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„Box Fan Expo“ yra didžiausias gerbėjų patirties renginys, suteikiantis bokso gerbėjams galimybę susitikti ir pasveikinti geriausius kovotojus, dabartiniai ir buvę pasaulio čempionai, bokso įžymybės ir pramonės žmonės iš arti.
Bilietai parduodami dabar „EventBrite“

Las Vegasas (Birželis 26, 2018) – Triskart pasaulio čempionas Fernando Vargas, patvirtino, kad jis ir jo „Feroz Fight Factory“ sporto salė atsiras, turėti stendą ir surengti susitikimą & Pasveikinkite su savo gerbėjais Las Vegaso konferencijų centras ketvirtam metiniam Dėžutės Ventiliatoriaus Expo " kad vyks Šeštadienis rugsėjis 15, 2018 nuo 10ryto iki 17 val, per Meksikos nepriklausomybės savaitgalį. „Boxing Expo“ taip pat sutaps su labai laukiamomis Sauliaus „Canelo“ revanšo rungtynėmis’ Alvarezas prieš Genadijų „GGG“’ Golovkin, kuris įvyks vėliau tą vakarą.




Vargas ir „Feroz Fight Factory“ turės prekių, kurias galės parduoti savo gerbėjams, taip pat nuotraukas ir relikvijų.




Fernando Vargas,, yra pensininkas Amerikos boksininkas Meksikos kilmės ir 3 Laiko pasaulio čempionas su „Pro“ rekordu 31 Laimėta 5 nuostoliai ir 22 KO s. Jis laimėjo bronzos medalį kaip mėgėjas 1995 Visos Amerikos žaidynės Mar del Platoje. Jo pravardės yra “Žiaurus”, “Actekų kariai” ir “El Feroz”. Vargas buvo jauniausias atviras šalies čempionas 16 metų amžiaus. Jauniausias bokso olimpietis, sulaukęs 18 metų, turi bokso istorijos rekordą kaip jauniausias, tapęs jaunesniu. vidutinio svorio čempionas 21 metai.




Kai kurios žymios Fernando pergalės buvo prieš 5 pasaulio čempionai, įskaitant, Raulis Marquezo, Yori Vaikinas bendrabučiu, "Ike" Quartey, Javier Castillejo ir Winky Wright. Jo nuostoliai Oskarui De La Hoya, Trinidadas Feliksas, Shane Mosley, ir Ricardo Mayorga lieka vieninteliais jo pralaimėjimais karjeroje ir yra mėgstamiausias Amerikos kabelinės televizijos milžinės HBO.


Apie „Box Fan Expo“
„Box Fan Expo“ sulaukė didžiulės sėkmės tarp gerbėjų ir bokso pramonės žmonių. Daugybė bokso žvaigždžių dalyvavo paskutinėse trijose parodose, tokiose kaip Floydas Mayweatheris, Mike'as Tysonas, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jonesas jaunesnysis, Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Timas Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas,, Zab Judas, Jamesas Tonis, Vinny kantrybė, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Liūtas Santa Cruz, Badou Džekas, Kilpiniai Norrisas , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Skustuvai, Leonas Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abneras Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandonas Riosas ir daugelis kitų…






Dalyviai, tokių kaip bokso pavara, drabužiai, nauja įranga, energetiniai gėrimai, alkoholio, papildyti produktus, transliuojanti žiniasklaida, sankcijas skiriančios institucijos ir kitos įmonės, norinčios dalyvauti, dar kartą turės galimybę gerbėjams parodyti savo prekės ženklą, žiniasklaida ir bokso pramonė.


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„Box Fan Expo“ yra didžiausias bokso gerbėjų patirties renginys, Tai leidžia gerbėjams susitikti ir pasveikinti šių dienų bokso superžvaigždes, dabartiniai ir buvę pasaulio čempionai, Sporto legendos ir kitos bokso įžymybės savo stende. Vietoje, gerbėjai patirs kitokią „Autograph Sessions“ veiklą, Fotosesijos, „FaceOff“ su mėgstamais bokseriais, taip pat galimybė įsigyti prekes ir atminimo daiktus iš jų stendo, plius daug daugiau… nenorite praleisti šios būtinos parodos!




„Box Fan Expo“ taip pat dalyvaus geriausios bokso organizacijos, rengėjai, žiedinės kortelės merginos, garsių trenerių ir komentatorių, taip pat bokso reikmenų kompanijų “Viskas po vienu stogu”.




Per ateinančius kelis mėnesius iki renginio, bus kas savaitę atnaujinama daugybė žvaigždžių, kurios pasirodys „Boxing Expo“ parodoje. Ir visiems bokso pramonės atstovams ar kitiems parodos dalyviams (ne pramonės), kurie norėtų dalyvauti ir rezervuoti stendą, susisiekite su „Box Fan Expo“:




Telefono numeris: (514) 572-7222 arba Las Vegaso numeris (702) 997-1927




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EPIX® Sets Premiere Date for The Contender, Reveals 16 Fighters Vying for the Champion Belt

Mark Burnett’s 12-Episode Boxing Competition Series

From MGM Television and Paramount Television Set to Premiere on Rugpjūtis 24

LOS ANGELES – JUNE 27, 2018 - Premium pay television network EPIX® has announced the 16 fighters who will be facing off with one another for the championship belt on the revival of boxing franchise series Pretendentas this fall. The highly anticipated 12-episode season, from MGM Television and Paramount Television, will premiere on EPIX on Aug. 24, 2018 į 10 AM ET / PT.




Hosted by undefeated boxing champion AndreSon of God” Ward, the first-of-its-kind competitive documentary series for the network will feature 16 fighters pushing their limits in grueling elimination-style fights and testing their grit and determination to achieve their boxing dreams. The fighters will be overseen by legendary boxing coach Freddie Roach, and renowned Philadelphia trainer Naazim Richardson.




“The Contender takes unscripted TV to its grittiest. It has incredible professional fighters and real professional fights. The edge of your seat drama and true stories sets a tone that our audiences will be expecting and I love it,” said Mark Burnett, President of MGM Television.




“With this new iteration of Pretendentas, the focus is on the gritty, personal stories of the fighters battling for boxing glory,” said Michael Wright, Prezidentas, EPIX. “It was important for us to find individuals who not only displayed the boxing chops and resilience in the ring, but who also showed a depth of heart and humor outside of it. Mūsų 16 fighters are vivacious, tough, juokingas, sensitive, driven and inspiring, and we are excited for our fans to get to know their stories and root for them inside the ring and out.”




The 16 Contenders come from a wide variety of professional boxing backgrounds and stations in life, bringing their unique stories, personalities, strengths and motivations to the series.




Each fighter will be vying to be declared the new 160-pound middleweight champion of Pretendentas and take home the winner’s six-figure purse — a prize, kuris, for all the fighters, represents a better life for their families and loved ones who have been there with them through all the ups and downs of their journeys.




The 16 fighters on Pretendentas this season are:



  • Ievgen “The Ukranian Lion” Khytrov, Amžius: 29, Rank: 20, Gimtasis miestas: Brooklyn, N.Y..A Ukrainian immigrant, Olimpinis, Ievgen Khytrov recently relocated to America to pursue his dream of becoming a world champion and to create a better life for his family. A dedicated, quiet, religious man. He’s also the one to beat.



  • Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker, Amžius: 34, Rank: 68, Gimtasis miestas: Plaquemine, La. Incarcerated at 15 years old and spent 14 years behind bars for robbery and attempted murder, Eric “Babyface Assassin” Walker learned to box while in prison. He is now fighting for a second chance at life, living proof that it’s never too late to live out your dreams.


  • John “Apollo Kid” Thompson, Amžius: 29, Rank: 70, Gimtasis miestas: Niuarkas, N.J. – After losing his mother to AIDS at six years old, this married performing artist, painter and fighter, John “Apollo Kid” Thompson is here to prove to the world that he can’t be boxed into a single category despite holding impressive titles including the 2015 WBA-NABA Super Welterweight, WBO Inter-Continental Super Welterweight and Boxcino Tournaments.


  • Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister, Amžius: 27, Rank: 172, Gimtasis miestas: Long Beach, Kalifas. –Always at the center of schoolyard fights growing up, Malcolm “The Punisher” McAllister now channels his energy into helping others rebuild outside of foreclosure and his young, growing family. In boxing has built an impressive KO record and the 2014 Golden Gloves title on his journey to take the title of The Contender.



  • Brandon “The Cannon” Adams, Amžius: 28, Rank: Inactive, Gimtasis miestas: Los Andželas, Kalifas. A bold fighter in the ring, Brandon “The Cannon” Adams knows firsthand what it means to push through adversity and step up to care for his family when there’s no one else around to. Coming from a poverty stricken neighborhood, this larger than life father of two marks his return to boxing after a three year hiatus, initiated by a loss to fellow competitor, Jonas Thompson.


  • Quatavious “Cash” Cash, Amžius: 26, Rank: 161, Gimtasis miestas: Las Vegasas, Nev. – This Atlanta native is the current record-holder for fastest KO in Georgia, a four0time Golden Gloves state champ and Bronze medalist. Quatavious Cash is fighting for his late mother and for the chance to prove that a life of fighting street gangs can be channeled for good.



  • Shane “Sugarman” Mosley, Jr, Amžius: 27, Rank: 149, Gimtasis miestas: Santa Monika, Kalifas. – The lone single contender, son of legendary Hall of Fame boxer “Sugar” Shane Mosley, Shane “Sugarman” Mosley Jr. is fighting to step out of his father’s shadow and carve out his own legacy.


  • Daniel “El Chapulin” Valdivia, Amžius: 25, Rank: 116, Gimtasis miestas: Tulare, Kalifas. A natural salesman and real estate agent by day, nicknamed “El Chapulin” (“Grasshopper”) for his boundless energy, Mexican immigrant Daniel Valdivia was born to step into the ring. With several titles including the NABF Super Welterweight Champion as an underdog, he’s chasing fame to prove giving up college for boxing was the right move.



  • Michael “The Silverback” Moore, Amžius: 31, Rank: 252, Gimtasis miestas:Klyvlendas, Oi. Reformed from a hard life on the streets, fraught with drugs, death and family suicide, Michael Moore is a natural hustler and leader. Married with two kids, Moore is constantly moving from state to state with his family in tow in pursuit of the boxing dream.


  • Gerald “G5” Sherrell, Amžius: 24, Rank: 216, Gimtasis miestas: Pitsburgas, Pa. – A fan of the original Contenderseries growing up, Gerald “G5” Sherrell is an undefeated and explosive fighter with a level of unrivaled and self-proclaimed swagger. Hailing from the projects, this multiple time Golden Gloves, Silver Gloves and Junior Olympic competitor, this local zoo security guard by day, and young father by night, is looking to bring boxing glory back to his hometown of Pittsburgh.



  • Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch, Amžius: 34, Rank: 154, Gimtasis miestas: Pitsburgas, Pa. Injury-plagued throughout his career, the Native American hailing from Southern Louisiana is a married father of three. Knowing that he’s old for the sport, Morgan “Big Chief” Fitch has one last shot at making his boxing dreams come true.


  • Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez, Amžius: 24, Rank: 104, Gimtasis miestas: Fresnas, Kalifas. Having been bullied from a young age after an accident left him with burns on 30 percent of his body, Marcos “Mad Man” Hernandez is fighting for his young autistic son, in hopes that he won’t be bullied the same way he was. With Junior Olympics, 2012 Blue and Gold titles and “Mexican-go-forward” style fighting he may be overlooked and underestimated.



  • Tyrone “Young Gun” Brunson, Amžius: 33, Rank: 39, Gimtasis miestas: Filadelfija, PA – At a time when he needed to sell drugs to support himself at the age of 13, a stepfather’s ultimatum: be grounded or go to the boxing gym was his saving grace. Now a humble father of two, and sitting with one of the best rankings in the competition, jo 24 KO’s send a signal that he will not fight silently but his cocky attitude has beat him more than just once.


  • Lamar “Omega” Russ, Amžius: 31, Rank: 115, Gimtasis miestas: Vilmingtonas, N.C. -One of four kids raised by a single mom and the first person in his family to graduate college, Lamar “Omega” Russ takes pride in being the underdog, and beneath the loud exterior is a boxer that needs to prove he can put his money where his mouth is. HBO, ESPN and a first round KO on Showtime do all the talking.



  • John “The Rock” Jackson, Amžius: 29, Rank: 63, Gimtasis miestas: St. Tomas, Ne JAV. Mergelių salos A divorced father of two, this slick and agile boxer, Virgin Islander John “The Rock” Jackson started fighting at 12 metai, following in his world champion father Julian Jackson’s footsteps at the Pan American Games and 2008 Olimpinės žaidynės. He comes from wealth but cares for the underprivileged and dreams of making his island proud bringing visibility to those struck by recent natural disasters.


  • Devaun “Unique” Lee, Amžius: 30, Rank: 82, Gimtasis miestas: Jamaica Queens, N.Y..

When one of his friends was shot and killed at 16, Devaun “Unique” Lee knew he needed a way out from the mean streets of Queens. Boxing keeps him straight. So do long hours fueling airplanes and caring for his five year old daughter. The real love of his life. Fatherhood and the sport are the motivation to take his NY State Middleweight championship to the next level.



The original Contender series ran for four seasons (2005-2009) and launched multiple fighters into contention for world titles, including title winners Sergio Mora, Kornelijus Bundrage, Sakis Jautis, and Sam Soliman.



Eric Van Wagenen serves as executive producer and showrunner of the revived franchise alongside Mark Burnett. The format is owned by MGM Television and Paramount Television.



EPIX is available nationwide through cable, palydovas, telco and streaming TV providers including Charter Spectrum, Cox, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U eilėraštis, Dish Network, Sling, PlayStation Vue and, as of June 13, Comcast.

Bellator & DAZN SIGN devynių paveikslų, KELIŲ METŲ PASKIRSTYMAS








LOS ANGELES - Bellator, pirmaujanti pasaulinė kovinio sporto franšizė, priklausanti „Viacom“, pagrindinių pasaulio pramogų prekių ženklų namai, ir DAZN, didžiausia pasaulyje tiesioginė sporto transliacijos paslauga ir „Perform Group“ dalis, šiandien paskelbė daugiametę orientyrų platinimo sutartį.




Devynių skaitmenų sandoris sudarys septynias išskirtines kovos kortas per metus DAZN ir dar vieną 15 kurie yra vienu metu transliuojami „Paramount Network“ ir DAZN. Visos kovos vyks bet kurioje šalyje, kur yra DAZN. Kaip platformos pasaulinės plėtros dalis, DAZN startuos JAV. ir Italija 2018, su tarnyba jau gyvena Kanadoje, Vokietija, Austrija, Šveicarija ir Japonija.




„Įdomi naujoji partnerystė su DAZN yra„ Bellator “žaidimų keitiklis,Sakė Bellator prezidentas Scottas Coker. „Investicija leis mums toliau plėsti savo sąrašą, turint prasmingų laisvų agentų, kad galėtume užsidėti PPV vertas kovos korteles, kurias nori pamatyti sirgaliai. Daugiau, DAZN pasaulinėje platformoje, mūsų kovos pirmą kartą bus tiesiogiai matomos naujiems žiūrovams visame pasaulyje “.




"Tai paprasta; sirgaliai nori pamatyti puikius kovotojus varžybose, todėl atidavėme raktus Scottui Cokeriui ir jo garbingai komandai, kad jie išeitų ir įdarbintų dar daugiau aukščiausio lygio talentų, kad galėtų toliau kaupti „Bellator“ kovos kortas ir remtis jų sėkme.,“- sakė DAZN generalinis direktorius Jamesas Rushtonas. „Sujungus šią investiciją ir mūsų neseniai paskelbtą pranešimą, kad daugiau nei 30 naktimis boksuotis į platformą kasmet, DAZN bus privalomas kovos gerbėjams JAV “.




„DAZN partnerystė byloja apie neįtikėtiną„ Bellator “augimą į pasaulinę sporto jėgainę ir labai vertinamą„ Viacom “portfelio franšizę.,“- sakė Kevinas Kay, Prezidentas, "Paramount tinklas, „TV Land“ ir CMT.




Sandoris prasideda epiniu įvykiu Šeštadienis, Septyni. 29 iš SAP centro San Chosėje. Kortelėje yra labai lauktas vidutinio svorio titulo kovos taškas Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) prieš Rory MacDonald (20-4), kuris pakyla į viršų dėl svorio kategorijos šaudymo prieš 185 svarų sveriantį čempioną, kartu su ketvirtąja kova legendinėje varžybose tarp Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-13) ir Wanderlei Silva(35-13).




Taip pat įtraukta į Septyni. 29, bus visų laikų „Bellator“ pirmojo pusvidutinio svorio pasaulio „Grand Prix“ atidarymo kova, kuriame dalyvaus aštuoni geriausi vidutinio svorio kovotojai planetoje. „Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix“ bus pagrindinis pirmųjų daugiamečio susitarimo tarp „Bellator“ ir DAZN metų komponentas.




Išskirtinis išankstinis šio renginio internetinis pardavimas vyks rytoj, Birželis 27 iki ketvirtadienio, Birželis 28, su bilietais, kurie bus parduodami plačiajai visuomenei Penktadienis, Birželis 29 į 10 tarifu. PT. Bilietai prasideda tik nuo $30 ir bus galima įsigyti „ThreatMetrix“ bilietų kasoje SAP centre San Chosėje, taip pat ir „Ticketmaster“.




Renginys tiesiogiai transliuojamas DAZN eteryje 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT. Artimiausiomis savaitėmis bus paskelbtos papildomos varžybos. DAZN, kuris dabar teka 15,000 tiesioginiai renginiai ir 100 milijonai valandų per metus visame pasaulyje, bus galima įsigyti JAV. šį rugsėjį su tikslia kaina ir datomis bus paskelbta šią vasarą.


Mousasi vs.. Makdonaldas:




Gegardas Mousasi sužavėjo savo reklaminiame debiute prieš buvusį „Bellator“ vidutinio svorio čempioną Aleksandrą Šlemenko, pergalė, kuria jis pataikė į Rafaelį Carvalho, kur ant linijos buvo 185 svarų auksas. Dabar, po lemiamos pergalės prieš Carvalho Bellator 200, Mousasi gins savo karūną nuo Rory MacDonald, patekęs į varžybas su savo dabartine nepralenkiama serija septyniose kovose. „Svajonių gaudytojas,“Kuris treniruojasi iš Olandijos, yra vienas įspūdingiausių gyvenimo aprašymų visose sporto šakose, vienu metu iškovojo „STRIKEFORCE“ lengvojo svorio kategorijos titulą, taip pat DREAM lengvojo ir vidutinio svorio titulai.




Per pastaruosius kelerius metus, „Raudonasis karalius“ Rory MacDonaldas tapo populiariausiu kanadiečių mišrių kovų menininku dėl savo klasikinių karų „stand-up“ ir pergalių dėl geriausių MMA žaidėjų Paulo Daley mieste., Nate Diaz, Tyronas Woodley, B.J. Pennas ir Demianas Maia. „Bellator“ pusvidutinio svorio čempionas prisijungė prie „Viacom“ priklausančios akcijos 2016 ir nugalėjo Douglasą Limą dėl pusvidutinio svorio titulo Bellator 192. Dabar, „Tristar“ treniruoklių salėje treniruotas kovotojas siekia ne tik laimėti auksą, bet dvi atskiros svorio kategorijos.


„Siautėti“ vs.. Silva:



Šešių kovų „Bellator“ veteranas, Legendinė „siautėjimo“ Jacksono karjera parodė, kad jis varžėsi su keletu geriausių šios sporto šakos vardų, kelyje sukurdama ištikimą gerbėjų armiją. Buvęs „PRIDE“ ir „UFC“ čempionas yra išdidus daugelio epinių išskirtinių ritinių pataikymų ir nokautų savininkas, kurį jis sukaupė per savo epines kovas su tokiais kaip Chuckas Liddellas., Danas Hendersonas, „Karalius Mo,”Kevinas Randlemanas ir, bene labiausiai, jo trilogija su kolega „Bellator“ sportininku Wanderlei Silvu, su kuo jis dabar susitinka sunkiasvorėje Septyni. 29.



Wanderlei Silvos karai su „siautėti,”Tito Ortizas, Mirko "Cro Cop, Vitor Belfort, Danas Hendersonas, Kazushi Sakuraba, Chuckas Liddellas ir Michaelas Bispingas išlieka įsimintiniausi MMA istorijoje. „Kirvio žudikas“ toli gražu nėra pasirengęs uždaryti knygą apie savo garsią karjerą, grįžimas prie veiksmo prieš žmogų, prieš kurį jis jau yra varžęsis tris kartus. Be PRIDE vidutinio svorio titulo, „Silvos“ trofėjų byloje yra apdovanojimai už „Metų kovą“ (2003, 2004, 2007), KO Metų (2008) ir daugkartiniai „Nakties kovos“ apdovanojimai. Neseniai, Brazilijos gimtoji debiutavo Bellator prieš Chaelą Sonneną pagrindiniame turnyre Bellator: NYC.


Atnaujinta „Bellator“ kovos kortelė:

Vidutinio svorio kategorijos pasaulio čempionų varžybos: Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) vs. Rory MacDonald (20-4)

Sunkiasvoris „Feature Bout“: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-13) vs. Wanderlei Silva (35-13)

Vidutinio svorio „World Grand Prix“ pirmojo turo varžybos



*Kortelė gali keistis.

Ruben Villa Defends WBO Youth Title Saturday from Sacramento, PVZ

Photo by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boksas


PHILADELPHIA, Pennas. / ORANGE, Kalifas. (Birželis 26, 2018) – Unbeaten featherweight standout Ruben Villa (11-0, 4 Kos) of Salinas, Calif stars in the main event this Saturday when he takes on Mexico’s Ricardo Lopez (7-2-2, 6 Kos) in an 8-round fight that will mark his third start of the year.




The bout will take place this Saturday, Birželis 30, from Omega Products International in Sacramento.




The slick southpaw defends his WBO Youth title that he won in April in his hometown. Villa thoroughly outpointed Marlon Olea for his first championship as a professional.




I’m anxious to get back in the ring,” said Villa, who is managed by Danny Zamora. “I like being active. I’m defending my title for the first time. I’ll have a lot of fans in attendance so I’m ready to put on a great show.




Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.




Bilietai “nauja Kraujo” yra kaina $40, $60, & $100, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, or online at




All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook and




The livestream starts at 7:45 p.m. PT / 10:45 p.m. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




Durys atviros ne 6:30 p.m. local time with the first bout at approximately 7:45 p.m. Omega Products is located at 8111 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, PVZ 95826, and can be reached at 916-635-3335.


Dėl nuolatinių mūsų kovotojų atnaujinimų, Renginiai, ir akcijos, prašau patikrinti Reklamjuostės akcijos „Facebook“ puslapis , ir seki mus toliau Instagram ir "Twitter" BannerBoxing






Photos by Prince Ranch Boxing


LAS VEGAS, NV (Birželis 25, 2018) – Nepakankama perspektyva, BlairThe Flair” Cobbs (7-0-1, 5 Kos), kuris yra valdoma Princo rančo boksas Greg Hannley ir skatinti Golden Boy Promotions, is gearing up for his second fight of 2018, kai jis susiduria su Jhon Sanchez Leon (3-1-1, 2 Kos) at the Belasco Theater in Downtown Los Angeles, PVZ, on the July 6 edition of LA FIGHT CLUB. The 4-round bout will be off TV.




Cobbs, who hails from Philadelphia but now trains in Las Vegas with former two-time world champion, Kaulai Adamsas, is excited to be making his return to the ring.




Training camp is going great and I’m healthy,” said Blair Cobbs. “I’ll be ready and willing to let my hands go when I step in the on July 6oji in LA.




Blair will be making the move up to welterweight, where he will be campaigning moving forward in his career. At 6’0, Cobbs was struggling to make weight at 140 kg. With the move, Cobbs feels he’ll be at his optimum weight class.




I feel a lot stronger now that I’ve moved up in weight,” said Blair Cobbs. “Fans can expect me to be a lot more explosive and electrifying. I need to make a statement in this fight to let the entire welterweight division know that I have arrived.




Bilietai LA Fight Club start at the fan-friendly price of $25 and are available for purchase now at and the Golden Boy Promotions Facebook page. Daugiau informacijos rasite,




Follow on Twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing and @EstrellaTV. Tapk Facebook ventiliatorius, ir Visit us on Instagram at @GoldenBoyBoxing, @belascola and @EstrellaTV. Follow the conversation using #LAFIGHTCLUB and #BoxeoEstelar.



Three-Fight Telecast Features Six Fighters With A Combined Record of 82-1, Including Five Unbeaten Boxers



NEW YORK (Birželis 25, 2018) – A battle of unbeaten welterweight prospects will headline a ShoBox: Naujos kartos tripleheader on Friday, Liepa 20 gyvena Showtime® į 10 p.m. IR/PT when Jaron Ennis squares off against Armando Alvarez in the 10-round main event from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ajova.




Philadelphia’s Ennis (20-0, 18 Kos) has knocked out 10 consecutive opponents and was the 2015 National Golden Gloves Champion before turning professional in 2016. The 20-year-old former amateur standout will face his first undefeated opponent in Alvarez (18-0, 12 Kos), a native of the Florida Keys who has knocked out six of his last seven opponents.




The three-fight telecast features six prospects with a combined record of 82-1, with all six fighters facing what is likely the toughest tests of their careers.




Be bendro funkcija, undefeated lightweight Thomas Mattice (12-0, 10 Kos) returns to Iowa for his second ShoBox appearance of the year when he clashes with former Armenian amateur standout Zhora Hamazaryan (9-0, 6 Kos) per 10 turas bijau.




Taip pat ant kortelės, undefeated super lightweight prospect Montana Love (11-0, 5 Kos) will take on former national amateur champion Kenneth Sims Jr. (12-1, 4 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios super lengvos bijau.




Tickets for the show, which is promoted by GH3 Promotions, Victory Akcijos, Ringside Ticket Inc., Banner Akcijos & Thompson Boxing are priced from $10-$60 ir galima įsigyti


JARON ENNIS vs. ARMANDO ALVAREZ – 10-Round Welterweight Bout

Ennis will debut on ShoBox following a statement second round knockout of former junior welterweight contender Mike Arnaoutis earlier this month, jo 10oji consecutive KO victory. The Philadelphia native had a standout amateur career, notching an impressive record of 58-3 and winning the 2015 National Golden Gloves tournament. Ennis, who was ranked No. 1 as an amateur at 141 svarų, narrowly missed the opportunity to represent the U.S. į 2016 Olympics after losing a box-off to Gary Antuanne Russell at the Olympic Trials.




“This is the opportunity I have been waiting for,” Ennis said. “I can’t wait to show the world my talent.”




Tiesiog 20 metai, Ennis currently trains under his father Derek “Bozy” Ennis Sr., who also trained his other sons Derek Jr. and Farah. The 5-foot-10 Ennis will be the third brother to appear on ShoBox; Derek Jr. appeared on the series in 2007, and Farah faced Badou Jack on the series in 2013.




“A win on this platform would mean everything,” Ennis continued. “From here on out, I want to fight only the big names in the division. I feel grateful for this opportunity to show the world my talents and skills. It’s great to follow in my brother’s footsteps, and I am ready to take the Ennis last name to the next level.”




The 28-year-old Alvarez turned professional in 2014 and has gradually increased his level of opposition. Alvarez, who now lives in Key West, compiled a 26-4 amateur record and won the Florida State Championship in 2013. His headlining fight with Ennis will be his second fight of 2018 and by far his toughest test to date.




“This is the biggest opportunity I have ever received,” Alvarez said. “This is it. It’s on. Ennis is a great young fighter, but I think he has stepped out of his league. He is just a kid. The world will find out who Armando Alvarez is on July 20.”


THOMAS MATTICE vs. ZHORA HAMAZARYAN – Eight-Round Lightweight Bout

A 27-year-old from Cleveland, Mattice turned pro in 2014 and had an amateur record of 72-18. He was a three-time Ohio State Golden Gloves Champion and bronze medal winner in the USA National Tournament in 2014.




Mattice will be making his second ShoBox appearance following a strong debut Feb. 2, when the undefeated lightweight rallied from behind to score a seventh round TKO of ShoBox veteran Rolando Chinea. Mattice has recorded five straight KOs and nine overall in 11 profesinės kovoja.




“I am excited for the opportunity to showcase my talent again on ShoBox," Mattice said. “I’m going to go out there and do what I did before. I’m going to get a win, hopefully in knockout fashion. Šis vaikinas (Hamazaryan) doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into.”




Undefeated lightweight prospect Hamazaryan, who signed with Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing in February, is originally from Armenia but fights out of Los Angeles. Part of a long line of Armenian fighters who have fought in the U.S., Hamazaryan won his U.S. debut on Feb. 16, when he scored a unanimous decision win over the previously unbeaten Sergio Ramirez. Prior to his win against Ramirez, all of Hamazaryan’s victories were earned in Russia.




The 22-year-old was considered the No. 1 fighter in Armenia after an amateur career that spanned over 200 kovas. Hamazaryan turned professional in 2015, turning down an opportunity to fight for the Armenian Olympic Team in 2016.




“This fight is very important for me, and I am very excited to be fighting on national television in America,” Hamazaryan said. “I know [Mattice] is undefeated but I normally don’t look at my opponent. I’m just looking to put on a great performance and make a statement for fans in the U.S.”


MONTANA LOVE vs. KENNETH SIMS JR. – Eight-Round Super Lightweight Bout

Cleveland native Love was an accomplished amateur who compiled a 174-13 įrašas ir laimėjo bronzos medalį 2012 National Golden Gloves Championships. The 22-year-old recently sparred with Adrien Broner, and served as head sparring partner for Robert Easter Jr. before his lightweight title defense against Javier Fortuna on Jan. 20.




Love has won two consecutive bouts against lesser opposition since defeating Samuel Teah in his ShoBox debut on Feb. 2.




“I am excited and happy to be back,” Love said. “I want to put on another great performance. Sims and I grew up as amateurs together. Jis geras kovotojas, but I am hungry and want to keep rolling. I can’t let anything get in my way.”




Chicago native Sims makes his return to ShoBox just over a year after suffering the first loss of his career against Rolando Chinea via close majority decision in what was his toughest test to date. The 24-year-old Sims, who has sparred with Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, buvo 2013 Ne JAV. National Amateur Champion and a 2012 Olympic Trials semifinalist.




“I am happy to be back fighting after having surgery on my elbow that had been bothering me for the last year and a half,” Sims said. “This is my chance to prove that I’m back and the loss on ShoBox was a fluke. I remember Love from the amateurs and I know I have what it takes to beat him.”




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Photos by Team Sanginov

LAS VEGAS, NV (Birželis 25, 2018)Undefeated WBC Youth middleweight prospect Mekhrubon Sanginov (6-0, 4 Kos), scored an impressive third round TKO over Carlos Lopez, this past Saturday in Tijuana, MX.




Sanginov, who trains out of Las Vegas by way of Dushanbe, Tadžikistanas, took the fight to Lopez from the opening round. Sanginov, who has power in both hands, landed some devastating hooks to the head of Lopez in the first two rounds, softening up him up. After landing a powerful straight right cross to the face of Lopez in the middle of round three, Sanginov was able to end the fight with a TKO victory. Su pergalės, Sanginov extends his winning streak to six in a row.




This was my first time fighting in Mexico and I wanted to make it a memorable one,” said Mekhrubon Sanginov. “I landed some powerful blows in the early rounds and got him out of there in round three. Dabar, I’m focused on getting back in the gym to get ready for my next fight. There is no time to relax, I need to stay busy.




Sanginov is a promotional free agent. His goal is to sign with a promoter and stay busy, fighting at least three more times before the end of the year.




I want to prove to all the promoters in boxing that I’m a special fighter who will work hard to get to the top,” Sanginov continued. “I’m dedicated and I’m willing to fight anyone. All I need is a chance to prove myself.




Uncasville, Conn. (jUNE 25, 2018) –With June 30th rapidly approaching, the hype for STAR BOXING’SSLUGFEST at the SUN continues to build as two of the premier fighters on the card will be making their New England homecoming. In the co-feature bout, KALIKO MEQUINONOAGREIS (13-7-1 4KO s) of Providence, Rhode Island will be making her third appearance at Mohegan Sun against PATYLA ELEGANTERAMIREZ (11-5 5KO s). Adding to the excitement, Konektikutas savo paties ACTIONANTHONY LAUREANO (7-0 3KO s) of East Hartford is set to make his return home at Mohegan Sun in his bout against JUAN de la CRUZ RODRIGUEZ (8-9-1 6KO s).




Rhode Island’s Native Warrior, Kali Reis, is no stranger to bright lights and pressure. Coming off an impressive performance on HBO against undisputed champion and #1 pound-for-pound female fighter in the world, cecilia Braekhus, Reis looks to return home, back to New England and put her full warrior spirit out on display at the Mohegan Sun.




When commenting on her upcoming fight, Reis had this to say, “Fans can expect to see an even more determined, skilled, alkanas, evolving WARRIOR in there! The fight on HBO with Braekhus was such a learning experience and I am grateful for making history in not only women’s boxing but my own personal journey as well.




The last time Reis fought at Mohegan Sun was in November of last year. She is thrilled to be making this homecoming.




I am excited to be back ‘homeat Mohegan Sun June 30th,” said the Rhode Island native. “Star Boxing always has action packed fights lighting up this beautiful area. My fans love coming to Mohegan Sun. There isn’t a bad seat in the house and their hospitality is fantastic. Joe DeGuardia is keeping me very productive since we signed with him back in November. I am so pleased with the decision myself and manager Brian made to sign with them.




Another local warrior on the card to watch is Anthony Laureano. Laureano earned the nickname “Veiksmas” for his relentless, coming-forward fight style. If the East Hartford native is in the ring, fans can always expect an exciting show from start to finish. Star Boxing’sSlugfest at the Sunalways brings fireworks to Connecticut, and Laureano looks to continue the tradition with his homecoming at Mohegan Sun.




Laureano was asked what he will provide the fans at Mohegan Sun, and his response was simply, “The same thing they always see, veiksmas. Veiksmas, Viskas. The people are coming to pay money and they are going to get what they paid for. Even in my last fight, people got what they paid for. They came to see action and to see somebody come forward. They don’t want to see nobody dancing around. I’m not saying that style is bad, I can do it too, but people like two guys who come forward and want to fight. I’m that fighter. I’m that fighter that always wants to fight.




This bout against Rodriguez will mark the third time in his career that Laureano is fighting at Mohegan Sun.




When asked about the venue, this is what Laureano had to say, “I love MoheganMohegan is my home. There is no place like it. I love the ring, everything is just so beautiful. The atmosphere, the crowd, my hometown crowd is there, and when they’re there it’s loudMohegan is my home, be abejonės. The casino treats me good, and when I go there I feel this is where I belong. I’ve never felt that anywhere else.




Pagrindiniame renginyje “SLUGFEST at the SUNon June 30th, Joe Smith JR. will make his long anticipated return to the ring against tough Kentuckian, MELVIN RUSSELL. After eleven months out of the ring due to a broken jaw, the “Common Man”, Union Local 66 laborer, Joe Smith Jr.. returns at the beautiful Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Konektikutas. After coming off a stellar KO win on NBC against Andrzej Fonfara, and knocking out the legend, Bernardas Hopkinsas, clear out of the ring, HBO, Smithas jaunesnysis. has his eyes set on winning a world title. Smithas jaunesnysis. is currently rated #3 (WBC) ir #7 (WBA) pasaulyje.


Get your tickets to JUNE 30th, #SLUGFESTattheSUN live from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, KT.
Tickets start at JUST $30. (daugiau $5 venue fee)

Mohegan Sun " & Star Boxing supporting USA Boxing Alumni Association this Saturday

COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Birželis 25, 2018) – USA Boxing’sAlumni Association Membership Drive Monthconcludes this Saturday with another gathering as Mohegan Sun and Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing support the first-year group’s efforts to connect USA Boxing’s alumni.




JAV bokso absolventų asociacija (USABAA) is asking present members from New England and New York to bring a guest to register as new member ($40.00 registration). Both the current and new members will receive complimentary tickets, o 40 donated tickets last, to that evening’sSlugfest at The Sunpro boxing card, presented at Mohegan Sun Arena by Star Boxing.




Headliner Joe “Žvėris” Kalvis, Jaunesnysis. (23-2, 19 Kos) is a former amateur standout from Long Island, NY, who is the No. 3 ir Nr. 7-ranked light heavyweight in the world, atitinkamai, by the World Boxing Council and World Boxing Association.




All USABAA members are invited to attend a gathering prior to the fights at Bow & Arrow Sports Bar at Mohegan Sun, tarp 5 į 6:30 p.m. IR, to enjoy food, conversation and reunite to friends in boxing.




USA Boxing Alumni Association wants to thank Joe DeGuardia, Zodiako Boksas, and Mohegan Sun for supporting our mission,” said Christopher Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association Executive Director. “As part of our June membership drive, we look forward to connecting with current and new members of the Alumni Association this Saturday night for a great evening of camaraderie and competition. We also want to thank our members for the support they’ve provided throughout this month-long membership drive and ask for this continued support from our New England and New York members this weekend. You won’t want to miss it!”



JAV bokso absolventų asociacija


Sukurta tam, kad kovotų visą gyvenimą, abipusiai naudingi „USA Boxing“ ir jos absolventų santykiai, –boksininkai, pareigūnų, treneriai ir bokso sirgaliai — Alumnų asociacija sujungia čempionų kartas, įkvepia ir grąžina būsimus „USA Boxing“ bokso čempionus, ir iš žiedo.




JAV bokso absolventų asociacija gali dalyvauti visi, kurie mėgsta boksą ir nori palaikyti ryšį su mėgėjų boksu. Nariams suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti įvairiuose specialiuose renginiuose, kuriuos rengia Alumni asociacija, įskaitant kasmetinį JAV bokso alumnų asociacijos šlovės muziejaus priėmimą.




Prisijungti prie Alumni asociacijos, tiesiog užsiregistruok alumni@usaboxing,.org už a $40.00 per metus nario mokestis. Nauji nariai gaus marškinėlius, raktų pakabukas ir elektroninė piniginė.




"Twitter": @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

"Facebook": /USABoxing


APIE JAV BOKSĄ: JAV bokso misija - padėti Jungtinėms Valstijoms’ sportininkams ir treneriams pasiekti ilgalaikį konkurencinį meistriškumą, išsiugdyti charakterį, remti bokso sportą, ir populiarinti bei auginti olimpinio stiliaus boksą JAV. „USA Boxing“ atsakomybė yra ne tik gaminti olimpinį auksą, bet taip pat prižiūri ir valdo visus mėgėjų bokso aspektus JAV.

Garbės Rėmėjas, J Russell Peltz to be be 1st guest on The Abrams Boxing Hour LIVE on Tuesday at 6:30 AM ET

Show can be viewed live on

Filadelfija, PA (Birželis 25, 2018) – Rytoj, Hall of Fame Promoter J Russell Peltz will be the guest on The Abrams Boxing Hour beginning at 6:30 AM ET / 3:30 PM PT. The show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.








Peltz will discuss the June 29th fight card at The Parx Casino in Bensalem, PA. The card will feature Miguel Cartagena (15-4-1, 6 Kos) taking on Carlos Maldonado (10-2, 7 Kos) plus the rematch between Anthony Prescott and Isiah Wise.




Peltz will also talk about some of the highlights of his nearly 50 year Hall of Fame Career as well as some of today’s hottest boxing topics.







The show, will feature 1-on-1 sit-down interviews with some of the biggest names in the sport, and will also go over the latest boxing news and opinions. The Abrams Boxing Hour will originate from boxing-centric venues throughout the country.




The debut show will originate from The Joe Hand Boxing Gym in Philadelphia.