Све Поруке ФНУ47



УНЦАСВИЛЛЕ, Цонн. (Јул 1, 2018) – Returning to the ring after an 11-month layoff due to a broken jaw, Џо “Беаст” Ковач, Јр. provided early fireworks last night (Субота, Јун 30) in the latest installment in the popular Slugfest at The Sun серија, presented by Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing, у Мохеган Сун Арена у Унцасвилле, Конектикат.




Slugfest at The Sunwas taped live and will air Јул 19, 8 -10 п.м. И, о New England Sports Network (NESN). Star Boxing’s next event, “Rockin’ борбе”,Септембар 21 at the Paramount in Huntington, НИ, will also air via tape- delay on NESN.




Rated No. 3 и не. 7 у свету, односно, Светска Бокинг савета (ВБЦ) and World Boxing Association (ВБА), Ковач (24-2, 20 КОс) hurt Мелвин “The Romantic Redneck” Расел (11-5-2, 7 КОс) with the first punch he landed and finished the show, two devastating knockdowns later, у првом колу.




I hit him with a decent shot when I was walking him down and saw that I hurt him,” Џо Смит Јр. explained. “Тако, I looked to end it. I would have liked to have gotten some rust off, but I’m happy with my performance. My jaw feels great.




We’re looking to go to the top,” Smith’s promoter Џо ДеГуардиа изјавио. “Joe’s plan and goal has always been to be world champion. We wanted (Сергеј) Kovalev before this fight, but it didn’t work out. We’re hoping to get him in the fall.




Ковалев looks great, he motivates me,” Smith noted. “I think I can take advantage of his conditioning.




Coming off her historic fight this past May against the undefeated Queen of Boxing Cecelia Breakhus, who won a 10-round decision in the first female fight to air on HBO, three-time world champion KaliKO MequinonoagReis (14-7-1, 4 КОс) cruised past Mexican welterweight PattyLas Elegante” Рамирез (11-6, 5 КОс), бивши светски наслов Цхалленгер, winning all eight rounds.




She was a survivor,” Reis commented. “There was a lot we wanted to work on, body shots, jabs and moregetting more comfortable. I executed the plan my corner gave me and got the job done.




A Native American from Rhode Island, Reis wants a rematch with Breakhus, “I know I need to stay busy, active and remain fighting at welterweight to get the rematch,” Reis added. “I’m going to stay on her tail. I’ll be ready when it happens, I really want it to happen.




In the television opener, undefeated junior welterweight “Акција” Антхони Лауреано (8-0 3КО је) lived up to his nickname, never taking a backwards step, as he pounded Јуан Родригуез (8-10-1 6КО је) in the center of the ring from the opening bell through the end for a dominant six-round unanimous decision. The 2016 New England Golden Gloves champion Laureano, who fights out of East Hartford, ЦТ, put on an entertaining show in front of his large, loud contingent of fans. Laureano effectively used every punch in his vast arsenal to break down a tough, game Rodriguez.




I thought I did well,” Laureano said after the fight, “but I’d like to see more angles. I want to see more power, сувише. It’s there, he felt it; it’s coming. I have a long road. Следећа борба, I’d like to have an eight-rounder. We’re adding more people to the team. I hope everyone see that I’m getting better each fight. I have more tools and my discipline is there.




Ундефеатед јуниор средњој WendyHaitian FireToussaint (9-0, 3 КОс) lit up an overwhelmed Andy Gonzalez (6-3, 5 КОс), battering him from pillar to post, until referee Steve Willis waved off the fight in the third round. Haiti-native Toussaint, now living in Huntington, НИ, used his superior power and speed to make an impressive statement.




Popular South Boston southpaw Joe Farina (3-0, 2 КОс) overcame a flash knockdown during the opening seconds of the fight, using a relentless attack to defeat junior welterweight стеве Мур (1-4, 1 КО), by way of a four-round split decision.




Irish junior welterweightLethalLarry Fryers (formerly known as Gleeson) поправио свој рекорд у 7-1 (2 КОс) with a six-round unanimous decision over Anthony Woods (1-7-1). Fighting out of Yonkers NY, Fryers floored Woods with a left hook at the end of round two. Woods was penalized a point near the end of the final round for an intentional head butt.




Former U. of New Haven basketball star Cassius Chaney (13-0, 7 КОс), fighting out of New London (ЦТ), голу непоражен запис нетакнут, dropping Mexican heavyweight Elder Hernandez (5-3, 3 КОс) twice before referee Willis halted the match near the end of the opening round.




The opening bout of the evening ended in the second round and ruled a “Не Цонтест” because of an accidental head butt that left both fightersWilliam “Силент Ассассин” Foster III (8-0, 6 КОс) и Tyrome Jones (4-3-1, 1 КО) – with serious head cuts and unable to continue.




Комплетни резултати испод:






Џо Смит, Јр. (24-2, 20 КОс), Mastic, НИ

ВТКО1 (145)

Melvin Russell (11-5-2, 7 КОс), Ashland, KY



Kali Reis (14-7-1, 4 КОс), Цранстон, РИ

WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 80-72)

Pat Ramirez (11-6, 5 КОс), Хидалго, Мексико



Венди Тусен (9-0, 3 КОс), Huntington, НИ

ВТКО3 (1:25)

Andy Gonzalez (6-3, 5 КОс), Ворчестер



Антхони Лауреано (8-0, 3 КОс), И. Хартфорд, ЦТ

ВДЕЦ6 (60-54, 59-55, 59-55)

Јуан Родригуез (8-10-1), Haymarket, ВА



Joe Farina (3-0, 2 КОс), South Boston, Мр

ВДЕЦ4 (38-37, 38-37, 37-38)

стеве Мур (1-4, 1 КО), Orange, Њ



Larry (Gleeson) Fryers (7-1, 2 КОс), Yonkers, НИ

ВДЕЦ6 (60-52, 60-52, 59-53)

Anthony Woods (1-7-1), Филаделфија, ПА



Касије Чејни (13-0, 7 КОс), New London, ЦТ

ВТКО1 (2:47)

Elder Hernandez (5-3, 3 КОс), Morelia, Мексико

*Co-Promoted in association Main Events



William Foster III (8-0, 6 КОс), Нови рај, ЦТ

Не Цонтест 2 (2:27 due to accidental head butt, both fighter’s cut)

Tryrome Jones (4-3-1, 1 КО), Sound Bend, ИН

*Co-Promoted in association with Murphy’s Boxing

WBO News: Another Successful Boxing Officials’ Seminar Was Held In Chicago

The World Boxing Organization and the Illinois State Athletic Commission concluded a successful training seminar for boxing officials at the Garfield Park – Golden Dome, Цхицаго, Илиноис.




This event covered different topics, such as refereeing, judging, rules, and ethics; the seminar followed an interactive format with the purpose of giving ring officials the necessary knowledge, confidence and experience to execute good judgement of a boxing match.




John Duggan, First Vice-President of the WBO, stated that some of the objectives of these events are to “improve the quality of officiating” and he highlighted the importance of cross training ring officials in order to ensure the correct decisions are made during a boxing match, “correct officiating is important to ensure the right and deserving winner is named in a fight”.




У међувремену, referee Celestino Ruiz and former referee Gino Rodriguez conducted the referees’ training and stressed out the importance of taking control from the moment instructions are given in the locker room; the necessity of having proper knowledge of the rules and being correctly positioned during a fight.




Ethics and professionalism were also covered, as fundamental aspects in the development of a career as a boxing official.




Videos were used to exemplify, analyze and break down different decisions during a boxing match, this is important to help participants understand some of the scenarios they may have to face, it offers them the possibility to clarify doubts while at the same time put their knowledge to test.




The WBO values these opportunities to contribute with the training of boxing officials and help them attain mastery of their skills.




Video with more details: John Duggan, First Vice-President of the WBO




Wilder Tells Host Brendan Schaub That He Will No Longer Accept A Flat Fee For Showdown To Determine Undisputed Heavyweight World Champion

CLIP FOR ONLINE & TV NEWS USE: https://cbs.box.com/v/DeontayWilderINTVBelowTheBelt



ШТА: WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder sat down for an exclusive video interview with Brendan Schaub for the SHOWTIME Sports digital talk show BELOW THE BELT where the American champion opens up about the contentious negotiation process for a unification fight with IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua.




“It’s 50-50 straight across,” Wilder tells Schaub during the interview that taped Thursday in Los Angeles. “I am not accepting no flat fee… I am done with that.”




The full interview is now available via the Below the Belt YouTube Channel анд Below the Belt Facebook Page.


BELOW THE BELT is a first-of-its-kind digital sports talk show exploring the latest news in combat sports and pop culture, with Schaub delivering candid thoughts in his unique and unfiltered style. The multi-platform program, which also includes a weekly podcast, features interviews with the biggest names in combat sports and entertainment, road trips, fight camp visits, sketches, animation and pop-culture spoofs.




Следећа транша BELOW THE BELT launches Wednesday, Јул 4 on SHO Sports digital platforms.


Photo by Stephanie Trapp – Сховтиме

ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Јун 29, 2018)19-year-old undefeated sensation and USBA Lightweight шампион, DevinThe DreamHaney (19-0, 13 КОс), has captured his second title before age 20, but even more impressive, is his ranking at # 15 по ИБФ, meaning a title shot is near.




It means the world to me to be ranked in the top 15 by a major sanctioning body like the IBF,” said Devin Haney. “I work extremely hard. I have dedicated my life to the sport of boxing, and the fact that sanctioning bodies are taking notice of my hard work, reaffirms all the sacrifice I have made. I am very excited for what the future holds.




In his last bout Haney defeated Мејсон Менард (33-3, 24 КОс) by way of ninth-round technical knockout, and earned the victory when Menard’s corner stopped the bout heading into the tenth and final round. Haney handed Menard a one-sided beating up until that point, forcing Menard’s corner to stop the fight. This victory, which headlined Showtime’s “СхоБок: The Next Generation”, also awarded Devin, the USBA Lightweight title.




I know that after the statement I made in the last fight, people will be watching me closely,” Haney continued. “I have a lot of hype around me! The cat is out of the bag! I’m nobody’s prospect. Ја сам кандидат. If the winner of Гарсија вс Источни wants to fight me next, I’m available. The industry and the real fight fans know who I am. They know I can fight. It’s only going to get better. I’m working hard, and I promise that in my next fight, you will see, an even better Devin Haney than before.




Devin Haney is the youngest fighter ever to hold the USBA Lightweight title in the organization’s history. У Септембру, Devin will be making his return to the ring, as he gears up for his first title defense.

Име непознато Борилачки спортови Покажи: УФЦ Рекапитулација, Пацкуиао. Маттхиссе је још увек у току, “Big Rig” Одлази у пензију

Ове недеље на ФНУ Цомбат Спортс Схов, разговарамо о најновијим вестима из ВМА и бокса, резимирајте догађаје из прошле недеље и прегледајте предстојеће догађаје ове недеље. Такође разговарамо о Валтеру “2 Пушке” Вригхт је победио у својој главној борби против Марка ДеЛуце неколико дана након што смо га интервјуисали прошле недеље. Вригхт-ова подељена одлука донета је делимично због упорног убода који је фрустрирао ДеЛуцу и оставио га крвавог, натучен и исцрпљен последњим звоном. Наравно, изношење ове чињенице доводи нас до апсолутне потребе убода у било ком алату борбених спортских бораца.

Међу вестима којих се дотичемо:

Гласине о следећој борби Маннија Пацкуиаа са Луцасом Маттхиссеом су угрожене, Манни и његов тим кажу да је све на добром путу.

Јохни “Big Rig” Хендрицкс се повлачи (такође заборавио да поменем и Расхада Еванса који се пензионисао).


Најновија улога за серију Тхе Цонтендер, треба да се врати овог августа са 16 и долазе млади боксери у дивизији од 160 килограма.


Пребег Лиото Мацхида-е из УФЦ-а у Беллатор и Беллатов блокбастер посао са ДАЗН-ом, стреаминг услуга која ове године ради на преузимању нових тржишта, укључујући САД и Италију.


Ево везе до нашег пуног емитовања:


хттпс://ввв.дропбок.цом/с/фхх628мп15ен9мд/томтонирицхјуне282018.мп3?дл = 0


Box Fan Expo is the ultimate fan experience event that gives boxing fans the opportunity to meet-and-greet top fighters, current and former world champions, boxing celebrities and industry people in an up-close personal setting.
Tickets On-Sale Now at EventBrite

Лас Вегас (Јун 28, 2018) – Четири подела светски шампион Erik “Террибле” Моралес has confirmed that he will appear, have a booth and hold a Meet & Greet with his fans at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the fourth Annual Бок Фан Екпо о Субота Септембар 15, 2018 од 10a.m to 5pm, during Mexican Independence weekend. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the highly anticipated rematch between Saul ‘CaneloAlvarez vs Gennady ‘GGG’ Головкин, that will take place later that evening.




Morales will have merchandise to sell to his fans, as well as photos, signatures and memorabilia. This is Morales first appearance at the Boxing Expo and is looking forward in meeting his fans.




Erik Morales Nicknamed “Террибле,” is a retired Mexican boxing legend and is being inducted into the International Boxing Hall of fame in Canastota on June 10th, 2018).Morales compiled a 52-9 record in 61 туче, укључујући 41 straight wins to start his career, and won world titles in four different weight classes (junior featherweight, веома лака ствар, јуниор лигхтвеигхт, Јуниор велтер). He also ended Manny Pacquiao’s six-year unbeaten streak in 2005 with a unanimous decision win.




Morales notable fights came against Marco Antonio Barrera (nicknamedThe Baby Face Assassin”). The Morales versus Barrera trilogy is one of Boxing’s most famous fight trilogies of all time, involving two of Mexico’s most revered boxers. Their memorable fights were also named Ring Magazine’s fight of the year on February 19, 2000 and once again on November 27, 2004.


About Box Fan Expo


Box Fan Expo has been a huge success with fans and boxing industry people. Many boxing stars have attended the last three Expos such as Floyd Mayweather, Мајк Тајсон, Роберто Дуран, Томи Хеарнс, Марцо Антонио Баррера, Roy Jones Jr., Маркос Маидана, Сергио Мартинез, Кит Терман, Дени Гарсија, Тим Бредли, Деонтаи Вилдер, Амир Кхан, Шон Портер, Фернандо Варгас, Заб Јудах, Јамес Тонеи, Vinny Pazienza, Микеи Гарсија , Mia St.Johns, Лео Санта Круз, Бадоу Џек, Терри Норрис , Риддицк Бове , Еарние Схаверс, Леон Спинкс, Данни Јацобс, Абнер Марес, Хорхе Линарес, Brandon Rios and many more




Излагачи као што су бокс геар, одећа, new equipment’s, energy drinks, alcohol, supplement products, broadcasting media, sanctioning bodies and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans, media and the boxing industry.


Карте за тхе Бок Фан Екпо су доступни на адреси:





Box Fan Expo is the ultimate boxing fan experience event, which allows fans to Meet and Greet Boxing Superstars of today, current and former world champions, Legends of the sport and other boxing Celebrities at their booth. On Site, fans will experience different activities from Autograph Sessions, Photo Sessions, FaceOff with your favorite boxers, as well as a chance to purchase merchandise and memorabilia from their booth, plus so much moreyou won’t want to miss this must-attend Expo!




Box Fan Expo will also feature top boxing organizations, промотери, ring card girls, famous trainers and commentators as well as boxing gear companiesALL UNDER ONE ROOF”.




Throughout the next few months leading up to the Event, there will be weekly updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth, contact Box Fan Expo:




Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927




За сва питања пошаљите е-маил: бокфанекпо@гмаил.цом




Више информација на кутији Фан Екпо је доступан на: хттп://ввв.бокфанекпо.цом




Можете пратити Бок Фан Екпо на Твиттер у: хттпс://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo




и на Фацебоок-у: хттпс://ввв.фацебоок.цом/БокФанЕкпо

Road to M-1: САД” Август 11 in Nashville

Showcasing the American debut of “Раге”
Worldwide Pay Per View from Music City
Насхвилле, Тенн. (Јун 28, 2018) – “Road to M-1: САД”, presented by M-1 Global USA and Angel Fight Promotions, will be held August 11, airing on worldwide pay-per-view live from Global Mall in Nashville, Тенеси.




Russia-based M-1 Global has been promoting professional MMA events in Russia, Кина, Finland and other countries for the past 21 године, featuring many of the sport’s greatest fighters, укључујући Федор Емелианенко, Андреј Арловскиј, Гегард Мусаси, Алистаир Овереем и Сергеј Харитонов, међу више познатих.




U prošlosti, M-1 Global has promoted seven M-1 Challenges and four M-1 Selection events in the United States.




We are excited to come back to the USA,” М-1 Глобал председник Вадим Финкелхтејн цомментед. “It’s been almost seven years since M-1 Global held its last show in the United States and the upcoming Road to M-1 is going to be the first step on our way back into American MMA. We’ve been working hard together with our American representatives, Angel Natal и Mike Merriman, to make it happen and on August 11th we are going to have a show to remember!”




A hybrid ring-cage, “Раге”, will make its American debut atRoad to M-1: САД”, which allows fans optimum viewing, while fighters have the safety associated with a cage.




Integrated Sports Media will distributeRoad to M-1: САД” in North America on cable, satellite and digital pay-per-view via iN Demand, Вубикуити, DIRECTV and DISH in the United States, as well as SaskTel and other outlets to be announced in Canada, and live-streamed worldwide on the ФИТЕ.ТВ app and website (ввв.фите.тв), са почетком у 9 п.м. И / 6 п.м. ПТ, по предложеној малопродајној цени од само $19.95.




I can’t describe how good it feels to be this close to this show airing,” said Merriman, head of operations for M-1 Global USA & Angel Fight Promotions. “Everyone loves to see sweat and blood in the ring, myself included, but so few people see the blood, sweat, and tears spilt while setting something like this up. This show is going to open a lot of eyesand drop a few jaws!”




The main event pits Georgia middleweight DougYamatoUsher (9-3-0) наспрам ReggieThe Regulator” Перо (14-6-0), of Florida, while Russian lightweight Vadim Ogar (6-3-0) takes on his Cuban opponent fighting out of North Carolina, Yoislandy “Куба” Izquierdo(11-4-0) у заједничком догађају.




Undefeated Russian bantamweight prospect Saidyokub Kakharamonov (5-0-0), fighting out of Chicago, баца са Tony Gravely (12-5-0), Виргиниа; Georgia flyweight Ц.Ј. “The Autobot” Хамилтон (12-6-0) faces Floridian fighter Abdiel “Нигхтмаре” Velazquez (8-5-0), Kentucky welterweight “Југгернаут” Brandon Bell (5-6-0) меетс JacobTick-TockMcLintock (9-2-0), of Arizona; and Tennessee welterweight James Conway (3-0-0) квадрата утакмицу P.J. Cajigas (5-7-0), оф Цхицаго, to round out the main card.




Scheduled to fight on the undercard is California heavyweight Цоди “The MooseGoodale (5-4-0) вс. ТБА, New Brunswick, Canada bantamweight Chris Johnson (5-6-0) вс. JerrodThe Hillbilly Hammer” Јеннингс (2-1-0), of Kentucky, and local Nashville favorite Dwayne Herrelle (0-1-0) вс. pro-debuting Kentucky lightweight Kegan Agnew.




Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.


CLICK HERE FOR PROMO VIDEO:хттпс://drive.google.com/file/d/18ONIDbekTSAUUPhXXlhIpc_xCVqH5LGM/view?usp=sharing










Твиттер & Инстаграм:



@ М1ГлобалНевс


@ М1Глобал








Russian Prospect Elena Savelyeva to Face IBF #10- and WBC #11-rated Nina Radovanovic on Friday, Јул 13 in Montenegro

Gold-star women’s bantamweight prospect Elena Savelyeva (4-0, 3 КОс) of Russia will return to the ring on Friday, Јул 13, in Herceg Novi, Montenegro, for an eight-round showdown against current #10 ИБФ и #11 WBC contender Nina Radovanovic (12-2, 3 КОс) of Serbia.




Formerly one of the most decorated female amateur boxers in the world, Savelyeva is being fast-tracked by her co-promoters, Salita Promotions and Russia-based Alexander Nevskiy Promotion Group. Radovanovic is a two-time world-title challenger, whose only two losses occurred in world-championship fights.




“Even though I only have four professional fights, I want to fight the best and show the boxing world my skills,” said Savelyeva, a former world, Европски (2Кс) и руски (6Кс) аматерски првак, who represented her homeland in the 2012 Summer Olympics and competed in the first-ever women’s Olympic boxing match in history.




“Nina Radovanovic will be my toughest opponent on the professional ring. She is more experienced than me as professional, but I am sure that my amateur experience and already acquired professional experience will be enough for my victory which I plan to be impressive.”




Savelyeva says she’s optimistic about her quickly developing career, given the current state of female boxing.




“Female professional boxing is going in the right direction. Some of the top female fights are as exciting as the male boxers. The fact that Claressa Shields vs Hanna Gabriels did such amazing, record-setting TV ratings proves that women’s boxing at the top level is exciting and wanted.”




Savelyeva’s co-promoter, Дмитриј Салита, says the fast-track is justified for his talented Russian prospect.




“Women’s boxing had grown exponentially in recent times. Elena’s elite amateur pedigree makes her already one of the best female fighters in the world and I believe in the very near future, she will be a world champion.”


REIS RETURNS TO THE RING Ове суботе НА Мохеган Сун
ПРОВИДЕНЦЕ, Рходе Исланд (Јун 26, 2018) – In advance of her fight this Saturday night at Mohegan Sun Arena, three-time world champion KaliKO MequinonoagReis held an open media workout today at Big Six Academy in Providence, Рходе Исланд.




Fighting out of nearby Cranston, РИ, Reis (13-7-1, 4 КОс) will face former world title challenger PattyLa Elegante” Рамирез (11-5, 5 КОс), Мексика, у осам рунди меча велтер.




Reis vs. Ramirez is the co-featured bout on theSLUGFEST AT THE SUN картица, presented by JOE DEGUARDIA’S STAR BOXING, у Мохеган Сун Арена у Унцасвилле, Конектикат.




Reis is coming off a historic fight last month versus undisputed women’s world welterweight champion and pound-4-pound Queen, 33-0 цецилиа Браекхус, in the first female bout ever featured on HBO. Reis dropped Braekhus for the first time in her professional career, however the judges scored the fight in favor of Braekhus, over ruckus boo’s from the crowd.




У главном догађају, after eleven months out of the ring due to a broken jaw, the “Common Man”, Union Local 66 laborer, Џо Смит Јр. returns at the beautiful Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Конектикат. After coming off a stellar KO win on NBC against Andrzej Fonfara, and knocking out the legend, Бернард Хопкинс, clear out of the ring, ХБО, Смитх ЈР. has his eyes set on winning a world title. Смитх ЈР. is currently rated #3 (ВБЦ) и #7 (ВБА) у свету.







I’m so excited to be back fighting at home, especially after our history making fight on HBO. I fought Cecilia Braekhus. We were the first women to ever fight on HBO and there were more than a million viewers. If I knew that many people would be watching, I would have been a lot more nervous.




“На папиру, it was a loss, but it was really a win-win for me, and women’s boxing. It’s already opened a lot of doors for me. There’s been so much growth for me and women’s boxing. It’s going to open the door for other women to fight on networks. It was a step up for women’s boxing, not just for one event, but forever.




I’m the first female Native American to fight in New England.




I’ve been fighting 18 године. I played basketball and volleyball in high school, but I love boxing.




I showed in my last fight that I belong to be with the elite. I want to get a rematch (with Braekhus).”




Being a road warrior, I’m familiar fighting away or at home, but it’s more comfortable fighting here at home. My hometown crowd is always very supportive.




“(Субота) I am going to come out with a victory. My opponent’s taller, but I just need to follow the game plan and execute.



Silva ready to shine against Lopez

Silva Lopez.jpg

Plant City, Флорида (Јун 26, 2018) – Lightweight William “Baby Face” Silva has an outstanding professional record of 25-1 са 14 победи нокаутом. The Plant City, FL based Brazilian won most of his bouts comfortably and has been top 15 рангиран.




Teofimo Lopez is considered a blue chip prospect though he’s yet to face a stiff challenge as a professional.




The talented 20-year-old represented Honduras at the 2016 Olympics and is 9-0 са 7 победи нокаутом. Following a recent ESPN televised first round KO, Lopez received much attention for a victory dance he did honoring the popular game Fortnite.




Јула 14, Silva and Lopez square off over ten rounds for the WBC Continental Americas lightweight title. The bout will air live on ESPN and ESPN Deportes at 7 п.м. ET from the Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, ЛА. A large crowd is expected.




With just over two weeks until the opening bell sounds, Silva’s sharpening his tools in an intense camp with head trainer Jose Rodriguez at Plant City Boxing Gym. Between extra time in the gym, world class sparring and an added motivation from the public viewing him as an underdog, Silva is confident July 14 will elevate his career, not Lopez’.




“I feel great and our preparations have gone exactly as planned so far,” Silva said following a training session at Plant City Boxing Gym. “Lopez is a good fighter but this is a great opportunity to show that I’m also a top talent. My team and I will be prepared for victory July 14.”




Silva’s promoter, Jody Caliguire of Fire Fist Boxing, has seen a significant improvement in his fighter in the last six months and believes that Lopez is in for a surprise.




“I believe some people are probably expecting to see the William Silva they did against Felix Verdejo but they’re in for a major surprise. He’s a totally different fighter now and improvements have been made across the board that I’ve seen firsthand in the gym. If Lopez and his supporters are viewing Silva as a stepping stone with a good record it’s not only motivation for our side but a major mistake on theirs.”




The card is headlined by a battle of unbeatens between New Orleans’ very own Regis Prograis and Argentina’s Juan Jose Velasco for the World Boxing Council (ВБЦ) interim super lightweight title.




Promoted by Top Rank in Association with DiBella Entertainment, tickets from $40 are on sale now at the Lakefront Arena box office, Ticketmaster.com and by calling 1-800-745-8000. Military, student and New Orleans Police Department members can receive discounted seats with a valid ID at the box office.