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Popular, undefeated Detroit bantamweight Ja’Rico “Great Lakes King” O’Quinn will continue his climb up the professional boxing ladder in his first eight-round fight, Juma kuni, Iyun 22, at Detroit’s Masonic Temple.




O’Quinn (8-0-1, 5 KOS) will make his next ring appearance (against an opponent TBA as of now) on the non-televised undercard of the blockbuster “It’s Our Time to Shine” event featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and current Unified Women’s Super Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields attempting to become a two-division world champion against unified 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championships.




The main event will be televised live on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION (10 p.m. ET / PT) and will also feature highlights of Unified Women’s Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer as she defends her WBC & WBO Titles in her U.S. debut against former world champion Tori Nelson.




Tadbir chiptalar, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, mavjud or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 va $35.




The 23-year-old O’Quinn says he’s eager to get in the ring at this historic event.




“I’m excited because this will be my first eight-rounder. I feel good that I’m getting closer to 10- and 12-round fights and a world title shot. I know it will happen, but I have to work my way up to the big fights and get noticed more first. Training yaxshi bo'ladi. I was already working out before I found out I was fighting. I was already in good shape, so now we’re stepping it up and getting in serious shape.”




O’Quinn, from the West Side of Detroit in the Plymouth And Greenfield area, enjoys intense popularity among Motown boxing fans, which gives him extra motivation to impress.




“It’s a great feeling hearing my name being chanted by hundreds of people when I come out. It’s what I love and I appreciate that my fans stand behind what I’m doing. I have a great team behind me and great fans.”




A decorated former amateur boxer, O’Quinn won the USA National Championship at bantamweight and the 2013 USA Boxing Youth National Championships. He says it’s that amateur pedigree that gives him his high “boxing IQ” in the ring and makes him so adaptable to any style.




“I have such great management and promoters, I know whoever I fight will be the best for my career, so it doesn’t really matter. Everybody knows I’m always in shape an I’ll be in even greater shape this time. It’s a big show, so I’m doing more of everything to get ready.”




“Ja’Rico O’Quinn is one of the best Bantamweight prospects in the country,” said his promoter, Dmitriy Salita. “His speed, skills and exciting style make his fights very entertaining. His fan base grows with each fight and I believe that Ja’Rico has the skills to join the list of fighters that brought glory to the great boxing city of Detroit.”


Portlend, Meyn (May 2, 2018) - New England sur (NEF) Portlenddagi Auraga qaytadi, Meyn navbatdagi aralash-jang san'ati bilan, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” shanba kuni tun, Iyun 16, 2018. Avvalroq bugun, jang targ'iboti kartaga havaskorlar o'rtasida o'rta vazn toifasida chempionlik baxsining qo'shilishini e'lon qildi. Karlton Charlz (2-1) qabul qilishi rejalashtirilgan Dunkan “Tog'li tog '” Smith (2-2) bo'sh NEF havaskor 170 funt unvoni uchun. Jang beshta uch daqiqali raundga belgilangan.

Karlton Charlz o'tgan yilning yozida mag'lubiyatsiz Josh Jonsning 23 soniyali texnik nokauti bilan NEF sahnasini yorib o'tdi. (2-4) Bangordagi kartada, Meyn. Shu yilning boshida, Charlz Delmarkis Edvardsning 12 soniyali demontaji bilan NEF qafasiga qaytib keldi (0-1). Meyn Qora Bear Universitetining sobiq himoyachisi MMA oltindan birinchi zarbasini oladi Iyun 16, ammo u chempionat uchun begona emas. Vindxem o'rta maktabida o'ynaganidan keyin, Charlz futbol jamoasini yordamchi murabbiy sifatida A toifasidagi davlat unvoniga olib chiqdi.

“Men yarim o'rta vaznda havaskor NEF chempionligi uchun kurashish uchun ushbu imkoniyatdan juda xursandman va muborak bo'ldim,” - dedi Charlz. “Mening havaskorlik va jangovar martaba tajribam uchun bu juda muhim qadam. Ushbu jang men bilgan buyuk raqibga qarshi, va, qattiq mashg'ulot olib boradi va barchasini qafasda qoldiradi. Bilaman, murabbiylarim va oilam meni ushbu jangga tayyor qilishadi, va biz Portlend uchun shou namoyish etishimizni kutmoqdaman!”

Dunkan Smit o'tgan oy NEFda debyut qildi “NEF 33” Portlendda Teylor Bartlettning ta'sirchan gilyotinli taqdimoti bilan (0-1) birinchi turda. Smit bundan oldin butun mintaqada MMA va kikboksing bahslarida boshqa aktsiyalar uchun qatnashgan 2014. Sakoda joylashgan Evolution Athletix a'zosi, Meyn.

Carlton and I are both looking to go pro and climb up the ladder,” Said Smith. “Fights like this is what it’s all about. I have the upmost respect for my opponent, but I have all the skills to win. Other than getting clipped, this fight is already won.

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.

sinfi 2018 inducted into New York State Boxing Hall of Fame

Ning NYSBHOF Class 2018: (L-R) seated: Charley Norkus, Jr. (accepting for Charley Norkus), Melvina Lathan, o't Goldman, Bob Goodman and Jake Rodriguez; tik: Jo mesi, Al Cole, Ron Scott Stevens, Pete Brodsky and Joseph McAuliffe (accepting for Jack McAuliffe)
Butrus Frutkoff barcha rasmlar
NYU YORK (May 1, 2018) — Twenty-three members of the Class of 2018 were inducted into the New York Stare Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF), this past Sunday afternoon during the seventh annual NYSBHOF induction dinner, Govard Beach, Russo ning On The janob, Nyu York.




Those being honored tonight are humble, honorable people,” NYSBHOF president Bob Duffy dedi. “We do this as an act of love. Many of the inductees are here today and those no longer with us are represented by family members. This is our way of saying thank you to all the inductees for what they have done for boxing in New York.




sinfi 2018 living boxers inducted heading into the NYSBHOF included (Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi) WBA Lou “asal Boy” Vodiy (36-6-2, 22 KOS), (Markaziy Islip) IBF Junior yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempioni Jeyk Rodriguez (28-8-2, 8 KOS), (Bruklin) jahon engil nomi Challenger Terrence Alli (52-15-2, 21 KOS), Mag'lubiyatsiz, No.; 1 og'ir vazn toifasida raqib “Chaqaloq” Jo mesi (Qo'tos) and former world cruiserweight champion Uchun “muz” Cole (Rockland County).




Posthumous participants inducted were NBA & NYSAC Jahon tuklar chempioni (Nafasni) Kid “Kuba Bon Bon” shokolad (136-10-6, 51 KOS), (Nyu-York City) 20thasr og'ir vazn toifasida James J. “Gentleman Jim” Corbett (11-4-3, 5 KOS), (Williamsburg) Jahon yengillashtirilgan Champion Jack “Mukofoti Ring Napoleon” McAuliffe, (Kingston) WBC Super yengillashtirilgan chempioni Billy Costello (40-2, 23 KOS), (buy) NYSAC Light og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Melio Bettina (83-14-3, 36 KOS), (Bruklin / Yonkers) jahon-sinf o'rta Ralph “Yo'lbars” Jones (52-32-5, 13 KOS) va (Port Vashington) og'ir vazn toifasida raqib Charley “Bayonne bombardimon” Norkus (33-19, 19 KOS).




Living non-participants now in the NYSBHOF are (Troy) Pulitser sportswriter sovrinli Dave Anderson, (Bruklin) murabbiy / maslahatchisi Pete Brodsky, (Rockaway) boks tarixchi / muharriri o't Goldman, (Bronx) sovchi Bobby Goodman, (Ardsley) NYSAC raisi / hakam Melvina Lathan, va (Bruklin) NYSAC Chairperson/matchmaker/promoter Ron Scott Stevens.




Posthumous non-participant inductees were (Bruklin) ring notiq Johnnie Addie, (Bruklin) sovchi Johnny Bos, (Bronx) boks publitsist Murray Goodman, (Nyu-York City) boks yozuvchi / tarixchi Bert Randolph Shakar va (Pastki Sharqiy qirg'og'i) radio & televizor notiq / jurnalist Sam Taub.




Har bir ishtirok inductee (yoki bevosita avlodi) received a custom-designed belt signifying his or her induction into the NYSBHOF.




The 2017 sunmaktadırlar NYSBHOF Nomzodlar Qo'mita a'zolari tomonidan tanlab olindi:Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Randy Gordon, Genri Hascup, Don Majeski, Ron McNair, va Neil Terens.




kamida uch yil davomida harakatsiz bo'lishi uchun zarur bo'lgan barcha bokschilar NYSBHOF induksiyasi loyiq bo'lishi uchun, va barcha sunmaktadırlar ularning boks karyeralarini muhim qismi uchun yoki ularning tegishli martaba Bosh davomida Nyu-York Davlat istiqomat qilgan bo'lishi kerak.



Boxers who attended the seventh annual NSBHOF included NYSBHOF past inductees Eron Barkley, Junior Jones, Mustafo Hamsho, Bobby Cassidy, Sr., Bobby Bartels, va Renaldo “Janob.” Snipes, shu qatorda; shu bilan birga Monte Barrett, Ray Mercer, Dennis Milton, Richard Kiley, Scott Lopez, Michael Corleone, Tommy Rainone, Kevin Collins, Cletus Seldin, James Duran, Victor Paz, va Jaime Dugan. Other notable attendees from the boxing world included Mike Reno (FDNY boks), Darryl Peoples (IBF), international judges Steve Wesisfeld va John MacKay, and NYSBHOF inductees Tommy Gallagher va Bobby Miller, and Emmy-award winning producer Bobby Cassidy, Jr.


David Diamante served once again as Master of Ceremonies. Special presentations were made to the daughter of the late Stiv Acunto, Donna Acunto, and Miller’s close friend, Dave Wojcickmen.




(L-R) – Ron McNair, Jake Rodriguez and Bob Duffy
JAKE RODRIGUEZ: “I want to thank Ring 8 for the opportunity for me to be here. I’d also like to thank my wife for always being there for me, and my trainer.

(L-R) – o't Goldman, Don Majeski and Bob Duffy
HERB GOLDMAN: “If I have made any contributions to boxingI hope I haveI did by redefining record keeping and creating a new perspective on boxing history. I’m proud of that, but I didn’t do it alone.
(L-R) – Jo mesi, Jack Hirsch and Bob Duffy
JOE MESI: “I have so many people to thank for this honor. I’m a Buffalonian. There’s nobody more in favor of one New York, but it’s not. This is special for me because it’s the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. This solidifies me and makes me think I’m not just a local boy. There was a huge disadvantage coming from a small city, sparring wasn’t the same as in the gyms of New York City, but I had an advantage coming from Western New York. Nobody was welling out like we did in Buffalo with 10,000, so'ng 16,00 and finally 18,000 odamlar. They were always behind me and I share this with them because their support made me. My dream was to fight in Buffalo and to continue to fight there.
One of the highlights of my life was fighting Monte Barrett on HBO in Madison Square Garden. He was one of the greatest fighters in the world who fought for the world title. I always wanted to get my world title shot, but I never got it. That’s okay, I was little bitter for a while, but I couldn’t be happier with my career. The best part of boxing is the brotherhood we share.

(L-R) – Randy Gordon, Ron Scott Stevens and Bob Duffy
RON SCOTT STEVENS: “I know people always say it, but this is the truth: I owe so many people who have supported me throughout my career. Boxing has always been home away from home for me and today I feel like I’m home.
“Men edi 30, living in Brooklyn Heights, and back driving a taxi a waiting on tables. A light went off in my head: boxing is the sport of the underdog and I’m an underdog. The next day I went to Gleason’s Gymthe center of the universe. I made my way around all the gyms in the city, meeting promoters, managers and trainers. I started making matches for promoters and then Cedric Kushner hired me from 1980-2002. Yilda 2002, I got a call to work for the New York State Athletic Commission as its Community Co-Ordinator and Director of Boxing. So'ng, I was made chairman and I served two terms. Bugun, I’m extremely proud to be part of the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame.

(L-R) – Bob Duffy, Genri Hascup, Bob Goodman and Tommy Gallagher
BOB GOODMAN: “I can’t believe this crowd. In order to do what we do, the sacrifices and support you get from your family is so important and (in Goodman’s case) was for so many years. They allowed us to do what we do. All of us love boxing!”

(L-R) – Ray Mercer, Penny Allen, Al Cole, Clay Jenkins and Bob Duffy
AL COLE: “I thought boxing was the stupidest and dumbest sport ever. Who wanted to get punched in the face? I started boxing late. I played around some and people said I was pretty good. I started boxing when I was 20, in the Army, stationed at Ft. Hood. Four years later, I was on the Olympic Team. The reason why is I had a great sparring partner, Ray Mercer. If I was going to be in the ring everyday with Ray, I was either going to get beat up, or get better.
I remember Bob Arum giving me his business card. I didn’t know him. I only knew of three people in boxing: Don King, Muhammad Ali va Sugar Ray Leonard. I didn’t follow boxing and the only reason I boxed was I would have had to sleep in the woods if I didn’t (in Army). Boxing is: hit him, before he hits me.

(L-R) – Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Jaime Drubin and Pete Brodsky
PETE BRODSKY: “I want to thank the board. I’m going to be 70 and started in boxing when I was 18. It created a new direction in my life. I’m so proud to be in company with guys who didn’t just talk it, they loved it. If you really love this sport, you really have to learn it. Any man who stepped in the ring, plus all the roadwork, time in the gym and sacrificing what they eat, did it to be the best they can be.
“Boks bo'yicha, you’re not going to win every fight, but whether a fighter wins or loses, if he gives 100-percent, he’s a winner. They work a job, run five miles day, workout at the gym, and then went home to spend time with his family. Friends and family always have your back.

(L-R) – Darryl Peoples & Melvina Lathan
MELVINA LATHAM: “I’m speechless. It’s wonderful. Randy (former NYSAC chairperson Gordon), do you remember this story? There were only three judges and, afsuski, one called in sick. I was sitting at ringside with no responsibilities. Randy said I had to workshu kecha. I said that I wasn’t licensed and couldn’t do it. Randy said, ‘Raise your right hand’, and it was on. I was thrown in there, but it was okay.
My greatest accomplishments are my children and husband. I couldn’t ask for a better situation. Va Ralph Petrillo is part of my family; he was my second in command. I also had the best officials: deputy commissioners, inspectors, judges and referees. I wouldn’t be here with without them. Bob Duffy put this whole thing together. I personally think he’s amazing. My journey continues, I am blessed.
SINF 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Karlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emil Griffit, “Shakar” Ray Robinson, Gen Tunney, Benni Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Stiv Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Gen Fleischer, Bill kasa va Artur Mercante, Sr.
SINF 2013: Jack Dempsi, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Eron Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddi Mustafo Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larri Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard va Don Dunphy.
Sinf 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Xuan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafo Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terri McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Stiv Farhood, Gen Mur, Anjelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon va Tom O'Rourke.
Sinf 2015: Shoul Mamby, Joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Jonston, Cedric Kushner, Garri markson, Damon Runyon va Al Weill.
Sinf 2016: Aaron Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandez, Edwin Viruet, Hector “Macho” Kamacho, Rokki Graziano, Rocky Kansas, Joe Linch, Jo Miceli, Ed Brophy, Joe DeGuardia, Randy Gordon, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Albert, Freddie Brown, Howard Cosell, Ruby Goldstein va Jimmy Jacobs.
Sinf 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Janob.” Snipes, Doug Dewitt, “Bronx bombardimon” Aleks Ramos, Dik Tiger, Jose Torres, “Nonpareil” Jack Dempsi, Don Majeski, Ron Katz, Stan Hoffman, Bobby Bartels, Hank Kaplan, Al Gavin, Artur Donovan va Dan Parker.
Haqida RING 8: Shakllangan 1954 eks-prizefighter tomonidan, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 Milliy Veteran Bokschilarimizning uyushmasi deb nomlanuvchi nima sakkizinchi yordamchi bo'ldi – shuning uchun, RING 8 – va bugun tashkilotning shiori bo'lib qolmoqda: Ravishda kutib Helping Bokschilarimizning.
RING 8 to'liq to'lab ijaraga jihatidan yordam talab qilishi mumkin boks hamjamiyatida kamroq baxtli odamlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun harakat qilmoqda, tibbiy xarajatlar, yoki har qanday asosli sabab ehtiyoj.
Liniyasi bo'yicha Go to RING haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun 8, ko'proq bilan Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari o'z turiga eng katta guruh 350 a'zolari. Yillik a'zolik to'lov faqat $30.00 va har bir a'zo va RING bir bufet kechki ovqat huquqiga ega 8 oylik uchrashuvlar, iyul va avgust tashqari. Barcha faol bokschilar, havaskor va professional, bepul fikrlovchilarning huquqiga ega 8 yillik a'zolik. Ring Mehmonlar 8 a'zolari faqat bir xarajat xush kelibsiz $7.00 kishi boshiga.


Portlend, Meyn (May 1, 2018) - New England sur (NEF) Portlenddagi Auraga qaytadi, Meyn navbatdagi aralash-jang san'ati bilan, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” shanba kuni tun, Iyun 16, 2018. Avvalroq bugun, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight championship bout to the card. Arnold keldi (3-0) uchrashadi Maykl Krespo (3-3) for the vacant NEF amateur 135-pound title. The championship was previously held by Fred Lear (6-2) who vacated when he turned professional. The bout between Arnold and Crespo will make history as the first five-round amateur title fight in both NEF and Maine history. All previous amateur championship fights had been scheduled for three rounds.

Undefeated Kam Arnold has been on a hot streak since his debut in the summer of 2017. The product of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) Lewiston, Maine has cut through all three of his previous opponents with little resistance. None have made it past the two-minute mark of the first round with Arnold. It took him a mere 11-seconds to knock out David Thompson with a single punch at “NEF 33” last month in Portland. Arnold considers the opportunity to fight for the bantamweight title the highlight of his fight career thus far.

“I’m ecstatic for the opportunity to bring Lewiston back a title,” said Arnold. “Everything I’ve gone through in my life has led me to this exact moment. Men har doim dedi ayting, even way back when I was a young lad, that I’m going to be champion one day. To be living the vision that I’ve had since being a small boy is just absolutely mind blowing. I’m great at what I do, and I will continue to prove everyone wrongall the naysayers and doubters. To all the people who have bullied me and talked s**t about my passion over the years, here’s a big ‘f**k you.I’m taking this one fight at a time, and I will continue this streak that I’m on. Har bir kurash, I want to go in there and just pulverize my opponent to the point that they never want to fight again. I’m the king of 135 and Crespo is going to feel the devastating power and strength I have on 16 iyun. If you even dream about beating me, you better wake up and apologize!"

Maykl Krespo, “Crispy” to his fans and teammates, is a six-fight veteran of the NEF cage. A perpetual contender for the bantamweight title over the years, Crespo’s biggest win came atNEF 18when he upset Caleb Costello (3-4) ovozdan qaror orqali. He is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Meyn.

Fighting for the 135 title is a great opportunity and a chance to showcase my style and skill against a formidable fighter,” said Crespo when reached for comment. “It’s a great opportunity to not only showcase my weapons, but to also solidify myself within the NEF talent pool as someone to be reckoned with. Let’s make it a show, Kam!”

Nef keyingi aralash-jangovar-san'at tadbir, “NEF 34: Jasurlarning uyi,” Portlenddagi Aurada bo'lib o'tadi, Shanba kuni Meyn, Iyun 16, 2018. Chiptalar endi onlayn tarzda sotilmoqda

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.

Undefeated Puerto Rican Bantamweight Manny Rodriguez Ready for Former World Champion Paul Butler This Saturday at 02 Maydon

Bantamweight contender Emmanuel “Manny” Rodriguez and his team have landed safely and ready to face former world champion Paul “Baby Faced Assassin” Butler for the vacant IBF World Championship, bu Shanba, May 5, at the O2 Arena in London.





Presented by Matchroom Boxing, Rodriguez (17-0, 12 KOS), Puerto-Riko, and Butler (26-1, 14 KOS), 29, Angliya, will meet in a 12-round supporting bout to the all-British rematch between former World Heavyweight Champions Tony Bellew (29-2-1, 19 KOS) and David Haye (28-3, 26 KOS).





Rodriguez almost had his very promising boxing career derailed for a time by an unfortunate car accident in which he burned 66% of his body. After a long rehab, he returned, and went on a, shunday uzoq, 17-fight tear through the professional ranks.




The 25-year-old was the mandatory contender to face former champion Ryan Burnett, who chose to relinquish his belts. This allowed for Butler to slide into the fight for the unclaimed belt.




29-year-old Butler previously held the IBF belt, but before defending it, elected to drop down in weight to face then-champion Zolani Tete… and was stopped in the eighth round. He has won nine fights since.




“It has been a long road to this fight, but I am ready to win my first world championship,” said Rodriguez. “Paul Butler is a good fighter, lekin hech narsa meni to'xtata olmaydi. I have worked too hard to get here. It doesn’t matter that we’re in his backyard. I’ve done everything right getting ready for this and I look forward to bringing the belt back to my beloved country of Puerto Rico.”




Rodriguez’ co-promoter, Warriors boks Leon Margules, says a star will be born Saturday night.




“Manny has always been a superstar in the making. I am happy he is finally getting the chance to shine in front of a large audience, worldwide. I have no doubt he will win impressively and set himself up for several big showdowns in the near future.”







BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER Premieres During Mental Health Awareness Month

To'g'risida Juma, May 25 da 9 p.m. VA/Showtime bo'yicha PT

Photo Courtesy: SHOWTIME/Amanda Westcott


NYU YORK – April 30, 2018 – Prolific combat sports broadcaster Mauro Ranallo and his lifelong battle with mental illness are the subject of a new documentary film from SHOWTIME Sports®. BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER – named for the moniker Ranallo gave himself as a broadcast personality and DJ in the early 90’s – will premiere on SHOWTIME during Mental Health Awareness Month on Friday, May 25 da 9 p.m. ET / PT.


First look video:



Ranallo has Bipolar Affective Disorder, a condition afflicting nearly five percent of the U.S. population according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness ( As a national sportscaster for preeminent boxing, mixed martial arts and WWE events, Ranallo has long been an advocate for ending the stigma of mental illness. Hozir, birinchi marta, he exposes the true extent of his daily struggle. Through extensive behind-the-scenes video footage, candid personal interviews and detailed accounts from his loved ones and doctors, BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER takes an unflinching look at mental illness and its effects.




The film explores Ranallo’s career, including his work on the two biggest pay-per-view events in television history, and his relentless pursuit of a childhood dream despite seemingly insurmountable odds. Through this deeply personal portrait, Ranallo hopes that the film might inspire others to persevere in pursuing their dreams despite the challenges of a mental health condition.




“I have always tried to do my part to bring awareness to mental health issues,” said Ranallo. “Over the last several years, I allowed my best friend, Haris (Usanovic), to film me at my lowest points as well as at my highest. The idea is simply to show others who suffer that they are not alone and that, even when the outlook is bleak, you can overcome and achieve success. Mental illness is a life sentence—there is no cure—but it doesn’t have to be a death sentence.”




“Through BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER, Mauro Ranallo has chosen to share not only his life’s dreams, but his nightmares as well,"Stiven Espinoza dedi, Prezident, Sports and Event Programming for Showtime Networks Inc. “Having reached the pinnacle of his profession, Mauro bravely turns his keen observational skills inward to examine his own life-long battle. The result is a raw, poignant and ultimately inspirational film that personifies Mauro’s courage and selflessness.”




Ranallo is a popular fixture on today’s combat sports scenes. In a career that has spanned more than 30 yil, he has called everything from “All-Star Wrestling,” a Canadian professional wrestling outfit, to historic MMA events for PRIDE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIPS out of Japan, to WWE SmackDown Live on USA Network, to many of the biggest boxing events in the world for SHOWTIME Sports. Ranallo was the first broadcaster to call play-by-play on boxing, kikboksing, MMA and professional wrestling events on national television.




Bugun, Ranallo is the voice of three prominent nationally televised series: Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS®, WWE’s weekly show NXT on WWE Network, va BELLATOR MMA on Paramount Network. Perhaps best known for his dramatic, excitable style, Ranallo is a student of the English language. He has already made a lasting mark on the industry having called the two biggest pay-per-view events in television history: Va boshqalar Floyd Mayweather. Menni Pacquiao (May 2015, international telecast); va Mayweather va boshqalar. Conor McGregor (Aug. 2017, Kvplt_fan PPV®).


BIPOLAR ROCK ‘N ROLLER is produced by Brian Dailey, the network’s Vice President, Sports Digital Content and Strategy, and MALKA MEDIA GROUP. Directed by first-time filmmaker Haris Usanovic, the film is executive produced by Stephen Espinoza and SHOWTIME Sports.




Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), CBS Korporatsiyasining to'liq qarashli yordamchi, egalik qiladi va sifatli televidenie tarmoqlari kvplt_fan faoliyat®, Film DASTUR va Flix®, va shuningdek On Demand ShowTime taklif etadi®, Film DASTUR Demand talab va Flix ON®, va tarmoqlari autentifikatsiya xizmati kvplt_fan qaytadan®. Showtime Digital Inc., sni bir to'liq qarashli yordamchi, avtonom Oqim xizmatini kvplt_fan faoliyat®. Kvplt_fan kabel orqali abonentlari uchun hozircha mavjud emas, DBS va telekommunikatsiya provayderlari, va Apple orqali avtonom Oqimli xizmat sifatida®, Yil®, Amazon, Google, Xbox One, Samsung and LG Smart TVs. Iste'molchilar, shuningdek, hulq orqali showtime obuna mumkin, YouTube TV, Sling TV, DirecTV Endi, Sony PlayStation Vue, Amazon Channels and FuboTV. SNI ham Smithsonian Networks boshqaradi, sni va Smitson instituti o'rtasida qo'shma korxona, qaysi Smitson Kanal taklif, va Smithsonian Yerni taklif etadiSN Raqamli MChJ orqali. SNI bozorlar va kvplt_fan PPV orqali pay-boshiga-ko'rinishida asosida abonentlari uchun ko'rgazma uchun sport va ko'ngilochar tadbirlarni tarqatadi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, borish


Photos by Cami Vazquez – shakar Aktsiyalar

Aguascalientes'dan, MX (Aprel 30, 2018)
This past Saturday, shakar Aktsiyalar presented FERIA de CAMPEONES, an eleven bout card from Aguascalientes, Meksika. 12-dumaloq asosiy taqdirda, super middleweight Bruno sandoval (20-2-1, 16 KOS), who recently signed with Sugar Promotions, picked up a first round TKO over Devis Caceres (28-9-3, 19 KOS) capturing the WBC Latino Silver Super Middleweight title in the process. A powerful right hook landed flush on the face of Caceres, da müsabakayı tugatish 2:50 birinchi tur belgisi, as Sandoval claimed the vacant title in style.





It means a lot to have won this fight by knockout and the fact it was for a WBC title makes it even better,” said Bruno Sandoval, who took the fight on late notice. “I am a complete fighter that can challenge anyone in my division right now! I am excited for what the future holds.





The co-main event saw Damien “Shakar” Vazquez (14-0, 7 KOS) pick up a ten round unanimous decision win over Luis Golindano (9-1, 6 KOS). The fight was close in the beginning as the two unbeaten fighters showed that neither wanted to taste defeat, but Vasquez began to pull away with his superior boxing skill as he claimed the WBC Youth super flyweight world title. Scorecards read 97-92 ikki marta va 96-93, all in favor of Vazquez.





I am overjoyed to have won this title and beyond that, I am happy to have been able to do it against a tough and hungry undefeated fighter,” said Damien Vazquez. “My opponent was very talented and really brought the best out of me. I’m looking forward to my next fight as I march up the rankings.


Maryan Salazar (8-2) picked up a unanimous decision over Joselyn Casilla Martinez (4-3-1) to capture the WBC FECOMBOX light flyweight title. Salazar dominated this bout from start to finish to claim the title. Scorecards read 98-92, 98-91, 99-91 all in favor of Salazar.





I have always wanted to win a title and to do it in my hometown of Aguascalientes, Mexico made it even better,” said Maryan Salazar. ‘I am very excited at what the future holds. My goal is to fight for a world title by the end of the year.





I’m very pleased that all my fighters were victorious in Aguascalientes,” said manager Greg Hannley ning Shahzoda Ranch boks. “The plan is to keep everyone busy as they position themselves to fight for world titles in the future.





We had a great show for all the fans who attended.” dedi Oscar Vazquez, CEO of Sugar Promotions. “Our plan is to come back in June with another great show here in Aguascalientes.


Undercard Results:

6-Round Featherweight Bout
edwing Davila (18-0, 11 KOS) mag'lub Juan Mendoza (6-3) by first round knockout.
6-Round Featherweight Bout
Issac Avelar (15-0, 9 KOS) mag'lub Luis Ramierz (14-6, 2 Rag'batlantirgan) by first round knockout.
6-Round Super Engil Butning
Donovan Star (12-0, 4 KOS) mag'lub Jose Flores (2-1) ovozdan qaror bilan. Scorecards read 59-55 kengashi orqali.
4-Round og'ir Butning
Kye Brooks (3-0, 2 KOS) mag'lub Eduardo Vitela (2-2, 1 KO) ovozdan qaror bilan. Scorecards read 40-36 kengashi orqali.
4-Round Lightweight Bout
Sebastian Diaz (16-4-1) mag'lub Juan Pineda (0-1) by second round TKO.

4-Round Featherweight Bout
Brandon Jiménez (3-0, 2 KOS) mag'lub Luis Diaz (0-2) ovozdan qaror bilan. Scorecards read 40-36 kengashi orqali.

4-Round Super Welterweight Bout
José Luis Zúñiga (14-3-1, 5 KOS) mag'lub Jesus Morales (3-16) ovozdan qaror bilan. Scorecards read 39-37 kengashi orqali.

4-Round Featherweight Bout
Pedro Hernandez (8-0) mag'lub Anthony de Jesús (0-1) ovozdan qaror bilan. Scorecards read 40-36 ikki marta va 39-37.

WBO light flyweight champion Tito Acosta to make 1st title defense vs. Carlos Buitrago

La Batalla
WBO World Light Flyweight Championship

SATURDAY, IYuN 16, 2018
Coliseo de Puerto Rico * Hato Rey, Puerto-Riko

pm ET / 6 pm PT
La Batalla, Iyun 16
Live on PPV from Puerto Rico

(L-R) – Eduardo Cajina (Coliseo de Puerto Rico Center), WBO light flyweight world champion
Tito Acosta, and promoter Miguel Cotto

SAN JUAN, Puerto-Riko (Aprel 30, 2018) — Miguel Cotto Promotions hosted a press conference earlier today to announce World Boxing Organization Light Flyweight World Champion Tito Acosta will make his first title defense at home on June 16 against Nicaraguan challenger Carlos “ChocorroncitoBuitrago ichida “La Batalla” 12-round main event, airing on pay-per-view, live from the Coliseo de Puerto Rico Center in Hato Rey, Puerto-Riko.


La Batalla: Acosta vs. Buitrago is presented by Miguel Cotto Promotions, which is owned and operated by the first Puerto Rican boxer to capture world titles in four different weight classes, future Hall of Famer Migel Cotto, and H2 Entertainment, in association with DIRECTV Puerto Rico.




Integrated Sports Media will distribute the La Batalla: Acosta vs. Buitrago card in the United States on cable, satellite and digital pay-per-view via iN Demand, Yorqinlik, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide (excluding Puerto Rico) bo'yicha FITE.TV app and website (, da boshlangan 9 p.m. VA / 6 p.m. PT, faqat bir taklif chakana bahoga $34.95.




Tito Acosta is that fighter you can’t blink your eyes,” promoter Miguel Cotto said. “He brings excitement to every fight and power to finish in any second. This fight against Carlos Buitrago will be fireworks from the opening bell.





Acosta (17-1, 17 KOS), fighting out of San Juan, Puerto Rico., captured the vacant WBO title last December at famed Madison Square Garden, when he knocked out his Mexican challenger, Juan Alejo (24-4-1), ichida 10th dumaloq.





A standout amateur boxer with more than 180 kutilmaganda, highlighted by his gold-medal performance at the Central American Games, is a past WBO Latino and World Boxing Council (WBC) light flyweight champion. His most notable victories have been against 22-5 Juan Guzman (KO1), 12-1 Japhet Uutoni (TKO12), va 28-5-3 Luis Ceja (KO2).




Buitrago says that his dream is to become the world champion, to that I say, keep on dreaming,” Acosta said. “Men uni etarlicha baho bera olmaslik yo'q, but this will be my night, not his.




Buitrago (30-3-1, 17 KOS), 26, is currently world rated at No. 12 WBO tomonidan. The Managua-native will be fighting in his fifth world title fight having lost three times with one draw. In his last match this past December, he was stopped for the first time in the eighth round by undefeated International Boxing Federation (IBF) Minimumweight World Champion Hiroto Kyoguchi (8-0) Yaponiyada.




Aslida, all three of Buitrago’s career losses as a professional have been to world champions, including a pair to Thammanooon Niyomtrong (11-0) ichida 2016 va 2014, both by way of 12-round unanimous decisions in Thailand for the Interim WBA title. Buitrago also fought a 12-round split draw in 2013 to then WBO Minimum World Champion Merlito Sabillo (12-0) in Manila, Filippin.




I will enter the ring in the best shape of my life with one objective in sight: to fulfill my dream of becoming the world champion and give my country a historic win,” Buitrago commented. “The battle is on and I hope to come out victorious.



Additional June 16th PPV fights will soon be announced. Barcha jang va jangchilar o'zgarishi tortiladi.








Twitter: @CottoPromotions, @Directvpr, @IntegratedPPV, @FiteTV

Card taking shape for Friday, May 11th at SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia


Mykal Fox takes on Anthony Mercado in main event




Undefeated Heavyweights meet as Colby Madison fights Michael Coffie in co-feature




The Fighting Ring AnnouncerAlex Barbosa returns to action




Plus undefeated Romuel Cruz, Desmond Moore, Joshafat Ortiz, & Laured Stewart to see action in separate bouts




Filadelfiya, Penn. (Aprel 30, 2018)–Some of the area’s best prospects have been added to a terrific night of boxing for Juma kechasi, May 11th da SugarHouse Casino.



ko'rsatish Kingning aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi.



Oldindan e'lon asosiy taqdirda, undefeated junior welterweight, Mykal Fox (16-0, 4 KOS) Forrestville of, Maryland will take on Anthony Mercado (11-3, 10 KOS) of Camuy, Puerto Rico in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.



Olti tomonlama hamkorlik xususiyati, it will be a battle of undefeated heavyweight’s as Colby Medison (6-0-2, 4 KOS) Owings Mills, Maryland takes on Michael coffie (2-0, 1 KO) Bruklinning, Nyu York.



In four-round bouts:



The Fighting Ring AnnouncerAlex Barbosa (5-3-1, 1 KO) Filadelfiya egallaydi Serxio Aguilar (2-7, 2 KOS) Homestead, Florida in a super bantamweight bout.


Romuel Cruz (1-0, 1 KO) of Philadelphia takes on an opponent to be named in a super bantamweight bout.


Jerrod Miner (1-1-1, 1 KO) Filadelfiya janglar Desmond Moore (1-0, 1 KO) Allentown of, PA in a bantamweight bout.


Joshafat Ortiz (3-0, 1 KO) Reading, PA fights Raekwon Blackston (0-1) Wilson, North Carolina in a super featherweight affair.


Laured Stewart (3-0, 2 KOS) of Sydney Australia takes on an opponent to be named in a middleweight bout.


Joel Flores (0-0-1) of Passaic, NJ squares off with Christopher Burgos (0-2) of Philadelphia in a junior lightweight bout.


Chiptalar uchun indirimdedir $100, $75, $50, va sotib olish mumkin

Melson honored by Jewish Sports Heritage Association


Nyu York, NY (Aprel 30, 2018) – Retired professional boxer and Army Public Affairs Officer Boyd Melson was inducted to the Jewish Sports Heritage Association Sunday, Aprel 29.




A 501(C)(3), the Jewish Sports Heritage Association, INC is an educational organization dedicated to educating the public about the role Jewish men and women have played in sports and showing Jewish youth that there is nothing they cannot achieve.




All honorees were introduced by Master of Ceremonies Barry Landers at Temple Israel in Lawrence, NY. Each honoree then give a speech and received a plaque from the Jewish Sports Heritage Association.




Following a solid amateur career, Melson had an 18 fight pro career and finished with a record of 15-2-1 bilan 4 nokaut bilan g'alaba. He won the WBC USNBC 154 pound title in 2015 and retired in 2016. While his pro career was definitely a success, Melson’s ultimate goal was to raise funds and awareness for multiple causes including chronic spinal cord injuries and narcotics addiction.




Between donating 100% of his fight purses, private donations and charity galas, Melson helped raise close to a half million dollars. Shortly after his retirement from pro boxing, Melson announced he was running for Congress in District 11, covering Staten Island and South Brooklyn. He was considered one of the top candidates and had strong support.




Dekabr oyida 2017, the selfless Melson withdrew from the congressional race, volunteering to serve our country in Iraq. In offering to get deployed, Melson assisted another Army Reserve member that received a special opportunity domestically in the Reserve that would greatly benefit her family.




Currently in Iraq, Melson was elated when he was notified of this special honor, which was accepted by his mother Anette, Uncle Leo and retired Coloniel Alessi.




“Here we are. Earning an honor that was a product of me following what my heart beats with divine love, and having to receive this honor in harms way due to me making a choice that is consistent with my heart’s values. I find myself here helping by doing my part to defeat the ugliest and most horrific form of human endeavor I have ever experienced. While doing this, I am highly aware that the people I am helping, who are extremely welcoming and friendly, might look at me through a different lens if they knew I was and am Jewish. It is an interesting paradox. This honor I am receiving is solely dedicated to my Zayda and my Bubbe (grandmother and grandfather).




My Zayda left his body five years ago, and my Bubbe is one of the last Holocaust survivors on this planet. My Zayda was conscripted to serve to fight the Nazis in World War Two. HE SURVIVED. He created a family after surviving that absolute evil, and brought them all here to the United States. I am because of him. I am an American Citizen, born in this great country, because of his courage and strength. I think about this daily with where I am now, and I do mean daily. My Zayda put on a military uniform to fight an evil similar to how I am doing today. His spirit was close to my soul when I made this choice. I know I am being honored for being what I completed as a Jewish professional athlete, and I thank you. Please forgive me however for placing a much greater important at this moment, as an African American, as a Jew, as a West Point Graduate, as an Army Officer, as an athlete, and as a HUMAN BEING, on the narrative I gave above. That is what is sitting on me here. I hope one day, that every individual in this part of the world who we are helping, and who may not have kind feelings towards Jews, learns that Jewish American military servicemen came here and helped them because it was right and because we swore an oath. I see it as my responsibility being Jewish, being an American, and being a soldier.”