Toate mesajele FNU47


Eveniment Principal:
în sărbătorirea a 100 de ani de la baza comună Langley-Eustis
Vineri, 27 IULIE LIVE pe AXS TV
Biletele sunt în vânzare ACUM până la

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Ed Soares, CEO-ul LFA, a anunțat astăzi că promoția se va îndrepta spre est la sfârșitul lunii iulie, cu o luptă pentru titlul mondial în greutate welter, care va conduce primul eveniment al promoției care va avea loc în SUA.. instalație militară. Evenimentul live televizat la nivel național va face parte din celebrarea a 100 de ani de la baza comună Langley-Eustis.




Principalul eveniment al LFA 46 va aduce primele două perspective de greutate welter din lume în sud-estul Virginiei. Headliner-ul îl va vedea pe campionul LFA welter neînvins James Nakashima apărându-și titlul împotriva SUA neînvinsă.. Sergentul Corpului Marinei. Kyle “armele sus” Stewart. LFA 46 – Nakashima vs.. Stewart are loc vineri, 27 iulie la hangarul Felker Field de la baza comună Langley-Eustis din Newport News, Virginia. Cardul principal va fi televizat în direct și la nivel național pe AXS TV la 9 p.m. ȘI / 6 p.m. PT.




“Sunt încântat să aduc o luptă pentru titlul mondial LFA la Joint Base Langley-Eustis pe 27 iulie,” A declarat Soares. “James Nakashima a fost unul dintre cei mai redutabili luptători din istoria promovării noastre. Își va apăra titlul împotriva #1 contendent și S.U.A.. Veteranul Marinei Kyle Stewart. Nakashima și Stewart se antrenează 30 la câteva minute unul de celălalt și aceasta a fost o luptă pe care fanii MMA doresc să o vadă de mult timp. În cele din urmă se va întâmpla cu titlul LFA welter pe linie la LFA 46. Aceasta va face, de asemenea, parte din 100 Sărbătoare de an de an pentru baza comună Langley-Eustis, și abia aștept să arăt trupelor despre ce este LFA!”




Bilete pentru LFA 46 – Nakashima vs.. Stewart sunt disponibile pentru cumpărare ACUM la




Nakashima (8-0) a fost mult timp considerat ca un talent special. Acele abilități prodigioase au fost în cele din urmă realizate de către masă când a fost încoronat campion LFA welter în toamna trecută. Pedigree-ul său de luptă, abilitate izbitoare de izbire, și disponibilitatea de a învăța fiecare aspect al artelor marțiale l-a făcut campionul neînvins al greutății welter pe care îl are astăzi. Nativul din Illinois și Universitatea din Nebraska, remarcat de lupte, a luat cu asalt divizia de 170 de lire sterline de la debutul său profesional în MMA pentru RFA în 2015. A învins adversarii care au un record uimitor combinat de 54-17 cu jumătate din acele victorii venind împotriva luptătorilor neînvinși. Acum stând la 8-0 cu titlul LFA welter în jurul taliei, Nakashima este dornică să se întoarcă în cușcă după vindecarea unor răni. Protejatul John Crouch, care se antrenează la The MMA LAB din Arizona, este încă o dată dornic să se testeze împotriva celor mai buni. Următoarea provocare va veni împotriva unei perspective neînvinse și #1 concurentul Kyle Stewart.




Stewart (10-0) a urmat un curs de coliziune cu Nakashima de când a debutat în MMA în 2015. SUA. Sergentul Marine Corps și-a adunat propriul record neînvins, în timp ce te antrenai cu Trevor Lally la Arizona Combat Sports tocmai 30 minute de Nakashima. Veteranul de război decorat care a văzut acțiune în Afganistan, în timp ce servește mai multe turnee peste hotare, și-a adus cu succes abilitățile de luptă în cușcă, unde este considerat unul dintre primele două perspective de greutate welter din lume. Celălalt ar fi Nakashima, bărbatul pe care Stewart îl urmărește de mult de când a început cariera lor acum trei ani. Realitatea întâlnirii lor în Octagon a devenit și mai reală când Stewart a câștigat debutul în LFA anul trecut. Stewart a făcut o declarație finală pentru o lovitură la titlu când i-a înmânat colegului său de perspectivă Jaleel Willis prima sa pierdere în principalul eveniment al LFA 33 in februarie. Urmează pentru “armele sus”, Nakashima pentru titlu, în fața colegilor săi soldați și a veteranilor de la Joint Base Langley-Eustis.


Card de principal (Televizat la AXS TV la 9 p.m. ȘI / 6 p.m. PT):


Evenimentul Principal | Welterweight Title Bout (170 livre)



– James Nakashima (8-0) vs. Kyle Stewart (10-0)




Co-Main Event | Pană Bout (145 livre)



– Alexandre Bezerra (20-5) vs. Mike Pope (7-3)




Mijlocie Bout (185 livre)



– Dashawn Boatwright (3-1) vs. Matt Semelsber (3-1)




Cocoș Bout (135 livre)



– Ahmet Kayretli (7-2) vs. Shaun Spath (4-1)




Pană Bout (145 livre)



– Damon Minor (3-1) vs. Michael Lawrence (5-4)




Combaterea pentru greutatea muștelor pentru femei (125 livre)



– Salina Rowland (0-0) vs. Whittany Pyles (0-1)




Pană Bout (145 livre)



– Cody Maltese (3-1) vs. Thomas Blair (3-1)





LFA 46 va servi ca al treilea eveniment LFA care va avea loc pe coasta de est. Va fi, de asemenea, prima dată în care LFA călătorește “Vechiul Stăpânire” din Virginia înainte sau după fuziune. Întreaga carte principală a LFA 46 va fi difuzat în direct și la nivel național pe AXS TV la 9 p.m. ȘI / 6 p.m. PT.




Vă rugăm să vizitați pentru actualizări Bout și informații. LFA este pe Facebook la Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA este, de asemenea, pe Instagram la @LFAfighting și Twitter la @LFAfighting.




În 2017 RFA și Legacy FC au fuzionat pentru a forma LFA, prima organizație de dezvoltare în artele marțiale mixte. Forțele combinate ale LFA au lansat carierele de peste 130 sportivii să ajungă la vârful MMA concurând în UFC. În luna mai a 2018 promoția s-a alăturat grupului de companii London Trust Media Holdings.



Eveniment Principal:












Vineri, JULY 20th LIVE on AXS TV



Tickets on sale Tuesday June 19th through




LAS VEGAS, Nevada – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that LFA will return to southern California in July with an intriguing welterweight showdown headlining LFA 45.




Principalul eveniment al LFA 45 will feature the LFA debut of 15-time UFC veteran Erick Silva. He will face 3-time LFA headliner Nick “Pasarea Phoenix” Barnes. LFA 45 – Silva vs. Barnes takes place Friday, July 20th at the Morongo Outdoor Pavilion at the Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa in Cabazon, California. Întreaga Cardul principal va fi difuzat în direct și la nivel național pe AXS televizor la 10 p.m. ȘI / 7 p.m. PT.




I am excited to bring LFA back to Coachella Valley at LFA 45”, A declarat Soares. “This will be our fourth show in my home state of California. Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa is a world-class 4-diamond establishment and we look forward to returning in July with an explosive main event between Erick Silva and Nick Barnes.




Bilete pentru LFA 45 – Silva vs. Barnes will be available for purchase at noon PST on Tuesday June 19th via




Silva (19-9) makes his LFA debut eager to get back to his winning ways after spending the last seven years fighting in the UFC. The fifteen-time UFC vet became one of the sport’s most popular fighters due to his dynamic fighting style, which earned him UFC bonuses in nearly half of his bouts for the promotion. Silva won “Lupta de noapte” de trei ori, “Depunerea de noapte” de două ori, și “Performance of the Nighttwice during his time in the UFC. The Jiu-Jitsu and Judo black belt and former UFC headliner also picked up notable submission victories over Josh Koscheck, Luan Chagas, Mike Rhodes, Jason înaltă, and Charlie Brenneman during his tenure with the promotion. Acum “Tiger” from Brazil looks to pounce once more in the main event of LFA 45.




Barnes (12-3) returns to the LFA Octagon for his third straight promotional main event dating back to the RFA days. This will also be his fourth straight fight for the promotion with the first two coming under the RFA banner. After alternating results in his first four fights with the promotion, “Pasarea Phoenix” will look to rise again at LFA 45. The Wyoming native, who now calls San Diego, California home, has long been considered one of the sport’s top welterweight prospects located in talent-rich southern California. Barnes will look to impress once more in front of a largely pro-Barnes crowd in sunny southern California, but this time around he has upped the ante by signing on to face the biggest name opponent of his career in the main event of LFA 45.




Currently Announced Main Card (Televizat la AXS TV la 10 p.m. ȘI / 7 p.m. PT):




Evenimentul Principal | Semimijlocie Bout (170 livre)



Erick Silva (19-9) vs. Nick Barnes (12-3)




Mijlocie Bout (185 livre)


– Moses Murrietta (6-1) vs. Casey Ryan (9-3)


Light-Heavyweight Bout (205 livre)


-Blake Troop (7-5) vs. James Cannon (7-2)

Mijlocie Bout (185 livre)


-Luc Bondole (5-2) vs. Taylor Johnson (3-0)





LFA 45 will be the fourth LFA event to take place in the state of California. RFA hosted eight events insideThe Golden Statebefore the merger. Întreaga carte principală a LFA 45 va fi difuzat în direct și la nivel național pe AXS TV la 10 p.m. ȘI / 7 p.m. PT.




Vă rugăm să vizitați pentru actualizări Bout și informații. LFA este pe Facebook la Legacy Fighting Alliance. LFA este, de asemenea, pe Instagram la @LFAfighting și Twitter la @LFAfighting.




În 2017 RFA și Legacy FC au fuzionat pentru a forma LFA, prima organizație de dezvoltare în artele marțiale mixte. Forțele combinate ale LFA au lansat carierele de peste 130 sportivii să ajungă la vârful MMA concurând în UFC. În luna mai a 2018 promoția s-a alăturat grupului de companii London Trust Media Holdings.

Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger successfully transitioned from amateur to pro boxing



Colorado Springs, Poală. (Iunie 13, 2018) — Hall of Fame referee Steve “Double SSmoger, arguably the most recognizable and respected official in boxing history, holds the unique distinction of officiating in more states and countries than any of his peers.




Smoger ranks among the top six all-time, Nu Face. 2 american, in terms of most pro boxing matches officiated (1015), including an incredible 220 world time matches. He has been a referee in some of the greatest boxing matches everVernon Forrest-Shane Mosley, Bernard Forrest-Felix Trinidad, Kelly Pavlik-Jermain Taylor, Roy Jones, Jr.-Hopkins, Micky Ward-Emanuel Burton, Andre Ward-Carl Froch and Miguel Cotto-Antonio Margarito II among the most notable.




De asemenea, Smoger has refereed matches featuring a Who’s Who of Boxing: Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis, Larry Holmes, Evander Holyfield. Roberto Duran, Hector Camacho Sr., James Toney, Mike McCallum, Vinny Paz, Floyd Mayweather Jr., Arturo Gatti, Felix Trinidad, Diego Corrales, Gennady Golovkin, Lucia Rijker, Christy Martin and so many others..




In addition to the International Boxing Hall of Fame, Smoger has also been inducted into four other Hall of Fames in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Atlantic City.




As a youngster, Smoger got hooked on boxing, primarily because his father was anawesome fan”, who religiously watched the popular Friday night boxing series, Gillette Cavalcade of Sports, with his son. Steve’s father told him that boxing was the last version of will and skill, one-on-one, to determine the better man that night.




Smoger said he was too small to play football, too short for basketball, so he became a cross-country runner in high school. A friend invited Smoger to the local YMCA in New Jersey to get checkout its boxing program. Only one day working with a pro boxer was enough for Steve to realize that being a boxer wasn’t for him. But he still loved boxing.




After he started refereeing amateur matches in southern New Jersey and Delaware, Smoger got the break of his life that dramatically changed his life. “Everything in life is timing,” Smoger explained. “The gentleman who gave George Foreman the small American that he proudly waved after winning a gold medal at the 1968 Jocurile Olimpice, Pat Duffy, opened a gym in southern Jersey. I told him that I wanted to train as a referee. I trained under the great Frank Cappuccino and then had to honor to train with Zach Clayton. He trained to music so referees moved without being herky-jerky. În 1978, I started officiating then-AAU boxing and worked out of the Atlantic City PAL gym, which remains a vibrant amateur boxing club. I’m still there 40 years later, serving on its Board of Directors, and I’m also its legal counsel.




“Apoi, the boxing gods shined on me. Casinos were coming to Atlantic City in 1978 and boxing was involved at all the casinos there. I was the district attorney in Atlantic City, so after work I went to the PAL gym to workout with the kids. Intr-o zi, the phone rang in the gym. Nobody else was there, so I answered. It was the New Jersey Boxing Commissioner, ‘JerseyJoe Walcott, who asked me who was in charge. I said that, în acel moment, I was in charge. He said there was a pro show that night and they were short of inspectors. He said that they need somebody to watch the hand wrapping. I told him I was well versed in hand wrapping and that was it, I was hired to work that show and they gave me the royal treatment.




Walcott’s chief second was Chief Roy Johnson, who Walcott brought into the state commission. He hired me in 1982 as a probationary referee. Doi ani mai tarziu, I was a licensed referee and, cum se spune, the rest is history.




Astăzi, Smoger is still a very active referee, traveling around the world to officiate, as well as co-chairman of the International Boxing Association (IBA) oficialii, and a valued USA Boxing Alumni Association advisor. Steve has made several appearances at Alumni Association gatherings across the country.




I am honored to be the ‘unofficialrepresentative of all officials who’ve made the transition from amateur to pro boxing,” Smoger commented. “I’m the only active referee (Alumni Association advisor) who made the transition from the amateur to the pro level.




The accent has always been No. 1, on boxers, și nr. 2, autocare. USA Boxing is the best group I’ve ever been associated with and, for me personally, I’ve seen what amateur boxing does for kids in this country. They learn under difficult circumstances, through boxing, to successfully reach different levels in life. I enjoy watching the development of youths who go through the USA Boxing program and do very well.




Boxing enables boxers. My accent is on youths, to watch them grow and develop, not turn pro, to better their lives.



Stare de nervozitate: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


Photo By Stephanie Trapp – Arată Timpul

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Iunie 12, 2018)Today unbeaten WBC Youth and USBA Lightweight champion, DevinThe DreamHaney (19-0, 13 KO), will be a special guest speaker at the Booker T. Washington Community Center în San Francisco, CA. Devin is looking forward to sharing his story of being a system described problem child at Booker T. Washington.




Devin will be speaking on the importance of setting goals, being positive under adversity, remaining humble, staying out of trouble, eating a well-balanced diet, muncind din greu, and becoming a young champion.




Speaking to the kids at the Booker T. Washington community center today holds a special place in my heart. I spent a lot of time at Booker T. and know what it’s like to be characterized a troubled kid,” said Devin Haney. “I want to let these kids know that with hard work and discipline, one can become successful at anything they put their mind to. Just because a kid might be labeled troubled at a young age, doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. It’s an honor to be giving back to the organization that helped me find my way as a young youth.




The Booker T. Washington Community Service Center provides a variety of programming for school aged students. The activities range from after-school academic coaching to enrichment classes.


OMS: DevinThe DreamHaney and Booker T. Washington Staff


CE: Devin Haney will talk to youth about being a champion in life, și

rewards of working hard with a positive attitude.


UNDE: Booker T. Washington Community Center

800 Presidio Ave, San Francisco, CA 94115


CÂND: Miercuri, Iunie 13, 2018

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

WBO: Officials Named for Title Bout Between World Champion Ángel Acosta and Carlos Buitrago

Organizația Mondială a box (WBO) announced the officials for this Saturday, Iunie 16, clash between WBO Jr. Flyweight Champion, Angel ‘Tito’ Acosta, din Puerto Rico, and ranked No. 10 by this sanctioning body Carlos ‘Chocorroncito’ buitrago, from Nicaragua, într-un programat 12 rounds bout.




The world title match will take place at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico in San Juan as the main event of a boxing evening presented by the Cotto Promotions. The Puerto Rican Luis Pabón will be the referee of the clash. Pabón is a veteran of over 400 professional boxing fights, inclusiv 168 world titles bouts.




The Coliseo de Puerto Rico, was the scene of Miguel Cotto’s first world championship, when the today’s promoter was crowned WBO Jr. Welterwweight Champion on September 11, 2004 after defeating Kelson Pinto, din Brazilia, by technical knockout in the sixth round.




Puerto Rican Jerry Martinez of Guaynabo and from the United States, Rocky Young, of Florida, and William Lerch, of Illinois, were appointed judges for the bout. The WBO Supervisor will be WBO President of the Classifications Committee Edgardo López Sasso, Esq.




For Acosta (17-1-1, 17 KO), it will be his first world title defense of the title he won last December by knocking out Mexican Juan ‘PinkyAlejo in the tenth round. La rândul său, buitrago (30-3-1, 17 KO) has held the WBO Youth and Latino Mini Flyweight titles.



Christina Hammer vs. Tori Nelson in the Co-Feature

All Four Women’s Middleweight Titles To Be Contested on Vineri, Iunie 22 LIVE On SHOWTIME®

NEW YORK (Iunie 13, 2018) – Light Heavyweight prospects Umar Salamov și Brian Howard will meet in a 10-round matchup that will open the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader Vineri, Iunie 22 trăi pe SHOWTIME® (10 p.m. ȘI/PT) from Masonic Temple in Detroit.




În evenimentul principal, unified champions from different divisions will meet in the middle. Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and Unified Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields se va confrunta cu Unified Jr. Mijlocie campion mondial Hanna Gabriels for the vacant IBF and WBA Middleweight World Championships. Both fighters have a lot at stake when they meet as Shields will look to become a two-division champion and Gabriels will seek to win titles on a third weight class. In the co-feature bout, women’s unified WBC and WBO Middleweight World Champion Christina Hammer will defend against former world champion Tori Nelson as all four women’s middleweight world titles will be at stake.




Salamov (20-1, 15 KO), of Alkhan-Kala, Rusia, will be making his United States debut and is currently in training at Kronk Gym in Detroit with famed Javan “Sugar” Hill Steward. In his six-year career, the 23-year-old has already won the IBO Youth and World Light Heavyweight, WBO Youth World, European and International, and the IBF East/West Europe Light Heavyweight Championships.




Howard (13-1, 10 KO) of Bartow Fla., currently resides in Loganville, Ga., outside of Atlanta. He started boxing 12 years ago at the age of 26, after playing three years in minor league football for the Polk County War Eagles. Despite being 38, Howard has shown natural talent and has knocked out previously undefeated fighters in two of his last three appearances.




I waited a long time to make my U.S. debut and I am thrilled that it’s going to be on SHOWTIME,” said Salamov. “Training at the Kronk Gym in Detroit has been a phenomenal experience. I look forward to putting my skills and experience together to make a powerful statement. Howard is an accomplished and skilled boxer. I am coming in ready and know that it will be an exciting fight for the fans at Masonic Temple. This is my opportunity to show that I belong at the top of the light heavyweight division.




Howard is also excited to be making his SHOWTIME debut. “It’s one of the opportunities that every fighter hopes to get,", A spus el. “I want to thank team Salamov for giving me the chance to take part in this event. I look forward to future opportunities and putting on a great show on fight night. I know he’s a champion, which I respect. He’s a skilled fighter who handles himself well in the ring, but I predict I will get him out of there between the fifth and 10learound.




“I believe Umar has the skills, experience and hunger to be the best light heavyweight in the world,” said event promoter Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “Umar will have a chance to prove a point against a big puncher and spoiler in Brian Howard. It will be an exciting fight with both fighters needing a win to get into world title contention.”




Biletele pentru eveniment, care este promovat de Salita Promoții, sunt disponibile la or at the Masonic Temple Box Office at (313) 832-7100. VIP tickets are priced at $300, ringside tickets at $125, and remaining tickets at $75, $50 și $35.

Coyle confident sacrifices will pay off June 16


Coyle and Pastrana ready for fight night

FOTOGRAFIE DE CREDIT: Damon GonzalezLatin Box Sports




Tampa, FL (Iunie 13, 2018) – When unbeaten middleweight Connor Coyle entered the paid ranks, he was considered one of Ireland’s prized prospects. The Derry native medaled at the 2014 Commonwealth Games and generated a lot of interest from promoters across the globe.




Coyle ultimately signed with Tampa, FL based Fire Fist Promotions and five of his seven professional bouts took place in the Tampa region. To ensure he’s at his absolute best when entering the squared circle, Coyle treks more than 4000 miles from Ireland to Tampa for training camp.




While his stateside training camps play an integral role in Coyle’s improvement, it comes with major sacrifices.




“The hardest part is having to get up and leave my little girl for each camp,” Coyle said of training in Tampa while his 2-year-old daughter remains in Ireland. “I’ve been doing this since she was born and it’s hard because she doesn’t understand why.”




The 7-0 Coyle’s next challenge comes Saturday, Iunie 16 when he meets rival Danny Pastrana of Orlando, FL in a ten round contest for the NBA Intercontinental middleweight title at the Coliseum in St Petersburg, FL.




Pastrana has a modest 6-4 înregistrare cu 1 KO but has faced good competition. He’s had a full training camp leading up to June 16 and Coyle’s expecting the confident Pastrana to be at his best.




“I’ve put in a full training camp and the work has been done in the gym. Training so far from home is a struggle with my daughter back in Ireland but it also inspires me. I’ll be ready for whatever Danny Pastrana brings Saturday night and plan to return to Ireland with the NBA championship.”




The card is promoted by Fire Fist Promotions in association with Money Round Boxing. A limited number of tickets are available at




Fans can also enjoy the fight live from anywhere in the world starting at 7 pm ET at The telecast will feature commentary by Boxing Hall of Famer Winky Wright.




În meciul de co-prezentat de seara, two-time Olympic bronze medalist Ivan Dychko, 5-0 (5 Lui KO), of Kissimmee, FL by way of Kazakhstan challenges former title contender Mike Marrone, 21-8 (15 Lui KO), of Vero Beach, FL. The 6’9 Dychko is regarded by many as a future heavyweight champion.




Welterweight phenom Mark Reyes Jr. squares off against experienced Puerto Rican Javier Garcia, 8-16-1 (3 Lui KO) într-un șase rotunda. Living and fighting out of Tampa, Reyes Jr, 6-0 (4 Lui KO), was a top amateur and has a huge following. Against Reyes, Garcia’s facing his 12lea unbeaten foe.




Featherweight crowd pleaser Jose “Lil Pacquiao” Resendiz, 5-1 (3 Lui KO) Sf. Petersburg meets Vincent Jennings of Grand Rapids, MI in a six round affair. Resendiz is a favorite in the Sunshine State, fighting a Pacquiao-esque style that puts fans at the edge of their seats. Jennings, 5-5-1 (4 Lui KO), fought all across the country and has a decision win over previously unbeaten Dennis Galarza.




The undercard features the career finale of St. Petersburg’s Ali Terah, junior welterweight Joseph Fernandez, heavyweight Rodriguez Cade and bantamweight Rufat Huseynov in separate bouts.




The cruiserweight contest featuring Nicholas Iannuzzi and Vincent Miranda was cancelled due to an injury suffered by Iannuzzi in training.




Pentru mai multe informații, visit

TITO vs ACOSTA. CARLOS BUITRAGO WBO World Light Flyweight Championship


Sâmbătă, Iunie 16, 2018
Coliseo de Puerto Rico * Hato Rey, Puerto Rico

pm ET / 6 pm PT

This Saturday’s full PPV card set Headlined by Acosta-Buitrago title fight
Bătălia, Iunie 16
Live pe PPV din Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Iunie 12, 2018) – The full pay-per-view card for this Saturday’s “Bătălia” eveniment, headlined by the 12-round main event between World Boxing Organization Light Flyweight World Champion Tito Acosta and Nicaraguan challenger and four-time world title challenger, Carlos “Chocorroncito” buitrago, has been announced.


Bătălia: Acosta vs. buitrago, airing live on PPVfrom the Coliseo de Puerto Rico Center in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico,este prezentat de Miguel Cotto Promoții, și H2 Divertisment, în asociere cu DirecTV Puerto Rico.




Integrated Sports Media is distributing the Bătălia: Acosta vs. buitrago carte în Statele Unite pe cablu, prin satelit și digitale pay-per-view, prin intermediul a cererii, Vubiquity, DirecTV, DISH și transmis în flux live în întreaga lume (excluding Puerto Rico.on the FITE.TV aplicație și site-ul web (, începând de la 9 p.m. ȘI / 6 p.m. PT, pentru un preț de vânzare cu amănuntul sugerat de numai $34.95.




Acosta (17-1, 17 KO) will make his first world title defense at home, after capturing the vacant WBO title last December at famed Madison Square Garden, când a scos Juan Alejo(24-4-1), din Mexic, în 10lea rotund.




WBO #12-rated Buitrago (30-3-1, 17 KO) has had four unsuccessful title challenges, losing three times, along with one draw. He was stopped for the first time in his last fight this past December, by undefeated International Boxing Federation (IBF) Minimumweight Campion mondial Hiroto Kyoguchi (8-0), in the eighth round of their title fight in Japan.




In the eight-round co-featured event, Kevin Nieves (12-1-1, 5 KO) și perspectiva neînvinsă JeanLobo” Torres (10-0, 7 KO) battle in an eight-round battle of Puerto Rican junior welterweights.





Puerto Rican featherweight Bryan Chevalier (9-1-1, 8 KO) meets fellow countrymanRicardo Rodriguez (10-2-1, 6 KO) într-un meci de opt rundă, while Puerto Rican super featherweights Edwin “ChinValentin (4-0, 4 KO) și Pedro Vincente (5-1, 2 KO), open the PPV in a six-round bout.




















Stare de nervozitate: @CottoPromotions, @Directvpr, @IntegratedPPV, @FiteTV


LAS VEGAS, NV (Iunie 12, 2018) – Perspectivă super-welter neînvinsă Mekhrubon sanginov (5-0 3 KO), din Dușhanbe, Tadjikistan, s-a mutat la Las Vegas, Nevada să-și continue visul de a deveni campion mondial. Amatorul foarte decorat revine la acțiune iunie 23, 2018în Tijuana, Mexic.




“Sunt încântat să-mi duc pregătirea la un nou nivel lucrând în Las Vegas,” a spus Sanginov. “Las Vegas este capitala luptei din lume și simt că antrenamentul din Las Vegas îmi va duce cariera la nivelul următor.”




Sanginov, care a capturat titlul WBC Youth Middleweight în ultimul său meci, a început să se antreneze cu Justin Gamber, antrenorul binecunoscut al pretendentului neînvins super-mijlociu, Caleb “Mâini dulci” Plantă (17-0, 10 KO). Mekhrubon așteaptă cu nerăbdare să-și ducă cariera la noi culmi, deoarece va face campanie la super-welter înaintând. Sanginov este în prezent un agent promoțional gratuit.




“Sunt încântat să mă antrenez cu Justin Gamber,” A continuat Sanginov. “Este un antrenor cu experiență, care mă face campion mondial. Sparring-ul pe care îl primesc este de asemenea de top. Voi căuta să semnez cu un promotor credibil în viitorul apropiat.”




Sanginov a fost un amator remarcabil, adunând un record de 105-14, ceea ce l-a făcut un favorit al fanilor în țara sa natală, Tadjikistan. Fanii săi din orașul natal își doresc să vadă cum progresează ca profesionist.




“Voi face o declarație în lumea boxului, mai ales în divizia super-welter, iar lumea îmi va ști numele după viitoarele mele spectacole.” A concluzionat Mekhrubon.

Alfonso Olvera vs. Wilberth Lopez HeadlineGuerra De Gallos

Road Warriors Battle for Hometown Supremacy

TUCSON, Arizona. (Iunie 12, 2018) – Michelle Rosado’s Raging Babe has built a reputation for quality, sold out events across the country, and she returns to Tucson’s Casino Del Sol pe Saturday evening, Iulie 21, with Guerra De Gallos, a fight card that is quickly living up to its name.




The scheduled eight-round main event features a hometown battle between two fighters who have earned their stripes fighting tough competition on the road. After competing in other fightersbackyards and dealing with their opponentshome crowds and officials, welterweights junior Alfonso Olvera (10-4-1, 4 KO) și Wilberth Lopez (21-9, 15 KO) will have a chance to showcase their incredible tenacity and talent in front of their own families, friends and Tucson fans.




Olvera, who has had trouble finding opponents, has faced top competition since turning pro. In his second fight, he went the distance with Ivan Baranchyk, currently unbeaten at 19-0. Olvera’s trail of upsets includes a 2005 unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Ryan “Cowboy” Karl and another over Chicago’s Genaro Mendez.




Lopez, who knocked out Phoenix’s Keenan Carbajal in his professional debut in 2013, has gone on to fight stiff competition across the country. He was the first to take World Super Bantamweight Champion Isaac Dogboe the distance when they met in 2014. Three years later, Lopez upset Jose Roman (24-2-1, 16 KO), via unanimous decision in Roman’s backyard. Lopez’s southpaw style and reach kept Roman at bay and earned him the win.




This is a fight between two highly skilled, local fighters who have never had the benefit of hand-picked opponents and hometown decisions,” spuse Rosado. “This fight will be one of the best Arizona has seen in years. I’m excited to give Tucson fans what could be Fight of the Year, and to bring back the pride that comes with competing to be the best in the state.




The card is stacked with Tucson talent. Junior usoare Jensen Ramirez (5-2-3, 1 KO) makes returns against Jesus Arevalo (2-3), and Tucson junior welterweight Christopher Gonzalez (2-0) will make his return to the Old Pueblo after securing his second win in Phoenix earlier this year. Mike Martinez, Emmanuel Guajardo, Nicholas Rhoads, Judas Estrada și Breenan Macias round out the eight-bout card.




Casino Del Sol has hosted boxing events since 2003, and has become a premier destination for boxing in Southern Arizona. Fernando Vargas, Mia St. John and Yori Boy Campas are just a few boxing legends to have graced the casino’s ring. “We are excited to bring boxing back to Tucson once again,” said Kimberly Van Amburg, CEO of Casino Del Sol. “Our goal is always to provide the best entertainment in Southern Arizona, and Guerra De Gallos will definitely deliver.




Bilete pentru “Guerra De Gallos” încep de la $25, and will be available online at, prin telefon la (520) 333-5150 or at the Casino Del Sol Gift Shop beginning Friday, Iunie 15. A press conference is scheduled for Thursday, Iunie 21 la 2 p.m. at the Paradiso Lounge inside Casino Del Sol. The public is invited.




Iulie 21 card begins at 7 p.m. Usi deschise la 6 p.m. The card is promoted by Raging Babe and Peltz Boxing. Pentru mai multe informații, vizita