Kaikki viestit käyttäjältä FNU47

Maia vs. Usman Kertaus, New ESPN Deal, Boxing Promotional Battles are topics of discussion on this week’s FNU Combat Sports Show

This week on the FNU Combat Sports Show, Tom, Tony and Rich discuss a wide variety of topics. We start out with the ESPN/UFC broadcast rights deal for five years, 30 fight cards and $1.5 billion. We also discuss the infighting among boxing promoters lately with both Bob Arum and UK upstart Eddie Hearn scrambling to sign free agents while trying to fill slots for slated shows in the United States over the coming year. We go on to recap last week’s combat sports action, highlighting the Adonis Stevenson vs. Badou Jack majority draw and the Usman vs Maia 5-round snoozefest headlining last Saturday night’s UFC Fight Night card. We of course also preview this weekend’s boxing matches and the UFC and Bellator cards coming out of England. We even touch on the regulation of bareknuckle boxing and Bobby Gunn’s claim of no fatalities recorded in the sport. Vihdoin, we wrap up with a reminder of what this weekend is all about: saluting our servicemen and women. Listen to the whole show at the link below:




Sergei Kharitonov vs. Anton Vyazigin julisti
“No Contest”
Alexander Doskalchuk kruunattiin kiistatta

M-1 Challenge kärpässarjan mestari

Aleksander Doskalchuk on kiistaton M-1 Challenge -kilpailun mestari


PIETARI, Venäjä (Toukokuu 25, 2018) – Viime yön SuperFight venäläisen raskaansarjan välillä Sergei Kharitonov ja hänen tärkein tapahtuman haastaja, Anton Vyazigin, julistettiin a “ei kilpailua” ja Alexander Doskalchuk vahvisti itsensä kiistämättömäksi M-1 Challenge -kilpailumestariksi eilen illalla klo M-1 Challenge 92 M-1-areenalla Pietarissa, Venäjä.




Kharitonov (27-6-0) julistettiin alun perin voittajaksi toisen kierroksen teknisellä päätöksellä venäläisestä vastustajastaan, Vyazigin (9-2-0), laittoman silmänräpäyksen vuoksi, joka esti Kharitonovin taistelun jatkamisen.




Tulos muutettiin myöhemmin a: ksi “ei kilpailua” toimeksiannon jälkeen, koonnut M-1 Global -johtaja Vadim Finkelchtein, tarkasteli taisteluvideota ja teki päätöksen muuttaa tulosta. Uusintaottelu järjestetään yhdelle seuraavista tapahtumista, todennäköisesti M-1 Challenge 95: Taistelu vuoristossa, joka tapahtuu heinäkuussa Ingusiassa, Venäjä.




“"Ei kilpailua"’ oli ainoa mahdollinen päätös tässä tilanteessa,” Finkelchtein selitti muutoksen. “Se oli onnettomuus ja eilen tuomarit tekivät päätöksen sääntöjen mukaisesti, antaa voiton Kharitonoville, tuloskorttien perusteella. Mutta tämä taistelu oli poikkeus.”




“Tuloksen muuttaminen "ei kilpailua"’ on paras valinta,” Kharitonov suostui. “Tämä ei ollut voitto, jonka halusin. Olin varma, että taistelu ratkaistaan ​​ilman kilpailua, joten olin yllättynyt, kun erotuomari kohotti käteni. Anton ei halunnut lyödä minua, joten mielestäni päätös on nyt oikeudenmukainen. Sairaalassa minulle kerrottiin, että minulla on silmänvamma ja sarveiskalvon hankaus. Toivottavasti paranen nopeasti ja saan uusintaottelun.”




Sergei Kharitonov (R) ei hyväksynyt alkuperäistä päätöstä, jossa hänet julistettiin voittajaksi.




“Mielestäni ei kilpailua’ on oikeudenmukainen tulos,” Vyazigin lisäsi. “Olin varma, että sen jälkeen, kun hyökkäys, Sergei pitää tauon, ja sitten jatkamme. Mutta taistelu lopetettiin ja hänet julistettiin voittajaksi. Puhuminen sarveiskalvon hankauksesta, En tiedä miten se voisi tapahtua. Leikkaan kynnet aina ennen tappeluita ja erotuomari tarkistaa sen, niin se on outoa. Tietenkin, Haluan uusintaottelua, tarinamme ei ole päättynyt.”




Doskalchuk (9-1-0), taistelevat pois Ukraina, osallistui The Rage -kilpailuun M-1 Challenge -kilpailun mestarina ja otti vastaan ​​M-1 Challenge Interim -kilpailulistan Arman Ashimov (8-3-1), Kazakstanin. Ashimov ei pystynyt jatkamaan kahden kierroksen jälkeen käsivamman vuoksi.


Brasilian puolipaino Tiago “Bahia” Varejao (27-5-1) kääntyi vaikuttavaan M-1-debyyttiin, tekee enemmistöpäätöksen entiseltä M-1 Challenge -kilpailun haastajalta Sergey Romanov (14-3-0).


Giga Kukhalashvili (9-4-0) hylättiin kolmannella kierroksella “köyden tarttuminen” voittamatonta venäläistä raskaansarjaa vastaan Khadis Ibragrimov (4-0-0).




Venäläinen kevyt Pavel Gordeev (11-1-0) otti jaetun päätöksen voiton Mickaelilta “Ragnar” Lebout (17-9-2), Ranskassa.




Alustavan kortti, Venäjän raskaansarjan Maksim baruzdin (1-0-0) voitti pro -debyyttinsä, pysäyttää Kuuban jättiläinen Freddi Gonzales (0-2-0) avauskierroksella lyönneillä, Venäjän kevytnäkymä Alexey “Ilmiömäinen” Ilyenko (8-0-0) eli lempinimensä mukaisesti, pysyy voittamattomana vapauttamalla potkut ja lyönnit, jotta kolmas kierros putoaa Helson Henriques (9-6-1), Angolasta.




Kirgisian höyhenpaino Azibek Satibaldiev (7-4-0) hylättiin toisella kierroksella potkimalla maadoitettua taistelijaa, Saksalainen haastaja Saba Bolaghi (9-1-1), Venäjän höyhenenkevyt Mikhail Kuznetson (6-4-1) käytti giljotiinikuristinta maanmiehensä esittämiseen Nikita Solonin (4-2-0) kierroksella kahdessa, ja ukrainalainen bantamweight Ludwig Sholinyan (2-0-1) jaAlexander Osetrov (4-0-1) taisteli kolmen kierroksen enemmistöarvontaan.




Georgian teräspaino Amiran Gogoladze (6-1-0) voitti kolmen kierroksen osittaisen päätöksen venäjästä Taymuraz Guriev, kun taas Ruslan Shamilov (5-0-0) piti voittamattoman ehjänä kolmen kierroksen jakopäätöksellä vastaan Denis Tiuliulin (3-4-0) Venäjän keskipainojen välisessä taistelussa.




Taistelijat edustettuina 10 eri maat: Venäjä, Ukraina, Kazakstan, Brasilia, Georgia, Ranska, Angola, Saksa, Kuuba ja Kirgisia.


Complete results & kuvagalleria alla:





Päätapahtuma – Ajokoiraa


Sergei Kharitonov (27-6-0, M-1: 5-0-0), Venäjä

“No Contest”

Anton Vyazigin (9-2-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Venäjä





Alexander Doskalchuk (9-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Mestari, Ukraina

WTKO2 (5:00)

Arman Ashimov (8-3-1, M-1: 3-1-0), Väliaikainen mestari, Kazakstan

(Doskalchukista tulee kiistaton M-1 Challenge -painon otsikko)



Tiago “Bahia” Varejao (27-5-1, M-1: 1-0-0-), Brasilia


Sergey Romanov (14-3-0, M-1: 5-2-0), Venäjä

LIGHT ajokoiraa

Khadis Ibragimov (4-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Venäjä

WDQ3 (köyden tarttuminen – 3:27)

Giga Kukhalashvili (9-4-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Venäjä Georgian kautta





Pavel Gordeev (11-1-0, M-1: 5-0-0), Venäjä


Mickael “Ragnar” Lebout (17-9-2, 1 NC, M-1: 1-1-0), Ranska









Maksim baruzdin (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Venäjä

WTKO1 (lyöntejä – 0:18)

Freddi Gonzales (0-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Kuuba





Ruslan Shamilov (5-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0), Venäjä


Denis Tiuliulin (3-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0)





Danila Prikaza (10-2-1, M-1: 7-2-0), Venäjä


Joilton “Pyhiinvaeltaja” Santos (24-7-0, 1 NC, M-1: 0-1-0), Brasilia




Amiran Gogoladze (6-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Georgia


Taymuraz Guriev (7-4-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Venäjä


Alexey “Ilmiömäinen” Ilyenko (8-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Venäjä

WKO3 (potkuja & lyöntejä – 0:27)

Helson Henriques (9-6-1, M-1: 0-1-0), Angola





Mikhail Kuznetsov (6-4-1, M-1: 4-3-1), Venäjä

WSUB2 (giljotiini kuristin – 4:20)

Nikita Solonin (4-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Venäjä





Ludwig Sholinyan (2-0-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Ukraina


Alexander Osetrov (4-0-1), M-1: 3-0-1), Venäjä

Full Card Set for Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship & First Legal, Regulated and Sanctioned Bare Knuckle Event in the U.S. Koska 1889

Lauantai, Kesäkuu 2 Live Across the U.S. and Canada on
Pay-Per-View from Cheyenne Ice & Events Center
in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Twelve-Bout Card to Feature Former
UFC Heavyweight Champion Ricco Rodriguez vs. Lewis Rumsey

Lineal Bare Knuckle Heavyweight Champion Bobby Gunn vs.
Marcelo Tavares & Women’s Showdown between Former
UFC Fighter Bec Rawlings & Denver’s Alma Garcia

CHEYENNE, WY (Toukokuu 25, 2018) – The full lineup of matchups are set for the inaugural Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) fight card that will feature 12 bouts Saturday, Kesäkuu 2 live on pay-per-view from Cheyenne Ice & Events Center in Cheyenne, Wyoming.



The first legal, säännelty ja seuraamuksia paljain nyrkein tapahtuma Yhdysvalloissa vuodesta 1889, “BKFC: Alku,” will air throughout the United States and Canada on pay-per-view through MultiVision Media, Inc., on FITE-TV app and fite.tv kaikki suuret tv ja streaming jakelupisteitä $29.99 in 4K. The event can be ordered at www.bareknuckle.tv/bkfc1.



The pay-per-view telecast will feature former boxing world champion Antonio Tarver providing color commentary.



Headlining the card is former UFC Heavyweight Champion Rikas Rodriguez taking on Pennsylvania’s Lewis “Beast” Rumsey in five rounds of heavyweight action, while Lineal Bare Knuckle Boxing Heavyweight World Champion Bobby Gunn battles Brazil’s Marcelo Tavares in a seven-round attraction.



A five-round women’s showdown between Rowdy” bec Rawlings ja Alma Garcia will also be featured on the groundbreaking pay-per-view event. A former UFC fighter, Rawlings recorded two wins in UFC among her seven professional MMA victories. The 29-year-old from Brisbane, Australia enters the ring looking to bring her signature aggressive style into bare knuckle boxing. She will take on Garcia, a professional boxer with seven fights under her belt and fighting out of Denver, Colorado.




Held under the auspices and control of the Wyoming Combative Sports Commission, headed by Chairman Bryan Pedersen, the card features only established professional fighters who have competed in boxing, MMA, kickboxing or Muay Thai.




BKFC heavyweight tournament action will feature Arizona’s Eric “The American SoldierPrindle battling Missouri’s I Shewmaker, Las Vegas-native Maurice “Gorilla” Jackson against Hawaii’s Dale Sopi and Chicago’s Arnold “Bomaye” Adams competing against California’s DJDa ProtégéLinderman in a series of five-round quarter final matchups.




Additional fights on the stacked night of bare knuckle boxing include Virginia’s Reggie Barnett versus Pennsylvania’s Travis Thompson in a five-round 135-pound fight, Texas-native Johnny “Brutaali” bedford in a 137-pound, five-round matchup against Wyoming’s Lovi “GarfieldMamalis and a 155-pound showdown between Phoenix’s Estevan “Terrible” Payan and Washington’s Omar “Gallo Fino” Avelar scheduled for five rounds.




Rounding out the night of fights are a pair of 145-pound fights as San Diego’s Joey Beltran meets California’s Tony “Kryptonite” Lopez in a five-round bout and Winnipeg’s Desmond Johnson taking on New Mexico-native Austin Ward in a five-round affair,plus Canada’s Brandon Cheverfield against Indiana’s Jorge Gonzales in a five-round 165-pound attraction.




Tickets for the live event are available now exclusively at www.bareknuckle.tv and are priced from $50 kohteeseen $200.


# # #



“BKFC: Alku” will be distributed live on pay-per-view on Saturday, Kesäkuu 2 at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT and will be available to over 100 million households in the United States and Canada via cable and satellite, and carried throughout the world on traditional television, apps, Smart TVs, home computers, laptops, iPhones, iPads and android devices via Chromecast, Apple TV, Sony Playstations, etc.




Please consult your local guide for channel and replays throughout the month. The suggested retail for “BKFC: Alku” on $29.99.


“BKFC: Alku”, will be produced in state-of-the art 4K and distributed by New York-based MultiVision Media, Inc. The executive producer is Brian Ricco.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta www.bareknuckle.tv or follow on Twitter at@BKBChampionship, Instagram klo www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc ja Facebookissa osoitteessa www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.


Tuuletinystävällinen, interactive series looks to continue momentum in year two.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Founder Mark Fratto joins Michael Woods on this week’s Talk Box Podcast, powered by Everlast:

NEW YORK (Toukokuu 24, 2018) – Recently celebrating its first anniversary and now approaching 1.5 million views for the series, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE next turns the corner to year two, looking to build upon its meteoric rise after a highly successful inaugural campaign.




The fan-friendly series that – muun muassa – prides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience has showcased more than 300 fighters during 17 live event broadcasts in its first 12 kuukauden. Tekemällä niin, interaktiivinen alusta on herättänyt taistelupuhaltimien uskollisen kiinnostuksen eri puolilta Yhdysvaltoja ja ympäri maailmaa, mukaan lukien merkittävä yleisö Meksikossa, Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa ja muualla Euroopassa, ja jopa faneja Etelä-Amerikassa, Aasia ja Australia.




We are extremely proud of what FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has accomplished since May 2017. We’ve had 17 shows originating from New York, Boston, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, New England, Phoenix and America’s Heartland, where many different promotions gained an incredible amount of exposure via this exciting, truly social platform. To be able to have several events where more than 150,000 people have tuned in only scratches the surface on the market interest for these events, and we are ready to take FIGHTNIGHT LIVE to the next level in year two,” sanoi Mark Fratto, Liiketoiminnan kehittämisen johtaja ja johtaja, Linacre Media.




Beyond the numbers, we’re really pleased with the way the shows have been presented and produced,” Fratto continued. “We’ve been able to showcase more than 300 up-and-coming fighters to fight fans all over the world, and help them expand their bases. And we’ve been able to invite our viewers to be part of the action by fostering real-time interaction between our broadcasters and viewers on the fight activity, the decisions and the knockouts; it’s the next-best thing to having a ringside seat.




Now at more than 1.4 million views for the series, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has continued to deliver impressive numbers throughout its rookie season, which has already included seven live shows in the first five months of 2018:




  • Over the first 11 months of programming, the numbers on the 17-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of83,714 fight fans tuning in per event and more than 1.4 million fans served.


  • Syyskuu. 9 “Real Deal Kampanjat: Empire State” alkaen Resorts World Casino (225,000), elokuun CES “Super lauantai” alkaen Foxwoods (203,000), syyskuu. CES “Twin River Twinbill” Lincoln, R.I. (157,000) ja maaliskuussa 17 Murphyn “St.



  • Patrickin päivän törmäys” (150,001) kaikki kirjautuneet 150,000 tai useampia näkymiä, and collectively the 17-show series has seen a total of more than 30,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 1,423,132 users across all devices.


  • Lisäksi raaka katsojamäärät numerot, täysin interaktiivinen, faniystävällisiä tuotantoja on nähty enemmän kuin 173,000 kollektiivinen elää post engagements(enemmän kuin 10,200 per esitys), mukaan lukien yli 116,000 “tykkää” tai “rakastaa,” melkein 30,000 comments and nearly 10,000 osakkeita.


  • FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 prosenttia miehistä, 24 prosenttia naisista. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, joka käsittää noin 30.0 prosenttia yleisö, keskimäärin.


  • Syyskuu. 9 “Real Deal Kampanjat: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 näkymätja syyskuu. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader toi sarjan kolme neljäsosaa miljoonasta katselusta hieman yli neljässä kuukaudessa. TheFeb. 10 Hard-Hitting PromotionsPhilly Fight Night” Näytä erottuu yksilöllisesti 3,421 live hours of content viewed, while the Sept. 15 DiBella-korttisaha enemmän kuin 40,000 katsojien toimintaa mukaan lukien melkein 39,000 “tykkää” tai “rakastaa” ja maaliskuussa 17 Murphyn “St. Patrickin päivän törmäys” aseta uusi korkean veden merkki osakkeita 2,182.


  • FIGHTNIGHT LIVE -sivulla Facebookissa on enemmän kuin 80,000 tuulettimet ja yli 83,000 seuraajia.And Facebook itself has taken noticethe world’s No. 1 social network recently profiled FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on itsSuccess Storiesmedia blog, noting the seriesuse of industry best practices for production and interactivity: https://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/success-stories/fightnight



Luonut ja tuottanut Linacre Media ulos New Yorkissa, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE-sarjassa on ammattikäyttöön juontajat, useita kamerakulmia, televisio grafiikka, uusintoja ja takana-the-scenes pääsy ja haastatteluja. Virranneen ohjelmat ovat saatavilla maailmanlaajuisesti missä Facebook on saatavilla. Aloite ei ainoastaan ​​mahdollista faneja ympäri maailmaa virittää, mutta myös luopuu lupaava taistelijat maailmanlaajuinen foorumi esitellä kykyjään, antaa promoottorit Esteettömän “lähetys” liuoksen ja tarjoaa sponsorit mahdollisuuden tavoittaa suuren yleisön kautta merkkituotteiden sisältöä.




More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Spring and Summer 2018 päivämäärät ilmoitetaan virallisesti lähiviikkoina.




FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on saatavilla verkossa osoitteessa:




Seuraa kaikkia toimintoja sosiaalisen median kautta Facebookissa FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, tai käyttämällä hashtagia #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Saat uusimmat Linacre tapahtumissamme ja lähetysaikataulu, Seuraa @LinacreMediaa kaikilla sosiaalisilla alustoilla tai käytä tunnisteita #LinacreMediaEvents tai #LinacreMediaOnTV.


Tickets on Sale For Event At Masonic Temple in Detroit Headlined By Two-Time Gold Medalist Claressa Shield’s Attempt To Become A Two-Division World Champion

Unified Women’s WBC and WBO Middleweight Champion Christina Hammer has taken to the mountains of Austria for this leg of her intense training camp.




Vasara (22-0, 10 KOs) will make her U.S. fighting debut while defending her titles against former world champion Tori Nelson (17-1-3, 2 KOs) perjantaina, Kesäkuu 22. The bout will serve as a supporting bout to two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and unified women’s super-middleweight champion Claressa Shields’ attempt to become a two-division world champion against unified women’s 154-pound champion Hanna Gabriels at Masonic Temple in Detroit, minulle.




Shields vs Gabriels will be contested for the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships and telecast on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION at 10 p.m. ET/PT live on SHOWTIME. Extensive highlights of Hammer vs. Nelson will also be shown.




Vasara, of Dortmund, Saksa, has dominated the women’s middleweight division since 2010. The 27-year-old says training at elevation in the mountains of Austria is bringing the best out of her.


How has training camp gone so far?




“My camp has gone well. We train three times a day and work hard to be in the best shape possible on June 22 in Detroit.”


Can you tell us about your current training location?




“We are in Austria, staying at a place in the mountains that is about 5000-feet elevation. It’s amazing here. The nature and the mountains inspire me and give me power. It’s very comfortable to do my roadwork and go to the boxing gym because everything is situated in a comfortable way.”


What is a typical day like at training camp?




“We’ve been in Austria for the last 10 päivää. At 7:30 am, we start the first interval runs. At 9 am, I have breakfast and at 11 am, we go up to the mountains to our gym (which is at 6500 feet high) to do my strength and conditioning work. Myöhemmin, in the afternoon, we start our boxing work. The nature and beautiful surroundings give me peace of mind.”


How and why is your training camp built into different stages?




“The mountains are perfect to prepare for the fight. You are away from your hometown stay more focused on training. The air is thin and this high level of elevation gives your body a higher level of conditioning. Kesäkuun 10, we will move on to our next stage of training, which will take place in the United States. That will be to help acclimate me to the new time and climate for fight night on June 22, which is when I will put all of this hard work together and have it pay off in a big way.”


Who is your head trainer?




“My coach is Dimitrie Kirnos. I started my professional career with him. He himself was Soviet Union Boxing Champion and trained many top champions. He is old school and pushes my mind and body to the limit. He is a big part of my team we have a great bond. I have much respect and admiration for him.”


Have you done anything different preparing for this fight?




“I spar with lots of shorter fighters, like Tori Nelson. I guarantee that it will be much more explosive and impressive than Claressa Shields was against her.”


American fans love knockouts. Can they expect a Christina Hammer KO on June 22?




“That’s why I train hard and give everything in the gym. I want to be amazing that night and a knockout would be a perfect ending.”



What is your prediction for Kesäkuu 22?




“I will show my power and skills. People will see who the real unified Middleweight Champion of the world is. My performance will speak for itself!"


Liput tapahtumaan, joka edistää Salita Promotions, ovat saatavilla osoitteessa Ticketmaster.com or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 ja $35.


Portland, Maine (Toukokuu 24, 2018) – Last week New England Fights (NEF) released the official card for its upcoming return to Aura in Portland, Maine. The mixed-martial-arts event, oikeutettu “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” is scheduled to take place on Saturday night, Kesäkuu 16, 2018 kellonajan kanssa 7:00 pm EDT. NEF matchmakers, kuitenkin, were still hard at work on adding fights to the card, and earlier today they announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight bout to the event. Henry Clark (3-4) kohtaavat Dave Brown (1-3) klo taistelu paino 135-kiloa.




The lead-up toNEF 34has been somewhat of a wild ride for Henry Clark. He was originally scheduled to face Florida’s Krishna Scott (0-1) on the card. Just prior to the announcement of the full fight card, Scott’s camp informed NEF that he was pulling out of the fight. Clark remained in training camp at the Choi Institute in Portland in the hope that NEF matchmakers would find him a replacement opponent. When Dave Brown stepped up to the plate, Clark was quick to accept the opportunity to fight in front of his hometown fans and friends once more.




I’m so grateful that Dave Brown stepped up,” Said Clark. “It takes a lot of guts to take a short notice fight. I would have fought anyone on a week’s notice if it meant fighting in Portland. It’s great motivation for me to finish up my camp knowing who I’m fighting. I’m coming to showcase and steal the show.




Kotoisin Pohjois Andover, Massachusetts, Dave Brown is a three-fight veteran of the NEF cage. Prior to his time competing in MMA, Brown wrestled for Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire. He will return to NEF after a three-year absence following his loss to Norman Fox in the spring of 2015. Ruskea, “‘Downtown’ Dave Brown” as he is known to his fans and friends, is looking forward to his return to action.




I’ve seen Henry Clark in action and I have a lot of respect for his abilities,” said Brown when reached for comment. “But come June 16, I’m gonna take him downall the way keskikaupunki!”




NEF seuraava mixed-martial-arts tapahtuma, “NEF 34: Home of the Brave,” will take place at Aura in Portland, Maine on Saturday, Kesäkuu 16, 2018. Lippuja myydään nyt verkossa www.AuraMaine.com.


Tietoja New England Fights




New England Taistelee ("NEF") on taistelu tapahtumia tarjouksia yritys. NEF: n tehtävänä on luoda korkealaatuisimpia tapahtumia taistelijoille ja faneille. NEF: n johtoryhmä on laaja kokemus kamppailulajien hallinta, tapahtumien tuotanto, mediasuhteet, markkinointi, oikeudellisia ja mainonta.

Sergei Kharitonov speaks out before Today’s SuperFight with Anton Vyazigin Headlining M-1 Challenge 92

Toukokuu 24 M-1-areenalla Pietarissa, Venäjä

Sergey Kharitonov

PIETARI, Venäjä (Toukokuu 24, 2018) – MMA living legend Sergey Kharitonov (27-6-0, M-1: 5-0-0) outs his perfect M-1 record on the line today against fellow Russian heavyweight, “Cherepovets Giant” Anton Vyazigin (9-2-1, M-1: 4-1-0), in today’s (Toukokuu 24) M-1 Challenge 92 main event SuperFight, M-1-areenalla Pietarissa, Venäjä.


M-1 Challenge 92 on suoratoistoennätyksen Venäjältä Teräväpiirto www.M1Global.TV. Katsojat voivat katsella alustava taistelee ja pääkortille kirjautumalla rekisteröityä www.M1Global.TV. Fanit katsella kaikkia toimia tietokoneissaan, sekä Android ja Applen älypuhelimet ja tabletit. M-1 Challenge 92 on myös saatavilla www.FITE.TV(alustava kortti on ilmainen, $7.99 pääkortille)




The 37-year-old Kharitonov has defeated a Who’s Who of some of top heavyweight MMA fighters, mukaan lukien Alister Overeem, Andrei Arlovski, Fabricio Werdum ja Pedro Rizzo.




Kharitonov had a few last words before the action officially begins:


Sergey, you have had 33 professional MMA during your career and now you are 37 vuotias. What is your motivation in MMA? Why do you keep fighting?




SK: “Fighting has become an essential part of my life. I literally can’t live without it. I love new challenges, and this is why I compete at different events and now, esimerkiksi, I have a new challenge: two fights in one week. Tomorrow I have an MMA fight at M-1 Challenge 92 and in a week, I’ve got a kickboxing bout scheduled.




This is life and we have to take risks, because no risk, no reward. Joten, I am ready for this. MMA is my passion, but I love kickboxing, liian, and now I am interested in competing in both sports.


It is said that for heavyweights the age of 35 is the prime, because this is the time when heavyweights are usually quite experienced, but still in shape. What do you think about it?




SK: “It all depends. One fighter can reach his prime at 25, another one at 35, mutta, minun mielestäni, it depends on his conscious. Take a look at some boxers like George Foreman, who fought until he was 48. Even in lighter divisions there are many examples of successful old fighters like Bernard Hopkins and even Floyd Mayweather Jr., who is not that young today. If you keep training hard, you can fight for a long time.


Only twice in your career you won by decision. How does it happen that you finish almost all your opponents?




SK: “I always look at my opponent; if he gives me an opportunity to finish him, I do it. I don’t care how I win fights and I have no goal to finish my opponents. The only thing that really matters is the victory.


Anton Vyazigin has power in his hands. Do you have a plan for the upcoming fight or do you need one?




SK: “My fighting style depends on the situation, but I think tomorrow we are going to have a stand-up fight. At this stage of my career, I do not really change my training camp for new opponents. I have pretty much experience, so I can just enter The Rage and do what I have to do. siitä huolimatta, I usually watch my opponents’ taistelee. I watched two fights of Vyazigin and can say that he is a great young athlete with heavy punches. I am very excited because it makes me happy that young guys like him are ready to replace us. Who knows how much time we have left, a year, kaksi, kolme, maybe even five? These guys have long careers ahead and they have to keep growing and showing their best!”










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Tulevat M-1-haastetapahtumat:

Toukokuu 24 – M-1 Challenge 92: Kharitonov vs. Vyazigin Pietarissa, Venäjä

Kesäkuu 1 – M-1 Challenge 93: Shelemnko vs. Siva Tšeljabinskissa, Venäjä

Two time Olympic Medalist Dychko to face Marrone June 16 St. Petersburg, FL

Kesäkuu 16 poster.jpg

Tampa, FL (Toukokuu 23, 2018) – Fire Fist Boxing Promotions is proud to announce two-time Olympic medalist Ivan Dychko will face former world title challenger Mike Marrone in an eight round heavyweight contest Saturday, Kesäkuu 16 at The Coliseum in St. Petersburg, FL.




Born in Kazakhstan and fighting out of Kissimmee, FL, Dychko was among the world’s top amateur boxers.




The 27-year-old captured a bronze medal at the 2012 ja 2016 Olympiakisat. In addition to his Olympic success, Dychko is a three-time medalist at the World Amateur Champions and medaled twice at the Asian Games. As a pro, the 6’9 Dychko’s 5-0 with all of his victories coming by knockout, 3 of which came in less than a round.




Born and raised in Vero Beach, FL, Marrone started his career 18-0. Sisään 2011, Marrone move down in weight to challenge Guillermo Jones for the WBA cruiserweight title but was stopped in the sixth round. Having faced world champions and contenders in Jones, Shannon Briggs, Chazz Witherspoon, DaVarryl Williamson, Francesco Pianeta and Charles Martin, Marrone, 21-8 (15 KO: n), is by far Dychko’s most experienced foe.




“When I got the call about adding Dychko-Marrone to the card I was over the moon,” said Jody Caliguire of Fire Fist Boxing Promotions. “Ivan has all the tools to be a future heavyweight champion and had an incredible amateur career. Mike’s fought for the world title and faced many of the best plus he’s a fan favorite in Florida. Both men have something to prove in this fight and the fans are in for a real treat.”




This special evening of boxing is headlined by a ten round NBA middleweight championship showdown between unbeaten Connor Coyle, an Ireland-based Tampa transplant, against bitter rival Danny “El Bebo” Pastrana of Orlando, FL.




The co-main event pits popular Tampa native Nicholas Iannuzzi (19-4) against Vincent Miranda (17-2) in an eight round cruiserweight affair. Iannuzzi returned from a 3 ½ year layoff in March to knockout Lemarcus Tucker in three rounds. Miranda, who fights out of Atlanta, GA and is originally from Puerto Rico, has wins over former title challengers David Telesco and Brian Barbosa.




Unbeaten welterweight standout Ramal Amanov, undefeated phenom Mark Reyes Jr., 126 pound powerhouse Jose “Lil Pacquiao” Resendez, Ali Tareh, Joseph Fernandez and Rodriguez Cade will all fight in separate undercard bouts.




Liput ovat myynnissä nyt https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/0D00548D9F1C967E. Fire Fist Boxing Promotions is also offering a special discount for all military members, active or retired, ja heidän perheilleen. For details on the military discount, please email Matt@Knockoutpublicity.com.


Crypto Boxers Announces Open Call for Contenders to #GetIntheGame

Toukokuu 23, 2018 – Crypto Boxers, the first and only boxing game operating on blockchain technology, has announced an open call for all boxers to #GetInTheGame! Professional contenders, of all ranks, can now apply to have their own avatar created for game inclusion and thereby receive residual income after the game’s launch.Crypto Boxers is slated to launch this summer and will feature real life boxing professionals as collectible tokens for the virtual fighting action on Ethereum, an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality.




By playing Crypto Boxers, gamers engage in virtual matches with the boxer of their choice, creating an actual ‘gloves onin the ring experience! By offering gamers a unique opportunity to compete while exploring the new realm of digital currency via their wins and losses, Crypto Boxers will do for cryptocurrency what Madden did for the game industry. Moving beyond the PlayStation realm, the game allows the player the opportunity to not only just compete, but to also earn upon winning as the game’s virtual boxers reap digital rewards for their wins.




Boxing champion YahuRockBlackwell is spearheading the game after delaying his initial fight game release to expand the concept as a means to merge into the cryptocurrency space. Hall of Famer and legendary referee Joe “Mr. Fair But Firm” Cortez is the first celebrity announcement with his own avatar calling all the fights on the game!




This all started as a boxing game then became an innovative cryptocurrency concept,” explains Andrew Gilliam, Blackwell’s manager and Crypto Boxer consultant. “We then sat down as a team to discuss how can we make the game a more inclusive experience for the entire boxing community. It just made sense to invite our industry’s pioneers, current contenders and newcomers toGet in the Gamewith us! By coming on board now, fighters have an opportunity to earn long term residual income by lending their personas as fight opponents for gamer selections. It becomes a win-win for all involved!”




Crypto Boxers has received an overwhelming positive response with numerous professional boxers already signed up. Perspective participants can log on at http://menminesmedia.com/2018/05/01/all-boxers-get-in-the-game/ for sign up details and information.




Crypto Boxers is currently fielding offers from multiple silent investors and will make the game available for pre-orders in the upcoming months. To stay updated on launch details and to earn early game rewards, sign up at http://cryptoboxers.io/.




Follow Crypto Boxers on Viserrys, Facebook, ja Instagram and #GetIntheGame now!


Perjantai, JUNE 29th LIVE AXS TV
Liput ovat myynnissä NYT kautta Ticketmaster.com

LAS VEGAS, NV – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will return to Arizona at the end of June. Two of the promotion’s most feared knockout artists are set for a showdown in the Valley of the Sun when they clash at LFA 44.




Päätapahtuma LFA 44 will bring the fireworks five days early this summer. The headliner will see Australia’s aesthetic annihilator MatthewThunder From Down UnderFrincu battle southern California’s grim sleeper Christian “Beast” Aguilera in one of the most explosive showdowns of the year. LFA 44 – Frincu vs. Aguilera takes place Friday, June 29that the Comerica Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona. The main card will be televised live and nationwide on AXS TV at 10 p.m. JA / 7 p.m. PT.




I am excited to bring LFA back to Arizona on June 29th,” Totesi Soares. “Matthew Frincu is a sensational striker. He will face fellow knock out artist Christian Aguilera in the main event of LFA 44. They are two of the most dangerous welterweight prospects in the world and will be looking to make a big statement at the top of one of our most competitive divisions.




Liput LFA:lle 44 – Frincu vs. Aguilera are available for purchase NOW at Ticketmaster.com




Frincu (12-3) came to LFA last year as one of the most exciting exports hailing from The Land Down Under. He wasted no time in making a huge splash in his promotional debut at LFA 5. The native of Gold Coast, Australia assaulted Kris Hocum with a diverse and brilliant display of striking. “Thunder From Down Undertaught a masterclass on how to effectively utilize range and Muay Thai technique to dismantle a high-level grappler. He offered a crash course on the same subject ten weeks later, when he knocked out Brazilian prospect Maycon Mendonça in 96-seconds at LFA 11. Viimeksi, Frincu stopped previously undefeated Mexican prospect Roman Alcantar via TKO in January at LFA 31. Now the awesome Aussie looks to derail one of the heaviest hitters in the division.




Aguilera (11-4) has earned a reputation for possessing some of the scariest one-punch knockout power in all of MMA. LFA officials caught a glimpse of his gift of putting people to sleep early in his career when he gave Timothy Quiroga a canvas nap in just 52-seconds at RFA 23. A lot has happened in the three years since that prophetic night in Orange County. To start, “Beast” got older, he got bigger, and inconceivable to many, he became even more powerful. Not surprising to anyone, kuitenkin, is his propensity to wield his gift like a young super-hero discovering his ability for the first time. This has left a path of destruction in 2018 trailing 83 miles in California from Costa Mesa (LFA 30) to Cabazon (LFA 36). Aguilera looks to extend that path to Phoenix, Arizona on June 29th.




Co-päätapahtuma LFA 44 will feature an intrastate superfight when two-time LFA standout Casey Kenney (8-1-1) battles three-time UFC veteran Roman Salazar (12-6). Viime vuonna, Casey won a regional flyweight title before signing with LFA. After making his LFA debut last May, he competed twice in front of UFC President Dana White on the UFC bossTuesday Night Contender Series. Casey returned to LFA in January with a dominant Unanimous Decision victory over Kendrick Latchman at LFA 31. He now looks to make a bigger statement by moving up a weight class to face one of Arizona’s most seasoned bantamweight forces.




That would be the man known asEl Gallito”. Salazar was signed by the UFC in 2014 after winning multiple regional titles in Arizona in multiple weight classes. He competed three times for the industry leader, which includes a bout at UFC 184 against Japanese MMA legend Kid Yamamoto in Yamamoto’s final fight. Viimeksi, Salazar has reasserted his dominance in his home state with a pair of TKO victories. Salazar now looks to continue his resurgence with a marquee win over one of MMA’s most highly-touted prospects. Salazar hails from Mammoth, Arizona and will face Kenney of Tucson, Arizona in one the state’s biggest showdowns of the year.


Nykyisin Ilmoitettu pääkortin (Televisioidaan päällä AXS television 10 p.m. JA / 7 p.m. PT):


Main Event | Welterweight Bout (170 lbs)

– Matthew Frincu (12-3) vs. Christian Aguilera (11-4)


Co-Main Event | Kääpiösarjalainen Bout (135 lbs)

Casey Kenney (8-1-1) vs. Roman Salazar (12-6)




LFA 44 will serve as the fourth LFA event to take place in the state of Arizona. All of these events have taken place in the Grand Canyon State’s capital city of Phoenix. Further information about LFA 44 julkaistaan ​​pian. Koko pääkortin LFA 44 televisioidaan elää ja valtakunnallisesti AXS television 9 p.m. JA / 6 p.m. PT.




Käy LFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. LFA is on Facebook at Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA is also on Instagram at @LFAfighting and Twitter at @LFAfighting.




Sisään 2017 RFA and Legacy FC merged to form LFA, the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts. The combined forces of LFA launched the careers of over 130 athletes to reach the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC. Toukokuussa 2018 the promotion joined the London Trust Media Holdings group of companies.