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Портленд, Мэн (Апреля 27, 2018) - New England Бои (NEF) возвращается к Aura в Портленде, Мэн с его следующим событием смешанных боевых искусств, “NEF 34: Дом отважных,” в субботу вечером, Июнь 16, 2018. Ранее сегодня, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s catchweight bout to the card. Челси Такер (0-2) will return to the NEF cage to take on the debuting Слава Уотсон (0-0) в бой массы 130 фунтов.

Челси Такер, a member of First Class MMA of Brunswick, Мэн, is a native of Williamsburg, Виргиния. She has served her country as a veteran of the United States Coast Guard. Tucker has twice entered the NEF cage to compete in MMA bouts. She lost to Sarah Matulis (1-0) via TKO last fall at “NEF, 31.” She returned to meet Catie Denning (1-0) in February atNEF 32. Tucker forced Denning to a decision, but lost on the judges’ системы показателей. Ранее в этом месяце, Tucker entered the NEF cage for a third time to grapple Carol Linn Powell (0-1) on the opener of “NEF 33.” Tucker and Powell went to a five-minute draw.

I look forward to stepping into the cage with Glory,” said Tucker. It’s always an honor to step into the cage with anyone who puts in the time and work. She comes from a very good gym and so do I. I have some great sparring partners and coaches. I’m excited to show what I have learned every time I make an appearance.

NEF 34will be the debut of Glory Watson in the MMA cage. Watson is a product of Young’s MMA of Bangor, Maine where she is a teammate of Catie Denning who defeated Chelsea Tucker earlier this year. She is eager to test the skills she has picked up from her team in the cage this June.

I’m looking forward to stepping into the cage to represent Young’s MMA,” said Watson. “Я люблю этот спорт, and am excited to show what I can do. I am thankful to the NEF for this opportunity to put the skills I have learned to the test.

NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 34: Дом отважных,” будет проходить в Aura в Портленде, Мэн в субботу, Июнь 16, 2018. Билеты на продаже сейчас на сайте www.AuraMaine.com.

FNU Спортивные единоборства Показать: Ли против. Barboza Recap, Wilder Camp Offers $50 Million to Joshua for Boxing Superfight, и т.д..

На этой неделе Том, Tony and Rich recap last week’s UFC Fight Night, all the boxing action from last Saturday, and all the biggest combat sports stories of the week, including the funeral of Wrestling Legend Bruno Sanmartino. Мы также анонсировать предстоящие события, with Tom and Rich making a push-up bet on Fedor vs. Mir in this Saturday’s Bellator Main Event.

Слушайте всю трансляцию ниже:




Атлантик-Сити, N.J. – 26 апреля, 2018 – В рамках 2-х ежегодных вводных выходных, Зал славы бокса Атлантик-Сити представляет “ACBHOF Fight: опыт фанатов” который состоится в субботу, 2 июня в отеле Claridge..




“Опыт Fight Fan” это бонус для фанатов бокса к уже насыщенным событиями уик-энду, который будет включать встречу и приветствие., две профессиональные боевые карты, и церемонии индукции.




“Опыт Fight Fan” включает в себя возможность пообщаться и познакомиться с некоторыми из легенд бокса, а также посмотреть выставку Джека Джонсона, “Смокин” Выставка наследия Джо Фрейзера, великие скульптуры Джеймса О’Нила и выставка истории бокса в Филадельфии. Поклонники услышат музыку DJ Young Hitta., интерактивные мероприятия, участие в Pop-Up Boxing Gym, возможность посмотреть и купить Иконки боксерских сувениров, и обратно, по многочисленным просьбам, наша всплывающая парикмахерская в стиле A True Gentleman’s Barber Shop Polo’s Lounge, а также многое другое.




“Fight Fan Experience начнется в 12 вечера и беги в 4 PM. Билеты $15 для общего допуска и $25 на сувенирную упаковку.




Билеты можно приобрести на сайте www.acbhof.com, а номера можно забронировать на сайтеwww.claridge.com.. Скидка на номер действует до 30 апреля по промокоду.: ACBHOF.




“В прошлом году Fight Fan Experience стал большим хитом, и в этом году у нас есть еще много мероприятий и шоу для великих поклонников бокса, которые приезжают в субботу., 2 июня,” сказал Рэй Макклайн, Президент Зала славы бокса Атлантик-Сити.




“Вводный уик-энд - это полноценное блюдо для всех, кто посещает, и “Опыт борьбы с фанатами” доставит отличное времяпрепровождение с таким большим количеством разных вещей, что обязательно удовлетворит их боксерское небо.




Все заинтересованные спонсоры, экспоненты, и продавцы, желающие зарезервировать киоск, связаться с ACBHOF по (609) 318 -3188 или info@acbhof.com или acbhof@gmail.com.

Claridge: A Raddison Hotel является совместным спонсором и принимающей стороной.

Большое спасибо нашим спонсорам:

Combate АМЕРИКА нокаутирует конкуренции с RECORD РЕЙТИНГИ

На 4.6 Миллион Телезрители Настройтесь «Combate Estrellas I» Across Univision И Univision Deportes сеть In The U.S. И Azteca 7 в Мексике

U.S. Телевизионные рейтинги Увеличение По 10 Процент с "Combat Stars II"
В Пятницу, Апреля 20

Спонсоры Включенный Anheuser-Busch Estrella Халиско, Advanced Auto Parts, Двойной крест Vodka, Горячий 6 Пить энергии и Battle Boom Gaming

НЬЮ-ЙОРКАпреля 26, 2018– Combate Америка сегодня объявила рейтинги его первые двух живых, 2018 события – "Я Fight Stars" и "Combat Stars II" – который также отмечен исторический, первый когда-либо жить Univision и Univision Deportes сети (ДСУ) телепрограмму Смешанные боевые искусства (MMA) события, в пятницу, Апреля 13 и пятницу, Апреля 20, соответственно.


Несмотря на время начала полуночного ЕТ в Соединенных Штатах, «Я борюсь звезда» доставлен все 583,000 лиц 2+, в том числе 296,000 взрослые в желанном 18-49 возрастная группа, на Univision и одновременной Univision Deportes сети, избиение Bellator 197, которая вышла в эфир в прайм на Paramount Network.


В Мексике, событие доставлено более 4 миллион прямых эфира телезрители на Azteca 7.


Facebook Прямой поток на предварительный бой карты «Combate Estrellas I», который непосредственно предшествовал 90-минутное прямое телевизионное проветривание основной карты, доставлено более 294,000 потоки.


«Удивительный рост наших телевизионных рейтингов подтверждает, что мы самое горячее продвижение ММА в мире,»Сказал Combate Americas генеральный директор Кэмпбелл McLaren.


Проветривание исключительно на УДН в слоте полночь по восточному времени в следующую пятницу, Апреля 20, "Combat Stars II" доставлен еще один 200,000 всего зрителей, a 10 процентов больше по сравнению с первой партии из двух частей, «Борьба звезды» серии событий в реальном времени.

Из общего числа зрителей ДСУ для «Combate Estrellas II," 67 проценты были в 18-49 возрастная группа.


Facebook Прямой поток на предварительный бой карты «Combate Estrellas II» получил более 630,000 потоки, более чем в два раза онлайн аудитории от одной недели раньше.


Как Combate Americas, Рекламодатели также вышли победителями из рекордсменов оценок.


“Мы рады сотрудничать с Anheuser-Busch Estrella Халиско, Advanced Auto Parts, Двойной крест Vodka, ГОРЯЧИЙ 6 Пить энергии и Battle Boom Игры для события, что позволило им взаимодействовать с потребителем на месте, а также достигая миллионы потребителей через несколько платформ с соответствующим ключом бренда сообщениями,»Сказал Combate Америкас CRO, Mike Pine. «Combate Americas - единственный двигатель ММА на сегодняшний день, который служит 100 процентов испаноязычных демографических, позволяя брендам упростить и охватить наиболее быстро растущее население в мире и потребительский набор, который будет тратить около $1.7 триллион в 2018 году.”


Легчайший вес (135 фунты) главное событие «Combate Estrellas I» в The Shrine в Лос-Анджелесе, Халиф. видел Хосе «Почито» Алдай (11-3) Мексика вычеркивает раздробленное решение в отношении суперзвезды Джона «Секси Мекси» Кастанеды (16-4) США, в то время как легкий вес (125 фунты) в со-главном состоялся дебют ММА пятикратного чемпиона мира по боксу Аманды «The Real Deal» Серрано (0-0-1) кто, представляя Пуэрто-Рико, доблестно боролся с Кориной Эррерой (3-4-1) of the U.S. на ничью.


В первом прямом эфире ночной бой, свирепый, полулегкий вес (145 фунты) восходящая звезда Хосе «Лягушка» Эстрада (5-1) of the U.S. забить второй раунд (1:43) ВОЗ (колени и пуансоны) на «Ruthless» Rudy Моралес (5-6) Гватемала.


Среди знаменитостей, которые приняли в акции в храме был Диего Бонета, Camila, Синтия Olavarria, Victoria La Mala, Флор-де-Toloache и Forggie.


В весе главным событием «Combate Estrellas II» в Gimnasio Nuevo Leon в Монтеррее, Мексика, мирового рейтинга суперзвезды и Монтеррей родной Эрик «Goyito» Perez (18-6) отомстил предыдущее поражение на руках Дэвида «D.J.» Фуэнтес (13-10) из Макаллена, Техас, U.S., забив третий раунд (1:22) KO (удары) Источники на время, в весе со-главном событии, Марсело «Pitbull» Красный (14-5) Кордова, Аргентина косит Fabian GALVAN (8-3) Монтеррей через первый раунд (2:34) нокаут (пунш).


Ведущие от прямой трансляции, 20-летнее ощущение Melissa «Супер Мелли» Мартинес (4-0) продлил ее беспроигрышную серию, зарабатывая доминанту, единогласным решением судей над Иванна Martinenghi (4-2) Буэнос-Айрес, Аргентина.


Combate Америка возвращается в УДН в пятницу, Апреля 27, начиная с 12 a.m. И / 9 p.m. PT, с «Combat Stars III,»Сборник лучших, без телепрограммы боя действия с предварительным кругооборотом карт в «Combate Estrellas I» и «Combate Estrellas II».


Источник: Nielsen, NPM, Данные L + SD


Портленд, Мэн (Апреля 26, 2018) - New England Бои (NEF) возвращается к Aura в Портленде, Мэн с его следующим событием смешанных боевых искусств, “NEF 34: Дом отважных,” в субботу ночь, Июнь 16, 2018. Ранее сегодня, промоушен боя объявил о добавлении в кард боя профессионального легкого веса. Reigning NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion “The” Райан Сандерс (15-9) столкнется Vince McGuiness (5-7) in a non-title bout at a fight weight of 155-pounds.

Ryan Sanders has had a storied career in the NEF cage. He competed in, и выиграл, the main event of the very first NEF card in February 2012 over veteran Dan Keefe (7-3). Sanders fought on ten of the first fifteen NEF cards, including the company’s co-promotion with Bellator in the spring of 2013. After more than a two-year absence from NEF, Sanders returned to the promotion in August 2016 and went on a five-fight win-streak over the course of the next yearthe longest streak of his career. During that stint, Sanders captured his first gold in NEFthe coveted professional lightweight titlewith a victory over Jon Lemke (7-8) Последняя весна. The bout with McGuiness will be Sandersfirst in the NEF cage since August 2017. He will be looking to bounce back from a loss in Massachusetts last month. Sanders is a longtime member of Bangor, Maine’s Young’s MMA fight team.

I’m ecstatic to be back fighting for the NEF, it has been too long,” said Sanders. “I’m back to show the fans that I’m the best lightweight in the region, and that I’m on the road to be the best lightweight in the world. I really appreciate Vince taking this fight. I look forward to showing my improvements and the work that I’ve been putting in while away from the cage. I have great coaches, teammates, and an amazing wife in my corner that makes me truly feel unstoppable. Come watch me take another step towards my destiny on Июнь 16 in Portland.

Уроженец Бруклина, New York and current head coach of Bang Muay Thai in Tampa, Флорида, Vince McGuiness is no stranger to the New England MMA scene. His two most recent fights have been in Massachusetts, and McGuiness has even competed previously on a Portland fight card in 2015. He will be looking to rebound against Sanders after losing his last four bouts in the cage.

“I’m excited to be back in New England fighting again,” said McGuiness. “I always get love up there. I’m ready to put on a scrap!"

NeF в следующем смешанных боевых искусств событие, “NEF 34: Дом отважных,” будет проходить в Aura в Портленде, Мэн в субботу, Июнь 16, 2018. Билеты на продаже сейчас на сайте www.AuraMaine.com.

“Lil Pacquiao” Resendiz added to June 16 card in St Petersburg, Флорида





Улица. Петербург, Флорида (Апреля 26, 2018) – Featherweight Jose “Lil’ Pacquiao” Resendiz will face Vincent Jennings in a six round contest as part of Fire Fist Boxing Promotions’ June 16 card at The Coliseum in St. Петербург.




Билеты уже в продаже в https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/0D00548D9F1C967E.




With a physical and stylistic resemblance to boxing legend Manny Pacquiao, Resendiz built a strong fan base and rewards supporters with an all-action style. Originally from Mexico but now fighting out of St. Петербург, Resendiz is 5-1 с 3 нокауты. He owns impressive wins over Mohamed El Marcouchi (2-0) и Рауль Chirino (7-1), mercifully stopping the latter in a brilliant performance.




His lone defeat came under extremely seedy circumstances and many argue he should’ve won by disqualification. In that contest, Resendiz badly hurt unbeaten Joshua Pagan with a body shot in the final minute of the bout and looked for the knockout. A fan literally jumped onto the ring apron and took a swing at Resendiz’ head, forcing the referee to stop the fight and restore order. This also allowed Pagan unexpected time to recover and he ultimately claimed a split decision victory.




Hailing from Grand Rapids, МОИ, Jennings is 5-5-1 с 4 КО. The 33-year-old has been matched extremely tough, facing four consecutive unbeaten opponents in their backyard. Jennings dropped multiple controversial decisions and has a win over contender Dennis Galarza.




“I’m very excited to have Jose on the card,- сказал Джоди Калигуайр из Fire Fist Boxing Promotions.. “He really does fight a lot like Manny Pacquiao and fans love that style but he’ll have his hands full with a very gritty opponent in Vincent Jennings who has already shown his willingness to fight anybody, anywhere at any time.”




This excellent evening of boxing features eight bouts, headlined by an exciting 10 round NBA middleweight showdown between 7-0 Irish sensation Connor “The Kid” Coyle and Orlando, FL’s Danny Pastrana. Tampa cruiserweight Nicholas “Showstopper” Iannuzzi, 19-4 (11 КО), meets Puerto Rican Vincent Miranda, 17-2 (9 КО), in the eight round co-feature.




Crowd favorites Ricky “Cowboy” Tomlinson, Ali Tarah, Joseph Fernandez, Kendrick Thomas and Rodriguez Cade will all appear in

separate undercard bouts.




All fights are pending Florida State Athletic Commission approval.




For more information on Fire Fist Boxing Promotions, go to Firefistboxing.net or Facebook.com/firefistboxing.


Премьер бокса чемпионов на FOX & Цитаты финальной пресс-конференции FOX Deportes & Фото

Josesito Lopez vs. Мигель Крус, Энтони Диррелл против. Авраам Хан & Jorge Lara vs. Claudio Marrero Tripleheader Суббота, Апреля 28 Live on FOX & FOX Deportes из центра Дона Хаскинса в Эль-Пасо, Техас
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий Рубена Рамиреса

ШАГ, Техас. (Апреля 25, 2018) – Rugged veteran Josesito Лопес и непобедимый Мигель Крус faced-off Thursday and discussed their upcoming showdown Saturday, Апреля 28 as part of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, Техас.




Also squaring-off Thursday and competing in PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes action that begins at 8:30 p.m. И / 5:30 p.m. PT were former world champion Энтони Диррелл and El Paso’s Авраам Хан, who meet in a 10 round super middleweight clash, and featherweight brawlers Хорхе Лара и Клаудио Марреро, who compete in a 10 раундовый бой.




Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции, уже в продаже и могут быть приобретены через Ticketmaster.




Вот что бойцы сказали в четверг из Центра Дона Хаскинса:






I’m well prepared for this fight, I’ve had a great camp with Robert Garcia. I have a tough unbeaten opponent who’s really good. I just have to prove I’m better on Saturday night.




I’m so excited to be finally fighting in Texas and I’ve gotten so much love and support already from this city. I can’t wait to give these fans a show.




This is the kind of fight that I can really display my skills. I’m going to show everyone the same heart that I always do, combined with some skills that Robert Garcia has helped get.




I’m going to be prepared for anything on Saturday. Cruz is unbeaten and that brings its own kind of mentality. I know I have what it takes to conquer this challenge and fight the best in the division.




This is going to be a textbook Josesito Lopez performance. I’m going to fight my hardest from bell to bell and take this victory home with me.






El Paso has been great to me and I’ve really enjoyed my time here. I’m in this city to fight. I’m here to come and prove myself in this welterweight division.




I have respect for what Josesito’s done in the game, but at the end of the day, this is the premier division in boxing. I feel I’m one of the best guys at 147 and I’ll be here for a while. I’m going to be a force.




I know Josesito is bringing the fight and I promise you I’m bringing it as well. I will come out on top. This is a can’t miss fight for sure.




I have to be smart and execute my game plan round after round. My jab will be key and if I can use that and wear him down to the body, I think I’ll have a great chance to stop him.




I know what it takes to win at this level now. I’ve gotten better each fight and I think my time is now. People are going to know my name after Saturday night.






I plan on going in there and getting the victory. I know Han is a great fighter who will bring the best out of me. That’s what I need right now.




Come Saturday it’s going to be just another fight for me. I take everybody seriously. I know that anything can happen in that ring. I prepared well for this fight and I’m ready to get the win.




Everyone knows that I’m a championship-caliber fighter and I’ll prove it again on Saturday. После этого боя, I’m ready to take on any of the super middleweight champions. I’ll beat any of them.




I’m the best fighter that he’s ever going to fight and he will see that on Saturday. I’m going to leave no doubt.






I’ve fought in many other people’s backyards so being able to fight here in my hometown is amazing. I turn it up to a different level here. The crowd will give me a big boost in energy and it’s going to help me get the win.




I hope the sports fans of El Paso come out and watch me put on a great performance. I know the type of challenge I have in front of me, but I also know that I have the skills to pull this off.





This is a great opportunity to show people outside of El Paso what kind of fighter I really am. I have a lot of experience and I’ve fought all over, but I don’t know if I’ve ever been more prepared for a fight.




Anthony Dirrell is a great champion but I’m a champion of this city. This is my chance to take down a big name and move to the next level of the sport.






I’m going to leave the ring Saturday night with my hand raised. I’ve had a wonderful training camp and I prepared perfectly for this fight. It will show on fight night.




Marrero better be ready, because I’m going to come at him and look for the kill early. I want to make a statement and I’ll go through him to make it.




I’m very focused and ready to take home this win on Saturday night. The fans are going to love my style and the heart that I fight with.






I hope that Jorge Lara is ready to fight on Saturday night. This is going to be a battle and I know that we’ll both leave everything in the ring.




I prepared well for this fight because I know that everything is on the line for me. I have to be victorious so I can go on and get where I want to in boxing.




I’m more skilled and more experienced than anyone that Lara has faced and on Saturday night I’m going to give him lots of problems.




# # #




Поклонники могут транслировать бои в прямом эфире на FOX Sports GO, на английском или испанском языках через каналы FOX или FOX DEPORTES. Бои доступны на рабочем столе на FOXSportsGO.com и в магазине приложений., или подключенных устройств, включая Apple TV, Android TV, Огонь ТВ, Xbox One и Roku. В дополнение, все программы также доступны на FOX Sports на канале SiriusXM 83 спутниковые радиостанции и на приложении SiriusXM.




Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.tgbpromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и www.foxdeportes.com.

Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @FOXTV, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions и www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Основные имеющиеся наwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. ПБК на FOX & FOX Deportes спонсируется Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Премьер бокса чемпионов на FOX & FOX Deportes El Paso Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Josesito Lopez vs. Мигель Крус, Энтони Диррелл против. Авраам Хан & Jorge Lara vs. Claudio Marrero Tripleheader Суббота, Апреля 28 Live on FOX & FOX Deportes из центра Дона Хаскинса в Эль-Пасо, Техас
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий Рубена Рамиреса

ШАГ, Техас. (Апреля 25, 2018) – Fighters competing on Saturday’s Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes card, хэдлайнерами Josesito Лопес сражаясь Мигель Крус в полусреднем действий, participated in a media workout Wednesday in El Paso before they step into the ring at Don Haskins Center.




Also participating in the workout was former world champion Энтони Диррелл and El Paso’s Авраам Хан, who meet in a 10 round super middleweight clash, and featherweight brawlers Хорхе Лара и Клаудио Марреро, who compete in a 10 раундовый бой.




Билеты на шоу, который способствует TGB Акции, уже в продаже и могут быть приобретены через Ticketmaster.




Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from Wolves Den Gym in El Paso:






Having Robert Garcia in my corner has given me the training and preparation of an elite fighter. It’s a big difference. He’s one of the best trainers in the world and I’m going to help show that on Saturday.




I’ve been training with Robert for quite some time now. I’ve been getting sharp working with other elite fighters in the gym. It’s kept me on my toes and that’s what I needed.




Cruz is tough, he’s undefeated and he comes focused to win. He’s a good fighter but I’m here this week to prove that I’m a better fighter.




Experience will definitely play a big part. But I also don’t think he’s faced anyone with the skills I have. All of my losses are to great fighters. I feel like I’ve taken a big step forward here.




It feels great to be headlining in El Paso on FOX and FOX Deportes. I bring exciting fights and I’m always in wars. Saturday will be no different.




I’m really excited to finally be fighting in Texas, it’s something I’ve looked for and asked about for many years. Texas holds a big piece of my heart and I’m ready to give the fans here a show on Saturday.






This was an excellent training camp. It was a hard camp. It was extensive but I got through it and it has me feeling very prepared. It was absolutely the most strenuous camp I’ve had. Я всегда упорно тренируюсь, but this one in particular, I had extra motivation.




To get the win I need to use my jab and work the body. There are more aspects of it, but those two things are essential for me winning this fight.




I’ve fought a lot of good, молодой, strong fighters recently. Past a certain level you learn that you can’t just knock everybody out. You learn to weather the storm and use your energy more efficiently. I’ve learned a lot about myself as a fighter.




Josesito throws looping punches. That’s tough because it’s a bit unconventional. He throws looping punches that can take away your equilibrium. He’s got a lot of experience and that’s definitely a major factor in what I’ve been preparing for.




It feels great to be on this stage, but at the same time I know I earned my spot to be here. I remember watching Josesito fighting in 2011 на турнире Mayweather vs. Ortiz undercard and I knew right then that I was going to be in the ring with these guys.






I had a great, eight-week long training camp with great sparring. I feel good and I’m ready to fight for sure.




I know that Han is a warrior. He’s rugged and that’s why I chose to fight him here in his backyard. I know that he’s going to bring a fight for me.




It’s just going to be me and him in the ring. The audience can’t help him. All his fans can’t help him. Coaches can only help him between rounds. I’m going to block everything else out and just focus on him.




I just need to stick to what we worked on in training camp. We have to implement those strategies and you’ll see it come Saturday night.




I’m a better, stronger and wiser fighter these days. I’ve been through a lot to stay in world title contention. Everybody knows how badly I want my title back. В Субботу, everyone will see that I’m a champion. I’m ready for anyone with a belt.






I’m so happy to be fighting at home on this big stage. In many ways this is a dream come true and something that’s been a long time coming. I can’t wait to perform in front of my people.




I know I’m the underdog versus Dirrell but that doesn’t bother me at all. I always train to be better than anyone expects me to be. This fight will be no difference.




This is a big fight for me and I’ve been training so hard to put on a great show for my hometown fans. This is a great fight town and I’m going to give the fans something to cheer about.






I’m so excited to get in the ring. I’m still eating right now leading up to the weigh-in and I feel ready to go. I’m eager to step into the ring.




I’m not worried about Claudio Marrero. I’m just staying loose and focused on what I have to do. Marrero has to focus on me because he’s never fought a guy like me. I’m going to stay loose and bring the fight to him.




The world title is my destiny. This is one shot closer to a world title. I’m highly ranked but the champions don’t want to give me a chance. So I will have to fight my way there.




I’m like a dog going after a bone in the ring. Я просто хочу драться. I’m here to take the fight right to him.






It was a very hard training camp like always. I take it very seriously and I’m ready for this fight on Saturday night.




I know I’m facing a tough Mexican fighter who will leave it all in the ring. We worked very hard on a plan for him.




He must be mistaken if he thinks I’ve never seen a fighter like him before. It’s the other way around. He’ll definitely know what level I’m on after Saturday night.




My style is to both come forward, but have the ability to move backward. It’s all about what the fight dictates and what my corner wants.


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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.tgbpromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage и www.foxdeportes.com.

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I am the best light heavyweight in the world, and Toronto and the world will see that on Мая 19.” – Адонис Стивенсон
I asked for this fight for a long time and finally we got it. На Мая 19 we’re going to have a three-time world champion.” – Баду Джека
Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит: Baxter Promotions



ЧТО: WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson and former two-division world champion Badou Jack faced off in Toronto on Tuesday to formally announce their highly anticipated showdown Saturday, Мая 19 live on SHOWTIME from Air Canada Centre in Toronto.




The southpaw Stevenson (29-1, 24 КО) is the longest reigning champion in the 175-pound division and one of the hardest hitters in boxing. Джек (22-1-3, 13 КО) это бывший 168 and 175-pound champion who relinquished his title for the chance to challenge Stevenson in the biggest light heavyweight showdown of 2018.




Стивенсон против. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast beginning at 10 p.m. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, Младший. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland.




Tickets for the Premier Boxing Champions event in Toronto, which is promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, Акции Ли Бакстера и Акции Мэйвезера, are on sale Friday, Апреля 27 and will be available at www.ticketmaster.ca.




Below are quotes from the fighters and event promoters.


Адонис Стивенсон:



I love Toronto, I spend a lot of time here. I have fought here before. I have a lot of fans in Toronto, and on May 19 I’m going to put on a show for them. Я дам им что-нибудь запомнить.




Badou Jack is an excellent opponent. Он умный, he’s been a world champion, and he’s shown he’s a true competitor. But I am the best light heavyweight in the world, and Toronto and the world will see that on May 19.




Badou Jack is a good champion. He’s not coming to Canada to lose. I know he’s coming to win so we need to train like we’ve never trained before.




I know Badou is one of the best boxers in the world and I can’t take him lightly. We can’t underestimate this guyhe’s a two-time world champion.




“Я ищу нокаут. I know Badou is ready, Я готов, Мая 19 will be exciting.





I’m glad to be fighting here in Toronto on May 19. I want to thank Adonis and his team for giving me the opportunity. I’ve been training for a while now, and feel great. Лагерь был большой. I think I’m getting better and better, and I’m ready to become a world champion again on May 19 and give Toronto a show.




“Он сильный боец, everybody knows that. He does a lot of things well, not just land the big shots. But I’m a guy who’s great at a lot of things, and who’s coming to win. Я обещаю тебе, I’ll leave Toronto a champion.




We have three more weeks to get ready for one of the biggest fights of my life. I asked for this fight for a long time and finally we got it. Мая 19 we’re going to have a three-time world champion.


Ивон Мишель, Groupe Yvon Michele:



We were faced with a situation in Montreal that demanded this fight be moved. I called MLSE, and Lee Baxter, and with the co-operation of everybody here, we knew almost immediately that this fight had a great new home here at the ACC in Toronto.




Over the duration of his time as world champion, Adonis has become not only one of the best light heavyweights in the world, but one of the best fighters in the sport. But Badou Jack is the toughest opponent that Adonis has faced since becoming champion. Adonis has always risen to the occasion, and on May 19th he’ll do it again and be successful in defending his world championship.


LEE BAXTER, Baxter Promotions:



Taking on a project like this with just three weeks to sell the fight is a huge task. But this is an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. We’ve been on a mission to bring boxing to Toronto sports fans and put us back on the sport’s map. I think this is the perfect group of people to pull off this task and turn this endeavor into a huge success.




I want to thank Yvon Michel, MLSE, Мэйвезер Акции, the champion Adonis Stevenson, Баду Джека, and everybody else represented on the dais. This is a great fight, regardless of where it takes place, but because it’s happening here in Toronto at the ACC, with an undercard featuring some of the best local fighters fighting on the biggest stage of their careers, it’s going to be a great Toronto sports event.


Леонард Эллерб, Мэйвезер Акции:



“Первый, I want to extend our hearts and best wishes to everybody affected by Monday’shorrifying tragedy here in Toronto.




I know first-hand that Toronto is a great sports city. Floyd and I saw it with our own eyes when we were here last year promoting his fight with McGregor. The fans are passionate, and vocal, and they’re hungry for a good fight. I know they’re going to love seeing Badou Jack become a three-time world champion.




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Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,mayweatherpromotions.com и www.groupeyvonmichel.ca следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, BadouJack, MayweatherPromo, или стать поклонником на Facebook поwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Mason Menard training hard for Haney showdown

Беверли Хиллс, Халиф. (Апреля 25,2018) – Легкий соперника Мейсон Менар (33-2, 24 КО) is training very hard for his upcoming battle with undefeated Devin Haney (18-0, 12 КО) that will headline a ShoBox: Новое поколение карта, жить на SHOWTIME (10 PM ET / PT) в пятницу, May 11th at The 2300 Арена в Филадельфии.





Menard has set up training camp in Dallas, Texas for this important battle, which is now for the USBA Lightweight title.




Training Camp is Dallas is going great. I’m feeling comfortable with my new team around me, and being around elite guys in the gym like Errol Spence, Jermell Charlo, Rob Brant and Cem Kilic has made me a better fighter,” сказал Менар. “My only real loss was to world champion Ray Beltran. May 11th can’t come soon enough because I am ready to show the boxing world that Devin Haney is taking too big of a step up, and I am back.




This will be the first bout with new Manager, Shane Shapiro of No Limit Mindset Management.





I am excited for Mason’s return to the ring. With a new management team around him, a repaired shoulder, an elite trainer and quality sparring partners, fight fans will see an improved Mason Menard on May 11th,” said Shapiro, CEO of No Limit Mindset. “I truly believe that being in the gym with guys like Errol Spence and Jermell Charlo for entire camp will bring out the best in Mason. Devin Haney is a great fighter, and has a lot of hype around him, но приходи ночь битвы, he will realize that he took too big of a step up in opposition.





Menard is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions.






For more information on No Limit Mindset, ООО, контакт:





Шейн Шапиро




Телефон: (310) 770 – 9077

