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Ennis vs. Serrano Headlines ShoBox: The New Generation Live On SHOWTIME® Na 9:35 poslije podne. ET/PT From 2300 Arena In Philadelphia


Photo Credit: SHOWTIME


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ŠTO: SHOWTIME Sports delivers a day in the life of training camp with Philadelphia’s Jaron Ennis as he prepares to face Raymond Serrano u glavnom slučaju ShoBox: Nova generacija ovo Petak, Studeni 16, živjeti Showtime po 9:35 poslije podne. ET / PT iz 2300 Arena u Philadelphiji.




Ennis (21-0, 19 Kos), who knocked out Armando Alvarez via third-round stoppage in hisShoBox debut in July, has knocked out 11 consecutive opponents. He faces perhaps the toughest test of his career in Serrano, a 29-fight veteran whose five losses have come against opponents with a combined fight night record of 89-1-1.




Training under his father Bozy, who also trained Jaron’s older brothers Derek Jr. and Farah, the 21-year-old undefeated prospect puts in work in what he describes as an ‘old-school’ training camp consisting of chopping wood, flipping tires and climbing rope. With victory in his hometown on his mind this Friday, Ennis vows to become a household name in the sport of boxing.




“When you’re a boxer from Philly, it means you have to put on a show,” says Ennis. “I love fighting at home, that’s the best feeling ever. People let the crowd get to them, I just feel at home. I feel comfortable and relaxed. I get to show out on SHOWTIME in Philly, get a win and look good doing it.




“My goal is to be world champ and be a great example for the kids. I want to unify, get all the belts, move up in weight and keep going, and keep going. Watch out all 147’s. A young animal is on the way!"




In the co-feature of Friday’s live ShoBox televizijska emisija, series veterans Kenneth Sims Jr. (13-1-1, 4 Kos) and Samuel Teah (14-2-1, 7 Kos) meet in an eight-round super lightweight bout. Undefeated Ukrainian Arnold Khegai opens the three-fight card when he takes on New Jersey’s Jorge Diaz (19-5-1, 10 Kos) u osam okrugli super bantamweight borbe.

Super Prospect Shoh Ergashev Brutalizes Ramsey with First-Round KO, Saturday in Chicago

Uzbekistani super lightweight Shohjahon “Shoh” Ergashev showed why he’s the new 140-lb fighter to watch in boxing last Saturday, Studeni 10, u paviljonu UIC u Chicagu, as he destroyed opponent Zack Ramsey in the first round.




The current WBA International Super Lightweight Champion, Ergashev (sada 14-0, 13 Kos), tore into Ramsey from the opening bell of their scheduled six-rounder, dropping him within the first 15 seconds with a right hand and finishing it at 1:09 with a thudding body shot.




Fighting on the undercard of the World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Tournament doubleheader Ergashev elicited “oohs and ahhhs” from the crowd with his brutal display of force. Former unified super lightweight and current welterweight champion Terence Crawford was among the impressed onlookers in the crowd.




Ergashev’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says that in preparation for this fight, Ergashev had been knocking out heavyweights in the Kronk Gym where he trains.




“Shohjahon is one of the hardest punchers in any weight class,”Rekla je Salita. “His skills and physical strength make him not only one of the best in his division, but I believe one of the most exciting and powerful fighters in all of boxing.”




26-year-old Ergashev growls that he’s ready for anyone in the world.




“I want to fight the best names in the division and look forward to having an opponent that can last some rounds with me! I am coming!"


(Photo Credit: Badou Jack Instagram)
Dvoligaški svjetski prvak krenuo je u vrtlog koji je predstavljao pozivnicu za sudjelovanje u Dubai Fitness Challengeu,
Upoznavanje Khabiba Nurmagomedova & Više
LAS VEGAS (Studeni 12, 2018) – Dvoligaški boksački prvak Badou Jack nastavio pokazivati ​​da je uistinu prvak cijelog svijeta jer je otputovao u uzbudljivo putovanje u Dubai koje je uključivalo poziv za sudjelovanje u Dubai Fitness Challengeu, susret s UFC-ovom zvijezdom Khabibom Nurmagomedovim i mnogo više.
Uz pozivnicu iz Dubai turizma, Jack je sudjelovao u inicijativi koja potiče državljane UAE, stanovnici i posjetitelji kako bi vježbali barem 30 minuta dnevno, za 30 uzastopni dani. Javni događaj pružio je Jacku priliku da dalje širi svoje pozitivne poruke.
“Bila mi je čast biti pozvan na ovaj događaj koji je bio dio nezaboravnog putovanja,” rekao je Jack. “Jako sam zahvalan gradu Dubaiju što mi je dopustio da razgovaram s ljudima o važnosti ostajanja aktivnim. Važno mi je da mogu utjecati na cijeli svijet i ovo je bila izvrsna prilika.”
Pored te pozivnice, Jack je posjetio UFC-ovu zvijezdu Khabiba Nurmagomedova, svježa pobjeda nad Conorom McGregorom prošlog mjeseca. Dvoje svjetskih prvaka, koji oboje prakticiraju muslimansku vjeru, sastali su se prvi put i razgovarali o raznim temama, dok je također obilazio lokalnu boksačku / MMA teretanu i pozirao s pojasevima Jackova šampionata.
“Bilo je strašno iskustvo razgovarati s drugim prvakom i natjecateljem poput Khabiba,” rekao je Jack. “Veliki sam obožavatelj onoga što on može raditi u ringu i kao kolega ambasador muslimanske vjere. Bilo je stvarno zabavno razgovarati s njim dok smo oboje bili u Dubaiju.”
U sklopu putovanja, Jack je razgovarao s Men's Health Bliski Istok za članak koji će se objaviti u časopisu i koji će detaljno objasniti više od brojnih pothvata koje Jack trenutno radi i unutar i izvan prstena. Jackovo vrijeme u Dubaiju također ga je vidjelo pozvanog GQ Bliski Istok kao specijalni gost lansiranja uoči njihovog nastupnog broja.
“Volim putovati oko svijeta kako bih iskusio razne kulture, a također nastavljam graditi svoj brand i vraćati bilo gdje da mogu nešto promijeniti,” rekao je Jack. “Bilo da je to Ripper Nutrition, zakladu Badou Jack ili moju boksačku karijeru, Ponosan sam što koristim svoju platformu. Imam puno ciljeva i snova u boksačkom sportu, ali i izvan njega. Stvaranje ovakvih veza pomoći će mi davno prošloj boksačkoj karijeri.”
Sa sve više i više priznanja koja se polažu na Jacka iz godine u godinu, podloga svjetske potpore za “Ripper” se diže dok se priprema za rani povratak u ring 2019. Pripazite na još vijesti od Jacka, uključujući dobrotvorne akcije za nadolazeće blagdansko vrijeme.

World Class referee….. Tom Cleary USA Boxing Alumni Association, Razred 2018 Inductee

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Studeni 12, 2018) – The late Tom Cleary was one of the most respected referees in the world during his illustrious career. He joins a select group in the Class of 2018 getting inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




The second annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception, held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, Prosinac 2-8, will be held December 7, at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salk Lake City, Utah.




In addition to Cleary, klasi 2018 also includes U.S. Olympic Team medalists and world (profesionalac) champions Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward a Claressa Shields, as well as a past USA Boxing National Director of Coaching, kasno Emanuel Steward.




The charter class inducted last year included Muhammad Ali a Evander Holyfield, as well as veteran coaches Roosevelt Sanders a Tom Coulter.




A longtime resident of Westchester, Ohio, Cleary was a USA Boxing member since 1982, and he served as Chief of Officials for the National Collegiate Boxing Association from 2002 until his passing May 21, 2017.




He refereed in 12 različite zemlje, on four continents, as an International Official assigned by AIBA. Tom earned a three-star rating and he was selected to work the World Series of Boxing.




Tom’s dedication to amateur boxing and respect he garnered from boxers, coaches and fellow officials are second to none,” rekla Chris tofflemire, SAD Boks Alumni udruga izvršni direktor. “The Alumni Association emphatically endorsed his case for the Hall of Fame, and his induction was received both by those close to him, as well as the entire amateur boxing community. Tom’s commitment to serving USA Boxing provides a great example for all of us and we couldn’t be prouder to call him a member of this year’s Hall of Fame class.




Tom never forgot where he came from, dedicating countless hours to the youth of Cincinnati, in addition to helping boxing clubs run efficiently throughout his community for more than a quarter-century.




The 2017 NCBA Official of the Year, Tom worked local, regional, national, International, world and Olympic levels of boxing. Highlights included working numerous U.S. Nacionalnih prvenstava, four U.S. Olimpijske Suđenja (2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012) a 2007 World Championships in Chicago.




When I was a young coach at the Air Force Academy,” USA Boxing coach Ed Weichers komentirao, “we needed to replace an AIBA top notch referee who was retiring. We were looking for a highly qualified person and Tom Cleary was recommended. He came out the next 25 years straight. Tom was one of the best referees. He cared so much about the safety of the boxers and Tom was also a valuable mentor.




Tom was a wonderful man who everybody loved. He administered referee clinics in the United States and always helped those in need, youngsters and adults. Tom’s work in the Cincinnati area influenced so many boxers and coaches for more than 25 godina. We dearly miss him.




SAD Boks Alumni Association


Stvoren za prvaka cjeloživotno, obostrano korisne odnose između SAD-boksu i njegovih bivših, –boksači, dužnosnici, treneri i boks navijača — Alumni udruga spaja generacije prvaka, nadahnjuje i daje natrag u SAD-u boks budućim boks prvaka, i iz prstena.




SAD Boks Alumni Udruga je otvorena za svakoga tko ima ljubav prema boksu, a željeli da ostanu povezani s amaterskom boksu. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, including the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.




Da biste se pridružili Alumni Association, jednostavno registrirati na za $40.00 po članarine godine. Novi članovi će dobiti majicu, privjesak i e-novčanik.





Tom is survived by his wife, Diane, their two children and eight grandchildren.




Tom Cleary’s leadership and mentor-ship inspired all those who were fortunate enough to meet him. He cared passionately about the boxers he shared the ring with, offering words of advice before, during and after bouts.



Cvrkut: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

WBKFF Rezultati: Chris Leben uništava Phil Baroni u jednom krugu Dakota Cochrane iznenadila Johny Hendricks u dva

Uspon Titans
Chris Leben vs. Phil Baroni
Johny Hendricks vs. Dakota Cochrane
Studeni 9, 2018 * Casper Događaji centar * Casper, Vajoming
Za Immediate Release
Svijet Bare koljenica Borba Federacija
Chris Leben uništava Phil Baroni u jednom krugu
Dakota Cochrane iznenadila Johny Hendricks u dva

“Rise of the Titans”
Službeni rezultati & SLIKE
“Crippler” (R) Zaustavio “New York Bad Ass” – Chris Leben zaustavlja Phil Baroni
(sve slike Christopher Cook)
CASPER, Vajoming (Studeni 10, 2018) – Bombe daleko je bila tema sinoć (Petak) kao borilački sportovi veterani napravili svoje gole-koljenica borbe debitira na uzbudljivo “Rise of the Titans” u svijetu pay-per-view događaja, predstavio Svijet Bare koljenice Fighting Federacije (WBKFF), u Casper Events Centeru u Casper, Vajoming.
Krv je letio, lovci su padaju, a fanovi i blizu kapaciteta gužva je zapravo u stalnom tučnjave tijekom večeri zabavne, natjecateljski i nezaboravne borbe.
Glavni događaj prikazao par borbenih sportskih ikona, Chris “Crippler” život a“New York Bad Ass” Phil Baroni, u posebnom poluteškoj atrakcija. Ljevak Leben, borbe iz San Diego, otresao Baroni rani taktiku Grubo, Stisnuo ga, a zatim je stavio svjetla iz puta kroz prvom krugu.
“On je učvrstio i htio sam stajati u sredini prstena i prasak,” Leben primijetio. “Dolje je otišao iz velike lijeve ruke. On ima tvrdu glavu.”
(L) Dakota Cochrane završio Johny Hendricks
U suradnji opremljenog događaja, Bivši velter prvak UFC Johny “Biog Rigg” Hendricksizašao iz jednogodišnje mirovinu u borbu da se o opasnoj MMA veteran Dakota Cochrane, Omaha, NE. Hendricks je izvorno trebao boriti u glavnom turniru protiv “Irci” Brennan Ward, koji se povukao ranije ovog tjedna. Cochrane već se borio na kartici i on je brzo pristao zamijeniti Ward i odvesti na svoje popularne Fort Worth protivnika u srednjoj posebna atrakcija.
Hendricks je pretrpio rez ispod desnog oka u prvom krugu, onda Cochrane iznenada i šokantno završio borbu 21 sekundi u drugi krug s eksploziv, ravno pravo da ušutka pro-Hendricks gužva.
“Ona (gole borbe koljenica) je definitivno drugačiji,” jubilarna Cochrane izjavio je nakon borbe. “Volim svoju veliku desnu ruku, Ja sam bio trenirao.:
“Pošteno, Ja sam pomicati” rekao je elated WBKFF CEO i osnivač Tom Stankiewicz nakon zaključenja nastupni pokazati svoje organizacije. “Bio sam vrlo iznenađen underdog, Munoz, i nova zvijezda je rođena večeras, Dakota Cochrane. Svatko se borio njihov najbolji, svi su bili ratnici. Nadam se da svi ti borci ostati s nama. Mi planiramo naš drugi koncert za veljaču 9 na mjestu koje treba odrediti.”
Borba noći: Julian Lane (L) i Joey Angelo osvojili novi Ford Mustang (vidi sliku ispod)
Uvijek tvrd Ohioan borac Julijanski “Hellboy” Traka i Las Vegas’ bokser srednje kategorije Joey Angelo je konačan obračun, koji je izbio u gašenje borbe u trećem kolu, barem dok Lane povezan s ravno desno na bradi da ispadne Angelo. Prateći na bodovima, Angelo otvori peti krug ide za razbio, ali Lane je agresor od početka do kraja, kao i učinkovitije sprava za perforiranje, zarada pobjedu Split odluka. Lane svladao slomljena lijeva ruka je pretrpio u trećem kolu.
Christina maraka (L) bloodied Jasmin Clark putu do impresivnih pobjeda
San Diego MMA borac Christina maraka, 2017 Ultimate Challenge Drugoplasirani, i bivši svjetski boksački naslov izazivač jasmin Clark, Texas, kvadratna off u ženskom bantamweight utakmicu. Marks, koji proslavila 33rdbirthday u stilu, cut Clark iznad desnog oka pola puta kroz otvor krug. Oznake preplavljeno joj protivnik u drugom, držeći joj udaljenost i slijetanje žeže snimke na Clark oštećenog oka, dok je ona bila više u stanju sama braniti i mirovini.
The $100,000 WBKFF Lagana turnir pokrenut sinoć sa dvije borbe crno-plava tipa. Bivši UFC i Strikeforce borac Robbie “problemi” Peralta, od Escondido, KAO ŠTO, uhvaćen Irska rođen Kreja “Ćud suradnik” Cucciniello, sada živi u Španjolskoj, u drugom krugu s gornji prava koje mu je pao. Krv kaplje niz lice poput značke hrabrosti, gutsy Irac završio treći krug jak, i dvije borci borili na jednakoj trke u četvrtom. Unatoč Cucciniello viziji mu očito ometanje, on je neprestano dolazio naprijed u petom, ali Peralta održava kontrolu, učinkovito birajući mjesta, na putu do impresivnih pobjeda, jednoglasnom odlukom.
Južnoafrikanac Leon “Iron Lion” Mynhardt, sada živi u Fairfield, KAO ŠTO, bila previše za teksaški Zarez “Ghost” Gonzalez u drugom turnira utakmice, i borba na kraju je zaustavljen od strane suca u drugom krugu zbog pretjeranog kažnjavanja.
Bivši UFC i Bellator borac Zadirkivati “Zubar” dolje, borbe iz Des Moines, Ajova, nije borio u 2-pol godina, kada je ušao u ring za borbu protiv boksača “Lud” maks Alderete, od Albuquerque. Neer potrebno krug za rđa popuštati, nakon čega je hodao Alderete i istovaruje na glavi i tijelu, uglavnom bacanje gornje rezove, jedan ga je spustio pred kraj treće runde. Alderete nije bio u mogućnosti odgovoriti na zvono za četvrtom kolu.
Brazilski MMA veteran Marcelo “Mello” Alfaya staviti kasno zamjena Joey Munoz na leđima s prvim udarcem bacio, ali njegova Nebraska protivnik je pokazao ogromnu srce, što rezultira gužva uzimajući iza njega. Slabljenje počeo igrati ulogu u trećem kolu, jer su obje borci usporio, ali pohaban jedni druge u divljem četvrtom kolu. U petom i posljednjem krugu, Alfaya je kažnjen točku za udaranje nakon pauze, a Munoz zatvorio emisiju, povlačenjem prvog iznenađenje večeri putem većinskom odlukom pet okruglom. Munoz je borbu na najave jednodnevnog, izgubljen 17 funti, i vozio tri sata do Casper.
Bivši UFC i Strikeforce borac Issac Vallie-Flagg i uzrujan istomišljenika Cory Simpsonotvorio PPV segment noć borbi u 175-pound catchweight. Nakon nešto strateški prvom krugu tempo naglo promijenila u drugom krugu jer su obje borci otvorio-up. Klasa uskoro prevladao kao Vallie-Flagg, od Albuquerque, srušen igru ​​Simpson rano, a on ga je tada završio s baraž brutalnih tijela metak za drugi krug nokaut.
Hall of Fame prsten spiker Jimmy Lennon, Jr. pridružio WBKFF je All-Star najavljuje tima –Bas Rutten, koji je ujedno i predsjednik WBKFF, Kenny Rice a jessica Penne -za pogled pay-per-i pregled airings, distribuira Integrated Sports Media.
super teškoj kategoriji C. J.. “velika torta” Leveque pretrpjela rezati na desnog oka u uvodnom krugu, ljubaznošću Houston Juan Torres, ali 288 ½ funta kalifornijski odmah reagirala oplata Torres, koji uočio njegov protivnik 212 funta, s zamahnuo pravo na početku drugog. Torres vraćeni, iako. On bušenih Leveque s opakom pucao u skučenim četvrtine, ga šalje licem prvi na platnu za drugi krug knockout zaključiti preliminarnu kartice.
Prva borba preliminarni kartica postaviti ton od samog otvaranja zvono na 160 funti catchweight borbi s. Dugodlaka omiljeno Jeff Chif Fens, borbe iz Delawarea, izašao pečenja metak i 15 sekundi na otvaranju okruglog, Chiffens nacrtao krv prvi, otvaranje gore vijeme iznadFred Pierce„S desno oko. Nakon što je prsten liječnik pregledao i izbrisani Pierce boriti, akcija nastavljena i Chiffen pao Pierce sa elektrana prava. Pierce pobijediti računati, ali sudac zaustavio borbu pri 1:04 Oznaka krugu.
Novo doneseni propisi, uključujući gospodarstvo i upadljivih, predenje backfists i čekić šake bilo dopušteno, i tradicionalni boks prsten je korišten za optimalno gledanje i sigurnosti. Svi muškarci i žene utakmice su na rasporedu pet (dvije minute) kola.
Kompletne rezultate i ispod još slika:
Glavni događaj – LIGHT teškaša
Chris Leben, San Diego, KAO ŠTO
WTKO1 (1:19)
Phil Baroni, Long Island, NY
Dakota Cochrane, Omaha, NE
WKO2 (0:21)
Johny Hendricks, Fort Worth, TX
Julian Lane, Mansfield, OH.
WDEC5 (49-46, 49-46, 47-48)
Joey Angelo, Las Vegas, NV
Christina maraka, San Diego, KAO ŠTO
WDEC2 (1:54)
Jasmin Clarkson, Cedar Hill, TX
$100,000 WBKFF Lagana TURNIR Kick-off
Robbie Peralta, Escondido, KAO ŠTO
WDEC5 (50-45, 49-46, 49-46)
Jay Cucciniello, Malaga, Španija
Leon Mynhardt, Fairfield, KAO ŠTO
WTKO2 (0:56)
Nick Gonzalez, Austin, TX
Josh neer, des Moines, IA
WTKO3 (2:00)
Mike Alderete, Albuquerque, NM
Joey Munoz, Scotts Bluff, NE
WDEC5 (48-46, 48-47, 47-47)
Marcelo Alfaya, Južna Rio Grande, Brazil
Issac Vallie-Flagg, Albuquerque, NM
WKO2 (1:20)
Cory Simpson, Las Vegas, NV
SUPER teškaša
Juan Torres, Las Cruces, NM
WKO2 (1:33)
C. J.. Leveque, Brentwood, KAO ŠTO
Jeff Chif Fens, Wilmington, DE
WTKO1 (1:04)
Fred Pierce, talihina, OK
Dva sudionika u borbi noći – Pobjednik Julian Lane i Joey Angelo – osvojili nova, Snažni mustang iz WBKFF
Lane podove Angela prije nego je slomio ruku u trećem kolu
(L) Robbie Peralta i Jay Cucciniello staviti na show
Jeff Chif Fens (R) sletio bušiti savršenim slikama na Fred Pierce
Joey Munoz (natrag na konopcima) skinula iznenađenje u noći
To se zove Bare koljenica VATRE
Facebook: /WBKFF
Cvrkut: @WBKFF
Instagram: @WORLDBKFF
O svjetskom BARE koljenica BORBE PROTIV FEDERACIJE (WBKFF): Sa sjedištem u Chicagu, WBKFF misija je postati svjetski lider u borilačkim sportovima. WBKFF stabilna boraca već premašuje 100. Bare koljenica borbe je jedan od najbrže rastućih sportova u svijetu. Samo jaki opstati kad su rukavice su off i sve što stoji između protivnika je njihova volja i odlučnost.

Brandon Adams dominates Shane Mosley Jr. to win The Contender championship

PHILADELPHIA, PENN.(Studeni 9, 2018)-Brandon Adams was dominant in pounding Shane Mosley Jr. over 10-rounds to win a wide unanimous decision and claim The Contender championship at the Forum in Inglewood, Kalifornija.




U krugu dva, Adams landed some solid shots with both hands on the inside. Adams continued to land the quick accurate punches through the first half of the fight. Adams in-and-out punching had Mosley thinking more than punching.




In round six, Adams started to pick up the tempo, and landed a series of power punches with both hands. Adams featured several hard rights and ripping uppercuts. In round seven, Adams continued to land flush punches and hurt Mosley with each connect. Mosley was cut over his left eye in the 7th frame. Adams continued his dominance down the stretch and won by scores of 100-90 dva puta i 99-91.




My camp, everybody helped me. They pushed me. All of the combatants were tough. They pushed me, and they helped me reach new heights.,said Adams in the ring after the fight.




It was a dominant win for Brandon. He put on a terrific performance, and he proved that he is one of the top middleweights in the world. There will be plenty of big fights on the horizon for Brandon,” rekao Banner Promocije predsjednik, Artie Pelullo.




With the win Adams (21-2, 13 Kos) is guaranteed a top-10 ranking by the WBA.




The Contender was seen Live on EPIX ®.




Za redovite obavijesti o našim borcima, Događaji, i promocije, molim provjerite Facebook stranica za promocije banera , i slijedite nas dalje Instagram a Cvrkut BannerBoxing


COUNTDOWN LIVE: WILDER VS. FURY Begins At 6:45 PM ET/3:45 PM PT Live On SHOWTIME® And SHOWTIME Sports® Social Media Platforms Preceding Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury
Massive Night Of Action Presented By Premier Boxing Champions


NEW YORK – Studeni 9, 2018 – A split-site doubleheader airing live on SHOWTIME and streaming live on SHOWTIME Sports social media platforms will kick off a big night of boxing on Saturday, Prosinac 1, leading into the SHOWTIME PPV presentation of the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury heavyweight blockbuster event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Adonis Stevenson will make the 10th defense of his WBC Light Heavyweight World Championship against undefeated, mandatory challenger Oleksandr Gvozdyk to start the action live from Videotron Centre in Quebec City, Kanada. The two-fight telecast presented by Premier Boxing Champions continues live from Los Angeles, where Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. will take on Alfredo Angulo in a 10-round super middleweight clash at STAPLES Center.


COUNTDOWN LIVE: WILDER VS. BIJES počet će u 6:45 poslije podne. I / 3:45 poslije podne. PT live on SHOWTIME and on SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel a Facebook page, preceding the Wilder vs. Fury SHOWTIME PPV event that begins at 9 poslije podne. ET / 6 poslije podne. PT from STAPLES Center.




The December 1 SHOWTIME PPV and COUNTDOWN LIVE presentations feature two of the most feared knockout punchers in the sport. S 39 knockouts u 40 profesionalne borbe, Wilder’s right hand is widely regarded as the biggest weapon in boxing. The southpaw Stevenson’s left has led to knockouts in six of his nine title defenses. U prosincu 1, the two power-punchers will take on top-rated, undefeated opponents as they make the 10th and eighth defenses of their respective WBC titles.




Stevenson (29-1-1, 24 Kos) is boxing’s longest reigning world champion, having won the WBC 175-pound title in 2013. The Montreal-based southpaw will face his WBC-mandated challenger in Gvozdyk (15-0, 12 Kos), a Ukrainian with 12 knockouts u njegovu 15 professional fights since a standout amateur career that included a bronze medal at the 2012 Olimpijske igre.




In Gvozdyk, Stevenson will face his second consensus top-10 light heavyweight of 2018, following his Fight of the Year candidate draw with Badou Jack in May on SHOWTIME. Gvozdyk, an amateur teammate of fellow Ukrainians Vasyl Lomachenko and Oleksandr Usyk, earned the mandatory status with a near-shutout decision over Mehdi Amar in March.




I’ve been pushing myself in training to be ready to put on a great performance December 1 and defend my title once again,” said Stevenson. “My old trainer, the late great Emanuel Steward, used to tell me that ‘knockouts selland that’s what I’m going for in this fight. I know I’m facing a good boxer who’s coming in very determined. He’ll be ready, but it won’t be enough. It’s going to be show time on SHOWTIME and another victory for ‘Superman’.




I have been waiting for this title shot for a very long time, and I will take full advantage of the opportunity,” said Gvodzyk. “It doesn’t matter where we fight. I am fully prepared to become the new WBC light heavyweight champion. Kanada, ‘The Nailis coming to put on a show!”




Chavez, Jr. (50-3-1, 32 Kos) is the son of Mexican boxing legend and Hall of Famer Julio Cesar Chavez, Sr. The 32-year-old from Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico ripped off 46 straight victories to start his career using a gritty boxing style that denoted his toughness in the ring. Chavez is seeking to rebound from a unanimous decision loss to middleweight champion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez on May 6, 2017.




The 36-year-old Angulo (24-7, 20 Kos) is a tough brawler who has faced some of the best boxers in the sport. Angulo, who lives in Coachella, California but was born in Mexicali, Baja California, Meksiko, is coming off a hard-fought split decision loss to former world champion Sergio Mora in April.




I am excited to be back on December 1 to perform for the great Mexican fans in Los Angeles,” said Chavez Jr. “At my weight I know I can beat anyone. I am focused and feel strong. Angulo will be first, but then I will pursue a belt at 168. I’m putting the division on notice. Chavez is back.




I have been training very hard in anticipation of this fight and this is the best I have felt in a long time,” rekao je Angulo. “I am looking forward to defeating Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and getting a title opportunity in the near future. I’m thankful for everyone who has supported me and I promise to surprise a lot of people on December 1.



Heavyweight Contenders Luis Ortiz and Joe Joyce Compete In Separate Bouts and Look To Position Themselves For Title Shot In Resurgent Division

NEW YORK (Studeni 9, 2018) – The most significant heavyweight event in the U.S. in more than 15 years will feature an undercard lineup of stellar fighters including the return of a unified world champion and two of boxing’s hardest-hitting heavyweights.




Neporažen, unified 154-pound world champion Jarrett Hurd along with heavyweight title contender Luis Ortiz and top heavyweight prospect Joe Joyce will fight in separate bouts on the SHOWTIME PPV® undercard of the Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz heavyweight blockbuster event presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Saturday, Prosinac 1 u Staples Centru u Los Angelesu.




Hurd (22-0, 15 Kos) returns for his first fight since unifying the super welterweight division earlier this year to defend his IBF and WBA titles against British Commonwealth champ Jason Welborn (24-6, 7 Kos). Hurd, who edged Erislandy Lara in a leading candidate for 2018 Fight of the Year in April on SHOWTIME, will enter the ring for the first time since undergoing rotator cuff surgery as he targets another title unification in 2019.




Cuban heavyweight slugger Luis Ortiz (29-1, 25 Kos) will continue his quest for a second shot at a heavyweight world championship as he takes on American Travis Kauffman (32-2, 23 Kos) u 10-okrugli nastup. Ortiz went toe-to-toe with Wilder in another contender for Fight of the Year in March on SHOWTIME and returns for his third bout of 2018 with his sights set on a rematch with Wilder.




In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME PPV, 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist and unbeaten heavyweight Joe Joyce (6-0, 6 Kos) will face his sixth opponent of 2018 kad upozna Joe Hanks (23-2, 15 Kos) in a 10-round heavyweight bout.




This fan-friendly undercard features two participants from 2018 Fight of the Year candidates, Jarrett Hurd and Luis Ortiz, along with one of the hottest rising talents in the heavyweight division,” rekao je Stephen Espinoza, Predsjednik, Sport i programiranje događaja, Showtime Networks Inc. “Heavyweight boxing has re-captured the world’s attention and both of these potentially explosive fights will help shape the future of the division. Jarrett Hurd emerged as one of boxing’s most exciting fighters in unifying the super welterweight division in 2018. Sada, he returns from a significant injury to risk his titles in his quest to become undisputed 154-pound world champion.




Ulaznice za događaj, koju promoviraju BombZquad Enterprises i Queensberry Promotions, u suradnji s TGB promocijama i DiBella Entertainment, su u prodaji i dostupni su putem Wilder vs. Bijes će proizvesti i distribuirati SHOWTIME PPV. Preporučena maloprodajna cijena (SRP) jer je emitiranje uz naplatu po gledanju $64.99 za standardnu ​​definiciju.




Hurd, who hails from Accokeek, Merilend, floored Erislandy Lara in the final minute of their unification showdown to earn the narrow split-decision victory over the divisionslongest-reigning champion. Nakon borbe, Hurd underwent surgery and subsequent rehab to repair a rotator cuff. Hurd won the IBF title with a TKO of Tony Harrison in 2017 and handed Austin Trout his first loss via knockout later that year. The 28-year-old is known for his all-action, fan-pleasing style that had seen him record seven straight stoppages prior to his decision win over Lara.




‘Swiftis back and Christmas is coming early,” Said Hurd. “This is the perfect way to get ready for 2019. I expect it to be a big year with big fights that the fans will love. I’m locked in right now and ready to put on a great performance against Jason Welborn. Tune in on December 1, because I promise you it won’t go 12 rounds.




Jason Welborn, from West Midlands, Engleska, učinit će njegov USP. debut on the heels of two wins over previously once-beaten Tommy Langford for the British middleweight title in 2018. Langford now moves back to the 154-pound class, where he has faced Matthew Macklin and Liam Smith in all-British encounters.




Jarrett Hurd is a big talent who holds all the belts and I respect the challenge he poses,” said Welborn. “I was a huge underdog against Tommy Langford in May and I came through and shocked Britain. U prosincu, I’m going to shock the world. I’ve been in training camp since my last fight and I’ve already been preparing for Hurd’s style. This is my time.




The 39-year-old Ortiz returns to STAPLES Center for his second consecutive fight in Los Angeles after scoring a second-round knockout of Razvan Cojanu in July. In a March, Ortiz nearly had Wilder out on his feet in the seventh until he ultimately succumbed to Wilder’s power in the 10th round, suffering the first loss of his professional career. A consensus top-5 heavyweight, Ortiz will look for another knockout as he hopes to earn a rematch with Wilder in the revived heavyweight division.




I feel blessed to be on the Wilder vs. Fury card and competing on a huge night of boxing in front of a full house,” Said Ortiz. “In my last fight at STAPLES Center the fans showed me so much love and I can’t wait to be back. I know Travis Kauffman has a good record and I know he’s definitely got heart. If all goes as expected and Wilder puts Fury to sleep like I think he will, I want another shot at him ASAP. It will be an epic rematch between me and Wilder.




Kauffman, čitanja, Pensilvanija, is coming off a majority decision over Scott Alexander in May in which the two heavyweights traded first round knockdowns. Kauffman is 14-1 (1 NC) u njegov posljednji 16 fights with the sole loss coming to Amir Mansour in March 2017.




I’m looking forward to stepping up and challenging myself in an exciting fight,” izjavio je Kauffman. “Luis Ortiz is the second best heavyweight in the world next to Deontay Wilder. But I’m the toughest fighter you’ll ever face. This is my chance to prove that I’m a great fighter and I’m excited to do it on this huge stage.




The 6-foot-6 Joyce, londonski, Engleska, has started his professional career with a 100 percent KO rate after turning professional in 2017 u dobi od 32. Ostvario amater, Joyce claimed the super heavyweight silver medal for Great Britain at the 2016 Olimpijske igre. Joyce, who trains in Big Bear, Kalif. under renowned trainer Abel Sanchez, napravio njegov USP. debut in September with a fifth-round knockout of Iago Kiladze.




It’s an honor to be part of this huge event and I give a lot of credit to Joe Hanks for stepping up and taking this fight,” said Joyce. “Hanks has a good record, but I am coming to take him out. If everything goes to plan and I come through this fight as I should, I am ready for a big fight early next year to show that I’m a force in this division.




Hanks, od Newark, New Jersey, started his career with a 21-0 run before suffering consecutive losses to Andy Ruiz Jr. u 2013 and Derric Rossy in 2014. After a three-and-a-half-year layoff following the loss to Rossy, Hanks, who lives in downtown Los Angeles, has recovered his form and returned to score a unanimous decision over Joel Caudle and a first round knockout of Terrence Marbra in consecutive fights.




It feels good to be in the mix and getting exposure with the top heavyweights,” said Hanks. “I bring speed, athleticism and power to this fight. I’ve got a lot of great experience in my career sparring against guys like Deontay Wilder and Wladimir Klitschko, so I’m comfortable against a guy like Joe Joyce. I live in Los Angeles now and this is going to be like fighting in my front yard. I’m going to be feeling good on fight night.


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Puerto Rican Olympian Negron Ready to Take on Top Heavyweight Contender Dominic Breazeale Saturday, Prosinac 22 in Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Action Live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn


MIAMI, Florida. (Studeni 9, 2018) – Portorikanski olimpijac Carlos Negron is deep into training camp in Miami for his 10-round heavyweight showdown against top contender Dominic “Nevolja” BREAZEALE taking place Saturday, Prosinac 22 live on FOX and FOX Deportes and presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN Boks ™.




Born in San Juan, Negron represented his home country at the 2008 Olympic games and is eager to return to fight in front of New York’s large contingent of Puerto Rican boxing fans on December 22.




This is a great opportunity not only against a top opponent, but to be on the big stage in front of the great Puerto Rican fans and put on a great performance for them,” said Negron, who last fought in New York in 2010. “I’m very confident in my abilities and I understand the job I have in front of me. Everyone will see how hard I’ve worked when we get in the ring.




Under the guidance of trainer Herman Caicedo, Negron will return to the ring for the first time since June 2017, when he scored a knockout victory over veteran contender Derric Rossy in a dominating performance that saw him score multiple knockdowns. Negron has worked with Caicedo for nearly a year, previously helping prepare Luis Ortiz for his heavyweight title bout against Deontay Wilder.




Having Carlos in camp for an extended period of time before the Breazeale fight was even announced has really allowed us to be leaps ahead at this point in training camp,” said Caicedo. “Mentally and physically he is really sharp right now and it’s going to show on fight night.




Working with Luis Ortiz and the other fighters in our gym has really helped push me to another level,” said Negron. “We’re grinding every day and they truly demand the best out of me. There’s no being mediocre here. You have to put in your best effort every day.




With the six-foot-six Negron meeting the six-foot-seven Breazeale, this matchup is sure to display the power of two giants of the division. A former title challenger and U.S. Olimpski, Breazeale has shown the ability to come back in a fight and turn the tides with one punch. For Negron, he knows the task in front of him is tall in stature and order.




Breazeale is a very tough fighter and what he might lack in skill, he more than makes up for in heart,” said Negron. “He certainly has shown skill to get to this point in his career, but he also has that special something that’s gotten him through some tough fights.




It’s going to come down to intelligence and controlling the ring. I’m a very smart fighter with a lot of experience. I’ve had a loss and I don’t want to experience that again. I believe whoever gets thrown off their game plan is going to suffer and I’m going to make sure I’m prepared for everything he throws at me.




The PBC on FOX & FOX Deportes broadcast begins at 8 poslije podne. ET / 5 poslije podne. PT and is co-headlined by twin champions the Charlos as Jermall Charlo defends his interim WBC middleweight title against Willie Monroe Jr., while WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo bitke Tony Harrison.




Tickets for the show, which is being promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, su na prodaju sada. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti na,, ili pozivom 800-745-3000. Ulaznice se mogu kupiti i u American Express Box Officeu u Barclays Centru. Grupni popusti su dostupni pozivom 844-BKLYN-GP.




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Za više informacija: posjet, a, slijedite na TwitteruPremierBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, TwinCharlo, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at, a

Ove subote u Chicago vraća se Crushing Power Puncher Shohjahon Ergashev

Zastrašujuća super lagana drobilica Shohjahon "Descendant of Tamerlane" Ergashev vratit će se u akciju ove subote, Studeni 10, u UIC paviljonu u Chicagu protiv Springfielda, Massachusetts, veteran Zack “AK47” Ramsey.




Ergashev (13-0, 12 Kos) Detroita preko Uzbekistana i Ramseyja (8-4, 4 Kos) sastat će se u bitci od šest rundi na naslovnoj stranici dvoboja Svjetskog boksačkog superligaša u kruzer kategoriji s bivšim svjetskim prvakom u kruzeru WBO Krzysztofom Glowackim (30-1, 19 KO), iz Borbe, Poljska, će se suočiti s Maksimom Vlasovim (42-2, 25 KO) od Samara, Rusija, u borbi od 12 rundi za privremeno WBO svjetsko prvenstvo i bivšu svjetsku prvakinju WBC u teškoj kategoriji Mairis Briedis (24-1, 18 KO) iz Rige, Letonija, će zauzeti Hamburg, Nijemac Noel Mikaelian (23-1, 10 KO) za WBC Svjetsko prvenstvo u dijamantnom pojasu.




Ergashev je počeo kao bučan profesionalac, prelazeći udaljenost samo jednom, do sada. On je trenutačni međunarodni prvak Svjetske boksačke udruge u super lakoj kategoriji. Ovaj 26-godišnjak se prošle godine preselio iz rodnog Uzbekistana da bi trenirao u Detroitskoj dvorani Kronk prošle godine, a njegova moć udaranja samo se poboljšala.




“Treniram u Detroitu sedam tjedana i osjećam da sam sa svakim kampom sve bolji i bolji,Rekao je Ergašev. “Radujem se što ću svoje vještine izložiti u studenom 10 u Chicagu. "




Riječ Dmitrriy, promotor rudarstva Rusije i Srednje Azije za super izglede poput Ergaševa, kaže da moćna šapica ide prema veličini.




“Shohjahon Ergashev je najbolji super lagani u svijetu, pound-for-pound, jedan od najtežih udarača u boksu,”Rekla je Salita. "Veselim se još jednoj impresivnoj predstavi koju je imao na velikoj šampionskoj večeri u boksu u Chicagu."