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Svijet Bare koljenica Borba Federacija “Rise of the Titans” Press konferencija citati & SLIKE

Uspon Titans
Johnny Hendricks vs. Dakota Cochrane
WBKFF srednjoj prvenstvo
Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
WBKFF poluteškoj prvenstvo
Studeni 9, 2018 * Casper Događaji centar * Casper, Vajoming
Emitiranje uživo na SVJETSKIH PPV
Za Immediate Release
Ovaj petak navečer na svijetu PPV Uživo iz Casper, Vajoming
LIMITED ULAZNICE još uvijek na prodaju
Chris Leben (govoreći na postolju) i Phil Baroni razmijenili pleasantries na današnjoj “Rise of the Titans” press konferencija u Casper, Vajoming. (više slika ispod, sve ljubaznošću Christopher Cook)

CASPER, Vajoming (Studeni 7, 2018) — Završna konferencija za novinare za petak navečer je “Rise of the Titans,” pay-per-view događaja, predstavio Svijet Bare koljenice Fighting Federacije (WBKFF), održana je danas u Hilton Gardens Inn u Casper, Vajoming.




Zabavni glavna kartica naslov je WBKFF srednjoj naslov boriti između bivšeg UFC velter kategorija prvaka Johny “veliki Rigg” Hendricks i MMA veteran Dakota Cochrane, koji je zamijenio originalni naslov izazivača “Irci” Brennan Ward.




Reflektor će također biti na ko opremljenog događaja, kada Chris “Crippler” život a “New York Bad Ass” Phil Baroni borba za WBKFF poluteškoj krune, u ono što se očekuje da će biti vrlo zabavna borba.




Integrirani Sport Mediji će distribuirati “Rise of the Titans” Glavna kartica diljem Sjeverne Amerike, s početkom u 10 poslije podne. I / 7 poslije podne. PT, na kabelu, satelitska i digitalna pay-per-view putem potražnje, Vubiquity, DirecTV i Dish u SAD-u, kao i Rogers, Shaw, Bell TV i SaskTel u Kanadi, i prenositi uživo diljem svijeta na FITE.TV aplikacije i web stranice, po preporučenoj maloprodajnoj cijeni od $29.95.




PPV Glavna kartica će također značajka Las Vegas srednjoj Joey Angelo protiv Albuquerque Julijanski “Nitrane” Traka, Ultimate Fighter Drugoplasirani Christina maraka protiv profesionalni boksač Jasmin Clarkson Za WBKFF Ženske Bantamweight prvenstva,Brazilac Marcelo “Mello” Alfaya poprima Joey Munoz na 177-pound catchweight, andformer UFC i Bellator borac, bokser srednje kategorije Zadirkivati “Zubar” dolje, suočava Albuquerque boksača “Lud” Mike Aldrete.




Slijepa Izvlačenje će se održati u današnje vagati (7 poslije podne. MT u Hilton Garden Inn) odrediti meč-up za WBKFF je plasiranje svojih $100,000 Lagan turnir, udaranje-off tri borbe: MMA veterana Zarez “Ghost” Gonzalez, Irska-native Kreja “Ćud suradnik” Cucciniello, Estevan “Užasno” Payan, Robbie “problemi” Peralta, Mikrofon “Grčki ubojica” Bronzoulis, i južnoafrička Leon “Iron Lion” Mynhardt




The “Rise of the Titans” Preliminarni kartica će prethoditi PPV događaj, koji će biti dostupan za gledanje na besplatan pregled, s početkom u 8:30 poslije podne. I / 5:30 poslije podne. PT, živjeti FITE.TV, kao i putem directv i jelo pay-per-view kanala su doveli do glavne kartice na PPV.




bori preliminarnim kartice su bivši UFC borac Issac Vallie-Flagg vs. Cory Simpson na 175 funti catchweight, Kalifornija super teškoj kategoriji C. J.. “velika torta” Leveque vs. Novi Meksiko je Juan Torres, a Fred Pierce vs. Jeff Chif Fens borbe na 160-pound catchweight.




Sve borbe i borci su podložne promjenama.




Hall of Fame prsten spiker Jimmy Lennon, Jr. pridružuje WBKFF sve zvjezdice najavljujući tim sastavljen od Bas Rutten, Kenny Rice a jessica Penne, koji će sve raditi na PPV i preliminarna kartice.




Novo doneseni propisi, uključujući gospodarstvo i upadljivih, predenje backfists i čekić šake će se koristiti u svim WBKFF borbe, koji će se pobijati u tradicionalnom boksački ring za optimalno gledanje i sigurnosti. Svi muškarci i žene utakmica će imati pet (dvije minute) kola.




Ograničeni ulaznice su u prodaji na raspolaganju za kupnju odlaskom online ovdje:




Cijene ulaznica kreću se između $200.00 – $500.00 za ring, $50.00, $30.00, $20.00, $10.00 u 100 tribinama razini.


Press konferencija citati i dodatne slike ispod

BAS Rutten, predsjednik WBKFF: “Prije dva i pol mjeseca sam bio zamoljen da se boji komentator za ovaj show. Rečeno mi je da su oni učiniti ništa za mene to sam neki istraživački rad i osjetio gole bokser ima dobru budućnost, tako da sam se sastao s dužnosnicima WBKFF u Chicagu, i sad sam predsjednik.”


TOM STANKIEWICZ, CEO WBKFF & osnivač: “Ovo će biti veliki show. Imamo veliki prsten spiker, Jimmy Lennon, Jr., i velika najavljujući tim sa Bas, Kenny Rice i Jessica Penne. Želim zahvaliti ljudima Wyoming uz nas. Svi borci su spremni, a to će biti veliki show.”


PHIL BARONI: “Ja sam uvijek glavna atrakcija. To će biti dobra borba. Sretno ti (život).”


CHRIS ŽIVOT: “To je bio dug put. Vidio sam bout list i mislio to je bio rad. Bio sam pozvan da se bori Phil Baroni. On dolazi iz pobjede, Dolazim iz swinging. Žao mi je you'r (Baroni) će biti onaj u prstenu petak navečer.”

JOSH DOLJE: “Nisam se borio za gotovo tri godine, ali sam bio trening svaki dan. Bio sam prilazi da se bori na ovoj kartici. Kad sam vidio Leben i Baroni su se borili, Znao sam da će ovo biti bolestan kartica.”


MIKE ALDERETE: “Sretan sam što sam ovdje. Borim se ime protivnika. WBKFF daje nam ovu priliku. Ja sam boksač i želim pokazati svima ono što ja mogu učiniti.”


Issac VALLIE-Flagg: “Ja sam uzbuđen biti ovdje i boriti se bez rukavica, stojeći bez uklanjanjem. Cory je tvrd momak. Siguran sam da ćemo pobijediti pakao iz jedni druge.”

Cory SIMPSON: “Ja sam uzbuđen pokazati što mogu učiniti. Idem bilješku.”




L-R: (ispred) Christina Marks i Jasmine Clarkson; (stražnji) Predsjednik WBKFF Bas Rutten i

WBKFF CEO Tom Stankiewicz



WBKFF $100,000 Lagani sudionici turnira početni udarac


L-R – (ispred) Nick Gonzalez, Leon Mynhardt, Estevan Payan, Jay Cucciniello i Robbie Peralta; (stražnji) Predsjednik WBKFF Bas Rutten. WBKFF direktor Tom Stankiewicz i Mike Bronzoulis








Facebook: /WBKFF




Cvrkut: @WBKFF

Instagram: @WORLDBKFF


O svjetskom BARE koljenica BORBE PROTIV FEDERACIJE (WBKFF): Sa sjedištem u Chicagu, WBKFF misija je postati svjetski lider u borilačkim sportovima. WBKFF stabilna boraca već premašuje 100. Bare koljenica borbe je jedan od najbrže rastućih sportova u svijetu. Samo jaki opstati kad su rukavice su off i sve što stoji između protivnika je njihova volja i odlučnost.

Banner Promotions signs undefeated Lightweight Golden Garcia

PHILADELPHIA, PENN.(Studeni 6, 2018)–Banner Promotions is proud to announce the signing of undefeated lightweight, Golden Garcia to a promotional contract.




Garcia, 30 years-old of Montreal, Kanada, ima rekord 11-0-1 with six-knockouts.




Garcia began boxing at the age of 12 when he walked in to a gym to get in shape.




I got into a few scraps in the street, so it was nice to go to a place where fighting was allowed,” Said Garcia.




Garcia had about 60 amaterske borbe, where he competed at 130 funti.




Garcia turned professional on June 28, 2014 with a 2nd round stoppage over Michael Gargouri in Quebec, Kanada. He has fought all of his bouts in Canada, which included a win over Oscar Mejia (10-2-1).




U svom posljednjem meču, Garcia stopped Adalberto Borquez on March 24th in Montreal.




Garcia is a pressure fighter that throws a high volume of punches and tries to overwhelm his opponents. Garcia prides himself for his endurance and he believes that the longer the fight goes, bolje je.




This is a great opportunity for me to step up. I will get better chances to show off my skills, and being with Banner Promotions can help me get farther in my career then I could imagine,” Said Garcia. “I am looking forward to this partnership, and together we will do big things.




Said Garcia’s manager, Bivši svjetski prvak, Otis Grant, “Golden has a lot of potential. He is a very hard worker. I have confidence in Artie Pelullo and Banner Promotions. I was his 1st world champion. This will open the door to sign more fighters with Banner. I have a lot of good fighters, and I am looking to send more to Artie.




I am happy to be working with my 1st world champion Otis Grant, and his brother Howard. They have a terrific eye for talent, and Golden will be the 1st of many fighters that we will be working together, to bring to world championships,” rekao Banner Promocije predsjednik, Artie Pelullo.






Za redovite obavijesti o našim borcima, Događaji, i promocije, molim provjerite Facebook stranica za promocije banera , i slijedite nas dalje Instagram a Cvrkut BannerBoxing

Vlasov: 'Ili uradi ili umri'

U Poljskoj Krzysztof Glowacki a Rusija je Maksim Vlasov temeljito su proučavali jedno drugo prije svog Ali Trophy Cruiserweight četvrtfinale studeni 10 u paviljonu UIC u Chicagu.


Ulaznice su dostupne putem ili pozivom 800-745-3000.




“Gledao sam mnogo njegovih (Vlasova) bori se zajedno sa svojim trenerom i imamo spremnu taktiku,”Rekao je 32-godišnji Glowacki (30-1, 19 Kos). "Naravno, on ima puno slabih točaka, ali ima i puno prednosti.




“Ali nisam usredotočena na njega, stvarno. Nije me briga što radi, što jede ili spava li puno. Uglavnom se zanimam za sebe i ono što radim. Jer znam da ako dam sve, Pobijedit ću.




“Što donosim na turnir? Moja vjera najvećim dijelom, moja vjera da ću pobijediti i znam da može biti samo jedan prvak. "




Vlasov, borac s uspjehom u više utega, dobro je pripremljen za izazov.




“Znam mnogo o protivniku Krzysztofu Glowackiju,”, Rekao je 32-godišnji Vlasov (42-2, 25 Kos). “Gledao sam mnoge njegove borbe, on je težak i opasan boksač. On je borac koji može pucati u svakom trenutku i uvijek ga morate gledati i ostati koncentriran.




“U ovoj fazi moje karijere, ova borba protiv Glowackog je ključna. Ili učini ili umri. "




Latvije Mairis jelene protiv Njemačke Noel Mikaelian a Krzysztof Glowacki vs Maksim Vlasov dva su četvrtfinala Cruiserweight-a na nevjerojatnom dvoglavom kad Svjetska boksačka super serija dolazi na UIC paviljon u Chicagu.




Obožavatelji u SAD -u. četvrtfinale možete gledati UŽIVO na DAZN-u, globalna sportska streaming platforma. Prijavite se za jednomjesečno besplatno probno razdoblje, obožavatelji mogu posjetiti ili preuzeti aplikaciju DAZN na željeni povezani uređaj.




Nekoliko lokalnih potencijala istaknut će uzbudljivu potkapicu.

Branden Pizarro And Gadwin Rosa To Compete For NBA Title Belts As Part Of Non-Televised Undercard Of ShoBox The New Generation Friday, Studeni 16 At The 2300 Arena In Philadelphia

Pizarro Battles Jerome Rodriguez; Rosa Takes On Veteran German Meraz

PHILADELPHIA — Studeni 7, 2018 — Two members of the Hard Hitting Promotions stable will fight for NBA title belts on the non-televised undercard of a ShoBox: The New Generation event on Friday, Studeni 16 na 2300 Arena u Philadelphiji.




Junior welterweight Branden Pizarro will take on Jerome Rodriguez in an eight-round bout for the NBA Intercontinental title, while undefeated super featherweight Gadwin Rosa faces German Meraz in a six-round bout for the NBA Intercontinental title.




Those bouts will precede a ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader live on SHOWTIME® (9:35 poslije podne. ET / PT) that will feature an all-Philly showdown between undefeated Jaron Ennis and veteran Raymond Serrano. U televizijskom suradnji značajke, Promocije s velikim udarom’ Samuel Teah will face Kenneth Sims Jr. in a junior welterweight bout. Opening the telecast will be a super bantamweight matchup between Arnold Khegai and Jorge Diaz.




The NBA belt is a great springboard title, and to have two of our young prospects fight for titles on this great card is terrific for them,” said Manny Rivera of Hard Hitting Promotions. “The NBA has a long history of champions which include Roy Jones and Hector Camacho, so we definitely think that this will be the first of many titles for Branden and Gadwin.




Pizarro, Philadelphia, ima rekord 12-1 sa šest knockouts, and the 19-year-old keeps improving with each fight. Rodriguez (7-10-3, 2 Kos), od Allentown, Pensilvanija, is battle tested and has wins over two undefeated fighters, including world-ranked Avery Sparrow.




Rosa ,of Ocala, Florida, je 8-0 with seven knockouts. The unbeaten super featherweight will look to continue his knockout prowess as he fights the 113-fight veteran German Meraz, who has faced numerous top prospects and contenders. For Rosa, this fight will be a solid indicator of where the talented youngster stands as he climbs the 130-pound ladder.




In more non-televised action:




Kieran Hooks (3-1-1, 1 KO), Philadelphia, will fight Gledwin Ortiz (5-2, 4 Kos), od Bronxu, NY, u velter kategorija borbe.




Christian Tapia (6-0, 5 Kos). of Coamo, Portoriko, fights Darnell Pettis (3-12), Cleveland, in a super featherweight contest.




Light heavyweight Benny Sinakin (1-0), Philadelphia, will face Darren Gibbs (1-5, 1 KO), of Ferndale, mene.




Also seeing action against opponents to be named will be super bantamweight Angel Pizarro, Philadelphia, and light heavyweight David Stevens, čitanja, Pensilvanija, who will make his professional debut in a cruiserweight fight.




Tickets for the show, which is promoted by Victory Promotions in association with Hard Hitting Promotions, are priced $50, $75 a $125 i mogu se kupiti na a

Liddell vs. Ortiz 3 to air worldwide on FITE Saturday November 24, 2018

Main card and viewing details announced



New York City (Studeni 7, 2018): Golden Boy Promotions and FITE announced today that the third encounter of UFC Hall of Famers Tito Ortiz (19-12-1 MMA) and Chuck Liddell (21-8 MMA), taking place on Saturday Nov 24th at The “Fabulous” Forum in Inglewood, Kalifornija, will stream live around the world on the FITE digital streaming network as part of the partnership deal with Golden Boy Promotions. Bell time for the PPV broadcast is 9:00pm ET / 6:00pm PT.



FITE will stream the trilogy fight on its platform, live on digital pay per view to a worldwide audience of viewers. Pre-orders are available now on the www.FITE.TV website, FITE mobile apps for iOS, Android, and the FITE channel on Amazon Fire, Android, Apple TV, and Roku on a PPV basis.



Two of the most recognizable names in UFC and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Povijest, Liddell and Ortiz enter the cage on Thanksgiving weekend in what’s expected to be a throwback fight to the golden age of MMA. The fight takes place under Oscar De La Hoya’s Golden Boy Promotions banner.



Main card details for the pay per view stream have been announced. The six-fight main card features UFC veterans Gleison Tibau (33-14) vs. Efrain Escudero (30-13) in a Catchweight bout and UFC veteran Tom Lawlor taking on prospect Deron Winn in a light heavyweight bout.



Main Card Lineup / Pay Per View Stream




Chuck LIDDELL (21—8) vs. Tito ORTIZ (19-12-1)




Deron WINN (4-0) vs. Tom LAWLOR (10-6)





Kenneth BERGH (4-1) vs. Jorge GONZALEZ (14-4)




Gleison TIBAU (29-14) vs. Efrain ESCUDERO (28-13)




Walel WATSON (13-11) vs. Ricardo PALACIOS (10-1)



Teška kategorija:

Jay SILVA (10-9) vs. Oscar COTA (8-1)



The resumes of Liddell and Ortiz speak for themselves as both fought the most important fighters of their era. The two first fought in the UFC cage in 2004 after months of trash talk in which Liddell said he always dominated Ortiz in sparring during their past training sessions together. Liddell won the fight in spectacular fashion via KO, but the grudge was far from over. U 2006 the two faced off again with Ortiz vowing he would even the score. Ortiz fared much better in the second encounter but again succumbed to Liddell via referee stoppage TKO.



Tito Ortiz returns to the cage after a submission win over Chael Sonnen back in January 2017 to fight for redemption against his longtime rival Chuck Liddell. Liddell, coming out of retirement, is fighting to make it a perfect 3-0 over the “The Huntington Beach Bad Boyand to close the door on a feud that has spanned more than a decade. With a rivalry this intense and emotions still running high, this trilogy fight has fighters and fans from multiple generations excited to see the final chapter of one of the biggest rivalries of all time!



To order and watch the fight, posjetite

Banner Promotions signs former Olympian Naim Terbunja

PHILADELPHIA, PENN.(Studeni 6, 2018)–Banner Promotions is proud to announce the signing of former Olympian and current super middleweight Naim Terbunja.




Terbunja of Linkoping, Sweden by way of Pristina, Kosovo, represented Sweden in the 2008 Olimpijske igre. He currently holds a professional record of 10-2-1 s jednom nokaut.




The 34 year-old Terbunja began boxing at the age of 14, as he was a young soccer player looking to get stronger. Terbunja took up boxing, and fell in love with the sport.




That sparked an amateur career that saw him go 200-36. Terbunja fought all over the world for the Swedish National team, and then to the 2008 Olympics where he lost to Matt Korobov in the round of 36.




Terbunja moved to Long Island and spent part of his amateur career in the United States and captured the National Golden Gloves title in 2009 by defeating Luis Arias in the finals.




Terbunja turned professional on April 27, 2012 with a unanimous decision over Vladimir Spasojevic in Sweden. Terbunja has fought six times in Sweden and twice in Kosovo.




Terbunja has a 1st round stoppage over previously undefeated Joel De La Paz (7-0) srpnja 23, 2016.




Terbunja is coming off a disputed draw with regarded Lanell Bellows on May 11th in Las Vegas.




I am happy to sign with Banner Promotions,” said Terbunja. “If I have a good team around me, I believe that I can fight for a world title. Banner Promotions can help me where I need to go.




Naim has a blue chip pedigree. He was an Olympian, and the bout he lost was close. He has had one bad fight at super middleweight. I believe he has the ability to be in position to fight for a world championship. He has an awkward style, and a good chin. He now has a good opportunity with Banner Promotions to realize his potential,” said Terbunja’s manager, Pat Zagarino.




We happy to have signed Naim. He was an Olympian, and we think he can become a player in the super middleweight division. We look forward to getting him in the ring before the end of the year, and we will get him in prime position in 2019,” rekao Banner Promocije predsjednik Artie Pelullo.




Za redovite obavijesti o našim borcima, Događaji, i promocije, molim provjerite Facebook stranica za promocije banera , i slijedite nas dalje Instagram a Cvrkut BannerBoxing

Greg Cohen Promotions Signs Super Middleweight Derrick Webster to a Promotional Contract

Greg Cohen Promotions proudly announces the signing of once-beaten super middleweight Derrick “Take It to The Bank” Webster.




Glassboro, New Jersey’s Webster (28-1, 14 Kos) stands an enormous 6’ 4”, with fast and powerful hands. The naturally athletic southpaw only had 40 amateur fights and didn’t even start boxing until age 24 but picked up the sport very quickly.




Unlike most world-class fighters, Webster is a successful home-remodeling and construction business owner. He also played power forward for two seasons for the University of Maryland basketball while earning a bachelor’s degree in Juvenile Criminal Justice.




"Osjećam se nevjerojatno,” said Webster of the signing. “I feel like I belong on this level. I have a different story from the people I’m around. They’ve been fighting since they were kids. I didn’t pick up gloves until I was 24. For me to be here, with people who have been fighting all their lives… I’ve already reached a level a lot of guys never reach.”




Webster says trusting the wrong people made for a tough road earlier in his career, but he’s ready for a run at a world championship now that he has father figure/trainer Denny Brown and the experienced promoter Cohen on his side.




“From early on, people have been promising this and promising that. I’m past that point. I deal with that earlier in my career. I don’t have the patience to be playing around anymore. Greg says we’re fighting December 1 and then we will come back and fight again early next year. I expect to break into the world ratings and take my shot at a world championship.”




Webster is unique in that he’s not financially dependent on boxing. All of his sacrifice and work is done because he wants to.




“A lot of guys fight because they need it for their identity. I am successful in business already. I have built myself up as a brand. I have businesses that are doing well. Boxing just adds to my life. I still act. I do modelling. I don’t have to worry about money in boxing.”




Cohen says he’ll act quickly with Webster to get him into position for a world championship challenge.




“Derrick is a unique talent who is overdue for a big fight. With almost no previous experience, he has worked his way to a 28-1 record with solid wins over several reliable veterans. At the top of his potential, he can be a super middleweight version of (bivši prvak u poluteškoj kategoriji) Paul Williams. He’s a smart and naturally talented fighter with excellent potential to become a force at 168 lbs.”




PHILADELPHIA / LOS ANGELES – Studeni 6, 2018 – Brandon Adams won a majority decision over Eric Walker to advance to the final of The Contender on EPIX®.




Adams dropped Walker in round four with a hard right-left combination and came through the hard fought contest by scores of 49-45, 48-46 a 47-47.




Adams, 20-2 s 13 miševa, will now advance to the finals, where he will take on Shane Mosley, Jr. (13-2, 8 Kos) na forum u Inglewood, California this Friday night live on EPIX at 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT.




We are very proud of Brandon. We are excited to watch Brandon fight for The Contender title on Friday. He is a terrific fighter, and with a win, we can expect to see Brandon in big fights,” said Matthew Rowland, Potpredsjednik Banner Promocije.


The original Contender series ran for four seasons (2005-2009) and launched multiple fighters into contention for world titles, including title winners Sergio Mora, Kornelije Bundrage, Saki Bik, and Sam Soliman.




Eric Van Wagenen serves as executive producer and showrunner of the revived franchise alongside Mark Burnett. The format is owned by MGM Television and Paramount Television.




EPIX is available nationwide through cable, satelit, telco and streaming TV providers including Charter Spectrum, Cox, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-stih, Dish Network, Sling, PlayStation Vue and, as of June 13, Comcast.


Portland, Mejn (Studeni 6, 2018) – Two things have provided a compass for Zac Richard through his admittedly challenging journey into young adulthood: Borilački sportovi, and the fighting spirit of his older sister, Lacy.

Richard will combine those influences in a powerful way when he enters the New England Fights mixed martial arts cage Saturday, Studeni 17 for “NEF 36: Battle For the Gold” at Aura in Portland. Opening bell time is 7 poslije podne.

The former high school state champion wrestler from Waterboro, Mejn, undefeated in two short MMA forays, will take on Chris Lachcik. It’s a weekend with unforgettable significance for Richard and his family: That weekend will mark the six-year anniversary that Zac’s sister, Lacy, 23, passed away after a battle with cancer.

“It’s a weird thing losing your sister. It’s certainly going to help motivate me,” Richard said. “A lot of the fans that are going to be there will be wearing T-shirts that we made with my sister’s picture on it. I think it will be an emotional night.”

Lacy’s death came early in Zac’s sophomore year at Massabesic High School.

It fueled his development as one of the top schoolboy wrestlers in the state. After losing an overtime decision at the Class A state meet as a junior, Richard finally grabbed 145-pound gold in his senior campaign of 2015.

“That was always my thing,” Richard said, “I remember a wrestling match my senior year. I was getting my ass kicked by this kid and had no energy to get up. That’s all I could think about was if Lacy could get up, so can I. I ended up winning that match, previše, so it’s kind of crazy.”

All-state and New England competitions were in play that year, kao, but Richard said his postseason was cut short for disciplinary reasons.

It began a cycle of a year or two in which Richard – the only remaining child of Glen and Shelly – struggled to find his way in life.

His relationship with his parents suffered. Memories of their inseparable bond during his wrestling career ultimately provided Zac’s wake-up call.

“Starting in middle school, my parents drove me to New Hampshire every single day to practice. They drove me all around the country. They bought me a sauna to cut weight in. They always loved the sport,” Richard said, “Once wrestling ended, I was just kind of being a (jerk). They stopped talking to me as much and we weren’t as close.

“I always missed (rvanje). I had nothing to keep me out of trouble. Wrestling was what always did that for me. It sounds corny, but once 2018 came it was like, “All right, let’s get your (stuff) together.It was time to do something with my free time.”

Richard joined forces with Nostos MMA in Somersworth, New Hampshire, home of former NEF Lightweight Champion and current Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) fighter Devin Powell.

It didn’t take long for Richard to find a home and follow his mentor into competition. His docket to date includes first-round technical knockouts of Gabriel Diaz and Clifford Redman.

“Devin is definitely cool. He took me under his wing when I first went in there,” Richard said. “I went to the NEF fights in February when I first started, and he brought me in the cage to get a feel for it and stuff. He’s always given me good advice and told me which fights I should take and which ones I shouldn’t.”

Slučajno, both Richard and Powell are preparing for bouts that will take place the same day. Powell’s is on the first-ever UFC card in Argentina.

“We’re both training right now, so it’s not as one-to-one as much this time, but I love having him as a coach,” Richard said. “I drive 45 minutes every single day because it’s Devin, znate?"

Richard’s transition to the multi-dimensional MMA arena has been so quick that his repertoire remains a work in progress. He relies heavily on his wrestling acumen and the relentless personality that made him a champion on the mat.

“I love it because I can actually slam people now,” he said with a laugh. “I was a real scrappy wrestler. I had the most takedowns for my high school, which I crushed the record before me. So those two things help out a lot in MMA, the takedowns and the scrambling, because I don’t practice as much jiu-jitsu as I should. But my wrestling can usually get me out of most situations.

“I’ve always thought about doing MMA. Growing up as a kid I followed the sport. And I’ve always gotten into fights, so it was like, why not? I kind of hit it off pretty quick, and now I’ve fallen in love and I’m obsessed with it.”

That focus isn’t lost on Richard’s parents, who are heavily involved in his life – and budding career – once again.

Zajedno, the family helped raise $33,000 for cancer awareness and research at an annual motorcycle ride in Lacy’s honor this past June.

Ticket and T-shirt sales also are part of their contribution, but they’re not afraid to get a little dirty, ili. When Zac’s boxing coach was unable to attend the last fight, Glen took his place in the corner.

“My parents are very big supporters,” Richard said, “I love them. I love seeing them be happy with me again.”

He noted that they drove all the way to Bangor, between two and three hours, for a one-minute fight earlier this year.

True to his own tradition, Richard hasn’t spent much time watching film of his upcoming opponent.

“I don’t like to game plan. I just want to go in there and do it. If you fought a guy on the street, you couldn’t watch videos of him. That’s the way I look at it,” Richard said. “All through wrestling, I watched film of one kid because it was my state final and I’d wrested him like 12 puta. We went back and forth so it was like, ‘What am I doing wrong?’ But that was different.”

Richard expects this fight to be a jumping-off point as he tests himself against the top competition NEF has to offer in the year ahead.

“I’m just going to take any fight I can get against the best guys,” Richard said. “You can sit here and say, ‘I could have been one of the best fightersand stuff, but you’ll never know until you try. Every fight I’m going to put my hardest into it.”

And through all the blood, sweat and tears, one guiding force will remain constant.

“I’m usually pretty irritated that time of year,” Richard said of Lacy’s anniversary. “Every fight and wrestling match, I’ve just thought to myself if your little sister – well, big sister, but she was tiny – can fight cancer and deal with all this (crap), there’s no way I’m going to back down.”

Nef je sljedeći mješovite borilačke-arts događaj, “NEF 36: Bitka za zlato,” will see the company make its return to Aura in Portland, Mejn. The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, Studeni 17, 2018 with a bell time of 7 pm. Ulaznice su na prodaju sada

Mikaelski: 'Ja sam pametniji'

Nijemac Noel Mikaelian vjeruje da ima što je potrebno za studeni 10 u četvrtfinalu Ali Trophy Cruiserweight protiv Latvijke Mairis Briedis u UIC paviljonu u Chicagu, SAD.


Ulaznice su dostupne putem ili pozivom 800-745-3000.




“Boks je zaista težak sport i nekako postaneš ovisan o njemu,” rekao je 28-godišnji Mikaelian (24-1, 10 Kos).




“Ako ste boksač, ti si boksač za cijeli život. Boks me naučio da sam zaista discipliniran; Dobio sam posvetu sportu i nikad ne odustajem.”




Mikaelian je bivši WBO prvak mladih i WBO međunarodni prvak u teškoj kategoriji, ali do njegova najvećeg testa do sada ima samo nekoliko dana.




“Četvrtfinale protiv Briedisa… bit će to teška borba. On je favorit, on je stvarno dobar borac. Ima dobru školu, sovjetska škola, Probijanje snaga. On je i mislilac u ringu, ali mislim da sam ja pametniji.




“Učinit ću sve što je potrebno za pobjedu. Borim se nakon modela; udari i ne udari. To je za mene boks i kako bi boks trebao biti. ”




“Dao sam drugu priliku,”Rekao je Briedis (24-1, 18 Kos) jedna od zvijezda prve sezone Svjetske boksačke super serije.




A latvijski sportski heroj nesumnjivo je favorit za ponijeti kući ovosezonski Ali Trophy u 200 lb podjela.




“Želim iskoristiti ovu drugu priliku. Ja ću ga upotrijebiti, pa da vidimo dokle ću stići. Svatko od nas na turniru je drugačiji. To je za mene veliki test. I fizički i psihički. "




Prošle godine u listopadu bivši svjetski prvak WBC nagrađen je kao zapovjednik Reda tri zvijezde, najveće državno priznanje u Latviji, za ‘izuzetna sportska postignuća i značajan doprinos promicanju Latvije u svijetu.’




“Želim pokazati svojim primjerom da postoje potrebe za Latvijcima, i ne samo Latvijci, već da se svi općenito povuku. Da ljudi trebaju imati borbeni duh,”, Rekao je 33-godišnjak.




“Mnogo je stvari na kojima moram poraditi na sebi, i fizički i psihički. Ne postajem sve mlađi, ali učinit ću sve što mogu.




“Fizički se osjećam dobro u sebi. Moji fizički indeksi su dobri. Sada, najvažnija stvar, uz Božju pomoć, je vrijedno raditi sa svim svojim boksačkim tehnikama. Želim pokazati što sam sposoban u boksu i pokazati kakav sam. ”




Mairis Briedis vs Noel Mikaelian i Krzysztof Glowacki protiv Maksim Vlasov dva su četvrtfinala u teškoj kategoriji u nevjerojatnoj dvoglavoj glavi kada Svjetska boksačka super serija dolazi na UIC paviljon u Chicagu.


Obožavatelji u SAD -u. četvrtfinale možete gledati UŽIVO na DAZN-u, globalna sportska streaming platforma. Prijavite se za jednomjesečno besplatno probno razdoblje, obožavatelji mogu posjetiti ili preuzeti aplikaciju DAZN na željeni povezani uređaj.




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