent combat sports news and update listeners on the latest Conor McGregor/Floyd Mayweather talks. Listen to the whole show below:

Rances Barthelemy Las Vegas Media Workout Quotes & Fotogrāfijas

Two-Division World Champion Battles Kiryl Relikh in Rematch for Vacant WBA Super Lightweight World Title Saturday, Gājiens 10 live on SHOWTIME from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio
Klikšķiniet ŠEIT for Photos from Leo Wilson/Premier Boxing Champions
LAS VEGAS (Februāris 22, 2018) – Unbeaten two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy worked out for Las Vegas media Ceturtdiena as he prepares for his rematch against Kiryl Relikh for the vacant WBA Super Lightweight World Title Sestdiena, Gājiens 10 live on SHOWTIME from Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast is headlined by a showdown between three-division world champion Mikey Garcia and unbeaten IBF 140-pound champion Sergejs Lipinets.
Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions in association with Leija-Battah Promotions, cena ir $250, $150, $75, $50 un $20 un ir pārdošanā tagad. Tickets are available at or by calling 800-745-3000 vai 210 556-7390.
Barthelemy, who is trained by Ismael Salas and former world champion and Cuban boxing legend Joel Casamayor, can become the first Cuban fighter to win world titles in three weight classes with a win on March 10. Here is what Barthelemy had to say Ceturtdiena from City Athletic Boxing Club in Las Vegas:
RANCES Barthélemy
It’s in my character to take this rematch immediately. I was very happy once I found out everything was ready to go for it. I want to prove to the fans and to myself that I can do much better than I did in May. I want to show Relikh how much better I am than him.
It’s on my mind all the time that I have a chance to make history for Cuban boxing. There have been so many great Cuban fighters throughout the years. I never imagined I’d be in position to make history myself but I know it’s a reward for my hard work and dedication.
A fight with Mikey Garcia is something I want. I’m completely focused on this fight against Relikh and making history, but I would be prepared to fight Mikey Garcia soon.
I’m going to change a lot heading into the rematch. Last May I wasn’t myself. I didn’t feel like I had my legs coming into the fight and I wasn’t able to perform how I usually do. This time my conditioning and nutrition is much improved. I’m going to use my legs and use my jab and put on a boxing clinic.
There was nothing surprising about Relikh in the first fight. We knew he’d have power, but unfortunately I had to change my game plan when my body wasn’t cooperating. I traded shots and fought his fight. I’m going to stick to my plan this time.
Throughout my career I haven’t paid enough attention to nutrition. It made my performances inconsistent. Bob Santos has come in and completely changed that. You’ll see my conditioning on fight night is the best it’s ever been.
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seko mums Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at un Star Sports. PBC sponsorē Corona Extra, finest Beer.


LOS ANGELES, PIEMĒRAM, (Februāris 22, 2018) – Par Sestdiena, April 7th, 2018, popular Filipino lightweight Michael “Hammer FistFarenas (42-5-4 34 Kos) will do battle with Guadalupe Rosales (34-14 18Kos) par Canadian Professional Boxing Council (C.P.B.C.) Lightweight International Championship, as a part of Dekada Fight Night pie Gray Eagle Resort & Kazino Kalgari, Alberta, Kanāda.
With over fifty fights under his belt, Michael Farenas is capable of beating anyone on any given night. Having never been knocked out in his career, Farenas exemplifies what a warrior truly is. He’s been in the ring with some talented fighters which include Yuriorkis Gamboa un Jose Pedraza nosaukt dažus, both of whom he went the distance with.
I am very excited to be fighting for a the CPBC title,” said Michael Farenas, who trains at Freddie Roach’s Wild Card gym in Los Angeles with Marvin Somodio un Jesse Arevalo.I am rebuilding my career and know I have a great run left in me. I know that I am capable of winning several big fights with this being the start. I love the sport of boxing and want to create a lasting memory when people say my name, and this fight against Guadalupe Rosales will be one of those moments. I’m dedicating this fight to all my people back home in the Philippines.
Tickets priced from $50 go on sale on Piektdiena, Februāris 23, 2018 pie 10 AM. Tickets can be purchased at vai zvanot 1-855-985-5000. Durvis atvērtas5:30 P.M, first fight begins at 6:30 P.M. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, lūdzu apmeklējiet
# # #



Exploring The Intersection Of Combat Sports And Pop Culture Through The Eyes Of Former Fighter, Comedian And Red Carpet Host Brendan Schaub

Premieres On YouTube And Facebook On Trešdiena, Februāris 28

Foto Credit: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME





NEW YORK – Februāris 22, 2018 – SHOWTIME Sports continues to expand its position at the intersection of combat sports and culture with a first-of-its-kind, sports talk show, BELOW THE BELT hosted by Brendan Schaub. The twice-monthly, 30-minute show debuts on Trešdiena, Februāris 28 on SHOWTIME Sports digital platforms, days before American heavyweight Deontay Wilder defends his WBC title against Luis Ortiz. The announcement was made today by Stephen Espinoza, Prezidents, Sports and Event Programming, Showtime Networks Inc.





BELOW THE BELT premieres each new show on the Below the Belt YouTube Channel un Below the Belt Facebook Page. The program explores the latest news in combat sports and pop culture, with Schaub delivering candid thoughts in his unique and unfiltered style. BELOW THE BELT features interviews with the biggest names in combat sports and entertainment, road trips, fight camp visits, sketches, animation and pop-culture spoofs. The initial guest list of combat sports athletes and entertainers scheduled to appear on BELOW THE BELT includes Stone Cold Steve Austin, Paulie Malignaggi and Joe Rogan.






“Brendan brings an edge that resonates with today’s fight fans,” said Espinoza. “He has a fresh voice that is equal parts knowledgeable, funny and opinionated. BELOW THE BELT will complement SHOWTIME Sports programming to a broad audience on our digital platforms.”


This multi-platform program is unique in that it includes a weekly podcast and a composite program that airs once per month on SHOWTIME EXTREME. Following the digital debut on Februāris 28, new shows launch on Gājiens 14, Gājiens 28, Aprīlis 11, Aprīlis 18, Maijs 2 and May 16. The BELOW THE BELT podcast premieres on Gājiens 6, and the composite program premieres on Gājiens 29 on SHOWTIME EXTREME.


Schaub is a multi-platform entertainer, best known for his career in the UFC and as a personality in podcasting and comedy. Following his successful fighting career, where he was the runner-up of Spike TV’s “The Ultimate Fighter: Smagsvari,” Schaub has served as an expert analyst for both ESPN and Spike TV. Schaub currently co-hosts the popular podcast “The Fighter and The Kid” averaging over nine million downloads per month. His “Big Brown Breakdown” podcast, averaging over four million downloads per month, transitions under the BELOW THE BELTfranšīzes. Parlaying his hosting talent from podcasts to television, Schaub was named a correspondent on “After Party” for the E! Tīkls, and co-hosted this year’s Golden Globes and Grammy Awards after-shows. Schaub is set to reprise his role in the upcoming Academy Awards after-show. Papildus, Schaub performs sold-out live comedy shows across North America, Austrālija, London and Dublin, including regular solo stand-up sets at the world-famous Comedy Store, Hollywood Improv and The Laugh Factory.


BELOW THE BELT is produced by SHOWTIME Sports with Embassy Row.


Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), pilnībā piederošs meitasuzņēmums CBS Corporation, pieder un darbojas premium televīzijas tīklus Showtime®, MOVIE CHANNEL un Flix®, kā arī piedāvā Showtime On Demand®, MOVIE CHANNEL Pēc pieprasījuma, un Flix On Demand®, un ekspertu tīkla autentifikācijas pakalpojumu Showtime Anytime®. Showtime Digital Inc., pilnībā piederošs meitasuzņēmums sni, darbojas stand-alone straumēšanas pakalpojumu Showtime®. SHOWTIME abonentiem pašlaik ir pieejams, izmantojot kabeli, DBS un telekomu sniedzēji, un kā stand-alone straumēšanas pakalpojumu, izmantojot Apple®, Gads®, Amazone, Google, Xbox One un Samsung. Patērētāji var arī abonēt Showtime caur Hulu, YouTube TV, Sling TV, DirecTV Tagad, Sony PlayStation Vue and Amazon Channels. SNI pārvalda arī Smitsona Networks, kopuzņēmums starp sni un Smitsona institūta, kas piedāvā Smithsonian Channel, un piedāvā Smithsonian Zemicaur SN Digital LLC. SNI pārdod un izplata sporta un izklaides notikumi izstādē abonentiem pamatojoties caur Showtime PPV pay-per-view. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, doties uz