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LFA 51 – 马佐 vs. NIEVERA
LFA 女子蝇量级冠军
萨宾娜 “哥伦比亚女王” 小的
门票现在通过发售 Tick​​etmaster.com

LAS VEGAS, 内华达 – LFA CEO Ed Soares announced today that LFA will make its first trip to the Central Valley of California in September with a women’s flyweight title fight headlining LFA 51.




LFA的重头戏 51 will bring a highly-anticipated women’s world title fight to the San Joaquin Valley. 头条新闻将是不败的 LFA 女子蝇量级冠军萨宾娜 (Sabina) “哥伦比亚女王” Mazo defend her title against LFA women’s flyweight top contender JaimeeQueenieNievera. LFA 51 – 马佐 vs. Nievera takes place Friday, September 28th at the Selland Arena in Fresno, 加利福尼亚州. 整个主卡将被电视直播,并在全国范围AXS电视上的 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT.




I am excited to bring LFA to Fresno at LFA 51”, 规定苏亚雷斯. “This will be our fifth show in my home state of California. The Central Valley has great fight fans and a lot of MMA talent. We look forward to packing the Selland Arena on September 28th with a fantastic fight card headlined by a women’s flyweight title fight between champion Sabina Mazo and top contender Jaimee Nievera.




LFA 门票 51 – 马佐 vs. Nievera are available for purchase NOW at Tick​​etmaster.com.




小的 (5-0) is the 21-year-old LFA women’s flyweight champion that took the MMA world by storm in 2017. The Colombian wunderkind signed with LFA when she was 19-years-old and quickly burst onto the global scene at LFA 9. 当她用令人瞠目结舌的头踢击倒第 82 空降军老兵杰米·索顿时,就发生了这种情况,这一动作在主流媒体和综合格斗媒体上疯传. 这位国王队综合格斗产品在 LFA 的第二场比赛中加倍努力,在 LFA 首轮比赛中以几乎相同的头踢击倒了明尼苏达州国民警卫队成员林赛·威廉姆斯 (Linsey Williams) 23. 该 “哥伦比亚女王” 今年四月终于收到了她的桂冠. 赢得冠军的表现得益于 LFA 比赛中对 Shannon Sinn 的一致判定 37, 看到 Mazo 提供了出色的拳击展示和缠斗工作, 以及她标志性的泰拳技巧. 麦德林, 哥伦比亚人现在希望以在 LFA 的另一场精彩表现开始她的冠军统治 51.




Nievera (7-4) earned her shot at LFA gold this past June with a dominant LFA debut win against the 2016 RFA FansChoice Awards “年度展望” winner Katy Collins. The unanimous decision win came in Collinshometown of Branson, Missouri at LFA 42 just a few months after Collins had been ranked #4 on AXS TV’s inaugural women’s pound-for-pound rankings. The win immediately caught the attention of UFC matchmakers and Nievera was offered a main event spot on Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contender Series against Antonina Shevchenko. The 33-year-old Bellator veteran showed her gameness by accepting the fight on a week’s notice against Shevchenko, who is an undefeated MMA prospect, Muay Thai world champion, and the older sister of UFC #1 contender Valentina Shevchenko. Nievera displayed a ton of heart and skill, but did not get the result she wanted. The Union City, California native now has a chance to flip the script with a title winning performance in front of her home crowd at LFA 51.




目前公布的主卡 (在 AXS TV 上播出 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT):




主要事件 | 女子蝇量级冠军争夺战 (125 磅)



– 萨宾娜·马佐 (5-0) VS. Jaimee Nievera (7-4)




合作的主要事件 |轻量级布特 (135 磅)



Gustavo Erak (19-3-1) VS. Cody Gibson (15-7)




轻量级特征回合 (135 磅)



– 诺林·埃尔南德斯(Nohelin Hernandez) (8-2) VS. 罗兰·贝拉斯科 (13-5-1)




轻重量级回合 (205 磅)



– 约旦鲍威尔 (9-7) VS. 安德烈斯·阿尔坎塔尔 (4-0)




次中量级回合 (170 磅)



Salaiman Ahmadyar(6-0) VS. Joaquin Lopez (4-0)





LFA 51 will be the fifth LFA event to take place in the state of California. RFA 在内部举办了八场活动 “金州” 合并前. LFA全主卡 51 将进行现场直播,并在全国范围AXS电视在 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT.




在 2017, RFA和传统FC合并组建LFA, 在混合武术最大的发展机构. LFA的联合部队发动过的职业生涯 140 athletes to reach the pinnacle of MMA by competing in the UFC. 在五月 2018 促进加盟伦敦信托传媒控股集团公司.




请访问 LFAfighting.com 对于回合更新和信息. LFA 的 Facebook 网址为 传统格斗联盟. LFA也对在Instagram的 @LFAfighting 和Twitter的 @LFAfighting.


美国队晋级 3 晋级世青赛决赛


布达佩斯, 匈牙利 (八月 28, 2018) – 比赛第八天 2018 布达佩斯青年世界锦标赛, 匈牙利, 美国队将三名拳击手晋级冠军赛, 而 Isamary阿基诺(环球城, 得克萨斯州) 获得她的第二枚青年世锦赛铜牌.




飞锤 阿萨·史蒂文斯 (唱歌, 夏威夷) 美国人以胜利的姿态开始了比赛 3-2 击败印度选手巴韦什·卡蒂马尼晋级冠军赛. 史蒂文斯希望成为自沙库尔·史蒂文森 (Shakur Stevenson) 夺冠以来美国队首位蝇量级青年世界冠军 2014 当他周五踏上擂台对阵英格兰选手伊万·普莱斯时, 该 2018 欧洲冠军.




2015 青少年世界冠军 天堂加西亚 (山, 加利福尼亚州。) 去年世青赛四分之一决赛输给哈萨克斯坦选手扎萨亚·阿卜德拉伊莫娃后,她在复赛中与 3-2 决定. 加西亚将在决赛第二天与史蒂文斯会合, 她将迎战印度选手阿纳米卡·乌兰 (Anamika Urang), 该 2018 亚洲联合会银牌得主.




第三位晋级决赛的美国选手, iyana贝尔杜斯科 (洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州。), 继续她令人印象深刻的世界锦标赛首秀 4-1 战胜土耳其选手艾坎古尔盖. 维尔杜斯科将成为美国队第一位进入决赛的队员, 她将对阵 Aizada Yeslyamgali, 该 2018 亚洲联合会银牌得主, 周四.




阿奎尼乌斯, 美国队最后一位进入半决赛的成员, 未能晋级冠军赛,对阵印度选手萨克希. 这是阿基诺继去年世青赛获得铜牌后,在世青赛上获得的第二枚铜牌。.




美国队将在国家青年队教练的带领下以四枚奖牌结束本届世锦赛 奥吉·桑切斯(拉斯维加斯, 内华达州。) 整个比赛过程中, 同 蒂莫西·贝克 (辛辛那提, 俄亥俄), 伊丽莎·奥尔森 (红木, 加利福尼亚州。) 和 罗萨里奥·索利斯 (欧文, 得克萨斯州) 担任助理教练.




您可以通过以下方式关注冠军赛的所有比赛 点击这里.





51 公斤: 天堂加西亚, 山, 加利福尼亚/美国, 十二月. 超越 Zhanssaya Abdaimova/KAZ, 3-2



52 公斤: 阿萨·史蒂文斯, 唱歌, 夏威夷/美国, 十二月. 超过 Bhavesh Kattimani/IND, 3-2



54 公斤: iyana贝尔杜斯科, 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚/美国, 十二月. 越过 Ay​​can Guldagi/TUR, 4-1



57 公斤: 萨克希/IND, 十二月. 以上 Isamary阿基诺, 环球城, 德克萨斯州/美国, 5-0



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享誉世界的超级中量级Aslambek'The Hulk'Idigov于9月重返赛场 5 在格罗兹尼, 俄罗斯对阵Daniel Wanyonyi


世界级的俄罗斯超中量级球星阿斯兰贝克“绿巨人”伊迪戈夫将于周三重返战场, 九月 5, 在他的家乡格罗兹尼, 俄罗斯, 在WBA亚洲冠军赛中与前非洲冠军Daniel Wanyonyi对抗.




伊迪戈夫 (13-0, 5 科斯), 额定 #14 由WBO, 将面对经验丰富的肯尼亚人Wanyonyi (27-12-2, 22 科斯) 在格罗兹尼的五星级格罗兹尼城市酒店, 在Match TV直播电视节目.




在他的11年职业生涯中, Wanyonyi举行了肯尼亚中量级比赛, 临时东方 & 中非职业拳击联合会中量级, 和非洲拳击联盟轻量级冠军.




不败的伊迪戈夫, 在底特律与Javan SugarHill Steward及其联合教练Rick Phillips一起训练, 在Kronk健身房, 上次看到他是击败底特律詹姆斯·巴拉德(James Ballard)的人,赢得了令人印象深刻的10轮一致决定. 他在12月赢得了IBO青年超中量级冠军 2016 对乡下人伊戈尔·塞利瓦诺夫(Igor Selivanov)的一致决定.








“我在这场战斗中处于良好状态, 在底特律的克朗克体育馆进行的训练为我创造了奇迹,“他说,. “我为9月份的下一场战斗感到非常兴奋, 明年某个时候攀升队伍并挑战世界冠军。”




Idigov的发起人, 德米特里Salita, 说伊迪戈夫的非凡实力和力量使他成为 168 磅.




“阿斯兰贝克真是”绿巨人,“说字. “他在超中量级时的体能和体型非常出色. 他只是 22 岁,并且每个营地都在稳步提高. 我相信他九月的表现会令人印象深刻 5 他不久的将来会有很大的机会. 他是一名潜在的拳击迷,应该将其标记为值得关注的人。”

席尔瓦-福雷罗 (Silva-Forero) 登上十月“冠军之夜”榜首 6 圣. 圣彼得堡, FL

Silva 106.jpg


坦帕, FL (八月 28, 2018) – 轻量级“娃娃脸”威廉·席尔瓦周六重返擂台, 十月 6 当他在一场十回合的火拳拳击推广比赛中遇到重拳出击的何塞·福雷罗时’ “冠军之夜” 在圣. 圣彼得堡体育馆街. 圣彼得堡, FL.




门票可通过以下方式购买: http://www1.ticketmaster.com/fire-fist-boxing-presents-abf-triple-st-petersburg-florida-10-06-2018/event/0d00551696349f20. VIP票可拨打电话购买 813-734-2461.




出生于圣保罗提出, 巴西但现在正在争夺普兰特城, FL, 席尔瓦有着出色的 25-2 专业纪录 14 击倒. 七月 14, 席尔瓦表现出了令人难以置信的勇气和决心,但在第六轮比赛中输给了精英新星特奥菲莫·洛佩兹. 在他对阵洛佩兹的勇敢努力之前, 席尔瓦十回合击败老将罗赫利奥·卡萨雷斯夺得 IBO 大陆赛冠军 135 英镑冠军.




在巴拿马生活和战斗, 福雷罗是前 WBC 拉丁裔和全球拳击理事会冠军, 通过停止夺取两条腰带. 福雷罗, 13-7-1 (11 KO的), is confident Silva will be his next victim and doesn’t plan on leaving it up to the judges.




Silva-Forero is for the vacant ABF Continental Americas lightweight title.




Popular welterweight up and comer Mark Reyes Jr. of Tampa challenges experienced Panamanian Edwin Gamboa in an eight rounder for the ABF Continental Americas welterweight title.




A multi-time champion as an amateur, Reyes has shined thus far in the pros, compiling a perfect 7-0 创纪录 5 胜淘汰赛. Reyes appears to be a star in the making however he’ll be facing his toughest foe to date.




一 20 老将拼, Gamboa’s 11-9 同 6 KO获胜. The 33-year-old Panama City native’s faced five unbeaten opponents and handed two their first defeat.




Former world champion and St. 圣彼得堡本地人诺埃米·“La Rebelde”·博斯克两年多来首次回到家乡,在六回合超级蝇量级比赛中迎战极其强悍的克里斯托·霍伊,争夺 ABF 美洲大陆冠军头衔.




自从转为职业选手在 2012, 博斯克斯周游世界,与许多这项运动的顶级拳手对决. 她与 Kenia Enriquez 共享方圆, 希瑟·哈代 (两次), 玛丽安娜华雷斯, 卢尔德·华雷斯, 阿莱西亚·格拉夫和罗莎琳达·罗德里格斯. 游历广泛的博斯克家族曾在世界各地参加过比赛,其中包括墨西哥的比赛, 新西兰, 中国, 印度和美国各个城市.




来自拉斯维加斯的霍伊转为职业球员 2002 并与传奇人物艾丽西亚·阿什利(Alicia Ashley)战斗, 莫妮卡·洛瓦托, Yazmin里瓦斯, 凯蒂·卡斯蒂略, 希瑟·哈迪和泰里西亚·道格拉斯.




Fire Fist Boxing 的卡片还包含五场全佛罗里达比赛.




阿卡迪亚的约瑟夫·费尔南德斯, 7-3-3 (1 KO), 将与托比亚斯“Da Truth”格林交换拳头, 7-2 (2 KO的), 西棕榈滩的一场初级次中量级比赛 5-0 韦斯利礼拜堂的次中量级新星拉蒙·德拉巴斯与奥兰多的哈维尔·加西亚进行战斗.




迈尔斯堡的少年中量级淘汰赛艺术家奥佐德贝克“轰炸机”阿里波夫把他的 3-0 对阵迈阿密的小克利福德·格雷的记录即将到来。, 坦帕的重量级“梦想”何塞·梅迪纳将对阵迈阿密本地人赫克托·霍奇,坦帕轻量级选手阿曼多·莫兰将对阵迈阿密的本尼·罗德里格斯.




除莫兰-罗德里格斯外,所有比赛均安排为六轮, 这是四轮比赛.




阿根廷进口马科斯·埃斯库德罗, 4-0 (3 KO的) 和阿尔贝托·帕尔梅塔, 8-1 (4 KO的), 也将出现在对阵被点名的对手的比赛中.




“在席尔瓦对阵洛佩兹的英勇表现后,我们很高兴让他回归,”火拳拳击促销的乔迪Caliguire说. “他应该有机会在他的家乡佛罗里达州比赛,球迷们很享受他三月份的比赛. 我们还很高兴为我们呈现小马克·雷耶斯的第一个冠军头衔和宣传首秀,以及家乡英雄诺埃米·博斯克斯的回归. 从上到下, 我们有来自佛罗里达州各地的激动人心的比赛和拳击手,所以请务必出来支持这将是一个精彩的拳击之夜。”








欲了解更多信息, 请访问Firefistboxing.net或Facebook.com/Firefistboxing.



星期六, 十月 27, “Fire & Fury” 会相撞, as IBF #2-rated heavyweight contender Kubrat “The Cobra” Pulev will face Britain’s IBF #5-rated 休吉·弗瑞 in a 12-round elimination bout at the Arena Armeec in Pulev’s hometown of 苏菲亚, 保加利亚.




普列夫 (25-1, 13 科斯) and Fury (21-1, 11 科斯) will be competing for the right to face the winner of the September 22 showdown between champion Anthony Joshua 和挑战者 亚历山大Povetkin.




本次活动, 题为“Fire & 愤怒” will be presented by Ivaylo Gotzev and John Wirt’s Epic Sports and Entertainment, together with Fury’s promoter, Hennessey Sports, 并将播出 live in the UK on Channel 5.




One of the most popular athletes in all of Bulgaria, 37-year-old Pulev is on a five-fight winning streak, including a TKO 3 over former heavyweight champion Samuel Peter. Among his many distinctions, Pulev is a former two-time European and IBF International Heavyweight Champion. He stands 6’ 4 ½” and weighs in around 240 磅. Pulev’s only career loss came in a challenge for the undisputed heavyweight championship against 弗拉基米尔克里琴科 在 2014. Fury is the fourth opponent scheduled to face Pulev, as Britain’s 迪安·惠特 and Americans Jarell米勒多米尼克Breazeale all declined the fight.




普列夫, who will be having his first bout since partnering with Epic Sports and Entertainment, says Fury better not be looking past him while preparing for this fight.




“The fact that Hughie Fury is coming to Bulgaria when many others ran away speaks volumes,” said Pulev. “I understand that he is very motivated because this is an eliminator fight for a chance at the world title. I suggest he stops thinking about the world title for a moment and come prepared for a real battle. I am already in beast mode and I’m hungry for my return in the ring!”




Fury hails from Manchester and is the current BBBofC British Heavyweight Champion and is trained by his father, Peter Fury. The 23-year-old stands 6’ 6” tall and also weighs in around 240 磅. In September of 2017, Fury suffered his only career loss, a controversial majority decision to 约瑟夫·帕克 for Parker’s WBO Heavyweight Championship.




“It’s taken a lot of time to make this fight happen and I want to thank all of those involved,” said Hughie Fury. “I want to fight for world titles and to do that I need to beat the guys at the top of the division. Kubrat Pulev is a serious fight for the mandatory position and I know I’ve got to be the real deal to beat him. I believe I’m going to do that in his back yard where others trembled at the thought of it.




“We want to be involved in these big fight nights and to go up against the big names that lead the division,” added father and trainer Peter Fury. “To become a world heavyweight champion, you’ve got to overcome every challenge that’s put in front of you. And for Hughie that starts in Bulgaria in October.”




“In this day and age, when some promoters and their fighters opt for the safest bets, Hughie Fury has done the opposite,” said Ivaylo Gotzev of Fury, who has faced his own share of delays and disappointments on his way to this eliminator bout. “Fury has decided to step into the Lion’s Den, and fight Kubrat in his home town of Sofia. This matchup is intriguing, as two of the best in the division step up and face one another. We expect a great heavyweight battle – one that will decide one man’s destiny to fight for the most coveted title in the world – the Heavyweight Championship. To all of Team Fury – you are welcome in Bulgaria!”




Hennessy Sports CEO Mick Hennessy, promoter of Fury, 说: “First and foremost I’d like to heap praise on my young fighter Hughie Fury. There’s no pantomime and no theatrics. He’s just a young man, full of respect for everyone he faces, and who believes in giving the fans proper fights and value for money. 在刚 23 years of age Hughie is a massive talent. He’s not perhaps got the plaudits he deserves, so this is his moment to make the boxing world really sit up and take notice of what he’s capable of.”




“I’d also like to thank my counterparts at Epic Sports & Entertainment for making this fight happen. It’s taken a lot to get to this point, but we were determined to give the fans a fight that they deserve. Both teams are excited about this one.”




The stacked International undercard, along with ticket details, will be revealed shortly.

Anthony Mercado takes on Victor Vazquez in main event on Tuesday, September 25th at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center

Undefeated Stephen Fulton in co-feature
Undefeated Colby Madison, 迈克尔Coffie, Martino Jules and Paul Koon in action

伯利恒, PA (八月 27, 2018)Super Lightweight’s 安东尼·梅尔卡多维克多·巴斯克斯 will headline a big night of boxing on 星期二, September 25th金沙伯利恒活动中心.




九回合卡由 King’s Promotions 推广.




Mercado of Arecibo, 波多黎各有纪录 11-4 九击倒.




该 24 year-old is a six-year professional, who won his first 10 结束. Mercado holds a 3rd round stoppage over previously undefeated Tyrone Crawley, JR. (7-0) on March 2nd. 在他的最后一个回合, Mercado dropped an eight-round unanimous decision to undefeated Mykal Fox on May 11th in Philadelphia.




扬克斯的巴斯克斯, 纽约有纪录 10-4 三击倒.




该 22 year-old Vazquez is a four-year professional, and has built a reputation as being an upset specialist.




Vazquez has wins over Bievenido Diaz (2-0), 杰罗姆征服 (6-1), 里卡多·加西亚 (14-0) and David Gonzales (8-2-2). 在他的最后一个回合, Vazquez was stopped by Josue Vargas on April 21st in Brooklyn.




In a 10-round co-feature, undefeated featherweight 斯蒂芬·富尔顿 will see action against an opponent.




Fulton of Philadelphia has a record 13-0 有六个淘汰赛.




该 24 year-old Fulton has showed a willingness to take on all comers as evidenced by wins by his wins over Sam Rodriguez (3-0), 约书亚·格里尔 , JR. (3-0-1), 阿达尔贝托·佐里拉 (6-0), Luis Rosario (8-0-1), 亚当·洛佩兹 (8-0), & and his bout when he took out Jesus Ahumada on June 16th in Frisco, 得克萨斯州.


In six-rounds bouts:


乔·汉克斯 (22-2, 14 科斯) 纽瓦克, 新泽西州之战 Terrance Marbra (9-6, 7 科斯) 圣彼得堡的, FL in heavyweight bout.


埃里克·春天 (10-2-2, 1 KO) 读, PA之战 詹姆斯·罗宾逊 (5-11-5, 1 KO) 纽约, PA在超次中量级比赛中.


科尔比麦迪逊 (6-0-2, 4 科斯) 奥因斯米尔斯, MD 承担 Nicoy Clark (2-1) 泽西市, 新泽西州的重量级回合.


肯尼·罗伯斯 (3-1, 1 KO) 史泰登岛, NY fights 伦纳德·戴维斯 (3-1-3, 2 科斯) of Oakland, CA in a junior welterweight bout.


迈克尔Coffie (3-0, 2 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约发生在 Curtis Head (4-2, 3 科斯) of Southfield, MI in a heavyweight attraction.




儒勒·马蒂诺 (4-0) 阿伦敦, PA之战 布莱恩·佩雷斯 (2-11-1, 1 KO) 北卡罗来纳, PR in a featherweight contest.


保罗冠 (3-0, 1 KO) 费城, PA打架 Langston Campbell (1-0-1) 辛辛那提, OH in a heavyweight fight.




门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $50, $75 和 $100, 不包括适用的服务费和税收,现已公开发售. Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.com. 要通过电话特玛在充电 (800) 745-3000.

Ukrainian Korean Puncher Arnold Khegai Sets His Sights on WBO Champ Isaac Dogboe


Based on his performance this past weekend, it would be understandable for most of the world’s 122-lb fighters to want to avoid UK-based WBO Super Bantamweight Champion Isaac Dogboe… Not Arnold Khegai.




Khegai, the ethnic Korean, Ukrainian-born #12-rated WBO contender, is calling out Dogboe.




“I feel I am the best super bantamweight in the world!” said the confident Khegai. “I want to prove my point by fighting the most avoided fighters in the division. Bring on Dogboe!”




Last Saturday night at the Gila River Arena in Glendale, 加利福尼亚州, the undefeated Dogboe (20-0, 14 科斯) scored an eye-opening TKO 1 over challenger Hidenori Otake of Japan. Dogboe looked to be a serious force while dominating his foe and dropping him twice with relative ease.




Khegai (13-0-1, 9 科斯) also wowed the boxing world in May of this year, with a dominant unanimous decision over well-respected contender Adam Lopez, live on Showtime.




“I know Isaac had an impressive victory and I commend him for that,” continued Khegai. “But I will gladly fight him. I know I can’t be beat at this weight and I’ll fight anyone to prove it.”




“Arnold is a blue-chip contender on his way to becoming a dominant name in the super bantamweight division,”他的发起人说, 德米特里Salita. “Not only does he have the skills and power, 但最重要的, he has the desire to fight the best. That is a complete package.”

SHOWTIME®首映摇篮冠军, 记载纽约金手套的战士励志之旅



命名为“最佳剧情”在 2017 大天空纪录片电影节;

摇篮冠军赛首映周五, 九月 21 在Showtime

视图, 分享, 嵌入拖车: https://s.sho.com/2Msfq0X


纽约 - 八月 27, 2018 - SHOWTIME已经收购了电视转播权 摇篮冠军, 纪录片通过纽约金手套锦标赛将观众, 在该国最负盛名的业余拳击赛事之一. 编导记者巴特尔·布尔, 电影首映会 星期五, 九月 21 在 8 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime.


摇篮冠军 编年史3名鼓舞战士詹姆斯·威尔金斯, 尼萨·罗德里格斯, 和Titus威廉姆斯,因为他们浏览10个星期的比赛,争取在他们的方式 500 从五大区的拳击手, 所有争夺金手套冠军的觊觎冠军. 通过三个相互交织而独特的叙事, 影片探讨了对拳击伟大的艰苦历程的压力和牺牲.




拍摄的真实电影风格,没有画外音, 字符驱动的叙述检查意味着什么“争取你的生活,”不仅对拳击手, 同时也为他们的教练, 导师, 队友和亲人. 摇篮冠军 包括设置对纽约市的坚韧不拔的城市景观,以建立一个强大的和分层账户的真正角色和贴心的启示 2015 比赛.




所述薄膜沿着Williams和威尔金斯因为他们战斗通过132磅的托架的相对侧. 威廉姆斯是对职业成功的边缘比赛喜爱. 他被教练乔·希金斯辅导, 一个退休的纽约市消防员从疾病的痛苦过程中,在世界贸易中心在九月过后的救援和恢复工作持续 11, 2001 恐怖袭击. 威尔金斯, 一个史泰登岛当地谁引导他倾向战斗到业余生涯, 旨在击败威廉姆斯,并建立了自己作为一个前景看,他转向了专业队伍. 与此同时, 单身母亲和教师罗德里格斯 - 五时间金手套冠军和自称, “南布朗克斯的战斗豪情” -attempts巩固她的遗产,她将在她的目光 2016 奥运选拔赛.


摇篮冠军 是公牛的第一个努力为纪录片. 基于纽约的作家和记者贸易谁专门从事外交事务和中东, 公牛已经出现在NPR, 福克斯新闻, BBC, 和其他新闻媒体, 他的作品已刊登在 纽约时报, 华盛顿邮报, 和 华尔街日报.


摇篮冠军 是执行由Donald罗森菲尔德产生 (生命之树, 佐杜洛夫斯基的沙丘, 日遗迹) 和书面和公牛定向, 与摄影师汤姆·赫尔维茨协会 (凡尔赛宫的女王) 和编辑迈克尔·莱文 (雷斯特雷波). 这部电影是在一个官方评选 2017 美国纪录片电影节, 该 2017 圣巴巴拉国际电影节和Doc NYC 2017.摇篮冠军 在被评为最佳故事片 2017 大天空纪录片电影节.


Ruben Villa Remains Unbeaten After Friday NIght’s Unanimous Decision Win

费城, 佩恩. /橙, 加利福尼亚州. (八月. 27, 2018) – 鲁本别墅 (13-0, 5 科斯) continued his trend of routing opponents on the scorecards by thoroughly outpointing Jose Santos Gonzalez (23-7, 13 科斯) in Friday night’sLocked n’ 已加载” 主要事件.
Villa used his signature quickness to batter Gonzalez throughout the 8-round fight.
I was able to find the range from the outside and also get inside a little bit,” said Villa after the fight. “He was a little bit awkward, but I still found ways to land combinations.
To watch a replay of the fight, please click here.
The southpaw from Salinas, 加利福尼亚州. hammered Gonzalez with accurate jabs and punishing left hands. In nearly every round, 别墅, 21, rocked Gonzalez on his heels with a variety of punches from all sorts of angles.
冈萨雷斯, despite his experience in high profile fights, was unable to muster any kind of attack. He nearly went down in the fifth when Villa cracked him with a body shot. 分数: 80-72, 79-73 两次.
Villa is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请检查 横幅促销的Facebook页面 , 并按照我们 Instagram的叽叽喳喳 BannerBoxing
卡洛斯·巴埃萨摄 / 汤普森拳击

Khadis Ibragimov new M-1 Challenge Light Heavyweight Champion

M-1的挑战 96 官方结果 & 照片
New M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Khadis Ibragimov was crowned
圣彼得堡, 俄罗斯 (八月 26, 2018) – 不败 Khadis易卜拉欣莫夫 (7-0-0) 打败 梅德Mikutsa 在昨晚的 M-1的挑战 96 main event to capture the vacant M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title, 圣彼得堡 M-1 体育场, 俄罗斯.




MMA fighters represented 10 different countries in this international event: 俄罗斯, 美国, 乌克兰, 巴西, 法国, 波兰, 匈牙利, 捷克共和国, 哈萨克斯坦和格鲁吉亚.




Ibragimov, 从战斗的俄罗斯, locked in a rear-naked choke to submit his Ukrainian opponent, Mikutsa (9-4-1), in the second round for the vacant M-1 Challenge light heavyweight crown.




在共功能的事件, 俄罗斯轻量级 维克托·Kolesnik (15-3-1) finished off his American foe, 丹尼尔 “Agent OrangeSwain (18-9-1) in the opening round with damaging leg kicks.




巴西轻量级 米歇尔 “Sassariro” 席尔瓦 (20-7-1) was too much for previously unbeaten 阿列克谢 “PhenomenalIlyenko (8-1-1), who succumbed to a vicious ground-and-pound attack.




乌克兰轻量级 长博尤里 (10-1-0) took a unanimous decision from Steve Polifonte (13-6-0), 法国的.




格鲁吉亚轻量级 瓦扎Tsiptauri (6-1-0) 手 Sanzhar Adilov (4-1-0), 哈萨克斯坦, his first loss as a professional by way of a unanimous decision.




在undercard, 俄罗斯重量级 尤里·费奥多罗夫 (2-0-0) ground-and-pounded his way to a third-round technical knockout of fellow countryman Sergey Goltsov (0-2-), 俄罗斯轻量级 艾哈迈德汗·博科夫 (4-3-0) edged pro-debuting Adam Borovec (0-1-0) 通过多数决定, 和俄罗斯的轻量级 尼基塔·索伦 (5-2-0) registered a unanimous decision victory against Rene Hackl (4-1-0), 匈牙利的).




Russian pro-debuting Vasily Kozlov (1-0-0), fighting at a 158 ½ catchweight, 和俄罗斯次中量级 鲍里斯·梅德韦杰夫 (3-0-0) were first-round, one-punch knockout winners, 分别, 与 Jurand Lisiesk我 (3-1-1), 波兰, 和乌克兰 Dmitriy Tikhonyuk (0-1-0). 俄罗斯轻量级 Artem Tarasov (3-1-0) used a barrage of punches to stop Filip Kovarik (3-1-0), 波兰, 在第一轮比赛.










Khadis易卜拉欣莫夫 (7-0-0, M-1的: 3-0-0), 俄罗斯

WSUB2 (4:30 – 后方赤裸阻气)

梅德Mikutsa (9-4-1, M-1的: 2-2-0), 乌克兰

(Ibragimov won the M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title)


共同特征 – 羽量级



维克托·Kolesnik (15-3-1, M-1的: 4-1-1), 俄罗斯

WTKO1 (4:21 – 踢腿)

丹尼尔·斯温 (18-9-1, M-1的: 1-1-1), 美国




迈克尔·席尔瓦 (20-7-1, M-1的: 2-2-0), 巴西

WTKO1 (1:34 – ground-and-pound)

Alexey Ilyenko (8-1-1, M-1的: 1-1-0), 俄罗斯




长博尤里 (10-1-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 乌克兰


Steve Polifonte (13-6-0, M-1的: 0-1-0), 法国





瓦扎Tsiptauri (6-1-0, M-1的: 4-0-0)


Sanzhar Adilov (4-1-0, M-1的: 0-1-0), 哈萨克斯坦







尤里·费奥多罗夫 (2-0-0, M-1的: 2-0-0), 俄罗斯

WTKO3 (1:11 – ground-and-pound)

Sergey Goltsov (0-2-0, M-1的: 0-1-0), 俄罗斯





Rafal Kijanczuk (4-0-0 (M-1的: 2-0-0), 波兰

WTKO1 (5:00 – 伤)

Ibragim Sagov (4-2-0, M-1的: 3-2-0), 俄罗斯


CATCHWEIGHT (72, 公斤, 158 ½磅。)



Vasily Kozlov (1-0-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 俄罗斯

WKO1 (0:42 – 冲床)

Jurand Lisieski (3-1-1, M-1的: 0-1-0), 波兰





Dmitriy Tikhonyuk (1-0-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 乌克兰

WKO1 (1:07 – 冲床)

鲍里斯·梅德韦杰夫 (2-1-0, M-1的: 1-1-0), 俄罗斯





Artem Tarasov (3-1-0, M-1的: 1-0-0), 俄罗斯

WKO1 (1:57 – 拳)

Filip Kovarik (3-1-0, M-1的: 1-1-0), 波兰





尼基塔·索伦 (5-2-0, M-1的: 2-1-0), 俄罗斯


Rene Hackl (4-1-0, M-1的: 0-1-0), 匈牙利




艾哈迈德汗·博科夫 (4-3-0, M-1的: 4-1-0), 俄罗斯


Adam Borovec (0-1-0, M-1的: 0-1-0), 捷克共和国



Khadis易卜拉欣莫夫 (L) wore down Dmitry Mikutsa
维克托·Kolesnik (L) kicked his way past Daniel Swain
Michel Silva is shown finishing off Alexey Ilyenko
长博尤里 (L) defeated Steve Polifonte
瓦扎Tsiptauri (top position) decisioned Sanzhar Adilov








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