所有帖子 FNU47

FNU搏击运动展: 关在笼子里的死亡; UFC 225 回顾和巨大的拳击周末结果

汤姆, 托尼和里奇讨论搏击运动周, 回顾堆叠的UFC 225 卡 (和CM Punk未能开始他的MMA职业生涯), 并查看一个疯狂的周末进行拳击的结果. 我们首先强调UFC八角大楼中有关死亡的两个高调提及. 达娜·怀特(Dana White)和泰隆·伍德利(Tyron Woodley)都在本周新闻中发表了这个话题. 听下面的完整广播:



M-1的挑战 94 结果 & 照片

达米尔·伊斯马古洛夫 (Damir Ismagulov) 击败阿尔乔姆·达姆科夫斯基 (Artem Damkovsky)
保住 M-1 挑战赛轻量级冠军头衔
达米尔Ismagulov (L) 卫冕 M-1 挑战赛轻量级冠军
奥伦堡, 俄罗斯 (六月 15, 2018) – M-1挑战轻量级冠军 达米尔Ismagulov 在其重量级中击败了原来的冠军头衔持有者, 阿尔乔姆·达姆科斯基, 在今晚的比赛中保住自己的冠军头衔 M-1的挑战 94: 在欧洲大陆的心脏之战奥伦堡的主要活动, 俄罗斯.
Ismagulov (16-2-0), 俄语战斗, 由于达姆科夫斯基受伤,裁判终止了比赛,首轮技术击倒获胜 (22-10-0), 白俄罗斯.
在共功能的事件, 俄罗斯轻量级前景 罗马Bogatov 保持了他不败的职业记录 (6-0), 除了毕业成为竞争者之外, 当他击败前 M-1 挑战赛冠军挑战者时 劳尔Tutarauli (18-5-0), 格鲁吉亚.
俄中量级 瓦列里 “俄罗斯锤” Myasnikov (13-1-1) 赢得了对他的同胞的多数决定, 米哈伊尔·Ragozin (11-4-0), 俄罗斯量级马克西姆Grabovich (8-5-0) 芬兰政府一致决定 尤霍·瓦拉玛(15-5-0), 和巴西的轻量级 Rubenilton “鲁维诺” 梨 (20-5-0) 照顾之前不败的 巴克蒂贝克·乌库·奥克托姆 (4-1-0), 吉尔吉斯斯坦, 当后者的角球在一轮后停止动作时.
对初步卡, 巴西重量级 马库斯 “山” 维尼修斯·洛佩斯(13-6-0) 和俄罗斯 阿西奥娅·克鲁蒂奥娃 (1-0-0) 两人都使用地面和磅击赢得了比赛, 分别, 针对俄罗斯 马克辛·雅科比克 (2-1-0) 在第二个发现和 泽伊纳 “是” 克兰蒂奇 (0-2-0) 在一场罕见的 M-1 女子格斗比赛的第三轮中.
俄罗斯蝇量级 基里尔 “形式” 福缅科夫 (4-1-0) 使用后裸绞提交保加利亚语 迪米拉尔·科斯托夫 (9-6-0) 在首轮, 和法国羽量级一样索伊克萨万 “尤达” 坎帕萨 (11-9-1) 与 格格姆·瓦达尼安 (4-1-0), 亚美尼亚的.
俄中量级 弗拉基米尔·特鲁索夫 (2-0-0) 在赢得了一致的决定列奥纳多 “比特犬” 愤世嫉俗的 (8-3-1), 希腊的.
MAIN EVENT – M-1挑战轻量级冠军
达米尔Ismagulov (16-2-0, M-1的: 10-1-0), 冠军, 俄罗斯
WTKO1 (裁判因伤停赛 / 3:53)
Artem Damkovsky (22-11-0, M-1的: 13-8-0), 白俄罗斯
(伊斯马古洛夫卫冕 M-1 挑战赛轻量级冠军)
共同特征 – 轻量级
罗马Bogatov (6-0-0, M-1的: 5-0-0), 俄罗斯
WSUB2 (冯烟道扼流圈 / 3:05)
劳尔Tutarauli (18-5-0, M-1的: 6–0), 格鲁吉亚
瓦列里Myasnikov (13-1-1, M-1的: 4-1-2), 俄罗斯
米哈伊尔·Ragozin (11-4-0, M-1的: 3-2-0), 俄罗斯
Rubenilton “鲁维诺” 梨 (20-5-0, M-1的: 4-2-0), 巴西
WTKO1 (角落停工 / 5:00)
巴克特贝克·乌鲁·奥克托姆 (4-1-0, M-1的: 0-1-0), 吉
尤霍·瓦拉玛 (15-4-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 芬兰
马克西姆Grabovich (7-5-0, M-1的: 4-3-0), 俄罗斯
马库斯·维尼修斯·洛佩斯 (13-6-0, M-1的: 32-1-0), 巴西
WTKO2 (地面和磅停止 / 4:54_
马克西姆·雅科比克 (2-1-0, M-1的: 2-1-0-), 俄罗斯
弗拉基米尔·特鲁索夫 (2-0-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 俄罗斯
愤世嫉俗的莱昂纳多 (8-3-1, M-1的: 0-1-0), 希腊
苏克萨万·坎帕萨 (10-9-1, M-1的: 0-0-0), 法国
WSUB1 (后方赤裸阻气 / 3:08)
格格姆·瓦达尼安 (4-0-0, M-1的: 0-0-0), 亚美尼亚
基里尔·福缅科夫 (4-1-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 俄罗斯
WSUB1 (后方赤裸阻气 / 315)
迪米拉尔·科斯托夫 (9-6-0, M-1的: 0-2-0), 保加利亚
阿西亚·克柳托娃 (1-0-0, M-1的: 12-0-0), 俄罗斯
WTKO3 (地面和地面停顿 / 4:22)
哪个 “是” 克兰蒂奇 (0-2-0, M-1的: 0-1-0), 西班牙
罗马Bogatov (在上面) 在轻量级领域发表重要声明
瓦列里·米萨斯尼科夫 (ř) 战胜了米哈伊尔·拉戈津
Rubenilton佩雷拉 (L) 对于 Baktybek Ulu Oktom 来说实在是太难受了
马克西姆Grabovich (ř) 击败 Juho Valamaa 取得一致判定胜利
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
六月 15 – M-1的挑战 94, Ismagulov VS. 萨姆科夫斯基
七月 21 – M-1的挑战 95 在印古什, 俄罗斯

Rivalta Inks Puerto Rican Amateur Standout Luis Melendez to Managerial Contract

劳德代尔堡, Florida-based boxing manager Henry Rivalta proudly announces the signing of 19-year-old featherweight prospect Luis “El Chucho” Melendez to a promotional contract.
A stand-out amateur in Florida and his native Puerto Rico, Melendez will be making his professional debut under the guidance of Rivalta in July.
Born and raised in Bayamon, 波多黎各, Melendez started boxing at age 11. He went on to have 124 业余打架, winning a number of Puerto Rican and international titles including the Junior Olympics, Olympic Cup, and the Puerto Rican Nationals from 101 磅. 到 132 磅.
Melendez says the managerial deal is the culmination of a long association the pair have held. “When I was about 15, I went to spar at the Mike Tyson Gym in West Palm Beach and I was sparring a pro and Henry saw me. He told me he likes what he sees and since then he’s had his eye on me. Now that I’m reaching my dream of going pro, Henry is the right person to help guide my career.”
A throwback fighter with a style more suited for the professional ranks, Melendez calls his style ‘smart aggressive.’
I have a very pro style. I sit down on my punches. I like to throw combinations a lot. I like to break my opponents down. I like to go to the body. 要么, depending on the opponent, I can box you. I can also hit and not get hit when I need to.”
Melendez says training at KO Fitness in Hialeah, 佛罗里达, with trainer Michael Robles is going well and he’s excited to get started on his professional career. “我感觉好极了. This is my dream. I have always loved the pros. I used to watch and say ‘man I will be there one day.’ I’ve always had that style. I want to win titles in six divisions. I want to be the best pound for pound. I want to be the next face of Puerto Rico.”
“Luis has all the talent to become a world champion,”亨利·里瓦说. “He’s been a stand-out since he was a kid and he’s developed into a very good fighter. I’m happy to finally be working with him in the professionals. I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with this next great fighter from Puerto Rico.”


Photo Eric BuckTeam Haney

旧金山, 例如 (六月 13, 2018)Yesterday undefeated lightweight contender, Devin “梦想” 哈尼 (19-0, 13 科斯), who is the current WBC Youth and USBA champion, presented an influential speech to at risk youth at the Booker T. Washington Community Center 在旧金山, 例如. Devin spoke about the importance of staying away from gangs and drugs, in addition to setting goals and working hard.




哈尼, who attended Booker T. as a young child, was thrilled to give back to the organization, as he spent three hours with the kids, talking about living a healthy life style while keeping a positive attitude.




It was great hanging out with the kids at Booker T.,” 德文哈尼说. “I spoke to all of them about staying out of trouble and following their dreams. I was once in their shoes, so I can relate to them on a personal level. After speaking to them, I felt I made a difference in their mindset and it was an unbelievable experience.




The Booker T. Washington Community Service Center provides a variety of programming for school aged students. The activities range from after-school academic coaching to enrichment classes.

埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. VS. Carlos Ocampo Final Press Conference Quotes & 照片

Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Faces Undefeated Challenger This Saturday, 六月 16 Live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas in an Event Presented by 总理拳击冠军
点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

弗里斯科, TEXAS (六月 14, 2018) – 次中量级不败的世界冠军 埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. 和收视率最高的竞争者 卡洛斯·奥坎波 spoke to media at the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters Thursday as Spence nears his homecoming title defense against his unbeaten challenger this Saturday, 六月 16 live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




欣欣拳击锦标赛转播开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and features super bantamweight world champion 丹尼尔·罗马 defending his belt against unbeaten 莫伊塞斯 “查基” 花卉 和前世界冠军 哈维尔财神 与 发生冲突 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 in a 10-round 140-pound special attraction, all of whom were in attendance at Thursday’s final press conference.




门票活动, 由 TGB Promotions 与 Man Down Promotions 联合推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 www.SeatGeek.com.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday ahead of the first boxing event to take place inside Ford Center at The Star:






I’m really happy to be here and I’m so happy that everyone came out. Saturday night is going to be great. 我一直在训练 10 weeks and I’m 100 percent focused on Ocampo. I’m here to do my job, which is to win and look good winning.




Ocampo is very dangerous because he has nothing to lose. It’s his first title fight, which is a position I’ve been in before. I had a lot of fire and I felt like I had nothing to lose. I’m sure he’s been training hard and is focused. I know he’s fighting for him family so he’s going to come to fight. I want a guy who’s going to test me so the crowd gets their money’s worth.




I’ve had pressure my whole boxing career. Being on Olympian and a top prospect was pressure, but then I also went overseas to take the title from a top fighter. I’ve always overcome the pressure on me and I’m going to overcome another test on Saturday night.




Every fight is a statement fight. 不要紧,谁我打. All eyes are on me in the welterweight division. People want to see if there are chinks in my armor, so it’s important for me to put on a great performance and prove I’m the best welterweight in the division.




Dallas already is a boxing town, just not enough boxing comes here. I can be the star who has annual fights and bring the city out like we’re doing Saturday night. I’m going to prove we’re a boxing city in Dallas and that Texas is a boxing state period. I do this for the whole state.




We work hard every camp and we’re 100 percent dedicated. There hasn’t been much difference in this camp than normal. The sparring with Jermell Charlo was top quality and has me prepared for Saturday night.




I’m ready to line up those other champions. I’ve said that since I was 15-0. I want to fight every opponent and take them out no matter who it is. I’m here to prove that I’m the best in the division.






We’re here on the same stage and I’m ready. I’m appreciative to be here and I’m calm. 我没有什么可输. He has all the pressure of being in his hometown. I’m just relaxed and ready to fight.




I’ve studied his fights enough. What’s most important is that I know that he has everything to lose and I don’t. He has a home field advantage, 但在这一天结束, it’s just two guys in the ring.




I’ve gotten a great reception from the people here in Dallas. I’ve been treated like a champion and after Saturday I’ll be a world champion. You don’t want to miss this fight.




He can try to come and knock me out, but this is my dream. This is what I’ve trained my whole life for and I’m not going to let this chance pass me by.




I’m going to use my height, distance and jab throughout the fight. The counter will be important for me. I’m going to look to catch him so he better be ready.




“我会放弃一切,在环. I’m going to show what I have and give everyone a great performance from start to finish.






Flores is a tough opponent. I don’t overlook anybody. I know he’s going to come in and fight. Defending my belt is the only thing that’s on my mind.




We work hard like always. The only thing that changes in camp is strategy, and we will be ready for anything Flores can bring.




We’re going to be ready for his pressure. I’m going to fight a smart fight. If we have a chance to take him out early, then I’m going to jump on it. You never know what could happen in a fight.




Flores is not an easy opponent. Nobody is at this level. I just work hard every day like it’s my first shot at a world title. I know that if I put in the work, everything will come together in the ring.




Roman is a good fighter, that’s why we’re here. Hopefully on Saturday night he won’t be able to take my volume of punches. I’m going to bring pressure for every moment of the fight and we’ll see if he holds up.




Everyone knows that I like to come forward and make exciting fights. There will be drama and I’m expecting to come out of there with my hand raised.




On Saturday night I’m going to get redemption for everything that happened in my last fight and deliver a win and an exciting fight. This is a chance that I’ve worked and trained hard to get again.






Everyone knows what I can do here in the ring. I’m very glad to be here meeting Granados, because we’re going to give the fans a a great fight on Saturday that’s going to steal the show.




I know that Granados has fought a lot of top opposition, but on Saturday night, I’m going to be a different fighter than he’s ever seen in the ring.




This will be a battle. Everyone will see on fight night what the difference is between me and him. 我是一个特殊的战斗机. I’m going to prove it again on Saturday.






It’s been a long hard road to this fight. I know I have marks on my record, but I can easily say that I know all of them have been controversial. I’ve pushed through everything and I know that I’m truly respected as a fighter.




I’m always going to bring the same fire and determination to the ring. If my opponent is brave enough to stand with me, then it’s going to be all-action. 无论哪种方式, I’m coming to break him down and get the victory.




‘Recently I’ve gone against a lot of opposition that is naturally bigger than me, but I’ve never backed down or been afraid of any of them. This fight is going to prove that I belong in the upper echelon of boxing.




I’ve checked out Fortuna’s fights and he’s a scrapper. He likes to bang too in the ring just like I do. It’s all the recipes for a can’t miss fight.


德里克·詹姆斯, 斯彭斯的教练




I’m very happy to see everybody out here and we’re so glad that the fans are getting involved. This city means everything to me and Errol, so to bring a great night like this and have this huge reception from the fans, is a little bit of extra motivation.




I think we’re going to see a great fight. Ocampo is very tough opposition and Errol has trained very hard. We’re going to see the best Errol Spence on Saturday night and I’m sure we’ll see the best Carlos Ocampo, which should make for a fun night for the fans.


布列塔尼·古森·布朗, TGB 促销副总裁




We are so excited for Saturday night and to be bringing the first boxing event inside Ford Center at The Star. Dallas is a great fight town and who better to headline the first title fight here in 50 years than hometown favorite Errol Spence Jr.? He is sure to put on a great performance for his hometown fans.




It has truly been a pleasure to work with the entire Dallas Cowboys organization throughout this promotion and we hope this is just the start of bringing sellout crowds here to the heart of Texas. We can’t wait to see you all there on Saturday night.


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 活动编程, 欣欣网络公司.




SHOWTIME is thrilled to be here at The Star for the first boxing event inside of Ford Center. Week after week and month after month, we’ve delivered the best fighters in the most meaningful fights to boxing fans. Saturday is the 11 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING this year. These events have featured more than 15 世界冠军战斗, just in the first six months of the year. We’re doing more boxing and more high quality boxing than any other network by far.




Saturday is no exception, especially in terms of quality. 埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. is a consensus top five pound-for-pound fighter. He’s knocked out 10 straight fighters and it was 2014 when an opponent last went the distance. Errol is in many ways our Dak Prescott (Dallas Cowboys quarterback), he’s a young star, a fan favorite and we expect him to be one of the faces of the sport for years to come.




If you know of the tradition of Mexican fighters in this sport, then you know that Carlos Ocampo cannot be overlooked. He’s coming to win and that makes him very dangerous and should create an exciting fight.




Both of the opening bouts leading up to the main event on SHOWTIME are significant bouts with fighters that bring all action styles to the ring.




# # #



The Star 是达拉斯牛仔队世界总部和位于弗里斯科的训练设施的校园,占地 91 英亩, 得克萨斯州. 作为弗里斯科市和弗里斯科独立学区之间的首个此类合作伙伴关系, 星号设有福特中心, 拥有 12,000 个座位的体育场,举办弗里斯科 ISD 足球比赛和其他活动; 牛仔合身, 一 60,000 与领先的健身开发商合作开发的平方英尺健身房, 马克·马斯特罗夫; 牛仔俱乐部, 乡村俱乐部与 NFL 相遇的会员制俱乐部; 奥姆尼弗里斯科酒店, 一个16层, 300-房间豪华酒店; 贝勒斯科特 & 白色运动疗法 & 星报的研究, 一 300,000 平方英尺的运动医学卓越中心将于 2018; 以及各种购物, 作为娱乐区一部分的餐饮和夜生活场所. 欲了解更多关于星报的信息, 访问 www.TheStarInFrisco.com.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.thestarinfrisco.com. 在 Twitter 上关注我们@ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC是通过电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.


Hizni Altunkaya challenges 2-division World Champion Beibut Shumenov for Vacant WBA Cruiserweight World title

七月 7 阿斯塔纳, 哈萨克斯坦

阿斯塔纳, 哈萨克斯坦 (六月 , 2018) — 世界拳击协会 (WBA) 别. 3-rated cruiserweight Hizni “战士” Altunkaya (30-1, 17 科斯) isn’t concerned about hitting the road to fight local hero and two-division World Boxing Association (WBA) 世界冠军, Shumenov北部, for the vacant WBA World cruiserweight title, 七月 7 阿斯塔纳, 哈萨克斯坦.




一 2004 哈萨克斯坦奥海, Shumenov (17-2, 11 科斯) retired a year ago due to an eye injury that required surgeries, 迫使他放弃他的WBA重量级世界冠军. Shumenov has fully recovered and he’s on a mission to recapture his WBA world cruiserweight title.


Shumenov vs. Altunkaya is a presentation of Shumenov’s company, KZ Event Productions, Inc. 七月 7gala event will be part of the 20anniversary celebration of Astana being the capital of Kazakhstan. Many political dignitaries from Kazakhstan and around the World are expected to attend Shumenov’s comeback fight, which will air nationally on Qazaqstan TV and QAZSPORT TV, as well as internationally, including BoxNation in the United Kingdom.




I have no reservations about fighting Shumenov in his country,” 30-year-old Altunkaya said. “I believe that there will be a fair decision and the better fighter that evening will win. I will arrive in Kazakhstan with enough time for me to acclimate.




I have great respect for what he has achieved. Shumenov has a lot of experience and he is a strong boxer. We are studying some fights to find his weaknesses. I think it will be, technologically, 一场精彩的战斗, in which both of us will take chances to get a knockout. 我是一名拳击手, but when I see the chance for a knockout, I can change my style. It will be a tough fight and I will do my best to go home as world champion.



Altunkaya, who was born in Turkey but now lives and fights out of fighting out of Germany, 淘汰 Mathias Reinhardt 在第一轮, 在 维塔利·克里琴科香农布里格斯 世界拳击理事会 (WBC) Heavyweight World Championship card in 2010, at O2 World Arena in Hamburg, 德国.




在 2011, Altunkaya won a 12-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Salvatore Aiello (29-0) for the Interim World Boxing Federation (WBF) World cruiserweight crown. The gifted Turk captured the vacant Global Boxing Council (GBC) Intercontinental cruiserweight title in 2016, His pro loss happened last year, when he was stopped in round five by former World Boxing Organization (WBO) Cruiserweight World champion 克日什托夫·Glowacki (26-1).




Shumenov has a tremendous quality experience advantage over Altunkaya, who did not box as an amateur. Although Altunkava has fought more pro rounds than Shumenov, 147-140, the chiseled Kazakh has fought 88 rounds in major world title fights compared to zero for his Turkish opponent.




The fight against Glowacki was one of the most important experiences in my career,” Altunkaya added. “I know what I did wrong and I will not repeat those mistakes against Shumenov.




更多的战斗即将公布. 所有战斗和战士都受到变革.



叽叽喳喳: Beibut_Shumenov

Instagram的: @BeibutShumenov

Facebook的: www.Facebook/BeibutShumenov/fanpage

你管: www.YouTube.com/channel/UCyWBF2CoafZEeif7bON2H8Q

Tito Acosta-Carlos Buitrago PPV Press Conference Quotes

La Batalla
WBO World Light Flyweight Championship

星期六, JUNE 16, 2018
Coliseo de Puerto Rico * Hato Rey, 波多黎各

住在PPV – 9
下午ET / 6 下午PT

La Batallalive on PPV from Puerto Rico
Tito Acosta (L) defends his WBO light flyweight title vs. 4-time world title challenger Carlos Buitrago



SAN JUAN, 波多黎各 (六月 13, 2018) – 决赛 “La Batallapress conference was held today in advance of this Saturday’s pay-per-view card, headlined by the 12-round main event between World Boxing Organization (WBO) Light Flyweight World Champion Tito Acosta (17-1, 17 科斯) 和 Çhallenger 卡洛斯 “ChocorroncitoBuitrago (30-3-1, 17 科斯), airing live on PPV from the Coliseo de Puerto Rico Center in Hato Rey, 波多黎各,


La Batalla: Acosta vs. Buitrago is presented by Miguel Cotto Promotions, and H2 Entertainment, in association with DIRECTV Puerto Rico.




Integrated Sports Media is distributing the La Batalla: Acosta vs. Buitrago card in the United States on cable, 通过iN需求进行卫星和数字按次计费, Vubiquity, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide (excluding Puerto Rico.on the FITE.TV 应用和网站 (www.fite.tv), 开始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, 对于只有一个建议零售价 $34.95.




Tito Acosta: “I am very excited about this Saturday night’s fight. I’ve been training really hard to get a big win over Buitrago. I only have one thing to tell him about Saturday: he will fail to capture the title and I will remain as a world champion in front of all my fans in Puerto Rico.


Carlos Buitrago: “I feel healthy and strong. I had a very intense camp I came here with my mind clear and focus with my dream of becoming a world champion this victory is for my country of Nicaragua






Tito Acosta (17-1, 17 科斯), 冠军, 圣胡安, 波多黎各




卡洛斯 “ChocorroncitoBuitrago (30-3-1, 17 科斯), 挑战者, 马那瓜, 尼加拉瓜

共同特征 – JUNIOR的welterweights (8)

Kevin Nieves (12-1-1, 5 科斯), 科梅里奥, Puerto Tico




Jean C. “路博” 托雷斯 (10-0, 7 科斯), 特鲁希略·阿尔托, 波多黎各

羽量级 (8)

Bryan Chevalier (9-1-1, 8 科斯), 巴亚蒙, 波多黎各






里卡多·罗德里格斯 (10-2-1, 6 科斯), Mayaguez, 波多黎各



埃德温· “ChinValentin (4-0, 4 科斯), 萨利纳斯, 波多黎各






Pedro Vincente (5-1, 2 科斯), Mayaguez, 波多黎各

(所有打架 & 战士可能会改变).







ENGLISH: HTTPS://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8RaZf6ncdk&特征=youtu.be




SPANISH: HTTPS://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6ksMNm_S7g&特征=youtu.be








www.promocionesmiguelcotto, www.integratedsportsnet.com, www.directvpr.com, www.fite.tv




叽叽喳喳: @CottoPromotions, @Directvpr, @IntegratedPPV, @FiteTV


Legendary Boxing Analyst Has Been Part of the Biggest and Most Memorable Events In Boxing History

信贷: 开演时间

纽约 (六月 13, 2018) – Legendary Boxing Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein has reached another career milestone: fifteen years of broadcasting the sport on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.

Bernstein provided expert analysis for the largest pay-per-view event in television history. He ranks the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao “Fight of the Century” the most significant broadcast of his career, one that spans three-and-a-half decades.

“I have great memories throughout my more than 37-year television career, but the last 15 years at SHOWTIME have been the most productive and enjoyable,” said the Chicago native and longtime Las Vegas resident Bernstein. “I have worked with extraordinary colleagues both in front of and behind the camera as we chronicled some of the most important and exciting boxing matches of this era.”

Bernstein was ringside providing expert analysis when Anthony Joshua TKO’d Wladimir Klitschko in the spring of 2017 在...前面 90,000 raucous fans at Wembley Stadium in London for the IBF and WBA heavyweight world title belts. He places that at No. 2 on his biggest matches list, with Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor right behind that at No. 3. Mayweather also gets the nod at No. 4 as boxing’s all-time great dominated Canelo Alvarez in 2013. Bernstein’s fifth most memorable all-time SHOWTIME moment was in Manchester, England when Joe Calzaghe dominated Jeff Lacy in the mega-fight dubbed “Judgment Day.”

“I’ve had a front row seat to watch great champions in great matches,” Bernstein said. “And I’ve participated in what I think is the best television production in the sport of boxing. I’m honored to have participated in this special period of SHOWTIME Boxing and I am energized by the great fights of today and the future of the sport.”

Bernstein ranks the legendary Diego 科拉莱斯VS. Jose Luis Castillo bout as the best fight he has ever covered, followed by Israel Vasquez vs Rafael Marquez 3 进而, the recent Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd barnburner from earlier this year. Juan Manuel Lopez vs. 奥兰多萨利多 1 and the Klitschko-Joshua mega fight round out his top five best SHOWTIME fights.

There have been dramatic upsets along the way during Bernstein’s SHOWTIME tenure, with Nonito Donaire vs. Vic Darchinyan ranking at the top of the list, followed by Ricky Hatton vs. Kosta Tszyu; Orlando Salido vs Juan Manuel Marquez; Austin Trout vs. Miguel Cotto and Andre Ward vs. 米克尔·凯斯勒.

“Al Bernstein is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced announcers in sports today,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, President of SHOWTIME Sports and Event Programming. “Over the past 15 岁月, Al has called many of the biggest events and greatest matchups in the sport of boxing, and brings a level of expertise unrivaled by any network. Congratulations to Al for what continues to be an exceptional career at ringside.”

伯恩斯坦, who before joining SHOWTIME covered everything from Major League Baseball to the Olympic Games and the NFL Draft, is also an accomplished writer and author. He won the Chicago Newspaper Guild’s Award for best news story in 1975 and published his first book “Boxing for Beginners” in 1978. His most recent work, an enlightening look back at his 30 years in broadcasting (“Al Bernstein: 30 年份, 30 Undeniable Truths About Boxing, 体育, and TV”) was published in 2012. Bernstein has also appeared in a number of movies such as “Rocky V”, “Streets of Gold”, and “Play It to the Bone.”

Bernstein has been recognized by multiple international and state Hall of Fames, but it has not always been about just boxing for Bernstein, or even sports. He serves on the board of directors and is a spokesman for Caring Place, a Las Vegas facility that was co-founded by his wife Connie, which provides free services to those whose lives have been touched by cancer.

Bernstein is also a singer and an expert equestrian. He has performed as a vocalist for the past 30 years doing mostly tunes from the Great American songbook. He has appeared at many casinos in Las Vegas and around the country. Recently he has been performing at the Tuscany Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. As an equestrian, Bernstein participated in a number of celebrity rodeos as both a participant and grand marshal.

WBO NewsHeadline Matches For This Week


世界拳击组织 (WBO) will oversee four major fights this week around the world, including a world championship bout.




Starting on Thursday, 六月 14 at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, 日本, seventh ranked Hiroaki Teshigawara (16-2-2, 9 科斯), 东京, will defend his WBO Asia-Pacific Bantamweight title against the two-time world title challenger Teiru Kinoshita (26-2-1, 9 科斯), 神户的.




In the same card, 12 ranked Ryuichi Funai (29-7, 20 科斯), 从东京, will face former world champion Warlito Parrenas (26-7-1, 23 科斯), from Philippines, for the vacant WBO Asia-Pacific Jr. Bantamweight belt. Both fights are scheduled for 12 round as part of a event promoted by Dangan Boxing.




Also on Thursday, but in Indio, 加利福尼亚州, Filipino Mercedito Gesta (31-2-2, 17 科斯) will battle Robert Manzanarez (36-1, 29 科斯), of Arizona, for the vacant WBO NABO Lightweight title, 在 10 round clash.




本次活动, which will take place at Fantasy Springs Casino, is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions, and will feature a live broadcast on ESPN, 开始 8:30 P.M. 东部时间 (5:30 P.M. Pacific time).




与此同时, 周六, 六月 16 at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico in San Juan, 初级世界拳击组织. Flyweight Champion, Ángel ‘Tito’ 阿科斯塔 (17-1, 17 科斯), 来自波多黎各, will be making his first title defense, 针对 10排名, and former WBO Youth and Latino champion, Carlos Buitrago (30-3-1, 17 科斯), 尼加拉瓜, in a schedule 12 轮的战斗.




In Puerto Rico, DIRECTV subscribers will be able to see the event through channel 161, OnDIRECTV, 开始 9 P.M, Eastern time (6:00 P.M. Pacific time). Integrated Sports Media is distributing the card in the United States on cable, 通过iN需求进行卫星和数字按次计费, Vubiquity, DIRECTV, DISH and live-streamed worldwide (excluding Puerto Rico) 在 FITE.TV 应用和网站 (www.fite.tv), 建议零售价为 $34.95.




The event is promoted by Cotto Promotions, in association with H2 Entertainment.


Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Faces Carlos Ocampo This Saturday, 六月 16 Live on SHOWTIME from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, 德克萨斯州在由总理拳击冠军提出的事件
点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片



DALLAS (六月 13, 2018) – 次中量级不败的世界冠军 埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. spent time giving back in his hometown Wednesday, as he handed out meals at the Salvation Army in Dallas ahead of his homecoming world title defense live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, 六月 16 from Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, 德克萨斯州参加由超级拳击冠军举办的活动.




I’m excited to be back at Salvation Army again,” 斯彭斯说:, who has spent time at the charity ahead of previous fights and during the holidays. “We’ve done events like these before and it’s always one of my favorite ways to give back. I’m glad to be able to come back and do something a little extra for my hometown fans that support me during this fight week.




门票活动, 由 TGB Promotions 与 Man Down Promotions 联合推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 www.SeatGeek.com.




I can’t wait to step into that ring and feel the love from the people in my city,” 斯彭斯说:. “The least I could do was give something back this week. 上周六晚, I’m giving everyone in the city a great show and a memorable night of action.




欣欣拳击锦标赛转播开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and features super bantamweight world champion 丹尼尔·罗马 defending his belt against unbeaten 莫伊塞斯 “查基” 花卉 和前世界冠军 哈维尔财神 与 发生冲突 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 in a 10-round 140-pound special attraction.




# # #





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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.thestarinfrisco.com. 在 Twitter 上关注我们@ShowtimeBoxing, ErrolSpenceJr, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @TheStarinFrisco 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/thestarfrisco. PBC是通过电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.