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Olimpiese medaljewenners Snyder, Cox, Wêreldmedaljewenners Groen, Gwiazdowski lei die VSA-vryslagspan wat Kuba in die gesig staar tydens die 'Rumble On The River' Mei 17 Beat The Streets-voordeel

Olimpiese kampioen Kyle Snyder, Olimpiese medaljewenner J’den Cox, Wêreldmedaljewenners James Green en Nick Gwiazdowski lei die VSA teen Kuba; Jordan Burroughs en Jordan Oliver ook in Super Matches


NEW YORK– Die Olimpiese en Wêreldmedaljewenners is die hoof van die Amerikaanse reeks teen Kuba in vryslag vir mans vir die Beat the Streets-jaarlikse voordeel, die “Rumble on the River” genoem,”Ingestel vir Mei 17 by Pier 17 / Seaport District in Lower Manhattan.



Hierdie Amerikaanse. sterre sal 'n talentvolle Kubaanse span mans se vryslagstoeiers aantree as deel van die opwindende kaart van internasionale kompetisie. Kuba bring ook 'n veteraan-span met vorige Olimpiese, Wêreld- en Pan-Amerikaanse medaljewenners.



2016 Olimpiese kampioen en tweemalige wêreldkampioen Kyle Snyder sal vir die vierde keer in sy loopbaan aan die Beat the Streets Benefit deelneem. Snyder was 'n driemalige NCAA-kampioen en viermalige finalis vir Ohio State, en spog ook met 'n Junior Wêreldtitel. Hy sal die gesig staar 2013 en 2014 Wêreld silwermedaljewenner Reineris Salas Perez by 97 kg by die Rumble on the River.



2016 Olimpiese brons medaljewenner en 2017 Wêreld brons medaljewenner J’den Cox sal sy tweede Beat the Streets-voordeel betree, nadat hy ook meegeding het in 2016. Cox was 'n driemalige NCAA-kampioen en vier keer 'n All-American vir Missouri. Hy het geteken 2015 Pan-Amerikaanse kampioen Yurieski Torreblanca Queralta by 92 kg vanjaar.





Tweemalige Wêreld brons medalje James Green sal in sy tweede agtereenvolgende Beat the Streets-voordeel stoei 70 kg. Green was 'n viermalige All-American vir Nebraska, en 'n silwer medaljewenner van die Universiteitswêreld. Hy sal die tweemalige Pan-Amerikaanse kampioen veg Franklin Maren Castillo.



2017 Wêreld brons medaljewenner Nick Gwiazdowski, 'n boorling van Duanesburg, N.Y., is in sy tweede reguit Beat the Streets-voordeel. Gwiazdowski het twee hoërskooltitels in New York verower, begin toe sy universiteitsloopbaan op Binghamton, waar hy 'n All-Amerikaner was. 'The Gwizz' is oorgeplaas na die NC-staat, waar hy 'n tweemalige NCAA-kampioen en driemalige finalis was. Hy sal die tweemalige silwermedaljewenner van die Pan-Amerikaanse kampioenskap veg Yudenny Alapajon Estevez by 125 kg / 275 lbs.




Nog 'n inheemse New Yorker op die ranglys is 'n viermalige NCAA-kampioen Kyle Dake, wat in sy tweede Beat the Streets Voordeel is nadat hy aan die 2013 Rumble on the Rails. Dake was 'n tweemalige New York-staatskampioen en driemalige finalis vir Lansing High School, en is na die nabygeleë Cornell. Dake het die eerste stoeier geword wat vier NCAA Div gewen het. Ek het titels in vier verskillende gewigsklasse. Hy was in vier Amerikaanse lande. Vryslag Nasionale Spanne. Dake sal worstel 2012 Olimpiese bronsmedaljewenner en driemalige wêreldmedaljewenner Livan Lopez Azcuy by 79 kg.




Die ander Amerikaanse. inskrywing teen Kuba is Josh Rodriguez, wat aan sy eerste Beat the Streets-voordeel sal deelneem. Rodriguez was 'n driemalige NCAA-uitdun vir Noord-Dakota, en oefen tans voltyds in vryslag by die Nittany Lion WK in Penn State. Rodriguez was derde in die 2017 U23 Wêreldspanproewe. Hy sal die gesig staar 2017 U23 Wêreldkampioen Reineri Andreeu Ortega kompeteer by 57 kg.




Dit is die tweede keer dat 'n Kubaanse span aan die Beat the Streets-voordeel deelneem. 'N Span mansvryslag, vroue se vryslag en Grieks-Romeinse stoeiers is opgeneem in die 2015 Beat the Streets Benefit “Salsa in the Square,”In Times Square gehou.




Twee ander Amerikaanse. mans se vryslagsterre sal aan Super Matches deelneem teen teenstanders wat nie van Kuba is nie. 2012 Olimpiese gouemedaljewenner en viermalige wêreldkampioen Jordan Burroughs sal tweemalige wêreldkampioen en Olimpiese medaljewenner veg Frank Chamizo Italië, en Amerikaanse uitblinkers Jordan Oliver tweemalige Olimpiese medaljewenner uitdaag Togrul Asgarov van Azerbeidjan.




Die Beat the Streets-voordeel sal 'n wonderlike verskeidenheid kompetisies hê. Die Team USA-vroue, waarvan die rooster insluit Helen Maroulis, Alli Ragan en Tamyra Mensah-Stock, sal 'n hoog aangeskrewe groep uit Nigerië aanvat. Daar is 'n Super High School-wedstryd geskeduleer, met die land se beste skolastieke 126 lb.. ster in Patrick Glory van Delbarton H.S. (N.J.) teen die derde posisie Gavin Teasdale van Jefferson Morgan H.S. (Pa.).



Dit is die eerste keer dat Beat the Streets sy jaarlikse byeenkoms in Pier 17 / South Street District hou. In 2013, die geleentheid met die naam “The Rumble on the Rails,”Was in die historiese Grand Central Terminal aangebied en het tweevoudige byeenkomste tussen Team USA aangebied, Rusland en Iran. Speel 'n belangrike rol in die internasionale Keep Olympic Wrestling-poging, hierdie geskiedkundige stoeigeleentheid het internasionale mediadekking gekry en gehelp om die stoeiery van die Olimpiese Spele-program te behou.



Dekking sal regstreeks beskikbaar en op aanvraag beskikbaar wees Om toegang te kry tot live en on-demand dekking van die jaarlikse voordeel van die Beat the Streets New York City, besoek en word 'n PRO-intekenaar. 'N Inskrywing ontsluit toegang tot premium-inhoud in die hele FloSports-netwerk, asook die wedstryde van die Beat the Streets-program wat begin om 2:30 namiddag. EN op Mei 17. Kyk na die geleentheid op alle skerms deur die FloSports-app op iOS af te laai, Roku of Apple TV 4.



Dit sal die negende agtereenvolgende jaar wees waarin 'n groot stoeikompetisie in internasionale styl aangebied word as deel van die Beat the Streets Benefit-aktiwiteite.. In 2010, 'n all-star uitdaging met top Amerikaanse. stoeiers is op die USS Intrepid gehou, 'n vliegdekskip het aan die westekant van Manhattan vasgelê. Times Square was die plek vir die 2011, 2012 en 2014-2017 gebeure.



Vanjaar, top Beat the Streets jeugstoeiers sal die mat neem wat hul vaardighede ten toon stel in uitstallingswedstryde wat begin2:30 namiddag. om die NYC-voordeel te begin. Vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar, die voordeel sal die eindronde van PSAL Girls Freestyle Dual Meet-kampioenskappe bevat, die twee top New York City-meisies se vryslagstoei-hoërskoolspanne uit die lentemeisie se vryslagseisoen ten toon te stel. Dan is dit Team USA vs.. 'n internasionale groep by 6:00 namiddag. en super wedstryde tussen Burroughs en Chamizo, asook Oliver en Asgarov, met video-hoogtepunte en spesiale gasverskynings gevolg deur die Beat the Streets Benefit Celebration.



Kaartjies is nodig vir toegang en kan gekoop word deur te besoek, roeping 212-777-5702 of stuur 'n e-pos aan Joe DelConte by



Die Voordeelviering by Pier 17 sal die stoeikompetisie volg. Hierdie unieke en opwindende jaarlikse geleentheid help Beat the Streets om aansienlike fondse in te samel om sy missie te bevorder. Of dit nou 'n kluis is, konstruktiewe uitlaatklep vir ons stedelike jeug, veg vetsug by kinders, bemagtiging van vroue, of om hele nasies te verenig, stoei leer volharding, toewyding, en die waarde daarvan om hard te werk om sy doelwitte te bereik en skep geleenthede vir persoonlike en universele groei. BTS dien tans oor 3,000 student-atlete elke jaar.

2018 Klop die straatvoordeel, “Rumble on the River”

Die Seaport District / Pier 17, New York City, Mei 17, 2018


VSA-mans se vryslaglys om Kuba aan te durf

57 kg / 125,5 lbs. - Josh Rodriguez, Staatskollege, Pa. (Nittany Lion WC)

70 kg / 154 lbs - James Green, Lincoln, Neb. (Sunkist Kids / Nebraska WTC)

79 kg / 174 lbs. - Kyle Dake, Ithaca, N.Y.. (Titan Mercury WC / Finger Lakes WC)

92 kg / 189 lbs. - J’den Cox, Columbia, Jy. (Titan Mercury WC / Missouri WF)

97 kg / 213 lbs. - Kyle Snyder, Columbus, Ohio (Titan Mercury WC / Ohio RTC)

125 kg / 275 lbs. - Nick Gwiazdowski, Raleigh, N.C. (Titan Mercury WC / Wolfpack RTC)




2:30 namiddag. - Klop die Streets Jeuguitstallingswedstryde

4:45 namiddag. - Finale vir meisies in die vrystyl vir meisies in New York, Dual Meet

6:00 namiddag. - Wêreldklas stoei om in te sluit:

  • Span VSA vs.. Nigerië in die vryslag vir vroue

57 kg – Helen Maroulis (USA) vs. Duin Adekuoroye (Nigerië)

59 kg – Alli Ragan (USA) vs. Adeniyi Aminat (Nigerië)

68 kg – Tamyra Voorraad (USA) vs. Seën oborududu (Nigerië)

  • Span VSA vs.. Kuba in mans se vryslag

57 kg - Josh Rodriguez (USA) vs. Reineri Andreeu Ortega (Kuba)

70 kg - James Green (USA) vs. Franklin Maren Castillo (Kuba)

79 kg - Kyle Dake (USA) vs. Livan Lopez Azcuy (Kuba)

92 kg - J’den Cox (USA) vs. Yurieski Torreblanca Queralta (Kuba)

97 kg - Kyle Snyder (USA) vs. Reineris Salas Perez (Kuba)

125 kg– Nick Gwiazdowski (USA) vs. Yudenny Alapajon Estevez (Kuba)

  • Hoërskool Super Match, Patrick Glory vs.. Gavin Teasdale (tyd TBD)
  • Super-wedstryd 1 - Jordan Burroughs (USA) vs. Frank Chamizo (ITA)
  • Super-wedstryd 2 - Jordan Oliver (USA) vs. Togrul Asgarov (AZE) (tyd TBD)

Gevolg deur jaarlikse voordele, Pier 17


Oor Beat the Streets

Die missie van Beat the Streets is om die volle potensiaal van die stedelike jeug te ontwikkel en die kultuur van die worsteling in New York te versterk.. BTS werk direk saam met die departement van onderwys in New York in 'n publiek-private vennootskap om die lewensveranderende stoeisport te verlig 3,000 Studente-atlete van New York City om hulle te help om hul persoonlike en atletiese doelwitte te bereik. Deur middel van stoeiprogramme in middel- en hoërskole in die vyf distrikte, BTS en die DOE bied 'n kluis, positiewe atmosfeer waarin minderbevoorregte en gevaarlike jeug die noodsaaklike lewenslesse van gruis kan leer, persoonlike verantwoordelikheid en spanwerk, fisieke fiksheid en voeding, en lewenslange leer. Die doel om sterk te kweek, afgeronde studenteatlete word deur afrigting gelewer, naskoolse programme, lewensvaardigheidswerkswinkels, en somerkampe. Meer inligting kan gevind word by

Oor die VS Stoei

USA Wrestling is die Nasionale Beheerliggaam vir die Wrestling Sport in die Verenigde State en, as sodanig, is sy verteenwoordiger vir die Verenigde State se Olimpiese Komitee en die Verenigde Wêreldstoei, die internasionale stoei federasie. Eenvoudig, USA Wrestling is die sentrale organisasie wat amateur stoei programme koördinate in die nasie en die werk om belangstelling in en deelname aan hierdie programme te skep. Dit het oor 220,000 lede regoor die land, seuns en meisies, mans en vroue van alle ouderdomme, wat alle vlakke van die sport verteenwoordig. Die president daarvan is Bruce Baumgartner, en sy uitvoerende direkteur is Rich Bender. Meer inligting kan gevind word by


With her long-time rival, Claressa Shields, moving down to middleweight, Baltimore’s Franchon “The Heavy-Hitting Diva” Crews-Dezurn will finally be getting her own deserved chance to shine.




One of the best female fighters in the world not currently holding a world title, Spanne-Dezurn (3-1, 1 KO) will return to the ring for a six-round fight on the non-televised undercard of the blockbuster “It’s Our Time to Shine” event featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and current Unified Women’s Super Middleweight Champion Shields attempting to become a two-division world champion against unified 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Women’s Middleweight World Championships.




The main event will be televised live on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION (10 namiddag. ET / PT) and will also feature highlights of Unified Women’s Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer as she defends her WBC & WBO Titles in her U.S. debut against former world champion Tori Nelson.


Kaartjies vir die geleentheid, wat bevorder word deur Salita Promotions, is beskikbaar by or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 en $35.




Not long ago, Spanne-Dezurn, an eight-time national amateur champion and two-time medalist at the World Amateur Championships, looked to be the face of American women’s boxing before Shields, a younger boxing prodigy, stole much of her thunder and her spot on the inaugural women’s Olympic boxing team.




The pair faced each other again in their simultaneous pro debuts in late 2016, with Shields winning a decision.




Sedertdien, Crews has signed with Shields’ promoter, Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions, and won three straight fights in impressive fashion.




“Training is going good,” said Crews-Dezurn. “I’ve been helping my husband Glenn get ready for his next fight, so I’m already in great shape. I’m very happy to be getting back in the ring.”




An entrepreneur, sanger, and business student in addition to boxing, the charismatic Crews-Dezurn is as marketable as any fighter could be, but has been forced to live in the sizable shadow cast by the success of Shields.




Egter, now that Shields is off chasing a showdown with German counterpart Christina Hammer at middleweight, the super middleweight division has an opening for a new world champion.




“I’d like to be fighting for a title within the next year,” continued Crews-Dezurn. “I know in my heart I’m right there with the best super middleweights in the world. I just need to keep working hard and let things happen like they should.”




Promoter Salita, a champion of women’s boxing and one of the main forces behind its resurgence, says Crews-Dezurn’s day is coming soon.




“Franchon will be world champion in the not-too-distant future,"Het hy gesê. “She has all the skills and she works very hard to reach her goals. She deserves all the success she will have. I’m happy to be promoting her career. She’s a very special fighter and person.”




Crews-Dezurn’s opponent is currently TBA. “It’s Our Time to Shine” is presented by Salita Promotions.


# # #

Undefeated Mykal Fox continues quest for big fights this Friday night at SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

Mykal Fox takes on Anthony Mercado in main event




Anvar Yunusov takes on Deo Kizito in co-feature bout




The Fighting Ring AnnouncerAlex Barbosa returns to action




Plus undefeated Romuel Cruz, Desmond Moore, Joshafat Ortiz, Michael Coffie and Thomas Mattice to see action in separate bouts








Philadelphia, Penn. (Mei 8, 2018)–Dit Vrydagaand, onoorwonne junior weltergewig Mykal Fox takes the next step towards a big fight when he takes on Anthony Mercado in the main event of nine bout card at SugarHouse Casino.




Die show word bevorder deur King's Promotions.




Fox (16-0, 4 Uitklophoue) of Forrestvile, Maryland continues his upward climb when he takes on that knockout artist from Puerto Rico.




I have had a great camp. I had tremendous sparring with (Former 2-time world champion) Kermit CINTRON & undefeated Greg Outlaw. I have been getting better with each day,” het gesê die 22 year-old Fox.




In Mercado, Fox is facing a fighter who is coming off his career best result, when he stopped previously undefeated Tyrone Crawley at the same venue on March 2nd




Mercado is 5’11”, and he has been talking a lot on social media that he is ready for war. I saw his fight with Clarence Booth and his fight with Crawley. He likes to come forward, and I will be ready for that on Friday. Everyone knows that I can adapt to any style.




This will be Mykal’s first fight in theFighting City” van Philadelphia, and Fox would like to indoctrinate himself to the enthusiastic fight crowd.




I was supposed to fight in Philadelphia in September, but that card was changed. I am super excited to fight there. I want to impress. They are a knowledgeable fight crowd.




I am focused on Mercado. I don’t train for events, I train for opportunities. I just want to thank everyone who supports me. I don’t think anyone should miss this.




In die ses-round mede-funksie, Anvar Yunusov (1-0) van Philadelphia sal op neem Deo Kizito(3-1, 2 Uitklophoue) van Washington, DC in a featherweight bout.


Thomas Mattice (11-0, 9 Uitklophoue) of Cleveland takes on an opponent to be named in a lightweight bout.




In vier-ronde aanvalle:




The Fighting Ring AnnouncerAlex Barbosa (5-3-1, 1 KO) van Philadelphia sal veg Sergio Aguilar (2-7, 2 Uitklophoue) van Homestead, Florida in a super bantamweight bout.


Romuel Cruz (1-0, 1 KO) van Philadelphia sal veg Bryann Perez (2-9-1, 1 KO) van Carolina, Puerto Rico in a super bantamweight bout.


Jerrod Miner (1-1-1, 1 KO) van Philadelphia gevegte Desmond Moore (1-0, 1KO) van Bethlehem, PA in a bantamweight fight.


Joshafat Ortiz (3-0, 1 KO) van Reading, PA will tangle with Jordan Peters (2-1-1, 2 Uitklophoue) van Washington, DC in a super featherweight bout.


Michael en koffie (2-0, 1 Ko) van Brooklyn, NY will face Lamar Lewis (0-1) of Conway, Arkansas in a heavyweight fight.


Joel Flores (0-0-1) of Passaic , New Jersey battles Christopher Burgos (0-1) of Philadelphia in a jr. lightweight bout.



Kaartjies is te koop vir $100, $75, $50, en kan gekoop word by




ELF SPORT is beskikbaar in 70 miljoen huise wêreldwyd in België, Italië, Luxemburg, Pole, Singapoer, Taiwan en die Verenigde State. In Maart in Amerika begin 2017, ELEVEN SPORTS is toegewy aan die lewering van wêreldklas binnelandse en internasionale sport- en leefstylvermaak 'For The Fans'. Sportliefhebbers word behandel deur 'n unieke kombinasie van opkomende en gevestigde sportsoorte gekombineer om lewendige en vermaaklike LIVE vermaak te bied, plaas die kyker die kern van die aksie.




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Maryland native Glenn Dezurn says it really doesn’t matter what his normally talkative opponent, Chicago’s Josh “Don’t Blink” Greer (16-1-1, 8 Uitklophoue) says or does before they meet in their 10-round super-bantamweight showdown Friday, Mei 11 woon op Showtime.




When you’re where he’s from and seen what he’s seen, inside the ring and out, an opponent who likes to talk doesn’t faze you. Glad nie.



The pair will meet in the co-featured bout of a ShoBox: Die nuwe generasie quadrupleheader (10 namiddag. ET / PT) uit 2300 Arena in Philadelphia.


Kaartjies vir die geleentheid, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, Hard Hitting Promotions & Devin Haney Promotions, word geprys teen $125 vir VIP, $70 vir ringside en $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at




Dezurn (9-1-1, 6 Uitklophoue), wat moes 94 amateur fights before turning professional five years ago, says opponent Greer, known for pre-fight hype including a pillow emblazoned with “Night Night,” is only hurting himself with the trash talk.




“The pressure isn’t on me,” he explained. “Where I come from, if you talk it, make sure you can walk it. The pressure is on him to back up whatever he says. It doesn’t bother me. I’m more of a doer than a talker. I only speak when I need to.”




Describing himself as a “blue-collar” fighter, the humble Dezurn won’t make a pre-fight prediction heading into battle, but will only say that he and trainer Barry Hunter are treating this fight no differently.




“Nothing is written in stone in boxing and there is no guarantee of winning against any fighter. You put in the work and believe in yourself. Fights are won in the gym with hard work. I will win because of my personality and my work ethic. I come to do my job and put my life on the line to entertain. My game plan in every fight is always the same: I just make adjustments in the ring as the fight goes on and react to whatever he is doing. I have a high ring IQ and I can adjust to anything.”




The 30-year-old says he’s set one goal in boxing and is enjoying his journey to reach it.




“I want to win a world championship. I set that goal for myself and once I achieve that, I can go on to my other goals in other areas of life. I’m earning my way to the championship the hard way against good fighters. That’s what I want. I’m living my dreams right now. And I will get there one day.”




“You will not meet a more humble, more down-to-earth fighter than Glenn Dezurn,” said his promoter, Greg Cohen. “He and his wife, Franchon, are very nice people who work hard to get they are. Glenn isn’t about flash. He’s about doing everything you have to do to be successful and he will get wherever he wants to be in life because of that.”




In the 10-round main event on SHOWTIME, Louisiana’s Mason Menard (33-2, 24 Uitklophoue) takes on undefeated Devin “The Dream” Haney (18-0, 12 Uitklophoue) of Las Vegas for the USBA Lightweight Championship. In ander televisie aksie, light heavyweight Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-1, 12 Uitklophoue) takes on Charles Foster (15-0, 8 Uitklophoue) oor agt rondes; and in the opening bout, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 Uitklophoue) will face Adam Lopez (16-2-2, 8 Uitklophoue) in 'n agt-ronde bout.



Foto Credit: Showtime Sport

“I’m not going to stop until I am the face of boxing.”

Haney Faces Mason Menard In The Main Event Of ShoBox: The New Generation Live On SHOWTIME At 10 namiddag. EN/PT

Watch, Beskou & Deel via YouTube:

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WAT: SHOWTIME Sports delivers a behind-the-scenes look into the life and training camp of blue-chip prospect Devin Haney as he prepares for the toughest test of his career against Mason Menard in the main event of ShoBox: Die nuwe generasie hierdie Vrydag, Mei 11, woon op Showtime by 10 namiddag. EN/PT uit 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pa.




The undefeated Haney (18-0, 12 Uitklophoue) maak sy ShoBox debut against the seasoned Menard (33-2, 24 Uitklophoue) in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast featuring a number of ShoBox veterane.




The young and flashy Haney turned professional at the age of 16 in Mexiko. He has earned a reputation as a boxing prodigy, having sparred with Sean Porter, Jessie Vargas and Floyd Mayweather, who he aspires to emulate both in and out of the ring.




“Coming up in the area with Floyd, you see all the cars, all the jewelry, all the money he has,” Haney said. “That’s what I’m working for.




“I’ve been calling out all the big games names in my weight class. A lot of them have been turning me down.”




In die mede-funksie, super bantamweights Joshua “Don’t Blink” Greer (16-1-1, 8 Uitklophoue) and Glenn Dezurn (9-1-1, 6 Uitklophoue) both return to ShoBox for the third time. In an eight-round featured attraction, former national champion Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-1, 12 Uitklophoue) takes on Charles Foster (15-0, 8 Uitklophoue) in a matchup of undefeated light heavyweight prospects.




In the eight-round opening bout, undefeated super bantamweight Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 Uitklophoue) will take on skilled veteran Adam Lopez (16-2-2, 8 Uitklophoue). It will be the record seventh appearance for Lopez on ShoBox.

History being made May 19th 1st world title fight in Kansas history 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Fighting for IBA World title in 5th professional fight


Inaugural Event

High stakes
Saterdag, Mei 19, 2018 * 9:00 namiddag. EN / 6:00 namiddag. PT
LIVE op Super Channel & Pay-Per-View (US)

EDMONTON, Kanada (Mei 7, 2018)History will be made May 19th in several categories, when International Boxing Association (IBA) Americas flyweight champion Nico Hernandez (4-0, 3 Uitklophoue) gesigte Szilveszter “The Silent Assassin” Kanalas (14-7, 9 Uitklophoue) for the vacant IBA World Flyweight Championship, headlining SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes at Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Kansas.

Hernandez vs.. Kanalas will launch Super Channel’s new live boxing series, SUPERBOX LIVE, in samewerking met KO Night Boxing LLC, airing live exclusively in Canada on Super Channel. Integrated Sports Media will distribute “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakesin the United States on cable, satellite and digital pay-per-view via iN Demand, Vubiquity, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide on FITE.TV app en webwerf (excluding Canada) vir 'n voorgestelde kleinhandelprys van slegs $19.95.




The winner of the 12-round main eventthe first world championship boxing match ever held in the state of Kansasbetween Wichita-native Hernandez, 21, and his 19-year-old Hungarian opponent, Kanalas, will become the youngest ever IBA World champion. If Hernandez emerges victoriously, he will also set a record for fewest professional fights needed to win an IBA World title (5).




I think that says how skilled a fighter I am and that I’m ready to compete with the best in the world,” Hernandez responded to being asked what it says about him fighting for a world title in only his fifth pro fight. “But I look at every fight the same and I never underestimate my opponent. I’ve been training just as hard for this fight as for any of my other fights. The only difference this fight is that I’m training to go more rounds.




I’ve been making history since I was a kid. I’ve always been on top and the one to beat, so I feel like this is another step I’m taking forward in my career. I also hope to be a role model, not only for kids, but also people older than me, and to bring more events and excitement to my city. I love fighting anywhere in Wichita because of the support I get from my hometown fans. Hierdie stryd (at Kansas Star Arena where he made his pro debut) will definitely bring back some good memories.




Twee jaar gelede, Kanalas became one of the youngest (17) world champions in pro boxing history, when he defeated fellow Hungarian boxer, Jozsef Ajtai, for the vacant World Boxing Federation (WBF) Super Flyweight World Championship.




I’m not really worried about my opponent,” Hernandez added. “I just focus on what I need to do because, if I’m on my game and trained hard, nobody can be me except me! I’ll be prepared to anything and one of my best assets in the ring is adapting. I’ll see how I’m feeling after the first round. I’m not going into the ring looking for a knockout, but I don’t plan on this fight going 12 rounds.




Hernandez can join other US Olympians who were IBA World champions such as Hall-of-Famers Oscar de la Hoya en George Foreman, along with stars such as Roy Jones, Jr. en Antonio Tarver.




In die mede-featured gebeurtenis, Russian heavyweight prospect Andrey Afonin (5-0, 2 Uitklophoue) faces veteran Cuban fighter PedroEl Reguilete” Rodriguez (23-4, 19 Uitklophoue) in 'n agt-ronde bout. Afonin was a 2011 Russian Junior Championships gold medalist, while Rodriguez is a former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedalatin cruiserweight champion.




Another heavyweight also fighting on the televised segment of the show is undefeated Ukrainian heavyweight prospect Oleksandr Teslenko (12-0, 10 Uitklophoue), fighting out of Toronto, against to soon be determined.




Undefeated Washington featherweight Victor Morales, Jr. (8-0, 4 Uitklophoue) steps up in class to face David Berna (15-3, 14 Uitklophoue), of Hungary, in an intriguing eight-round match up.




Also fighting on the under, al in vier-ronde aanvalle, are popular Wichita junior welterweight Jeff Sturm (2-0, 1 KO) vs. Nigeria-native Archie Weah (2-10), Kansas City, KS cruiserweight Chris Harris (2-2-2, 2 Uitklophoue) vs. Leroy Jones (2-3, 2 Uitklophoue), of Saint Louis (MO), Topeka-, KS welterweight Brian Clements (0-1-1) vs. Nebraska’s Luis Marquez (0-2), and undefeated Texas junior middleweight Joe Alday, Jr. (7-0, 7 Uitklophoue).




Om te kyk “SUPERBOX LIVE: High Stakes” woon in Kanada, showcasing undefeated Canadian heavyweight Teslenko, in addition to more exciting boxing to come in 2018, veg fans kan hul plaaslike kabelverskaffer kontak om in te teken op Super Channel en alles wat dit bied, insluitend premium reeks, films en nog baie meer, vir so laag as $9.95 per maand.




Venum ( has been named the official gloves and apparel of SUPERBOX LIVE.






Twitter: @NicoMHernandez, @KONightBoxing, @SCSportsTV, Kansas_Star, @KansasStarArena, @IntegratedPPV, @Fitetv, @NeonStarSE, @DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella

Gary Antuanne Russell & Gary Antonio Russell Join Brother, Gary Russell, Jr., on Sensational Card at MGM National Harbor in Maryland on May 19

Gary Russell, Jr. Defends Featherweight World Title
Against Joseph Diaz in the Main Event on SHOWTIME

NASIONALE HARBOR (Mei 7, 2018) – The Russells of Capitol Heights, Maryland will team up again for an exciting night of boxing for their hometown fans. Three of the five boxing brothers, all trained by their father, Gary, Sr, will compete on the same card for the second time in their careers at MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Saturday, Mei 19.




The event is headlined by Gary Russell, Jr. defending his featherweight world title against mandatory challenger Joseph Diaz Jr. woon op Showtime (10 namiddag. ET / PT). His brothers, super liggewig Gary Antuanne Russell en kapokgewig Gary Antonio Russell will compete in separate non-televised bouts on the undercard.




Kaartjies vir die geleentheid, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Golden Boy Promotions, are on sale now and are available by visiting




The 21-year-old Gary Antuanne (5-0, 5 Uitklophoue) will take on Wilmer Rodriguez (9-2, 7 Uitklophoue) in an eight round 140-pound match. Russell was a member of the U.S. boxing team at the 2016 Olimpiese Spele. He made his professional debut fighting on the same card as his other two brothers at MGM National Harbor last May 20 when he scored a TKO victory over Josh Ross. With his brothers and father working his corner at his last fight, he scored a stoppage victory over Andrew Rodgers in Brooklyn on April 21.




Gary Antonio (10-0, 8 Uitklophoue) will battle Esteban Aquino (12-4, 7 Uitklophoue) in an eight-round bantamweight match. Russell scored a knockout victory over Marco Antonio Mendoza Chico in his last fight on Nov. 21 and the card with his brothers last May 20, the 25-year-old Russell stopped Jovany Fuentes for a TKO victory.




In additional undercard action, Cobia Breedy (10-0, 4 Uitklophoue) will fight in an eight-round featherweight match and Immanuel Aleem (17-1-1, 10 Uitklophoue) steps into the ring for a 10-round middleweight match. Meer, Moshea Aleem (4-1-2, 2 Uitklophoue) gevegte Rayton Okwiri (2-0, 1 KO) in a six-round super welterweight match and Brandon Quarles(18-4-1, 9 Uitklophoue) bots met Fred Jenkins, Jr. (10-5, 3 Uitklophoue) in 'n agt-ronde super welterweight bout.




# # #




Vir meer inligting besoek,volg op Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, , MrGaryRussellJr, @JosephDiazJr, TGBPromotions, GoldenBoyBoxing, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook en The event is sponsored by Corona Extra, beste Beer.

Strongmen enter The Rage at M-1 Challenge 92 Mei 24 in Saint Petersburg, Rusland

SAINT PETERSBURG, Rusland (Mei 7, 2018

) – The first Spanish Olympia deadlift champion will face one of the strongest Russian athletes May 24 op M-1 Challenge 92 in M-1 Arena in Saint Petersburg, Rusland.

Fredy Gonzales, also known asEl Gigante,” is officially Spain’s strongest man. Born in Cuba, he always was a huge guy, so it’s no wonder that he chose football (sokker) as his first sport to play. After playing that for a few years, Gonzales decided to start something new and he wisely chose powerlifting. It took him just a few years to win his first competition and very soon he started winning various huge events in deadlift and bench press, including the world championships.




Gonzales’ first attempt to win Olympia was not successful, but he was close to capturing the title, finishing in second place. Next following year he became the Olympia champion.




With his winning results of 837 £. (380 kg) in the dead-lift and 683 £. (310 kg) in the bench press, Gonzales officially will become the strongest person who ever stepped in the M-1 Global Rage.


Maksim Baruzdin is the strongest man in Saint Petersburg, Rusland. Starting his career in powerlifting, he won numerous medals and titles, uitgelig deur die 2017 World Raw Powerlifting European Championships, lifting 793 £. (360 kg) in the deadlift. In addition to his power-lifting career, Maksim started taking part in different strongman shows and he now holds six official national records.




These long-time foes have been looking for new challenges and MMA is going to be their next stop. Strongmen will fight in the undercard of M-1 Challenge 92, which will be headlined by a SuperFight between world heavyweight star Sergey Kharitonov(27-6-0, M-1: 5-0-0) and young Russian power-puncher Anton Vyazigin (9-2-1, M-1: 4-1-0).


M-1 Challenge 92 sal live-gestroom uit Rusland in hoë definisie op www.M1Global.TV. Kykers sal in staat wees om die voorlopige gevegte en belangrikste kaart te kyk deur aan te teken op by te registreer www.M1Global.TV. Aanhangers kan al die aksie te sien op hul rekenaars, sowel as op Android en Apple smart phones en tablette. M-1 Challenge 92 will also be available onwww.FITE.TV(preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card)




Twitter & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews


@ M1Global




Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:

Mei 12 – M-1 Challenge 91: Doskalchuk vs. Ashimov, Shenzhen, China

Mei 24 – M-1 Challenge 92: Kharitonov vs. Vyazigin in Saint Petersburg, Rusland

Junie 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva in Chelyabinsk, Rusland


AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment yet again shows instant classic

SAN DIEGO, CALIF. – Mei 5, 2018 –Tony Bellew scored his 2nd knockout over David Haye in the last 14 months as the former star ofCreedscored a 5th round stoppage in a battle of former world champions at the O2 Arena in London.




The Epic rematch was shown live and exclusively in the United State on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment and




Haye came out Early and landed a couple of right hands. After that it was all Bellew in a big way, as in round three, Bellew scored two monstrous knockdowns. The first one came from a huge counter right hand. Oomblikke later, it was a smashing left hook to the jaw that sentThe Hayemaker” om die doek.




Bellew continued to dominate, and in round five, Bellew landed another head turning left hook that sent Haye to the deck for a third time. Bellew ended the fight by landed two hard punches on the ropes, en die bout is gestop by 2:14.




Bellew of Liverpool is now 30-2-1 met 20 uitklophoue. Haye of London is 28-4.


John Ryder stopped Jamie Cox in round two of their scheduled twelve-round super middleweight bout.




Ryder landed a right to head that Cox went down after a delayed reaction. Cox got up just as referee Ian-John Lewis reached the count of 10 and the bout was called at 50 seconds in round 2.




Ryder of Islington is now 26-4 met 14 uitklophoue. Cox of Swindon is 25-2.


Emmanuel Rodriguez won the IBF Bantamweight title with a 12 round domination of Paul Butler.




In die eerste ronde, Rodriguez landed a perfect left hook that deposited Butler on the canvas. Seconds later it was a flurry of shots to the head that put Butler down again. In die derde ronde, Butler began to bleed from the nose.




Rodriguez coasted home by boxing and moving for which Butler had no answer for the skilled Rodriguez.




Butler was ineligible to win the vacant title as he checked in 3 1/2 pounds over the 118 pond limiet.




Rodriguez of Puerto Rico won by scores of 120-106 twee keer en 118-108, en is nou 18-0. Butler Ellesmere Port is 26-2.




2016 Olympic Silver Medal Winner, Joe Joyce stopped Lenroy Thomas in round 2 of their scheduled 12-round heavyweight bout.




At the end of round one, Joyce landed a left to the body that sent Thomas down at the bell. In die tweede ronde, Joyce landed two crushing rights rights that sent Thomas down. Joyce ended things with a flush left hook to chin that sent Thomas slowly to his knees. Thomas did not beat the 10 count, en die bout is gestop by 2:36.




Joyce of Putney is 4-0 met 4 uitklophoue. Thomas of Jamaica is 22-5-1.


Joshua Buatsi remained perfect by stopping Stephane Cuevas in round five of a scheduled eight-round light heavyweight bout.




Buatsi dominated the fight and then landed a huge combination that hurt Cuevas at 50 seconds of round five.




Buatsi, 178.4 lbs of Croydon is now 6-0 met 4 uitklophoue. Cuevas, 175 lbs of Toulouse, France is 8-2-3.


James Tennyson survived a 2nd round knockdown, and came back to defeat previously undefeated Martin J Ward via 5th round stoppage in a terrific action-packed super featherweight bout.




In die tweede ronde, Ward dropped Tennyson with a crunching left hook to the body. In die derde ronde, Tennyson started to bleed from his nose.




The tide turned in round four when Tennyson began to hurt Ward, and round five, Tennyson landed a big 3 punch combination that sent Ward to the canvas. Oomblikke later, Tennyson landed a flush uppercut that sent Ward Sprawling to the canvas, en die bout is gestop by 2:24.




Tennyson of Dublin is now 22-2 met 18 uitklophoue. Ward of Brentwood is now 19-1-2.





The fight card will also be streamed live via KlowdTV on the AWE channel. Vir meer inligting.

Yamaguchi Falcao to Spike O’Sullivan: Stop Running from me!


Yama vs Spike.jpeg

Plant City, FL (Mei 5, 2018) – Unbeaten WBC #13 rated middleweight Yamaguchi Falcao is sick and tired of being avoided.




A Bronze Medalist at the 2012 Olympics representing his native Brazil, Falcao was in Canada last December helping David Lemieux prepare for his fight against WBO 160 pound champion Billy Joe Saunders. Falcao was made aware that middleweight Gary “Spike” O’Sullivan would serve as the televised co-feature for Lemieux-Saunders December 16 in Kanada.




Upon hearing the news, Falcao and his team immediately offered to fight the more experienced O’Sullivan. The Irishman’s team reportedly did not want to face a southpaw and elected to fight Antoine Douglas. Frustrated but not deterred, Falcao kept training and hoped to face a fighter like O’Sullivan in the near future.




Mei 4, O’Sullivan was again slated as the co-feature for a televised card, this time on ESPN’s Friday Night Fights.



Hoping the second time would be a charm, Team Falcao made it clear they’d do whatever it took for the opportunity.



Ongelukkig, O’Sullivan elected to face Berlin Abreu, a blown up welterweight that hadn’t fought in 18 maande.




To make matters worse, all but once of Abreu’s victories came in the Dominican Republic against opponents with a combined 15-266 rekord. O’Sullivan stopped his overmatched foe in three rounds. Multiple media outlets covering the fight reported it as a disappointing mismatch while noting O’Sullivan needs to face better opposition.




With a professional record of 28-2, O’Sullivan’s rated 5ste deur die WBO, 6ste by the WBA and 11stedeur die WBC.




Falcao, 15-0 (7 KO se), believes he’s the superior boxer but hasn’t had the same chances as O’Sullivan and he’s literally willing to fight for the opportunity.




“Spike’s had a lot of favorable opportunities but when he has the chance to take on a tough challenge, he avoids it,” Falcao said from his training camp in Florida. “I twice tried to face him with no questions asked. Both times he refused to face me. I am ranked in the top 15 and you consider yourself a top fighter – why not face me? I’m ready to show the world that I’m an elite middleweight by challenging other top rated 160 pound fighters. My question to you Spike is why did you twice avoid the challenge for easier opponents? I want you to stop running from me – man up and fight me!"




Jody Caliguire, advisor for Team Falcao, has felt the same frustrations as his fighter and none of it has to do with their unwillingness.




“We’re ready for anybody on any platform. Yama has never turned down an opportunity and we’re always putting our name out there. Aside from Spike, we offered to face Demetrius Andrade, Gennadi Golovkin, Jason Quigley and Danny Jacobs among others. None of those fights happened. We don’t need to have our record built up – we’re ready to face the best right now!"