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10 用行动和未来的初中量级的前景问题 “行动” 安东尼劳雷亚诺

由: 约翰·斯卡利



图片由: 大卫西班牙

安东尼 “行动” 劳雷亚诺

7-0 (3)

龄 23

东哈特福德, CT

140 磅/初中量级

2016 西新英格兰和新英格兰金手套 152 英镑冠军

2016 全国金手套准决赛

训练者: 天使冈萨雷斯

经理: 内特托雷斯

促进者: 乔DeGuardia /星拳击




安东尼劳雷亚诺是 23 岁上升的前景在今天的拳击游戏. 一个非常勤奋和专注的年轻人, 劳雷亚诺是战斗机的倒退式. 他把辛勤工作的每一天, strives to learn the finer points of the game and approaches each fight like a Do Or Die event.




Thus far Anthony and his team have chosen a unique path to success in the boxing world. They have not shied away from tough competition thus far and, 事实上, have had to dig down and overcome several very stiff challenges from eager opposition. Laureano’s last two opponents in particular, Tobias Green (7-1) and John Hernandez (8-2), both provided extremely tough challenges in bouts that forced “行动” Anthony to dig down to places that most up and comers simply aren’t forced to go until quite a bit later in their careers.








谦卑, 清洁的生活, 不怕, 勤劳和风扇平易近人,因为他们来, 不败 (7-0) 安东尼劳雷亚诺肯定一个是根.




以下是 10 问题采访提前了六月 30 布特在Mohegan Sun赌场在康涅狄格州对胡安·罗德里格斯 (8-9-1) 干草市场的, 弗吉尼亚星拳击显示的竞争者乔·史密斯JR:特征. 在一个轻重量级的比赛对抗梅尔文罗素的主要事件.


“10 随着问题 “行动” 安东尼劳雷亚诺”




题 1. 你是怎么最初开始作为一个拳击手?



劳雷亚诺: 我父亲把我在拳击比赛中. 他希望我们能够保持活跃和形状. 我最初开始在年龄拳击 8 同 (前轻量级竞争者) 皮托卡多纳. 我们曾经跟随他所到之处都向我们传授一些技巧. 我开始在竞争时代 11 或 12 在车库. 当绳索被片岩壁. 环地面上,地毯上,在冬天的时候你最好束起来. 我会去健身房,在所有类型的天气. 雪, 雨热波. 我不在乎, 我只想继续我的自行车. 右放学后我会得到我的大包准备好,让我的自行车准备骑.



题 2. 你的目标是作为一个战士? 你想要什么在这场比赛中做?



劳雷亚诺: 我作为一个战士的目标是成为世界冠军. 这将是我可以与人分享的成果. 在这场比赛中我想表明它是在第一次无论怎么说你仍然可以完成大事情. 凭着勤奋, dedication and will power anything is possible. I want to put God first. I want to give people hope.



题 3. In your opinion what was the highlight of your amateur boxing career?



劳雷亚诺: The highlight of my amateur career was my first fight with my trainer Angel Gonzales. This fight changed everything. I felt had the talent, but I was coming from a back to back losing streak. This fight was a close one. I was just getting ready to lose because when it was close I never got the decision. Angel yelled at me “What;s wrong with you? You don’t do this in sparring. You better show me something!!!” I went out that round and gave the kid two standing 8 counts in the 3rd round. This fight was the turning point of my career. This made everything possible.

题 4: So far you’ve faced several tough opponents for someone with only a few fights yourself under your belt. And as long as I have known you its been very obvious that you are not shy about stepping in with the tougher competition. Where do you think that comes from? Where did you develop this mindset?


劳雷亚诺: The reason that I’m not shy about taking on competition is because I have faith God. I failed a lot in the amateurs so I know what it is to lose. Every time I lost one of my amateur fights I went right back at it the next day. 当然, I felt like I shouldn’t be in the gym. I even felt embarrassed to go to the gym. I wanted to be something in the sport of boxing, 虽然, so I didn’t care what other people thought. The reason I’m willing to take on better competition is to prove to myself and get better as a fighter.


题 5: How did you begin working with your trainer, (1986 新英格兰金手套 106 英镑冠军) 天使冈萨雷斯, and what is the training like?


劳雷亚诺: Angel Gonzalez was always around me. He would do little group exercises and I’d jump in sometimes. I eventually got to work with him when I was looking for a new trainer. I even thought about doing Muay Thai, but I still had a love for boxing. So I went back to boxing and started training with Angel. Angel gave me discipline in the sport and that was something I needed. After my first pro fight, Angel spoke to Nate Torres and ask him to help him train me. Nate accepted and now is my manager and co-trainer. The professional game is different and we must continue to improve my skill set in order to continue my success as a professional boxer.


I have a great team now. Truly blessed!




题 6: Were u a boxing fan growing up or are you one now? Who did you grow up watching in the sport and who are your favorite boxers?




劳雷亚诺: My favorite boxers of course are the fighters who take risk and keep coming forward. I look up to Mickey Ward and Arturo Gatti wars. Growing up I just really loved doing boxing. It’s really an art form. There is Lomachenko, he shows that it’s sometimes just a master in his angles. I see fights of his to learn new things that I like. Adrian Boner when he is on his game boxing is really nice to see. 当然, people really down play him but, 如果你把所有的戏剧,而让到一边, 他是真的看到的东西时,他有它在一起.




题 7. 你有没有在这项运动的人你尝试仿效作为一个战士谁? 什么拳手影响你的风格作为一个专业的战斗机?




劳雷亚诺: 我的风格是像沃德和加蒂在心脏方面和必胜的信念. 我的训练师说我的风格酷似米格尔·库托在 140. 类似的左钩拳的身体和拳式. 米格尔是没有一个战士在他离开,我想,让人们看到,在我, 太。.




我也很喜欢米奇·加西亚今天,因为他是一个完整的战斗机. 他对大挑战. 可以适应任何情况. 他有如此良好的速度和力量. 两年的裁员,甚至在他还回来这么强.


题 8. 是什么样的作为一个职业拳击手的最好的事情?




劳雷亚诺: 对我来说,关于是亲最好的事情是我做我喜欢. 使用的礼物,上帝给了我尊重他. 也有机会它创建为我的家人提供更好的生活.




题 9: 到目前为止,什么一直是你一个专业的战斗机最难的部分?


劳雷亚诺: 我会说关于是一个专业的战斗机最难的部分只是管理生活和训练. 现在我在拿出. 所以,这是艰难的我喜欢的工作,但, 然后我会缺乏训练. 它是管理你身边的人一些支持和一些不. 所以,你真的刚留在积极的人的支持. 你的心态决定一切,所以如果你无法管理你的情绪将遭受沉重打击时,你有一拼来了.




题 10. 在您职业生涯这点你还在工作你的方式, 战斗在初步较量undercards. 斑点经常开上短时间内这些小卡. 你多久需要准备一拼,如果要求一个?




劳雷亚诺: 我总是准备好战斗,因为我不从健身房采取任何休息时间. 我做我的心在健身俱乐部的话,我做我的拳击后来在一天. 总是.



图片由: 彼得Pabon





“职业拳击比赛 - 即最后一小时前在更衣室里等待- 就足以剥夺谁没打过任何前一个骄傲的人, 欲望, 心脏和勇气,他认为他有。” – 冰人约翰·斯卡利, 四月 2002



克里斯蒂娜·哈默(Christina Hammer)一致反对托里·尼尔森(Tori Nelson),为WBC和WBO中量级腰带辩护

赶上重播 星期一, 六月 25, 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣


底特律 (六月 23, 2018) –克拉丽莎·希尔兹(Claressa Shields)成为两分区世界冠军, 克里斯蒂娜·哈默(Christina Hammer)保留了她的两个世界冠军腰带,因为他们在周五晚上均获得了一致的决定胜利 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 从底特律的共济会神庙出发, 我.








弗林特附近的两次奥运金牌得主盾牌, 密歇根州。, 在她的职业生涯中第一次被击倒 53 秒进入第一轮, 但之后她又能回来赢得每一轮冠军,成为两分区世界冠军,夺取了空缺的IBF和WBA中量级世界冠军对抗汉娜·加布里埃尔(Hanna Gabriels). 评委们打了这场比赛 98-91, 97-92 两次.




盾牌战斗后,锤子进入了戒指, 情感的盾牌朝着锤子逼去,随之而来的是一些推and. (观看视频 这里)




“我只是讨厌哈默一直无视我,”盾牌 (6-0, 2 科斯) 说. “在我所有的权利之后,她就成为了圈套, 谈垃圾, 然后她进去,看起来像 [掷骰子] 对纳尔逊. 我烦死了. 但我让她知道,我已经准备好与她作战. 她要我今晚输掉, 但我想她赢,因为我想和她战斗. 我们现在必须统一。”




Shields和Gabriels展开激烈的战斗, 但那是加百列 (18-2-1, 11 科斯) 在右上角连接的人将盾牌发送到画布. (观看击倒视频 这里)




“一旦我倒下, 我深吸了一口气,我记得自己在想, 希尔兹说:“我要鞭打这个女孩”. “我只记得想过让我们使用戳戳并变得聪明。”




哥斯达黎加的加百列, 统一的154磅标题持有者, 体重增加,并试图成为三分区世界冠军. (看到Shields-Gabriels的亮点 这里).




“我训练了距离,但我的心出卖了我, 因为在那之后第一次击倒, 我在找另一个,”加百列斯说, 在位的WBA和WBO卫冕冠军 12 自从赢得次中量级冠军以来,连续获得世界冠军头衔 2009. “我想向所有人展示我对战士的忠诚.




“我认为淘汰赛后我没有优势。. 我感到我不得不一轮又一轮地努力,甚至有可能获胜。”




添加加百列: “她很有力量. 这是一场伟大的斗争,你必须接受法官的决定. 她很强大,对于粉丝来说,我认为效果很好.




Shields的左脸颊部切成圆形 10, 还克服了头撞. 她回想起战斗中加布里埃尔(Gabriels)的拳头受到三次伤害. “第一轮, 第四轮和第八轮, 除此之外,她并没有击中我。”




Shields –在与新教练John David Jackson的第一次战斗中–说她在战斗后学到了一些关于自己的东西. “我可以穿上屁股, 起床回来赢,“ 她说. “今晚是我的夜晚,我必须向世界展示我是有史以来最伟大的. 我证明了我是谁. 现在, 我真的很危险,因为你甚至可以放下我, 而且我仍然会赢。”




战斗的不同之处在于Shields’ 准确性, 特别是在连接时的力量射击方面 42 百分率相比 26 百分.




战斗结束后,希尔兹被问及何时要面对锤子. “希望是下一个,“ 她说. “我不需要休息. 我今晚可以鞭打她. 我很讨厌她和她的整个团队。”






在她备受期待的美国取得了不平衡的胜利. 登场, 锤 (23-0, 10 科斯) 对托里·尼尔森的一致决定仍然不败 (17-2-3, 2 科斯). 该得分 100-90, 99-91 两次, 保留她的WBC和WBO中量级世界冠军腰带. (看到Hammer-Nelson的亮点 这里).




“获得一个KO会更好,”哈默说, 是谁 27 岁,来自多特蒙德, 德国. “我竭尽所能获得淘汰赛. 她很坚强. 我希望美国对此事很好,但我仍然是冠军。”




“我非常期待与克拉丽莎作战. 她会尽力与我抗争,但我的步伐和触手可及将有所作为. 与克拉丽莎的斗争将改变游戏规则. 这将是有史以来最大规模的女性斗争. 我想在一个中立的地点与她战斗。”




“我今晚的表现让我很失望,战斗后纳尔逊情绪激动. “这是一种损失, 当然令人失望. 我不够忙, 我猜。”




在她的最后一战, 尼尔森在一月份对希尔兹失去了一致的决定. “克拉丽莎更好,尼尔森说. “ Shields戳了戳并使用了戒指. 克拉丽莎站在那儿,想打架. 她全力以赴. 锤子只有一个。”




在转播揭幕战, 乌马尔·萨拉莫夫 (21-1, 16 科斯) 用致命的右手击倒布莱恩·霍华德 (13-2, 10 科斯) 53 排定的10轮轻量级比赛的第9轮进入秒数.




萨拉莫夫, 从Alkhan-Kala, 俄罗斯, 正在底特律著名的克朗克健身房(Kronk Gym)和Javan“ Sugar” Hill Steward进行他的美国首秀和训练. 在两个长而瘦长的战士之间的战斗中, 萨拉莫夫降落 34 他的力量拳的百分比相比 27 霍华德的百分比,并在淘汰赛时在所有三名法官的记分卡上领先.




“在第二轮中,他的一杆球让我有点受伤, 但我没有让我感到困扰,因为这是我的美国. 登场,”萨拉莫夫说, 六年职业球员 24 岁. “我一直在战斗. 当我受到重击之后, 我开始挺身而出,, 战斗发生了变化。”




萨拉莫夫说,他知道在第一个右路接上霍华德就受伤了. “我一拳就知道他会很受伤,“他说,. “我的肘部感觉到了. 之后,我不想再打他,因为我知道他已经完成了。”




这位前轻量级选手霍华德有几个亮点,能够多次有效地使右手落地, 包括在第七回合中使萨拉莫夫(Salamov)震惊的一个强大的右十字架.




“我会说我做得很公平, 我没事,”霍华德说, 一位前小联盟足球运动员,住在亚特兰大以外,并首次亮相SHOWTIME. “我很幸运得到了萨拉莫夫团队和SHOWTIME的接听. 我会回来的。”




星期五的三重标题将在星期一重播, 六月 25 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ANYTIME® 和SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®.




巴里·汤普金斯称为从马戏团拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood和前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯作为专业分析师操作. 执行制片人戈登·霍尔与理查德·高根生产和里克·菲利普斯导演.


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LOS ANGELES – Bellator will hold its first-ever event in Sioux Falls, 标准差. 在周五, 八月. 17 at Sanford Pentagon. Bellator 204 will be headlined by the promotion’s bantamweight champion Darrion考德威尔 (12-1) testing himself against Noad所有 (12-3) in a non-title featherweight matchup.




A welterweight bout will serve as the co-main event of the card, when South Dakota-native 洛根Storley (8-0) takes on the always-dangerous A.J. 马修斯 (9-7).




Tickets will go on sale to the general public on Thursday, 六月 28 在 10 A.M. CT. 门票开始只是 $28 and will be available at the Sanford Pentagon box office, 以及特玛.




该活动将在以下网站上免费现场直播: 9 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和全球的Bellator移动应用. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布.




“I’m excited to bring Bellator to Sioux Falls this summer with a great venue partner in the Sanford Pentagon,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “I always look forward to visiting a new market and having a crowd experience a live Bellator event for the first time. This is a great card with a lot of intriguing matchups that I know fans will enjoy. With this being such a strong wrestling community, I’m also excited to feature several former collegiate wrestlers on Aug. 17, including Darrion Caldwell and South Dakota’s Logan Storley.”




考德威尔, a 30-year-old Rahway, New Jersey native and the current Bellator bantamweight champion, will step up a weight class to take on Lahat in an exciting featherweight non-title affair on Aug. 17. 战斗圣地亚哥出来, 加利福尼亚州。, “The Wolf” has emerged as one of the most well-rounded fighters in the 135-pound class, collecting nine victories since signing with Bellator in 2013. 该 2009 NCAA D1 National Champion wrestler from NC State boasts a resume that includes five first-round finishes, a 25-minute war against 爱德华多·丹塔斯 for the world title and a textbook guillotine choke submission victory over 莱昂德罗肥后 in his first career title defense earlier this year. Caldwell will look for his 13th professional and fourth consecutive win when he enters the cage as a 145-pounder for the first time since 2014.




A black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu currently training at Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, 拉哈特职业生涯首次亮相 2008 在那里他开始了令人印象深刻的七连胜. The 34-year-old hails from Alfei Menashe, Samaria, 以色列, Lahat and served as a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces before transitioning to his MMA career. Lahat holds a 3-1 record in Bellator with his most recent win coming against 耶利米·莫纳汉 this past November and now welcomes the Bellator bantamweight champion to his weight class when he enters the cage on Aug. 17.




来自韦伯斯特的欢呼, 标准差, the 25-year-old Storley will fight in front of his hometown fans at Bellator 204 when he makes his fourth appearance for Bellator. The 4x NCAA All-American wrestler from the University of Minnesota has quickly climbed the ranks as one of the most dangerous welterweights in mixed martial arts, earning eight-straight victories to begin his career, including six knockouts and five first-round finishes. A win over the equally-dangerous Matthews on Aug. 17would only further cement his name amongst the division’s best, as Storley hopes to protect his unblemished mark of 8-0.




战斗卡尔斯巴德的出, 加利福尼亚州。, Matthews will be making his 11th appearance under the Bellator MMA umbrella; a seven-year stretch that has earned the promotional veteran five victories, including a pair of first-round knockouts and a highlight reel-soccer kick finish over Charlie Rader. The 30-year-old certainly knows how to put on a show, with nine of his 16 career fights ending in a knockout, including six in the first round. “Mercenary” will look to build on his recent win over Kendall Grove at Bellator 193, as he enters the cage against hometown favorite Storley in the co-main event.


更新 Bellator 204: 考德威尔 VS. 所有 战卡:

羽量级主赛事: Darrion考德威尔 (12-1) VS. Noad所有 (12-3)

重量级的合作主要事件: 洛根Storley (8-0) VS. A.J. 马修斯 (9-7)







(Photo by Marilyn Paulino/DiBella Entertainment)


纽约, 纽约 (六月 22, 2018)-Raquel Miller kept her prefect record intact with a six-round unanimous decision over Szilvia Szabados in a middleweight bout at the Melrose Ballroom in Queens, 纽约.




Miller stunned and hurt Szabados throughout the contest. 磨坊主, who was making her New York City debut showed her versatility by featuring a diverse arsenal of punches with both hands.




Miller handled the former world-title challenger with ease as she won by shutout scores of 60-54 在所有卡.




Miller wore a ring outfit that paid homage to the movie Black Panther.




该 2012 United States Olympic Alternate, Miller continued her dominance as a professional as her record soared to 6-0.




I enjoyed myself in there last night and it felt good to be back in action,” 米勒说. “I felt strong, and I felt like that I had a solid performance. My opponent was tough and I was happy to get the rounds in. Fighting under the DiBella Entertainment banner is very special, and I appreciated being warmly embraced by Lou DiBella himself!”




I decided to come out as the leader of the Wakanda tribe in the movie Black Panther, Dora Milaje. I was accented in gold because I felt they represent the new age women warriors like myself. We are fierce, strong and not afraid to go to war. I love to trailblaze, and set the bar high. I’m sure we can expect to see other women coming out and joining the Wakanda tribe and I’m happy to be the leader of that movement. ”




Said Split-T Management CEO, 大卫·麦克沃特, “After being off for 8 个月, I was more than happy with her performance. 去的, I wanted to see how she performed with Szilvia Szabados as compared to how Clarrissa Shields performed and Raquel definitely looked better.


(Photo by Malik Carter)









Headed by David McWater, Split-T Management has amassed one of the top stables in boxing.




Their impressive roster includes:


World Rated Contenders




IBF Super Lightweight Mandatory Title Challenger 伊万Baranchyk




次中量级 The New” 罗宾森




Former Bantamweight Title Challenger 安东尼奥·涅韦斯


2016 奥运选手



轻量级 Teofimo洛佩兹




超次中量级 查尔斯·康威尔




最轻量级 Antonio Vargas



Undefeated Prospects




权重股: Stephen Shaw, Marcus Carter, Yegor Plevako




轻量级: 约书亚庙, “Mighty” 乔·琼斯




轻重量级: 约瑟夫·威廉姆斯, Bortirali Mamajonov




超级中量级: 伊赛亚·斯蒂恩(Isiah Steen), DeAndre Ware, Isiah Jones




middleweights的: 侯爵·摩尔, 拉奎尔·米勒




少年中量级: Ardreal Holmes, Hurshidbek Normatov, Fred Wilson, JR.




Welterweight’s 珍妮森·波卡奇卡, 波因德克斯特骑士, 马克道森, 布巴卡尔·西拉, 布赖恩·塞巴洛




初级轻量级: 埃里克·德莱昂


Gorham, 缅因 (六月 22, 2018) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) announced earlier today that the fight promotion would once again sponsor an athlete at this year’s BrawlinLobsta Wrestling Clinic & 比赛. The camp is set to take place at the Gorham campus of the University of Southern Maine (USM) 从 七月 17 to July 22. For the fifth year in a row, NEF will select one winner for which the fight promotion will cover tuition to the program.

“It’s a thrill for us to once again be supporting the BrawlinLobsta Wrestling Clinic,” stated NEF co-owner and Matchmaker Matt Peterson. “This year it’s all the more exciting to be partnering with Maine wrestling legend Brandon Bushaw to send not one, but two wrestlers to clinic. Mike Morin’s USM program is exploding and with the latest round of recruits that he’s brought in, I have no doubt that they will be a threat at the national level within the next two to three seasons. I encourage every Maine wrestler to apply for this scholarship to earn a chance to work with Morin’s decorated staff clinicians. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to sharpen your skills, as well as learn some new ones, during the off-season.

另外, NEF MMA veteran Brandon Bushaw has also agreed to sponsor an athlete in the program this year. Now a business owner residing in South Carolina, Bushaw cut his teeth on the mats growing up in Westbrook, 缅因. He won two Maine state titles wrestling for Westbrook High School. 高中毕业后,, Bushaw went on to wrestle for Michigan State University where he was a teammate of current UFC competitors Rashad Evans and Gray Maynard. He is a member of the Maine Wrestling Hall of Fame.

I attended Boston University wrestling camp between my sophomore and junior seasons in high school,” recalled Bushaw. “Not only did it change me as a wrestler, but I really feel that it changed me as a person. I have attended and coached many camps, and the life lessons you learn there are very important. I am proud to sponsor a young wrestler to attend USM’s Brawlin’ Lobsta wrestling clinic because I feel it is important to give back to a sport and community that has given me so much!”

Camp instructors Mike Morin and Jon Deupree have both competed in the MMA cage in the past. Morin is the head wrestling coach at USM and a two-time All-American. Deupree is an assistant coach with USM. He was a two-time NCAA national qualifier wrestling for the Huskies.

I would like to thank NEF for supporting USM wrestling and sponsoring another wrestler to attend the BrawlinLobsta Camp this summer,” said Morin. “This sponsorship is huge in allowing kids to have the opportunity to wrestle year-round who might not have that opportunity otherwise. It’s great for our program at USM and great for the state as a whole to get better in the sport of wrestling!”

Interested contestants are asked to submit a photograph of themselves wrestling via email to newenglandfights@gmail.comalong with a brief statement of 100 words or less detailing why they believe the clinic will help them achieve their goals. The winners will also each receive a pair of tickets to “NEF 35: 邪恶季节,” as well as an NEF apparel package to wear during the clinic.

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 35: 邪恶季节,” 将看到该公司重返班戈十字保险中心, 缅因. 该活动预定举行 星期六, 九月 8, 2018 响铃时间为 7 下午. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

职业拳击手沃尔特·赖特(Walter Wright)参加FNU搏击运动表演

Walter Wright的图像结果, 拳击 沃尔特·怀特 (16-4, 8 科斯) 对阵马克·德卢卡(Mark DeLuca) (21-0, 13 科斯) 在吉尔福德的NH Pavilion Bank银行的主要活动中, NH这个星期六晚上. (见下面的海报) 这周我们在沃尔特(Walter)从西雅图向东旅行之前与他会面. 我们采访了他关于这场大战的话题,并讨论了他的职业生涯. 我们还回顾了上周的所有拳击和MMA活动,并提供了一些其他新闻报道,例如Creed II预告片和Ronda Rousey从WWE暂停30天. 收听完整广播,其中包含采访:




在这里只听沃尔特·赖特(Walter Wright)的采访:

Claressa盾VS. 汉娜·加布里埃尔和克里斯蒂娜·汉莫vs. TORI NELSON世界冠军头衔, 照片和官方明天直播SHOWTIME®


从底特律的共济会神庙出发, 我.

点击 这里 对于照片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣


欣欣拳击: 特别版本 - 10 P.M. AND/PT



克拉丽莎·希尔兹– 159 ½磅.

汉娜(Hanna Gabriels)– 159 ½磅.

裁判: 杰拉德·怀特 (加利福尼亚州); 士师记: 迈克尔·安科纳 (俄亥俄), 杰里米·海斯(Jeremy Hayes) (多伦多, 加拿大), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利尔, 加拿大)



克里斯蒂娜·哈默(Christina Hammer)- 159 ½磅.

托里·尼尔森– 157 ½磅.

裁判: 弗兰克·加萨(Frank Garza) (密歇根); 士师记: 卡特里亚·钱伯斯(Katealia Chambers) (密歇根), 伯努瓦鲁塞尔 (蒙特利尔), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利尔, 加拿大)


乌马尔·萨拉莫夫- 174 ½磅.

布莱恩·霍华德– 174 ½磅.

裁判: 山姆·威廉姆斯 (密歇根); 士师记: 安塞尔·斯图尔特 (密歇根), 迈克尔·安科纳 (俄亥俄), Pasquale Procopio (蒙特利尔, 加拿大)

注意: 请参阅PDF电子邮件附件,以获取有关练习表和所有重量的信息.




“我现在有了约翰·戴维·杰克逊,自从二月份我们聚在一起以来,我已经从他身上学到了很多东西. 过去,我曾经有教练试图改变我的风格和比赛方式, 但是到了最后,我只需要去那里战斗,就像我知道如何.




“在弗林特参加我的最后一个营地, 你不会相信我必须处理的所有事情. 世界冠军不该发生的事情. 压力很大, 甚至在战斗的一周我都感到压力 [一月]. 我必须出去. 这次我能够在佛罗里达州训练.




“[汉娜的] 好战士. 她拥有技巧,并且拥有自己的生活方式. 她非常镇定,面部表情永远不变. 我看着她被打倒的战斗, 即使那样她的表情也没有改变. 我觉得她很坚强, 但没有我强. 我知道我是更好的战士.




“托里低估了我的力量. 我认为花托有打孔机的机会 [对锤]. 我的职业生涯不会围绕Hammer. 我们的生活不会交织在一起. 我要担心我面前的事. 我不会看那场战斗.




“我专注于这场战斗的饮食. 我在佛罗里达没有多少家庭,也没有任何干扰。”





“我们需要站稳脚跟,并确保我们的比赛计划正确无误,并向粉丝们提供他们想要看的东西, 这是一场伟大的战斗. 您必须付出很多努力和牺牲才能达到目标, 而我的团队已经做到了.




“我从不惧怕任何人. 言语无能为力. 当我戴上戒指时,我将成为野兽.




“无论如何我都很好, 胜负. 我是冠军,这就是我的心态. 我们要争取胜利, 我很感激为这场战斗做的一切.




“我不会小看她的力量. 但是拳击不仅仅是力量, 还有更多. 你可以强大, 但是你能重拳出击吗? 可以精确吗? 环上有太多事情要担心。”









“我当时在克拉丽莎·希尔兹(Claressa Shields)-托里·尼尔森(Tori Nelson)的比赛中,现在轮到我参加比赛了. 我喜欢勇往直前. 什么时候可以完成, 你完成. 美国人民会喜欢我的风格.




“拳击是我的激情和工作, 我已经准备好了,期待着. 现在是今天,就在SHOWTIME. 我们没有考虑克拉丽莎·希尔兹(Claressa Shields). 出于对托里·尼尔森的敬意, 我只专注于这场战斗。”









“他们说只有一次雷击, 但是我又有机会. 我很感激我接到这场战斗的电话. 这是我的第二次机会. 很多人没有第二次机会.




‘我确实有一些要证明的东西. 很多人都相信我,我必须证明我在戒指中能做些什么.




“我认为克里斯蒂娜俯瞰着我. 没礼貌但我很高兴. 对我来说,她确实忽略了我是更好的选择。”





“这场斗争将是一个很好的考验. 我知道我可以做到最好 10, 这是我的开始.




“底特律的住所有很大的不同, 但是很像莫斯科, 大城市.




“我喜欢战斗, 这是梦想成真来到美国. 布莱恩·霍华德(Brian Howard)是一个坚强的对手. 这不是一个容易的战斗,但我相信我能战胜他。”





“我有点环锈, 但我会变得敏锐. 我已经做好了准备,而且身体状况良好. 我的新陈代谢很好, 容易减肥.




“我第一次遭受损失 2012 在我蒙受了损失之后,我没有所需的支持. 我回到它那里,很难打架. 我有很多错.




“我看过对手的录音带. 但是你不知道他会改变还是带来其他东西.




“我的拳击能力比踢足球更好. 我的昵称是MVP-最凶恶的拳手.




“我不认为我是B面战斗机. 对我来说这是一次真正的机会, 我将充分利用它。”




门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 可在 Tick​​etmaster.com 或位于的共济会神庙票房 (313) 832-7100. 贵宾票定价为 $300, 马戏团门票 $125, 和剩余的门票 $75, $50 和 $35.


# # #




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


费城, PA (六月 21, 2018)THIS TUESDAY, 艾布拉姆斯拳击时间 will re-boot on new platforms at 6:30 P.M. AND / 3:30 P.M. PT.








演出, will feature 1-on-1 sit-down interviews with the some of the biggest names in the sport, and will also go over the latest boxing news and opinions. The Abrams Boxing Hour will originate from boxing-centric venues throughout the country.




The debut show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.




I am glad and excited to be able to do a show like this and bring some enlightening and thoughtful boxing conversation with some terrific guests,” said Marc Abrams, host and creator of The Abrams Boxing Hour.




Doing the show at the Joe Hand Boxing Gym will give the show an authentic feel. I will be taking the show on the road as well, as I plan to have the most meaningful guests around fights that will get the fans primed and ready for the weekend action. It also will provide an opportunity for fans to be interactive with the guests as we will be answering real-time questions and comments. This will also bring exposure to fighters and events.




The guests for Tuesday’s show will be announced in the next couple of days.

美国拳击协会宣布四名拳击手将参加布宜诺斯艾利斯夏季青年奥运会 2018

青奥会拳击比赛即将开始 十月. 14


科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (六月 2, 2018 – 美国拳击协会今天宣布了被提名代表美国参加布宜诺斯艾利斯夏季青年奥运会的四名拳击手 2018, 等待美国奥委会批准. 青奥会将于10月举行. 6-8, 拳击比赛将于十月举行. 14-18 在阿根廷.




继 2017 女子青年世锦赛和 2018 青年洲际锦标赛, 两名男子和两名女子被提名参加这项享有声望的比赛. 该团队将由以下人员组成 天堂加西亚 (山, 加利福尼亚州。), 奥塔·琼斯三世 (托莱多, 俄亥俄), 罗马马丁内斯 (谦卑, 得克萨斯州) 和 哈雷Mederos (纽约, 纽约州).




“我们有一群优秀的年轻人才代表美国队参加布宜诺斯艾利斯青奥会,” 美国拳击高性能总监说道 马特·约翰逊 关于被提名的拳击手. “每个人都有良好的国际经验, 过去几年参加过青少年或青年世界锦标赛. 当他们今年十月面对一些世界上最优秀的新晋拳击手时,这种经历将是关键。”




自从她在世锦赛上首次亮相以来,加西亚就一直活跃在国际舞台上。 2015, 她在那里成为青少年世界冠军. 最轻量级代表美国队参加 2017 古瓦哈提青年世界锦标赛, 印度队凭借在世界杯上的胜利表现锁定了与阿根廷队的席位 2018 今年五月的青年洲际锦标赛. 她是两届美国青年拳击全国冠军, 目前有记录 53-7.




加西亚将能够代表美国参加青奥会描述为 “惊人的。” “知道只有四名拳击手获得提名, 我是其中之一对我来说是一个非常巨大的成就,” 她说.




“能够代表我的国家参加青奥会是我努力的目标,现在我得到了这个机会, 我一定会更加努力,把金牌带回家。”




轻次中量级琼斯三世在美国队夺得金牌,巩固了他在美国队的地位 2018 青年洲际锦标赛. 琼斯三世将寻求在今年的比赛中获得他的第三枚国际奖牌 2018 在这些比赛中, 今年早些时候,他在保加利亚埃米尔·杰切夫纪念锦标赛上获得银牌. 琼斯, 谁有记录 267-11, 也是 2017 美国青年拳击全国冠军, 以及该组织的成员 2015 世锦赛青少年组.




“代表美国队参加青奥会等大型赛事不仅是一种荣幸, 我也很高兴代表我的家人,” 琼斯三世说.




“我在拳击馆长大. 我的家人拥有一家健身房, 灵魂城健身房, 我所有的兄弟姐妹都是在健身房长大的,目的是向孩子们展示一种比暴力更好的生活方式,到目前为止,这将帮助我进一步展示这一点。”




马丁内斯是唯一一位获得资格的美国人 2017 去年11月的女子青年世锦赛. 羽量级是 2016 美国青年拳击全国冠军和 2017 美国青年拳击锦标赛银牌得主. 青奥会将是马丁内斯首次参加国际赛事 2018, 她将在那里寻找她的第一枚国际奖牌.




“当我收到青奥会提名通知时, 我感觉自己又复活了,” 马丁内斯说. “在过去的六个月里,我经历了几次毁灭性的生命损失, 对我在这项运动中的未来感到困惑,” 她解释说.




“然而, 当有人联系我谈论这个绝佳的机会时, 我的视野变得清晰, 我全神贯注,决心抓住这个机会,不仅是为了我自己, 但对于每一个希望并梦想有这样的机会的人. 我计划和我一起踏上阿根廷之旅; 我的信仰, 我的拳击技巧和我已故队友的一句话: “拳击手最喜欢的经文 – 给予比接受更好。”




梅德罗斯是最后一位获得青奥会提名的美国队成员. 轻量级选手获得铜牌 2015 在转入青年组之前参加过青少年世界锦标赛. 梅德罗斯是 2017 青年全国冠军,凭借在比赛中令人印象深刻的金牌表现,赢得了前往布宜诺斯艾利斯的席位 2018 青年洲际锦标赛.




“能够去阿根廷代表我的国家做我最喜欢做的事情并有机会在所有人面前展示我的才华真是太棒了,” 梅德罗斯说.




“我可以向你保证, 你见过的最好的哈雷, 身心两方面, 我会走出去,尽我所能,让每个人感到自豪。”




所有四名拳击手将于七月返回科罗拉多斯普林斯开始青奥会训练. 加西亚, 琼斯和梅德罗斯将使用 2018 布达佩斯青年世界锦标赛, 八月在匈牙利为赛事做准备,然后于九月下旬前往阿根廷.







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