عن المشاركات التي كتبها FNU47

Super Channel لإطلاق مسلسل الملاكمة, “SUPERBOX LIVE” مايو 19 في كانساس

إطلاق مسلسلات جديدة

الحدث الافتتاحي

عالية المخاطر
السبت, مايو 19, 2018 * 9:00 عصرا. و / 6:00 عصرا. PT
بث مباشر على قناة سوبر & الدفع على كل مشاهدة (نحن)
الامريكى. الأولمبي نيكو هيرنانديز في معركة لقب وزن الذبابة العالمية IBA

يعيش على PPV في الولايات المتحدة.


EDMONTON, كندا (أبريل 25, 2018) – أعلنت قناة Super Channel عن تشكيل مسلسل ملاكمة مباشر جديد, SUPERBOX LIVE, لاول مرة السبت, مايو 19, بالتعاون مع KO Night Boxing LLC, من كازينو كانساس ستار في مولفان, كانساس,




رابطة الملاكمة الدولية (IBA) بطل وزن الذبابة الأمريكيتين نيكو هيرنانديز (4-0, 3 كوس) سوف تأخذ على ملعقة ليلة رأس السنة الجديدة (14-7, 9 كوس) لبطولة IBA World Flyweight الشاغرة في الحدث الرئيسي المكون من 12 جولة.




حصل هيرنانديز ، وهو من مواليد ويتشيتا ، على ميدالية برونزية في 2016 الألعاب الأولمبية. قبل سنتين, كانالاس من أصغرهم سناً (17) أبطال العالم على الإطلاق, عندما هزم زميله الملاكم المجري, جوزيف Ajtai, عن الاتحاد العالمي للملاكمة الشاغر (WBF) بطولة العالم للوزن الخفيف.



ستشمل البطاقة أيضًا مواجهتين للوزن الثقيل كنجم كندي صاعد أولكسندر Teslenko (12-0, 10 كوس) يواجه خصمًا يتم تحديده في البث التلفزيوني, بينما احتمال الوزن الثقيل الروسي أندري أفونين (5-0, 2 كوس) يلتقي المقاتل الكوبي المخضرم بيدرو “Reguilete” رودريجيز (23-4, 19 كوس).




سيتم الإعلان عن نوبات إضافية قريبًا للجزء المتلفز من شهر مايو 19عشر حدث.




سيتم توزيع الوسائط الرياضية المتكاملة “SUPERBOX LIVE: عالية المخاطر” في الولايات المتحدة عبر الكابل, الأقمار الصناعية والدفع لكل عرض رقمي عبر iN Demand, الشهرة, DIRECTV, DISH والبث الحي في جميع أنحاء العالم على FITE.TV التطبيق وموقع الويب (باستثناء كندا) لأسعار التجزئة المقترحة فقط $19.95.




لمشاهدة “SUPERBOX LIVE: عالية المخاطر” تعيش في كندا, يستعرض الوزن الثقيل الكندي تسلينكو الذي لم يهزم, وكذلك الملاكمة كما أكثر إثارة للحضور في 2018, يمكن لعشاق القتال الاتصال بمزود خدمة الكابل المحلي للاشتراك في Super Channel وكل ما تقدمه, بما في ذلك سلسلة قسط, الأفلام وأكثر من ذلك بكثير, لمنخفضة $9.95 كل شهر.




“لقد حققنا نجاحًا هائلاً على مدار العامين الماضيين في البث المباشر للملاكمة على قناة Super Channel من جميع أنحاء العالم,” قال دون ماكدونالد, رئيس & الرئيس التنفيذي لقناة سوبر. “هذا هو سبب شعورنا بالاستمرار في الحصول على الأحداث, سنبدأ العمل مباشرة مع المروجين. لقد شاركنا في إنشاء ملف SUPERBOX LIVE سلسلة لإثبات التزام Super Channel بإنشاء محتوى أصلي يمكننا بثه وتوزيعه في جميع أنحاء العالم.




مسؤول إعلامي مايك جارو, من هو الشريك في إنشاء SUPERBOX LIVE, تم تعيين المنتج التنفيذي للسلسلة الجديدة.




“الأحداث التي سيشاهدها المشجعون SUPERBOX LIVE ستعرض نجوم الغد, بالإضافة إلى المقاتلين المميزين من جميع أنحاء العالم,” علق Garrow. “ستقام عروضنا التسلسلية في أماكن في جميع أنحاء أمريكا الشمالية. نحن نتطلع إلى العمل مع مختلف المقاتلين, الترقيات, مدراء, والعقوبات على الهيئات SUPERBOX LIVE "الذهاب إلى’ عرض لمحبي القتال.”




فينوم (www.venum.com) تم تسمية القفازات والملابس الرسمية لـ SUPERBOX LIVE.




“يشرفنا أن نشارك في SUPERBOX LIVEحفل الافتتاح,” رئيس IBA J.C. Courreges علق. “معنا. الأولمبي نيكو هيرنانديز, بطل الأمريكتين, وملاكم أوروبي متميز, ملعقة ليلة رأس السنة الجديدة,المتطابقة في الحدث الرئيسي, 'عالية المخاطر’ ستصنع التاريخ كأول بطولة عالمية تقام في كانساس.”



الطول, تتضمن القائمة المرموقة لأبطال العالم IBA خلال ربع القرن الماضي Hall-of-Famers Oscar de la Hoya, جورج فورمان, روبرتو دوران وأرتورو جاتي, وكذلك نجوم مثل روي جونز, الابن, برنارد هوبكنز, شين موسلي, جيمس توني, ميكيل كيسلر, إريك موراليس, دييغو كوراليس, خوسيه لويس كاستيلو, جلين جونسون وأنطونيو تارفر.


معلومات عن قناة سوبر




قناة سوبر هي شبكة التلفزيون المدفوع قسط الوطني, تتكون من أربع قنوات HD, أربع قنوات SD, وسوبر القناة على الطلب.




مهمة سوبر القناة هي للترفيه وإشراك الجماهير الكندية من خلال توفير تجربة ترفيهية فريدة وحصرية. مع اللبنة الأساسية للنزاهة والمساءلة, ونحن نكرس أنفسنا لتنفيذ استراتيجيات البرمجة المبتكرة والعمل الجماعي لا مثيل لها التي توفر للمشاهدين مع قيمة استثنائية ومتنوعة.




وتعود ملكية القناة فائقة من قبل Allarco الترفيه 2008 شركة, شركة إعلامية مقرها ادمونتون-ل.




سوبر القناة غير متوفرة حاليا على بيل TV, شو المباشر, روجرز في أي مكان TV, كبل شو, Cogeco كبل, اتصالات الوصول, جرس آليانت TV, المصدر كيبل, ساسكس تل, MTS, نوفوس, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, يستمان الاتصالات ومزودي الإقليميين الآخرين.


تواصل مع قناة سوبر:





تغريد: SCSportsTV

إينستاجرام: SuperChannelTV

الفيسبوك: /SuperChannel


حول KO NIGHT Boxing LLC




KO Night Boxing هي شركة ترويجية للرياضات القتالية الناشئة قيمتها الأساسية “المقاتلون أولا!” تنتج KO Night Boxing أحداثًا حية لشبكة CBS الرياضية. تابعنا على TwitterKONightBoxing


بورتلاند, مين (أبريل 25, 2018) - معارك نيو انغلاند (NEF) يعود إلى Aura في بورتلاند, مين مع حدث فنون القتال المختلط القادم, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” مساء يوم السبت, يونيو 16, 2018. في وقت سابق من اليوم, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s bantamweight bout to the card. Carol Linn Powell (0-1) ومن المقرر أن يواجه Sarah Matulis (1-0) في معركة الوزن من 135 جنيه.





Powell is the wife of current UFC signee and former NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Devin Powell (8-3). معا, the couple owns and operates Nostos MMA & Conditioning Facility in Somersworth, نيو هامبشاير. The gym earned theBest Martial Arts Gymdesignation in the 2017 “Best of the Seacoast” الجوائز. Carol Linn made her in-cage debut last November in Portland against Francesca Morabito (1-0), losing a hard-fought decision on the judges’ بطاقات الأداء. Earlier this month, Powell grappled Chelsea Tucker to a draw to open “NEF 33″ في بورتلاند.





“Words can’t describe how excited and thankful I am to be partaking in the third NEF event in Portland after competing in the first and second,” said Powell when reached for comment. “Both times I’ve been in the cage have been very entertaining—the first of which ended in me getting my contacts knocked out and looking like Sloth after—and this time will be no different, I just plan on getting the job done quicker. I am looking forward to getting back in there and testing myself again and getting to witness how much better I have gotten at the sport. Sarah and I both made our debuts at ‘NEF 31’ في نوفمبر, and I can’t wait to overcome the new challenges she has for me and to get my first win in the cage.”





Like Powell, Sarah Matulis did indeed make her cage debut at “NEF 31” last November in Portland. That evening she was victorious over Chelsea Tucker with a first-round technical knockout. By day, Matulis is a mother and nurse practitioner who studied nursing at Pace University in New York. She is a member of The Outlet based in Dexter, Maine and regularly competes in grappling events throughout the New England region.





I’m thrilled to be competing again for NEF,” said Matulis. “Carol Linn and I are both budding amateur fighters. I know she’s hunting for her first win, but I plan to remain undefeated. NEF fans are accustomed to seeing spectacular WMMA bouts, and I fully expect this fight will keep to that standard.





NEF القادم الحدث مختلطة عسكرية الفنون, “NEF 34: موطن الشجعان,” ستقام في Aura في بورتلاند, مين يوم السبت, يونيو 16, 2018. التذاكر معروضة للبيع الآن عبر الإنترنت على www.AuraMaine.com.


سانت تشارلز, مثل (أبريل 22, 2018)Armenian boxing star, دوارات “كابوس” مارتيروسيان (36-3-1, 21 كوس), is preparing for his upcoming fight with world middleweight champion جينادي Golovkin(37-0-1, 33 كوس) في SNAC facility in the San Francisco Bay Area. SNAC has a high-tech sports performance training center owned by فيكتور كونتي, the widely known CEO of the nutrition company.





The SNAC acronym stands for Scientific Nutrition for Advanced Conditioning. Conte and his team of elite trainers work with a large stable of world class boxers that includes داني جاكوبس, شون بورتر, ديفين هاني, مصنع كالب, ديمتريوس اندرادي والملاكمة الإناث & two-time Olympic gold medalist Nicola Adams.





دوارات’ head trainer is the highly regarded Edmond Tarverdyan, who also trains famed UFC fighter روندا روزي.





I’ve got this opportunity to shock the world,” said a confident Vanes Martirosyan. “I’m not fighting a robot. GGG is human and he is beatable. انا متحمس لهذه المعركة. I’m training at SNAC and I believe we’ve got the blueprint for victory.





Team SNAC boxer Martirosyan fights Golovkin on Saturday, May 5th at the Stub Hub in Los Angeles. The bout will be televised on HBO world championship boxing. Vanes has had a great camp thus far and looks forward to an outstanding performance against GGG on fight night.

Ruben Villa Speaks to Troubled Kids at Monterey County Youth Center

فيلادلفيا سفنتي سيكسرز, بن. / البرتقالي, كاليفورنيا. (أبريل 25, 2018) – One week after winning his first professional title (WBO Youth) in his hometown of Salinas, كاليفورنيا., prized featherweight prospect روبن فيلا paid a visit to the Monterey County Youth Center where he spoke to at risk adolescents.




There were a lot of young kids, kids that are still in high school that never really got the guidance that you would want them to have,” سعيد فيلا, who sports an undefeated record of 11-0, 4 كوس. “My message was simple. You can still better your life, but you have to find the motivation that’s going to make you want to change.




فيلا, 21, was fortunate to have found the sweet science at an early age. He started boxing the same year he entered kindergarten. Many youth in Monterey County and the greater Salinas area get involved with gangs at a young age and enter a path of criminal behavior that almost always ends in incarceration.




I just tried telling them my story how boxing kept me focus and out of trouble,” Villa said. “في نهاية اليوم, you need to do right by your community. I think these kids want to change and make their family proud, but they need reinforcement and help.




Although young himself, Villa has developed a reputation for caring deeply for the area he grew up in. The southpaw is always looking for ways to help.




It’s just one of the qualities that I saw in Ruben when I signed him,” said manager Danny Zamora.He is very humble and makes me very proud that he is such a positive role model to the community of Salinas. I am glad that he is giving back to the kids that need it the most.


The Monterey County Youth Center is a residential facility and aftercare program offering educational and rehabilitation opportunities for juvenile court wards.




يتم الترويج للفيلا بواسطة Banner Promotions و Thompson Boxing.





للحصول على تحديثات منتظمة على مقاتلينا, أحداث, والترقيات, يرجى المراجعة صفحة الفيسبوك الترويجية لافتة إعلانية , وتابعنا إينستاجرام و تغريد BannerBoxing




صور كارلوس بايزا / طومسون الملاكمة

بطل الوزن الوسطي الموحد كيث ثورمان يتخلى عن لقب WBC بسبب إعادة التأهيل بعد الإصابة

سيبقى بطل WBA ويقاتل من أجله

تاج WBC بمجرد تعافيه بالكامل

ماء نقي, FLORIDA (أبريل 24, 2018) تخلى كيث ثورمان ، بطل وزن الوسط الموحد ، طوعا عن لقبه في WBC بينما يتعافى من آثار جراحة المرفق العام الماضي وإصابة في يده تعرض لها في معسكر تدريبي الشهر الماضي.




بعد التحدث مع رئيس WBC موريسيو سليمان مؤخرًا, قرر ثورمان أن يتخلى عن اللقب ويفتح الطريق للأبطال السابقين داني جارسيا وشون بورتر., المتنافسان الرئيسيان على لقب WBC, ليقاتلوا بعضهم البعض من أجل البطولة بينما تعافى ثورمان تمامًا من إصاباته.




“بسبب إعادة تأهيلي من إصاباتي, وافقت على التخلي عن لقبي في WBC في هذا الوقت. أواصل إعادة تأهيل يدي ومرفقي وأتطلع إلى العودة إلى الحلبة هذا الصيف. هذه نكسة مؤقتة وسأكون البطل الموحد مرة أخرى وأتطلع إلى الفوز بلقب WBC في أقرب وقت ممكن,” وقال ثورمان.




“تعرض كيث ثورمان للأسف لإصابتين متتاليتين أبعدته عن الحلبة بعد فوزه المثير على داني جارسيا وتنازل عن لقبه بلطف., و WBC كلف داني جارسيا وشون بورتر بالقتال من أجل اللقب,” قال موريسيو سليمان. “سيكون لدى كيث طريق مباشر للقتال من أجل اللقب بمجرد أن يتعافى تمامًا كما فعل فيتالي كليتشكو وأبطال WBC الآخرين في الماضي. كيث رياضي رائع, بطل ونموذج يحتذى به. سوف يدعمه WBC تمامًا خلال هذا الوقت الصعب. ”




غارسيا (34-1, 20 كوس), بطل موحد سابق في 140 جنيه وبطل وزن الوسط السابق WBC, خسر لقب WBC لصالح Thurman بقرار تقسيم 12 جولة في 2017. واستعاد عافيته بفوزه بالضربة القاضية على البطل السابق براندون ريوس في فبراير شباط. كان WBC قد جعل تلك المعركة مباراة إلغاء اللقب, وهو ما وضع جارسيا في الصف لمحاربة ثورمان مرة أخرى على اللقب.




ارتداء (28-2-1, 17 كوس), بطل وزن الوسط السابق, خسر قرارًا وثيقًا في 12 جولة أمام ثورمان 2016. أصبح المنافس الإلزامي على لقب WBC عندما أطاح بأندريه بيرتو العام الماضي. حافظ على مكانته بقرار من 12 جولة على أدريان جرانادوس في نوفمبر.




ثورمان البالغ من العمر 29 عامًا (28-0, 22 كوس) أصيب بسلسلة من الإصابات خلال العامين الماضيين.




أصيب ثورمان في رقبته في حادث سيارة في فبراير 2016, الأمر الذي أخر مباراته ضد بورتر لمدة ثلاثة أشهر. عندما التقيا ثورمان هزم بورتر بقرار إجماعي في يونيو 25.




هزم جارسيا بقرار منقسم في مباراة توحيد وزن الوسط في مارس 4, 2017. وبعد شهر خضع لعملية جراحية كبرى في مرفقه الأيمن لإزالة النتوءات العظمية ورواسب الكالسيوم. لا يزال في مرحلة إعادة التأهيل من تلك الجراحة.




أصيب ثورمان في يده عندما اصطدم بالكيس الثقيل الشهر الماضي وتفاقمت الإصابة مع بعض الهواة في صالة الألعاب الرياضية في سانت.. بطرسبرج, فلوريدا. كشف التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي عن كدمات في عظام المشط في اليد, والتي لها أيضًا تورم شديد. لا يمكن أن يكون لثورمان أي تأثير باليد على الأقل 8 أسابيع, مما أضاف تأخيرًا آخر لعودة خاتمه.




إنه يأمل الآن في العودة إلى الحلبة في أواخر الصيف أو أوائل الخريف.

جاري راسل الابن. مقابل. جوزيف دياز جونيور. ونقلت المؤتمر الصحفي & صور

Featherweight Title Showdown Headlines at MGM National Harbor in Maryland Saturday, مايو 19 يعيشون على شوتايم

انقر هنا لصور من روزي Cohe / SHOWTIME

NATIONAL HARBOR (أبريل 24, 2018) – WBC وزن الريشة بطل العالم جاري راسل الابن. (28-1, 17 كوس) ولم يهزم لا. 1 المنافس جوزيف “جوجو” دياز جونيور. (26-0, 14 كوس) hosted a press conference and faced off for the first time Tuesday before their championship showdown Saturday, مايو 19 live on SHOWTIME from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.




تذاكر لهذا الحدث, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Golden Boy Promotions, معروضة للبيع الآن والمتاحة من خلال الانتقالHTTP://mgmnationalharbor.com/.


The Russell vs. Diaz fight is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that will feature WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion أدونيس ستيفنسون defending his title against two-division world champion بادو جاك in a main event from Toronto presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




راسل الابن, ل 2008 الامريكى. Olympian and 126-pound titleholder since 2015, will defend against his mandatory challenger in the 25-year-old Diaz, who represented the U.S. في 2012 Olympic games and will be competing in his first title bout.




Here is what the fighters had to say Tuesday from TAP Sports Bar at MGM National Harbor:


جاري راسل JR.




It’s amazing to be fighting at home. It’s cool to know that the people I see around all the time will be able to get in the car and drive 15 minutes to come watch this massacre. لا استطيع الانتظار.




I appreciate JoJo for being honest and saying that he feels I’m the best featherweight in the world. That speaks volumes.




We stay focused in the gym. The inactivity doesn’t mean anything. It’s no issue. I’ve had hand issues in the past but I’m able to preserve my body and stay sharp, stay focused. I’m a fighter that’s always in shape. I never take a day off. You can ask my wife. On anniversaries, we’re in the gym. On birthdays, we’re in the gym.



Regardless of what the situation is, you want a sense of financial stability for yourself and your family. I’m at the point of my career where I have maybe six more fights in me. We want to maximize everything. We want to maximize our revenue and it’s been irritating because a lot of the champions don’t want to get in the ring with me. I appreciate JoJo for giving me the opportunity to sharpen my teeth a little bit more. At least he’ll have the opportunity to say he got in the ring with Mr. جاري راسل الابن.




I’m one of the most dangerous fighters on the planet. سرعة, قوة, حلقة الذكاء, we can get ugly if we need to. I don’t plan on going 12 جولات. I’m not going the distance with anybody for the remainder of my career. حدد كلماتي.



When you have guys that fight and move around a lot, it makes it difficult to get to them the way you want to. When you have a guy that is straightforward and will be in your face, it makes it much easier for me and they’re much more susceptible to get hit.




A lot of fighters win with pure athleticism because they’re faster, stronger or in better shape. They’re not winning because they have the ability to make the necessary adjustments based on what goes on in the ring. I tell people all the time that boxing is intellect manifested on a physical form. In most cases, the more intelligent fighter wins.




My father says that whenever you see a fight that is an all-out, knockdown war, it’s just two stupid fighters that didn’t have a plan B or the ability to make the adjustments to make the fight easier. If that’s JoJo’s game plan, it’s going to make this fight a lot easier for me. It’s not going 12 جولات.




As far as a hit list of my next opponents goes, we are first going to take care of JoJo. I would love to get a unification bout with Leo Santa Cruz after that. If we don’t get that, I plan on moving up in weight and challenging whoever has the title in that division. You want to know who I really want, رغم أن? I want Mikey Garcia.




My last fight will be against (فاسيل) وماتشينكو. I want to conclude my career with breaking my foot off of him. That will be the conclusion of it. I’m willing to wait, رغم أن. الآن, we’re good.




Of course I would entertain a fight with Gervonta Davis. We’re cool. He’s somebody that I actually watched grow up and develop as a fighter, but you have to stay in your lane. When I move up in weight, he’s got to get out of the way or he’s going to get ran over too.




I didn’t want to come home to fight until I had a world title. That’s the reason I didn’t fight at home for so long. Now we have the title, and I wanted to fight at least one more time here.




I want to maximize our revenue because I don’t plan on fighting for too much longer. I had my first fight at seven years old. أنا 29 الآن. That’s a long time competing and a lot of wear and tear on your body. I’m a guy that doesn’t cut corners, so it takes away from the time I could be spending with my family and friends. I’m ready to spend time with my family and children and live out the fruits of our labor. But in the meantime, everybody else is in my way. They’re trying to take food off my baby’s plate.






I don’t think the fact that I’ve been more active will give me any advantage. I’m just doing what I’m supposed to be doing and getting the experience I need inside the ring before facing an elite fighter like Gary Russell Jr. My preparation has been good. I’ve fought tremendous opponents and I have all the experience to come out victorious May 19.




It doesn’t affect me at all fighting in his hometown. I’m happy to fight in his backyard. He’s the champion and that’s what champions get to do. I know what he’s capable of doing. He says I don’t have the boxing IQ or the power and speed that he has, but he’s going to be in for a rude awakening come fight night. He’s going to see that I have all the tools.




It’s a dream come true to be fighting on this stage. Ever since I roomed with Errol Spence at the Olympics, we always promised each other that once we became pro we were going to fight all the elite athletes and the best champions. جاري راسل الابن. is the best at 126 جنيه. I’m not scared to fight him and that’s what Errol Spence did, أيضا. He beat Kell Brook in his hometown.




“جاري راسل الابن. is by far the best featherweight in the world. ليو سانتا كروز, أبنير ماريس, لي سيلبي, none of these guys want to fight Russell. They’re afraid of the speed and the counter shots. But I know what I’m capable of doing and I’ll showcase it May 19.




A win would mean everything for me. It would be a dream come true realizing all of the hard work I’ve put in since I was 13 سنة. It would mean that I’m the champion and I’d be the shot caller.




I think his speed is an obstacle; he’s very fast. But that’s the thing about me, I’m good at adapting to any style that I fight. Come fight night I know that his speed is going to be fast, but it’s nothing that I won’t be able to take, or nothing that will shock me. I’m going to be able to adapt to that speed and make sure I’m able to land my shots when he’s opening up.




“أنا واثق جدا; 100 percent confident I’ll beat him. I know that this is an opportunity that is presented to me and I’ll be victorious. I’ve always prayed to God that I could fight on SHOWTIME and for a WBC title. And now that I am it feels like it’s all settling in and it’s all coming true. I’m working hard every single day, and once I get my hand raised in victory I’m going to go from there.




If he gets a little bit over confident like he did against [أوسكار] إسكندون, he’s going to be in for a rude awakening. He’s going to be shocked with not only my punching power, but also with my combinations and with my speed. I’m not like a Jhonny Gonzalez where I’m just throwing one shot, or slow combinations. I’m pretty fast with my punches and you won’t see my punches coming because I throw them very elusive and I punch from different angles. He’s going to be very shocked if he fights the way he fought Oscar Escandon.




I don’t think it’s going to go the distance. Gary Russell is going to go out there and not back down and give the fight fans a good show, but I’m going to go out there and give a good show and not back down. So I think we’re both not going to back down and we’re going to brawl it out, واسمحوا أن يفوز الفريق الأفضل رجل.”



لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, MrGaryRussellJr, @JosephDiazJr, TGBPromotions, GoldenBoyBoxing, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingو www.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. The event is sponsored by Corona Extra, أروع البيرة.

United Fight Alliance Teams with Legends in Historic Live Interactive MMA Event

قدم. لودرديل, FL – April 24, 2018 – For the first time in MMA history, audiences will be able to directly interact with fighters during a fight in real-time. Fans watching this Thursday’sLegend’s live stream around the world can purchase tokens which will authorize the holder to contribute toward fight goals and help determine larger cash bonuses. The more a fan contributes, the louder their voice is heard figuratively and literally inside the arena.



In the Main Event, former UFC Heavyweight Champion of the World Ricco “The Hitman” Rodriguez faces UFC veteran Alex “The Spartan” Nicholson. Alex is extremely dangerous and has devastating knockout power in both hands. Ricco knows Alex wants to knock out a UFC Heavyweight Champion and will have to bring his “A” game to escape the cage with a win. In the Co-Main Event, long time fight veteran “Felony” Charles Bennett وجوه Bruce “The Iron Lion” Lutchmedial. You never know what you are going to get out of Bennett but one thing is for sure you will be entertained in a big way. Lutchmedial, like Nicholson, will be looking to knock-off a famous name.



Emmy Award winning Television Host, Jordan “Jay” Adams, has the call with UFC featherweight Charles “Boston Strong” Rosa.



And in another MMA first, Thursday’s event will be simulcast in 4K virtual reality. This will let fans join their favorite fighter inside the cage and experience a fight like never before!



Watch for FREE this Thursday night April 26th at 7PM ET right هنا.

About United Fight Alliance UFA is a one-hour MMA program that brings you the best MMA from around the world. Watch as some of the biggest names in MMA fight toe to toe in the cage. You’ll see exclusive footage, interviews and fighter profiles. United Fight Alliance features top ranked fighters, women’s fights, intense action and more. UFA and its network of shows including Brawl Call, a thirty-minute MMA magazine style, behind the scenes show, are now broadcast to over 70 مليون منزل, www.UnitedFightAlliance.comأو www.BrawlCall.com.


World’s No. 1 Fighter At 168 Pounds Takes On No. 1 Fighter At 154 Pounds In Main Event Middleweight Bout

شوتايم بوكسينغ: SPECIAL EDITION Live At 10 عصرا. و/PT

From Masonic Temple In Detroit, ولاية ميشيغان.; تذاكر للبيع الآن

نيويورك (أبريل 24, 2018) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and unified women’s super middleweight Champion Claressa Shields will attempt to become a two-division world champion on Friday, يونيو 22 live on SHOWTIME when she faces unified women’s 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships at Masonic Temple in Detroit, أنا.

شوتايم بوكسينغ: SPECIAL EDITION telecast begins at 10 عصرا. و/PT and features the No. 1 مقاتلة في 168 pounds facing the No. 1 مقاتلة في 154 pounds as they both attempt to become champions for the first time in the middleweight division.

الدروع (5-0, 2 كوس), who grew up in nearby Flint, was the first American boxer in history – male or female – to win consecutive Olympic Gold Medals. The 23-year-old turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight. Shields now begins her first camp with renowned trainer John David Jackson as she attempts to become a two-division champion.

“I can’t wait to get into the ring on يونيو 22,قال شيلدز. “I love the fight against Hanna Gabriels – champion versus champion, exactly the kind of fight that I want every time to take women’s boxing to new heights. I’ve said one of my goals is to win world championships in three weight divisions. I’m proud to be super middleweight champion, وعلى يونيو 22 I will add the middleweight championship to my accomplishments. I’m excited to be working with John David Jackson for the next step in my career as I look to conquer another division.”

Two-division champion Gabriels (18-1-1, 11 كوس) is the reigning WBA and WBO World Champion. The native of Costa Rica won her first world title at welterweight in 2009 and has since fought in an astounding 11 consecutive world title fights. The 35-year-old won her first belt in the 154-pound division in 2010 and became unified champion in 2016. في مباراتها الأخيرة, Gabriels avenged the only loss on her record, ل 2013 defeat to then-undefeated title challenger Oxandia Castillo. She looks to become a three-division world champion on يونيو 22.

“I’m really excited and grateful to have the opportunity to showcase my skills against Claressa Shields on SHOWTIME,” said Gabriels. “This will be a great battle of two world champions, a great night for my country, and a great fight for women’s boxing. I only know one thing – the woman in front of me will lose. I take nothing away from Claressa’s accomplishments, ولكن على يونيو 22 she is facing a three-time world champion and I will take the ‘0’ in her record and prove I am the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world.”

“This main event is yet another example of SHOWTIME Boxing’s commitment to delivering the best fighters in the best matchups,قال جوردون هول, المنتج المنفذ لـ SHOWTIME BOXING: طبعة خاصة. “We have two unified champions, the top fighters in their respective divisions, facing off for a championship in a new weight class. Will Claressa Shields be as dominant as a middleweight? Can Hanna Gabriels shock the world and hand Claressa her first loss since she was an amateur in 2012? We’ll find out on يونيو 22."

شوتايم بوكسينغ: طبعة خاصة (10 عصرا. و/PT) will also feature extensive highlights of unified women’s middleweight champion Christina Hammer (22-0, 10 كوس) as she defends her WBC & WBO titles in her U.S. debut against former world champion Tori Nelson (17-1-3, 2 كوس).

If both Shields and Hammer are victorious in their 160-pound bouts on يونيو 22, they will meet in a fall blockbuster on SHOWTIME to determine the undisputed women’s middleweight world champion.

“I’m glad Christina Hammer will be fighting that night as well. After I beat champion Hanna Gabriels, I want to unify all the middleweight belts against Hammer,” Shields said. “I’ve never been so motivated. This will be a great year for women’s boxing. It’s our time!"

مطرقة, of Dortmund, ألمانيا, has dominated the women’s middleweight division for nearly eight years, having won the WBO title at 160 pounds in 2010. The 27-year-old became unified champion in 2016 with a unanimous decision over WBC titlist Kali Reis and has made two defenses as unified champion. Hammer won the WBO title in 2010 in her eighth professional fight and has dominated the middleweight division since, losing just a handful of rounds in her reign as champion at 160 جنيه. مطرقة, who also models professionally and was recently featured at Fashion Week in New York City, has campaigned mostly in Germany since turning professional in 2009.

“I have been training intensively for months for my first fight in the U.S.,” Hammer said. “I can’t wait to show my skills, desire and hunger to America and prove that I am THE middleweight champion of the world. While I have great respect for Tori Nelson, I promise I will defeat her in spectacular fashion on يونيو 22 and send a message to Claressa Shields. It’s my time to shine!"

تذاكر لهذا الحدث, التي يتم الترويج لها من قبل الترقيات Salita, are available at Ticketmaster.com or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 و $35.

“Women’s boxing will shine brightly on يونيو 22 in Detroit as the best fight the best,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “Claressa Shields, in just her sixth fight as a professional, is once again showing her willingness to take on all challenges when she competes for a second world title against one of the best female fighters in the sport. Hanna Gabriels is a long-reigning world champion and a national hero in Costa Rica. This fight and this card, which features four women’s world champions battling each other, is the definition of world-class boxing. يونيو 22 will be their time to shine, live on SHOWTIME in Detroit.”

Hard-Hitting Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson Defends His Title Against Two-Division Champion Badou Jack Saturday, مايو 19 Live on SHOWTIME® at Air Canada Centre in Toronto in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

SHOWTIME Presents Two Main Events In a Split-Site Telecast on May 19 As Featherweight Champion Gary Russell, الابن. Defends Title Against Top Contender Joseph Diaz from

MGM National Harbor in Maryland

Tickets on Sale for Toronto Event Friday, أبريل 27


تورونتو (أبريل 24, 2018) – مهزوم الفنان بالضربة القاضية أدونيس ستيفنسون, the longest reigning light heavyweight world champion, will defend his title against two-division champion بادو جاك في.يوم السبت, مايو 19 live on SHOWTIME from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




The showdown between Stevenson and Jack is one of the most intriguing matches in the light heavyweight division as Jack, a former 168-pound and 175-pound champion, has relinquished his title for the chance to challenge one of the hardest hitters in the sport. Both men are looking to make their claim as the class of the division.




ستيفنسون مقابل. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®telecast beginning at 10 عصرا. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, الابن. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Saturday, مايو 19.




Tickets for the Toronto show, which is promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, عروض لي باكستر وعروض مايويذر, are on sale Friday, أبريل 27 and will be available at www.ticketmaster.ca.




It is the second time that we will come to Toronto to promote a WBC world championship fight with Adonis Stevenson,” said Yvon Michel, President of Groupe Yvon Michel. “If you found the first event to be spectacular, be sure not to miss the second one as it will be a real firework! Badou Jack is a two-division world champion and an Olympian. He is dangerous and by far the biggest challenge for Adonis since he won the title against Chad Dawson in 2013. We are confident that ‘Supermanhas what it takes to defend his title successfully for the ninth time.




I would also like to give thanks to our co-promoter Lee Baxter. This event would not have been possible without his collaboration. بالإضافة, I am grateful for Lee and Wayne Zronik from MLSE, who are providing great support for this event and has opened the doors of the Air Canada Centre to us.




Mayweather Promotions is looking forward to partnering with Groupe Yvon Michel to pull off this highly anticipated matchup,” قال ليونارد Ellerbe, الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الترقيات مايويذر. “Adonis Stevenson has been a reigning champion in this division since 2013. Badou Jack has risen to every challenge he’s faced in his career. الآن, he has an opportunity to become a three-time world champion and that raises the stakes for him. I predict two confident, hard-punching and highly skilled fighters will enter the ring at Air Canada Centre on May 19, both determined to walk away a champion.




We are looking forward to hosting this spectacular event at Air Canada Centre,” said Wayne Zronik, نائب الرئيس الأول, Music and Live Events at Maple Leaf Sports & تسلية. “It is the first title fight that the venue will host. We’ve worked with this group before to bring world class boxing to the city and are excited for the return of championship boxing to Toronto, and to Air Canada Centre in particular.




ستيفنسون (29-1, 24 كوس) owns one of the most powerful left hands in boxing and goes by the ring moniker “السيوبرمان”. The 40-year-old Stevenson has made eight successful defenses of his title since winning it with a knockout victory over Chad Dawson in 2013. The lineal 175-pound champion most recently defended his title with a second-round stoppage of Andrzej Fonfara last June and delivered a third round TKO over Tommy Karpency in his most recent defense in Toronto in 2015.




I’m definitely excited and hungry to get into the ring and perform,” قال ستيفنسون. “I’ve trained very hard for this fight against Badou Jack. I’m looking forward to winning this fight by knockout. I’m from the Kronk Gym and we always look for the knockout. Jack is a good, technical boxer. He was a world champion and he has done very well. He’s tough and I won’t underestimate him. I’ll be prepared for anything he brings in the ring.




I’m fighting him at home in Canada, so I’m looking to give the fans a good show. I’ve got power and I’ve got the best left hook in boxing. لدي 12 rounds and I just need to touch you once to end it. It’s not complicated. I don’t need three or four shots. I just need one shot and you’re not going to recover. I’m going to finish you.




The 34-year-old Jack (22-1-2, 13 كوس) relinquished his 168-pound world championship following a majority draw against James DeGale in 2017 to move up to light heavyweight. He made a successful debut at 175 pounds by knocking out Nathan Cleverly for the light heavyweight championship last August. Jack then relinquished that title to seek out this challenge against the division’s heaviest hitter. ولد في ستوكهولم, السويد, ل 2008 Olympian for his father’s native Gambia and now residing in Las Vegas, Jack is looking to become a three-time world champion on his opponent’s home turf on May 19.




I’m excited to have the opportunity to fight for my third world title against one of the division’s best, أدونيس ستيفنسون,” وقال جاك. “I’ve been asking for this fight for a long time and was willing to fight him anywhere, including his backyard. I know he’s good and very dangerous and that’s the reason I want to fight him. I’m all about the best fighting the best and come May 19th, I’m bringing the WBC belt back to Las Vegas. My newborn son, Malik was born just before training camp so now I have two children to fight for, which gives me all the motivation I need to get this win.


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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,mayweatherpromotions.com و www.groupeyvonmichel.ca اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, BadouJack, MayweatherPromo, أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك فيwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsوwww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC برعاية Corona, أروع البيرة.

Bahamian Sons Promotions bringing live Professional boxing to Grand Bahama on May 26 in Freeport

FREEPORT, Grand Bahamas (أبريل 24, 2018) – Bahamian boxing icon شيرمان “دبابة” وليامز and Bahamian Sons Promotion presents live professional boxing, “Backyard Rumble”, في مايو 26 at A Social Affair and Convention Center in Freeport, Grand Bahamas.



Bahamian Sons Promotions seeks to create an exciting venue in Freeport and across the Bahamas for live and televised professional boxing,” قال Kimberly Williams, Sherman’s wife and president of Bahamian Sons Promotion. “Easy access to the beautiful islands of the Bahamas are the perfect place to train and get away.



Fighting at home in the 10-round event, وليامز (39-15-2, 1 NC, 21 كوس) takes on former world light heavyweight title challenger EpifanioDiamanteMendoza (43-26-1, 37 كوس), the Colombian knockout artist.



Williams has been stopped only once in 57 معارك للمحترفين, extending former world champion جوزيف باركر و رسلان Chagaev, as well as top contenders المطرقة المسيحية,روبرت هيلينيوس و مانويل شار, the full distance in their fights. “دبابة” defeated former world cruiserweight champion شركة “جليد” كول, fought world title challenger جميل مكلينto a draw, and was leading Hall of Famer ايفاندر هوليفيلد until their 2011 fight was stopped due to questionable referee decision and declared ano contest.



During his 20 ½-years pro career, Williams has used his vauntedconch (رفع الحق) لكمة” to knockout 21 المعارضين. His many heavyweight titles have included World Boxing Organization (المنظمة العالمية للملاكمة) China National, Oriental and Asia Pacific, بابا, مجلس الملاكمة العالمي (WBC) Caribbean Boxing Federation, الرابطة العالمية للملاكمة (رابطة الملاكمة العالمية) Fedecaribe and World Boxing Foundation Intercontinental championships.



Mendoza lost his world light heavyweight title fight in 2007 إلى تشاد داوسون. The still dangerous Colombian defeated previously undefeated روبين ويليامز (19-1). He has fought world champions جيف لاسي, Shumenov بيبو, يونيير دورتيكوس, as well as world title challengers سوليفان باريرا, لويس أورتيز و BJ فلوريس.



Popular Florida heavyweight Chris Vendola (8-6, 8 كوس) faces former Mid-American cruiserweight champion Terry Porter (15-26-3, 9 كوس) في نوبة ستة جولة-. ارتداء, a veteran boxer from Arkansas, has been in the ring with world champions جيمس توني, صموئيل بيتر و William Guthrie, in addition to infamous Ike Ibeabuchi.



Texas heavyweight يوجين “Mean Gene” تل (34-1, 22 كوس), a former World Boxing Association International champion, meets an opponent to be determined. Hill is unbeaten in his last 19 المعارك (18-0-1).



Also fighting on theBackyard Rumbleundercard is Houston (TX) وزن الوسط السوبر Star Johnson (6-28-1), Vero Beach, Florida welterweight Johnathan Pierre (2-0), and New Providence, Bahamas heavyweight Amron “ساندمان” Sands (3-0, 3-0).



جميع المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.